HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-01-31, Page 4Y- 1 • T�`. kiZY SA Bather which prevented in oC'our out to town. -reextenclec J_t�lc� I EgL?1 ",e.ic'Zs.':,a1 d. c: Ids previously advertised, we h1sve ,c WE HAVE oU TO -SEF 1i ON SALE son acting under the au- Ittioned in this paragraph Iii fdorie under Elio uxthori- tdl udgemollt are exercised be liable' to males coin- nd'further than as Pro- , diet all 'bre' kid �"a� � Bred:oh exposed for sale in the rtivn ofClinton ah'rl'1;be,mtl ,.-0 good wholesome flour or meal and all be sold by avon'dupois weight, and the use ol: deloterious mater! Is 'in making bre ad is hereby -forbidden; ' 2. That 411 loavesbread lxereafter baked for sale or, exposed; or sale in the Grown of Clinton shall} be loaves of three. pounds weight and Loaves of one andone halfpounds weight and on demand or re- quisition of the purchaser„ the baker or .vendor shall -Weigh his bread ab' the time of clolivery and allow such purchaser to see Whether the 1 � Prohk:r Yer h t, i � � c.lasc d is 1 len t bread p p or a e'T � � all make, h „h �' , r: That oily b hl c.ic or veudoi of broad,- ht o ar have for sale ,bread male contrary, to the provisions, o2 the above Sections 61"this By-law; shall forfeit the same for•'the use of the Town, and the maker of sueh bread shall be lhlble to;the penalties provided heir in this BY=1aiv. . _ 4. No Berson shall expose for sale upon the street or elsewhere in the open an' within the; Town at Clinton any meat, .vegetables, fruit' or other article or co ys nlnhodit -:. intended for human food unless the soros shall be covered, in such a manner )l1 tm protect it from .eon- xiilinal.iol 'by dost or other offensive or dieleteriouS matter. 5. No vendor of l road,intended lei: Tv:mien food shall.deliver the . sttiite unwrapped or exposedcpntaarinstioitand all food,.stuffs or rise ther..ein shall be enclosed soli' �vltlnr�tlie said :l'own` for delivery � clean, sanitary wrappings.:' - 5. Vendors of fresh fish:delivering,the samefrom iced boxes 00 containers shall not 'be required to comply with the foregoing provis- ions of this By-law..._ 7. No Berson shall have or: expose Tor sale any fresh, or uncured fish 1 nless,the sante shall be kept in clean, sanitary and properly iced containers and shall' be protected from flies, dust and other injurious plat er. - 4 $, I 'ery; person conducting a bake -shop shall,do so only under a license•"to be issued by the Municipality, and;nei,license shall.,be issued• until the Medical Officer of Health gives a certificate that all regula tions and' conditions have been fully complied with. The fee for the license -shall be the sum of One Dollar per year. Any license issued hereunder may be; revoked: by,the Council of the Municipality. Every person guilty of the violation of this. Py -law or•'refusing to comply with• itny of; the proti sions thereof shall be subject to the pen- alty minosed by the Statutes of Ontar10 then in force: By-laws No. 9 l'or 1900, No. 6 for 7905, and No. G for 1914 are hereby repealed. This By-law shall come into :force and take effect immediately on the passing thereof. ' Passed this first day of May 1922. special'•offering iii WALL I'ER during 's for papers and orders taken for banging CLINTON • TA piing Work lave your harness overhauled. and Made 0 are prepared to wash and oil harness at D'FOR ..$ .75 :HED AND OILED $1.50 FOR .$1.50 ED AND OILED ...... ...$2.50 Alligator harness oils, `any quantity at etment of Lahorse lars at collars5.00,$2.00, $2.75, madecol one at reasonable prices, M. A lk LUGGAGE RIGIiT PRICES From Town By-laws t or occupier of any such lot or parcel of- Jell ornamental orslrade trees are planted,' es to comply -with the requirements of this. unified ' by the Inspector to do so, it shall ommitttbe to cause the same to be dune at tion and such Coats shall be charge -Me ; to ecttpior and collected with other taxes. el ellen at anytime within the said Towat any way interfere with or injure tiny trees y hereafter be planted in any of the streets, t by Maliciously or