HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-02-21, Page 31
si" 061- e
,hOse,of last, J.. R;purl, Sas
rie beer; 750;4 pf the Prolftee, of S4$ an
ord.' in twenti 1922 Was i453000,206 bushels,. a
0.tember 1,, which „250;14k000 bOlie`la Wereyiheat.
e,1923,,- a to- The fetal, IiiiNef the post traess 'field
ire shipPed crops is estiniated at $2272T0.600.
's Adding livestock ,arniother farm pre-
ue.-Announcement has ducts the total .agricul'tural value Of
ade'Vy'tlio Federal minister a the pi:Ovince in 1922 as $505,318,966.
ue ' new, Dead/lien, seed ' ISAlmOnton„, ,i1/2„1ta.---Al1yeits's butter.
Ilfelied- here: .production hiat Year;.• 'was 13,500,060
rea'rb' 'for op. -pounds; or 2;000;000, pounds niarc-tInin.,
005,1-amod-feir.th, rm. tu1922, occolittng to repocts present-
ebee .Will ho tested and ed at the annual rrieetirfg ,of the Al -
tinder tho_Dominitin ,Seeds „berts ,Dairyroon,s',Ifsissociatior,
etoria, B.C.-Tho,anroun o DisSeTIN D'EsTmiss, 0' INbIA'S 1.
L 0
bier, seseed ee „the province of British Sir ,SYdnoY OliVer, left, the ner.,i .etaiy of state-forl
ith° ntual, Elevator Co. 'Columbia,dur,ing, 1923 :was 2,542;280, ponent the seciai equality' of.white, ye1loW and black. r1%03 ,I-Ie'Arled Pat-
-c5nstructien at the ,boad of 000 b.f.M.; ed wit
comparh 1,899,r ti
ake,a 0,f. a grain rage 158-,000 feet in on ificreass c4 ti t1106r;., into practice, as govornor of Jamaica, and chtlars it was a
sutesse. Tho groat expeilmout, it is understood, is about to be 'Made in In-
g a'storage capacit.y of 1,500,000 34 per cont.., oc"cording to a statement
bushels of grain. 'It Will cost $1,000,- made by the Hon. J. D. MacLean, . Will it work? On 110 1111 0110 or 10110 re Copends, tlio 'polities] 'condition'
Werk will 'start in early' spring, i'leting; MiniSter 'of Lando for the pro- of Inclia's restless tnillious, Who are bitter in their' coniplaint at...the, way pitSt
with -e',cpectationk,,,,of having .11 ready wince, governments have drawn the coJor line. Lord Reading, right, the' preSent
by ,Octeher 1, 1924. ; Dawson City, , to viGeroy4of India, is a Liberal in politiesand in his Polley as viceroY.
winrapeg, ,man, -if has diqinitoly the 'rush new in progress from Maio There is every likolihol of the' two clashing, on niatfers,, of administratimi
locen ,decided by -the 'United Fa2:2110i'2 to the newly discovered silver regions when socialist methods are applied in dealing with oriental' radicals
01 C
of 1Vlatutoba -to establish a wheat pool
for the handling of Manitoba's 1924
aroP. incorporation will be ought by
Opecial eet of ;the Legislative Assemr
tlY, now.' 100 session;and,the 3;001 Will
he officially known as thO "Manitoba
Co-operative Wheal Producers, Ltd."
of the I3eaver River district in the
Yukon Territory W. E. Cockfield of
the Dominion' Geological Survey, say's
silver lead fires have been discovered
at many pob-it4, and with rmich of the
area still unprospected there's chalice;
that further diScoverieg. will he made.
Resolution Introduded in Con-.
gress to Effect Quicker
Changes in Ado-anis-
A deapateh from Wa9hing001i
isessia a-Lana/se to amend the constitu-
tioffln -order to bring about quicker
changes in Administration- after the
veters have spoken and to eihninate
Nellie duck" control of legislation and
et the executive branch.' of the Gav-
ersiment, were , seriously underteken
In the House on ThiirsdaY. '
The White'resehition introduced by
Representative White, proposing anal;
an amendment to the constitution, was
favorably acted upon by the. commit-
tee on the election of President and
Viso -president.
