HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-02-28, Page 6as• 114,0* Ash or et, tritiI: pocilSatt itictrAo.v. Deliciots! Ecorspirtical .asa•-•" Cirteta,414 lits9A94 . "PLEASE, I ,WISH TO Baia' A HAT!! AND THE WORST IS carte rasa iatiada ' ekt *lige CIIAPTERsVIII.-i(Cont'd.) -The Italian,maid opened a 'a crack; "My dear Jean " said Ifeetoi:"Gainit, Yee, the Signorn.wae in; she would "don't exaeperate, Me. - Look bete, I higuire, „In a moment she came ir back wea bay 'cif tWenty wIt hen Married ind AIM -althea Iia. • that woman, Sate was .rmarly ort---- Mrs. Egan had taken unto herself old'enOugli• to be my Mahn". I 'rear- 'the royal euite,' i.n.iginally 'desolated ried.bet. in. Australia,..and-she,lefame arr.-the entex•tainment. of Queen Mar- a few monthe afterwards...Years liter teuerita While hor Majatity wee griper, 'I not you and' artafairalaaaly in -love mtending the, arrangarnerit "Of her dei with each ,other, 'Why, shourdeat liglitfel villa next door. It, watt, in-, Marry you? .If Nancy waen't deacaby ',deed, a • regal Seam, atilt with gold • that time, she ought's° have been. Yea brocade and 11111Ch fennel furnituae. should have stuck to me, Jean. What The windows opened upon a wide, ver - did it matter?", , andah overlooking the -tem.-ace *bete Jean -could not leek at thinks:111%th 163. Dgeuatialaparaed her car. The POSTPONING, ERFA.Ks. . large and loose •fashion, 'bet she'aeals; big sitting-rooni, er more appropriaths d ' t to be1 salon- wag littered with- •dress- /, want a new het, and Ira like to hoes, lengthens the earJul clugdel‘ ag, other men that he wee one analtersa and 'milliners" boaes some o s find a ghtni with a girl henest enough thee. .at has been fonadthat the kaaalis whose --head,. would it'lwayn be in the, "faaa • ssa --a' • - f oaaintied. -Seaetia!li.tfied'bs°1 Y'et ing restores the. silk 'strands to thoi , 9,1a her opiaMii, if Obliged to make hatadaestatown dowr!'clairneeleesss1;.• scuagr- fialaess after being pressed siiinY , such a terrible debision, At were better gested that a visit lied been paid to froth the -Wearing. ' !the is should believe that Alice was the flower market in Ventignalia that , the daughter of Rego Sinarle; the afternoon. The -Italian niaid caldera- YOUR.FOOD CHCiPPER. criminal lunatic, rather thap the child ly was not very, orderly in her meth - The daily washing aa pair to tcll ,ine what i-s"really-truly e - coining, and sensibli enough not to let me realm a fool of myself. I want te find a sales Woman wise to per- ceive the difference between the wo- Anan whose ideas of "stale" are a big pike and any idiotic -thing that is "fashionable"; and the gentlewomen who. deserves what is "fit" as well as A few daYs ago, while waiting in a tirst-class millinery store I saw a When your Tooti chopper needs oil, of ueh an irregularinion as .d 'ode- She flew about in a slietractoa ing use giycerane insthad of oil.taken , The' terAaPgieas°teaaqta'enauee.c...he,ra,air and Iea rlaa. glycerine works as well as the ell and,' "Forgive ine,". Jean saidairnidly. aa' as at As medicinal, cannot spoil the; need yea.L-I need a friend,Ilect." flavor of time food you are preparing.] .At otfee he was contrite; Ile iluag himself on his :knees beside her. • MY STRING BOWL -"Jeans it's ,you vvho must. feraiVa me. You were such n child, and I was Plain little woman, evidently not ase Just n the right kind tf piece of string id enough to know better. But I to the city -a -and as evidently ready to when needed 'can. be very But wanted aou so -lo ved you so -I ifs we iiaY We rice article. roll' them un -neatly and keep 'Couldn't bear the loneliness of my t 'Alf° ' j . MaseaassPett aounced upon "areas them' "in an old glass Rise thaval; we any longer:, Or at least,'I thought I thina -With 4thikaflowers-a.pdsesmass of -aria, have as, asaaealty in 'seeing and couldn't, , And you were alone in the "fixing;' and used ap Moetaf _the die, reaching just the rnewe viiiat. This is world, too -no parents or close real- tienara ip expressing how abacomtng"the