HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-02-28, Page 2,•;di , 1 3 13ksinee.e.tretntoCt• , '• . , , , s ji• ' ' ,;„,,,,' ITE 'CARE OF BIRDS.yot ha,ye" got rid tscounted. Ifiraftls Its'-'-' ." ' - i ' ' :e ver Y ' ' dt =t ' ' '' ' I 'M I ' i ', ''' ' ' bird,..bui, f ,d,,,tr,Allowed or, Dent-mit*. ga ei Most , i s .enjoy owning , , . Purchised, . no..t.,.. fa, aa 3, under,,,,t,a. lid, .hcf,vi, t.,p,,cligoe.,*:•fonitfiMY'r''''sil'INC'' ibilibdisf'4.m., ipli.atgli,..°`fia'ididi,1-tehailet.lth'''i.itiiil . „ ` them, bow to wiw., their confidenCe,. ' ' "them or how to cars w,ill, fie:elo,Se to its body; its eyes ,Til , '. T. 'RANCE - 1Ph4t.,..foo'. t''''''' givr._,,.--, . ,.. , , he bright', and it. will niove- larlski,, , v 'pu' 'ilk., 'd riy6y'linciou .... .. 1°t4em. v`I'C'n t,V.,!1,17‘?,- ',it Is riot, well, . it will -sit. m a... nounriato n41 ° .." ' ' l.' '.'.'1/11.1).eli- 'you' bil0Sirci nialte:.nni`e 't 'tit ` age withitn'Tealhers ,priffest -..: ,that . you get' oim.,that ,is young And iiiii n e, Agent- ' 'Itenreietiting 14 v ice. Inagraiice companies. , . . healthy. If it is'ii,Canary,' unless You °a sick ' n1 id 'Tie% nd:lthi le elLe so .r'of' e.:Iei: Cf61f;- , , ' want. one that has alteady learned to r it needt a rsaft,',negt.: Vises., it in'. 0 -01,visicf1 Oceirt Officc. GU" ' iiinn' choose a longslelider'bii'd less than one year old, With sinooth, thick ' dd d b •' d • 't' with a, warm' i.,.Vy...h.cBaRoYispot?rNy,Epubilo. 6i...__ rfoeasythetrrsa'nthsaptaleien,..tcloise.:..tto tFhoerhaodvs,,,inagiiedr, ligFhtoweic°.abghe. d parrots a're kept by their kitarlitt ewner •. choose a male bird that in iell roont114 .fic, d'at ..% -1.1.11.s' litnhYbreiglehati-l'ipYluct°tinadt: : .11LOAfkl BILooK , .,...i.. .H. CLINT° or a; year old, and that hgs a yariety d - • s inonoloo,rie The failarc DR. J. C. GANDIER • ;Make the cage Coxnfort e and Ishefrregin.ttloY coawreinlInoesisgieln°rathee'31;la.rat °thee l'inurs.:.----1,..30 .to 3.30 'p.m., 740 keep it clean. Place the perches fle .0' i the.PetlioVer, to 0.00 .m, Sunday's, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. that the bird has roma. Do Pot use For ' efarriPle, dealers have been Other hours by LPPOntment only a 13.'ainted cage, for your bird_ is likely known to tell the pUrchasers of par Office and ..Residenn '- Victoria,' It. fe eat flakeS of the paint. Clean the rots and Chektitoos that birds' of those - ---- cage and scald the perches frequently. speefes do not require. water either to DR. WOODS . Since birds that have nothing else, to drink or for a bath, yet one of the J8 renaming prectteci at -has residence. cecuPY their -attention .will sometimes rnost, necessary_ requirements of Pol-, 'Baylield. • pu.l out their own feathers, arrange lys ' 'existence is opal fresh water in Ogice Hours: -9 to 10 am.. and .I. to' 2 a feiv„playthinffs in the cage to divert . generous' suPPIY. There should, be a . ,p.M. '1..mdays. 1 to 2 P -m.. tor n9s* the bird's attention from itself. A separate cup for it in the cage.' and imitation. . key on a ring- or a ,clothespiit. will the contents should be renewal: at serve. Parrots are easilyrnused by least tkice a day, DR.. fl. S. BROWN, L.M.C,.C.' a , Small wooden ladder with a bell it is true that parrots seldom are . Office Hours . attached to the top rung; they like wiDing to, take plunge baths, but some 140. to. 3.30 ,p.m. ,. 7.30 to 9.00 Din* to ,Slinlb up and 'ring the bell. ‘ kind ef :bathing is necessary to their Fiundays 1.00 to 2.00 p.m. - ; When you have settled your bird -health, and many -birds .4.11,1017 the' Other hours by appointment. in a sanitary, comfortable cage teach gentle",shower. from an atomizer. Ap- . it' not to fear you. The best time to. perently it recalls the heavy • night °Mee. 219W ' Residence.,'218I gain itS confidence. is in the Morning., dews that in their tropical birthplace .. t when you clean the cage and feed the uicivide` the. usual means for their bird. Talk and whistle to it and ac- ribhiticips. Custom it to seeing your hands , and Regular diet is most important. The face close to the cage; but move gent- ,brealcfast should be - crackers well ly.If you move suddenly or joegle softened in milk. A half teaspoonful the cage, you will frighten the -bird. of condensed milk in half a cop of Then accustom it to being, handled. 