HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-01-31, Page 1,•.
et, „.c..,....teee, eeeteeereet„reene-eateia,;,-ne,„„tt--„e„,..
'i-tee„,4 ee•'' -1, v,„ -
o. 2230 45th Year
THE :SIAleteETS • s
Wheat ,
Bucked-le:it 75e,
Barley $5e. , s
Oats, 40c,
Butter 3ee, to 36e,
leegs 30c. to 45e.
Id,e Hogs $7.50.
ThQ County COUDeil, Which met in.
Goderich last weeklied a very eneon-
emical streak and the executive come'
mittee, consieting of Deputy Reeve
John Hayes of Stepheee cligienan,
•Reeve G. B. Hanley of StanleY, Dep-
. etty Reeve, John Jamieson of Ashfield,
Reeve E. Klopp of Hay ancl Reeve
X. Armstrong a Hullett brought in.
•a report' recommending no ection
Tegard to grant of $25.00 to Hen -
sail seed ehowe $100.00 to each Agri-
cultural Society, $75 to eounty judg-
ing team. .$25.00 to • each Public Li-
' hrary, $20 for flower beds around
court liaise; $5,000 special grant to
High Schools and .Collegiate Insti-
tutes and $1,000 each to the four hos_
pitals in the eoun y, alee regale:ling
grants to Hospital for Sick Chldren.
Institute for -the Blina.and Salvation
• .Army. res mi.ended that $25,be
' granted to each school eair and $1,604
' be veld to the Children's Shelter in
quaeterly instalments.,
The report was met received with-
out protest and was discussed with
more pr less warmth, for about tete
hems. It vems finally decided that
Bewail seed show should receive ite
325; that $50 should be granted each
CLIN're5N, °pa-F/1114o, AIVEJAitY 1924
ELINT011 ll24.
Agricultural Society; $20 to each
I'uhlie Library; $20 for the court-
house dowel beds; $500 fo each
hospital and :',500 to each ei'. the five
High schools and Gollegiates in the
Mrs, Gentle resigned as jail mateen
and MTS: f B. Reynolcle was appoint-
ed matron.
R , C. Hays, Jr. was appointed
county solicitor in place of Mr. lt, C.
Hays, Sr, resigned.,
A resolution was passed expeess-
ing the .keen sense el loss sustained
by the comity in the death of Judge
Dickson and of sympathy with his
widow and daughter. The resolution
was _passed by a standing vote.
Chilton will receive $1500 under
the Road Improvement Act, Seafortlf
$10.000 and Godeeich $5,000.
' -The following. school, trustees weea
appointed: R. S, Hays, Seaforth; Dr.
Harold Taylor, Goderich, peace el
Rev. James Ilamilten, resigned; W.
Turnbull, Exeter; J. J. Robertson,
Goderieh; in place of the late Judge
Dickson. II 13 Chant Clinton and
Dr. Redmond, Wingliam, Mr. W.
Lane was appointed to the Western
University Senate.
The tender of B. H. Townshend of
Goderich for county printing WAS AC-
The council will endeavor to have
other county eel:Melia join in petition-
ing the GoVerinnent to rrialte larger
grants to Contimiatidn schools and
High sehoole. and in ease no larger
grants an be obtained to restore the
fee system, If this is done Colleg.
iates •veIR be added:
Jaie Watched '11
0m twitches are Made of the best material, beeutifully finished.
and. stoutly conetrueted. Everything insures permanency and tte-
curacy. '
Our price are positively the lowest on the market 'and our guar-
antee the' broadest. Select your watch from tte.
Jeweller and Optician
.-Phone 174w Residence 1743
For Every
Steck-taking is the next thing en the program and that means it s
is again -time to elean UD all broken lints and sizes.
The assortments of the different lines are very good ene ale
thoUgh you will not expect to find every size in every line, yOu will
be pleased with the quantities we Can offer at these low prices.