plan I follow and can recommend: on, onla old IVIadame .Thaiste to look ,i was. The little evianan's face flush- *la aa, • sim tiraidly nekellif it was ot"too 1- ght," or "too young" for her. Mies assured .her it Was "just the aag"; .11Tat "people out of taloa wese really not judges of "style.", Po lam thstother paid ' ten dollars for 'the mon strosity. , How I did thug to 'put another aereation" of pat grey with two , or thaee pale little abide on the plainly partea silvery hair; tie the fluffy little bow under the elderly chin, and sea the plain fare light no with ii-evt, soft attractiveness. There are .so Many of ars"couraty women Nvho '"want to leek like folks"; who are uncertain 'as' to what is aufaabaramstadete; and 'Who ithelrsome one wiser than ourselves to ede that we doe% make fools a oar - selves when our souls hanker efter "riotousness" and youthfulness which .aoarn in our hearts We knees -are net far1I5, Iihnow from AncleatieneeS 11 Year or so ,aga I made a' "holy ahem!' of My- self bybeing oveirsp,eriaaaed ,by saleegirl; ,aarne to anY senses When. got hothea wept slag weep every time teak the impossibility out of iti bescS sanalla returned it to obscurity and ' put on my old last year's' hat .that looked 0.8 if wo belonged together. I tale shall probaunlessblyaIzie the same thing this models deeerateasiaith croet stitch- ' year, can., find a piece cisntrastina colors. The lines whoa they are 'honest enotigh and in .n g are simple; the, sleeve ana neck line 'sensible enough Cater te cities are ael,y .pleasing.that is gettieg less tolisideration evaxy/ RIM Patera is cetan 4 siet; 6, 8, • yeareathe plaita erity-dayand 12 years. A 10 -year size re-. woman. -Frances a Ingeteoll. quires 2% yards of 82slath material. , • --a- • - RMEMB,ER THE CLD MOTHER. This Totter la MostlfoPattern mailed to any address on. E _,,, receipt of Jac' in silver'by the Wilson scally prison for teen years. No y r Peaaie Publishing 'Co., 78 affest Adelaide St„ detebt he hea shown himself to be duite 'away froth home .or about to they° Totanto. 'Allow two weeka fez' 'receipt tractable, and they were more or less home I wits the-yotingest of six. Dae tte• 'ay one they left hoine for homes .of ; " • . their 'owa at, a diatairce. Then they' membehow Iothr wat a IVethed arid . Meat =treatsare aware that the , - woulcfnegleetto,writahome and I well When Sleep is Ft Peril re .. Waited for their letters and the die- Seat at tats istairlag wlieel often be. napointed look on her face when they cames,, atter an aoutoe drialna; :one of did not come. Later, I 'niartied and the drowaiest corners in the world. left thy home tcavn ' and thought II Thiss fact Is often resepthaible for a would write bf ten but like the reet.I dangerous state a affairs, mid there thethe time roll by. Then Mother wag have been Many serious mishaps from taken seriously ill. said 1 thbught of the "tailing asleep at the *Wheel," - .• letters I had promised to 'atrith. Sol A medical corgespolident has seat then and there I, resolved.to Write he sonie interesting algae:salons .on the One. letter, every Week aral end it out, eauees of this phenomenon to "Truth!' on IVIoaslay ',morning. She gets them .ComnIenting on the teat that the taia Wednesday. Perhappaaou wild say, _ether occupeate of the oar are lees 'Well, you 'have more time "to write liable to subeturib, ales pointe to the than I ' do." So I will give, you ''Intense ;iriental bondentra- 'thane° to judge for .yeureelf: z. tlea, facatiana the eyes on the toad .8 am_thirty, have eight children, the aliead, and 'gentle' monotonous „otimu- nearlY.aleven, the youngest nine tation of the senees"-the Vera condi- fitosthe,hve. oti.e: farm with no molern coeveniencee, de all my own ;washing "end everathingaand gometirees hsive extr.a.farnaliands to. coeleaor. Mother's ,eweet thethawae always- a joke la oar family; .the so loved caady. userl to work in a aratory and it was a usual custom to go down town 4t..