HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-01-24, Page 7ea UALITY. 4a .d and Help Othera, It is a tradiiilou of the Royal North West Mounted Poline that they always accoiisplish thetask set them, no mat- ter the difficulties fated, or tact 'num- ber againat'them, or the time required. 'In living'up to this tradition members of the :force have followed evildoers by horseback, canoe, by dog train, and on snowshoes- clear -to the Arctic Circle. It.istt tradition of a city fire depart, wont that when on the way to a fire and there is danger of a street corn" sion, or of running over a child,; the,. firemen,-sacrifice.th'emselves. The fire engine, or truck, as run -into a wall, or telephone poles -or over an embank- meat pnywbere so long as it is only the firemen who ore hurt, Certain hockey,` football,.. -lacrosse and other teanis'ara'treditfonallyfirst class sportsmen. They aIwaYM`piay a hard, clean, thoroughly.'sportsmanlike game that it is a pleasure to watch; and they always 'play their best up to the last minute, no matter if "there is a score against them that looks hope - The tradition of certain old regiments of the'British Army are. well' known. that they will go wherever they .are directed er Ied, no matter if it means certain death, Similarly Scouting Is acquiring a tradition—particularly the tradition of Public Service; of nsetuluess to' others: Mere are some stories of Canadian Scouts who were prepared, and per- formed valuable public service when the opportunity Cants: baring the disastrous fire in' North- ern. Ontario last fall notable. public service was rendered . by. the Sobute and Saoakt leaders of that district. At. North Cobalt, Die;trict Obmnii'a- sioner Rev, 11.11111s Gridley and Royer Scout Bethwei!, at the risk of their lives, with fire to the south, north and west of .,them, • not only fought ` the dames, but when the inhabitants were fleeing to places of safety, remained. behind to direct and assist the people In their flight. They probably were instrunrent'al in saving many rives. But for change of the wind the Com- missioner •'and Rover very probably would have been lent.' Both after- warda required'mediogi aid, At:Haileybury Scoutmaster Severt Of theist Cobalt Troop stayed to assist persons in danger, and it was stated that but for a change in the wind he also would, have been burned, In one, case he had to forcibly remove,an aged, woman from hor home, Currying her to a place;of safety,: Meantime the boys of; -Itis troop in Cobalt were doing splendid service in looking atter refugees- from the burn- ing district: They served refresh- ments, located missing children and restored there' to their parents% and collected and distributed clothing. They watched for and put out incipient fires on the outskirts of the town. In July of,1919 two Scouts were seat- ed on the shore' at Pitmen's Cove, Hall - .fax Ilahbor, when they noticed some disteneo out a man in a Canoe endeay. oring to reach land against the atrong wind and heavy sea running, As the boys watched the eanee suddenly tap. sized, The Scouts quickly secured and launched a boat, and pulled out to the scene.' The roan was clinging to theoverturned canoe; The weight of the man made the reseue.very diilloult and dau serous in the rough tea, but finally ',by cool-headed watermanship the two boys got the unfortunate safely into their boat,' After a hard pail against both sea and wind they regained the shore. There, to com- plete the work of Scout service; 'they revived their rescued passenger with hot tea which they secured. from a pie-,ni c, party. The tido Scouts were Mur - key Eraser, 13; and Artirui• Goodwin; 15 1st Iia i ra l x Troop. For weeks the•r holidays two Ottawa Patrol I. ude ser Kealey and McDougall, etlt Ottawa Troop—were on duty , at the Ottawa Union:,Depot, dietributing fire protec- tion pamphlets for the Canadian Ear eetiy Association, 70order to cover all trains the boys camp an duty at daybreak. They accepted nothing for their service,, re yo7 makio Tear:* resolutions 7" $fen-''No—only adding a mente to my old ones." T1zn,most devoted husband has n10- tnente '"Alen the only eompany. he Wants ie that or 1b1? 