HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-02-28, Page 5UAR
28tH, 1924
On New
is to
,.Di }''q,probe
pi isi ,of, Ontario 324,000.
"the' e' country got in ex
all „this otitl ys ?
C%a radlt 4iour, 34 hat'bonni.'demon-
i•dted,'talces,the ':foi;ernost place -in
ter wor'ld iatarl ets, This is not so:
;yisrng,; inee C,nadi s No.1 Hard
b �;.held .fust place anroogot Lhe. a 1
gs slyer 4y lve to sixty ^nfillions
are old have. been Lound'' in South
ta, we'll w gsr-th t those eggs
d't.,be'given tnuclr of a: gearing
4W, at: the "Gunn,' Langlois, .& Co's.�
ILt l ps i Scott, who was called
'home a couple of. -weeks ago on ac-
count of his lather's `accident; has re-'
- turned to London' and •Mr. Win. Mc-
Intosh,is now' in charge of the Scbtt.
-,Word has been received ,from, Code
rich that Mir...II. Horning of tha
town, but 'formerly of Brneefield," i
not, improving in health and, is sti
confined to his bed. Mr. Horning has
the -sympathy of his old- friends at
' Ma:: R,anald McKenzie of Chicago is
visiting• his home here.
A.la$ge delegation;` men and wo-
rneii; members of the Brucefield con-
. gregation, attended the Presbytery;
'meeting in 'Willis church, Clinton, on
Tuesday in regard to the`:call to Mil-
• ton of the Rev. W. D McIntosh. The.
-delegates went, not so much to urge.
that: he :remain at Brucedeld, as Inc,
:had decided.to aeeept,•.btft to let lthn-:
'know how' much he and.;Mrs:;'McIn-
tosh are appreciated by the congrega-
tion., Their' intended removal- from
here is very nnich regretted., -The'
", Rev. J. .E. Hogg o± Wilds Church,,
Clinton is appointed interim-tnodera
z>tda 11sbl�irmpany tiY*a
hold on concede' act the.',tawnship
This syetein, x Inch .s valued
et over ,'425 000,'e ttends over a large.
section of the country and renders
valuable. service: 14'was.dedided thiit
henceforth all dry cell ' batteries .be
supplied by -the con n . thus: ss
P dpa Y u e ur-
eci the. keeping of all ;phones up to
satisfactory strength:, :The ruclite s'
report showed that- the excess of as-
sets aver liabilities in $20,532i73,•
Rev. Dr, Perris of. Winghant on.
Sunday week -completed his tbritj
thud year as pastor of ,St. Andrew's
church in that, town, `.1.n his anni-
y4r s tr i sermon 'Dr Per. ie said that.
of the 216 members of the con raga•7.
tion when he became pastor only 43
-were now connected ash t]ie church:
Auer a :Cont day.iliness,froni pneu-
monia, Mrs. J. 14. Smith passed a-
waY ai;, tier home in Brussels. rubs,
Si ith ' held the honor of being the
:first lady ,school trustee te' be elected
in•Canada, she having; been:elected,'at'
the -nnunicipal- ,elections 'taking• Place,
in January 1$85. She was a most
,active member of,,.thq'board and for
a number • of years before her mar--
riage.had ,taught school' in Brussels
Public School. ger husband who:
was a hardware merchant, died in,
July 1901. She is survived by two
s 'slaughters and two sons; Kate, wife
11 of;Dr. T:IT. 'McRae, and Miss Dora
Smith, ' of Brussels, , and Frank R;,
druggist of Brussels, and Norman S.
of 'Borden, Sask. One son, J. Ar-
thur, a druggist of Edmonton, died
in that city ttc'few•: years, ago. There
are .al -86 four grandehildren: Norman
and Donald, sons 'of -Mrs. Smith and.
the late 3. Arthur .Smith of Ednroii •
ton; IR,iiby, daughter 'of Norman
Smith of Borden,. Sask., and. Donald
the little son ' of Dr: and Mrs, McRae'
(Intended for • last week -delayed'.
in transit) ' -
The 'Choral Society had practise
Monday, evening, thirty of the mteni
hers being present; but owing to -wea-
ther conditions practise has' been it -r,
regular, , Prof. Anderton is 'antler-,:
-,'eating another copcert in April and
-a social evening in the -near 'fulttre;
Rev. J 'E. and Mrs.. Hogg of Clin-
ton were yisitdrs with Rev. W. D.
