HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-01-31, Page 8If Clint New ?? aro eti V, CLINTON'S'' LEADING JEWS I2t7 ''S'E'OR PEP lriu' cue would look in a jewellery store fo ii t, but the beautiful witswatches we are showing are ,"peaches" ready to be "picked" up by the buying pubile. EYES TESTED FREE and SCIENTIFICALLY PITTED eweiler an Optician JOHNSON Next .Hovey's Drut Store KIRSH CURTAIJ RODS THE FLAT SIIAPE PROVIDES STEENGT.%I. CURVED ENDS PER... MST DRAPING CLEAR TOCASING, THE BRACKET IS SIMPLE, STRONG AND PRACTICAL. SIN- GLE OR. DOUBLE, BRASS OR HITE FINISH Tile W. a Fall C9 Often the Cheapest•Alivaye; the Beat Just, a few `special lines to start off the new year. We have many other lines slated for clearing which we have not space to mention but you will find these exceptionally good val- ues. MEN'S. HEAVY WOOL SOX Let No. 1, 4 pairs for .. I.ot No, 2, 3 ,pairs for . Lot No. 3, 2 pairs for „:'......$1.00 Ladies' j'31ack Cashmere Hose, (see) Special ;59e pair or 2 pairs for $1,10. Men's' -Print Shirts (good patternsj, at :. ..,$1.2$ Some special bargains in boots and rubbers in'clearing lines. MI the overcoats at sale prices to Plurnsteei Bros.: PHONE 25. SMALL PROFITS MORE BUSINESS ammasuramonommumatresastra Looking Over Out Novelties In Woolens you may be absolutely euro of finding something to snit you, no natter what your taste may be. We show such a variety o£:patterns that everyone is sure to be :pleased. Bear in. remeznbrence, please, that the cloth isonly one item with us-- designing; tutting, honest and skillful "putting together" are factors in mating you a satis- factory suit or overcoat. Davis Sz Hertnan VETERAN TAILORS • 'When 'Hi Need of any of the Following Lines Call ou us Plumbing, Electrical Wiring, Electric Fixtures •and Supplies. Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces Paints, Oils and vatnjsbes 'Roofing and Pumps of all kinds Delco Farm Lighting` Plants' and -General Hardware butter HARDWARE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING aa'sarcmn:4n :JUDGE DICKSON LEAVES SUBSTANTIAL ESTATE -Ii, is understood that application rill shortly be made to the Court of 'rebate of the will of the late Judge a H. Dickson of Goderieh, who died liddenly in his office in '•, the Court iouse_there on December 17th last. The , late Judge left an estate o£ bout; $55,000, consisting largely of ;peke, life•insuranee and real estate. :is widow is to receive a -life interest i the estate, and on her death tho roperty passes to his only dam:sitter, orothy F. Dickson, In addition to us both the widow and daughter of le deceased receive substantial sines' t way or life insurance. A tragic •incident in con sectio:" n it'll. the death of Judge Dick on was is finding OG an unfinished will hick he: had evidently been pepot ung a few hours before death inter versed, The Canada Trust Company'l-of Lfondon, is the^esecutor named in the tm$nish4. will and also in a previous will which is being probated, WILL APPEAR'.B>EFORII MAGIS- TRATE REID AGISTRATEREID ON FRIDAY ;As' a result of the finding of .: the coroner's jury the death of Charles Bulpitt the British home boy, 16 years: or ago, who hanged himself in the barn of his employer, J. Benson Cox, of the 6th, concession of Col- borne : township on December 22nd, an information- Itas : been sworn out by Deputy Shm2if Thomas Gundry a - gainst Cox, and he will appear be- fore Mabistrate Reid on Frid2y nor- nmgof this week 'et 11 o'tlocic., It is charged that Cox unlawfully punished the boy. yj{ 111attmumunua4wunmSugi ' Mrs., W. J. Elliott went to Toronto on Tuesday.. Mrs. F. W. Johnston is visiting on Tuesday Mr. A. T. Cooper "was in' Toronto friends in. Georgetown. Mrs. Robison of'Auburn is visiting her mother, Mrs. S. MMCooi. - Mr. Gordon Hall was home from Stratford over the week -end Councillor' F.• W. Johnston made a business trip to Toronto last -week. Miss Ruby Irwin was in Toronto'for a couple _of days g the beginning- of the --week. Mr. W. J. Bell has returned to Ter, -onto after spending ten days with his mother; Mrs. R. A. Bell. Mrs. Helen Quinn.. has returned+ to Londeaboro after a visit with her sister, Mrs. W. T. Herman, Mr, and Mrs. George Holland were The guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Zinn of Lanes over the week -end. Master Robert Welsh of near Hay- field, is visiting this week With hie grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hicks. • Mr. R. J. Miller and Miss Jean were s,e"in 'Godericl[ on Friday attending the funeral of Mrs. Burkholder, an old family friend. Mr. H. B. Chant returned Saturday from Toronto, where he attended