The resolution provides that the
President and Vice-president shall
begin 'their terms at noon, ,Tanuary
• 24, whilethe tet -ms, of Senators aqd
Tepreseutatives shall begin on J$11111..
• The resolution contains another
Provision, concerning the selection of
a President in the event neither
President nor a Vice-president shall
have been chosen by Houats or Senate,
reapectively, whenever the election
shall have one to the COngress. This
'latter provlsioo applife to a situation
which it .is considered might possibly
sties' under the present political ch..
Prince Erik -of Denmark
Who smarted Mies. Lois Booth of
Ottawa, grand -laughter oi J. R. Booth,
millionaire lumbermaii. • The' bride-
groolnis itson of 1.1.11,H. Prince Valcle-
Mir, brother cif Queen Alexandria. of
. . • . .
' — ' • All round shoot us are tired and
Speakers in National Assembly clieinscmou,tv'atgiech.d souls i nc 17 ftrhoantteida bryeapdroibn-
Of India Question Good Faith
a book or heard from a pulpit seems
- of I--RhorGovernment '' to reach and te dis' Pei. Doctors; lei: -
A despatch from Delhi says: -The Yens, ministers, -writers do the best
radical.-viewa Of India's right to' Ilome they can to imagine the plight of the
Rule expressed on the first ,day of lonely and distraught and to adminis-
the National Aasembly, were -ealiPsed tor the peeseription. Frequently there
on Friday during the debate of the is succevs, and the condition of those
veiled with a speech clarifying the is-! viated,
motion. Mr. pato inters -who coeeits nine tquheesta:df coimfheorathiiest ailleey.
sties. Wrapping his Khaddat Indian.' uf a. man in a calling that brings him
made shawl more eose/y round his into contact with human woe and need
'tall, grey -bearded and rugged figure , -such a calling as that of medicine
Patel, speaking clearly, but withoui ox. the ministry -is to know the good
pretence to oratory, denied the right he has done, which is the reward
of the British parliament to 0e49t:4 superior to ally payment that Call be
'rhe Will to Live.
mine the time or- manner 'of Ltdia's made in money.
constitutional advance, moreover, he Besides such professional aid as
sPecially quastioned the good faith of may be received feom those who are
the new Labor Government, 'members consulted in doctor's; office or minis -
of which, Col. Wedgwood and M. ter's study -or even between the pages
Spoor six years ago, had supported of a noble book -there is the incalcul-'
the exCtreme demands of Congress. in able help to be found in the tender
reply to Sir Malcolm Hailers chat- sympathies of friendship. A man may.
lenge, Mr. Patel declared that he ex- be rich in friends and little else; and
pected the Swaraj Government would he is never poor while he can go to a
be guarded froth foreign invasion by few and divulge ,the cohtents of his
gallant British officers and British mind with no fear of misinterpretsoldiers, serving under its control. tion. .
The most signiftcant point in his Yet with all the assistance to live
speech, however, was his declaration that may eonm from the science of.'
revision of the constitution would b 001 e f
that the propood conference for the profeasional men or the affectionate
e ein o lose who personally care
incomplete without the presence of for us and want to further our de -
Gandhi, and Ali Brothers, and other signs, there meet be -in the last
HOPE TO PHOTOGRAPH love einaDes. 1.1us possibly places analysis -the strength of will on a
Motilal Nehru idcpo
EVEREST- SUMMIT n a iffiult sition, inan's own part to live hls life, to face
for it vitiates his efforts to inaintain ids duty and his destiny, M make the
,a reasonable constitutional character best of things with a high courage
Third Himalayan 'Expedition for the proposal for a round -table that never recognizes defeat and never
to be Presented in Films by conference. Thi g vvas ehon by his will haul dolor: theflag i d
g n surreri er.
