HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-01-24, Page 1aF CLINT° NTARJO0 'T' .URS AY`, 0 40c. c, a °$7.50, T raiinzimatavomemoomoszot beautifully finished s permanency and ac - market and our guar gar esidenee 174T eking a safe and their money' and e ground and bur- en to lose it from centuries ofpro- t, there still are hide their money y to lose it by your money and verybodyloiows Bank. L rtAN ADA_ MANAGER;. or Ever Man tgrain and that'. Means it d sizes. are very good `find al- s in everIineyou Y• , wiIi 1t these low 'prices. 11 H lVe 1N-1 , 'oln 26 to 35, -@a $5,90 'om 28 to 35, @ ' $7.90 roan 35 to 46, @ $15,001 broken lines, b ues, @-$19.50 .. rgrQ . .:.$13.50 •@". 57.90 . $19.50 :.525.00 $5.00 MAKE THIS if STOCK' SHOW MEETING The annual meeting of Huron. Con- tral Agricultural Society wasfiheld in the District Representative's office on Saturday, ,>anuary 19th, Mayor Jack- son presiding. ;.Minutes of last meet- ,ing were. read. On motion of W, McEwen and E. W --e, minutes were adopted as read. in the absence of the; treasurer, W. J. Miller, the sec- retary gave the financial statement, showing a (balance in the treasury of On motion of Reeve Middleton and F, 13. Powell,- the treasurer's report was adopted. • The president, Herbert. C. Co'„ then spoke; for a.,fewminutes re girding our Fair, etc. Election of officers then:. took place as follows: Honorary Presidents: John Sharma - ham --James Snell. President: Herbert C. Cox. 1st Vice: Loren ''Tyndall. and Vice: John Macfarlane, Treasurer: W, J. Miller. Secretaries: A. J. McMurray, S. B. Stothers.. ' Auditors:- D. L. Macpherson, W. D. Fair. Directors: T, McMillan, W. H. alb, Dr. J. W. •Shavr, E. IL Wise, II, Snell, W. Nett, Mayor Jackson, Reeve Middleton, Elton .Mozell. After the,: election some discussion took '?lar. e re the financing of the, fair. Allefelt` this to be „a great problem, owing to the fact that there Ire no gateaeceipts. The Randal statement shows that 4700 is needed to carry.'on the fair. For several Years, • the ex;, ecubive has raised considerable'me/ley. by concert, but last year,” owing to unfavorable weather and probably - lack of interest, this scheme showed a deficit of $19.00, which amount was ordered paid. It was, deeidd to hold_ the Fair as usual on the first Thursday in April, this being the third. . , The Executive was given power,; to earey out any scheme to raise means to finance the Fair. On, motion of W. McEwen and M. McDougal, meet. Ing adjourned. n11If11 • We are -"obliged to hold on the fin ancial report until next week. AMONG THE CHURCHES Salvation' Army Sunday scheole.10 a.ni, Holiness Meeting, 11 sin.; Praise meeting 8 pint.; Salvation meeting 7:30 p.m.; Boy Scouts, Friday at 8 p.m.' Willis Church "Europe 'Calls: Paul Answers;"will bo the minister's subject on .Sunday morning'. In the evening, - "The Foundation of Faith." The Mission •Band,meeting' was - postponed. on Monday evening and will be held at 7 o'clock Friday (to- ine'rrow) evening. Wesley Church 'Brotherhood meeting 10 a.m., sub- ject,,. Individual Responsibility in - traduced by Mr. N. W. Trewattha; M. P.P. All men welcome. Thepastoz,a s morning subject: "Thu bJ Need of a Revival." Sunday. school at 2:30. A welcome to a11,. Evening subjeete "Drifting."' Ontario Street Church Our classes meet at 10 a.m. All Christians will be welcome. The pastor's subject next 'Sunday morning: "Learn of Me," Evening: "The' Seven Wonders of Heaven." The Young Peoples' League met Monday evening, being in .charge oe Miss Helen Rodaway, The lesson was read by Miss Lindsay:' Miss Marion Thompson read the topic for Miss Elsie Hibbert, after which a •so Bial thee was indulged ,in. A good number were .in attendance. St. Paul's :Church Atthe annual •meeting of the .13a - dies' Guild, the following officers Were elected Mon. President: Mrs. Earran.