a Hydro meeting. • He also ran out to Unionville .to visit his mother. Messrs George Warning of Biggar, Sisk, and Fred Warning of:Winne, peg, left yesterday for home after visiting their sister, Mrs, G. A. Crooks, of. the Base line. Mrs. Noble Lovett, who hoe been vis- iting relatives here and in Gode- rich for the past couple of months,' left last`Saturday for Toronto. She tell visite there and in St. Cathar- ines before leaving for her home at Macoun, Sask, Mrs. Gandier is in Toronto this week, going down to meet her sister, J. • 11., Matdonald, who returns from Bowling Green, `'la., with the remains of her daughter, Miss • Jean, who died there on Menday on her,way to Florida. Mr. Jack •Bawden of Hamilton was hoiiie over the week -end. He had been Playing • hockey at Stratford on Saturday andcame on. up in tho evening, Jack had captained the Hamilton Normal team, which won from the Strat)ord team in a score of 6-1. James Dunford, Toronto, spent a few days in town during the past week in connection with the disposal of the property of his brother, the late E. C. Dunford. The former is an old boy, 'Brussels being his hirth. place. He lived here for years,— Brussels Post. George Roberton; Clinton, was here' during the past' week on accoi#nt,of the serious illness of James Balldii•' tyne, followed by his demise 'last Monday morning. The former is • a 'brother of Mrs. L'aliantyee and. known to 'a number of readers of The Post.—Brussels Post. - Mr. and Mrs. James Scott left Mon- day morning for :'Orlando, FIa., where they expect to spend .a month. It is at Orlando that Mr, and Mrs, W, T, O'Neil have been; 'speeding-' the nasi] £an' winters and: where they have it little plantation. Mr. Scott has found - the winter rather trying the past few 'years and in this way he is going to miss, one month of it, Mr: Jacob Taylor was in town over'' the week -end and left frpns London yesterday for St. Petersburg Fla,, whets! he expects to spend a Couple of. months. • Mr. and Mrs. Israel Taylor of London, accompanied hint. 'The Taylor brothers, who are en- thusiastic -bowlers, each packed a -couple of pairs of bowls in their luggage and will no doubt spend as busy a eoupie of months as any of ne, , Mr. N. W. Trewartha, 5.P,P was; one of the guests at theLuncheon at Government House on Tuesday, when Lieut -Governor Cockshutt en- tertained outstanding' stockmen and fanners. Premier Ferguson, Hon, Nle. Martin, Mimeter of Agriculture and others were the speakers. This wasconceded to be one of the most sucC 4 es ful' of the many luncheons given at Governorent House during • the past couple of years. '; Startle j TowiitshhI i Mrs. Earnest Townshend of Code,, rich .township has been.. the gest o her sister, Mrs, Will Seot6hincr, the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. John Snotchmer were the guests of, Mr, and Agrs. William Heard on Thursday evening Iasi, The cold, Stern ,weather the pest week made 16 verY difficult for our rural 'mail cagy-jee5. Mr.' . Gharles'xlr rtis 7r n n spent Sunday t ysitin;; his ,sister, i41xs; John lakon- 1 ire ' we have ail the <varieties o Fresh ,i --Herrings and everything in s. meant to talkto you aouar _ 10 lbs granulated su alibu:, Red Sal fl, ked fish, and now, we ar 03 Fresh red salmon, lb B. C. Halbibut, lb L. S. -'Herrings, doz. Finnan (laddie, - 30c -.30e 45c.. -20c 'il`letts 22c Salmon Snacks 30c Fresh oysters, selects, per pint 6Oc APEX Marmalade 35c Canned Beets 30c Canned Corn 25c Canned Pias 25c Canned . Beans 25c APEX Canned Goods are the very newest and Best Quality 5 lb pail Syrup 3,9c Loose Macaroni 2 lbs 25c Corn Starch 2 pkg.19c: 5 lbs Corn meal 25c .Group of goods for 5c each ,EXTRA SPECIAL v. B.3u1kTea 65c lb Group of goods for 10e each Fresh Head Lettuce Celery: . Cabbage Rhubarb Watch our adv. for special announcement about sugar - next week, Cash & Carrg 2. Deliveries W. Thong 48 head, Jr." Mr. John Wat$ion, Jr., and Miss Bessie spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr. John Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. Nay left Thursday lest .for then home at Souris, Man., after a visit with the latter's sister, Mrs, G. B. Healey. Mrs.' Nay has been here since the summer and Mr. Nay came just lbefore, the Christmas holidays. Coni stance Quite a number of our high school students have the measles or are get:- title et:ting better from having;` them, Mrs. Reid of Seaforth has taken up her residence with her daughter, 1llrs. Ben Riley, Thorn, was onlytwo days' school last week on account of the storms. Mr. Robert Jamieson now wears a brad smile since his wife presented him with a belly boy on Thursday. Our mail pian missed -two days last week, getting only as far as the vil' gage on account of the storms and blocked roads. NIcKillap 'township The auction "sale of A. E. Town- attend that was to havebeen held last Saturday, was put off on account ;of the storm and was held on Tuesday, with a fair crowd and-cattie brought good' prices, Master Samuel Scott ef. Roxboro is just recovering from an attack of the measles. Mr. T. E. Hays -is not .keeping as well as his friends-wonld .wish. aft, John Rowes: is helping Mr, Harry 'Cellar cutwoodthe fine after- noons these days. Mr. F. Coleman purchased a fast driving Name from Mr. T. 5..Ilay;i last week.