74er makes,about the right mixture. Catch it every morning by removing Condensed milk is less likely to sour the upper perch, putting one ' hand in the digestive process it , and is there - Liv. Newton cage, and following tho Bayfield inside the cage, fore preferable for birds of the par - bird with the other bream -Ito Dublin. 'University., Irefana. ,hand from the ref family, the digestion 01 will& 18 , . .. . , outside. When you have caught' it Late Extein Assistant Master, Ro- , - • For 'the seed .cumix one part of . p let it rest comfortably sliceof apple, AfterkelaP M ortably and give .it a tunda ireapital for Women and Chil- lettuce leaf or dren, Dublin. Officeat enee lately . °tenni.* with three parof sunflower you have done that a -few tinies try seed, and 611 the cup anew every day, . xeski holding a piece of lettuce. just outside by Mrs. Parsons. 'Aivoid giving much hers) or raw meat; Hours9 to + 10 a.m.,the Open doer of the cagy' the bird 6. to 7 p.m. for both.- of them are beating foods e S•undays 1 to 2 p.m will soon hop to your hand. , and are likely to lead the bird to Pull , Next teach it to fly round () .the house; out its feathers; which is a habit of hit of each morning should and a sense .of: freedom. 'Open the parrots. - , . . A. , f that will - give it healthful - eaereise- door,,o f the :cage. every Morning; the he includecnn the dietary. The great- bird'will readily return to it when it sional raw carro ,er the variety the better. An (mea- ls' tired. t win be appreciated, „ Cleanliness and -proper .diet :are seritial to the health:of. all caged birds. es- During - the afternoon the bird Muke your bird hatlfe.,every day. It ustotstildofy have a dry cracker' and a feW will do it more readily 11 it is allowed Bert at hann. A sweet red pepper is• an exeellent tonie. .11 • DR. 'W. R. NIMMO '1.8'4 .to 1137""ead the tbbm• If it still the parrot will eat it, aariothel of raw' 8C,.eln,„$ OPpesed to. taking a dip, .place • : onion now end then is an 'excellent. CHIROPRACTOR '' •U. fis.sh lettuce' in the lantern of sped& ngairist .colds and Other dis- , - • Consulting Hours the titbit will' jump in to investigate et.a„.s. . 9.80 to 12,00 Lima., 2.00 p,m, to"e.30 p.nu and IprebanlY will. bathe , willingly.' Trepieei. birds especially. mesi be " 7,00 p.m, t. '9.00 p.m, • pert:tits, howe-ver, detest bathing. If i carefully protected against draughts - . Phone 68 . you haVe one that refilses, to take a-'; ,• ath; spray oceesienally vvith an and sudden changei in the temper- . Normandie Block Clinton, (int, bath; it ature/ Never leave the cage of a pare atomizer.' - , -' ,. a . ,. , rot out of doors at night even in mid- • De net feed Jur-biril on geed that, gain/nor. Parrots are 'extremely ens - CHARLES II HALE has a' sharn taste or that is grittY.I ceptible to bronchial pneumonia. The Conveyanceir, Notary Penne, Commis- Rape seed,' wniell tastes. sweet, is' the eage- should hang'.in. a room of even . stoner, eta . • - best, with an Occasional lettuce leaf , temperature, but anything above BEALAl' ESTATE AINSURANDie or a slice of apple and plenty of fresh,' seventy degrees is too waam. cold water. See too that a cattle -fish' A outtle.fish bone hung in the cage 'Hulling STREET ., ' CLINTON bone is aastened to the awe; the bid is helpftil at Molting time as Well as I Will sharpen its bill on it and prolaluseful in sharpening the bill., • M. 'T. CORLESS ably- nibble at it, and the Salt taste , Few lovers of pets are aware 'that CLINTON, ONT, will stimulate the appetite. Scatter' besides learning to talk a parrot San , ' bird gravel in the cage and renew it be taught a -nuinber of tricks: tb • District Agent three times a week. A bird's gizzard shake hands, ring a bell, climb a lad - grinds the foto:Ulna the bird.eate, and der, kiss its master or mistress, and The Ontario and: Equitable- Life nit d Accideatansuranee Co, ' . thengizzard cannot do its work without so forth. i . . gravel. The proper food for canariea In teaching 'a bird remember how ' . . . • . . .• is a mixture of Seeds---fotir "parts of extremely nervous the creature is GEORGE ,F1 I -TOTT , Sicily seed, three of German rape, two with which you have to deal. UnVary. Licensee! Auctioneer , lor, the , County of India millet and one of Turkish Mg kindness end patience 'are neces ' . el Horeb. - maw. 