HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-02-28, Page 1No 22
h Te
81}115T CLINTON 011111116 19,24 TVle
'BuckWheat 75e.
Bruiey 55e,
Oats, 40e,
Eggs 2,1e to 35c.
butter 35c to 40e,
Live Hogs, $7,00 to $7.50.
The dance put on in the town hall
on Toesday evening by the Girls'
xiliary was thought by many,to be
one of the eeeasanteet of the season.
The Robeeton. Orchestra furnisheft
the inusie, giving their seeericee free,
and many compliments were heard
about the music supplied. One pleas-
ing featuee, was thepresence of a
umber of the older people', the par-
ents of the girls and boys, who earne
and 'stayed 'oath the end.
The members of St. Para's Dramatic
Society, who took part in the recent
play "The Adventures of Grandpa,"
were entertained on Monday evening'
by one of their members, Me. Bert
Sloreari, at the home of his fether Mr.
3. Seaman, The honoues of the ev-
ening were divided between "Out Lit-
tle Wiee, Lucy Hunter," Mise Barrie
Combe,- aed .'Grandpa,' 3 Rev. C. L.
Bert who played the eart of "Tod
Hunter," the young dancing; master,
and did it extremely well leaves to-
morrow, Friday, to begiu lile sum-
mer's week with the Redpath -Chau-
auqua, vehicle opens its 1924 season
et Tarpon Springs, Florida on Tues-
day, March 4th. Bert will he much
missed by his Clinton friends. •
We copy the following, w rich re_
fer to, a lady well known he edroth
a 1.VI00etort, N.B., paper:
"IVIrs. May Rance MacKinnon en-
tertainecl over 150 children during
the Story Telling' Hour for children
in the ll'ree Public Library on Satur-
day. This Nvas the second oT a series
inaugurated- under the auspices of
Fort Cumberland Chapter T.O.D.E.
The little ones were delightfully en-
tertained by Mrs. MacKinnon with
eve mteeesting fairy tales."
The Royal fielec has been Peeparing
itself against burglars by inetalliiig
a new vault door. elm door is lar-
ger than the eld one arid the opening
had toebe enlarged somewhat, this in
itself behig something of a task, as
the vaule is beet of re-inforced ca
meet. The new door it a massive
affehe weighing Something over two
tons, with its frame. It is made of
battleship steel, supposed eo be the
hardest in the world. It has twee
combinations and a time- lock end con-
sidering the bolts and bars and things
to keep people out we should imagine
that'when it- slams 'shut whatever is
inside ie safe. Manager IVIannieg
says there is nothing outside the city
banks to compare with it. It was
something of a task ,to get the door
in plaee, having to be hauled up with
block and tackle, the rope going un
through, is holene the eejling. Now
that it is there we should say that
explorers from another planet may
find the vault's Contents in good con-
dition six tboneand years hence.
..liTNIONOMMMIC6111111 wow
rafr Wateke4
•. •
Our watches aie made. of the hest material, ibeautifullir fthlehed
and stoutly coneteected. Everything insures permaneney and ac-
Our price are positively the lowest on the enarket.and our grewantee the bemadest. Select your watch front us.
JeWeller eel Optician
Phone 174w Residence 1.743
For Every
Have rrived
all ready for your choosing. We invite
examine them, try them on their boys
Suit and extra Knickers $10.00
The two pair of bloomers add greatly to the seevice of a boy's
.4 suit. The suits are smartly tailored ni three button ss sec. breasted
styles, with yoke arid 'pleats inici three leutton 'bele $10.00
Blue Serge Suits $10.00 and 12.00
Mothers who wish to see their boys smartly dressed in suits
which will give more that ordinaey wear 'eve well find, our Fox, Blue
All Wool Serge the right selection. Sizes 26 to 35.. , .$10 to $12
All Wool Suits $12.00 and $13.50
Smartly tailorea suits of good quality ell wool tweed, durable
,body lining's, patch pockets, all-round buttoned belt, inverted pleats,
These suits represent more than ordinary weae and workmanship.
SizeS 2? to 35........ . . . • . 9312 00 to $13.50
ery 1Jnusua.I Values
in Bays' Tweed Suits $7. 0
T1u inia comprises Brown and Grey Tweed Suits in haPti-,:w6ar-
ing qualities. An ideal suit for the boy who is rough on his
clothes. Sizes 30 to 35, ........., . „e7 90
51, Paul's Sunday school had its
annual sleigh ride 'and supper yes-
terday evening. At the conclusion
of the supper Mr. Bert Sloman, sup-
erintendent oil the school who is leav,-:
ing tomorrow for several ;eoliths, wet;
presented by the school with a hymn
book and prayer Look.