- Urday 11401t,B. 1 never failed to buy her' a sack of candy. That birthday , . rMpLl inio.cii:VOR THE' GROWING 4601. Wool trepe Was selected for fashion, gathering up thevariousbox- eicauntil her mistress appeared and dismissed her. Mrs. Egan was half-dressed. Her short mop of darli hair was beautiful- ly done, although to the unsophisti- cated eye it looked as though she had merely run a comb, through it. An airy peignoir floated from her bare shotiders, and against her curiously broan neck klealned a big emerald, like a whiking green eye. She was smoking -a 'cigarette, and offered oae to Philip Ardeyne. As, she passed the box to him he,noted-as he had done ev iisaSsatagiattealble - ansiseet ' 'ands a, Hastsestsil-al-a arivella oad leash, Itniarh. anal dig:gestates/a lalastateise tiaie e IlaaSitt tease batten, a R.24 .-a-a)ara'ararlliaBsao‘ea--a---a The EitiOnaTnly of the Married. Woman. A curious inia_ehaenism, hi the Can- adian laws governing the nationality of aterried women. was -recently cher time is now apparently ripe for con- Ave tried a praarn with tie etter re p- . cussed, at a onveration of stile. Social certed action' on the part ay....Greet 'suit. After that Just for a leas I af- fixeil a Volta mothernapearl spinner after you and she wasn't a very de- on' former occaslona-the bluish tint Service C'ouncil of Canada.. Accord- •Britain and the' overseas Dominions Tills Act was later repealed because it coailieted with the Inaperial Act. ' The British -Parliament has recent- ly been, considering a revision of ith law in this regard, however,- and the A FiftrPoundeP. What 'angler for salmon 'but hae dreamed of 'a fifty-pomfd.er? Even in - the aanaed evaters 'of Norway few nen- ernien'have had' a go.with such a mon. ster. MajaHai•ding Cox in A Sports- man at 'Large describes an encounter In Norwegian waters that gave him all the thrills both of success and of Mil - Atter breakfastaheawrites, Tom ana I entered the scow with Tolls. to have another dart, -thouga the conditions were anything .but favorable. As us. IMF We ' started , off with the 'ily, but neither of us ant with a rise. Then Pendableaseasoh. - It seethed as though of her exquisitely formed finger -mails. Mar to ptessent'syetena St' Canadian A suggestion has been made that opeaea - ' - • - • • • to my line. Tolle• s ',steady :blue eyes wthan I had' (War seen we were made for each other. Do •You. AlWaYS it had ...caused him a slight woman who marries .an alien herself' this question be placed upon the them betoirdeeT T think he thought the remember how happy We vvere? Our thrill for the mystery of her ancestry- becomes 'an alien and remains .ene agenda of the next .Imperial Corder- °oatmeal run (dime luck had affected stolen meetingg? •Do you remember There was strange blood in her veins, even after her.husband' s death. A Mice. It is a matter upon which.he my ba '1 n. Young woman may be an active Snerra various parts of the Beanie should the time we went to Nice to meet !Mate thataie knew. Was Malay or Africa . ried--and how you came up here and the. crinkly hair' and the smooth skin . ber of the -League of Women Voters, a Suddenly a great body surged up friends-safter we'd been secretlyresponsible for, those finger -nails, for tams. action sanultaneously,, and this from the de Alia and snapped.My des - we . spent two Woaderful days to- which wore a perpetual tan? ,airine- . , ' a . United,- Farm Women's orgeniza- b d 'f th ' hi I t ' m I 1 cara e one 1 ereas su c en ex- maid slather hard and g.00d. . In do - ether? De you remember----" where in the dim past that mystery alma a Local Comma of Womea, or a 's a a a pression es, paella opinion an Canada Ing so the ash came lista out of. the g "Don't -don't! ' I haven't wanted to lea hidden.Pathos even the wornini the Imperial Order of the Daughters and other Dominions to warrant the water. , ' • ' ' remember," 'Jean said sharply, "Hee- herself did net know. • pf the Empire, rimy devote is large alteration of the present inadequate Tom nearly fell backwards into the tor, we musiaatalk-like this. It's -it's He took the cigarette, although