HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-01-24, Page 60, • 7F, ll. -a 411: i' 4% V4'. .4 • ... eetca d' , ' -..,.... •'•' ' ' Oin1res ,. n ane11pi qd 4tee1l�411, 114 K , . Lehhie, l'reinier ef 'Sovie,t died' ",.• . 4 '' •t• , o, olia° , ... toio ii .. ,lhat ,... " e, .0 11 ' re4e-nt 9y,den of.inspetion of' hentc' 'Whei:'.e. thes'0 ;:lhiicOakf-iOni eLll'fa'r-itahle 'institutions. ,t'intr' 1:1,, Ir oMxT A D 61 , , , 6 Jaii thi,„.0,1ady.S,, ..• , 1.y. -ehikt .(-).f.ait:, . '. NV, lis,;,k ..4,1iirid '601'ett's4i,..tiO• Thoinas' Arr- Trick, only Sonof .1gr,r and Le'"i.e' Ti'161.0f-London ,for0,,e,1'7,-, °I Gclderkli tQw"..)J*1). ' '. ,. N N. ...t D , , , a as.11, a; I Y .-4„ •ti :wash; c,ay., an4 pee. aw ueli e, • ' s,ltd OU 1Oz't of ''..c0Ee",,s0M..0. *.1,i. 01:1!k , 11.1'i.e,e, is on) te . '. .. . . . , ....,... ,, • ' ' ''^',' - :tie give the . Mghest priees or e'ggp' (graded); and' 'e sell drich7 ' CluiltY '., rea,'d' ' ' ''''''''i ''''.' ' ' ' ' '''''''''-i .1'4'2' 11'7 ' ''' .4, . 11 in i „ . 11101;111fil 'r idiiI11,01F'llilhf 0,i Ao v w, -. ir l•-• i . reline ipl , ._._.__„....„ s mating problem ;...you , n ediately by installing 'the at Ms home, Clear' MosceW daY afterrionn." , ., , . . , d.',.ti. ,,,t,:ha...l,,,e ,What ' about' that .nl'e it• °P, ::o-vn,ely.' mild,.'jnuuri1,i'.'`It npii1n1e13074 ,rm11, "mud ‘'.. „.‘,.;,,,,,,,,,iri ,,,T,',.,, 'e,v,,'e 1-4•110l1 in G-11•Qat britain,,as well a' foreign countries are placed: is en . . titli...Pol!gly'lri'..aeticeocilnuianteen'd tahna(ti s'uwehe. iinwsifltuld''' 'l'°l'' 'brin'ging tn 'children should inall el00-eneraewith the 100al Chld .113 Societies, whose insPecors I;inist be 111 Q. 'better position to tin- 11 the local conditidIis and v. -he . . ,HAYS,---NAIRN--At the hoille at 1the ' hrida's parents, 1,e'ays street.„Code.. 13"ilech-°e9rnmjidalillilih7:11:g111°'br`;srj.t;t4:11;', 'Mr. an-,d,M:r._C.ha;s.:A.s:„a0i1 21, rO, °bcb1mOtr:i'SCN nd Mrs. R.G,lia13, ail iode- ic i... , ., ” - , , • •. l' . ..1:',T;P,Y°01' ° :° ' 'ach ',c/a 's 'd.el,l'verY; ' 1 q1.1 I ' ' 0,I1R..STORE I $ clUI8. STO.BU . , .• - ' . C0SGRONPhoOo til .../ ..0 ..,Envict . TH1. sToRE oR - EvER-kBopy .. - , ., SU HEINE , . , 1115 to 20 theuSand cubic. Sect h .e. . r13111 011, 101 coal coal. coke or bar yituy over ir°he : Also remember -,ve carry only both pure and Mghest refined of ,00e-. of '''G";;;t7-13i.tf-iii-i,,npla'Y's..gelf ind.is married to' the'Iii.ede 'of. an'Earl, so he may not )1.i..epossible ,as or,e. would 11:.frequently: . . bA.1.1. orrwanutt.h,reugh a.cent.lY. anhigtfrm hParliament 111 uwimnilajirbhoayset lay a feeCuted ite bsemen, ha.1e-T°hthet). oinr,e :aby a' nd ardrennodD9eS , eau ,Vi.,21.i the children 111Q141 frequent ly, and inale ,an insPection winch Li, not . . ,,- - „ . la.. ice 'past. , , At' the bekinning-of the ease; rues,. y eveR,ay111 1000 1dsca, 1 foC called T mt IMn°getd'h2on6',Strati'or''d,'who 'had worked. ;C°x'bTluehnC4fterbeingorer- t-perodoffievears :, Births . .. , , CARRETT---4n Clinton; - on January , . 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvanly Gar- ,rett of-Londeobo'ro a • daughter. GLEN --In Stanley township . on Jan and' Mrs. Edward . , ,21stto Mrt^,' mena dal1ter "AT' „H' UR.,,,,--'IiAu, hu' rn on January 12thto Mi' and MrsJohn Arthur, aSmi ' "A RER n. RE . •,-... l'e c, 7 " 0 late 4 4 •,. • ' inioof I. the hundreds of satisfied . ' and elsewhere. ' re ...4 A few 40 Watt lamps left at 8 for . , Pure Aluminum Dish h Panseach .. .our spech `..: ' , TO FAIIV•IE. long11/2inch traces also 72 Inch II RS-Se4e/ ,. nt Ktoblike , Di.