A lot of foils want to quit city jobs,
and be farmers. They have read and
believed, the gush of' the literary back
to the landess. So each mail brings
letters to many leading farmeee ask-
ing what is required to succeed in the
country. Lee IVIehier, an American
farinerewas asked thee question by a
city bookleeeper. He took a lot of
trouble to be specific and repl3ed that
a fanner nmet know about sells, soil
drainage, soil chmnistry, soil physics,
the relation of -crops` to soil and elim-
ate, the rotation of crop fertilization,
best way of handling and selling crops
how to haedle live stock in relation
to. soil and climate, ho* to repair bro-
ken machinerys how to handle various
gasoline engine vehicles and power
PIaelts, how- to do carpenter and
plumbing end blacksanithing evorlc,
must be a good buyer and seller, a
good manager, should-ekhow enough
about bookkeeping to compute costs,
must bave exieutive , ability, should
have the stamina to do fourteen cm
fifteen hoeiss' work a day, and if frost,
or wird or hail or drought brings the
year's work to naught, must have the
courage to take a cold bath and a
deink of water and start,in all over
again. And the above is only an in-
complete list -ea anere start toward
what the farmer "sholatel knoev. Yes,
it is a great life if you don't weaken.
The juniorehockeer team played
their return gaIne in Wingham, last
FricleY night and, although they lost
by the sore of 4.1 they still are win-
ners of the group and now genie:to
the semi-fie:ale with gtratford.
The game was -a very luird-fonght,
heavy-cheekinge affair with many a
theill and some mighty fast hockey,
but as the Winghani rink was so
Innith smaller than our own' the Clin-
ton boys -could not get a.chanee to
work their combination to any ad-
vantage. At one player said eYou
were bumping up against the 'hoards
all the time." But they kept fight.
ing right up to the last, ;
Up to within three minutes.el full
time Wingham had the Celts beaten
4-0. But there was joy in the Clin-
ton carep when Jack Meech gethbed
the puck, workeddown the wing and
scored the goal which Won the group.
, For Wingliam, Marrison played a
strong game inze Bell in goal saved
Many very dangetous shots, he cer-
tainly covered, himself. with glory or
one so young in the game.
The teems were much the same as
last week esecept that Robertonwas
back to his place,
Arrangements are being made for
the 'home and home games 'with
Stretford, thehaving won'from El-
mira by 5-4 on the round, Our boys
will likely play in Stratford ,on Moe.
day night with the return goeue here
Friday, el'aes assay expeet the best
garne of -the season $o be on,hand and
help them into N.H.L.
. elf
11"'A number of stortnbound travellers
played, a hockey switch at the loeat
arena last Thursday afternoon which
was well worth the price df admission,
their opponents being a pick-up town
team and the game was won by the
travellers in the score of 15 to. 14,
130153) goalkeepers were kept busy and
nut up a good game. l3i11 Irving who
was scouting tor Owen Sound and the
pro teams, says that thea will be -a
lot of elms for salesmen be.
fore another winter.
The 'snowplowe going through .'phe
snowbanks did not go against a hard-
er defense than aitInteth and Barr,
The only eerious caeualty hapeened
to F. J. MacLardy, who carries helve
with him the print of a emelt on hie
shin. J. McIntosh tried the ice to
see if it would tarry early in the
gameby coining in contaet with ;
with some force.
Travelers --E. Ee Barr, goal; R.
McRae, R. Sheldon, 'defense; le, 3.
MaeLardy, right wing; W, Carr, left
wing; J. E. Cantelon, center; J. Mc
Clinton—George Elliott, goal; Wal -
tors end Cooper, defense; R. Williams
left whig; McGuire, right wing;
Grealis, centre.
Referee—R. Chapman.