McIntosh last'week:
The Kelly Circle had a thimble party'
'-at .the hone of Mrs. .R, P. Watson,
",:Wednesday afternoon..•
Me. John Swan has returned from
• The Oddfellows intended to have a
social evening in the hall but owing to
° weather and road conditions it was
postponed.' -
Mrs. Clayton Martin is' °visiting
Miss Jean Murdock.
Dr. add .Mrs. Gandier of Clinton
were recent guests with Rev. and
',Mrs, McIntosh at the manse,
Mr. John Beattie and Miss Florence
Of`Seafo.'th visited friends in the vih.
lage Sunday.
Dr. Ii: H. Ross and Miss Margaret
Mr. vnt Mr, andIrs
n Wm.
Berr• Sunday.
on Sm day.
Quite alt , epidemic of measles in
and: around the village.
Miss Ina B. Scott, Who has been in
,tluarantiue, has gone back t8 the Col-
legiate. •
A splendid social evening' was spent
With • members of the Kelly Circle
Thursday of last week. • The
• "basement was . effectively ' decorated.
Streamers were ••drapped front the
•ceiling with tiny and large hearts al -
:so 'birds,
l:so'birds, the color scheme -being red,
We :must extend •'a compliment to
those in charge of that part. A shorn
.and'' varied progran -was given. Miss
.Lanpinie and her pupils delighted the
.gathering with fine selections' on the
violin. Miss McDonald of Kipper',
„gave soma very pleasing piano solos:
A pantomine was given "by some of
•our'yoimg people,' Miss Irene Snider
' taking the leading part. ' The title
of this was . "Too Many Beaux." The
minutes of the last meeting wore;
read by Miss. Edith Bowey, which was.
a very huniorous part of the program,
• each member being mentioned.' Miss
Jean Murdock and the 2aph brothers
rendered sonic fine ,solos, The Ittnch.
was served front a large, decorated
table to the small tables where those
in 'the contests were grouped, every-
thing being heart -shaped, fancy cakes
jellies, etc. The 'waiters wore bands
of red and heart -shaped aprons,' de-
signed by -„a number -of the circle. Pro-
ceeds; amounting to $40;.00,
John Beattie of •'Seaforth was
callnig on friends here on Sunday.
Mr. -and Mrs. Roy Lindsay of Bel
grave were the ,week -cud guests of
Mrs. Lindsay's mother, Mrs. Will
Mrs. T. R. Snell of Lansing, llilich,,
is here ' beim called home by the
death of her father; the late. Wm.
The Kelly Circle held its amoral
quilting bee, to make quilts for Si.
Christopher Ilouse, Toronto, on Wed-
nesday afternoon fn the church :par -
Mr. Jas, McQueen, who has not
been very well, is mach better, •
1\11,. Wm. llattenbury'was quite ill
Cor several days but is much better.
ar deij Towns lr4iR
(In.eroded for last week -delayed
in transit)'
Mr. George Clarke is, busy,Making
preparations ;for the building of his •
new house this snni;nor, '
Dr, Lloyd Moffat spent the -weal
enc athis-stuniier
residence at 4ar-
Gx<aclfather carr,
tlte,'pum1 his grandson carries it t
,the 'radiator.
-Representatives of the Bell Tele-
phone Co. have been in Goderieh try-
ing to•persuade the Goderich Rural
Telephone Co., -to charge a toll bate
to Goderich on calls .originating on
the rural: lines. The Bell people
have been charging a toll on • out -go-
ing calls but the Rural Co., -raised
their rates to their subscribers re-
ther than introduce .the toll system..
The'-Goderich people do not.•seetir to
favor the imposition of a :toll, as they
drink it would,intej-fere• With business
in the ;town and the Rural Co,, do' not
wish to introduce the toil system ung.
toss z ier Until the Colborne Co., does
they are rivals.,'
JENEINS-In ,Clinton Hospital, on
February 27th, tq Mr, and Mrs. F.
A. Jenkins, a daughter.:
TORRANCE In Clinton Hospital, on
February 25th, to Mr.' and MO.:
John Torrance of :Goderich town-
' ship, a daughter. -Mary Catherine.