Early ;i-uyers Will Have ,
• Larger Choice
20 °illy Boys' Suits in hrolcen lines, sizes from 26 to 85, 0 • $5,90.-
25 only Boys' Suits in broken lines, size* from 28 to 35, @ $7,90
25 only Mon's Suits, in broken lines, sizee from 36 to 46, @ 315.00
18 Pule, Men's Suite anti „extra trousers in broken lines, @ 319.50
12 only Boys' Overcoats sizes 32 to 35, clearing $13,50
Boys.' Overcoats, prices $1,0 — $12, clearing 37.90
• Mena' Overcoats up to 325.00, clearing @ .,...., . ... 319.30
31005 Overcoats -op to $32,50 , , , • ... $.25.00
Boys' Iteifers, 39,50 to 37.50 clearing al, ...... 3.1.00
M1)11111511 CLOTIIINC
The weddieg ceremony of lefiss Ag -
no McGehee daughter ol Mr. At dr w
McGuire, Goderich township, and .
seph Carlin of St. Columban, was 'pr.
formecl by the Rev. Father B. Gaffney,
at St. Joseph's Church, Clinton, On
Tuday moening.
The bride who was give: away by
her Cather, was attired in a 'gown of
brown chiffon velvet, with small sand
shade satin hat with gold lace teem -
wings and wore a corsage bouquet of
sunburst roses, of the valley and
maiden hair fern. , • She was attended
by her cousin, Miss Ella Shanahan,
who wore'a pretty frock of aquamar-
ine ceepe. Her bouquet Was of 0-
phelia roses, The groom was at-
tended by Mr. Louie Fortune of Sea -
forth. "
Immediately after the eeremony Mr.
and 1VIes. Carlin left for Veronto and
Buffalo, the 'bride travelling in a.coat
ef brown marvella cloth with fur col-
lar and cuffs.
. Amongst those from a distance who
were here for the wedding were: Mr.
and -Mrs. Reihll, London, and Mrs. D.
Shanahan and Mts. Lane of Seaforth.
The Godericht Signal this week has
the following reg•arding the Goderich-
Clinton hockey match on Monday
night; ,
_ "The junior Northern. League tilt
at West street rink on Monthly even-
ing in which the local Juniors white-
washed Clinton 2-0, lacked he Pep
and zest of.the 'contests between these
teams laet year, but was thoroughly
enjoyed by the local fans neverthe-
less. Caryl Draper, of:Clinton, ,who
refereed_the,game, was consideredaby
seine to, be almost too triet Penal.-
• izing the players, there' being a con-
tinual stream to the penalty !Mx, not
that there was-e.tnuch int,entional
rqugh stuff, rather it eeemed to be
clumsiness and awkwardness, both
teams offending in this regard.
The first period. of the game was
in the main, rather quiet, with Bill
Beck relieving frequently with end to
end rushes. Both goaltendees had
two or theee•narrow escapes. IliarlY
in the second period Clinton thought
they had scored a goal, but the re-
feree•aecepted the emphatic assertion
of the goal umpire that the puck had
not entered the net and no goal was
allowed. Not long after this incl..
dent Robinson • scored for the home
team and pandemonium reigned for
o fe* minutes. Elwood Thompson
earried the bffik of the work for the
homesters in the last stanza, during
which the visitors were hard pressed
throughout the entre period, The
Red and White forward lind broke
away near the finish and on a pass
from Nairn, Robinson ecored the se -
anal and final goal of the game, and
the round was tied, Clinton having
web at home 4-2. On the whole the
local boys made a creditable showing
and are deserving of a much stronger
support froth the citizens, the et-
tendance at the gameebeing less than
800. '
The Minton team is undoubtedly
weakened from last year through the
absence of Freddie Elliott and Chick
13awderi...`11opner" Mountain, "Yum-
my" Young and Earl 'Westbrook ate
absentees this year from the local
line-up, the fleet two named being res..
ident in Poet Colborrie and Detroit,
Miss Freeman has taken the Ceich
house on Albert street end is already
in' possession.
Milverton plays here Monday even-
ing, the last 0 .H.A . game to be
PlaYed Chasten this season. a, '
Mr. Edevard Virelsh of the Base line
has purchased the Farquhar proper.
ty on the Gravel road, just north of
Miss McCool, who has been off
for some Weeks owing to illness, has
resumed her duties at Trwin'e this
week. ,
The Collegiate Institute Connnence.
mient will be held on the evenings of
ThurSday and Friday, February 28th,
and 29th, in the town hall.
Ivan Young of I-Itillett Was terribly
injured on Tuesday while working a-
round a gasoline, engine. Re is now
a patient in the'Clinton hospital.