'Watercress, plantain'chick- sary. You will find the parrot rduch Correspondence promptly answered., weed, a 'fresh fig or the yolk of a, more receptive after breakfast than Immediate arrangements can be made hard-boiled egg -with cayenne pepper; before it. AecuStaint it first of all to , ' for Sales Date at The alows.Recond. 'sprinkled on it are relished liy caner.' being released from the cage; then to Olintonaor by calling Phone 203, ies and, given from time to time, will, Perch •upon your finger or 'hand. Plinatee Mederate and tlatistaction make sufficient variety in their diet. Never squeeze a parrot in handling it. Gaaranteed, . ,• '' Never feed hemp seed to canaries; it After each lesson rewartLit with a . 4 fhttons them, causes them to Molt out. piece of some fruit and talk to it in • B. R. HIGGINS , of seaSon and finpairs their singinga low but cheerfel voice. -.. . Clinton, Ont. , . ,, powers.- Parrots and macaws need a . To tgaoh it to clinali to, your shoul- ' •' &Metal Fire and Life In.suranee. Agent stronger and more varied diet than der pm to your coat or -dress some- ' for, Hartford 'Windstorm, Live' Stoat, canaries require. Crackers 'and bread thing that the parrot likes te eat. Automobile and Sickness and Accident --dry or soaked in condensed Milk . -0--. -•-Insurinee,. Huron and Erie:and Cana. and water in the propottion Of one • - ' An. That Bonds. Appeintrnents made half toaspoonftil of milk to half a cup. The Colt. . . .to mbeta parties at Brucefield, ?area ful of water -are geed fog them, and Oh, what a wild and vontureSOM0 and Bayfield, 'Phone 67, so ate apples, lettilee, celery tops and , young thing, : . • --- - - an oecasional lump of sugar. A sweet, This playful colt that leaps the Pis" , . , ivi rr,.., ,• .. i rod, pepper er an onionis am eXcellent - 0/.1'1111.s! .• The 1 aluop nutuai tonic aei a pturot., . . It rushes or 1 expectantaof ail, thing -B. Fire DO not, hang the bird cage out of Thrillea with ,the magic ofr:its sudden' -insurat ''C ' - • ' ' ee ompany, doors in warm-. weather; sudden , . . bound , . •. , changes in the -temperature may:bring, tete the, freedom . it. had ,thought to ' ' ' • no house' birch! colds, bronchitis or . gain, ' ' head OffietSeltfOirtho Oilt.; pu'neunnionia, , At night ,cover the .cage while chafing restles at its mother's president, James Coinfoliy, GOdrieh. DIRECTOR?: . ' . with, a egat oloen.i. sleeping birds are ''. niqe. .. • i „ ' llice.; 3a:tiles Evens, lieeclanyee; e:;'o'a, peculiarly suaceptible to the cold. ., ' Behind those small, confin 111, wooden • Treasurer, Thos. -ID. Hays, Seaforta. Birds sometimes snffer from sprains bars. - ."... Directors; ,Georgi' McCartney, sae. erarbeaMatiaraa,,Te cure them bathe DR. PERCIVAL ,HEARN Office and llosiciencC: nurcm 73treet ' Clinton, Ont. Phone 69 (Formerly occupied- by tho iate Dr. : C. W.‘Thompson). • Eyes 'Examined and Gtesses Fitted. G. S. ATKINSON • D.S.. Taal?. Cmduate itoyal Coilege of Denial' Our: -aeons and Toronto UntversitY DENTAL SURGEON Ms Office hours at 'Hayfield in old Post °Mee Iluildiag, Monday, Wed. 'nesday, a'rida,y. and Saturday from 1 to 5.30 psi. '1r , ° . • 'rite ';!:31.tri'. Reorn... , . 'Erin nun room was the` fourth ' . hdd :to be; introduced iota' this 'ern, all mom In, tho group wc, nave d,,,i_ , one which opened off It. .13ht he- . scribed in ,the tWo artndest preceding . lease, its etipomire waa west and it.. . Ithin,,tiomne,,,er Wofe.,ehowov,pnuth,.rnizsbtle.atte,e.,,, ,,,,to: . Waif rett Hetet] in 81.i.e, it .was thoUght .L 'be:into have the -decoationu rnqit.ral . . In tone. Toe dining, roon..1 offered getner by -' lo trod uoing, some, color the. cool color. but. green could not ' ' Avon on to all. !....i'he .bride,should.re- be repeated too often . thrmfghout. ' . membei• .fluit, this, will bring about the 'group ,' : ,l'herford.,.the, furniture home. Nevelt' ..sliould she select ' wits' made giay., Sand ',;coldrelf ,'...C.O.r- tains wall green . hands were bung the best resulti in decorating tier the furnishing, reit' . each without at the windows nod. green 'cushions taking the others into consIdera- were placed on the chairs. • All fear. rooms described are in 'relation to: ' To -day's illustration shows. the 'each ,otlies., We will give's: detailed ' sun room. which, Was situated en description of' their decorations In . . . . . , the west side , of tho living room. - our : neat ...week's articles ',mid ex,, ., 13e..s Use warm comrs'were uned „in plain to the pride to be -how fur.