FORTUNE -In Tuckersinith, on Feb
ruary 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Leo
-Fortuna, a daughter, •
STURDY -At Goderllah hospital, on
February 17th, to. Mr.• and bIos,
Reginald' Sturdy, *Goderich town-
ship, a son, James Yuill. -
DICKENSON--At Mount Hamilton
Hospital, Hamilton, Ont,, on Feb-
ruary 19th, to Mr.. and Mrs. Wil -
Aid L. Dickenson, a son. -Freder-
ick Walter. (Both doing well.);;
0 TS Iiiern
Gori ch on Feb. 23rd,
Mary E. Macpherson. ,wife pf Win.
Coats, Registrar of Deeds for Hur-
on county.
DOREANCE-In McKillop, on Feb-
ruary 20th, Joseph Dorranee, in his
68th Year.
SCOTT -At Goderich, on February
15th, Jan'p15 Scott ii his 95thyelir•
BABICEit= Zn Goderich, on February
15th, Lois Challenger, wife of Mr,
Henry T. Barker, in leer 28th year,
PENNINGTON-In Goderich, Febru-
ary 15th, Thos. A. S,pyring Pen-
nington, aged 83 years.,
TOWNSEND ' .'In loving .reinem-
brance'of my dear husband, Joseph
Crich ,Townsend, who passed away
-'on March 4th 1922.
"In silence he suffered, in patience he
Till 'God called hint home tosuffer no
-Sadly missed by his wife
GARRETT-In loving memory of
Caroline E. Wallis, beloved wife of
John Garrett, Who died February'
27th, '1920. •
"Days of sadness still come o'er us,
Tears of sorrow often flow,
Thinking of the day she left us,
Four years ago.
It's font Tears ago she left ns,
And 'we ,miss her•loving care,
•Though in Heaven we'hope .to meet
Where no sorrows linger there."
Husband and family,
Auction Salo
Of Horses, cattle and pigs, at
Walker's barn, Brucefield,' on ;Friday,
Marek 7th at 1:30 sharp, the follow-
ing: Tiorses-Suan.of matched. heavy ,
draft filly anfl gelding, 5 and 7 years,
old, weight' 3100 lbs. Cattle -Thor-
oughbred registered- cow Queen -160-
821-, six year old due April 12th; 8
young cows due in. .March; 7 young
cows due lin :April; 5yonng cows due
in May; Jersey cow 4 ,years old, due
April 75t1i-; Aitshire cow freshened
,February '1st, calf at foot; 5 'farrow
cows milking; 5 'yotuig Durham
calves. Pigs -Sow with 7 pigs' 2
wee]cs old; sow, due time of sale,
Guarantee -Any -cow' sold tobe with
calfand proving not to he within 80
days of date of •sale't5` per cent. of
purchase , pirice will be refunded.
`Terms -All sums or '$10 andunder,
cash, over that amount, six :months
credit given on Pnrnishrng approved
joint notes or a discount 04 4 pec' Cont.
straight allowed owed for• cash on:crAdii,'
amounts: `Geo,,il. Fllioit, ,Auction
Auction -:per,: George Layton, Clerk. Tar=
ner and Holland Proprietors.
SePala e seeler! teodors
"Tender ..
•rna.l e
for C';antraet No ,
1,4113 ba 'received ..b the undersigned
until 12 o'clock noon 'on Tuesday,
March 184.11 1024, tore- the"following
work on the:Pr'ovincial'Hr r wny :' :5
Contract Mileage
No, . Sur ;face Trnatitient
Macadam- Roads
1038 'Mitchel to Ssbringvilie 7.2
Gr :"ding .
1047 ' Vii', Dublin Mie 5 ,•
to t hell ,r,0;
1048 Sea'forth westerly , 1.5,'
104'(3 Clinton' east 1,0
Plans specifications in Cormation,to,>
bidders; tender forms and tender"eii-'
velopes,nnay be obtained on and after,'
1'gesc�lay, S'ebruary 28th; 1924, ai,the;,
Office 'of the undersigned; or I'rolni G.
A. Downey, Resident Lr pineer, Stmt
ford, , -, ,
A snarlced cheque Lai;:, $500:00 pay-
able to the Minister oil. Public Works
and highways, Ontario:'o-r q Guaranty'
Company's Bid Boird fon a sh,nilar•
niount'inust be attached to 'tenders.
