HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-01-31, Page 747r7P"4' Si•-.Sigaii,,,,,totalOdoirAVOluaLSOACKASO.... 270?0 diCUlair Petr)P ei* iX pac sartz day in airtight cans ‘n ff.v2141- •,, secured -Bliss Gunn as she came to thh• if An 7e. lel. nurface alter sinking, both were swept away by the strong current, and were unconscious ' When finally brought `4,0 • , ashore by Garden 'Mamas., ,• Tiltr.lking Aloud, . Theins Dandseer, -brother of Sir General Manager Sleeping, Dining and centre of the court and or soCiety, of ,e-i-dwie, the fameee animal peintsi., Parlor Cars and Rall5var Restaurants' the bureaucracy and of the army. Ives ono :01 those amusing but discon- Canadian National Bail:ways, whose Other European cities like Trieste, ceiling persons, who not only itre,rib-' duties have been extended to include Bfga and Vionna saw the currents of sent -Minded but have the habit ef'un- hotels, following the • resignation nf commercial life diverted from them at - Consciously utterinialoud•th3tight and 11Ir. D. 13. Mulligan, formerly General ter the World War, Mit'their prosper.' comments that they have no intention Manager, Canallian 1\l",afienaI Railways. mai days are sure to return. On the• of monce making publid. Called upon to Ofels• • contrary, Petrograd, having lost its - pc - 710w a landscape by a friend, as ama- • . - litical importance as the capital of an ..... teur of ncyroore than mediocre abilitY, _ r o. • i , in ire' can never recover, , It enn he politely said- what lie honestly - WEAK Alialillit) 1110:11EN- . neiPther''be revived nor transformed; . can neer adapt itself to the new con- ' ; dltions. In the near fiiture tourists What They .Need to Restore will visit the ruins of Petrograd MI When the lee Breaks. Thir bhy who knows what to do when the. ice 'breaks may, because of hiS knowledge, be able to save either his pwn life or the life of a friend. The Salutary issue of "The Scout Loader" carries • some particularly timely advice to Scoutmasters in Con- could in praise of a minor detail here Dection with training their boys In lee and there, Then, much pleased with • secident prevention, and the current, himself, that he had so tactfully es - issue of "Boys' Lite" gives Boy scout caped the ordeal, ho murmured a few readers the following simple coMmon- inarticulate huna's and ha's, took a Good Health. and Vitality'. our forefatheris would contemplate the - • ruins of medieval Rome. After six sense 'dir4tions which Should be in final look and as he turned away said • The woman who „feels tired out, who years .01 Soviet nth/ Petrograd IS al - the mind of everybody Who indulges in under his breath but quite audibly, aches all over when 'she rises in the readY a (1Y/rig citY, winter 0110rts: "Poor char!! Poer,chapi And ho morning, who feels depressed most of The death of Petrograd Is the death Always be Prepared to help a Per- thinks he can paint!" the time, needs the help that Dr, Wil- of one of the world's Meet wonderful son who has broken through or fallen c•e• Ven MOre.embari•assing were -his llams' Pink pills can give her—new, cities. For Petrograd was hallt on an into a hole in the ice. Eaeh Scout, remarks upon another painting, this rich blood and stronger nerves. The even more eele"a"nale than Mns"W' ShOuld carry a guard -rope ehat- 11010 be a s guished portrait paint- number of disorders caused by poor EVen mere than, llteeeeW it is a city INtliSS America 6eCtzli-e5 Po[ile*.:1361'13'!;',:terk ' '01'41;g h the It re 116'1' 11,8intidE3V2Igt1 Hell° C4517/ „:„1,1-te nursing wolp.1:4,,,,;101puglit her ,„ ,---S infant ' , 1)0 to 1iittbi'akt118.1611;" 1114 gultis abd„ ,,b il , 2,, ,., ,, nt papa as made the offel or, ,, ,11,.t., t„,,t t t soHRGum 3. b 1 shall have the naming of nor, ' ,, ' torY, Box 445, 10100 1) fol. trial' NOW I v.'ontler what would please her,, orofIwilr7 wetiflitrelipbecifile, 11h1;ofhlvl,slanAomnorticvajo° ' reeurded' if not satt3Ileci' Ann and MarY, tlloY're too common; PhotograPh bY Atlantic facie SerViee, • 7,, Charlette, Julia, or Louisa? . • i owed its e,cisteri.ie to, tile