The regular meeting of the Clinton
Hospital board will be held in the
board room in the town hall on Mon-
day aft,erneon next at -three o'clock,
Mr, A. Te. Ruin -ball, who got out
lest, week aftee an attack of pleurisy,
is again confined to his ibed. It is
hoped his recovery will now be ra-
A number went to Goderieh on the
special train Monday evening to see
the hockey match hetween Clinton and
Goderiele though not cis latge a 0010 -
bus as was expected.
The We C.T.U. meeting, which was
postponed,last Friday on account of
the storm, will take place tomorrow,
Friday afternoon at three o'clock in
Wesley church S. S. Toone
Me. W. Ramis, who has been stay-
ing with hie deter, MIT. A. E. Rum -
ball, has taken possession of the farm
in Iitillett recently purchased from
Miss Freeman, '
Mr. E. Rodaway has had his houne
on Albert street wired for hydro; Mr.
53. Crieh defuse the work. Mee El,
Washington of Rattenbury street is
having his wired and Mrtej, Watkins
ef,Mery street hue, ' wired
The Clinton Hospital Board wisl.es'
to acknoWledge with thanks the fol-
lowing donations: Mrs; Quinn, 310.00;
iss, C. Sheppard, ee:0 A. Mtn -
rids, 35.00e D. K. Peter, $5,00; Miss
M. Snell, 35,00; A.' Cantelon, 35.001
Miss Minnie Cooper, 32.05; J. A. Ford
$1,00; A Friend 80e. ,
• The town of Clinton has formally
opened its new hospital. Major. Mal -
cola: McTaggart, in memory of his
parents, presented the, town with the
snacious family residence for hospital
purposes, the municipality guaranteed
bonds in connection with the enter-
prise, and the wombri; of Clieton "'as-
sumed the task of equipping and
maintaining -the institution. It is
described in The News -Record and by
medical men ;who inspected it as one
of the best of the,senaller hospitals of
the province. A modern institution
• of this. kind m-ust prove a great boon
` to a town and the surrounding coun-
trye--Toronto Star.. ,
Tint annual' meeting, of the Clinton
Horticultural Society vvas held in the
Council -Chamber en Tuesday January
•The teeaseer'a report showed
that all accounts had been paid and
there evae.a shall balanee on hand. A
motion was passed in Which the meni.
bees expressed _their appreciatien at
• the way Mr. Stella had kept up, the'
town square, daring 1923. The foie
lowing officers were elected:
Hon. -Presidents: G. H. David, C. G.
Middleton. • •'
President: Frank Jenkins.
1st Vice: Mrs. W. H.
2nd Vice; Miss W. O'Neil, ‘,
See. -Treasurer: H. R. Sharp.
Directors: Mrs. W. Jenkins, 3. 0,
• Chowen, W, Bryolone, Mr. Cowan,
W. S. R. Holmes: .11. R. Sharp,
James.,Scott, W. J..Cook, P Row-
land, Miss F. Cunifighame.
The •Society was unable to obtain'
some plants lest year lent those mem.
hers Whe did not receive their peeve
iums will be supplied this, year,
Vies. (Dr,) Gaudier' and Miss Chris-
tian received word on. Tuesday morn-
ing of the death of their niece, Miss
Jean Macdonald, only daughter of
the late Rev.Dr. J. A. Macdonald; for
matlY Years editor of The Globe, and
Mrs. Macdonald, -which took place at
Bowling Green, Va.,on Monday ae a
re.sult of an attack of pneumonia,
Mrs, Macdonald arid her daughter
were on their *ay to. spend the in
:minder of the winter in Florida and
were makirig the journey leisurely by
motor, stepping here end there on
the way. They had thached Bowl-
ing Green, Virginia, whim Miss Mac-
donald Wan taken and, in spite of
everything that could be done, Pneu-
monia quickly develciped and proved
'fatal, •
The late Miss Macdonald wee horn
in St. Thomas hue epent most of her
life in Throetto. She -was a graduate
of the Sociel Service Depaliment
the University of Toronto and has
been engaged in social serviee work.
She is survived by -her mother end
two brothers. '
Mrs. Gaudier wont to the city Wed-
nesday morning and Miss Christian
goes down in the morning. The fa -
tweet takes place tomorrow afteenoon.