" It IT IT
No doubt there are scene people in
Clinton, who are following the Owen
Sound "Grey Wolves" in their quest
for the Junior 0,1L.A. championship
this year, Freddie Elliett a member of
Chilton's last year .Tuniox team beine;
with them. . On Wednesday Met in
Toronto, , beroge , large crowd,
sprinkled with ale,w 3001100Clinton-
ians whcehad turned out to see a Tor
:nee townsman make good, Osveh
Sound clacked 'Vaesity by the scere
of 7-3, With' good eoachieg Freddie
has developed ,into a speedy, clean
and brainy player, 'who naelts a wicks
ed sleet. lee is, also a haedworkee
and a vele; hard checker. Some of
the goals scored by the Greys were
from passes by Freddie, 'Sevei;al
times he ontskated the whole eTarsitiv
beam and beat their defeece only to
have the 'Varsity goalie Mem his shot
aside. In the last period Freddie
WO s succeesful ID loulgthe the twine:
Me batted in a rebourei Amin e
a11ain/11e in froM, of the 'Varsity eet,
At the preseht time Owon Sound is
picked to win the Junior
championship this year.
UARY 2674
It was with extreme regret that the Mr. and MrS. L. J. Cree announce
word WEIS received in Clinton on Sat- the 'eng'agement o their eldest
urday of the death of daughter, Isabelle Euphemia, to Mr.
Coats of Godellich, 51 foromr well- Thomas eVelliani Morgan, all of Clin-
had ben 311 for a year or 101000 and in March.
known citizer, of Clinton, Mrs. -Coats ton,.the tnatriage to take pl'Arce early
her death WEIS -not unexpected. She
was a daughtemof ihe late D. Mac-
pherson, member ofthe firm ol Made
phersone Glasgow and Co., which car-
ried on businese here and in Fingal for
many years, a business later eaexied
op by her beother, the late D, F.
Macplierion. She was loore in 'Fingal
Clinten and later wa.s married: to Mr. N. McLeod' of Godeeich and
The trams being cancelled even _foe
ay ol so as wee], egeeed eon-
sideiable snconvenienee: Ill Clinton
a number of -travel ms were snow -
betted and had make the best of
but as a young gne attended school etilieearlidt'rla.tl°11 00111 the' tracks wel.e
IVir. Coats and•for about
Mr. Plasket of Clinton were in Sea.
twenty' years made hoe heme here.
It is tveenty years since they weet to forth and on Thursday; wh
nen no de-
ite assmance could be obtained as
reside in Goderiele ege, geees baying to when a teain would come tbreeehl
been appointed registrar for - the they decided to Make the nine -mile
County of Huron. -trip between eere and there on foot.
Mrs. Coaes, while n -Clinton and It wasn't exactly the most enjoyable
aanfteal;htivear pea'enrtioivnasloeiteiti, Gloiscle,e1.4anncleinaodoe . 03Tells:mtirei3nieo,u;eheilillsiv.,,tihereeoeugnihe,dreixitn: over
many warm friendshipe. She Was the a road which had haedly,been earatchs.
only daughter in a'"large feTetilY °I ed sinee the big blow, but they per
brothers, four o,f whorm surveye; D, severed and finally reached here, tired
L. town clerk of Clinton; Edevard E., ahead of
Detroite John K., Windsee' and , Chasbut triumpbant, and slightly
H. oToronto, all of whom were . the train,
present et the eimeral on Tuesday. A FTJ, NERAL OF 3151135 MARI.?N.
few years ago the -only -daughter, of .
The funeral took place yesterday
f ) .
Mr' seed Mrs' Ceiits' Msliell' wife ef
J. A. Sutherland, died very suddeforenoon from St. Joseph's church of
1Y, which was a great grief to them. IVIreme. Markon of Detroit formerly
For some little time the two young Miss'
NeIl-Reynoles of Mullett AL
ter the funeral mass, which was read
eons of this daughter have made their
home with them. by Rev. Father Gaffney, enterment
The funeral, which Was private; was 'Made in the R.C. cemetery, Hul-
toole place from -the home oe her bus- lett. The pallbearers were: IVIessee.
3)140( 00 Tuesday afternoon, the ser -ante Reynolds:, seaforth; P. 0,
ductee by the Reg. R. „. Reynolds, Seratford; James and
vices being eon
C. MeDermide pastor of Knox church. Reynolds and A, Flynn, Mullett and
The pallbearers were hes' four bro--
James Flynn. Clinton. '
thers. Interetent was made in lVfalt- The deeeased was a sister of Mr.
land eeseeeeey, J. F. Reynolds of town, Mr. P. 0.