'own sex. ---Mr, Vintetn tiwann,- • 55 pfr a; The National Parks' at Canada. are and the argent of Canada's 'national a haven for wiid life; where guns andparks,parks, bears, 'leer, moose,• 'mountain' hunting•dogs are forbidden and where sheep and goats abound, and the nisi- the animals have come to look upon tor finds also great numbers of snail man "as ,their friend rather than as i er anima s such as beaver, squirrel their destroyer, As a result wild ani- and others which are becoming quite; mals are increasing In the national tame since they realize that they are perks of Canada and the graceful deer, protected. the lordly blson and the always inter- I At Wainwright, on the main line of esting bear live at peace in .their nix- the Canadian National Railway., east tura! irabltat without molestation. • 'of Edmonton, there exists one of the At Jasper National Park, in Alberta, .Brost demonstrations of the feasibility which is 4,400 square miles in extent of gamaeonservation, for there, in the KEEP LITTLE ONES- i., Nightfal e'ta Snow. WELL IN �{���yyy�tg�y't These nights of snow aye loving to VV,�9tL.- WINTER thea-, e,-„ As the, still -motile,, of• a grieving boy; For so they fill the, air with soft eon - Winter is a dangerous season for the little ones. The days are so change. able --one bright, the next cold and stormy, that the mother is afraid to take the children out for the fresh air and exercise they need so much.- In. consequence they are often eooped up in• overheated;' badly ventilated rooms and are soon Seized with colds or grippe." What Is needed to keep the little ones well-ia Baby's Own Tablets,. They .wll'1. regulate the stomach and bowels and drive out Golds, and by their use the baby, Mill be able to le over the winter season in perfect safe- ty, The Tablets are sold by. medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ' t night!' .87oliao snow; that thrills against the wind, That drifts on hidden grace, and lights, it. up With shreds' of manyrainbows blend- - ed white! Imponderable, irresistible, ' ,a .And draw the numbing hardness slow- ly out, And Slowly weave a gradual sweat, So freely on its iitnile and hungry - gloom They spend the Iasi calm Silver penny of love, 0 perfect strength ,Of soft nnetrennons snow! 0, mouth of beauty, whispering in the Paradise. . Lord, make my heaven plain and bare, But new and whole, , with'room to Spare. (No Clutter in it, anywhere! No shabby rugs across the floor; No rubbers flung behind the door, No Sunday papers auy morel No' litteredmanelpiece to dust, No crowded hiosets; nothing mussed, Nor any fear of moth and rust!) With spates clear and orderly, Wind-swept, in sunshine—I would be A singing spirit, strong and free. With Heaven itself in which to roam! (T wonder—'would I feel at home?)A.D. Gas Concrete. "Gas concrete," the inventionof a. Swedish architect, 18 made of cement, slab:alime and a secret substance that causes the water, 'when added, togene- rate a gas that "raises" the mixture as yeast "raises" dough.•. The concrete hardens into a pum iceIito s bstaic e that is not much heavier than wood. The great, porosity of gee concrete makes it an, excellent Insulating ma- terial. Frost and nroiiiture da not in- jure -it, and an eight -inch wall of it lite proved to be of sufficient thicknese for the Swedish climate. Find New Pearl Beds In India. ' Twenty miles of pearl oyster beds that will begin to yield it 1926 have been discovered 'in the Gulf of, Man- nar, tit the lower tip of India. British Government officials in Tndia predict the large,et peciri fisheries of a century will develop. 