- •. the lielag., room some. warm, colors • Wettings can be made to•Ilalangs• • . River of a Mound Secrets The nevis that Sir Edward Eiger, 'Distinctly weird , and -uncanny -are the famous British,compoeer, lins sail- the .floating islands. In the- upper ed for the.Amazen, calls attention to reaches ciente ,riVer portions of MO," flats 'remarkable wonder river ef neuth perhaps' ail acre or two in 'extent, he- ..A.r,aerica. Tw,o important • scientific come detached and float away on the . _ . -expeditions have also teen dismantled :current. . to investigate tae numeaguer mysteries Tlien ' you notice another animas- ot the .Aniazon, andaaudging from: re- -phenomenen; the , yellow watan; is cent discoveriesi.Sir Edward, should streaked With patches of green, ceased find' the ineniratten for more -than one by the .greenish waters of the Tapajas symphony, emptying themselves inM the Man' The Amami is 4,700;rnifes long. stream. A peculiarity of the great IVianY an ite tributaries have 'never river is the various . colors, of its - been explored, while there are huge waters. First you sail in jet-I/lack tracts -of primevial. forests en ftl Water, then emerge into an almost banks into wIlich no, white nian has 'White, then green, ,and OnallY a deep ever pehetrated. . olive him.. a - As the explorer and scientist pushes , No river in the world contains !ma, , - :Ins -way- up these tributaries and vela curious fish. as the Amason. There is .tures into the dense forests, he 18 . al- the man-eating piratitlia. Although no ways sturabling aeross new wonders. 1.,arger than a herring it does- not heel - Recently they diseoverea a new tree tate to 'attack anYone venturing into which has been given the name of the the, water4 naManaos you sail land nu: "Turpentine Tree,"„because 'when tap- tives minus- fifigere and „toes which pod it yields pure tarpentine. In' a beim been 'nipped off by these fermi - like manner a new variety of the ous,ereatures, , -•. .. Is, the prigaeval forests Yell einiennt- "Pinata" tree has been Natal, from the er tree: of every shape, eizeaann' dos - latex of which .manafactivers are note crintion. There' are rubner trees,, elsveringe- for electrie eables. making soles for Meta and strong greenhearts, cedars, and hundreds of others: 'known only to the bushreen. • ,• Floating islands. swinging damn • from 'the , braffehes, Sir Edwarn's destination is Manama shooting. unwards, from the Cartla the "Paris of the Amazon." This city crawling over the ,ground, are limes, lies a thousand miles up the river, yet vines, and creepers, seree-delteiale as the atream herearit two miles •wide. silken threade" end -Others its alitalt as You entertheriVer 'ttePara, and then sii-nieh hawsers. •' , ,a' ' for a hundred miles pass through the Sliould you ventare into the threat, Narrows, :. water lanes crotvded with you Meet surprisee at every turn. In - large and amall Wands clothea with noennt blades of grass which cutnike tropical 'vegetation'. When darkness a keeu peer; • beautiful orehide so falls tb,e silent!) is nroken only by the lovely, that.: you ,are tempted to nick harsh cries of howling monkeys; but onta. and then suddenly, Dom Mdden what"impresses you most; perhaps, is recesses, a- liorde of ants' swarm forth tate soundless electrical storms ilium- and • bite Viciously at the offending bating the dark jangles -and streaks , of silver river. • Sometime you eineounter a huge When yoa emerge fate the math. antbear, &hummed- in tearing" a "dead channel you areln, a river as wide as tree to bits, lopping up swarming ants the English Caannel at Dover. it is with his yard -long tongue. Fierce so crowded With large and &all is- jaguars, ecelets, monkeys, and e. host lands, howeVer, that you fail to recog- of other creatures- abound in this- won, nize the immenseWidth of the:Omega, derful world,• - 6 Irentounders Soelety, as vice -ch -amber - 1 ' King GeOrge Alters ' the licenting ef plays, sees that the Xing's, trumpeters de their jobs right, and keeps a watchful eye on the lain, looks after the State robes and , Court Des for Labor Xing's messengers and sergeantsat- ech2iical Men, Engineern and, Chernists ' Hein Tiairied at Provincial UniverSit3r. ;IOW sleelibetteu, mvexl ` 'roe goneratiasiii,. Pebility. It roe:Wrest ppte, th4, f,il'ed feel n,grnabe t t.,tern resist infections disesse' ' oed SArbtipari4a *aid sdti andmikes food taSte .f.,ffm4'; go04' cathardc i Roed's , ',ale Ptoyiiice of gnsicatehel,-an 'IS 'nt: .. • Voncers t the pres'ent, time: .exe4iii ' ' ir''' '4.