flat of Peter r -I Co Moscow meant a sentence of death vastated by floods, the 'miner capita phical cr economic advantages, buil °I1 a marallY awan1P' Pe.ri°dIcallY .d,e- Better in old English. boolts; against Petrogtad, which is an entire - i3 artificial city. Without an-' geogra 'The removal et the Russian capita. A Dying City Joan's too formal fo ' • • di.h s piett)., but that loolts Ben•e left off long ago, They would 'hay. if 'twas Rebecca, Jane' 0 a prettier intrae beside* That bhe os 0. little Qualrer. But we had a june that died. Blanche is out of fashion now. c ,,. :::'1„•1* -s'l ,,,,,,,,, ,• ••4'4-C. • ,•• , , • I the G2'eilt It could survive ,only a Noite that 1 Lave futnied as yet. 41,, ''''.-,!-I' . Aro so good as Margaret. Emily is neat and fine; -'-, I ''(:: What do you think of Caroline? 1-11c, Mr IA/alter Prat a it ot 1jeuryand pleasure ail' a Ing, In case of accident the rope end er, whose subject was- also a man of blood is amazing, and moot women are of palaces and granite ernbankinent, ot IS tied around the waist of the rescuer distinction asi VIDA go ot hfih rank, but careless about the condition of their spacious parks and. treasures of art. who, flat on his atDDISDh, hitches as one whose physiogrionay•was decidedly blood. Their nerves are quickly- at- -Ito cyclPean monuments were the ex - close to the edge at the hole as he can. more striking than, beautiful. The fected;' they worry over trifles anddopression of a desPotic will which'con- !Here, he grasps the wrists of the per- gentletnan, Who was heavily beardetL not, obtain refreshing sleeP• There trolled the labor of countless slaves. eon in the -water while his companion ,had., rather flat nose and heavy oyer- MMY be stomach troubles and head- Think of the Winter Pala 3, the larg- • pots them both cult of danger.. In case hanging browa beneath which gleamed: 'aehes; shortness of breath and a fiut- est royal residence In the World. it companion is not present the res- a pair of small but darlcand piercingtering of the heart. This is a condi- Burned down in 1887, within twelve carer bolds one end of the rope and eyes. Thajais Landster viewed the tem that calls for Dr. Williams' Pink months• it was rebuilt at a cost of a throws the other end to the person In portrait ith .t t Pills, the 'hlood-Improving, nerve -re„ hundred millions of rooney and thous- ands of hunaan lives. In Czarist Ras - ala, even as In Soviet Russia, human lives wore alway.s held, cheap. front of another portrait, one of a anaerala I was always tired and tlie charming woman, communed with least thing would =eke me sick at the Choral Music Needs En - himself, but audibly: : stomach, 1 could hardly go about and. . -COurageMetitt "Ah, that's bettor! That's better! suffered terrible Paine in my legs -from Choral music in Canada requires a The other was a geed piece of work, cremes. I had no color in ray face and staunch backing from the People Who but net quite in re line. They ought -was as white as -a sheet, The doctor part afford to offer- theiNniettint as a to liaVe called in Edwin to paint sin gave me seiteral kinds of 'medicine,' furtherariee of this kind of music. but could not understand why ldichnot There are mhu, many OhOrtleeS vary - get results fronoit alms. ivi.t to a tug from good to very bad, but ,there hospital' and was there for three eve SO fene-that ere really rem/triable menthe, but came home no better than that they may" be easily counted, when I went. -My friends ''««- AS it is now, in some larger places ant 0X93011seu the•water. If the Pernon le not strong cordial admiration, of its eXeclaion. enough to grasp the rope, it is nes- Then, to the dismay of artist and Sub- fible to pass one end of the rope Ject, both of whom were ni•esent, he around your own body and the other strolled casually away and, pausing in one around a tree OA the shore and craw/ to the person who has •broken through the ice. • . "There ars other methods whereby n skater may be reached who has broken through the ice, . * "A coat sweater, or shirt may be used when crawling DA the ice 10 0)3110 