•. JIM, :.Medic'al. Health ,Officer, ondon, -seenis to.be a. Man who likes, Lo make ' st.artling 'statements. He ., says men. we..ar too.manY elotho.sh ta.t, 's.. andegit onthFarranthad come to Can- adafroni England, and...was placed on the Coi' farm , by .the :Annie McPlier- Eon i'10111e, Stratford; . He. Saul; in replyin ktb Mr Hays' question's that "Cox had 'treated him the very!tbest, that he 1,1ed .Ple.nt.3i' ',.° 6.1 a?u,l' MaEWAN-In Goderichonn 14131,.tm INIr• ,t314 Ml:s. W. G, Mao- ,. Ewan, Albert street, a daughter. ' ' • ' - DeatlIS DEKPSEY--,-In I-Iullett, ' on 'January ..,. ,, . , . ' 'We can recommend Nollsoli's .4. the greatest .va.lue to be ,had in chocolates. , , ..., .. . ., A. trial boX, will please ,ou.. 1 , 1 Club ,Box at 00c pei lb. as being , . , ll ' 11 . TELEPHONE. . . 1 7 t 53 • „ . „ ,, they ought to il.)e' able to tanti t4,g.,P-3-- , oof the wi',.'rt clothing 110 grs hter i plenty of spe.qieg moneY. ' ' , ":', k • . • . -, 18th, J. W. Demnse,y, 'aged 6i. years. ERWINIn Bnytield, .ori' Ja.M. 19th, 1 , i , ' ' ' ' 7. 13e. geed to your appetites. i n 111411 4 1911 111111111111111111111 11 11 1111111 Man 1 011 411111 11111111 0104 ' heavier than a thin suit of underwear. eVell. we'd like 'to have see,n DI% 'Hill. sprint down street before -the wind . • • • Monday morning in a suit of, light- .. ..,COX,• le stated, had alWaYS .treated , , thin .fairly, and "as good. as his oWn Mid " . • NVilliam Teeter:, aged 25, who came .,.; , out hem Eng an Fi'ances England., W.ife of 1VIr. II..W.• ErWim clerk Of the Munici l't el Bayneld, aged 59 years. Pa l'Y • ' KELLY--InGoderih .. c, on January . . EAT OUR PRODUCTs - • e. : 1 - THE .TASTE TELLS - ,. . DO YOU NVANT , Albeita 'COalt - underwear. . - , , . 60,000 railroad men..went on strike in Britain at. midnight on Sunday. Efforts on the art ,O1 .Labor to pre- on 119 00011, 1VOTte for Cox for two years •prior to May 22 last. Tinton testified that -"Cox was a•,model empleyer hi eYeey way," while' he had worked for him, end" t at e, 30, dldad Ay , , oi , h h " . t (I'd d ' 1 '' Ditil, John Kelly, in his 83r3 year. BARICER----In Goderieli, on *January lath,'" John JoseehkBeeker, iri his " 79th 'year. ' ' ": • . ' _13;`iriKEI. ZIE--.' In Doderi°11on Jan. ,, ' - . r, el J.. , ,ROWN & CO. .. - . • . • DA4Elt AND(CONFEDTIONER Phone 1 IF YOU 'DO . LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH, • E. WARD • . ., Phone" 155 ' • • Huron, Street vent 'the strike, wei•e femitless. The of bringing about . . : William Li att (recalled), edinit-. Ilth, Tholnas ;McKenzie in, los 78th • y. ear.' ' ', s '' ' . • • • ' , . "., '• I problem a settle - meet will fall to the lot . of a Labor ted -to Mr. HaPyPs that he got -eclair:1- .." , . -" • ,.............. FOR' SALE , Government, as the Labor leader has been ,asked by the -King to form .a Government,. If the strikers are wise they:•evill net •einbareas' this .friendly, govextenerit by extrairagantkdemands, - . * *.* -.... , ' . , ' '!.I.Yly brother newspapermen • some- flinee kid me A 'little about haviiigkte site out an existeeetar by elem.:keeping Neal farming, ,but it means that they Reece. all go bad in the seine year, lad the. fahijiy are neyer..,,really en want, and as the three, lines are sel, Joni ell good ie anye,one year it keeps as froni getting ,that proud haughty, lemeanour so almeecteristic. of 3ive lle.wepaper.,_fethillee. This ,year die farming: 'brfinch 'caused fhat hu- anlitykvvhielt. you may have noticed. Po.,,,clay es I send a thecine fee farm taxes *one erofits made ;from the sale self While•eniPloyed at'Cox's but ad- ded: '"I had to get uie-if I hadn't .., et , • - e tri •ed•been a row. . .