it poportion of her time to the study of laws,w of the boat. "Good gracious, , armeiving. My nose is quite -tea, I m was eo near dinaerstime, brit -declined Canadian public 0116151, may contra as. a_aa. ho' sure.. What will Alice think arhen she a ratheir. rich -looking 1mile-at she of- Ockle, what a fish!" he yelled. "It se me?' 011, I know rlook a fright aeaea, as; ea. aperitifs ..,. - . • ea wa a m ay aae .. ' • Lliggin.g... , . . . .. , „ , bute to the solution of national pith- .. ' sa- s , • , . . NOw be sensible, Irector, 'and "wawa the quarrel you. have with ' lems in a number ya, , can't be a salmon; 'I believe, you're help me' about _Hugo."' faith tolc _a flier he 'asked, 'baring to speak is tha• aranehise with intelligence a fia The history Of Industry is filled with . . .. . . , foul of a perpoise or a_shark. puff ,and • -mirror 'nut Of her big and tholigh he did not know, am could not Biscretion, arta may be conscieus o d•i• f a trite tales of men who strugaled for a long time betore they'. succeeded. 'fancy -to. My dethiative hire, it wen, Whatever a was that had taken at was right. Why coulana he be sena then blew it .with the ahellows. She Hector Gskunt poked up the ,fire, sal day?" deinanded the woman: ,. a man- who is an American eitiona 'Sas it? Arica where have you been enaironment, But iasliethhould merry , "It's beetahariging ever.me all deep attachment for Canadian tra - • There is more insairationAn reading , aeries ot Peel) 0 7. 9 g° aa _ a about those Who inadiaateaping-stones , o e r , f al' i tailares thin tliere is in the . . aunt! I bad no clasece to check it un - down, deep -and thee it ran! Oh, my til my Whole line and tall its baelthig began to powder her face. Ilex lianas ,.,„,eaa.. trembled; het teeth chattered a little. riy.:”. . ., . _ -- ,,,' tions, Canadian customs and Canadian pose heaveae as tell her 0'44010.114d ip friend of Mks' Cern ' a" zeta she is forthwith deprived- of. bet I wanted eyery time they tried tor a. We ,lik•e to hear of arospectors who was alIased eff and ma finger was cut balfWay to "the bone., At last the fish Ard ' e tithed very slightly. • a 'French -eitizeti, ot' a Norwegian chi- I h ' t list they Bible? Too much rif a Visionary. Siip- a aYn • not really been alone all these twenty he replied, ' . . . "Y.14a g' a — '' * ‘ aY ' ,Briti h. nationality.- .Moreover -• it' . it . ' turned and eames towards us. Shelia aearli? Wiaild she usideretahd? ala "Mts. „Carney? I thought it was impossible for her to restUne , s,,,,, 8 ' . British' were not easily daunted; who kept oa. . ifag th Tolth ' th reir for his' life, ' I laid- her phistpgraphe end his 115011103'- Ries Ceriiityr , - ' - . nationality 'during. the lifetime of 'heel "'5. In till they found the gold. We -u----- e a s . ° a . Pc etch d i th 'lack liand over hand -lea. No, he had not really been. alone. . take heart 01 grace' again when we until a bad a direct feel of the fieh. "What can I do to help you alscia, gay , "Alice's' niother;" a her matter' is here, too? She of the outbreak of war between ilie 00010 Ardeyne saids laisbaxid except. in the eatrenie case epee embers of out race Sabo The ., creature went (lop again, sud- feted 'in any Miest till they 'come , daily stepaed ana then began "jiggea 'Hugo?" he asked. ."Do you want ,me loolce like a girl who'd have a mother Majesty and the 'State of which her 'Pere , to go with' you to Meet him?" 0 ' , th the haven w er ey NV , 1 n I gave halt a dozen short, sharp h e as wouldbe L. -g." : Jean -shook ber - heati. • , hatignIg Omit. And are you xeally husband is a subject. In such event at - - is easy to give up, easy. to et go. 'thaw the fish suddenly. stopped his aNa, I den't' Wilk that would be engaged' ta• her, Pliii?s ' Engaged to is provided .that at the •Wif.e declares , . . w ee. . - 0 r see a , . a , _ I I'd b tte him lone first that pretty little piece of porcelain?" her desire th Britishresame,na am a 'When we are hard beset, it nerves us - • buladogaike worryings and made an - But if I !send for yeu—aar , a msaiass you also slues pretty, ity she may be granted a certificate a al -a I t 1 1 t the exaraple of those who o oo t o bther tertifio run. But I was, able to , a na malizatioa provA . 