- lida:tda,euv,!,irli:t7tolwlowri,61 eni la° t, tote6t1,Lppo'as,"t8tite,TInititaitens, 9off t'llt:,, ;Th e Bt.itash 5_11t. e it ..,„,i1 , t . . S ,marlitible,tnings in,clairying, within re= 'We51"C ago. tpcleriiioedteuuptiiiirge ..h.Da6lni.iionfiontl,ieh4Nv'h4eigat 4coinmen reef, litItt"n' 2;01:c 6a r il; tnilde sai rxftein.:ctie' lb, 11;liaalyri7'as70:11.3Pot, lir pi, ti... ca conyimm, many)! .1141„,re%'. ''a,f,,D do. gble,i?cri. t:ten.,,IirphDa14.i..:1:tniltatinn,. It, and al/117 sLevuennd Qenarestbotd/tireoft teld:lilti: e.4. t,, the 14-aprar"st„beigat in '1,E; correct ronteltd fellow will he irnmeat. ately fortheoming;',, Mit how fOw el. farming inciuctry and'iq now directiilg it nt IcLt,ttre,inatiorna.‘two,. .."..h.esepl;eirc ees10. pal, Tell! °Its: ea f alit.: , htha70e.elNv'ehro t chaellin :ellinvle)18'i,, ii. taltses' inf 0 r M at I olli maj,„ ,,,a to {iiigu, f or , tk e prov,Im,a, 10. rsatt;iineed-, Iniistsitisoil.liliIssl,s- a ala,r owiiiig hi ac'; ftsili'etesning::;:i tho fulnp6S, 'of tfme, an industrtal the entrance? .. . , . standing Of Conildefabl i -,' .t ' Amongst the probabilities which s There are people, ' however, wl,?.c pend. ,their lives within its walIC Saskatchewa'n looks to .within th t " 'decade, .granted . the provision a the - quests attieng the. millions of:books 112. , y ,are enga. ged on never-ending nomaenhit, f.iaactoarMolaf ye4imir)1,itna4ryfoi...fnicimeivsenlianii)a- . ittilse rr,oiwbsraroYf. JihisahtesaildeirestkLsibain.adryfowristrit rnsIxetn3;81,eort etehaetipcafinthincio.finr;e-sallasY0 'rteligruniir4 seven' miles of , thine -filled. shelves is, , - at first Sight, a depressing place. Yet Cut.' firebrick.; crock.u.F3',. hotel ehluu, wonderful romances -that have thrillet 'and pottery.of all kind's; large P11.313111-1 phate and other. chemical industries of cal. plants supplying the- .sodium sul- pore. painstakInglY - over 4s volum90, the World have been hatched there. .Hlundreds of 'those Who 'annually Canada; ' industliefi'. Manufacturing i ac......,...1,01..eng.faogredi;ieilin antb,li,ailen4iygvilitticlei4 linee;71 straw board, . kraft papers and glass, 2 as well as other lesser ludystries.: range from ifourpenny shockers" to Wita fifty billions, • in,etrie -toes of fun-let/A. thalevefe, ' Coal located in a comparatively fiat,1 In the ,.mnseum,, teo, May be fogad; cetintry, with -no great dithetilties, of ' prokeselbaiii - "searchers'', who "delini,a transportation, it is reasonable to as- ,iinieng.dectimente and books for clue* sume that in time there will be 'die- :to faMily treasgres--mythicai _tree- ceVered an e.centhiiical means of eeres for the !poet part: ' Cue man, utilising such Vast reservoirs ef newer. now decrepit and grey-haired, has The MIA of thie fael, as i„..t comes: froin ,been diligently • seerelling for- th e' mine, its finding a greater market years or eyidenee to Prove his right each 'Year,. and there is being dm- to lands. poesese,eal„by another. ducted catitinuous research • and ex -1 Then ,there. are other e who . do a re - Pertinent 'directed dimities -the more guiar trade la supplying geneadegical 'economical utiltiation of Saskatcheal trees to Americans anxious to .hogs,t. 