HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-01-17, Page 8.tilstJn ON'S ;tE virrG ,TE'IirI+7LLILY 'STOR'E L lo one would" look iu a ,jewellery store fo x'uit, hat the beautiful wrist -Watches ty are showing are "peaches" ready to '‘picked";up by the buying' public. EYES e "CSTED FREE and SCIENTIFICALLY FITTED 0 Jeweller .and; Optician, ON Next'H.ovey'e Drug Store Just., a few special lines to start off the hew year: We have many other lines slated for clearing which we have not -space to mention 'but you will find these exceptionally good vat, nes, MEN'S IfEAVY WOOL SOA Lot No. 1, 4 pairs for.. ..$1.00 Lot. No. 2, 3 pairs for . Lot No. 3, 2 pairs for - ..$1.00 Ladies' Blaelc'Cashmere Klose, (sec.) Special 590 pair or 2 pairs for $1.10. Men's Print Shirts ` (good patterns) at .... . ...$1.25 Some specialbargains in beets and rubbers in clearing lines. Alt the overcoats 'at'"sale prices to clear. insteel '. L. PRONE .r',2fiee SMALL PROFITS., MORE BUSINESS ROS`' THE FLAT SHPE • PICOVIDLS RENGIN. CURVED END PER, MIT DRAPING CLEAR SO CASING - THE iB1tACICET 1S SIMPLE,', STRONG AND PRACTICAL. SIFT -GLE OR ' DOilBLE, BRASS ;OR WHITE F NISIr. x. a Fair Ca. Often the:Cheapest-:Etkways the Best r 9: 1113 1110000031111111111 e entirely sol tit a e adding '. other 10 lbs. 'Granulated Sugar', 10 •bars Laundry, "Soap. ; .,; 3, pkgs. :Pearling 0 Rolls toilet Pape 3. lbs. Beans . 3', lbs. Spanish Onions l'lbs. Cream of Wheat Corn Starch, ..11,05 .72e 255. ....25c. .25c. 255. .25e. Mr. A. T. Cooper was in Toronto yes • tardily. Mrs. S. Agnew is spending the winter with her daughter, in Montreal. Miss Jean Farquhar of :Stratford Normal was home over the •weeks 40011010100Elingall1170=i02, n$1048000101108110 Looking .,v OUr Novelties In Woolens youmay he absolutely:sure of finding something to spit you, no matter what your taste may . be. We show such, • a variety' of patters that everyone is sure to IA pleased. Bear in remembrance, please, that the. cloth is only one item with us -- designing, cutting, 'honest . and i .3kihful "putting together" are factors in maldng you a satire factory suit or overcoat Davis & H erg. x•11. VETERAN TAILORS Mrs. John Torrance was in Kincardine last week attending the. funeral of a cousin. Manager Zi. R. Sharp '.of the Molsons Bank has been holidaying at`'St.- Marys and ether points. Mrs. Wan: 'Glen eyrie in town last week • on her"wiiY to •Godbrich3 where she intends spending the -winter. Mr. W J. Miller attended' the 'Mei- glean banquet in London on Friday; evening and is remaining' with friends for the week. Mr..; Wm. McIver, Miss Ruby MrP4 .,>j arid" Mrs. Morrow. of. )'ort Fled; were in .toren for the funeral oil, Mr. Eli: Crich on Tuesday .1 Mrs. 0. Jinks of ]?ort Lambeth for Merly of Clinton. is spending a few weeks as the guest a Mrs. Knee; and Miss'ICnok of town - Miss Graham of Seaforth, who was,. in town'for.'the Presbyterial meet- • ing.on Tuesday; remained over as the 'guest of Mrs-. W.' Farr. Mrs. CCI. Rance of Clutton and Mrs, Hebeit,' E. Panll, Morrisburg,'-'are :guests . with Mrs. Bartholemew, Haylnan Court. -London Free Press Mis,, Roberts and little daughter, who' have, ;been spending . several months with Mrs. °T.:J.. Watt of town have: gone to London to spend some weekswith friends. . Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Medeland and Miss Mary Modeland and Mr. W. A, Crich of Seaforth attended the fu., neral of les. 'godeland's be•other, Mr. Eli Crich qn Tdesday, Mrs, Wesley Hogarth, Miss Thelma and Master" 'Ivan of : Londesboro spent a few days with the lady's paeonts, Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim • Brown, during the past week. Mr. and Mrs: F. Spencer and Mr. and Mts., Y. Ritchie of Shallow Lake, Mrs. Louis Hill and babe of Kitchener and Mrs. Cleve Richards of Stratford', attended the funeral on Tuesday of the late Eli Grieb. Mrs Joseph Clegg and Master Jack . of Morris township 'visited the ladyis mother, Mrs. G. M, Farquhar of the Base line for a few day's last week. 'Mrs.' laarquhar has ,gone to spend the winter with Mrs, 1 When in Need of any of the Following Lines • Call on ns Phimbing, Electrical Wiring, Electric Fixtures and Supplies. Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces Paints, Oils and varnishes Roofing and Pumps of all kinds Delco Farm Lighting Plants and Genkral Hardware 000050000:00000000000000000m 00.000000000000000010000•000rnmem000. Sutter & Perdue HARDWARE Av Inurr Mr. Roy Robertson left last 'week or Detroit A concert ivi11 be given' in the For- ester's hall on. Friday evening of this veek, under the auspices' of the 10.- cal 0•cal Orange order. lilies Alma Mutch`teturned to her position hi Toronto on Wednesday: Mit. and Mrs. It. Roberton of C`rin ton spent a few days with friend' ;here. The week of prayer was observed last ryeelc. On Monday Rev. 5'. Banes ,spoke in_ the Presbyterian slnur h. On Wednesday Rev. Park - r• preached hi the, Methodist church and on Friday Eov. W. R. Alp 0 the apt1o0 church. ' The al,Lendance wa Brood despite they weather, Sunday school in the Baptist church is 2 o'clock. Service : o'eloii., r:avox''inecling ; on Tuesday evening 1 Loose Macaron roup ®'f 'Goods for 5 cents Electric Silver' Cleaner... . Gong Soup 2 bx' r Lemonade Powders . Wool Soap : . Polar Soap ,.,.,... .5c 5c 13: C Salmon, Jrei lb' sass ..30e. Halibut, Pei;. ib .30c. Fil(etts per Ib . .22c. non Haddie pex lU.2dc. Salmon Snacks ,. ,. „60c Fresh .0ystbre selects per pint Catsli & . etrrg.. 2:0-4611v4treg THEY AP'PRECIATED:eJIIM '''s 1Vtr.' Morley Jordon, Clinton's new- est ;business , men' levho bought' out the Reid Grocery:: a .few weeks:.ego, was;: pleasantly, surprised itha other day.. to repeive froni the dwellers: a- long mail route No. 1,, Belgsave, en which he served as, courier for five eV six years. a nice little purse of $50.00 as a little •tolien of ,appreciation on his leaving. The 'gift would seem to prove that Mr. Jeydon was efficient and obliging hi high work, :him qualities which will no. doubt bring cess in his 'business'here.' Mr. and Mrs.'Israel. Taylor, Welling, ;ton street, north, are leaving later in the month for St..Petersburg, 1F'Ia., where they -will spend some time. At present Mr. Taylor is in Bermuda attending' ;an. Imperial Life Conference. -- London 'Free •Press. Mr. N. W, T'rewartba. M.P.P.-elect, 3YIs. Trewartha, Mr. and :Mrs. G. H.' Elliott,' Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Turner, Messrs. W.S.R. Holmes, J. P. Sheppard, C. G. Middle- ton, D. Cantelon, W. A. Bea- eom, L. Anderson, R. G. Thompson, W. Churchill, T. E. Mason, H. C. Cox and T. M. Woods all of .Clin- ton ` . and ;'vicinity attended the Meighan banquet in London on Fri- day- evening last.' Most of them went' in the morning and took in the different receptions arranged. for the day by the London Conserv vative Club. ELECTRICAL PLUMBING' emeetworeamesceene DISCOVER NEW FISHING ';BANK It is reported.' by the Department of 2Vlhrine and Fisheries that a new'ish- ing bank, approximately 200 miles in length and 90 miles in width, has been discovered off the Coast of Lab- rador. This fishing, ground, which, it is stated, abounds in cod and hali- but, will likely prove a valuable as. - to the already known fishing banle."„ The depth of the water is 75 fathoms. and the same soundings, .hying but little, prevailed over a ' la go Dart of . the bank: LonclesborO Mr. Reynolds of" the "Shaw School of. C4nnnerce" Toronto • spent the, • week -end at Mr. Thos. Sampson's. Miss S. C. Barr, who has been quite' 111 ;for the past few weeks, is, mach better and ;able to- be tip again. 'The W.M.S. of ICnox church met,at the home of Mrs. Jas. Campbell lase Friday afternoon. The annual congregational meeting of Knox ehtuch,'' Londesboro, and Burns church will be 'held on Thurs- day and Friday nights respectively, The Community Hall Board held their regular meeting on Thursday evening, when the treasurer presented. the financial statement for the year. •Tho"receipts amounted to $371.16 and expenditure $236.14, leaving a balance of 5135.02. Mr. and; Mrs. 