Experienced Cameramen. attempts to move closure, but tho We think -we suffer alone because
eumstanee relative to the electioe ot • chair held the debate pmet go oM and we know so little .of the lives of all
the next Preaideut and Vice-presideut A despatch from Louden ,Says:- certain Swarajitts were also trovill-
Xilder the ssonititutiOn the , Home B1 10015 PreimratiOn% have , been. ing to agree to its premature ceases
eleets ehe presidmie; wedie the so,lato,5 made M take cinematograph pietures tion. 111 had therefore been adjourn -
elects the viee.president under the pf the third'exPedition to climb 'Mount ed Inttil lifonday:
PrePoSed amendment, In the event Everest, which is soon leaving this The effect of Mr. Paters speech
he Houee does oot elect within the country' Captain J. B. L. Noel, FAL was enhanced by the lute-rye/Aim-1 of
time given, the Vice-president is to C,S,, who was re.sponsible for the film two young Swartjists, beth Oxfords
sere, as president "until the H"se of the seemici expeclition,.shown last traitied. Mr. Chamanl I P ',1.) • d
plitys oo favorites. It only seems so 1
A and 1-lealtIll
li,beene'..cue :ii :PilIO
e n
has helm limn gin Tot -mite for
blytoopv.,rrtr1,„0:.,,0,0a0t,,p001,tplhea. heen' attended
-epared by tho Social flyglrnb
Council with the co-operation a the
Federal, Provincial and City Do -part -
minas of Health,the exinint was
thrown open first for women, 13,000 of
,whoin attended in tho first fortnight.
Then it was opened for men, who have
been crowding its daily sessions at
the.rato of 5,000 a week.
' The Exhibit consists of wax roodehs,
stars, lantern slides, literature and
mavioxg pietures-, accOMpanied by, ad-
dresses.expianatorytheir nature or
of present social conditions which 4e{
In need"of remedy' tbroug;h an eaten -
s100 or knowledge. The -exhibitiOn
was opened by Mayor Hilts, who with
Dr. 1. W. S. 1V1cCu11ough of the Pro-
vincial Dept. of Health and Dr. C. J.
0. Hastings, lVfedical Health Offieer
of Toronto, laid emphasis on the es-
sentially national aspects of the whole
social hygiene movement and paid tri-
bute to, Dr. Gordon Bates its founder
Canaki. Dr. Hastings referred to
the lamentable and' Costly penalties of
an ill-coneeived, ill-advised meek mod-
esty, which in- the Past had borne such
'bitter' fruit, and advieed • kneWledge
as 'the great preventive of doefal die -
eases. ,_
Other speakers at the. Exhibit in.
eluded foremost hygienists,' medieal
Men. and- 'women, • social workers
clergymen; 'magistrates, educational.:-
'jets, and physical directors, ^all a
ket Re
111.,10tins I/ to 1.2e:
en tob ,witeat---No. Northern,
N CW,' 461/4e;
kI the ab ,,, bay porta.
Ontario „0-4--65 to 70e.
American c5rn---No, 2 yellow, Of
Buckwheet.:---1,,To. 2, 76 to 30e.
Ontario rye -,No., 3, 75 to 79c.
•0.45 to $1.50,
Montreal Ireighto,
I Tga 45a114 1)2'r ton, Ps;
Orth poxk- i',"iftss- middlings, $36;
good lesdAitsur;,$2:11+,
Ontario' wheat -No, 2 white 98c to
$1.02, outside.
Ontario No. 2 white oats -41 to 43c.
Ohtaiio corn -Nominal.•
Ontario flour -Ninety per cent. pat.,
In jute bags, Montreal rot -apt Ate-
ment, $4.70; Toronto asia, $4.70;
bulk seaboard, $4.85.
Manitoba flour----lst past, in jute
sacks, $6.30 per barrel; 2nd pa-ts.,
35i-810. E tra'N 2 ti tli t
traerc3;TorIito, 314.50; to $711;)elVo.o•12,
$14.503 No. 3, $12.59 to $1.3; -mixed,
$12.50. .„
Straw---(Jarlot,s, per ton, $9.50.
Standard recleaned screenings, to.
b. bay. ports, per ton, $20. ,
Cheese ---New, large, 20 to 21c;
twins, 21 to 22c; triplets, 21% to
22%e; ' Stiltons, -23c. -012, large, 27
to 29e; twins,, 28 to 30c; triplets, 30c.
' Butter -Finest creamery 'prints, 46
tol,-47-c'; No.- 1, creamery, 43 to 4551;
No. 2,42 to' 43e. „
Egg -.Ext, fres'n, in cartons, 58
to 69ce fresh extras, loose, ,55 to 56c;
fresh -firsts, 53 to 55ceitras,„ Eton
age, in. eartens„.46 to 47e; extras, 44
to 46e; firsts; 8910 .40e; seconds, 32
to 34c.