• President: Mrs; F. Hovey. Vice:' Mrs, J. D. Atkinson, Secretary Mrs. Ed. Morrison. Treasurer: Mrs: 3. E. Hovey. • Convener of Teas: ' Mrs. T. Herman, A standing vote of appreciation ' was accorded 'the,. retiring. president, Mrs. II. T. Ranee.. It was decided to hold a supper on Shrove' Tuesday, Mal:ch 4th. s',. Th..•rc•ular monthly it meet's • i o£ h . S the 1. Y g W. A. was he_ d on Tuesday sada afternoon, of last week at the home of lVIrs'W. R. Counter. Mrs, Thos. White, presi- dent, occupied' the chair..' The W.A. will hold a sate of horse -made baking on Thursday, February 7th, in the Parish Hall. A meeting of young people was held at the rectory on Tuesday evening at which a Junior branch of the W.A. was 'formed with the following offi- cers: Superintendent: Mrs. C. Llewellyn Pillcey. President: M.Y r Watkins. �. Vice; 2 syieGrealis. Secretar9: Margaret 'Cudinore. Treasurer: asurer: Pearl Churchill. Pianist: Marjory l:Innte. Bishop Dewdne} of. Keewatin . will give an address at eight o'clock : on Wedneiday evening next,' in the pa., 1 11 ha iI This meet'tn'> 11 i t ,c yr open t anyone o .ori dc5iri t hear o tai i B tl na e 7 speak cf his experiences ,ir the North entint1'3 The 'vestry 1u"14ting, which was to have boon � e ai held` on Monday vas postponed, on :v!co .n , of the rtor;9y 'u<at,1er, until next Monday evening, EVER Fd Y r4 tY� i . 1101 P,R Pd.;p rE THEY,TIIANIC S OU The +'amity of the late Mrs: Lydia Grant wish to e press their sincere thanks "to'their ninny friends for'theit kindness and sympathy ;,hown : in their recent bereavement. the illness and death of their mother.. A SLIGHT COLI, SIOaV The morning train from London`' ran into the Toro to' trawl, ,which cyan >L1,fl 011 311 ''1' at the tank, on Mort - day forenoon. The passengers .got a bit jaz'z'ed and some damage wale done to the coach 1nrnpe i 1: t, Ter. tunately, no one was Injured. 1924 SC7100I, IioARL? The re -organization -meeting; of the Publfe school hoard resulted in the election of Mr. C,.' A.: ,McLennan as chairman,: and the appointment of the following committees: Property Com- mittee: Holmes, ,Tasker, Cudmore. Finance ,Conrniittee: Hardy, Ford, Walker, -Corless. M: If \Siltse secretary -treasurer: GONE TO WATFORD Mr, George E. 'McTaggart; C:N.RR' agent ot Blyth for the past seventeen years, "has 'been 'removed to Watford,; •to'a more remunerative position, Mr. McTaggart's removal is 'much regret- ted by -;the citizens of Blyth, as he was a public spirited citizen, who took' an interest in all -public al airs "•lie ,was an enthasiastic bowler. Mr. •McTaggart istkne'wn to many in Clip tone, having visited here, frequently, His wife was 'a daughter' of •the late Mrs, Thoanpson'of..Albert street. Mhz., McTaggart and family will-remein in", Blyth'until spring. LITTLE LOCALS The 0.C.1..had nice little` skating: party last` evening. The Girls' Auxiliaeyi ' had quite a successful skating panty 012 Friday;! evening. Mi. E. le Mittel. has this week pre- sented an electric sewing machine to the, hospital. The W.O.T T1. will meet at three 4 o'clock oliFriday afternoon in Wes- ley church lecture room. The Maelntyres are here rehears- ing the .local caste for the Odd -Tel - lows hospital Benefit 1'vlinstrels. Frozen 'pipes were 'the fashion` on Sueday.and Monday; Monday being the coldest day of the season so far. The Bell Telephone Co., installed 42 telephones in Clinton in 1923. Dec. 31st, 1018; there wer'e 180 phones in Clinton, Dec, 31st, 1028 there were 247. The ice was going out of therivers during the recent thaw !but the frosts of the past week have manufactured plenty store. The pupils of both the Public school end Collegiate were dismissed on Monday afternoon owing to the im possibility of heating' the rooms sufficiently. 