„. , ,t , ."Did, ' you ever have Q.. row. -vvi. h •Cox? . :"Yes, be-eaese T didn't ...come -Over•-to -.Work on Chriatmas Day, I told him I Woulchi't wbrk foe him ce: 7 • thee ' ' 'on ChriStMas Da all1=7 01 t•,,Man . , „,,. Y, anci I ef • „ Other witnesses effiled oe aiecalled during tbe evening were;!Leelie• Co, Daniel Schwan% T,horrias Guedry,„Ce ' ciI Baxter .aed GeOrge -BaXter. In all 24' ivitnesSes Were- called during the leanest , • ... ,..: . ... . Cozener Dr. A, C. Huntei ,e,ddiee-, e..d the jury as femme, The ,f,cat IS apparent- that this,i, ' kt ' his ioy:came .o. death the lot 3, concesthen 6 West Division of Colborne by straugulation caused 'by hariging by the meek. That - . . , CIDItUlltIg NeW ' The oeatli "ocoiTed at the hOme of her nenheve G. L. Chesney., of Cal- . gar -v -Alberta' oii January 7th; of 'Miss - --' Sarah J.. Chesney, „formerly of; Sea-. ' ,forth., Miss Cheaney was born. in England, -Coming . to Canada tliirtY-the:farther seven years iagce,e,Slie. lived ine„Sen: fol/Ib several years.. and was ' 'Nen knewn there"? • She was seventy -se- yen yeas k of'age..' • - " • i . • On T.uesday o'f Iasi w-eeic Mr, Henry Mae -Chesney' bf Seaforth died very thicIdenly"at-the, age 'of . sixti.igh, t, - He is suryived bk his wife,•who Was.. formerly' kiss, Jand Bullard!, and a fteomsny,' Of thr.ee sons 'end two• (laugh. e . ascass '''"c"t°16 ii...r1,''''' • , 'NEW- LAID. OGS ALS . , , ' '141,1.114'; ',.' POULTEIY „, :0, pak•ernium for strietly 'NeW Laid' Eggs and also for 'well fattened Live Poultry of •all 'kinds. Special arrange- • ments• will be anade to. handle produce from a ilistanee. --e- . ' . Phone or Write eis for regular weekly price list.whichgives all the neeessary inforenetion,. • • • .. ' , , , , . •• . , . .,„ . -•• - • - -0 Lyon, ILiangiols e4 C . Liniiited -'' : • • • .. • 7 ,.. • . - .. . • • Molitreal; Quebec. .. • N, Vii. TREWARTHA , ; , , - . -Manager, Clinten Brarich , ' ' • . " -190 ' - The Hospital )3oaril offers for gale its :building on eorner of Victoria and . . Cutter streets... . . As at „present arranged it 'contains 19 rooms including dining room, kit- eheri,- linen ,yoom, bath,. etc., .suid the. cement -floored basement contains the laundry ' and,. furnace , rooms. , The building is .well heated and lighted ' tImoughout and- -without cahange would" make an excellent boarding' house or private , hotel, with slight rearrangement it could , . _ ; be adapted as a, store, .ce as a.dwell ing. or. A 'smell apartment house. - . - d• - -,. Structurffily,at is in. geed con itien , and repine. ' Inspection_ may- he art. ranged for, 'or terms of- sale had on ftpplication to =R. E. Merming, Reyel Bank, ,Clinton. of slate pencils, I realize as few erli.. fora 'can, lust Nvhat the fatener" this hinging was selfeinflicted is be yond the shadoNv of a I ,-2.1,"hoP ,Ebwdney, ofeKeewatine\yin visit Seefeeth .011 'Jan. -29th sapeaking Day Phone -- • ' . .. : . Night Phone 214W • -7 - Renee' For Sale , . . er0.. ap agrainst.Braeebridge Gazette.. , .doeht. would like to make it quite, elear a- ..•• . , -, • , ' - 7.....,77,77.77.7***" to the WA 10 In the afternoon and•to a ,,,,,..***,..........*' Comfortable frame house on North - • Bil t 'where the ,, samhill atd. be get• the capital to invest in slate pencils and forms ? '• .. . . ,,, ..• - - . bout those bruises .They Nvere due meetnig of the congee.gation 'of St.- • - • , , au_ Thomas Church- in :the evening.- . - , . to hanging; such abrasions appear . Aelgications For Assessor 1 Applications will 1?e Teeeived by the PI° body after .hanging; that ' is a Dr. 'MacKay of Sea -forth ha's, pun; ,undeisigffed up to Saturday, Feb. 2nd; recognized fact. :That should be ehaeed a handseme' driver froin Mr.' .-1 . -•• . ; . 7Farnt For Sale Leta 26 and' 31, Hayfield eencession Goderich township, -containing 212 . -20 ' street, half acre of ground. All kinds, of fruit ' !Small etable, town , - Watee In house. Robert P. Fisher. - • • • 87-tf, - • - .. The Oshawa Reformer, which, as its name implies; id a •political oppon. 