ilitentionally, cutting, up, throwing down, or otherwise irniuring, to sane; nor shall any person fn any way structure placed around such trees for de- ll any Person or poisons fasten any horse' rname'ntal or shade tree or trees in any of clic grounds,. or to anything placed for de- em. esaforesaid. s shall remove or cause to be removed or after provided, any tree or shrab fronting in. this By-law without fust obtaining the r' shall the "Council do so until they shall thereof to the owner of the adjacent pro for his trouble in planting and protecting the occupant' of the land shall be entitled npensatloil. - f the adjacent land nor any public officer 1 remove or cut downor injure any such 'mission of the Council. ee may at any time plant or cause to be aye of ,the municipality, trim or cause to; •ivato property; the bran¢hes of whieh'ex-; own or 20mobe or cause to be cut down or remove or transplant 02 00010 to be re tree planted or growing in any highway, e. communication after 48 hours' notice in the land opposite to which the tree is live tree, unless within thirty feet of ail- ed without the consent of such occupant,. may be given by leaving it with a grown - the land, or if the land'isunoccupied by place on the land. 3 a Good Color - vR Clothes perfectly and good color, the t . remove < all the vis. invisible 11"npul' tics. SE will do this A LY -LAW P011 ;TI1F REGULATION AND GOVERNMENT OF THE FIRE. DEPARTMENT, 1. net thep ii�e Department shall consist of a Chief, a captain, First Lieutenant, a 'Soeretaryr, a Treasurer, and a Company of not more than twenty men. 2. That it shall be the duty of the said Company' as above set forth to 'attend all fires inn the said Tewn, and to clean, dry and pro- perly replace the hose on the reels afte1 all fires or practices, to attend practice monthly as required by the Canadian Fire Underwriters As.' so ration, at 'which practice all apparatus shall be fully tested. 8. That the Chief shall cause to be kept a record showing the date of each':'practice, those present and the work done, which must state particularly any defect which may be found and shall report the same to the Fire and Water Committee immediately. ' • - # That the Chief shall f1u•nioh to each member of the Fire Com- pany in good ptanding for six months, a certificate that he is a mem- bee thereof and, has been'a member thereof, in good standing, for the .previous six months, which certificate shall entitle such person to such exemptions as the is entitled to by being a lireman, including exemp- tion from Statute Labor Tax. " 5. That the apparatusof the Fire Department ..ehull consist of hose reels and Bose, hook and ladder trucks and other apparatus' such as iron time to time shall be deemed- necessary by the Connell. G. ghat titr.'li"cie and Wetter Coiiimitttoc shall have power to make ar ange:ltents to procure the services oc.a team of horses to draw the truck to and Nom fires and for the periorsrtauco of such duties con - meted with the department as may be determined by said Committee, ' 7 'filet the Chief, Captain, Lieutenant, Secretary and Trensurer of said Ce1.tn nv s1ia11 be oltoson annually in the month of January by the members o2 Dm Eire Company; subject to the approval of the Fire and Water Committee. T. 'That the whole apparatus and management of said Department shall be Under the direction of the Chief subject to instructions from Fire Water Cot,:tnittl; e, hat at every fire the Chief Shall Mayo sole centre' over all members of said Department and all persons engaged at any ilea end •010r all apparatus belonging thereto and any person who refuses or ttegl.ects to obey any legal order of the Chief shall be Subject to the ,penalties of this By-law. 0. That the Chief or'othea officer in charge of said Denn'tment at any fire is hereby empowered to cause to be demolished or teken down all building's erections or: fences • which he may deem necessary 'to be taken down in order to arrest the progress of "any fire, . 10. That in the absence of the Chief or in his absence -the Captain of the Cenipany shall have the power and perfornh all the ditties of the Chief. 