'THREE 'MINS X S R i'0 .,CLINTON Juniors a scorn n arid in dl+�x= were Seaforth met defeat .in ,three' games when Clinton won avi overtime stugg'le ill the local rink on Monday night, the score showing a coin for. Clinton of..3 2, The locals were over -confident and displayed e floor (brand of hockey until the over-, .S On Thursday last, Clinton defeated 'Goderieh Juniors in: the first game of: the N.E.L. group by of 4-2. The game was clea well Contested, -both teams shorvizig' good condition. The locals have a themhem two -goal lead to carry with. when they play the return'mateh Goderich. 'The -local juniors' also defeate eter in their,first0.IfiA gaznfl: eter on Friday everting, the- gebie- be•- ing 6-2 in their favor. Before cite game ' started, Elliott. ' who gut/eds rile Clinton nets, was hit by the pucIc end was very fortunate to escape serious tnjtiry as the puck hit him just above the ear. Exeter put u1) a great battle and . had their share. of the play but weak 011 shooting. !Iloyey, played a good ,game on de- fence and Elliott stopped every shot in the last two periods "while the foe_ wards scored' four goals. The retui'n match in Ciintoir should prove well worth seeing,. NOW WARDEN FR:WIN Reeve A. E. 'Catlin of rfayfieid was chosen' as Warden at the first meeting of the - County Council on Tuesday. lir. Erwin om "Alfie," as he'is Tamil- iarly known by his friends, will make a good warden. There .are few 'men more _copular' in the council and lie: has been a Yiteinl,er for several year',;, SO 1010ws the older of procedure and the many dirties; devolving upon': the head executive of the rich and iii'tpoi•- tant:county of 1;Iuron. - The* News-Regie/d' joins with the, many friends of Warden- Erwin in congratulating hill upon his elevation to' the position. MRS. Ii, W. 5 1-I WIN'S' PASSING' The 'friends of Mr. II. W. Erwin,.; Clerk of the village of Bayfield; will. sincerely sympathize with him' in his "severe bereavement in the death of his wife; which sad - event occurred on Saturday last. The deceased, who was a lady of exceptional sweetness of disposition and kindliness of spirit, had not been in the best of health for some years but her death Came sud- denly and was u great shock to her, friends,. Her • only daughter; . Mrs. Sander 'of Kitchener, is spending the .winter,.'aecompanied by her husband' and family in Florida. The funeral took - place on Tuesday afternoon. ae Bayfield. .13agfxeld The � le annual:-mieetiiYge of rile ,'$ay - field Agricultural Society was 'held in the town hell on Wednesday, January 16th. Owing to it being a wet dal' -there was not a Mega attenadnce. The financial' eeport showed the Society; to be in 'a prosperous state, there being a surplus of about $700; The elec- tion of officers and directors for 1924 resulted as follows: President: John ° McClure. • ist Vice: Wm. J. Stinson. 2nd. Vice: John Stewart. Secretary A. E. Erwin. Treasurer: F. A. Edwerde, Auditors; T. Cameron, J. A. Falconer. Directors: J'. W. Reid, D. H. Mc- Naughton, Sam Houston, Thomas Snowden, W. Il Talbot, Robt. Pen- ihale,'hobt. McMurray, T. M: Woods R. M. Peck, E. IL Wise, E. Fos- ter, J, A. Ferguson, Fred Middle- ton. - The 'Directors are planning to build a half mile track, having bought land and enlarged the grounds last year. The fairis to be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 23rd and 24th. The animal meeting of the Bayfield* Library board aid also that of the Hayfield Ceinetei`q-. Company, to be held on Monday 21st, were postponed for a week owing to the ext"rellzely cold weather. At the'rogrular meeting of the Young People's Society of Trinity Church held on Friday ` evening, -a paper on "Abeinhani" was.givon by Miss Elva Dew n Dewar and one on "The Chief Fac- tors in Industry,"' 'by Miss Lacy Woods. An interesting discussion followed, then some contests. At the next meeting, February 1st, there is to be a debate on"the subject: "Re- solved that the advancement of the country .depends more ,on 'its natural resources than the people." Affirma- tive, . W. Stewart, J. Watson, Mary, Pollock.