HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-02-21, Page 8I CLINTON'El 4. s We can fit you with, the Glasses you need EYES TESTED FREE and SCIENTIFICALLY FiTTED , • J�!NSI Jeweller and Opticiae Next Hovey' s Drug Store ,sto—wammagiNciztaxem Sever, er is ttk us and is Scheduled, for a stag Replace your shoo g with a pa r of low slipPbrs. Procure 'a comfortable chair, ii]ace it near a good -light; your picasure i11 be sensibly .enhlinced by a nice open grate fire. Secure a good' book and -settle 'down to positive en- joyment. • We have the books ,and„ just now are offering a quantity of $2.00 • books, mostly fiction at half art c 1110 Wp 11 Fair CO Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Just a 'few special _lines, to start off the new year. We have many other lines slated for clearing which we belie not space to mention but you will find these exceptionally good val- MEN'S HEAVY WOOL SOX Lot No. 1, 4 pairs for .........$1.00 Lot No. 2, 3 pairs for ..$/.00 • Lot No. 3, 2 pairs for ..... ....$1.00 Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, (sec.) Special 59c pair or 2 pairs for. $1:10 - Men's Print Shirts (good patterns) . . . .. . . . .... ...$1.25 1Y13 Dat bargaftis in boots and rubbers in clearing lines. All the overcoats at sale prices to, dear. Plumsteel Bros: PHONE 25. SMALL PROFITS MORE BUSINESS 76=1111;EILMEMIXIMERW Werciase 'ailimagesessucastoemossamacr& ntracti2amascoaceaccusseameamesesmanzat. SATISFIED it the feeling this young man irirli771... has. He has been to our shop and had his suit, TAILORED He knows 'that if he gets his clothing made up here, that he will feel at ease no matter where he is. We tailor suits for all occationS. Give us a trial. Davis & Her an VETERAN TAILORS , , PHONE 224-W .aceaccomesit"ffelrettomaccrammemmatzecauseialsserse 01111.411MAIIIMIVANI 411,,MIAAMSEIP ale. Come and see our window display of Special Assortment Ideal Aluminum Ware We are also allowing 331:3 per cent off all Aluminiun in store Do not miss this offer Sutter Sc. Perdue 13(ARI)WARE ' ELECTRICAL : PLUMBING eerweseems,.. tali! A. ..... . . MT. Alex. IVIcIntyre left Tuesday for Chicago. . IVIr. W. G. Doherty left yesterday for his home in Chicago. Mr. N. W. Trewartha, DI:P.P., was home over the piee]t-end. Mrs. J. D. Atkinson spent the week- end with Seaforth Mends. MiSs Ida WalkinshaWleaves today to spend a little holiday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, S. T. Kenipthorne re- turned to thoir home in Whitby on Monday. Mrs. Roulstn of Arkona, is visiting at the home of Mr: and Mrs. James Walkinshaw. 41 Mr. 0, J. Wallis returned last week from the -North, where he had been since the beginning of the new year. Miss Annie Reynolds of' Goderich is 4isiting at the home of her brother, Mr. P. J. Iteynolcls, who is at pres- ent quite ill. Mrs. R. Lockhart of Sioux Lookout has been visiting this week with her cousins, Missses Mabel, Eva and Mamie Cluff. Miss Myrtle Armstrong, student at the Stratford Norma, accompanied by Miss Lily Cartledge of Stratford spent the week-enflat,lher home in town. Mrs. Smeltzer was in Wingham last week visiting her sister, Mrs. Dis- ney, and accompanied the latter to Waterloo, where she intends resid- ing with her son in future. Mr. Allen D. I.oherty, who came east to attend the funeral of his father, the late W. Doherty, left for his home at Lisburn, Alta., on Tuesday. He was accompanied by his brother, G. L. Doherty, who will spend the summer with him on his ranch. Mrs. T. R. Snell of Lansing, Mich, was a guest at the hone of her .cousin, Mr. W. S. Pinning oE town aver tire week -end. She came over to attend the funeral of her, father, the late Wm. Dixon of Brucefield, who died suddenly on Monday ev- ening and was buried on Thursday last. LEFT GERMANY TO ESCAPE - was a soldier in the German army. • He did not like it. He wanted to OFFICIALDOM flee from the land' of officialdom to the man mentioned hi the follo)vin despatch was -an uncle by marriage of Mr. 