old clifinpattaes like Lord Blank!" a rescue. ' Get close enough for the Fortunately -Lord Blank was a "chino person to grasp the article with which paezee" with g sense of humor. Ile to give him imates°. Slide back as burst out laughing ad Insisted that the Victim emerges from his icy bath. Thomas, whose apologies when, he A flat b d I storing- tonic. Mrs, William Henry, Loyett' Street, London, Ont., has proved the valie 'of these Pills, and sayil: "I had a very severe attack of overy 30011 30 eustrsoute und he had apoken aloud were On- ried and feared. consumption. While weight and gives the surest kind of a cere and horrinee, should by way of I was still in this condition a friend platform on which a person can draw 1 AtQloenient take him to yJs1t bia himself to safety. Broken trees and. brother's Audio. The visit led in turn saplings can be thrown to the victim to both brothers visiting later the • and beaso arranged across the -hole by-, peer% castle,, There Sir Edwin exe- biniselk that he can rest on the sapling anted a splendid portrait, not of the and extricate 'himself frem bus diflicult owner, it le true, but of -his three dogs. position. In case yep break 'through And go completely under the ice, oneo How to Handle Battery. , your eyes and look above $o that when It YOU use a storage battery you The new Sales tax will not increase you come Up you ca11 head for the probablY. halm Sem the effect of a the price of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, brightest stoat of light cast by the spilling aold on floors or -carpets. Get as the company pays the tax, You cau break ia the, ice. ' a mall box, or build, one, say three still obtaiii the pills through any inedi- foi in. the waterano nta.tter inches larger all around than your bat- eine dealer at S0 °eras a bex, or by hhw Cold the weather, build a, fire or tery. Paint or ' stain the outside to mail, post paid; at this price, from The , to to some shelter, take ofe all Year matelt the furniture. Paint the inside Dr, Williams' 1VIediclue Co., Brock- clething and wring It out dry as, DOS- with several .coats of heavy paint, or vilie, Ont. , table, You wfll be warmer afterward." asphaltunt paint, if pose:bin. Have no * advised nte to 117 Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills. 1 trial them and deter a time felt they were helping me, and I glad- lycontinued their use, and ani thank. ±111) to bay that 3 ant agein a well wo- man, and I firmly believe that had it not been tor Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I would not have got better," Three Awards for Life Saving, open cracks, Put.casters or easy -;lido . ' A bulletin issued by Provincial Head, kith)* on" the bottom of the box. It The Stick -Together FernilIr.• . quarters of The Boy Scoots Asso1a JIvill ' keep the battery safe, keep acid There are some who seem to taner tion, Toronto, announces the following ; off 'the floor ancl afford a place to keep life-saving award.s to Ontario Scout reeeetaele for the hydrometer and a • and Scout leaders: small bottle of distilled water, all to- ' The Gilt Cross to Scold Aulden Mor- gether and all attfe.—O. M. 0. -gam age 18, let MacTier Troo.p, for stopping runaway horse by climbing out, on the shafts until able to reach WINTER BARD ON BABY the reins and thus saving from injury- . or death two children who Were in the Wagon. The winter season is a hard- one on the baby. Ile is more or less confined ,The Gilt Cross to Assistant Scout. the brothers and the sisters to staffy, badly Ventilated rooms. It is master .1, S. Richarda, age 20, 1st Lit- tie Gerrent Troop, for the rescue so Often stormy that the mother does. 'Who together share their fun.