7,•heneiv beds aro di- rectly apposite the ancient fisheries of Ceylon exploited by the Greeks and Romans. Ask for Minartl's and take no other. The time that you save, like the money that you dive, Is useful only if you know how to epend -it. Spar r�l�t9 .mrotraOy n r. 2071180110 7:e1(.1115e2 in every t1'ow(Y fo Canada to Soli ti' 090051'07 produot, which- is ttniy:orsally used, ou can' dd. to' yoltr presoht income byecur- iig the exclusive rights to sellthin new product in your home ',rove, Students or' anyone wishing to`eare gooney for themsetvee can offer title product during their leieure time. Only e veryt reall Capital Is required, ale the pratts are large 511a ttart can be rstade by pur•oliasing a email quantity, meleeeon- "Prodpcts Corepaey, Oe 'Toronto, StreetF p eeente. 0 wildworland. d „ rebolutienary crow That tosses utter newness round the And jays it on the nations in their sleep! --Sarah N, Cleghorn. GIRLS -1 HAIR GROWS TICK AND BEAUTIFUL 35 -Cent' "Danderine" • Does Wonders for Lifeless, Neglected Hair. A gleattiy mass of luxuriant hair full .of gioes, Ius• tre and life ehor•t. ea .1y fo!loigs a genu- ine toning up of neglected scalps with dependabin Danderdine." Falling hair, itching scalp and the dandruff is Corrected 'immediately. Tinny dry, wispy or fading hair is quickly Invlg orated 'taking g on new. strength, h g color. and youthful beauty., "Danderine" Ss delightful on the Bair;' a refreshing, Stimulating tonic - not sticky or greasy! Any drugstore. 'The Scribe. Winter is a monkish scribe In a white cell. 750 draws black letters on a page Marvellously well, • • Tie draws them out exceeding fine, Black boughs 0n $quares b0 ally, And curious thorny ehapes of things Where white snows lie. IIo borders all the page about, • Ilis brush chimes with red The text of berries crimson bright In place of roses dead. The edge he gilds With dawn and, dusk, And lays kis white page still Where any man who passes by May road it, if he will. -Blida Morri L r Stodcien Dcaath. et rnp,not go,111re a candle, left burn- ing Far through' tb u night, i'ortured aid wavering„ iiiekering out, !calf-r'etiirtting- ,. pitiful lights Let Yue burn stcaiiii, -creophsg, Lightingtlto'pltaoo, -_-Then lot the With from a eery -()fret ell 151r3de1 ecnte' 5 eeping. Me out 138:10 (spinal ..: llllire,bet1i '7Tiilttts'y s 01 gold buffalo park, are: sonaeeS,000,�tninnaltay the growth Irom,a herd: of 716 which was Purchased some sixteen years ago. by the Canadian Government end;at-. lowed to multiply in peace. So.,great- has beth the development of, the herd that this fall 2,000 of the surplue,anj; mate had to be Slaughtered, and in the. spring another 2,000 young -buffalo are to be proved into the northern hinter- land and allowed to roam at, will there under •eondltions where they also tirili be safe from ruthlessbuntere.. Beware of Imitations!' Unless you see the name "Bayer Cross" an package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer As - Orin proved safe by millions and pre-. scribed :by physicians over twenty. three years,. for, , Colds ldeadaebe Toothacho Lumbago Neuritis • - Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain •Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package eon tains proven directions. Bandy boxoS of twelve tablets` cost few cents, Drug- gists also sell ,bottles of 24,end .100. Aspirin' is the trade. mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticaeidester of Salicylfcacid. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer Manufacture, to assist the pubitc•against itnitatfous. the Tab. lets of Bayer Centpany will be titanp- "with their eneral trade mark, the BdygiCross.' When a man becomes old 0/entente know better,,A isus>aa11y too,late. for ,hila to do better. Dentition Express Money Orders aro on sale in live thousand offices throughout Canada: A device for measuring the;05000'e de th byreflected sound waves is.be- ing tried. • Keep Mtnord's Liniment In the house. After seventy years I• still. -.think myself :"thrice fortunate to cave been born—General Sir ,Ian, Heniilton.:' -- on6-SAS. PUZZLE ' FOR TitnO CIiHLDR.ENe gust -- Send four- wrappers (rota T Oto Limited„29± Lernc i ,e 911, MViontreei. C . erre the forerunners of colds and erlppe. Inhale Mfiatcl's and rtil) Tt -on throat end chest, 4, sure tieventetive, • Reen u:. eggs, er Tegen iealiiedstillart rig er 5 an a ct rg>aaeaso that In,matµity Ontailsj'd Die, e e8 aP we wealraeAS.fi,..Yt When you lime secuaecr , 1y good mating It is well:, g Cnu ,to use sauce male bird's for yijw,v or, three `seasons, or untilflame, can be replace, by a good son of hie. So now, with ting'time 'right tpon us, it is well to keep this, in mild, The _broecl 01;"'or ..the heavy type Rocks, Wyan- datteS, $, 1, :1te 1s, etc,;". Should now.' mate up their pens and have their' o,Nn hatchfor winter layers' off early in March, -,?iris is not 60 early, as it 10 necessary to let the larger breeds have six months to mature -in, before they are placed in the laying houses. The„uuntber of hens to one finale bird is of importance. ':It.is as great'a mistake to have. too few •hens as too many hens with Me male. 4t. fair average for "utility” breed i,s twelve to ifteetr'ltens• to each' cock 05-0oek- rel. every year the' more painstaking hreeder,devotes time and thought o what ,liis' next mating will be. Ho thoughtfully scans his best chickens, watching for their good, points and deficiencies; anft if the latter is very apparent lie discards such birds from breeding pens, breeding only 'trom'the birds with good pointe -eggs, size. and general, conformation to the,standatil. of hieparticular breed, oltserving one rule al'ivairs, '`that no fault shall be present in bothtattleand' female," for Mach mating will . make the fault more'pronouneed in the offspring • Reineneber,,even if yet have net got a'wongei g1 lot of good hens, that you, 'cat g estiy, improve your stook: with it Ane' male bird, as it it well known fact that. the male bird is oveir r"pez' cent. of the -breeding ea' -W' :snipe, Orchard 'ark,. N, a d Would Secure a Full Vote. W1fie—°!low can- the women ever get out a till vote?” , Hubby—''The suggestion that the polls be moved to tlepantment stoles. wobtld do the Wok, 1 think/' Ot "Mother! Give Sick Baby Galiforllit Fig Syrup" Harmless Laxative to Clean Liver and noWeie.of Baby er Child. Ryan emotive— ed, bilious, fever,' isle, or Slop, collo' Babies and Child- ren love to take genuine '•'Califor. - nia ,!fig Syrup," No other :axative regulates the ten. deft little bewails, f ✓. so nloetyt Itikt sweetens thestomach and ntarts the liver and bowels actingg without grip- lug. Contains no narcotics or sooth- ing drugs.. Say "California" to Your druggist and avoid counterfeits! In- sist upon genuine California Nis Syrup" which contains directtona. In a hundred years the age in Willett we now live will. be the subject of laughter and jeers, Prof. fi., P1 Low. Minard's Liniment tot' Dsndraf8 The average man in any country is not gifted with extraordinary fore- sight.