A 'Guaranty Company's ' Contract
Bond ler' 50'per.cent. og the' anoint
of the tender will be furnished liy_the
Contractor to the Department When
contract is` signed, with the exception:'
of the `surface treatment. of Maehda n
roads on which no Contract Bond is
required, '
A.11 bonds must he made out -on De-
partmental forms, , The • lowest . or.
any tender -not necessarily accepted,
Deputy Minister , of Highways::
Department of Public Highways, On
tario. -•-
Toronto,.; February 18th, 1024. : 43-1.
For Sale
Filly rising - 4, sired by Glenrae.
Frank Powell. ,R. R. No. 3, phone
2-607, Clinton. 43-2.
Entertainment' at Londesboro •
If .you would enjoy a real good an
tertainment°be at.3he community hall;"
Londesboro; Friday evening, March
7th, when "Ben Her" will be -shown
by lime light views,'interspersed;with
music, • and readings, This enter-
tainment is under the ,auspices of
Knox 'Church and Burnsand for that
reason is sure to be good.. Proceeds
to go t� the Leper Mission. Light
refreshntents".will be served at the
close. by the ladies of the congrega-
tion.` Admission •25c and 100. ` Ev-
erybody come and help this worthy
cause: ' ' 48-1;
Community Dance
An Old Tyme dance will be given
inthe hall at Porter's Hill on F1iday
evening .of this week, February 29th.
The Varna Orchestra 'will furnish` the
.music. Everybody welcome. 43-1-p.
• Farm to Rent ,
On Huron. road east adjoining Clin-
ton 128 acres, first class buildings,
good clay laud,, well watered. . Ap-
ply en the premises to Wen Henry,
Clintgit,'R.:R. No. 4. Phone 14-61.7
On Sunday evening, February 24th,
between Wesley church and Williain
and Princess streets, gold wrist watch
Finder- please return to Miss Evelyn
Auction Sale ' '
Of 'louse add household effects. On
the premises, Albert street,: •Clinton,
on Saturday, March 1st, at 1 o'clock.
Following is the list: Single bedstead;
2 'double bedsteads; 6 chairs.; sewing
machine; 2 wash , stands; table;' 2 -
burner coal oil stove; 2 -burner coal
oil stove; coal °II coal heater,
Art Souvenir; range, Crown Iiuron;
small coal stove; 2 rolls oilcloth; roll
of linoleem; cupboard; roll ofcarpet;
a number of dishes; curtain poles and
screen door;:,wash tub', wash boerds;-
bath tub and numerous other articles.
Sale of house and double lot at 2:30.
Terns: On household effects, cash; on
property, $100 :clown,balance in 30
days. Mrs. Connell, sr.,. proprietress
G. H. Elliott, auctioneer. 42-2
St. Patrick's Supper
The Yoting People's league of 'Wes-
ley church will 'give their annual St.-
Patrick's, Sapper .on the evening of
Monday, March 17th. , Keep the date
in mind. 43-0
A Contestant
I am in The London Advertises eon-
test,and will appreciate any help my
friends can give me, either with the-
he200 vote coupon in paper each day or
votes from subscriptions or renewals,.
during the next six weeks. Those'
wishing to assist me may send votes
;or subscriptions to the `Aclveetiser,or
leave at Fair's or Cooper's. Any as-
sistance given gratefully t!eceived,
Whether I win or not. -Mrs Hiram
Hill. -do
In the estate - of Mary Cooper, de-
NOTIGI+I,is hereby given that • all
person, having claims against; 'the
of Mary Coopery late of *lie:.
town of Clinton in 1118 C 4an 1 e
tY of
IIuron,:wiciow, deceased, who died on
oe about the 2511 day. of January 1923
me required to deliver, to Albert
Thomas, Cooper the executor of, the
said estate or his solicitor on or be
for the 151h {Icy of March 0924, a -gull
statement of their claims; together';
with particulars thereof, and the na-
ture of the securities, if any, held by -
them, all duly verified by •affidavit.
And take notice that afterthe said
last mentioned date the said execnitor
will proceed to clistribu+te the estate
of the said deceased amongst the ,per-
sons entitled thereto. having regard
only to, :such claims as he shall have
received due notice and in accordance
then ew ith.