Live poultry -Spring chickens, 4
lbs, and over, 28c; chickens, 3. to 4
lbs., 23e; hens, ovee 5 lbs., 22e; do,
4 to 5 Ihso 15e; do, 3 1o4 lbs., 15e;
roost.erS, 15e; ducklirtgu, over 5 lbs.,
190; do, 4 to 6 lbs., 18eg turkey;
young, 10 lbs. and up, 2Oe.
. Dreesed- poultry -Spring chiekens,
4 lbs. and over, 30e; chickens a to 41
lbs., 250; hens, over 5 lbs., 28eas do,
. 4 to lba., 24e; do, 8 to 4 lbs., 18e;
roosters, I8c; ducklings, over 6
24e; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 25e; turkeys,
young, 10 lbs. and up, 28 to 32c;
eeesea 22e.
Beans -Can. handpicked, lb., 7e;
primes, 115Oc. •
, Maple preduets-Syrup, per imia
gal., $2.50; per 5 -gal. tin, 32.40 per
gal.; maple sugar, lb. 25e,
Honey -60 -lb. tins, 1,1. to 11.,Sie per
Dr. Gordon Bates
General Secretary of the Canadian
Soeial Hygiene Council, a nation-wide
organization interested in forwarding
the cause of public health. Dr. Butes
was the founder of the Social Hygiene
movement in Canada, and has been
one of the prime factors in the pre.
Pa -rattan of the unique Health Exhibit
which has beet running a month in
Toronto and attracting large rest.stird-
n.tui has no Pets. Fate lances.
eeause ,of oar igaorance. The cress
that. we hwee we are aware ofe but
we cannot feel the Weight ahat millions
of others are bearing. '
Lools D:bout you, and the bvave' the.
, ,„ tranquil, the eheerful whom you see
;shall have elected," nod if the Viee-i Year, is again in charge of this aide Mr. Goswainit Bengal. 01M/ea/dal, are likely to be the very ones who
of the uedertaking.. With eXeellen delivery, poured oat have come out oe great tribulation or
oproesugridtsenst -1st: nostNlaceeye ewhoisens the Be omi hio i).orty,, are ..baking, 10, me
11 if I o held red „revolution in the approved Hyde at tido very moment are passing
serve with the President 'Until' the teen cameras oe eh kinste and stzes, Park manlier. Goswami, less polish- through the valley ef the shadow.
ed oratorically, but more academie, The solace arid the strength they be
took the same line, pleading for a stow are theirs to give because what.
brotherhood of the proletariat and de- ever life boaght they fated in an un -
scribing the Indian States As pictura conquerable spirit, They made. up
esque, mediaeval tellies,
election, moire. 6
ive Hundred Canadian Books
Sent to Empire Exhibition
A despatch from Toronto says: -
Dr. George H. Locke, Chief Lib-
rarian in Toronto, has been asked to
select the Canadian literature exhibit
05 be ahem at the British Empire
Exisibition this coining sununer 151
London, England. Dr. Dooko has
stated in on hie tisk and. hopes to
have the exhibits thoset, and well on
their way to the Old Land in a fort.
Dr. Locke has been asked to do this
ly the Canadian Authors' Association
aml expects to collect altogether about
500 Works in Cariadisth literature, ex-
eluSive of books and writings in
, Already a prelintinary list has been
tirawn up and submitted to the Can-
adian Authors' Association presideet,
and Dr. Locke 11A8 received this list in
and he hopes Gus yeat to be able to
photograph every phase of the expedi-
Roe, and, success crowns the efforts
of its members, to take the first pie -
Wage of the summit iMelt
A number of "pietures are to be
taken by a new process of color eine-
matography invented by Praise
Green, This M said to be not only
comparetively simple, but commercial-
ly feasible, as the cost is only slightly
in exeess of that of the novinal pro -
Both MacDonald and Baldwin
Have Secialistic Sons
A despatch Awn London says:- move every day either in or oett, Of t is eontuntously below 12 centigrade
sans. Maedonala sant Malc°,1ral 3.41° The City le the ancient munieipal- the Danish , archipelago, which is
is about to obtain. US degree 'n 4e°11" ity in the centre of the Landon met. eiosed to communication with swedes,.