'nit, 'has •the folio:wing-to say abotit " ' the leader of the Ceeservative Party: ; "The ,Hou. ' Artline'' Illeighen - hes • for the o - ce o assessor or ne-vi -.. ffi' f f tl firmly fixed' hi your mind,- • Dale 01 Constance , • . , ..., "T1 • t' i then W.1 'should ' '''' • , lege of allayfield for 1924. Applicant The clues ten s. . y ,. . •Rev. NV. D. MeIntosh of Brucefield• te state salary wanted. . ' ' • a boy .of - sixteen commit. sum.ide 7 has 'peeeived a ,Ccilf from the Presby-, - ' . -.--4.1. NV. ERWIN, Clerk The evidence shows, that this bo3 was . terian, church of Mitten. : , The 4sti- Bayfield, "jab. 22Cd, =1924. 28;2 educated in. England, and that he -was pend.• is 92000, free ' - acres. et, „ : acres con ming 4 112 ta' • 2'storey'bieli hoese, 2 barns each 36x 56"also strew shed, 15 acres hard - Wood bush, , spring ceeek, Dinning. ' - ------ yerir: round,' 51/e. Miles from,Clintons. For Sale • A quantity of first elass dry maple hod 'Nvood int 1.2 inches Tong. Apply •-: Lie ; Wise' Phone 24 on 605. 35,tf ' ••• • - been addressing audiences .iff Quebec Pi:evince hi ,the French language: there . ie probably no abler 'Man An Canada than the leader of the DOI- • • . • . - • • 3ereatave ,party, and has • deteemnia- /1011 to break .thiwn the peejudices /1,-, r; . 1111 a ainet 1 i '4 0 be 'Pr ' i a manic. end 0110 , a • graduate of a school approximate. , 1. . - month s; ho idays., , ., .1Tomeinade Baking Sale 7. , ' te r high schobl, " He etud'ed ' 4'6' Spanish,j°1.,. ,, Pet m: Xelly'.of Tuelie;sniith, whose ..e. sale of, home bakint 'will be held enell. and Mathematics: ID ' , death occurred' on. January 12111,•WeS e_aral afternoon tea Served by the Wo- eeaion he was'fitted f • ' ' ffi i - a. . -' • ••- al an a - buried- in ••the Egmoriclvill cemetety' inans1.:Au;ciliary of St, Peurs.'Cltureli posit 011 was aent•out here, where - h 1 if t d ' •1 Ibat w• 11 r i f r on . Monday. of \last ereelc. The late' come:dancing at 4 -p.m. on ThutOday, e la • 0, o Ivo'. c , a as a ( 3 him, to d8 and work'to which he was tr. Kelly was a very'highly esteemed 'February 7th in the -Parish Hall. 88-2 • 114 miles •Dom Varna. R. M. De- ;Iivery,:telephone. Lot 31 tontainr.96, 'aeresi with frame, barn 86x60,', all in grass. Will be 'sold _separately or together, :. Apply ' Isaac 'Bothwell Varna. , 88-11. .- • . • . House For Sale or Rent - -8-room fra-me honse on Victoria st. Electric: light, town water: Large garden with some fruit trees; kli-P111,Y to Geo. II. Elliott. 22-1f.. , „ue • evince 8 a • - • _ . , _ . .,.. . ..._ , - . ; uneeeus mu • residene oe eitheicersmitn.. • t ed He h 1• werthy alebitien.". . , When care remembers that the -pre- ' Office' was created and deltheretely biiilt en hy. certain seetioes of 'the 0.1110sitien..nress for 'party adVentage .1 id iriterestine, to- have a newspaper ' ' ' reithe opposition camp speak pat so ionestly. It would 5e better for all parties. and, for the deethey of pub. . friends, fie. wee ac eo • , . .. . .. . seventy; i lie Y , , o .. g , nd. a . here' Natttrally he ma lonely. There i i ears f. a e• a ie ur- Auction Sale - • • ' 7' a b kthr a it bt b* , if • Of choice eOwes Young citttle and . is not 'a shedow of 7.1.- doubt bat the 'lye Y ' ee a g ere, is w, e . , bo had long hours and hard' wovii. having• passed ' 'away about twenty horses. The. undersigned. ffactioneet ! He had , :-- - •• • • ; years ago. In 'religion he was a.: has received .instruatithis ' to'esell- by ' '''''' •.',' ad tried on to .00CaS§10115 1.0c, PreSbYtel'itIll •a/14 ill„ polities, a !Oen.. public auction at lot 22 COncession 2, • run weer.. and was brought. beele Il . .,., , . ., . . . . MdIfillo township 1% miles north then had but two alternatives: •to go Berval42°. , • ' P ' ' ' ' 1 ''' back to Englsand in disgrace or live ' Igoe and Mrs. ,T. A, IVIanzies ' East and 41a, of mile east .of 'Seaforttleefarm on.., ! ,• on where he was. • ..