'J. F. Wasman of Clinton, the yOung sweetheart brought to Canada being -his father's sister: MITCHELL, Feb. 16.—On Fridayitfternoon, afternoon, Lawrence.Gollnitz, the old- est resident in this community died at the age cf 96 years and six months at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fred lIorne. He.had enjoyed very good health up to the past few months and always took delight in telling stories of his early days in Mitchell. ' He had a wonderful memio ory r a man who had arrived at such a great age. The late 111r. Gollnitz born in Germany and came to Canada at tile age of 24 years and 11£1,s iiVedCIOSO to Mitchell ever since. His coming to Canada iS a romance in itself. Seventy-two years ago he 1 Canada, the land of liberty One day the opportunity came He had a pass to go on leave. Ile es- caped to Hamburg where, after he had,hidden himself for 12 hours, his - ship set sail for America, Another" hour and he would have been caught by the soldiers who came to search for him just after the boat sailed out of Hamburg harbor. With young Gollnitz as he fled was his sweetheart. Charlotte Wessman and her brother. The first thing they did whmi landing in Canada was to get married.Fiveyeats agolait October hit wife died at the age of ninety. Of their live children two are still living, John of Mitchell and When he came to Mitchell first there was only a Sew buildings and the bush was so thick in places, that it was hard to get through, Auburn bliss Edna Raithby entertained a number of young people to a valen- tine party at her home, on Thursday evening last. Miss May Ferguson has returned from visiting friends in Clinton and Brantford. ' Tire League of the Methodist church were entertained at the home of the president, Mrs. Banes, on the evening of Valentine Day. Itobt. Scott -was called to Goderich last week owing to the illness of his father, who passed away at the home of his danghter, on Friday, FebruarY 15th, at the ripe old age of 95 years. There passed away on February 13th, one of the pioneers of this coun- ty in the person of Mrs. Hamilton, at the age of 86 years. Mrs. Hamilton has been living with her son David; and contracted pneumonia, being sick only a few days, She is survived by five daughters, Mrs. Goldthorpe of Goderich; Mrs. Spring of Colborne; Mrs. S. Johnston of Auburn; and MTS, J. J. Robertson. Dirs. W. Plun- kett predeceased her; also five .sons, Joseph of Dungannon, David and Thomas of West Wawanosh, George of Aubui-'11 and, Dr. Benson I-Tamil- tdt of Sault Ste. Marie. The fu- neral took place from the hotne. of her- sort; on Saturday, Feb. 16th, In- terment was 'Made in Maitland ceme- tery. Mr. Jerry Hicks, who has been with Mr. John Ariikur,has taken a posi- tion in Durham, . Mr. R. Scott, sr., is very ill. I-Iis daughter, Mrs. Jewell of Colborne is waiting on him. His son, Mr. Joe, Scott of Toronto, came up on Satur- day. Mrs. Harvey McGee fell last Sat- urday and sprained her ankle. She will be confined to the house for some time. We extend our sympathy. There passed away at her home in Hullett on Thursday, February 14th, Mrs. Weldon. She had been in ill - health for several months and her death was not unexpected, Airs. Wel- don was of a very cheerful disposi- tion and her passing is a great lost to lier husband and family. She leaves to mourn their loss, her husband, two daughters and three sons: MTS. J. Colwell, of Blyth; Mrs. J. Thompson of Hullett; ,Wfm. of Westfield; Robt. and J. of Saskatchewan and' Percy at home. The funeral took place from her late residence on Monday to the Union cemetery. The services were conducted by the Rev. J. Banes. The ig Orange Special this week per dozen Large beautiful oranges, juicy and will make lovel Grape. Fruit, frona Florida Celery, from ToMatoes, from Florida SUGAR --Special price by.the bag , The marlcet is very firm and advancin Get bur price before you buy your Season's For Friday.and Saturday 10 lbs rolled oats 1 34c 10 bars P. Ee G. soap 72c 10 bars Gold soap 72c 2 pkgs shredded. wheat. 