seat at Um laet electida and did well
. •
Third of London's Population
. Travels Daily by City
, A. despatch from London sayse--;
There ia a veritable roe -lance of lig-
urea revealed in, the latest 131tie Book
published by the Registrer .General's
department London's population Is
somewhere ht the region ,of .7;000,000
and the Blue Beok's analysis of, the
figtuma shows that at least ai third of
this numbele-more than 2,000,000 -
Both the present end the former, pre -
oilers of Great Britain have Socialist that atteient bailiwick still linown 3113 (10 degrees Fahrenheit). For the
the dity of London. ' pest three nitothe the ice has: held
johletalistic eartev. He contested a
tunics at Oxford, PreSsring for a repelitan. area. It has its ewe mil- 'The sea eel/meek:Aims with Germany
unicipal organiaetion and is entirely •
their minds to meet life "adequate,
erect, with will to 'choose or to reject."
Out of their very failures are built
tho foundations of the ultimate victory
which depends not on a blind hazard
of fortune but on a inan'e indomitable
will, -
Denmark in Grip of •
Arctid Temperature
A despatch from Copenhagen
says :---Dcinnark has never experienc-
ed such a terrific winter as at present.
turn from the presideet in Ottawa. bat he expects to have 11,X1 ea joi. Independent of Greater Loocloe. Bur IS Y • sPen e
Ito will start. in on his final selections vision st the liext election will it is tlie heart of Dm huainess and fie- .
I immediately, be returned ; h I angler syetems of' the British Emeir . British inuoigration
at ng ne
o lopes, as a Labor eae a eeytiree er „roods, peeme. months ended Decentber totalled 64 -
- - member- along with Avtitua Bender50 -
ErtPland to India in lb° Hours
son'c, two Sons, who are Sitting in the tion Of 416,150, 'whereas ai, ;light it 12'7, compared with- 24626 !n, the eor-
coetains only 13,109, of whom 01 51010511 vemponding pceied of the previous
Plc di tion of Air IVI' ' t • P''''''" 0 ..,
,Isnies, gat n13, „bags and , tiis p' lane Yet. Made any. Plans .te get a seat in ...-----....-4,--.. ' decrease of nine per cent. Total-iro I
ready. I've a „otiOn to drop. over tol:P'irihun°nt, b'.'ing satisiled t° 51/0", f /
0... A.m.. world's .estiinated stock ea migration for the nine moath peritA
Bombay shortly." . ' . , his oppoaition. te:tile PoileY' of „the forty-two tons of diannmas, more Of 19_23 WaS 124,080,ec'ornpaved with
. • This, may ;be beard in anz? Londo'n 1)(11.tY 0? '-vhic1111'18 f 4011'bl' is tile 1-auer. than three-fourthshaVe been token 40,245 iu .the sarife_period in the pre-
' : household,' soon if the prediction made Baldwin 'and llis son ale the closest from African, mines in the last forty Vous yeae, an indrease of 107 v
recently by 1VIajor-Gen. W. G, Bran- 'of' ahuala' - , Years. - . cog. .
' elter of the BriGsliAir Ministry comes ===- -
time. -The General sailed f 'r I ' '
e c itru!,tYLo. t.iumber Are watchmen who gnord tvith Year, an increase.of 1„.„6 per cent Tin.,
2. Ii 11010 the great: besiheas, aud migrallon -from the United Slates
Elevate') aara:_,‘ and 8emaiist, but 'ha h" ifc't as anoint inteveath there gathered. a'lls 17,2132, bomPared with 18,98e, e
o tome
' OR (,) I
t ratinn ()Pt in Royal Mali Line 'Sfevib• lexdn''S)00'‘'%.45,4Algt V91":04545,0*.-
sNs.,..haoss. Ake s
, after completing ,six weeks of pleasure
touring about this "jolly old country."
>1101510016 0)1037 soon inaugurate air- ,
.101ix service direct to India, malting
the trip in less than 100 hours," he
said. "2 ,am quite confident of its
11 110101 LaICCF1 seyenteen clnyn
ntaito ilio -journey by train and
in ?Tom London to India,' and ,ftf
I10 they sh6tild the tr1p:ere-1u
Now Tork, to 'India, should not take
10701- ;hen 1110 hours at OeStil
, .