11. That on all occasions of fire, the side of the street .nearest the fire and foe a distance of fifty feet on each side of the lire and,for two-thirds of the width of ,the street in the front thereof; as also any lane' or by -way between the public street and: the rear of any building et fire, tilro0(11 or along it'hich'it may be necessary to run' any portion of the fire :apparatus, .shall .be kept clear 'of all persons who may in any way obstruct the working of the said Department, and oat and every person who may be in any of the places above Wren- tionedt;shall immediately retire therefrom when called upon to do so by the ,Mayor, any d'ustiee of the Peace, or by any of the officers of the 'fire Department, or by the Chief Constable. • 12. That no person or persons obeli In any way impede or hinder any fireman or other person who shall be' assisting to extinguish a fire or when in tlte, perforn1ann of any duties connected therewith. 13. That any person wantonly or maliciously injui1ng any fire ap- pttratus'or carelessly driving any vehicle over any Bose or injurying iny'beil or bell rope used' in giving the alarm of fire, or who shall without reasonable cause, by outcry, ringing of bells or otherwise make or circulate any false alarm of fare, shall be sabjeot to the pen- alties of this By-law. 14. The officers and men of the satctCompany shall while on duty lrble4f col 9,1a1.1 sh Colnpa??y he Slal' rctuxn to office in, good,i44 taking his r as tttt14 paid ;comp ny: shall 3onnerltiJlnd wbell any $l1el • erif 1?7tu rigGr7#o?rdT trarild i} kef t11stti'gha�ta f8rrii of nsi� ua of dip1; for the slt7iie. 1?I7Si'LCTING'PIIE ISSUD'0:+ LICL/ S1;S GOVERNING PEDLAl1S HAWI{ERS AND TRANSIENT 'l PAD11 RS POR TEE TOpiW'N 015 'CLINTON Whereas by the Consolidated :municipal Act 1903, as amended ay an Act passed in the sbitn.year.of the reign c,1 fins Majesty, kung Edward the Seventh, power is given te the'Munieipal,Couneil to pass by-laws;g'overniiig pedlars, hawkers and transient trades. Therefore the Council of the Town 'of 'Clinton enacts as follows; i S 'nes mentioned in the, nc, t I. No person shall carry oir'ahe business r 1 succeeding section of this by -lacy unless and until he shall procure a; license so to do, and every person so licensed shall be subject to the provisions of this bylaw. Mrs. Mary Thomas, Past D.D.P., assisted by Mrs.: Lucy,'Robertson, Past D.P.P., and. MI's. Susie Murney, Grand Marshall, installed the follow- ing officers of Goderich: Rebekah Lodge for 1929:.Tr.IPast N.G., Mrs. Mary Pinder; Noble Grand,=''Miss Su- sie Noble; vice grand Mrs. Lily Vroo- man; nee. secretary, Miss Edith Campbell; financial secretary, Miss Ismay Thompson; treasurer, Mrs. Ma-,, bel Ilunt; warden, MTS. May Thomp- son; conductor, Mrs, Clarke; chaplain, Mrs.. Lucy Robertson; R.S.N.Grand,, Miss Nina 'fait; L.S.N. Grand, Mrs, Susie Murney; R.L.V. Grand, Mrs:' The annual Meeting of the East Huron Agricultural Society was held in ;the town hall, Brueseis, with Pees- ident Muldoon in the, chair.-' Atten- dance was small owing to the stormy weather.. The financial-• statement presented by treasurer Black, showed receipts for last year, of $2,174.60, and expenditures of. $1,861.90, leaving a , balance of $312.70. The following officers were elected: IIonorary presi dent, Alex, Stewart; president, D. C. Ross; first vicelpresident, P. A. Me - Arthur; second Nice -president; .lames Burgess; directors, G. R. Muldoon," R. Nichol, T. Miller, W. 11. Broad foot, • Walter Rose, R. .1. Iloover,. ,las. McDonald, A. 0. Barker, er, Ili, McVit- tie and J. McCutcleon; lady direc- tors, Mrs. G. R. Muldoon, Mrs,; P. A. McArthur, Mrs. A. C '.Barker and, Mrs. W. W. Ilarris auditors, A. Strachan and N. T. Gerry. ,Past' president, G. R. and Mrs. Muldoon were appointed delegates to the Fairs. Association; in Toronto.. Walter Dose 01 Brussels, is to be congratulated. on the fine showing hispen of single comb white Leg- horns is making in the Canadian egg laying contest being conducted at Ottawa. ' At