Amongst those irom a distance who Reynolds of Mullett, Me. Dominic
Attended the funeral were, D. L. Mac- Reynolds al New Lielceard and Miss
pherson, G..D. MeTaggeet atid Dr, Annie Reynolds of Goderieh. Mr.
Gunn of Clinton; Mrs. (Da) Morse, Leo Reynolds, a nephew accompanied
Boston; Mrs. Robertson, Mr. D. K. the remains from Detroit.
Robertson and Mr. E. J. Archibald, Amoegst these teem out of town
Mcsiltreal; hefr. R. H. Coats, Ottawa who were -present for the funeral
and Mr. J. A. Sutherland, Toronto. were: Mrarid leers, J. Be Reynolds,
‘s. , Mrs. Bwyer, Mrs. Fain;
MEETING OF H. PRESBYTERY Spahr„d J. B. Kell God e. h
The Peesbytery of Huronheld its regular meeting in Willis Church,
' ,TLa,ineee:Yannodldsli:SitteryaptfooYid.iti oalnedsleelliffde;osxateh.sr...
Clinton, on Tuesday. There was EL THE LATE LORNE WEI,Slif
good attendance of ministers and el -
tiers. Bev. Dr. Larkin oecePied the The following from the Wallace-
Medeeator's chair. burg News refees to theVegrettable
The' meal anlount of routine busie death of Lorne Welsh of thattown,
ness of the February .meeting, aps brief ateetion oe which sadnt
pointing tommittees, hearing eeporte, was ns- de lW99
9a t k eve
etc., was transacted
swith felling; of deep sot-
. Tee various reports gave evidence
the peop e o Mallacthurg,
of faithful prosecution of the church's heard of the death of D. L. Welsh at
Werk in its Many departmente. the Chatham General Hospital, Fri
There were 9. number -01 otitstand- day, Februavy 15th, Lorne had auffer-
ing examples ef liberality in coffee -
ed an attack af app it he Sat-
eoutioes by eongregetions toward. the urday previous and- wastakento -the
Geneve] Assembly Budget. Chatham Hospital on Sunday, where
The chief item of new business be- he was °vented on at 3 p.m. elope
fore the eourt waseit eall from Knox for his eecovery was held out until
church, Milton, to Rev. W. D, Mc- Thursday when general peritonitis set
Intoeh of Brucefield. It was hearty in and the end eame at 6:40 Friday
and ananimoue, offering a stipend,of aetemmon,
$2000, per year, a free marise and e,
The late Mr. Welsh was born at
month's holidays. Rev. Dr, Fletcher
Prthe claim of the Milton eon.. Clinton, the 29th day of February
1892, the third son of Mr. and MTS.
gregation. Representatives of. every
Robert Welsh. ' eIe received his edu-
branch of church work were present
from Brueefield and spoke in terms of cation in Clinton. H,e eamento Wal -
high conenendetion of the serviees of lacehurg einirteen Years ago and wee
Me. and Mee. McIntosh, and nnani- employed at the P.M. depot. Ten
mously voiced their regret et their years ago he married Miss Winnifred
Colville, daughter oe the late Marry
depatture, Mr, McIntosh spoke ap-
peecteetively of the happy years, and and Mrs Colville Aeter marriag'e
he secured a posiiion at the 0.W &
tordhal co-operation of the Brucefield L,E. depot, Chatham, and remained
Pgie.e°gPajetion l'wheely1 nineiatv:reda 0014-. there a year. lies then. secured a
life and vt'rained iususted n service. He will position in London as Auditor for the
close his -ministry on Sunday,' IVIarch London and Poet Stanley RailwaY. It
23rd, They will be eollewecl with was while he was engaged at this
the good wishes, not only oe the'con- work that he suffered a templet°
breakdown and was forced to take a•
gregation, but of all his eellovepre-
,byters as a -worthy fellew-laborer and rest for a year. Conthig back to
Wallacebure he took charge a the
a true friend has he spent his days
wantheiyu.sj. , E. Hogg, Clinton, was Op- Dominion Express and 0.? 15,, ticket
office, this position he held until the
pointed irtterim-reoderator. The pule thneof his death, Mr. Welsh, is
pit -will be declared vaeant on Sunday survived ey his wife -and six yeee old
March 80th, daughtee, Dorothy Mergaret; his'
Rev. A. MaCfaiiane of Bayfield was, father and mothee, iMe. and Mrs.
appointed moderator of preshyte'Y n, Robert Welsh, three brothers, Edward
for enetting six months. ECM Wilbur, Clinton Niston London
The following resolution
and a cousin, was un -
anireoesly adopted, ton.