EttGat to Stamp Out
Epidemic Cost $14,000,000
12. despatch from Lonaon, 0103'g1 -
he gross airiatiet of money paid to
been in the linitod Kingdoni by
0115 of ecopensation for animals ,cle-
..eigoyed by the atitherities in the, effort
lp etomP °Ut tha fCC't sod. Meth')
esti'maMa at 12,803,000. A
-.statement to thie ofFect was made in
ifonete of Cr)1111YAOT) .011.`Tinirsday
in enswer te a gUestlen•
c- aro IttYirrg in an extraordinary
34111.5 of ,dkedvery to physical ocipnc.
*"..3.11. Oliver Ledge,
whom delivered notable addresses on
a wide -rang o of subjects, but each
bearing direttly ort what makes fox
Dr against cononunity health and so-
cial .hygiene. °
Those who attended • the Exhibit
were drawn from all classes. During
the fortnight's showing for avonien,
rich ladies in ilia; furs eubbed elbews
with rather poorly clad -factory oper-
atives, and the average home -making
motile -a -Of a family was as conspicu-
ous as the many professiorial or busl-
ne-ss 'women to be seen in every audi-
ence. At the showing for men those
who came to demonstrate the old
adage, "Seeing is believing,» were
similarly democratic, but a very grati-
i'yisig aspect of the men'e exhibit was
that so many laboring men attended,
while all the big men's clubs, such as
Rotary, Riwitnis, Y.M.C.A., Big Bro-
thers, Lions and Xnights of Columbus
turned in with corps of assistants to
act as guides for the various depart-
ments, and tWo doctore were in charge
for each dos%
" Over. o1! of instructive
literature were given away or old
during the tenth, and lectures weve
listened to with the closest attention,
while the remarkable films shown
eve* evening; attrtieMd packed midi.
once; •
Thottgb the Exhibit waS tree, men
and avemen grateful' for the informas
tion gained, cloueted enough to pay
all expenses, aml WAS shown elearfy
that e Social Hygiene demonstration
of Ilia eharaeter would be useful as e
permaitent ageney it all large centres
op lila ti ,
The Exhibit will be shown ie othev
parts of Ontario atter it 01108e8 To-
ronto. Six towns have alteatly ap
plied for it.
I have a tasM for trashy 'literature,
tor penny dreadfuls and shilling
shookers.-111r. G. K. chesterton.
sre esal
Plmte ohowt thS ice bridge t o flied on the St 1,Orvroneo 1.;
011 on the lloos. All escapcd safely sGol- a° experience,
lotwen QUO/C(1 711ol Levi
ofc.., it brol
11.11 01010100ltly wltli Ig1ip0101015
• •
-% fins, 1210 2.9
comb honey, per doz., No. 1, $3.'
r $4; No, 2, $3.25 to 33.50.
Smoked incats-,Hams, med., 25 to
2711; cooked hour', 36 to 3701;- smoked
rolls, 19 to 210-; cottage rolls, 22 tka
24e; breablast bacon, 25 to 27c; sne,
dal brond bzeaklast bacon, 30 to 33c;
becks, bonoleo, 80 to 35e.
' Cured Turats-Long clear bacon
to .0 lbs., $18.50; 70 M 90 lbs., $18;
' 90 lbS, and up, $17; lightweNht rolls
105 barl'el3, $37; heavyweight rolls,
Lard -Pure tierces, 1510 to
tabs, 16 to 1610c; pails, 1610 ts;;', 170
prints, 18 to 19c; slairtening, tieaces.
1410 to 14%e; .tubs, /4 to 15; Polls
15 bo 1510c; pr10t8, 17 to 171 -se.