Willis Church
The ministeitIa MOrning tubject on
Sunday •will be:'•"The Beginning of
ChriatiaMty in Europe." Evening:
"The Radiant Past,"
St. Joseph's Chureh
' The Febraaey meeting of the Wo-
men's League will beheld at the
reetoi.•y •on Tuesday, afternoon next
at three o'clocke4 ITOSteSSDS: Mrs. I).
Flynn, Mrs. Win. Barry.••
. Mrs. E, Tasker has sold her house
on Ontario 'street to Mr J: L. Heard,
who has been occupying it.
Sunday sehool 10 a.m.; Holiiies$
meeting, 11 a.m.; Praise meeting 8
pee.; Salvation meeting 7:30 pen,
Special meeting will be held on
Monday, February lith, when Ensign
Porter, the Scout Organizer, will give
a• lecture on "A Seout and his Use-
fulne,ss 111 a Town." Business men
and ministere- will be especially Ns -d-
Wesley Church
• ,•• .
e Brotherhood meeting at ten o'cloelt
as usual. Mi, .Geo. VanTIome.will
D.:educe. the subject for discussion. ,
• The paeter's morning subject will
be: "The GreatestThing in the
World." Evening subject, ."The Day
of God's Power,"
The Sacrament of lhe Lord's Sup.
per will be observed at the morning
Sunday school at 230.- It is mis-
sionary Sundey and ep,eciel mission-
ary peogemni will precede the lesson.
Ontario Street church
Will weleome 'its friende and vie!.
tors to the fellowship service at 10 a,
11:00—'Who nee Proper Snbleets
for Cominunion," followed by Corn-
7:00---"Severi Wonders of }Idle'
The Junior L.eitgue 'meets i3r4 Fri-
day night 7:09 to,S:OG.
The Young Peoples' League met on
Monday evening, the president in
&Largo. Miss M. Brown read the
lesson, Miss Gretta ,V.rtitTIorn gave it I
violin sole, Miss Whitmore gave it 0
reading, Mr. Currel) took the „topic 1R
"Tile Cilia Factors in Indeetry"
' -Will Lyon of Hullett was the
first patien't to be admitted into the
neW hospital., His was a surgical
ease, andel-going - operation en
Saturday. He is doing well.
Supt. II. B. Chant of the l'ublic
Utilities reports a 'eueples cif 2700 in
the inerehandizing end of his depart-
ment during the past yete.•, the Hydzo
Shelf having had that much more than
paid for itself: It is 'a -nice littjs
surplus ana will he turned bank to
the people, In time it is hoped the
advantage of 'publicly owned utflitjos
will be enparent to all ia lew „rates
as it is' already in good service.
"Mr. W. Lyon, who eor the past
sixteen years has been C.N.R. agent
at Londesboro, has accepted a eimilar
position at Blyth. Mr. -Lyon is a
Londesboeo boy. • He' learned the
work Under R. B. Jeffrey, who ,fillea
• the position at that place for twenty-
three years, and later came toClin-
ton station, where he Was operatoe'for
a while. From here he went to Bus-
geseville and aleo Whitechurch, ' and
when his home station bee,ame vacant
he applied for it 'and has been there
ever' eince.
Me: Lyn is extremely well liked by
all 'who know him lied his removal
from Londesboro will be much regret-
ted. His friends, however,hvill wish
!aim continued. geod fortune in his
new position.
The Philathea class of Ontario St,
church held their concert last Thurs-
day evening, which was a great suc-
cess, With Rev. Mr, Moorehouse
in the -chair the 'meeting was opened
by • einging the hymn "Stand up,
Stand Up for Jeses,"-a"fter which Me.
Moorehouse led in prayer. Mrs. (Dr.)
Brown then sang a -solo, whielt was
followed by a piano • solo played by
Mrs. Wendore, IVIies Della Whit-
more gave _an interesting reading
'folletving which Miss I-Iazel Potter
gave e violin'solo, Another reading
was given by Miss Elva. Nett and 'at
piano solo by Miss Lula Orich. A'
the conclusion the play, "A. 'Rainy
Afternoon," WAS given by' a number
of girls in the class. " The play ens
well put on and enjoyed by all. The
concert was closed by singing the Ha-
tional Anthem. Quite inimber at,
tenaed and the class cleared $24100.