- -' Wriwatiosh, armounce-the engag' ent fornidrly' occupied by ThoP. Grieve, on . , em , . . . ' , American -Pea I3eans 'For„ Sale liel • f 'Yielded .70 bus a, Dom 49,lbs. o seed sowe.12,1los„ ee e acre. Samp ' ' the . ' le at Jenkins'. and Ford'e 'feed, stores. Price, 93.00 per basliel.... leithert Gii. Reid, -Varna, Ont. Phone Clinton 630- r- : 12 - • .38-2-p, ' . Furs Un in Price It aw furs wanted at following ' Aces: . • p 99.00. • Mink, 95.00 to , 'Reccoon, 93.00 to 96.00. Fox, 99.00 -to .2.2.00.! Weasel, 25c to 90c. "Phone 89, H.A. Hovey, Clinton, Ont. .i 1/± if bopoSing politicians. and their friends would stick to the truth, "Added to his , loneliness . and de- of their, eldest daughter, Ma.y Isabel, January 26, coinmencing, at . one o'clock sharp, the • follovehige 2 eression he is whipped. Mr Gox to Mr. Zanies Cecil Hariiton, son of ' 'eFruit . . . . . . . • 85-tc0 -- 4. fair . fight ahd no favor but insist mon fairness: , ' ' - says,.for tailing lie I • Mr. arid Mrs. J. R. Harrison, Hirkton , DurhamecoNve. dee in Feb.; Holstein • - , . • 8. 'b is very clues- , .: , . ' cciw • due in Feb.; ' jersey •CoNv'dite in in my mind if 0017 „good cam the mannege to. take place' the latter.. ... 7, . , : ... , . 10000 come of whippingbby of 16. Cer- part ot january. ' - • . Feb.; 5 eows• due in Acrilt- 2 cows 'due Growers : :•.. • - ' • " • . i - • • - , . Prairie' house on Albert street, Clan , • * * el: * - - A Member .of the .Wingliam Faun, IrY C'ompany -stated .the. other day, lift had all the furecicea•bonght.oute . • . . • fidii-that'town by Citizens. Clueing the' last year been bought from the foam-, .a , ., , , , , , . , , . e .., an, jiine mfilung well now. '13 steers thinly Cox had not the legal authori- The, total 'fines ini osed. •in the ' ' ' ' ty•to. whip this hey: (Ilere'the e6r- County 1:, i• ' 0 • 1'1923 ' Pohoe ou,rt in .010ount- ! Neeighing.from 800 to 1100 lbs.; 4 fat oner quothd the- deiminffi Code on 'ed, to ,$.1.1,112.08, ,about. le,000. inthie ' Hereford heifers about 900 lbs.; 2 1 ) - 1 • - • - ' ' Durham heifers; 'team '' OP,' geldings, assail t. By us tontraiet- this boy: than 'the revions"Year " Th'f l•-• • • • ' ' Nvas 1' d - • in p • ° mmg 7 and 8 years, weigiung about 111e • '. - • lovvieg table,/ secured 'from official ' 3200 • • e!"Added'to. ' h`t h • ":1' :" INC- 7------* , • ""---." ' • Meetings in the interest of the fruit industry in Hiffon connty will be helif 'as follOWS'• • . • - . :. ••••• ! . • - . Mredneeday• January 'Clinton, ton, With O'ne quarter of an acre•gar- . den with fruit 'trees; for sale. 'Ap- 9137 to Mrs. Thos. Len R.• R. No. 2, , ,. e , Clinton; Phone "15, ;pia 604, Clinton central. : 10-tf lo there, Would •have been $6;000 nore, spent in Winghana in wages and . .. ;here Would have been rib idle tiane . . . ee foundry workers. This is a phase ; cl' i goo , a c eis an •lig ou o his"I'v-iiippinga mid -gen- t . h • t f - n. ' -.th '5 f ' ' eral lonelhiess there was the fact quer ers, s how to w our 0, e Ines! tiaed.wae, . .If iimonvenient foriiiin- . " ' ' ` '' k • • - t e• .e le day that be had -no recreation. -He went. 'were • Paid' .-i. • ; ch sees, to .iernove :ea tl eon:- a ,t, , to. church and Sued h 1 'f that Sunday se oo , i .Provincial 'Treasurer . ,., . . , :$6e9.75 will'r•feedenntil • Mend:eye f Thiii1S.q.of - • be recreation, , If you- considerthat Prov., -License ,CommisSion ..6175.00 sejei Eight Months exedit.onapIMON''' • 23rd1 ' A • It ' 2 path, Departnierit of grieu ure. Thursday Jatuary 24th Goderich, , ._ ! I 2 p , le .. town, hal .. - .. , ..• ., . ; . . , • • . , US OM • s living C' t e----!