'wan fuel in powerpaoducing plants. a coat -of -arms. So long ai the Anieri- ': COM and :Power and ChemIcale. ccoaveeet athreiewienalvtbarul tk.einrinend,. rnoerve: Men of -outstanding scleatifle trein- handsome sum, 'some eiceavators Of lag age endeavoring tg 'nriquetteallis ancesters are perfectly willing to- -thal, whilst other aperts „ firVor he erectienef it greet centrel Power Plamt Prfare aaseent frnei royalty' ' Many visitors ,have Met_ Cupid and located in the midist of the coal field's their fate M the 'British Museum. A- and supplying power to the whole chanee' word, 'a direeting finger, , a soathera b.alf of the prevince. • Still stray :gliace-and friendship hitg be. ethers see 'eetinomle utilization in the 1;424 Love and marriage have follow - use of. powdered fueL Out of the workings of these various bodies: there 10 little doubt but that A practierti usage: of Saskatchewan lignite will be distovered,. ' • a Xing. George 'lms helped to ,znodity My Task. the shock which some of bis subject To love someone : more dearly every Must have 1elt as a result of ,the re cent political turnover that installed To help a wandering child to fled his Labor as the Governitent by decree way, • Ing that the customary court regalia To ponder o'er a noble thought ate need not be worn by either inert or I/NW, women at count functions. . Therefore . And smile when evening falls, • it is' not Incumbent upon a, SoCialist o. tong • • TI s is m task. '.t'.o follow truth as blind nien long for and costly. train. oft Sir .the Labor Min- debutabto to -wear plumes and , • isters - to buy 'swords and expensive . costumes. faidtime claw -hammer coats light, ' To do my best from dawn -of day till and knee 'breeches will suflien. . it means that the 'I.,alior Ministerrl will , 'night' ' " not have to 1`111). the risk: ei being -ten- 2° keel' niY heart fit itir His holy mired: by their extreriiidt- followera fei sight • . - And answer whoa He calls aping .the aristocracy and treates. the " • '' ' This is my task. difference between: an outfit casting• ' . . 160, and oue TOT $706. , But Same . And tiles; My Saviour by and by to fiorth-; D. 1.1% Ilicaregoy,, Be/aorta; j. G. nna. gently rub the affected parts with Its trots' awhile ecstatic at th ehange SPcj'aliSi lAb°r 11°.t.esses an:c1 debit* warin water with which. a few. drone 'to freedom from the bondage of the tantes like to Wear plumes and trains. Grieve,-Waltae; Wm. Ring. siaatorth;• When Faith hath _made her task on al, Mealwen, Clinton; ...Robert Venus, of arnica have been mixed. past; . -• h Prime Ministeri. Macdonald is not earth complete, . ' Jes„Connolly, Goderich. , your bird has inflammation of With'head and tail pdgt, it:semlis.,t e ,... 'coming up,' sartorially to; the 'ideas, of And lay my 'homage at my Master's feet Harlock; John-BennewelaBrodhagen; If ' Agents: Ale.. Leitch. Clinton; .1.. W. the .feot and legs, the probability. is • barn, . . ' tue tellers. ,,,I•fe chimed a little flutter • Yee, nloderieba Ed. .11inehray, sea. that the perches are too small or' that Looks up and down ilio road, and far at the, Pilgrims dinner to Ambassadors Within the Jasper walls, forth': W. Chesney, Effirkohdv11,10: ks. the bird's claws are too long. If the ' • neyond ' •, Kellogg and Sir Estee Howard by . --Henry VanDylte. This crowns my task, ga.: Jarmuth, Brodhagen. • ., • fault is with the perches, buy new The world lies waiting. to be won Or wearing a black waistcoat: instead of white, as all the 4her guests did. But Any Money to be paid' ii may be o"-iesi if itis with the nails, clip them. 16st, paid to Moorish Cletliini ,E0., ountm, nolcl the liNti:ird in one hand, and with a "siting to see how fine a beast Itis; Mr,. intolerance for the edicts of fashion. The Fount of Youth. 'Macdonald long since has- shown, or at elites Grocery. Goderien: - . peir of Sharp scissors clip outside, And then the young colt learns it is ._ • Parties desiring to affect :Insurance and- away from, the ' small red vein .. alone- At CUquers Court. his country home The fount of youth .discovered by • ' e ,other *busitess . will ba that you will see iri each claw if you as , P.rime Minister, he Is to be seen. in promptly- attended,to on applicatiort to hold the claw against the light. Trill'', Thrown on its own resources at, a, his plus -fours:„. The first things he resemble,at all closely the image in our modern Ponce de Leons' does not • er transact any of, the above officers' addreseed ,te each nail smooth. If you clip the -nail bound, • • movea into Downing Street were his their • re.speatIve post cant, .. - two seta of golf clubs and: a piano. the inind of the early Si -ism -Jell nevi- -13seiti,,.too' close, dip the foot in warm salt Around the turn a strange, discordant , gator. Instead of being a pure stream Inspected by the Direetoa. There are: also a ,large number of- ale nearest ,the ee'ime.