the end of the 11th week of the contest his pen: was in third place and ahead of all birds entered frorim. the Dominion, There are pens entered from every 'pro- vince but one, and from five states,' lw u0111even 's' gltcurletic Cepeutce Olt" SC Ar ICA AtiO 'CEMPLETOI 1S IIIIINIIlIIIIIiDIIIiii IIIllIII iuIIIIIiilIlIIIIIflLIIUIII1111111011111111110111l . T Liven up the dull weeks The early weeks, of 1924 '- +ill not be dull for those who go after business "W'i t h special offers lay,. Long Distance.' - People have 100011'e enough and., confidence enough to buy now i you will make , it worth their while. Snow, and later " Spring floods, will snake it diMxr- calt ,:or travellers to call on their trade. Long Distance will over. come the handicap. Use the Bell to Sell. May; we help you? U11;SDAY, ;TANL ;:1st n Matheson' 11.5 5 0.:"'II' nmt^w! I S,S iariles; Henderson ci.pli Vd. J ; McCrae, c i. This was: lowed' by opeech ni icing; rid a tar =lunch v s serVed, The IIloclf e. iii' rnambe,rlup of:143. Videan; L,S.V.:Grand, Mrs. Young-' blut; Inside G., Mrs. 1llctch; Outside G. Mrs. Shore. D.D.G.IVL, Postllff and suite, of W',inghani, went, up to Brussels and installed the following officers of Wes- tern Star Lodge, No. 149, I.0.0.F., for the -ensuing term: I.N.G., G. R. Weller; N.G., Ilarry Champion; V. G., -Robert Bowman; RS., M. Black F.S., A. McGuire; treasurer, S. Wilton; warden, S. Wilton; cony W. Clouse; 0.0., A. Dennison; 1. 0., W. 1). Willis; R.S.N.G., R. Ileo derson; L.S.N.G., N. Chapman; R. S•.V.G,, W. H. Bell; L:S.V.G., C. from all other laxatives and relief for .Defective Elinminatioe Constipation. Eiil£u sspess The action of Nature's Remedy (t,' Tablets) is more natural' and; the euffhe i tie effect teili lie a Fe�ei' tion -you will feel se goof, �'> 3 Make the lest. ' You, w; •' :appreciate. thisdilOrenc �v;�toA77r •ra ff rally Yeora. f . a ODa ae Old i1�dd1 ad 101 �➢L°tild�oti'�'mm¢;ittle 1310 '1ta corer iD in ose-bird closet] cIIR4y oai,d. For a1,11dre„ asci edoltti SOLO 1=''f Y0U11 .00km09iST Go to the red front store -one..: of the 300 in Canada's largest grocery organisa- tion. Pay cash -as all other DOMINION STORE customers do -no bad debts of others to -pay for. Carry your purchases -saving the cost of delivery. Get as good goods as you can anywhere -and pay less because we buy for less and pass the sav- ings along to you.. ' Repeat"as often as you need groceries -that's the recipe for steady savings that count up so big at the end of the year. Money- Savin r° Specials SOAPS All kinds, 10 for M AMMONIA POWDER 3, packages for 'o CHIPSO -69c .-23e M- f1 L' 9 ai.d3c. MACARONI or SPAG-® HETTI, 1-11). 'pits, �t CHEESE 1b. BACON lb. BANQUET QUEEN size.. No. 88 N OLIVES, size ROMAN MEAL' `"))`C packet - a w -00.4 CREAM OP WHEAT, a sq • packet. ,+ N -25c t Tobe°, (MIMI RICI-IMELLO COFFEE 1 lb. tin - -- RICHM'ELLO COFFEE e 1/2 Ib. tin - - - LAZENB'Y'S CHEF SAUCE. bottle - - - - Stowe - 5c EXCELSIOR DATESc 2 packets ." -27 TIGER SALMON (Cohoe) 1 1b. tin TIGER SALMON im (Cohoe) 1/2 lb. tin M' ',CSOOKING FIGS 3 lbs. . • W 55 and 75c oxo tin - M N a I SLI and 251C C BROOMS LEMONS dozen • 14 14 a m®a y Every ReP,TetoplSo,,e 1s q'.: "Last; l iticaue vJCniitirr 5ohi h .1.'rCw liuverq ' Clanton, ketat. 74 Ford Przerksoniteates Farst The low price of Ford cars and trucks has been one of the great dynamic forces in the develop- ment of motor transportation: Since January 1920 the average Price of Ford products has. dropped 38% and Ford prices :are now the lowest in the history of the industry. .And because Ford prices are so low, the worker and hit family enjoy the innumerable benefits and delights of owning an automobile; the merchant and manufacturer extend: their business into new and profitable fields by means of motor delivery; the farmer carries his fresh produce to the best markets with none of the old-time hardship and delay -and all for a very small initial investment. . Fifty, out of every hundred cars and trucks in Canada are Fords -due to the public appreciation of Ford value, - See Any Authorized Ford Dealer