--• ifkthe euestion Which_ needs looking nto and adjusting in 'Almost e.very ewe, ' Go out and ask any eitieen of Ainton lin instance, if he'd like to , , . :cc Clinton geow. and ' prosper and . .,, ,..„.Dungannon, the conditions under Which this !boy Federal Government ... . , ,-,1650.00 ed loint notes, -4.(per.':eenteeetraignt existed lied anything to do ' with his Constables' Fees ..... , , _. 2. 920'.88 allowed foe, mash,. • A. E. Townthend, suicide ;it is' your duty to embedy that Witneee.:•-fe°e • •'!'". • • • • • • • •••• 1211-5 Pr°P-194°F. • "Brown and Reed; enc., a - • • • ' d. t - Prey Officer Whitesides 2 -'• 25.00 tioneers, ! - •• • ,-,., ....!, ,38-1 ! S a rffieren your ver ic . ! , •• .. • • ••• - - -,- ' •' • ; . , - • Then i 8 the in- Fees peid other perSons.......,. 280.30 •••••-•',-,-er 7,, midday, .January 25th; 2 9.eas, , Allen's hall. , , ' ' k ; ,' . - These Meetings !Natill be addressed by E L Gable , Hamilton District- , • • 7 7 ' Custom sawing Will be done in Bay- field during the winter months, at Themes Wallis', 4 concession Gode- . township • • also rich In the sizing ie'd ay "yesu most emphatically, 3ukin Clinton; as in Wingham.; there Lee; meaty who do very little to being, thout• Such a conditioneThere are in ..„,, . , ,, . . 77inton teverai 'inlet. of 'inenufacture eat there is. very little real .13005ting d these eriariufactures, while in. some „there question. of .. . ..,;- • ," , County. of Huron .. •••• ...... 915.0e - Clearing AnetierrSele, ',..! .-- • sPectio "Th" • h b '"• n. eie as boon no evidence , ! at to whether a farm is inspected be WOnghien . , . .... . , , 01 'farm stock and lanclernentk.. On forna-boYiis placed, but I'farie-that. Godench - ..... . '----------------73.00 let 46. concessione2 Tuelthemeith !.(Lon: ' ' • • - Blyth • - . 5 00 don Read -Survey) hall, 'enilee•from ' that is. done by letter. . The , Cox . • • • • • ' • • - • • • • • • ..,.. ••• .. • • • • . _ home was enspected 'on Noventber 27: Ilullett ,,,.. , .. _ .. 2,50, London., e vIte'adi. .Tuesday,, 'Jan -earl' • That 'inspection may have been all W. Wawanosh .... . . . . . 4.50 20h: 1-IORSES-,-A..griculturaleteare, - • , Exeter -. Feint Inspector, P. 1Carey, Toronto, Demenstrater „arid John Lawlor, Sunf.. . rnerland, B.0e Expert Apple Packer • Fruit' grewers are invited to ate tend theSe Meetings and take 'part in ! - , • , thee-liseussion:". • . ,and in Clintcth. ...- ---- . Rag ,BAYFIELD MeEWEN 33----.7 35-tf . , , . • , . :ases there" is a putting, forward of Pitside, ; products. "...Mannfacturers _rig it an i may no - lave (mil, n ... , . .. , .. . .. 47,00 mare risieg 6 y,eitra and gelding.ria., 1 and tl• b I this cage it wee h, good farm a splen- Ashlield .. .. .... . . ,, 10.00 •ieg 5 years:, black colt rising 3:years. , , . . dideliorne. The boy 'fed. CATTLE tment' of Agriculture Ontario Depar , , Clinton, . ! . .--.........---, . aid retailers should get together and ,ry and boos,t home industries. When' )eople send mit of townfor 'goods, urnaces, or ether thingse tli.ey 'Llanelli wai: well -Holstein, -cow 6, yeere:eld, : It -was a natural,. thing, foi• -the ,in- - Total- • • ' • • • •'• • • • 911,112.03 due to freshen last..•of' March, ei. lrea- , , specter tO think that the boy had a . 1VIr. Relit. IVIcKey:of 'Godemeh, who 37y, millieth Durham eow, '4 years .old, • splendid 1101110 It lookedeNveli. 'on ' .is 'offering tengilde assiStande: in the due, to 'freshen! the -last-4.1 February; ! tee - erection.,of. a :coMmunity-hall; • . ' 37-1: A • lt 1 R ' t t've 3,7raeu ura epresen e 1 . , ,- • • • ..