Dated atClinton, tlris 22nd day of
February, A.D. 1924• "
ONB, Clinton, Ontario
for 'Chei'
sa n executor.
e ot.'
our store gea,s S•ou is., quality goods at live and 'let live :prices. Pronapt3.!
10 -'fiats N aptha Soap, 68c 2 lb Tulle Coco ti .25c -.
10 bars, Laundry Soap, .48c.2 lbs. Ginger Snaps ,, .25e
plcg,, , : , ..16,4 5. lb, of Pure Lard ;.
S 'Calces of 'C.stih: Sda
NOTELOw'°crec1 t i :' t} si.
meat of their. accounts.
25e.1,1b, of Blaek• Tea e 0 a 7
ane r quested t
o ati cid':1nonltlS to settle-
set h:04113
CO'Sh�q^;�� �,w °t
d�l'�. Cud C':,d Ll�i.U'Walda�4•,� . "'�'YS �., ler"u e
aturday fta
eilso f's Chocolates-
Assorted Flavors -per lb
read d.
C ,kes
Buns Etc,
o .
Phone 1
onitry 1
nd Eggs
It will pay. all producers to'get in touch with us when they. have
poultry or eggs to sell:
Write,'phone or call at our office for quotations. Poultry bought
liveweight according 90 size and quality, .•
Eggs- bought aecording to Government grading,
unn, Langlois & CO., Limited
Montreal, Quebec. . ,,a 01 la
Day Phone"190 ' Manager,. Clinton Branch Night Phone 214w
use. f
1M storey frame house, 8 rooms, dining room, : kitchen and
hall on lower floor, 3 bed
, rooms and hall up stairs, good .
shed at rear, :good; celler, town. water, exterior newly .:..w1y painted
good .sized lot with.fruit trees ande t
pl n y of room for garden
Situated at south end of Fulton Street. Possession given at once
Cow Fo; Sale
Durham cow, 6 years old, due March
Ty Phnoel! ane3-
Notice to 1Dog Owners -
Owners of dogs in the town of
Clinton will pleasetake notice that
all dogs must be registered at the
constable's office and tags for the
present year procured from: the un-
dersigned forthwith. --• L. STONG,
Chief Constable. 43=2.
Hone Made Cooking Sale
'The Hoene and School Club will hold
a sale of horde -made cooking in the
Hydro Shop on Friday afternoon,
Marek 14 at 3 o'clock. Proceeds to
go ;for *practical school purposes,
Will Supply Bonds
Dominion of Canada Refunding
Loin 1923 Bonds are: now available.
If subscribers will leave thou Inter -
101 Certificates with the 'Royal Banic,
the Bank will be.pleased to effect the
exchange for the 'bonds. 48-1.
Auction Sale
Of pure Jived milking Shor'tliorns
and young grade cattle. e Mr. George
II, ,Elliott "has been instrueed to sell
by public auction at lot 13, concession
2, Stanley to unship, on Wednesday,
ivlareh 5th, at 1. o'clock p.m., the fol-
lowing: Cows -'-Roberta . -150608-
due to freshen about April 6th; Re
berta 2nd, -159612- due' to • freshen
about March 21; Roberta 3rd :159613-
d11e to freshen about May 11; Rober-
ta 4th, -159614- due to'fresheq, about
May 26; Bessie -159607- due to :fresh-
en about -March 24, All of the above
cows'' are with -calf to Mr. Robert
Peek's fine Orange BIossom bull; Or-
ang•e Prince' -129944-. Heifers -Ro-
berta 9th, -187117- by Orange Prince
born July 12th,' 1922, : Roberta' 12th,
-194479_ by Mr. • Clifford Keys' fine
Rosewood bull, Golden Chief -128697
born ' May Gth,1923. Bessie 4t13,
-194478- by Golden Chief, born March
29th, 1923. 6 steer calves, ranging in
age from five to -thirteen months.