` Negative: Don Me I4enzie, Harold Scotele ter, Elva Dewar. There will also .be a 'sheet:peogram and lunch, This meeting will be open to the public, a small fee being charged to non-members. There_` passed away at her'honte in Bayfield:an Saturday, Jan. 19th, one: of the village;s most kindly regarded and 'highly respected citi,ezls in the person of Frances England,aged fifty-nine years and five months, be- loved wife of 1.1011137 W. Erwin. -The funeral service, which 'wee 'held in the late residence of the, deceased` on Tuesday, January 22nd, 'w0.1 at- 'tended by many.' sorrbwing-friends and was conducted by Mr,'. Robert A. Prtrl.nison, formerly of Granton, pas- tor of Bayfield IVlethodist church, to. which ,the late Mrs. Erwin •belonged., Rev. .Alfred IMeefarlane of St, An- drew's Presbyterian church:, a friend of the family, assisted' in the service, The, pallbearers were: Messrs. David Dewar, Toho Tippet, R. Stephenson and S. Cleave. time began. Individual rushes are exciting te spectatele and ntu1dcubtecly cause a thrill also to the „partici- pants, but it is not good 11001353> when a ;player feels that he has a monoply on. the puck, :instead of"realizing_ that two or three can accomplish a task more easily than one. . The forward line ,showed speed le. plenty but organized attack tbas,sore- ly aael-ing, The game ended '7-1. anti ,ten min- utes overtime, also ended a tie 2-2 the Visitor '`kicking•a `goal fromthe field." Another ten '"minute : period eiide11 by the -boys etilding another to their iota!; Necli$•er scoeing on a 11159 rush; The dei'enze was open at %r3' nes,, Tobeiton end Rorke graced the ,pen, t1tY box froquent1y: lI g 111:1 Sono li r thcti say re.r c d ho fz1 a z s li c er e�ki 1 � rig nd Cole bt^onght tYre', ,allorms to their feet by sever " :nice rushes. v.ilC Sea forth 1uh, , 4S 1 Y rbettert t_z na ° nvor: they ar a: good ska- tersters a, • the '10194 13.1 bo 91,01 1(3 f to +,.est junior teams a trod battle when they: learn to eo nbin of Tl y tl_seruo thetrr>naNC o: i e,�& good Snorts, 'so tut> �©ut and give them a boo&,; The late Mrs. Erwin was ,born at utten, Ont., on August 8th,' 1864, and came to ` Ba ,field about forty .two -two. years ago, and two years later anti • <1 lied Mr. v E Henry Erwin •r to oF;thrs lege. Sheis survived by -he): hus-, hand, one daughter, 11Irs: E. A. Sau-. der of I{itchener, at present.in -Fieri da with her husband gird family, ,also., two"sono, Wilbur and Frank of Kit. chener. Two sisters and one bro- ther -also survive, viz: Mrs. F. A. .Edwards, Bayfield, Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher, Kitchener, and Fred England of Mitchell; Australia. Mas. Ez:win's death came very 31 ldeduly and was a shock to the community in which she had spent so many years of her life. Much sya±inathy=ie'felt for the fancily, in their sudden •beroavcment, 'rC,%isJl4ld�§Pi �' The ntzn 1f S «cn dslY.r e f ' , Mr. Joh 13utchart are 9019:y to knew that he been laid.119. i p Sok_ to -r" pa:,t set e1 a 1 reeks and that Ins condi{,ion does unit' 91mevc as fast as it could lie vrsl ed.' is hoped, he will soon begin to a Bend. , nnd;P3i i, t51 "r1�M,I, visit c1,4 'he 1 o'r's 'srstzr, IV -es T•`. Pawn 3. "ets,olia and ot'iei• friends""the past Week, reGuryiing 'Wednesday.' Clinton s New Hospltal 7,4,,as Formally Opened Before a ,ar a ,, 7 THE NEW HOSPITAL' The two little lads in the foreground are IV/asters •Hobby Gandier, and !Bobby , Biggam >` The Clinton General hospital open- to do good work in such' surroundings. Me. Fisher s warmly congratulated the people of Clinton and vicinity, on having such' a hospital, which' he said eveufd do credit to any city. Dr' Gaztdier said he could only echo what had been said if he were to ex. press his opinion of the splendid work of those who had been responsible for, bringing the hospital to its present successful 'state. He said it was their aim to make the Clinton hospital just as ef.ieient as any hospital anywhere, to have it famed for