- k : - R 9/7 :aye or think they have, good reason, •1; is un,.to the• -manufacturer to get :is good§ before Die public in his Own . ; .. mileivick in such a manner es to get 'is offers purhain cow, 8. years old, -due-to e surface. : . . . , . , ,,,,If seems' to me_that if the inipee- to duplicate n contribution oPe912,000 freshen last of April; :Polled Angus tion ,were la d 'n the ha d of the froni the citizens of the town,40or,that •CoNv 3, Years •oia due to :freshen mid- . . p ee i e n s , Ch'Id '' ' A'cl'' 8 ' t ffi ' h PurPoee• • ' dle of july; farrow :cow .8 years old; i ren s- 1, • ocie y , Q eers, w o , - . , , . . are f.athiliar''with the i11.' • • milking' registered Durham 3 ' _ - . 0- ) • ••"°' . High Patents, Blends and PastrY• , intereStecl, While it , to the - crests 'of citizens to people'. .the cow district; there would -be' a better lie- Auction Sale - • . years old Lady- Hazel ="Ith - "1.76894 - • _ .. S S c 0 1 a ' give all manta-. , - • . . . .., e , 'acturepeeof then town a ,fath trial ,nd if -their. geode eon' • u ' 'price , , -- e- p:in .rid. mielity to those offeeed layont- ide firni`s a preference slieuld be glir-, nett heMe manufacteeese „ Get -to'," ;ether,ework to.gether and boost the own hve That's - • • - • ' port As to what farm. was •stutoble for a hey and as to 'what • boy MS' • ' • • ". - ' sinthble for a farm This boy wes .not physically built nor :traiped fee the farm- - • • - : ..•,..,- - fhis 00ee is an important one ; it ' has, been fullyC discussed -throughout ' .• • ' • d - •• Of •househol effects, Isaac on Saturday February- thel ' • ' - • •' sharp the follovringe solid welnut eery table; sorifil walnut,thall leather .reekers; 'wicker. rocicee; ler table; 2' •small tables; ijardinere staricli:4 riigs;' hall tack ; offic.;:hedroom ' - 'thee to :freshen iddle of • july • eeg- street, . _ .:111 - , - , . at 1,30,, istered Duithani Bell 2 yeees.old; IVfar- • • - 9010'Champion • 160448-•• registered lib-, e - 11 - '' tree; e, Durham. bull rising 1. ye. - These. re, -par- gistered 'cattle . ere -from :an ,EngliSh dairy...cow; 2 Polled .Angus steers, weighing 950 lbs each; liereford . hei- . . ' Miens Heavy Rubbers ., - ,, Regular 93.50; sale price .$3.00 . u eis Men's.'•HeavY R bb ' . 'Reg. • Cereal: , .. . Rolled OatsellaltecI,NVhein, mat- eine, „Graham. Flour. ' ! yeti rn. the only vay te.inake it a suceessfel pleasant,' own to !live in. - • - . • '''' • Ontario. It has, far-reaching results ire affecting. MUnigration from 'Eng: , • ' . • . - land. , • , ' ._ spite- and. new spririg,e and matress; fer weighing 900 lb. 2 Derhare buteh- e-. , 3 iron beda, Storing's and matresses; er heifers Weie•hine 800 lbs.' 'eel.1;. • - • • • • • • ' ' ei . . • - .- - - - • - , .. single 'bed with •springs aed atress, , , . •'' . $4.00, ale $3.50 Men's Heavy Rubbers " '' • . . Reg. $4.75 sele, 94. 00 . . - . eie..;, ... .i•-e•-z-4-ei ,,,, . , , ...---- . Feed, • .. •JurtY:BRINGS,IN V•ERDICT IN' ..1113,pirr SUICIDE CASE , . , .• ' 'i ,." "If bY.,your verdict yen car: im- prove ..the condition of these boys then this boy may not have died in ,vain." '''"" ' ", Polled :Argil's steer rieina::1 year..old; clresserseond .comOde; - toilet _set; oit.. r . - - . . - .----' - ' ' - - ' 'cloth..2.congoleure Digs' lawii mew- Hereford heifer rising 1 year; Din:- el.,. new; Side board; Round e01e110100 ham, steer, using 1. yeai, 4 rine tablee 6 quarter cot oyt ehafrs loathe calves; fall calf; calf, 2 weelcS Old, the, ' ' ken's Light Plain Overs ' ' '. Reg..$1.40 sale -$1.25 Ladies5110101 I 41 t Pla'n Overs ' • , Itog. $1,,,10, sale 05e Men's Fleece' Lined r" . . 4 , Bran, Shorts,- Screenings, Wester , . . Oats CornChop --.- At the; sixth sittirig of the inquiry t° oto the••causes leading up 7.1., --° !!, , as eath OfCharles Bulpittwho w ound hen !in in the ,barAtof Benson a g • :lox of Colborne township on D.e,ceni- er 22ndi. held at Goderich on TueP; Lay evehing.fhe :they •brought iii the . . ellowing,:verdiet: . ' ,.., , „, That Cherles Ilulpitt- &nee. to. Ms ' 'r,,. tuatiir, at'. lot. 3.., 001118 81011 6, ',rest- 0,-6,,f. com,,,,,, by henging, etieh W'as. of his iiwrract. ., l?