Whereas, ' the recent progressive The funeral seavice was hold:1at•Ith
Mrs. Lynn Weir, Mins
legislatione,th °elide dealing with the late residence, Duffeein Avenue c
LiquomTtaffie, is practically effecting
a vevolution, in as leech as it ieer
adieating an institution 'Which for
generations has been firmly -rooted in
the political, industrial, aed social
life of the people and corisequently,
the thing to be wondered at -is sot
that diffieulties are being encountered
in an attempt to enforce the law, but
that to in:mil progress has been made
bh eo short a thnen ;
And whereas, we beleive that not-,
witestanding all the ditfieulties in
the way, the beneficial -results, core-
meeeially and individually are -such as
to w,aerant the contermance of the
And whereas, we are convinced,that
conditions in Quebec and British Col -
melee Goverement Sale of Li
31100,do not suggest then wistlem ol
a similar expeement heing tried in
the Province of Ontarme
And whereas., we are persuaded
that to repeal the preemie law, or to
establish a system ol Government
Vendore, would .be disasteaus ;dike to
the moral and commercial, intexests
of the Peovince.
-Therefore- ere, the Presbeem'y ef
flurom declare oureelves as opposed
to hasty (settee in ramed to the Pro-
posed Referendum and las/mete:Illy
recommend,' that in order to 'ascee-
leen Publie is to tete desirabil-
ity of submitting ThO LiQUOL' Question
again to the people of this; Prevince,
the Camommeet appoeil a select eond-
initteo of the I-Iouse 91sitelnein ; the
TOVN s rv 511
The annual departmental examina-
tions y/ill be held this year abomI two
weeks later than usual, The iViiddle
and Upper School exams will coin,
mance on June 2913, and, tire Lower
and High School exams -will 'not ba-
sin until July 2nd.
.Air. and Mrs. "Wilson arid family,
wile have been, residents of town for
the past two or three yearemintend
eetuening to Detroit vvhere they pre-
viously resided. 11dr. Wilson will go
into bhe hardware besieess lee his
son, ,Traly Pugh, who has been Serv-
ing, an apprenticeship with Mesees,
Sutter and Perdue. The family will
be missed in chueels and social ciecles
and their frieeds regret'their intend-.
043 departnee. •
Wiecisor is having an epidemic a
smallpox of a very viralent type and
mime concern is belt regarding ft.
The Detroit authorities are prepar-
ing; to turn back any persons eines-
ing from Windsor who cannot show
marks of vaccination or )vho will net
consent to vaccination. Dr. 'Adams
Windsor, eorain-law of Postmaster
Scott of Clinton, is in charge of Wends
soe's fightthg forte in ponthatting the
R. er. %lab, of Teeswater has
Bought the Clinton skatieg siink, tale-
ing over the management, of it mi
Monday. • .;
Mr. Smith is no novice in the worle,
having been eondueting a rink at Mit-
chell for the east four seasons. Re
is a brothee-in-law tie Mr. R. Trench,
who built the Clinton link aud who
has been running it ever since. Mr.
Smith says the keeping of the local
rink in ,good shape is nothing com-
pared to the Mitchell one, there bes
Ing a number of curlersein that tewn
and the iee has to be superfine Ler
curling, He thinks that by next win-
ter he will get some curling started
ID Clinton and as feels good sport it
should not be so difficult. Clinton used
to have a number of followers of
the• "settees," hut, a number Of the
most enthusiastic no longer reside
Last week a number of students of
Toronto University organized them-
selves into a club to be knolen as
," The Liberal Clue of the Univereity
of Toronto," namieg as its honorary
„President Premier Xing arid B. S. Li-
vermore "promieent ih VihtOrla Col.
lege student activities; and, a mem-
ber of the staff of the undergraduate
newspaper," as president. The ob-
jects of the club are to study peblic
questions and keep ie touth with ad-
vanced legislation throughout 'the
world. The Coneervative students
had organized the week before.
Ma Livermore seems to be taking
quite an active interest in Liberalism,
althougle he does not tome from a
Liberal family, It Is a good sign,
however, when young men begin to
take an interest in public affairs, May
the new elubs prosper. .