Pure bred Tamworth lugs. 4 sows
abont 6 month old and; 10 young Pigs
about six weeks old. There 'will also
be sold 7 nine: inch corirent culvers
tile, 30 incites long, just 45s thing for
the culvert at your road n ateway, a.
pea harvester attachment- with bunch -
1,r, a weeder and a light wagon pole.
with'whifllettece and neeicyolce.; Pos-
itively no reserve. Terns -Ail "sinus
of $10' and under, cash. Oyer that
amount eleven months : credit will be
given on furnishing approved joint
notes. 5 per cent., off for cash. Mur-
ray •Gibson, proprietor,' George H. El-
liott, aoetiopeer.,.; - 43-1,
Feriti-For Sale
Being lot 1'7 and, part 18 -on the
Sth eocceselon q:L Mullett, 8191 acres,
also 50 acres on the 9th of Ilnilett
The buildings are
b all gobti. W. 'Td
Ileslc, Londesboro, proprietor.
Final Offcring
Final Offering of Winter Goods at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Men's I•Iea • Rubbers,
w reg. $4 at $3
Men's Heavy Rubbers, $3.50 at $2,50
Lumbermen's socks, reg, $1.50' at $1
Wheeling -yarn, reg.no
$1 w ,..SOc.
Fingering Yarn, reg. $L25 now $ 1
Blue and White Granite Potato Pots
for ... ..$1.25,
Black or Green' Tea;p er lb. .60c.
2 packages of Seeded Raisins , .25c..
5 yards heavy Linen Towelling ..95c.
Overalls, per pair_ $2.00
Rae Furs Wanted
Mink Andcoon -eve lower izirice'
but still a good price. Fox and white
weasel are higher. Spring muskrat
will be about same as last year, per-
haps higher. II. A, Hovey. '41. -if.
House E'er Sale or Rout
8 -room frame House on Victoria st.
Electric light, town water. Large
garden with some fruit trees. Apply.
to Geo. II. Elliott. 22-t:E'
Seed Oats
Auantitof "Em i e -
9 Y P r ,' Variety, ab-
solutely clean, apply to Ehnet Web-
ster, Varna. Phone 15-622. • 40.5-p.
Seed, Oats Juora
Sle "
1 have a e tlantity gf Victory oats,.,
suitable for seed, good and clean,
Apply Joseph Hood, Kippen, Ont.
Farm Few Sale
Lots 26 and 31, Bayfield concession
Goderich township," containing 212
acres: Lot 26, 112 acres containing
2 storey brick house, 2 hares each 365
56 also straw shed, 15 acres hard-
wood bush, spring creek, running
year round.' 5172 miles from Clinton,
miles from Varna. ' IR. M. be -
livery, telephone. Lot 01 contains 90
acres, with frame barn 36560,: all `.n
a0 sold separately m�
together. Apply Isaac Rathwell
Varna 38-14,
e1Iint1111IIIUl oe111f I.
lillllfa 101 1
i ' i+ii ngu11111'It1�R11 tz
reme ess
If 11(4 :a' heating,p roblem you
you irnmodiately by 'installing the
with 15t
to 20 thousand .c
ubie feet , . for
tea�mg capacri,y,tox
Burns wood-fseal, t coke orhti<
rd� oal.'Le � :ts,
4 t show
yen 'r15 superiority over, any, other furnace at an,equal price.'
Also' remennber we carry ar'y only one kind of .Coal Oil and Gasoline.
both pure and highest refined ,ol: an to be -had i Canada. n C a The
Proof is the hundreds of satisfied users in this section of the country.
and' elsewhere.
4C S
otve ,t fog•
A few 40 watt lamps left at 3 :C0.1.,
• Pure Aluutinusn Dish Pans, each ..........
• 'TO FAR5? RS -_See our speciel'sale on all lead
• long:,1,/,;inch traces also 72.ineh Horse Blankets,'
t .,nch..
ulullu4lu U
111111111(11 IIIIIIIIIII11111(111111110111111111111(11111111Ilplll111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111(3111111111 I.I11111111101110.
Alberta Coal
Phone 155 Huron. Street
The Hospital Board offers for sale
its building on corner of Victoria and
Cutter streets.
As at present, arranged it contains
19 rooves including dining room, kit-,
chen, ;linen room, bath, etc., and the
cement -floored basement contains the
laundry'. and furnace rooms.
The building is well heated anis
lighted throughout and 'without
change would make an excellent
boarding house or private "' hotel,
with slight rearrangement it could
be adapted as a store, or as a dwell-
ing, ,or.
welling,,os'. a small apartment house.