110avy steers, choice, 27 to 38;
butcher steers, elloice 311.213 to 11,,
do, good, $5.73 to 38: do, med., $4.75
to 35; do, COM., V4.25 to $4.50; but.
cher heifers, choice, 36 to 86.75; do,
med., $4.75 to $5.25; do, com., 04,50
to $5; butcher comrs, choice, $4.75 to
35; do, mcdluni, 38.50 to $4.00;
cariners and butters, 31.25 to 32,00;
butcher bulls, choice, 34.25 to $5.25;
do, come $2 to 33; feeding steers,
good, 35.60 to 36.50; do, teir, 34 to
36; stocker, good, 34 to $475; do,
Pair, 33.50 to $4; milkers and spring-,
ers, 370 to 31000 calveS, choice, $11.
to $12; do, med., 38 to 310; do, coin.,
35 M 37; do, greasers, 32 to
lambs, choice ewes, 314 to 31,5' do,
bucks, $10.50 to- $12g.do, mins, r to.
$8; sheep, light ewes, 37,50 to' 38; do,
at, eavy, 34 M e4.50; sclo, cu1ls,„32
to 33; hogs, fed and watered, $7.50 to
87.75; do, fob., 37 td $7.25; do,
country -points, $6.75 to $7; do, selectsf
$8.25 to 38.50.
Oat -Can. lerest., No. 2, 55 to
5959e; do, No. 3, 5333, M 54e; extra
No. 1 eeed, 52% to 58e; No. 2 local
whiM, 5039 to 51e. Flour -Man.
spring wheat -pats, lst,s, 36.80; do,
2nd; $6.80; strong bakers. 35.60; win-
ter pats., choice, 35.65 to 35.75. Rolled
oats -Bag of 90 lbs„ 32.00. Bran -
328.25. ,Shorts -4330.25, Middlings -
356.25. BaY-Nts, 21 Per ton, car lot,
Cheese -Finest easterns, 42 to
4239c0 Butter --No. 1 pasteurized„
4139 to 41%e; No. 1 creamery, 4059
to 41e; seConds, 44e. Eggs -Fresh
specials, 55e; fresh extras, 52e. Po-
tatoes --Per bag, ear loM, 31.35 te
Coln, to triedquality veal calves,
38 to $8.50; hogs, thick smooths and
shops, e8 to $8.25; select bacon hogs,
The World of the Blind and
Canada's Effort.
Before the outbreak of the Great
War, work on behalf of the adult
blind of Canada. was non-existent in
the national aspect of the case. A. few
scattered organizations were located
in certain centges, but the scope of
their activities and appeal was purely
local. The result WAS that general.
lack of knowledge regarding people
without sight prevailed among the
great body of sighted eitiaehry.
The „War came ,and changed 11 this.
Our blinded men soon began to come
home to us.' The admiratioe of heroic
service to the country and aYmPathY
Am the loss of the greatest Physical
blessing known to man aroused an
interest in their,welfarc Which with.
their assistance, was extended to bertea
fit civilian blind as well. It was at,
this &tag° that the Canadian National
Institute for the 131inti was organized
and chartered 1Viiireh 31, 1918, Reads
ers should therefore noM that the In.-
stitute was formed through the.efforts
of blinded -soldiers, blind civilians, pas;
triotie and unselfiah women and inter-
ested bysinees men. Ita objects were
to furnish In every way possible the
health, happiness, education and econd
mkt Independence of the adult blind'
of Canada, and M prevent needless
blindness. To this end it has Wale -
hailed factories of various kinds em-
ploying blind men and women; has
trained end employed home teachers
Who travel about the cottntry visiting
people in their own homes and giving
useful instruction in many lines; has
taken over the -Canadian N'ational Lib-
rary for the Blind and /mule it its
library and publishing ageless/ea;
has organized a wonderfully efficient
salesroom department to furnish at
coat supplies required by blind work-
ers hi the10loomas, and to buy hack
large qt!izetitiee of 'finished and Slik!,:
able articles. 'rho Institute has estabs
lished a department to co-operate with
sighted boAes in the Cantpaign to
0010305T6 01/51011 and prevett the
mese 10 blincineae. It has taken by
Oar the moat extensive and most re,
belle census of the, blind ever taken
io the Dominiet. It hfis given timely
and needed velieli to many individuals
end Familia; whom without this eagle -
twice might „ have become public
charges and.leave Met that priceless*
quality of good citionslop--„aelf-
ospect, The Institato has done man '
great arid noble things, but perhaps:
the whicwill speak to
nehievement h
the public onti grnerel undeestazulinI g .....„.-o-
with tho loudest and clearest Voice 18 Britiah scientists use %ter
years, of the tetal value of work pro- Judeaa of co o
Al b 1 Ninth
Natural Resources
The Natural Resourtes Intel-
ligence Service of the Depart-
ment of the Interior at Ottawa
During the year 1928 Gan -
solo's fire loss amouuted to over
334,619,000. This covers dosses
of created reaourees only -
buildings, merchandise, furni-
ture, etc. There are no figures
available of the loss through
forest fires, but it is known that
the amount was tremeridoua.