Mr, William Blacker oe.Hullett was
in town on Sunday for the first time
a fortnight, he having beeii laid
up with a sprained atMe.
111r. Tom eacleson has taken a Peels
tion as junior in the Royal Bank, and
Ma Norman Countee has taken Tont's
place with the W. D. Fah' Co. '
iHuch of our corresponcleece was
delayed last week owing to the storm
and reached this office too' late for
ptiblication in last week's issue.
The Moine and -School Club would
appreciate it if the citizens would
save their papers, rubbers and maga
eines for collection in the spring.
Indications would suggest a coming
busy season ill the saw mul business.
Loge are being teamed in these daye
in readiness for the opening of the
ucted by his pastor, Rev. Murray O. ge
Tait, of &sox Church, and the rem 8011S
mains were interred in the family beet
plot at Dresden: Ont. The pallbear- retu
ers were Messrs. Doe 0 -olden, Cecil sons
Taylor, Jacit Caughey, jack Gilhuly,.
Chas. Thompeoe and L Marsh,Lon- Th
don, Ont. • men
The fleral offerings were many and ehel!
beautiful, coming from the family mle°
and relatives, personal friends, and even
church ape business associates and ene]
being so numerous that one carriage ger
could not hold them all. mile
Out Of town eelatives and friends recen
who attended. the funeral were: Mr, three
and Mrs: Robt, eVelsh n'arents,,„ Messrs one
Edward and Wilbur Welsh, Clinton; Does
Mr, and Mrs. Nixon Welsh, London;
Mr. Chas, S. Way, repeesenting the eee
L. & 12.510 315; s
. L, Marsh; T.
Te. Hackett Thos, Partritle, Me. and ele e
Mrs. E. Richards Mrs, Harry Colville, eveee
le. II. MeGerrall, representing the eePea
Dominion lexPee§e, London; P. G. °I Ge
essrs. Weldon Hovey of the Mol -
Bank staff and Mr. Kenneth Rd -
on of the Royal Bank eteff have
need from' theie vacation and re -
e Collegiate Institute commence -
3 exercises take place in the town
tonight and tomorrow night, The
masetc., will be presented this
ing, the sports prizes, the Scott
ny, etc., tomoerow evening.
. C. 3, King, C,N.R. agent at
ardine Sol; twenty years, who hae
tly retired on pension after fiftyyeare in active service, spent
year in Clinton that el 1874.
anyone _re:eel-neer him?
O . C. Llewellyn Bilicey eetertein-
e members of St..Pael'e Drama-.
ecloty at the _epee:Dm on leeidey,
ng lest '. The Society iliteriee
thee the play, eThe .Adveneeree
andpme .thratly after Easter.
Galbraith, retemsentine the 'Canadian 5318
Telegeap,h, Co, Wiecleor; W. feelIar, lee I
per representing the Domineer; Ex- eee
3)10 5, Clhathare; Frect''C. Waugh, rellv 5011510
s Bertha Ramras; who is atteech
Leh school in Toronto, made 77
ent, in bee last best examination,
g ont ehead in a class of thiley-
Mess Beetha -took honours in
neemee examinatioes last stim-
resenting no C.W. & C,hat- dot.
11410413 Mm OUy, representing ,the P.M.
11,11., Chatham; John A. McCallum, 15100.
Chatham; Mr. a.tid Mrs. John Burgess
MT, 9,Ela Mrs. 15 Paupst, ana ,The,
Johe eVestoreseeee Elmer Wes- liospi
Do' (101) the' Co
ltir, Welsh -gilehe,greeely missed In noon,
eerallaeeberrg where has a host eii geeee
annual meeting of the Clintoe
'Lai Association will be held in
uncil chamber on Friday alter._
March 7th, ai throe o'clock. The
al public is cordially invited to
thie moetinn, hoar the alinual
teports and got a knoYdedge of the
workillgs of the Aseociation.
-It:lards,- always kind and ()be eine alia aeteml
recess, lor 91 puepose of getting in -e a iattlitul business nian, plaCe,
fo5'trintie11 011 151a0 iii),ra to fill ill the: coMmunity.'t
Wiinghain has' become a one -paper
•town, A. G. Sus11 of The Advance
taking over the Times, which is to he
called the Advance -Times. ,The new
paper starts next week. The Times,
which was run by the Elliott SamilV
for many years WILS SOW TWO 'YeLLTS
Igo by 11 B. Elliott, to Mr. W. G.