25c 2 pl(gs,Kellog s bran 25c A few bargains 1 10c groups, Hursley black te Special in baco Breakfast Bacon Pure Lard, in 31 Halibut per lb , The Same, Old Fish Story Fresh Herrings.per lb 8c_ Finnan Haddie pe B. C. Salmon per lb 30c Filletts per lb 30c Snacks per lb Cash & Carrg 2 Deliveries ItiftwvforetroteogilititswavarAitatsdomwenevowo W. T. Brucefied. Miss. Irene Douglas of Hensall vis- ited at the home of her uncle, Mr. Wm. Douglas last week. Ntirse Alice Davidson is spending a vacation with her mother, Mrs. A. Davidson. Mrs, Cowie of Hayfield is spending, a few weekt at the home of Mr. Jas. Moodie. Nurse Rhea nwatt is nursing Mr. A. T. Scott, who was so unfortunate as to break his leg last week. Mr. - Scott's friends sympathize with him in his enforced retirement from ac- tive business. Mr. Ross Scott has returned from Londen and is looking afterlhe store4 Miss Laura Penfound of the West, is the gueit of Mies Mary Gibson. ,Mrs. John Johnston of the London road is Confined th her bed as the re- sult of a fall. It is feared she will be laid up for some time. Mrs. (Dr.) Albert Aikenhead of Calgary is visiting friends in Stanley townshiP. . • The wonderful sermon on churchisnion, union, Preached by the 'Rev. W. D, Mc- Intosh on Sunday morning; last, has. been the topic of .conversation by members of the congregation during theweek. Many declared they would not.have missed it for a great deal: Mr,' McIntosh referred to the nine different unions in the PresbyterianChe'eh. Church. When the last union was consumatecl in 1875 the vote in Bruce- field was nearly equally divided, for- ty-five remaining !With the late John Ross- and forty going in with the un- ion. The new church' that was built was called the "Union" church and the pastor said he was praying that it might always be a united church. When the -Methodist church wag clos- ed, here their Members joined the un- ion )church and were given a warm welcome. They are now earnest workers in the Sunday school, mem- hers of the session andffic oers of the W.M.S. He said it was the duty of evdry church member to try and find all, the good possible in church union. 'If the wortis.',Of God ye Cermet overthrow it" He left this beautiful scripture passage, found in John, 13-35, with the congregation: "By thi's shall,,all men know -Ufa ye are my discipleg,if ye love one anoth- er." . The service was concluded .by singing "Bleii'he flie Tie that Binds." , The funeral; of ille late William Dixon took place on Thursday after- noon last from the -Walker House, where the deceased had ' lived for many years past. The service at the house was conducted by tlie„Rev. W. D. McIntosh and at the graveside by the Rev. C. L. Bilkey, reetort of St.- ,Paul's ,church, Clinton, Interment was 'made in Clinton cemetery,. The pallbearers were: Messrs. It. McGre- gor, G. I -1111,^J. :Keiser, J. Snyder ,and James and John Swan. Phe late Mr. Dixon, who was eighty-eight Years of age, was remarkably active for his age, had hardly known a day's illness In his life. He was able to come downstairs to his Meals three times a day and it was said he never missed a mealln nine years. He 65 survived by one son, Moses Dixon of ,Saska- '' toon, Sask., and one daughter, IVIrs. T. R. Snell, Lansing, Pinch. It was his habit to write fo his daughter every day, sending his -letters twice a week or so, and on Monday he had written his usual leiter, quite a long one, which was found after his