—Cardinal ;Bourne. DON'T � , -TRYTHE WATCH 1111 T` Can You Hear?' Place watch to ear then: draw away. You should hese ' yy X to uck ht 55ineaeo a tinging is your cart prevept sons yropecson•nei LEONARD EAR OIL relieva both Hcad Noises and Deaf- ness: Just rub it beck of: tare and insert in nostrils. Pries $1,25, For Sola Lverywhera. Interesting descriptive fader sent upon rainiest. A.O. LEONARD, Inc. 70 stk Avo. Novi "fork ming 61,11,1 1Sailt(1 .eilj. I e56 is 1Nigli4 She was fg11}Ii tar ' 0.on Lel' little brother,' t pn and !alar r - rived, and gre�ns her delight,'ir i1. Chrif teltingpn esp Gel lly' i � n that Snowy C5T 41p the little rain ct' •eradlo• nn the', elf" • Then , we'.04btee weeks later, c;Ir Wastoltot2 to1'ef$1ng, and at the t° ception afteaviiilde, was close t°'GI urge when sh"e'bhgaii'to Osst qhs, We • Het -face fell„an{ mother, cabin; at t "Mummy, they'y cradle!, Ache rushed to !rite e top of her voice,: .• :.forgailteu ihl ecore'Not A7;precinted, A little girl who does not 'under- etanri encores found fault with lite; audience ata recent children's 004ti! curt, In eshIch she helped to ring L' Chorus, I l ntw Ivo didn't '. make One miv' take,' rho exclaimed,- on the "Mt home, "and Yee, they made us 'fang It all over again,” •WOPMMEN t. 'DYE F.AIjED - THINGS NEW AGtAi Dy, Tint- Al* Werra, Shan` by Garonent or'Drapery Each 17 -cent package of "riiamonct Dyes" contains directions • 00 itiratbfr Plat any woman can,: dye or tint an '' old, worn; faded•,thing new, even it SI has.never "dyed. before, Choose ani" -ealor at drug store. Praise, 41341. -not fault-finding, is the teacher's hest weapon,—The Bishop od .Norwich. . tdinaree Linim nt et eats Cutts. The City o11 London. has a h!g{ta population orf 1$,705, but during the' day there is an inidux of 402,447, Wither out eauhting casual Visitors. IJ /44Y6wile /E5 efres11e,4'-- hied Eyes Wrltc !Aurin Co n aleAt{o,forEve arteelleoic A- nick Relief for Bea ache .A iteadacheis,freqtyuontlycauseci ky bully digeatedfeed; the goes and actdereatatinztlacrefrernaro absorbed by the brood which in tura irritates the nerves cod Causes panful symptoms called !headache, neuralgia, Sbeuena.. team, etc: -15 to 30 drops q- gjlrother Seiget's Syrup.' will correct ` faultydigeetion Said afford relief, SOOTHES IRRITATIONS , In the treatnnent of all skin irrita- tians bathe freely with Cuticura Soap and hot watt, dry gently, and apply Cuticura Ointment to the af, fected parts. Always include the ca.. quisitely scented Cuticura Talcum in your toilet preparations. Soap25c. Ointcicnt25aadSec. ToltumZ50. Sold throuabouttheDomtnion. CanadianDepott tnttAin, Limited, 344 St. Dud Ski w.. Atoatrssl, Cuticura Seep shave i withouStoiuS, DOWN +aj : 9 AND AIL.1NG Lydia R.Pia ll air's Vegetable'Coua4 pound Brought Relief Willem Other 'Medicines Failed Part Mann, B, C. —"I. took Lydia B, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound because I was tired and run- down.' I had head- aches and no ;a73ise- tite and was troub led for two years with sleeplessness. T tried many medicines, but notliaog did me any real 'good. While I was living inWash- ington I was recom- mended laymtranger ecom••mendedbyastranger to take' Lydia E. „" z'initham's."Vegeta- ble Compound. I am stronger and foal fine nffiee then and am aide to do any iiousework. I am willing for you .t® Iuse these facts as atestintomnL"—Mrs, 3'. 0, Guidevrns, bort Mann, l3, C Feels New Life and Strength 1 ICoene,N. I7.-- "1 was weak and nut down "and had backache and 411 sortss.bg° troubles which women have. I feared �reatrelief whenttking Lydia R. Pinioe @la is Vegetable' Compound and S also wed 7=,yditt R. Pit:dram's cm's 7anativ •osh.1 air able to do any Worts. and -feel few Ire and strength fro111'th0 Vegeta. 11yiCompound, lam doing ail d, can to la rortlse -t "-- hIrs A 11 21 tetAsot7D, 2 garpontor Eitreot /facile N I1. Piel: end ailing worsen everywhere tIn be• Dominion should try .Lydia B. iii chum's Vegetable Compound. t$ MATCHES East— blestEDDY'S' Best - 'L00K FOR Tat N1147 ON THE BOX , AitQlt5( remix 17. 55101,14 A lje,'r&imt{cit i!tali E No, 1—'24.