` Frank' likes something speedy' in winter as well as a car in summer. u ipp.en Miss Mabel Whiteman has gone to Toronto to. make' an extended visit with friends.. _ Mr. Glen` Stelek, who has spent the last two months with his cousin, Mr. Emmerson ;Smith and family, left on Tuesday for Chicago. An old-time 'dance was held in the hall on Tuesday evening. Varna Orchestra supplied the, music. The annual meeting 1 the:. Presby- terian church will the held on There - day evening of this week. The young people of St. Andrew's church had a most successful social evening on the 23rd inst. Visitors soon to be a rather scarce commodity in our village. The road along main street is not -badly block ed. Saturday last out citral mail' carriers did not make their trip on'•°aeconnt of the boisterous storm prevailing. Mr Ernest Plum of Vancouver, 13: C., is visiting his brother, S. T. Plum, of Brussels and other friends. It is twenty years since he was east ewe-. fore. The Spinning' MCI b law, guaran- teeing y g ii teeing 825,000.'which was to have been submitted. to the ratepayers of Winghasn, has been; withdrawn, the. council believing that Mathewiinin, t: }ie Ip promoter of the scheme, was with-, , oldii,' some facts'which theyvh „ I have had. Mayor Nellie and Toren Solicitor Hohn e5 paid a visit to Tor, on to look into natters, EVERYBODY KNOWS BETTY ':'.ROWN OLD STYLE IIOME MADE CANDIES MADE IN OUR HOME WITH LOVING,CARE FOR YOURS BULEI ICE CREAM AND BRICK OYSTERS'" w®s E. EN OF Confectionary and Restaurant "We aim to please." PURE COMB HONEY FOR SALE CLOVER HONEY in one pound ,sections, price 25 cents,. per section. Free delivery in Clinton. Shipments made •of not less than 24 sections, express extra. Orders may 'be left at The News Record office, IRVIN• BROTHERS APIARY near C.N.R. Depot • CLINTON, ONTARIO. 36-tf. Odd Fellows' Hospital Benefzt'`- MINSTrELS ALL LOCAL TALENT Come out and see your local' ladies mid gentlemen doing real Nigger Turns,-,. fly contributing to this you are Helping the Hospital. Town fall, Fele da Admisisen 35c. Reserve Seats 50e. L.O.L. (NG Tylne Dance An old time dance will Abe held in 'the e ;owls hall on Thiarsdail, under the iubniees of L. , Clinton s O L:. Rverbody welconxe, dome and have good old dine. a sea 1 acts i s •i iz oii,5c and z d t 2i tax x per eouhie Ladies Protide Lunch 38-2 evis130119s FhollogPaphs and ' oiords We are offering Extra Special Prices on Phonographs which certainly will suit any one who wants a Phonograph Extra Specials 10 -inch -Columbia Records 12 -inch and Red Seal Records $1.00 50c each Don't Miss These while they last Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co 'TIIE STORES WITH A ,STOCK Furniture Phone; 104 Hardware 196 IVIadern Bice ec T'sn itch Furnish the rest of the house as elaborately as -a palace—go hack- to the periods for your ,fuoniture.dosigns and, to Porsiz, for year• rugs, but nothing will call for the admiration of your guests like' a modern electric kitchen. + the cleanest method of cooking all foods •USE YOUR OWN UTILITY - IT LAYS 111(D10 0 oma vu xsem, - C. } . V 8 ` .res 'ileetrician ELeetrie Ranges„ Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fang and oth p Wiring and co rn, Phone '151 naxece:, weaxc• ,>n enra rt,rwmm,m:w'a, :, e„emvpmm..avm,.ra,.,.xetn av,am.,: cavo iT ....>earvaten ur Rev,16 William ,7ewitt who has $Ir•s. ITenry Makins of Exeter died been `superintendent of religious ecru- vert* suddenly on Tuesday inoi'nih o ti First cation at -Methodist church, Lon- Inst week, being ace found dead in beds.. don, for some time, has tendered his 4 ,_he diad not; -been in good health .fo gnation to' ': 1 e r zosi ,.. na c effect in June. n . , ;. , c,€,u>71e of mfrs lviaz{lust: 51 Je i Io 1 tr formerly pastor { the BIS me t rt t V to t he:fa• r"1 i resided s de fol Y d F time in - 1 zSt r s o i c r r Jewitt w t is a'•sots ox the ,Trey. ,blr, inai` e d n razue Y -1 ,S Mie i S .t Smith itli azi tl dist hu eh. whip, ;illi i' ,- o