• 'Vlach discussion has been raieed by
the cutting down of the Hospital,
Collegiate arid other grants by the
county couneil. The idea tbab Hos-
pitale and Schools are only of bene-
fit to the centres 11 which they are
situated is of courSe a mistaken one.
The first patient admitted to the new
Hospital in Clinton last week was
from the Township et Fully
Bfty pee cent.' of Clinton Collegiate
students are from outside the town.
The News -Record would like the
views of the people on -Ibis question
and will threw its columns open to the
expression of views, pen and eon, T14'only .stiptilittions we make are that
communications be as brief as possi-
ble, that only the matter under die -
be brought in arid no bitter -
n053 or personalities be introduced,
A calm discussion of., the Matter
would, we feel sure, be beneficial.
Clinton defeated Seafolth, in their
return match, in the best 'game they
have played' tine season. The boys
produced a intteh better beand of
hoekey and they oombined much bet-
ter than on DrOVIOUs occasiens. The
repult was, they won by the good
margin of 4 geals.-a-final score 9-5. '
• On Monday evening, at Goderich,
Goderiela inflieted , the first defeat on
the lot:el:Junior team, when they won
a .hardsfought battle 2-0. The ice
wee sticky and the boys didn't bit
their stride, The game was a close_
checking contest and aumerous pen-
alties were handed out to both teams.
As Clinton wen the first game 4-2,
the round ie a, tie.
On 'lemeday evening Clinton won
their 0 ,H.A. group by defeating
Exeter 2-0 oinvery soft ice, The
e;anm was handicaliged. by the rect
that it was almost. impossible to
carry the puck or pass it. The
eels will meet Milverton here on Feb-
ruary 4th and play a rennet match at
Milverton on the Gth.
If it ean be arranged. a sudden
death game will be played on neutral
date. ,
Elliott in goal and Rorke in centre
ice by Clinton and Goderich.on a near
have been playing star hockey this
eeason. Following is lineup in Gode-
inch game; •
Coderich—Sandoeson goal- el. Alla
son and Beck, defense; B. Allistim
centre; Nairn and Rebineon, wings;
G. Allison and Thompson, sub,'Clinton---Elliott, goal; Necliger and
Hovey, defense; Rorke, emeere;
Crtoi, al.1 UMI.U.Sh, wings; Cole and
Higgins, subs.
Referee—Carel Draper of. Clinton.
The lineup DA Tnesday night here
was as follows: .
Clinton -Goal, Elliott; defense, Nedi-
ger, Cole; wings Hovey, Roherton;
centre, Rorke: subs, Cook, Higgins,
McNeil. -
Exeter — Goal, Wainer: defense,
Tirokenslime; wings, Statham,
'Brien; centre, Hinds; subs, Keller,
au; goal sub, Ford.
Referee• ---f, e'irmielr el Toro t
The toed Odd Fellows are puttMg
on 41 minstrel show in the town hall
on 'Tuesday and Wednesday evenings
next, 411 local talent being usesi. lf
you want a good evening's amiise-
ment, get ticket eor one of tiese
nights. ,
These pa,:sed :-, away en Tuesday
morning of thie v eek one or OtAr most
respected eitizens in the person of
• Joseph Archer. The deceased had
been zt res,c1mt of this village for the
past twenty-one years and has hem
engaged in the saw mill business Mir-
ing that thee. He has always been a
hard worker and was of a (inlet and
industrious nature.
The postponed meeting of the Bay-
field Cemetery Co., will ;he held is
the town hail on Monday afterneee
next at 2 o'clock. All members are
urged to attend.
Thd fishe men are busily engagsol
* these clays laying in their seaeort'e
supplyof ice.
The annual „meeting orthe Bee'
field Public Library was held on
day afternoon pf thie week ,wherc the
following officers were appointed fee
the eneuing year: ,.
President: P. A. Edwards.
See. -Treasurer: George 10. ‘.1reens1ade
Librarian: Rev', A. Macfarlane.
On Wednesday last is meeting was
hold in Clinton under the auspices of
the Ontario Agricultural Department,
in the office of the 1)istriet Represen-
tative, for the benefit of fruit growers.
The ine,eting was addressed by ex-
perts from the -Department and mach
valuable„infornnition was broadcasted.