1 and did ria anit ' turn aita ere he had traversed flay "De arou-da.you flank lie, is really • „"T Was 'arida. the impression ' Mrs. a State pre e Success domes by aereiefent dig- - deci the ,'Secre-i he d on . the doctor said • dryly. , ,, t . .' • • cured?" Jean asked thnidly. '. , Egea went ort,..''that you areas 'engsig- - 4. ging not in tIni'mining induetri. steno. yards. . "I'll coma'? he replied. . , tam o of . Canada: ap v And so the battle waged; Mat the t li 1 Ss It ileh and then the angler got the ,bet- ' ' 't47 ---d id i aiette into But `oirdinarily it is impossible for her , ii A not laiowe that- the suaea "I hope so. 'Certainly the doctor e ed to te p; b_ to tegain her British natioaality Mir- . Y r , . steucture 'will eome opp ng, un e ter o fit, Atter about forty minutes •I wouldn't let lain out if he weren't." Atdeyn.-e plicate s c g : But ( aunt was only trying to re- the empty path. He looketi aagry, butg ill her husband's lifetime, 710 matter • The has a souird fouhdation; and to lay ordered Tolle • to pull gehtly to 'the . a ' a mself fairly Well 711 hand - how earnestly she may desire At. agate an unhappy, woman; He reirt- aaal i • ' d ti he st di de p per tinana where at was our custom to exisbeked that Huge &merle had been We were never engaged," he'. ' . ' h te -f this1 that faun a ea ille g e ' d 1 neje. unsatisfactory c era° r ° ew I th h treacherous soil maps. roug pea land in order to tight out the final, con vieted cif manslang•hter tot "Aad that° was Burnsi e -you- a - is all the- mere apparant , when the through obstinate flint. In - - ' etages a our gtruggles with the,varl- der, and had been in what' was pro- saaYa Pre' • re a • faimly continues to rapids in Canada,haps 'ea d him to me After • • tl I t 1 nds there were fainthearted °us iii°1 We bed on hand' This cals went their way. Others as stouter ithout ten yards off and parallel with remained and "carried' on," sink- b --- us ts B0011 as our SOON landed Tom I'm not a fool. Let's be -honest ibout an outdated IOW from exercisingwet fibre it,,Carrie You certainlyaeft nothing rights of citizenship which ing their wells te lower levels till they nd jumped out, sold I had another quietly. "You accused ale of things As eassPraatioma esansarenicatin rows that -Well, no matter. Jack Burnside has nothing to do with you and me. will That isn't really what I'm wild about.. Is married, by the way. However, that "You were a beast," Mtg. Egan said The resent law* 1 patentlyu easier and as travel increases number of in erna lona maniages. naturally occur , an increasing t t. 1 • land that was healing but a desert to grows and reaped ra'thrtune frem the arable . et those who did not stay there and dig - njust. • ° Ina ° i odaeme:t. upon Water Thus th y d the wilderness blossom as the rose the great salmon -for salmon indeed it was! -catch sight of Tolle's sub - In with the gaff. But no sooner did ten minutes' fight with the fish. - nto a movable position, Tolle waded At last who I had manoeuvred it to my imagination that night--" formerly hers, Look, here, Phil, is it tree that you is therefore important that the mat -I The scholar who has FA t himself t merged lege than it arm oft again with ap gate, "track shy truth" has spent laboriouos a teremendous rush! All I 'could do and yoUr prectous medical board have ter of revising the law touching nea . let cut that lunatic, Hugo. Smarle?" tionality of married women days and nights in re,search, sublime- was to scx•aanble back into the boat. a. . hTaomdbreems.en ii,:iadtoohninsIgio,trhe,t, bepteiI.r,oarrsn,tastvIleme (Te he continued.) careful attention ai Canada in the I ciblivious of the della The bust. done -watch are frequently created artificially to produce hypnosis and iut. tam. efeep: Even in welialesignetiacath,which do hot hinder, .natural. aesaifation, "the - shallow breathiag Whiah acebnapanies -voluntary Mental concentration a:Asthma, to -,the effect in an inexperi- enced driver!' To this a writer in "Truth" adds.the she had eight boxer, of eandy, ranging °Halal -11g remake: It is astonishisng in -what unlikely fame anne-maae fudge in a spool -box sitinttions human beings will manage .t014.0,n,k saiin ovetstpffed box of .Frencli bon bons, a bouquet of roses to g° to Sleep. Melt' reeir Wall any says experience of trench warfare can e'en - end two practical, presents. She ...it V/a8 her happiest birthday, I 'arm this.. I have known cages of men reaching the tiotaling stage even on a If you are away from home, write th. nsotor bicycle, which ig not, on the s your, mother regalarly evera week, It feee of it, it paaticularly soporific. yea .is so much easier to do it when you bleie, abet Where there ere- only two liave a time aiet. If you live at home, wheels,' the less of balance which ol bey your mother a present now and lows immediately the 'brain ca es to tbell--not always something, usdful. function` generally 'brings the rider to You will never regret it and she -Will a, s aa a never forget. Give tathe living. Dan't, aaa'58 w"a ''a"a awerv.a'` 'Net, always, however, for a friend - be among those. who "Say it with Of mine achieved, in.the days of hie llowers."-Mrs. L. G., 'THE OLD WHATNOT. In couhtlese old feral homes are still stared the-whatnets that once adorn- ed our granamothers' pallors. ' youth, the astonishing feat of going- to sleep on ono of the old high bicycles,. He woke up in the ditch." - Island Bought WithTobacco Ten Stick Island, Mentioned recent- obliged to let him but. It west the wear and tear of ordiriary life which Hugo Smarle had never been able te meet, He had always taken life as a series of crises; excitement was as the very -breath in his nostrils, *with which he drew In a poison to fume his lightly -balanced brain. 'CHAPTER IX. , Alice had almaet forgotten that a woman waned Carrie Egan had breezed into the Mimosa Palace that meaning, and broUght) With her a dis- taraing chart& of e.traphere, but it 'as remembered avian the little case. aided° 'trailed back it sunset. The,big eilver car stood solitary on the -terrace, and Miia, Carney. Who in her weariness shad,,ridden 'fames° te• the very steps of the hotel, speculated upon its caezierthia. "A new arrival?" she -Wondered. ••• The car. had been there that morn- ing, but in her hurry she hadn't ne- Alice waited for Philip to give an explanation, ana, it seemed just a little _significant to •her- thatalle did mit offer any, ' The girl expetienced an emotion, Which. was, wo•rsa than simple jealousy -jealousy coupled with diet -nay. Why didn't Philip say that the car belong•ed to a Mrs. Egan, an old friend of his? . The two woarien -Went up to their robins, and Dr. Ardeyna after -pre- sumably making for the smoking - room, came back into the hall and spoke to the conceirge, who In anewer to is ,question relied that Mrs. Egan was sn, hp thought. Yes, she had a sitting -room. - Arcleyne looked at the cloth. e had an liner 'before it was aeceseary th dram for ;dinner, The concierge obligingly -gave him the mamba' of Mrs., Egam's Teems; they were on the ground 11001, and, he could if he chose stroll down the corridor and ea!! upon her. He could call now and get it overe--the bone she had to pick with him, and pail -leas another one which she hadn't mentioned. But he was scarcely in the mood for controversy, particularly with a - If you ha -re one and do not care to ly ,in despalch from the New Ile - mise it in its original form, divide it bticlt;e, go( its name in it clueev Way. into two portions, having the four up- Of considerable height, though only pee shelves in one pettier'. Fasten it few hundred yards in circumference, i this upper section securely to the wall it,used to be a favorite mark for men., lay means of stout hooks said no ono of -war engaged ia target practice 'eon tell it from the hanging book- while stationed in the group, so that it (helves now displayed in the shoPs seemed In danger of being gradually verywhere and which cost up to ehot aWay. 