• from of Cecil Hall, who had fallenot get him nut in the fresh air as droWning n often as she shoeld. Ile catches colds -with life bicycle from a wharf at Little Current, which rack his 111110 83810511 hie stom- Ths Silver Cross to Scout Darrel ach and bowels get out of order -and be Allem-beconies Peevish and cross. To guard age 15, , St, George's Troop, Peterboroagainst this the, mother should keep -a ast, for diving front a bridge box of Baby'e Own Tablets in the and attempting to- rescue a Miss plain from -house. They regulate the -stornach drowning. Ansa reaChed- and andbOwels, and break up colds. The new sales' tax will not Increese the •AdVerthelnerata Price Of Baby's Own Tablets, as the FOR SALE company pays the tax. Yeti can still POUNDS LEAF TOBACCO. ONE m obtain the Tablets through alty edi- ta. 71-m -..paSund is -flue cured, Mailed all clue dealer at 85 ealltE1' a.box, Or by mail post paid .froThe Dr, Williams' Learei 07er CanlIcia ler $8' Lewis Wigisngton, Ont. i 'Medicine Co m Brockville, Ont. That for gladness -they must roam,. That for smiles that are the brightest They must wander far front Immo, That the etranga friend is the true friend, - And they traVel far astray, • And they waste tneir Byes in striving Por a joy, that's far awaYt •• 13uto the gladdest sort of people, When the busy- day is done, The stielotogether families Are happier by far, Than the brothere and the sisters ! Who 'take separate highways 0.70, The gladdest people living 11 Are the wholesome folks who make A circle at tile .firesids That no power but death, can break; And the 1Ie4t of conVentiens Beer -held• beneath the sun, • Are the little family gatherings When the busy day is dote. —Edgar A. Guest. the choruses are partly paid, due to the inability to. seaure the right 'sort of singers. The results of such a chorus rehearsing several times a week would be amazing. The average amateur sogiety has but one rehearsal a week, with usually a large percent- age of absenteee, end makes but little artistic- progress from year to. year, Thus thegesooletiee are: unable to Pro- duce the greatest oheral works, whIch often lie unnoticed for ,many years, On the whole, choral music is badly in need- of strenuous irapr,aveknent. Froin His Poltirof Mlunje Manthatier--"Do 'you believe in love at first sight, Mr. Cabby?" Titus Canby—"I approve of it. If a man could Inspire love at that sight ,it would save him the expense of e prolonged courtship." , INDIGESTION CAS 1 STOMACH TROUBLE "Pape's Dittpepsin" is the quickest, surest relief for Indigestion, gases, flatulence, heartburn, ,sourness, or etomach,distress caused by acidity. A few tahlete- give alinost Maraediate stomach relief, Correct,your stomach and tligastiou -now for a few cents. Druggists sell millions of packages of Ask for MlnarSts and take no ether. "PaPe'a DiaPePein. 11 -ete:Ma'; tite$WIWO • CANADIAN ALL THROUGH -since 1851 Is this the best Bovril Poster? 44 1,V • Alas! 1113 este &ease" 1-• A atm oar loot Bovril • bridos the 6101) botwoen am000elowevardalzoobroloemOnvAfoorsavora ,SSAr eetesseiestat, WINTER SPORTS AT VANCOUVER , /t appears that after all, Canadtanil need not seek the Southern ellnieS ho order to enjoy curt bathing lo tho, winter time. Look at the pletures..above.- Tho photo- - :graphs from yvhieh they were reproduced Wore taken gt Vancouver on ChristniaS day, About twenty mem- . bora of the Vancouver Amateur Swiraraing.Club took tbe plunge •Ivith. •1.11e v•ator at 51 11030061 1)314 they. found it mote inNigoratIng than, COld. Raw I'm puzzled and perplexed • Wbat to choose or think ot next! ' I am In a little fever Lest'the name that I should give her Should disgrace her or defame her; . I will leave papa to name her.. ' Lamb. ere It Comes From. Violinists often wonder, no doubt, whence coulee the hair on the bows, without which the most eloquent Slradlvarius violin is practically voice- less, The Scientific American Informs us that horses are bred in Tinsela for this purpose. The finest bows are con- structed with hair' from white horses, and special ranches are maintained tor the breeding of horses Wh011e hair Is of that color. The primary sorting of hair tai's place at the ranch, from which it goes to the bleacher, who bleaches the hair with sulphur. It is bound up in hanks of 100 to 1110 hairs, and the hanks are Uteri ready for export. One hank us- ually goes to a bow. On arrival at the Mt* factory, or thei-os-pair roam of a large dealer, the hair is -combed and fixed on the end wtth shellac, The haliala straightened out by =earn of a special comb. WOMEN CAN DYE ANY ' GARMENT, DRAPERY Dye or Tint Worn, Faded Things New for 15 cents. Don't -wonder whether you can dye or tint successfully, because perfect horae dyeing is guaranteed with "Dia- mond )Dyes" even if you have hevir dyed before. Druggists have all cot - ors. Difections in each package. - A Sad Fate. ' A positive opinion became loat and in its wanderings it encountered a lot of pace -Seniors, among whom, it ransh. led aroma until It died. Not one of them vtotild• have anything to do with ft; In feet, the most of them had -never heard of such a Cling before and were instantly eolivineed that It we polo. 0110115, Beware of 'Inflations! Inilesa you see the name "Bayer Cross" on package or on tablets yen arenot getting the genuine Bayer As- pirin proved safe by millions and pre- scribed by physicians over twentY- threeorattsrs for neadac'he Toothache' Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism:: 13 Accept1e"Bayera'illbch un rTonkb:Irale aol'et; ali' sep or 01 it'll: tains proven directiens. Handy bezel: of twelve table cost few cents. Drag. gists' also sell .bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufactare of afonoacetioacidester of Salicylicacid. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer Main/facture, to assist the public against imitations, the*Tab- lets of sayer Company will be atamp- erl with their geueral trade mark, tile "Bayer Cross. Small Child--"Mumsey, do, come' and leek! There's such a lovely yel- low bird with a green Weis. I think it must be a canary that's not quits, eiinard's Unit -tient Heals Cuts. So long as a man has the power to change one habit, good or bad, for another, so long he is responeible for hiS own character. - Delicious, strengthening 1-,cof-toa " and dOzans ei other I:i•eiy 4116 nourishing dialms May be cozily 14d quickly preparod witb .. . In dos e14, 10,110 nrol'l 00. Mien Mary Kathie .• Campbell, twice proclaimed; "Mass America," has taken -TANLAC1 and endorsee it in a I statement recently given to the wo- men of America through Iiitertiationel Preprietariea, Ine., distributorof tido , great tonic. - In thiseete,tenitent, Miss America declares that Good Health is the baeie of all Beauty, and advisee women who would bo beautifnl to "first find good health'! Her complete statement es given Is at:Iola:me:"I donsider it a great Privi- lege to , able to tell the thousands of- *women, everywhere what -a, great tonic TANLAO is. Health 1 the basis' of all beauty. 'Without good health, one is apt to be ran down, nervous, underweight, highoitrting, anaemia. In. digoetien drives the roesila from a we. alan's cheeks and robs her of that radiant quality of womanhood that it reel 'beauty, "I las!vetaken TA.NLAC and 3 do•not hesitate te say that It la a wonder health -giving tonic. It has brought res _lief and good health to- many women, and with good; health one may have 0. measure of beauty that will overCote. shortcomings In face and figure. a "Rosy cheeks, sparkling eye, a well. rounded figure, a lovable disposititen go hand in hand with good health. Tat those searching for bOttUf7; I areal, tiay—'First of all, Find Good Health The TANLAC, treatment has proVeal itself a boon to womankind, and I to eammend „ Mist Ciuipbell has written S. boot: let en. Health and Beauty- 'which may be secured by tilling oat the 0.01(904below. • INTERNATIONAL PROPRIETARIES, INC. . Department A.103, Atlanta, Ga.' Gentlemen: I herewith enclose 10 cents (stamps will do), for which send me a copy of Miss Ifathetina. Campbell's: Booklet on "Beauty and Health." Nam o . ........ . .. ..... ........ Street Tawn . . ... , . ....... ,....... State . Mother! Givo Sick Child 'California Fig Syrup' Honorees Laxative for a Bilious, Constipated Baby or Child. , Constipated, bia • tette, feverish, or ')'• sick, colic Babies an Children love to tako genuine 4a„• "California V' ig SYrula" No other a a / laxative regulates the tender little bowel:: so nicely. It sweeten': tato stomach and starts the liver and bowels acting without griping. Contains no narcotics or soothing drugs. Say "California"' to your druggist and avoid counterfeits! [neat upon genuine "California Fig Syrup" which contains directions. A young Polish girl in a New Tork school, asked in common with her class to write an essay on the differ- ence 'between an educated and an in- telligent mans summed up the matter: "An educated man gets Kb thinks from someone elate, but an intelligent man works his own thinlos." Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. If lost or etolen you get yoer Money back. Clattadde total 1928 ;wheat crop was estimated at 470,000,000 bushels, Keep MI:lard's Liniment In Ms houss, Men are like sheep, of which a flock is more easily driven than a single oria—Whately. A rogyou, EYES whlesomepiem___Iodefffishig RS DAVIS MoinatEtna is known to httve bees active as a volcano since 500 B.C. inlinard'a Liniment for Dandruff. • cao-o-o-o-oo-o-o-o-o-o•o-o-o-o-e The Cause of Heart Trouble Faulty Aleutian causes the gene- •hatIon of gaseo In the etomaoh whloh Inflate and presson the heart and Interfere with. Its re- gular action, causing faintness ehd pain, 15 to 80 drops of Igethr ernr eti gsealt ?tFgreas%voon SyrupegIi 0 which allowe the heart to beat g and regular. At druggists. 9 o.o.cao-o.o.o•o•o•o•o- o.o.o.o•O•o. a•e-o•cia CUTICURA HEALS • ITCHY PIMPLES OverChinandCheeklarge and Red Was Discouraged, The pimples I suffered from were seetteod over ray chin and cheek. They were large and red and after a day or two '1.') festered over. They itched and when I stretched them the tops ip„Its 'Would come oft and a •watery fluid would come from them. The txouble lasted several 0)011(1)3 8(0(1 awas aw. fully discouraged.. " I read an advertisement for coo - CUM Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. After using it there was a marked change sol pur- chased more, vehicle heaied me," (Signed) Miss Edna Prowse, Alone pariel Farm, Cluny, Alberta. Hee Cuticura for alt toffstpurposee. asimple byttatt. &largo: "Lyzilin,Led. 1165, 884 81,1'101 Bt., It natal." Bold every. *hero SoA020A. Oftieneateaantlbea Totearof 5c. KitArcuScara Soap Atwell without zOOV. Pe Bitro-Phoaphate feeds the nerves, and old people need it to make' them feel and look younger.- It's the one best nerve bender for weak, norve-ex- haustedmen and women and that is Why druggists guarantee it. Price v. - per , pkge. Arrow Chemical Co., 211 Front St, Bast, Toronto, Ont, .1..Atk, D,Wite.ANS' KERVOUS .WRECK, TellsWomenHowShe Was Restored to Pedect Health by Lyaia Mahan* Vegetable Cotapound • Winnipeg, Man.—" I cannot speals too highly of what Lydia E. PinIthamnt 1 Vegetable C 0 TS* pound has done fon me. 1 was a nervoua wreck and I just hadl toforcesnyaeifto de 1nY work. Even the doted of My own chit. dren playing mad e feel 35 11 I mus m scream if they di not get away flora me. 3 could not evea ;speak right to mo' husband. The doctoi sa ho eotzld do rio t hi ng for me. My hual band's mother advised me to take tint Vegetable Compound and I starred it a once. I was able to do my work one more and it was a pleasure; net a burs den. Now I have a fine bouncing bab and am able to nurse her nd enjoy do. hog my work, cannot help recom. mending such a medicine, and any on seeing me before -1 took it, and eopin me now, can see what it does for Inc. ain only tootpieased for you to use ra testimenial, '--Mrs. EMAN DAVIS, 7 McGee Street, Winnipeg, Man. .0.;11Arl „J.-8 The old reliable remedy for Bright's Disease, sick headache, pains ha back Aria other indications of kidney . and liver trouble. .-Fifty years successful Sale. At your druggist or direct.from WARNER'S -SAFE REMEDIES co. • Terohto, Ont. ACHE ,No lyfoRE • Millard's stops pain, relieves itt-' flatainatioa, sattes'. rheuntattatta neuralgia and, all palno, Lydia E. PMit-htim'a Private Temil Book upon "Ailments Peculiar 1,nromea " will be tient you free 'Alpo a, aeguest. Write to the Lydia avPieltba -• Medicine Go., Cobourg, 011.13. TMs boo '1 contains valuable informatiori. -- 4' !801U11 it) 11 OE elo. 4—'24,