• ' 1' d' '• N' • • 't Ira -:"-in panic flees the favorite books, for in every Snare Mo- ._ of water gashing frOm the bowels of white slams, , • Irina lives watei• which will check the pain and note; • . ---,.. Anotherric to the health of colt! - merit he reads. h't t te filled with- all the tho _earth, they have found it to be caged birds is the presence of small Where now its courage, joyous coati- The Prime Minister's aamointmerits men e.. . . nutrients needed to give you to every red insects, mites, which, if they arc ' deuce? • for the royal houeeheld have caused not ekterininated, sap the life of the On, on, it flies- nefore thia throbbing some peeturbation,in the' eoelal world tissue of the 'body. Thea come from Tima TABLE birds., IT you suspect that your bird , huin• • • ' and he has still to find a Lord ' Cbam- the udder of the humble dairy cow. • The discovery of modern. scientists , raf All arrive at Ulla depart from is troubMd with -mites, remove it from No eons!) to turn .eiside from ma .the berlain. John A.. Parkinstia, formerly . gammon as ,eoumele . the cage, scour the cap;e with ken- - road; a remelt 'neighing)" ate iniae, Is c:omp. does not bring the presto cha.ttges- that Byesio nrid GOrinPiCh DIV: nen° and seald the perches, Alt the • Seared little horse, some day you'll uml troller of the'houSehold. He sees that the Spaniard hoped te find in the. folui. Min Ile -searched_ for, but they do' knew Going gfaat araeri, 6.26 ems., cage thoroughly, then Sprinkle mite '.derstand. ' - the members of: the palace staff do that the regular use of the, Bold &OM - 2.52 p.m. exterminator in it, 'and take care to -Grace 'Stuart Orcutt. their -work, and iott ceremonial ocea- Ur, 11.10 4311. fill. all the cievides with the. powder. ., -------.1..,- ... stens he • takes Precedence (welt the the Udder of ' the healthy dairy tow ' <It Et ' iat Et It gt'and• HIS Only does its constant use keep the is a real elixir of youthfulness,- Not 00, .0 . 6.51 p.m. In. the evening place a piece of canton A friend's gains make you richer Lord Chief dustice of En I gar. 10.04 p,m, flannel, tvith the furry sido in OV9r than your owr, possesmtms; his ac- immediate senior IS, TILI.OMaS Griffiths, 6..ergion, Huron '0. Ucts Div. ' the cage. Mites leave the bird 'at complishreents please you mare tha 1 the organizsc of the British anteaters 'youth, but 'it r eatoces .vitality te those body functioning with the Vigor 'et ing SOIIIII, gtr, 7.10 dp 7,86 a,m, night and return.to if at daylight; re- Your evm achievements; and the More , ,, , , , ., , , .,, , ' Aus o elation, who is the King's ' tree- Whose enemies have hem Wasted, and 4.15 p,m. move the cloth befere daylight, and friends you haVe, 'the richer you are, JI-lr.G1,,, As haur, of °".,1ce Ill- entla°, invEriabb, with ,.ul? risstcratien, hope Going Noriii,, doitt 41.50. pan, you will find the insects clinging to P. d tl - * ; • d A '1 t° carry a white W".c." . . }Melt into. the lines • 3,U Attnt "use, the cloth every night, and scald Jonh D. Davison, an eillcial et the of worried. faces, ' and courage Open • et , 01 ft an le mure ;} 01.1- can 0.--- MOS .,. , But wandering eyes need guidance even in the British Muneura. A .enct. to 'dot. It Was an EgYPtian MAMMY time.enthibit is now ILO 'longer exposed Two chemical ,nlauts aral'at the Pre- commonly credited with the power a sent time producing edit cake, sodium directing the "evil eye" on all wile al- milphate • and 'other bk.prodUcts ' from lowed their glance to -rest on it. This the great sodium sulphate lakes. ' A. -number of tragedies it is reputed to larger plant than either of these is be- , have !aspired mekes it still a subject. Ing planned, and with its completion Of -gitiesome interest, the largest chemical plant in Canada wIll probably' be located in this ply- Largest 'Unexplored Aree. . Vince. One of the largest unexplored areas in preparation for this induetrial in the _United States nee ia a triangle. fature -which Saskatchewism 10011 must the .San Juan RiVer, in southeastern hir apace; between the Colorado and. time, the province is inevitanler arrive within reasonable preparing', at its Utah. Here an area! as large as some Provincial University, teclinical men, engineers, chemists, clay experts and -mains piactically unktiown to -white of the smaller Eastern