Colgate. Two weeks ago Mr. El-
liott took.back the plant, Mr. Colgate
going to 1VIontreal. Me. Elliott had
during the two years ol his absence
from the editorial helie gone bite the
stationery businese and now sells tile •
plant ansi goodwill of the Thnes to
Mr, Smith of the Advance,
191 • ,.
Interdenomixiational Women's
Day of Preyer has been arranged for
March 791 and will be 'observed- in
Clinton in Wesley churce school room
at' eaumo'clock. A collection wilLbe
taken eor the aid of the Leper Miss
Willis Church
• Next Sunday the pastor's subjects
will be: Morning, "The T_Trge of the
Years." Evening, "The Cortempor-
aneous Christ." ;
Wesley Church
Brotherhood meets at ten, as usual.
Subject for discussion: "The Valise of
Tact," introduced by Mee A. 3. 'Tyn,-.
The pastor's morning subject will
be: "The Secret of a Christian Life."
Evening: "Christian Socialism."
Anniversary services will be held in
this church on Sunday, IVfarch 991.
The special 'preacher will be the Rev,
A. E. M. Thomson of 5 Centeneial
Methodist church, London.
Ontario Street Church
The monthly fellowship service in
the lecture room at 10 a.m. The
pastor would like to see an increase
in attendance. Morning subject:
"repave Religion." A reception for
new members during this service,
Evening subject': "Forgiveness."
The Juniors will meet en Friday
evening at 7 o'olock.
me League meeting on Menday ev.
ening was be charge of the president.
Mr. Johns gave tbe topic, "The Re.
lation of our Industrial Life to the
Community." His paper was a very
able presentation of the subject.
Mrs. Wendore gave an instrumental
and was encored. The program Was
a very snperior one.
On Monday evening next the Yourig
People's League will entertain the
inmates of the Huron County Home,
All those wishing. to enjoy the pee -
gram, and later the sleigh ride, are
asked to gather at the church at 8:30,
Lunch served afterward ,fit Dontinien
London Road
*nits. 10. Siephenson and little Mist
June retuened _Saturday from: a ten
days' visit with the lhdy's father, Mr.
G. A. Bradehaw of Leamington, and
her brothel; Mr. Ernest lekadshaw of
Detroit. They else stopped off in
London for a short stay.
The monthly meeting of the Wo-
men's Iestitue will be held ih the hall
ori Thursday, March (3th. A paper
Will be given by 1VIrs, Osborne en-
titled "An Easter Message." Solo
by Miss Mande Shobbrook. Hostes-
ses, Mrs. 3. H. Shobbrook, IVIes, H.
Sundercook and Mee. jas, Crawford.
Owing to the storm of last Week,
the Community Social, under the au-
spices of the Farmers' Club, whith
was annoanced for Friday evening,
Febeuery 2291, has been postponed
until Teesclay evening March 491.
coderich To*fiship
Mi'. nncl Itfss, John Sheppard of
IVIack/in. Sask.. who have 'been vis-
iting friends on the Bayfield line,
spent the week-etd• as the guests of
'Mr. and Mrs. George Gook.
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Riley oe
eter and Me and Mts. Thos. Riley of
Clinton spent Sunday with the lat-
ter's parents, Me. and Mts. George
Cook of the Ilth eoncession.
Major IVIePhail is attending the
fruit growers convention in Hamil-
ton this week. " '
A number of the young people of
the neighborhood attended the Lem)
Year dance at Brucefield Tuesday eve
IVfessia. J. and L. Beatty are both
:mem, the came of a doctor at the pees -
ea.' Tenet they 'will soon, be restore e
ed to healte. •
We are pleased to eee Mr. A, John-,
sten ahle to be out agarafter his o-
pera Lion, -
J . W. Reid enteetained a,
number of young peeple on Monday
A 501150153 1344 aid of the Varna Pule.
lie Library -will be given enthe Lowhalln
Velma. on Wednesday eve -nine or
era's!, weels, Meech 591„ A good pee -
gram le being prepared.
Piles Walsh, our populer teacher,
entertained the seleool scholare arid
their mothers on Satereay afteenoon,
51 p easant eocial time 1) 3153 spent.
Games wove inaraged in and lets
ice cream end cake were served. •