efficiency. Rev. 3. E. Hogg made the dedicatory pray.:'. Atter the program the visitors were shown through the building and later weregiven a cin of tea in the din- ing-room,' the table being beautifully decorated, smilax and pink roses be- ing used;: most ` effectively. , Mist Grainger- and her staff of nurses !coped lifter the hundreds of people who etilted. r Nei The operating room, with its tiled floor, its glass 'roof, its up-to-date sterilizer and other appliances which is the pride of the doctors and nurses was furnished' by the Girls' Auxiliary,' in addition' to a merit furnished by. them. ' The furnishing of the oper- ating roost cost considerably over $1000, The bpilding is estiinazted at about $40,000. . To show the interest taken in the institution by the citizens of Clinton and serrounning community, nearly aeven hundred people called on the opening days; Tuesday and 'Wednes. day. wartha spoke et some lengtlz,'outhn- The Hospital Association have or ing the work done by the board. 'in ected int the, front. hall a handsome bronze tablet • heavingthe na les fitting' up the pt•esent 'building, and tato dopers of rho. biding. -n of One of the advantages of the,new hospital is the nurses' quarters. These are roomy and comfortable, a contrast to the old hospital,' where they were' crowded into cramped quarters and sometimes had to give up their beds to patients. e o d Its doors on Tuesday for the'ad- mission' of those needing medical oe surgical treatment. It is an institutronl.tao, of which Clinton and; surrounding, community have -every -reason to be proud,.. "No better equipment in any hospital I've' ever seen," ;was the-Stateient of one of our town doctors, and "It"may be equalled but, it is not beaten for com- pletness on two continents," was the emphatic statement of another. The formal opening on .Tuesday af- ternoon wee attended rbya large num- ber of interested citizens of Clinton and also of the surrounding country,, among whom are '19 be found some of the hospital's warmest friends. Mr. A. T. Cooper was asked by the Hospital Board to act as. ehairmal, during the opening exercises. On ealling' the ` meeting to order 161'1 Cooper said he felt as if he were out of plane. He did not ]snow why' the board had se 'honoured him, 080091 that he had been head of last year's council, which ^ .had: "submitted :the hospital bylaw to the people for the purpose 01 authorising the guarantee of bonds for the sum of $5,000. He said the Council of 1923 was very glad of the opportunity of assisting in this work. He called upon The Win. Gunn, "Dean of the profession in Iluron County and a man whom we all esteem and love," to formally open the deer of the hospital. Dr.. Gunn in his usual ba'ppy mane!', With a huntourons little speech, unlocked the door and handed the key to the president of the hospital Association, Mrs. N. W. Trewartha. Mrs, Tre. thanking those who had so generous., ly assisted. ' • She spoke firstof the gn na ni 1 ficent gift of the ]building from Major McTaggart and Mrs, McTag- gart, then of the steps taken; first to raise $5000 ,by -public subscription, ewhieh was more than realized, then the assistance given by the guaran- teeing of the Association's bonds for another $5b00, for which they were very grateful. She also especially thanked Major and -Mrs. McTaggart, Major and Mrs. R. R, Sloan, The Wo- men's Institute, The Girls' Auxiliary, thetlocal 0ddfellows and the Masons for, ' furnishing rooms and the Girls' Auxiliary for the'splendid furnishing of the operating room. She also ale- nounced a couple of fresh" gifts that of e piano and bench from Mr. W..N, Manning of the Sherlock -Manning Co., London end, . Clinton, and:. also e ehegite for $195 from the Clinton branch of the G.W.V.A. Mrs, . Tee wartha; also paid high tribute to the doctors of town for their heip. On passing the key over to the Hospital. Superintendent, Miss Grainger,: she also paid