What this; loss of 334,610,000
means to Canada can only Ise
realized by comparison. Capital-
ized a 6 per cent, it represents
the earnings of 3680,000,000, or
3174,000,000 more than the total
amount of all Canadian bonds
sold in 1928. It also represents
6 per cent. o/ Canada s total
export trade for 1928.
This fire loss is value gone
forever, It cannot be reevered.
Only new constroction and new
manufacturee can take its pktee.
A.tul the material for this re -
Placement must be purehased in
the open market in competition
with wequimments for new cons
atruction, the increased demand
affecting the cost of the letter.
And Who pays for this lire
loss? There is no supply of capi-
tal available to provide for -it It
must be paid by the public in
general, and in its dietribetion
it conatitetes a, charge upon
everything we buy. A.s insurance
premiums; ft is included in the
coat of all manufactures and
produce, colleeted and distribute
ed by the insuree companies
who also at the eamo timo eel-
leet sefficieht to cover the coat
of mauagement During the
year 1922 insurance conapanies
registered with the -13orriln1on
Superintendent of ineurance col-
lected in preaniuma $51,0813,206
and paid lessee anustuiting to
$85,174,938. While nodoubtedly
it certain amount; of fire loss ie
-unavoidable, Emelt enormotts 0412-
00111(3 show a degree et careless-
neSs that is inexcusable.
that Which telb of the increaSe in firb
asked h,v the Cauadian `blind fi.on, Rult;ho Two Days.,
$40,000 to s400,000 a year.
Is it not a good thing, is it not a A. despatch from I.ondon says: -
eons thing to be it:sharer in ouch a Very great inMrest has been aroused
work, both as a buyer of goods made by an amiouncement of a new method
by ,.hande inigUided by eyes, and as a Preparing ilistalin without the uee of
giver to the funds of the Institute- alcohol. The discoverer of this meth,
for the field is -yet new and the outgo od Is Dr. R. 0. Dodds, chemical path,
Is inucli greater than the income. ologit to Middleeex Hospital, and ht
DonaGens of time, caort and funds the current nuniber Of the Lancet he
aro promptly acknowledged by the and F. Dickens, a'ssistant in the Woe
chemietry department of the hospital,
Make a prelitninaay communication of
the subjeet.
Whilat the old ;method xeqUired
costly alcohol and the process MeV
eight days, it is claimed that t2iiq
Dodd., method requireo etilr avittidsi,
and two dnys for the procesaa!,:.e,elgtde
Insulin prepared by the, nevremeelt;
od, eo far has imen mod soi four cakes;
011101017. o,11 ,
r aoko-osvbldgathcsjr 1i-'
delstedriciis to the Medical lines'
Coutell, and especially 3bp' Doc
Hale end Dudley, The dIscovery„,_
placed frosty at the 1001010110 10 >113511
1 am Ortb of those ivho would rath
ohik with faith than swire'Vsathotit'
---- Mr, St -salty
Camadien National Institute _for the
'Blind, Peetson"Dell., Toronto, Ont,
, •
Sio feet become tired from stead -
g to waah the .disheeror to, iron, try
standing on a rubber rug Dile those
you hevo at your 'front door, //did yeti'
ill notice; 10 reetful 'effect,
Canada's fisheriea prodection
ing 1928 „is estimated to lee worth
340,000,000. At the beginning 10,10o
yeer it, was ,not thought that anything.
like this. ioark would be reached, fete
the Ferdney tariff, had cot deeply int°
osmotta to the United States, But as
the year woro 011 the demand and
prices generally iclaproved,„ thus g
'Jug lisliermen akrig the Atlantic
" Ily m-cli bet`er pile))
coast cspocia , , ,