-..,f,RVe Aid that • :Clinton Odd, Fello-Ws are putting on a minstrel show on Feb, 5th and 6th, and are being instructed by the Mac- Intyres. r, • , . • lhe Blyth Agricultural society held its, annual meeting ,. in the Memorial Hall on.Saturday afteremin irith the -' - ' • • ... T' . N ' • ,presiderat, William Tracey an. the chair ,,,, • • , a no secretevy - treasurer s • , repoec „sho‘ved that the association is making good. ,progross-efinanpially. :heel:reg. a.: bal'anCek 11•0111 tiiii loaf fair:- Mrs.- Curnininisas delegate to the Fairs ts• Couch. Easy chair. 'Cedar er sea , , , , mop; Fuller Mop; Home Economy , range, ' '1 . ' b b • •• near y new, • ,ese - urnm. , Electric. iront, Electric heater"; 9 hit- .eben eikii...a. 2 kitchen tables: Small • .! ' ! . . ' . ., table; washing methane and wringer; ' baby buggy; 2 'small reelierea. roller , bli i'ds• dishes. boiler; 'stove - :pipes; , 1 • ' • 1•;''' • • 1 I '' sewing mite me; gramte,ware; nit c e ; tea ' kettle; lamps; tubs; scalers; 2 hbls. of apples; ned fruit; •canned d t IQ' g .anr hone tomatoes; gar en op- , 1 op , and records; ereckinele boardL; 1918: Ford ear, .recently overhaniedln first • ' • ' • ' ' alb c cattle ere in mobil corditiou ' - °v-• • -. " - - '. - ' PIGS -York ' sow with litter three „, .. , - . weeks old; Yerlt Sow due to lit7th ter 1 , .M • 1 • ' York' • • • ' t r d ' ' t i- arei, §ove legia e , , ,. bred; 11 I c nics .about 150 lbs each; .,_ -, kla ' ' - ., ' ' e . 6 'chunks about 65 lbs. eah e 9 pigs ." I; 1. cl IIVIPLEVIENTS `Tr ek rus we, ne . .1 .. , , — . 11, waggarplia ' kood as new, good 2 fur- ' .• ''' lb li.' c filet. a Ch ': l'..O..7 ldill'.g" II- '9g ' ''13 • - ' '' eVY0'' . • - , , • , ti- t., -, Lee'.. ear:, as,„ g',0°.. A5 _ne7, 4„;.„? -,.":n lgfc °I' g00°. '''''''''., ' s)P.al.'''1,, .. ,‘",.'"---=` ' .Unclerwea, Pri e 50cents an 75 cents 'c ' d • 3. )aie. of .3;fen,s' woe soek, 7, .., F , , • .„ . r el. 00 Men's' All WoUndei d41.1,17Q111° 0 ' . , ` ' -' $1-00 9125' $1 50kaild• 97 00 . p. ,. : : , goys, Fleece Lined- Ilndeewear ..60c. •Flannelette Blanketii" .e:.' ,.....$2.75 G-ngliiiMS • 20e to • ' '• ' raft. '• ' - ''' 71( ' ''' .. ...' . ' Black' or 'Green (en, Per lb • - • ,Pde, erelencia 'Raisins •lb .k. , , . ' ......'."..:10el' Se6leA,'..•ItiOlig., 2 ' plt.g.j. 'for r....25c ' '• ' •••::•••• '.'-.• ''•3'7.-1.• ... ' :!. en. 4,en. ..,..A14.," e. VI 111 Will 11 dab fa -,'...1111.T.9eNeelye. e„,,Iiim l'i aer 104..0 CP • Everything he the -line a Topic. and conditioners,necessarY,- , • K-11:,,IIIIIIIIF .9 OA kapp li• ..- • .' ; . - . . All fresh. stook and Ini,;11.0st quality. ' &el" our Window 141 piny a chain ofeeirenm,e tithees 4i:d up to the !boy's:" (lentil; 111*00e1,•...4,1i0.111eiig, ahr'iist', ainndg bSfeeian'ba.s ,AssOCiptibli, inOeti.31g••,,;•gaya It• -•41,011341• reeort.e" ' The eleetioneeif. officers re-, ' 11 0] evdice.-s p,froelsiiodNeVnst: sPreMsideasesnrt, J,. IItIo, berlt- eiaSk, riarining order, good tires; it pelleti; -2 hens and other ',ail -tidos. P'.r•Oi.)Pl2•CtOr 011 Etleimvaeire,,yd,igthe tg tn To'l'd'. m43" m , sus :'o..c $10 andtinder cash;,ov,rl er .at.l; amount 9.1-Mnithn ',Credit 'on ,aPproYed1 3•0.1•,1j.f; O aighteft, 4 p.ee' d•e,.nt,•I . ,. . ft . LP . ,' ,8 .. .. illAS 41'„„''. ao , (aeed 4:[s 1 1 , iumt, Stead of '0/110110)0-11.1CIQ- dor Wightmee and DLiddlweeeeet,ry r611.11i61'. 'X II, R. Eliett,••' DewPviprietor('13 1/131611 aue '''"b'''e' :.''"'', 38-2. , -?A•er for 00 31 ZN on ClicT1 Pi 0 - ,.. GeC.I:Toi oe <- el, ,. 922 i'n' g 1: 364'00w ID AND E3evoto 12% net,ida 4