death, MTh sYinpathy of the community goes out ., Snell was here fer the funeral. to the bereaved ones e. Base Line - I pavi Coates, left Exeter on Mondm,s. „,,I4i,s m, ex.11,1e.rison osi. mo. nti,?iii,..is av'i I oofrla-i.f.7c)vheoeiclee.f6oarttEien,gslhairipcloeNdvitihy three- - 'Wig hei. sister, Mr Victoi Iii b ck iiiClifi.'11,,,, .sailed from St. Johns, PURE COMB HONEY FOR SALE CLOVER HONEY in one pound sections, price 25 cents, per section. ' Free delivery in Clinton. Shipments made of not less than 24 sections, express extra. Orders may be left at he News - Record office:- IRVING BROTHERS APIARY near C.N.R. Depot CLINTON, — ONTARIO. 36-tf. t - Coliegtate linstitute Commencement THE TOWN HALL • THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Feb. 28th and 29th The program will consist of a play entitled "A Case of Suspension ” Drills, Choruses' etc., by the pupils and music by theC.O.I. Orchestra. Graduation Diplomas will be pre- sented on Thursday evening The Scott Trophy and Medals for Athletic Day will be presented on Friday evening. Admission 35e. Reserve seats 50c. Children's tickets 25e. Plan opens at Fair's on Saturday. Holmesville • Mrs. Stock and Mrs. Alcook were called to Toronto on Saturday owing to the death of the 'formers brother - in -law. - Mr. S. Swantz of the west has been visiting his brother, Mr. John Swantz and other -relatives hereabouts, Miss Mario n Alcock was in Hensel] over the week -end as the guest of Rev. A. and Mrs. Sinclaix. The hot supper and program put on by,the ,Ladies' -Aid- of the Methodist church on Tharsday evening last, Valentine Day, -was 'fairly 'well: pat- ronized, although the fact that the roads Were not very good no 'doubt kept many at home. The, supper' was good, as suppers at Hohnesville usually are, and it was a well -satis- fied audience which -fa,ced the enter- Aainers later in the body of the churth The Rev. W. A. 'Walden occupied the chair and the program put on was of an excellent order.- The Holmesville Orchestra and- Ebenezer Orchestra furnished the music, which was much appreciated. Miss Alberta. Howell of Bayport, Mith., a visitor in tiro rteigl-ffiorhood, Miss Mary Howell of Goderich, another visitor, Miss Cour- tice and IVIids Marion Alcock gave readim, Miss Elva Proctor and Mr. Leslie Pearson sang solos,,IVIiss Proc- tor and Mr. W. J. Yeo sang a duet, Rev. Mr. Walden gave a recitation and Mr. S. Swantz gave a short ad - ANL Alt r Hardware D, We find an overstock in several Special It will pay you to look thein Pots,'I,arge size $1.39 each, Austri Horse Blankets, Mitts. Dr. II( Saws, Axes and Handles, all at real Id Furniture D In the Furniture Department we Tables, Chairs, Jtrffinere Stands, and We are still offering Phonograph will surprise you. Clinton ardware a THE STORES WIT Furniture Phone: 104 FatatleatealeaCeill WAN Anims. id Or An =Alma .4 mgr g ANIANZAIIINACANAIMIA. ie'''..Aff '''''1111164:1•110.5.77. Moder pa F,lectri gu ki the cleanest method of c USE YOUR OWN UTILIT` UYD1t SHC)I leme,a.mm....nsammaresceromantrx...maamaortammotwarzormoreacras H VENNER Electric Ranges, Fixturas, Bulbs Appliance dress. Altogether it was a very wiring and Repairs. pleasing program and the whole even- ing was much enjoYed. and .appreciat- ed by those present. Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Elliott called'on friends in the Village one day last week. , Rev. James •W, Gordon, pastor of 'Knox church, Mitchell, has received a ....Jail' from st, AndreW's Presbyterian church Peterboro. - • LOOKED ON BRIGHT SIDE seen From an interesting biography re-, folio) cently published, "The Master Spin- n ner," culled the following example „A of philosophic reasoning. ebeei A veteran dalesman of 90 summers, ,. residing 1.,,,i1pn the Y, c‘rkshire border,. ,,A met an 041 acquaintance he had not I suc , A '