'and finish, 'Jed claimed compensation. The cap- Thie in no way prevents tne whai- rain of the patrol ship to whoa& the not beleg returned to its original form claim WaS presented' promptly hqught ,Whenever desired, In rnaldng some the island for the British Crown, pay. 'Modern uso of the old keepsalces it al- Ing ten stieks of tobacco for it, and ,civays seems advisable to preserve their then the chief went ou hie way rejoic- Originality wheilevee possible. The ing, ,little hanging bookshelves ate equally Aelightful in bedroom, hall or` living- Nothine great WaS ever achieved 1 without entliu9iusim--Ernemon. vventy-flie dollars, accordiew to areal The chief who owned it protested, what haPPealaada—p, the husband refusingsto become na- Ya _ • but dil rrimotl being monsthous and turalized, and the sage prevented ay, Weimer& who found no water and who was now eW ng deep s ea Y very near future. Marriage with an nese Mall NV110 haa developea a new "The Vlicirld*s Lut alien is not an offence against the d Ofit ble field tooa off hf coat sank tvide-eyed astonishmeut, took his • atate arid should not continue to be an P a 8 paper: place, a.nd we shoved off Just in time and hustled; he did not gaze out of a penalized as at poient To deprive a window at his horizon, but iist marched to avert a catastrophe, , and hatd toil. It as not baatoared on the svhole et my line and most of the The fish was going so fait that again It remarkable newaPaPer, Of Which wohian of liars -British nationality there are on* twenty lour in talk-. under these circumstances is th class toward it Hothage goee to self-detial once, has just been presented to the, her deliberately, with "infants, idiots backing Was out; the two boatmen thesend of am world at twelve o'clock It has been argued that it Weald be' applied these wile tcask the easY 'Path, of (lea London PresS Club. , • and imbeciles," to whom are i liaace, the line a least reststaace. had to row for all they were worth. A :Shanghai missionary prophesied the same diaabilities. . youth has ns ogm. to happy eena. Never did the sahnoil atop in the deuce, bat yenth raust learn ot "toil egtuary, but went careering some hun- hal newspaper, preparta a special edi- to retain distinct nationality -that dred Yards out into the fjord itself and on September -25th last and a Shang- abgurd to allow a husband and wife and the end of toil." It mast not elle- Mid swittla by tlieit places than went fathoms' deep' i Well, at laet I managed to lathe the tion for the event. _Mimed the 'Fifth, the difficulties Arising froth such an Pose that the resvarded ones it sees] Hereeniana it .,consistea entirely of anomalous conditions -Would be BO great came saellY were the servivors from. a host' that great asb testae surface, where it be. gan rolling about like a poraoise, en. 13 end their possessions. The eimeessall news, inaps'ariti diagrams of the end of that it would be impossible to aclo t. the World, aect contained an annaanee- any alter policy thah the one which'ith ment that the next edition would ,be now in vogue. Bat...it'must be realized tangling itself in the cast. It Was ex. quit too Soon, printed on. asbestos. . that British Wonlian have not always' how, when gtffed, could it be .liftod hausted,' hitt the • question then 'area°, The weather report feretoid ,,warin- been deprived of theiacitizenship u)on I Arm"' , It had been Such a happy day, the very happiest day of his 'life, he told himself. It seemed a. great pity that Carrie Egan "alaeuld choose this mo- ment to come here. He 'hadn't even lasown that' lie was in Monte Carlo. It was ever a year since hehad so much as set eyes upon her. They had parted in anger after a violent otter - Tel, and tbe doctor did not wish to be reminded of that quarrel or the cause of it, 'It seemed unreasohabie that he had ever made such a fool of himself. Having- determined to postpene an interview which was bound to be dis- agreeable, Ardeyne went . straight to his own room and 'dressed, but all the time the theught of 'Vire. Egan hung over his head. Perhaps it would be inuch wiser to see her .before the inevitable after-dinner tendento,us in the bigelounge. So he strolled down the corridor, now unite deserted in that hush before the dinner hour, and knocked at her eittingel"ooln door. into the scow? - Thank goetineSa er tonaititins" and a famous tinned marriage Math. an alien. 