Structurally it is in good condition
and repair. Inspection may be ar-
ranged for, or terms of sale had on
application'to -R. I). Manning, Royal
Bank", Clinton. .
.. ' House For Sale
Cottage on Huron street, roomy -and
in good repair, 114 acre of garden;
Small barn on place:.. Possession at
once. Also a buggy and cutting (box,
Happy Thought range and a sliding
bed couch for sale. Apply to Miss
B, Cantelon, Batterbury street,i 39-t8,
Loge Wanted
Good henilocit logs, cut 12, 14 and
16, feet long, also good basswood any
length; delivered- in our mill yard at
Bayfield. Mame Bros., Bayfield.
q - .
Blouse For Sale
Comfortable frame house on. North
street, half acre of ground. All
n of fruit. Small stable; town
water in house, Robert P. Fisher.
Frame house on AIbert street, Clin-
ton, with one quarter of an acre gar-
den with fruit trees, for sale. Ap-
ply to Mrs. Thos. Lee, R. R. No. 2,
Clinton; Phone 15 on 604, Clinton
central. 10 - ti'
CUSt1 arit Sawing
Custom sawing will be done in Bay-
field during the wintermonths, at
Thomas Wallis', 4 concession Gode-
rich township in the spring and also
in 'Clinton.
Reu s
yct�'eI' S t
e40 rd18lea+: °r h
J +l*
Scree x i }mgt
it 1e Ground and Bagged
Sono '1
�' iso Elevator 189, Residence ill
Singer .Sewing Machine
Family, Electric and D. R. Styles
Also sonic, second -band machines;
geed, as new:
Old machines' taken as pari' payment.
Easy Terms. ' •
It will .pay you to look these over
before puying elsewhere.'
' January 1, 1924
Orders taken* at residence, Phone-11lt
Honor Graduate ` Carey Jones' NS.
tonal School of Auctioneering,
cago. ,Special course taken in Pure
Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer-
can is
h d e A •
nd Farm Sales. Rats in
keeping with prevailing market. Sat-
isfaction assured, Write or wire,;
Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18-
98, ,-88-tf-1.$23
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed,
Clothes "cleaned pressed and Ts.
paired., Woolen goods dry cleaned.,
Rooms over Heard's barber shop,
W. J, Jago.-r-SS,tS
lutr. Far , e 'r
Is there anything you want in the:
way of Flour, Feed or Steele Food?
have carload Bran,
S ee in a
n s n Pl
g d our . s e'
pe tel prices
on large quantities for cash.
Aro your hens laying? ' We snake
a specialty of laying nreele and in-
gredients such as Beef Scrap, Char-
coal, Alfalfa Meal and Poultry Tonics;
have also acquired considerable in-
formation on this subject throughen
gullies from successful poultry men
same being always at your disposal:
We ' ay highest prices on grains
sueh• as Barley, Oats, Wheat, Buck_
wheat and Peas. -
• Tankage, O'Cairn, O',Haminy Feed,
Oil Cake, Oatmeal, Salt, Baled Hay,.
Bess, Royal Purple, Pratts, W'ode-
house Conditioners, Five Roses, Pur-
ity, Five Jewels, Hayelock and North.
Star flours always, in stock: Have
also acquired agency of Acine Stock
Conditioner, the only conditioner we
know of with a guarantee from death
by disease, We are at your service
anything you desire that we haven't
in stock we will •order for you. !.
Phone 123
Flour and Feed Merohants
Grain Buyero ,
Also lssuers of Hunters & Trappe*
Sewing Machines
rv+ 411'9• and repairs
Sharpies Separators
fflatchford's Calf Meal
.. -Tankage
E. L.
�Yvgq� , <.
Le 16'14.8 9
���.r 11fl1fi�IR
Store Vacated by J. E. Johnson
The demand for our butter ie i
To supply this demand, we requina-a
more cream.
We request you to ship us yonsi
We ,guarantee you the Highos
Market; Prices, iaceuxate testa an
prompt service.
Our firm is Imown to you and needs
no further recommend.
,We pay all express charges, furn-
ish ,cream Bans and pay twice: oaebl
Write f.
s CA r b ns o
Or infooncee
tion to the , '
0 , 4k, 33AUT ,kILAXAGVEr