A falily good iepiesenta on 0± fsuit-
growers erom the surrounding dietriet
was peesent.
Miss Sarah 3. Chesney, formerly
of Seaforth, died on January 7th, at
the, home of her nepheve, Mr. G. L.
Chesney of Calgary. Miss- Chesney
seine years ago was a frequent visi-
• tor in Clinton and was known to many
here. She was a gentle -mannered
little English lady who will be re-
membered for her quiet dignity and
courtesy. She had been in the west
for some tnne.
Miss Lillian Fairfull, daughter of
Rey. J. K. and Mit. Fairfull of Walk-
erton, formerly of Clinton. who won
the gold medal on her gracleatiou
front. the General Hospital, Kingston,
laet year, has now been appointed as-
sistant -superintendent of the institu-
tion. J She took ovet her new duties
at the beginning of the year. 'This
is a very important position for one
go young and Miss Fairfull is to be
congratulated upon her rapid promo-
tion in her chosen Prefeesiell.
Owing to an inadvertence in writ-
ing up the hospital opening last week
the music rendered by the Plie/an
Orchestra was not mentioned. This
we regret, as the orchestra certainly
added greatly to the pleasure of the
oecasion, They occupied the office on
the ground floor, just off the main
hall, and during the afteenon and eV -
ening their musie was much a.ppre-
eiated and enjoyed by the many visi-
tors ceiling. The new piano was
used. It was very nice to have our
own old orchestra back 00 duty again,
.Taines* Ballantyne of -Brussels died
last week after a econewhat peotteatt-
ed illeeesn The late Mr. Ballantyne
was a welleknown citizen of Brussels,
being a grocer, He bad been a mem-
ber of the Municipal couneil and al-
ways taken it keen interest in eports,
lie 1 sarvived by his wife, who was
• formerly Miss Margaret Roberton,
eister of ifr. Geo. D. Roberton of
Clinton'and two sons, jack, who is cm
the staff of the Oshawa. Reformee,
end Archie at home. The funeral
took plate on Wednesday ef last week,
Mr. J. C. Stothere, the new Public
school inspector for Muskoka) is a
brother of Mr, S. B. &others of
Clinton. • He's a Huron counter bon
having been bore in Ashlield. • He
taught for some years in Ashfield,
Colborne and West Wawanosh town-
ships and later in Toronto. He went
oversees in 1916 and served in the
15th Battalion and 48th Highlanders.
On returning, from Franc he coin.
plated his couree at Queen's Universi-
ty, obtaining his M.A. degree with
specialist standing it' Owlish and
History. He has now severed his
connection with the Toronto Board of
Edueation and takes over his new du-
ties at mice. ,
The following from the Seaforth
Expositor refers to the mother Of Mi.
A. Neilans of town. Mi. and Mee.
Neilans attended the funeral on Mon-
day week
: -
'One more of that gi'eat band of
Huron Pioneers was called home on
Friday laet, when Mrs, Alexander
Noilans passed -away at the home of
her deughten Mrs. W. M., Stewart, in
Seafotth in her 81st year. Mrs,
Neilaes, whose maiden name, was Ra-
chel Thompeon 'Grieve, was the se-
cond daughter of the late Me. and
Mrs, Thee. Grieve, who came to this
country 'from Roxboroehire, Scotlaed,
and ,settled in "McKillop township,
when this ceutity was Tittle more than
engin forest. The deceased was
born on the fourth concession, where
she resided until her marriage to Mr.
Neilans, 63 years ago, leer p mune&
of years they farmed a Roxboro, lat.:
es' moving to Harptuney, where she
continued to reside • until after•ethe
death of her husband, 14 years ego,
when she -came to Seafoith. She had
always enjoyed good health, and even
in recent -years, despite her great age,
was SMark and active. Last June,
however, she was afflicted with heart
trouble • and gradually grew weaker
until the final summons came. She
was a 'woman of quiet nature, but
possessed the _faculty of- making and
retaining friends, and theee are many
among the older residents of the dis_
trict who will sincerely mourn her
death. ;She ie survived by a family
of two seme and two slaughters, Alex.