'Until :tie In days or old 'whet knights were bold '1'elle ahd Lars between them man - firm adve---------------as w,a be year 1870 British natioeal remained , and -sailor was the style aamia to hoist it, over the gunwale,. opening etoreS along the Milica Witt. . )3, British national 51111055 lie or she When aria() got to throvving things - -Atter printing tivelity-thur c p though we almost Aare -taped. In the act. the specialassim the mathirietastopped' ity. . The system had 'prevailed fop I ' - ' , 0 les' oa voluntarily abandoned that national- '[ You merely pulled. a singe. TAZarotnYbaljnote of °Illithades*-meali•ne eweauathae'l)tisile saddenlY. Whetliaa the Chinese print- centuries in Great Iltitain, and pre.! Youdal quickly clamp your Visor shut steel register' Tom a g a '' th t 1 m I And simply sit and grin, . cram ,a large ethne' down the lila ars get alarmed and fed to the hills is veiled also for many ye•ars ' in Horseman" le probably the orily bae- of the atraisa colonies as. web aSs° het The while the china pattered down the United States. What was Possible' Upon.your rocif of tin.' was. altogether "erithet." ' of the fish but I lid t tli. k t , , , c no . us the. not known, bet this copy oi the Prim whiesh. Wife fonnd its way, to Britain, , , , .. in is regarc 18 possible before 1870 ' tla ' 1 - ' Canada 'made an attemat in 1919 to Wife didn't have a chance, Br ----------------- rth fathers. larity With My. acquainteaeesa' atha achieve euccess. In that year a bill. Because you d, have locks put upon • The pockete of your pante.. "How'S‘ your baby gettina on'?" age. - 'I fancy one reason loe My anpopu- rented* the attation but failed to ' , . _ ed Brown. "Can he talk yet?" ' ' . And when you went to Sleep 0' nights, Forward Child! • now also. The' Good OldDays, mated S. Fuller Gloom,. "is due to the fact that although I retolleet as well as any of them when $A, sanare meal for a 'hailers' mam'could be obtained for twentY-Ilve Ceuta, I 'insist that it wasn't any better 'than the meal •we get nowadays- for a dollar and a quar- ter ' was passed which, amohg other things, --Edgar Daniel Kramer. "No, he's only just beginning 10," me provided that ordinarily upon mar- plied Grey, nage with an alien a woman was to "He's a bit asvkward, sttrelyr ;said assume his nationality, but that she Brown. ''He's older than ours, and OUTS CLIPL talk splendidly." , "Well, ours can walk across 'the room without being aeld," 'collateral the other. • My dear chap, ours toadies dowel Going 'Down,. "Oh, yes," said Mrs. Gadgett, erotica was not to be bound inevitably th res by, "we eau trace our ancestors back tain it. She, Was to be permitted to 10-eto-e11, I don't know exactly take out naturalization papere on her who, bet we've been descending for owe...account p,s if she were unmarried, ceuthries." This 'huge 2-1011 aerial bomb, said to, be the hugest in the world, em, Onment, When dropped from ,a planett can piale. a hole 1.00' feet wide., jest bech oimiti1titefl hY e g thegarden-path to meet. me every evening. HOW about yore' baby'e teeth?" "Well, he's got a few." "Ours has Get them ell but three. and he's-" Here he was Interrupted by the ex- asperated Grey, , say," lie exclaimed, "does yours 'use a safety razor or au ordinary one?" A Lightnieg ,Freak, One of the• strangest pranks record - ad of lightning was furnished by a case where 0 Woman who bad raised her arm to close a windeve was struck, just ass s,he did so. She 'WAS unire, iltred, but her gold bracelet absolutely disappear ea --it Ltd he en melted. awtty„,