states still re - others, who snail be available as fully time is ripe ler their servieth. does it well and eheeraully, is coati - men, , trained scientific worIcers when the ,, "Whoever does a useful thing, and nibitatIon of ' Saskatchewan'e raw The one handicap to more rapid. ex - bating to the world's happineas and capital, and sixidieatiens are that it will not be long before this is ferthconiing, wealth and the immediate building ap ef 'elaborate industries, is the lack of '. betterment." CLINTON aged the flow of British moneys to. conditions. in Europe have diseour- ,- cLINTON. ONTARIO EEWS-RECOR Canada, .but there -appears to be a brightisning of conditions, and already • inaildvance, to Gauadfau addressee; Saskatchewan is benefiting by the change. • Several epecial representaa $2.50 to the U.S. or other foreign Terms of Stiescriprion---eauu per you. Bye's' of British investors -have visited. the province during the latter part of countries. . No paper discoatinned the year, carefully studying the op- until all arrears ere paid mamas at , portimities for long-time investment the option of the publisher.. me of, industrial capitel in the country. date to which ever/ subseription fa The raw resources of Saokatchewan Paid is denoted on ,the labea Cements, 10 cents per nonpareil Factions, and the not distant future are attracting interest frora other di- Advertising Ratos--Transient. anima. . • line for first inserticei and 6 cents should see the province away on its per line for each su sequen neer. progress toward e : greater !admit:dal h b• t i tion. Small advertisements; ' not to importance. . . ,' exeeea 'one inch, such as "Lost," Ini 1922 Saskatthewants mineral out put was valued at $1,226,000, repro- . once for 85 cents, !mei each subsea "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., Inserted smiting 1 per cent, of the total miner- al entput value of the Dominion, ' Commuilications intended for pubil- fluent insertion" 16 cents. ' Whilst this is a very insignificant pro- flatlet must,' as 'a guarantee of geed porton it is may neceesary te, hearken faith, be accompanien by the name of back ten years to find that aubstantial province's mineral oatfiat wets. worth 1--- , proprietor. _ ' only .1881,142 and represented, only the writer, • .. . ' - filditstel Progreas has been made. In 1913 the ' (1}, Isa HALla, - X 8. glinaltdC. -5i per cent. of Canada's batiae pro- - duction. Thus both yahoo and pre. portion have nearly clintbled.in the (to cede, wnieh hes ' not neea siy. great at." tentiou paid teaSaskatchewan's min- eral' reiources. An inerease in 1923 is indleatea lii Prelimiaary figures, and, Sas.katcheinin shares with the re- mainder ot the Dominion the brighter mining prospectS which. the year 1924 hag ushered in. - 1 • WO* The great heart will no more corn. plain of the obstructioas that melte success hard than of the iron Walls of the gun which hinder the shot from seattering.---Emerson. „. ••••••*10.1%- Nearly evui'yonoiliao WiPP nib testing hew:lathes; et thneo.'lgirordered,sten‘- ach-alugenoli 119er &co it, Cheer up1 bseen tho real • relief Chem b eri ai al Stornach and Liver Tablets. The' put, the etomach 'and bowel. tight. All &emote, 95c. or by mail from 9 Chamberlain Medicine Co. Toronto Szreceas , ereffiriS what these indnha‘le done, you e.an dol hi your onto mos Reaa These Amazing • 11 horno you 'easily master theeacerota of solllnir Oat tnake sforia, of Succees 'Star salesmen. whatever your experience has been-mthatever ....A 'ew• you ?nay be dein now -whether or net yea think You ean q,“ •just answer this queshont Ara you anibttioas to tare 010,000 4 year? Then get in touch witirme at 08801 1 Win prove to rut 9,01 without' ebst 00 abligotion the you ens easily betome 8 Mao Salesman, 15051 show you how the Salesmanship Training and Pro Earbyrntat Sarvicb Of '01411, 0, T. A. will 114 you to quick' OuCeen 111 Selling, • 10 000 A Year Selling Secrets ffiberfts n'sa'a Salmnandtp Do Linea bp tbe IL'S: T. 0. 101 011.1,16,1thourAnds, ololont or,bnfrlit, ‚.0 11000 behind Sorpoct the ..1000,1 oDd 000 of DIbitt•ulley job. 0.0 1111D1DofvhDrb-4, rOttor 'wha 9b. pro now daft, tho kW of ouDiDD Were you a ail: nbt 1001,51,, 5,5 01010, Na!ionsj. Salesmen's Training Assoct:atieW cannaiDD• MD, Bon SSZ. Toronto; Ont.