4ancler of Clinton, and John, Elizabeth
and Mrs, W. M. Stewart of Sealorth,
A private funeral was held Trent her
late home on Monday, interment he-
1,Ag made in Harpurhey cemetery, the
pallboreee beieg Messrs, Dr., Grieve,
Abe Forsyth, Robert Orieve, Ttimes
Oriev; George Stewart and Robert
Scott!' ••
Assistant: Miss Frances Fowlie.
Dieeetors: Lewis Thomson, Mrs. He
McKay, Miss Josie Stiriing,Mrs
James Ferguson, Edward Merrier,
James Reid,
Mr, E., Merrier left last week fee
Detroit for a few weeks.
Messrs. Wilber and Frank Erwin
and Miss Reible Fisher of Kitchener
attended the funeral of the former's
mother, Mrs. H. W. Erwin, lest
wteleeTkOrent...._._o last weel.......where, kits,
turned on Saturday.
cessfal operation. The doctor re.
Newton -Brady went through a suee
D. Newton -Brady and wife went
Moon- of Stevensville is vis-
iting relatives in this vicinity.
• The many friends of Mr. Wm. Lynn,
Sr, will be pleased to know that he
is getting along as well as can be ex-
pected after his operation but is stile
in Clinton Hospital.
Mr. Carman IVfoon retutned froni
Detroit, wheve he. has been for the
past couple of weeks.
Rev. Jemes Macey is much improv-
ed after being quite ill the past week,.
Mr. Jas. Roberton of Centralia vie-
ited this week at his home in the
Mr. Murray Finglazid, Wile has been
•spending it few days with his 'invents,
Me. -rind IQ's. Sohn Fingland, returned
to Cochrane last week.
It'ing/and of 'Vallee vise
Red the past week with his parents is
Mrs. Helen Quinn returned home
this week lifter a visit with her sise
ter, Mrs. W. T. Herman, Clinton.
• Mi. Will Lyon, who has been sta.
tion agent in the village for a numbet
of years, has been transferred U.
Blyth, and expects to move soon. Mr.
arid ItIvs. Lyon and their boys will
be greatly missed in the vigage.
The regular monthly meeting o
the Womeri's Institute will be held izt
the hall on Thursday, February 7t1.
A paper on "The Girl and Her Prob-
lem," evIl be given by Mrs. j. Tam-
blyn. Pfosteeses are Mrs. G. Moen,
Mrs. G. MeVittle, Mrs. Dr. Young.
The Sacrament ef the Lord's Supper
will be administered in Knox Presby-
terian ehurch next Sabbath limning,
February 3r1. Preparatory serviee
will be held on Friday evening, Feb-
ruary let, Owing to the storing
last Week -these services had to be
postponed. ,
Mts. R. Lockhardt is spending a
few woks with her sister, Mrs, 1,
difre P. Carter met with en acci-
dent on Thuesday last. Yes she wag
going to the cellen• she fell over a
box, breaking the sleuth bone of her
ankle. It will be some time -before
Mks, Carte): will he able to be about
again. We extend our sympathy.
The steam of .Feiday and_ Saturday
so filled in the roads that they welt,
not passable on Sueday. The road
men got out early Monday morning
and broke roads themigh,
We syninathize with Mr, and Mes,
C. Steaughan in the death of their ine
fant son, which occurred to Monday,
The babe was but three days old,
Mr. Long of Goderich retitle a busi-
ness trip to oer village on Monday.
IVIes. P. Hibbert is riot gaining as
well as her niany friends Would wish.
Mies Pierce is, we are glad to say,
im proving.
Mrs. W. le. Robieon 61 the village
is spending a few clays- with her nue.
they, Mrs. MeCool, of Clinton, and
friends in Ilullett.
Rittllett Township
'qrs. Themes O'Connor . was la
Gocleeich lad, week attending the foie
neral of Ii' cousin,- Mrs. G. 1VeclDen-
ald of Port Huron, aaieh. •Mts. Mca
DonalctWas formeely Miss Nellie Mee'
Donald of Goderich.
• Mrs. Hugh kieGovern of, Montreal
spent the week-enci the gueet of hee
cousie Mrs, Thomas O'Connor.
1VIr, James Snell, Hullett's veteran
stock:nen, was invited to the Liget,
Governor's Luncheon on • Tuesday,
when leadieg breeders of the Province
were entertained at Government
House. Mr. ,Snell did net avail Inez -
self of the opportunity, but many did
and it was considered 0 roost sue.
eessful affair.