'Charles. Cox went to London on Monday -of 'fast week, Mrs, Cox hada serious operation pet= formed on antiom and Jaw, after an X-ray had been taken. She is im- proving and has returned home. LITTLE LOCALS ` Miss .M!yirtle Cola entertained a number of her girl friends to a birth- day party en Monday evening. e. The ire in the Maitland river moved out at Goderich on Sunray, being the Ntord for an earlY hreak-0p. Tlia 6 -pin of Friday Int was the cause. r The ice v -,as not heavy and did not 10rce its way to the -lake• A eiuml0 of small boys were skvirng nn lire river shortly ,before. it (broke, but they, were warned in tune to get to safety,, discussion Will 30 ;i r0t'4 The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held on Thurs- day afternoon next in their rooms over the public library. The program will be on "Mothers' Day." • liostes. Ses; Mrs, McBrien,::Mrs. Clement, Mrs. Cree Cook and Mee. R. Fit siminons. T. HAW.KINS, CI-IAIRMAN The Clinton hydro Commission mei last week and appointed Mr. T. Haw. kins, chairman and Mr. B. 3. Gib bings; secretary. Mr. Hawkins is the senior member of the commission this year, Air.. Gibibings although a member for several years, being re- elected .this eelected.this year: The Mayor is ex -officio a member ,of the Commis. The Women's Inetitute intend lhold- ing:a social evening in the Communi- ty hall on Tuesday evening, January 29th, for'tho',Members ofthe, society, their husbands and fanuliee. There will be "games,' etc, following tl$is lunch will be served in the basement,: Everybody will he. welcome, La'dies are 'asked to please' bring 'baskets. Constance Quite a number of our village folks are getting in a slipply of wood for the `winter. The trustees of the Methodist church held a meeting on Tuesday af- ternoon: The weekly .prayer meeting this CLOVER HONEY week was held in the church on Tuee- in one pound sections, pe-iee 25 cents, day evening. 0Q 00.0000`00 00''40 00 0 0 • • 0 0 OPENING OF NEW HOSPITAL 0 0 .. 0 0 The Clinton . Public Hospital.0 0 Board extends a cordial invitation 0 0 to .town and community to be 0 0 present at the formal opening of 0 0 the new hospital.at'2 o'clock oe 0 0 Tuesday afternoon January. 22nd. 0 0 A number of prominent speakers 0 0 will be present. Phelan's. orches- 0 0 tta will be in attendance. The 0 0 members of the Board and the 0 0 Hospital staff will welcome the 0 0 Public during the evening of the 0 0 22nd also,, and on the afternoon -0. 0 of the 23rd. 0 0 0 0000000000000000.0 EVERYBODY KNOWS BETTY BROWN OLD STYLE HOME MADE CANDIES 11,1A DE IN' OUR HOME WITH LOVINGOVFLOVINGCARE . FOR YOURS BULK ICE CREAM AND BRICKS OYSTERS ' asap; E. 'OiV N [3O a- ;F Confectionary and Restaurant "We aim to please." PURE COMB HONEY FOR SALE Twoeeleigh loads from the village went over to a house warming and dance at the home of Mr, Joe Mann on Tuesday evening. All report a good time.. .Class Gives Play - The Philathea Class of Ontario St., church is giving the play, "A. Rainy Afternoon" in the, church on Thurs- day evening,, January 24th, at' eight o'clock sharp. Everybody come. Admission 25e. 37-1. ;71001, CLUB MET H:ANns.. L The Homeand School Club met in the Public school ,on 'Tuesday,' faire president, Mrs. W. ;Mannini , in the, Chau. Nearly one hundred came, a- mong, therm several' mon, and a nuns her of new names were added to the membership. Mr. A. 1'. Cooper gave i vary ante testing, little talk` on "Ed- ucation," At the conclusion of the address the' rad -es served a cup 'f taxa and' a tont of the 5211091 w<1s Yode. The next meeting, the third Tuesday iri d ibya0ry, the ea0'ljeet anti frIolmesville The many friends of Miss Holmes, who has been ill in Goderich hospital will be 3leascd to know sire is some- what improved. Last week the: citizens of Clinton saw fit to elect Me. Jenkins: as one of their councillors. They .made no mistake for "Bill" is one of our old boys and for a number of years was Mayor of 1lohnesville, "lie's all r ight," Miss Mary Iiewell of Goderich 1 visiting her imele. Mr. 3; R. Holmes. Mr, P.; Lowery and the Walter bro- thers ro-titers have installed a` radio; Miss ;Marion Alcock has returned home atter a visit m Blyth,: We are glad to report that Mr. t B. horse -titer, who has been 111 al; the imine of his son Bussell at'rlarlkham, is scme;+'hat bet+e2 again. per section. Free delivery in Clinton. Shipments made of not less than lI 24 sections, express extra. Orders may be 'left at The News- IRVING BROTHERS APIARY j near C.N,R. ,Depot CLINTON, — ONTAR.IO.. 36-tf: Record office. A sltating party will be put on in i,he.local arena on Friday evening, Jan. 19 under the auspices of the Girl's Auxiliary Band .in attendance, and All ,usual attractions and a; few - extra' ones, Come and help the girls 1aa-sei..;mlrncy for hospital equipment .Admission 25e, Lunch' 10c