logit tribute to her, 'des- cribinrher as "Just a Wonder." Miss' Grainger expressed herself • as de-. lighted with the new hospital and said .she and her stair would endeavor to serve all who placed themselves in their care to the very best of:their ability,` 91r, Cooper gave a little history of hospital work in Clinton, since -tire opening of the first hospie. tal t v g abou tt est fiv r' y e vca s ego by Dr. Gunn : This was carried on for sev Coderlcb Towiris tl421 The annual meeting of thew` suii. selibors of the Goderich Township Telephone System' was - held in Holmesvill,_ on January 18113.. A. comparatively small but enthusiastic number turned out to take part in the discussion of, the affairs of the. •-Vs- tent and, to elect commissioners and an auditor for the ensuing year. The auditor's report showing the system to be in good financial standing was fully discussed and passed by tate meeting. The election Of Commis sioneas resulted in the` three 'Who 1l31v 10 successfully managed' :the affairs of the system for the past :four or five ,years being re-elected unanimous- ly, namely: Oswald Ginn, J, lt. StirL ing, and 1L- O. Murphy. Mr. W. Yeo was again elected auditor; The funeral of the late Mrs, D. Wil. son, wl5eee death eccurred in Gederich last weelk,.:toolc place from her late residence on Thursday last to Mait: land cemetery. - The funeral services were 'conducted by the Rev Ii: C. Mc I2ernir d and .theall v be ors "w sr s ,were: p Messrs. John Million,' John ii re Sturdy, oral coals doing very excellent wozkr 32hn 1•5tallaeeland Giles .Jenkins. The but was closed on Dr. Gunn leaving . cleceased is survived by. a family of ilcr service overseas. Later the,la- six,': Mrs. Eleanor Young of Chiystle dies toolt ftp the work and, the hos- City; Man., Mrs, Sarah Logan, Winni-' pital was re -opened, the ladies mak- peg, stirs, IMai:''y Wallaiul and 'Mrs. ing• a success of it as they did of ev- P073'1 Searle, Guelph, and RobertVui1-.'r erything undertaken. The generous son and Maegaret Wilson of Godericli.'', gift of. this building Made possible the All the family were home for the dream of a thoroughly up-to-date, neral with the exception of Mrs. Lo- well -equipped hospital -end the ln'es- gas.' Many olcf friends from Gode-.;i ent 13011931 occasion was the result, rich township and , Stanley attended It .is a significant fact," said M ', the funeral, : Reeve G. B. Hanley of Cooper, ' "that always since the ladies Stanley and Mr. II. II, Canteloir of tools over the:woric they have had ;a the London 100d heal' Clinton were balance in the bank. • They have Ile , ainofi3. the .relatives present for the • ver 011C0 bad an:ove draft" Ile paid funeral. The deceased'}vas a`dangle, high , tribute to the work of the ter of tile late Anthony Elliott and ''. adieu and Girls' Auxiliary. was a native of this township. Ur. Shaw, Dr. Iislier. of Stratford ' Iir Deiroii;, Mich. , on .Tan ar '10t1i and b'•• Ca-.111.im• all spoke brief! Mr. Y p y a clrliet ane Ming tooIr place when Miss E. RF Vligle, M,P.P,-elect .for centre (.,atlys IValroncl, only caul of Mr, H ,-on, wits unable to, be present ow- and; Mrs. W. E. Walrond, 377 Louj ,ia" mg to illness; 'and 51 ., N W. 'Tre Ave,i 71r,•hlano l'arl,' Detroit, wan 39139,•r:..3 P r,1elect for 913 5 13 Huron, married' to Mr. ArthurThomas.'thio!., was out, of t01� i. Mayor ,7°r-cl:son, only son or lMr, and firs L ;i Tzicic who was tiso'0>,`pceted to speak, was London, formerly of this township, ' out of dorm. The young couple, tN•ill titre up their. Dr. Y Shaw spoke' in the highest residence in Detroit.' 'rho o•room is u w d 7 Detroit, e et r s o_ the 0(30111,rent of .the 110spi- a brother of Mrs,'W.; W Wise of this • cal, and a15,0 os the writls p^rforzne1 tn'irtisVn ar*-1' 1131 hosts of 1rionir, ;n the old b Iding. Le was sine it here, who will waft ,good wishes to would be easier for the nuesinge staff him for [:nod luck And'liai