HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-01-17, Page 7CA C"ernada is the 'winter playground of Neth America: Blessed with en equit able.dliniato and all the natural facili- ties for the .enjoyment 'of;wiriter, Cane - da is able to offer to her citizens`and vioitors a variety of winter sports` to be found nowhere ekes in the world, Sluing, snowsheetng, Ice boating, curl- itig, skating, ice hockey and toboggan - ,w �t NADA IS THE LAND OF WINTER'BPORT3 ing are but a...few of the sports which featured. The largeet of these is Mont - can be enjoyed in Canada in winter. real, where, commencing in January, Highland Inn, a winter resort which the largest: winter carnivalin the compares favorably with anything to world will be held, . The carnival con - bo found In Switzeriand,.is operated in eludes with a beauty contest in which Algonquin Park, Ontario, by the Cana- will be entered the prettiest girls from all parte of. Canada, each dressed, in Ulan, National Railways,' and the same system serves all the important towns_ and cities where winter sports axe the costume of the sport in which she, ie moat proficient. NEW SfRENGTH FOR My brother's farmhouse, writes a STOIIACH MISERYW,, E STOMACHS contributor to Youth's Companion, hoe a wide porch. One ,August evening all GAS, INDIGESTION the family except my brother, who had Indigestion Dleappears When the Blood'Supply as 1Enriched. The Trumpet Creeper. The urgent need of all who,euffer Prom -indigestion, and who ilnd:the Stomach unable to perform its usual, function, to a tonic to enrich the blood. Pain and distreee after eating io the way the stomach shows that it is too weak to perform the work of digesting the food taken. In this condition some people foolishly resort to purgatives, but these only further aggravate the trouble. New strength Is given weak stom- achs by. Dr. Williams' -Pink Pills.,' be, cause these pills enrich and purify the blood supply. This is the natural process of giving strength and tone to the stomach, and it accounts for the speedy relief in stomaoh disorders that follows the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The appetite revives, toad can be taken without discomfort Mid the .burden and pains , of indigestion are dispelled, Mr. William; Johnson, ' a 'prominent business` man' of Lequille, N,S., hears testimony to the value of these Pine in cages of this kittd. He says: "I was attacked with Indigestion accompanied by ,severe- cramps hi the stomach. I was prescribed for by 1110 family doctor,, but' got very little bene- fit, Then I tried some of the adver- t Used retnedteo hat with no better re- sult. Indeod my condition, was grow= lug'Worso. Then bread of the ease of a man who praised Dr, Williams' Pink Pi11s whose 'condition was similar to my own, and I'decided' to try this `medicine. The ,result, I think, was amazing, as the use of six bakes re- stored me to my former good health. I can therefore warmly commeed the use of this medicine; for stomach trcu- You -,can get these Pills from any znedieine dealer or by mai/ at 50 cents a box or six boxes •for •$2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Britain's Oldest ,Trees, Although the Yeldham Oak and the Cowthorpe Oak art both about; a thousand years old, .the oak cannot boast of holding the premier position for lasting qualities among Briti$h trees. This distinction belongs to the It is said, for Instance, that a yew at Battle, In Sussex, must hatie,been. 'a very old tree.' when William, 10 con., cognized fact that Where the stomach ,eueror landed. It is close on 30 feet rsrid bowels are 171 good order that 18 girth, colds will not exist; that-thehealth riot yet finished his chores, wore'gath- ered there. , Jim, my nephew, home 11001 high school, where he had,been graduated, was, telling About the dif- ficulties and hardships encountered by the Rellows who tried to work their way through college. "Dad thinks I ought to do it," he said, "for he says the farm isn't paying anything now." Jim's father, in overalls and -shirt sleeves, stooped sod ,gray, was stand- ing 1n the doorway behind his son and heard what he said. Ile came forward to the railing of the porch and pointed to a trumpet creeper-netis by that.liad overgrown its -low support, many. off- shoots, after starting but vigorously to find nBw aiipport, had 'fallen droop- ing tato'the matted masa and had no blossoms. One shoot, however, had stretohcd out wonderfully and had gained support on a great oak tree sev, eral feet away, his father said, "I yvant you to look at that creeper.' See how that one sheet has stretched out some five or 'etc. feet and got a firm hold on that oak. Well, I've been;' watching that shoot fax seine time and have exam• fined it closely. The wood of et was soft, at tirOt;and. cotiidn't roe how it =could hold itself up to' reach stiaight out wit was ,doing; but I found that, as it reached;ont and: grew, the wood at the base of it became hard and tough, very much harder' and tougher than the wood of those shoots that you see banging down and only adding size and cumber to the useless mass of stuff on the old -frame. That one shoot which, has reached the calf will be worth all the rest; it has found a sup port big enough' and High enough and. strong enough. ' It can climb to the' top of it and see the sunrise.". For a minute pr two no one moved or spoke. Then Jinn got up and' took his father's hand. "Thank yon, father," he said—"tather, not;!'dad" this. time. "You have taught me a lesson that I won't forget. : I'I1 reach out for the oak; and will hope to see the sun rise." GUARD THE BABY AGAINST CO To =guard the baby against colds nothing can. equal Baby's O`vn Tablets. The Tablets are a mild laxative .that will Iteep the little one's_stomt.oh and bowels working regularly. it 1s' to re - ,Tire 'Yews at Norbury Park aro said 17f the little one Will be good and that tr, be 2000 years old so that tit^ 'r0' se will thrive and be happy and good - grown when Julius Caesar landed, natured. The Tablote' are sold; by in 55 I3,C, . medicine dealers or by mail at 25 Gilbert *late. who v✓rote the "l lc- cents cr boax from The Dr Williams' tory of Selborne," believed that the Medicine Co., 13roc1cvi11e, Cnt, fam at -yew In 0311 borne o church 11 Cheap mens» ;Is afflictinJ; China as 5011 at least as old 'as, the church it it is :afflicting Western rilL.ope. - In self, wilier gees bath to Saxon times, and there are many vows ale,uu. the Chitin, however, it is nota flood of e Pilgrl]trs! Wa'' bottiveon 7 herr paper but of eoX)per, the Money. of'tho and C`tirtorhury tichlah corilsl they hut 101asses, that is making trouble, The "rape's Diapepsin" le the quickest, suxest relief' for indigestion,gene, flatulence, heartburn, sourness or stomach, distress caused by; acidity, A. few tablets give 'almost immediate stomaoh relief. Correct your..stomach and digestion now for a few cents. Druggists eell millions 01 packages of Papo'a Dlapopsin. ' Not to be Caught, A Scotsman disappeared in a cre- vasse in the Alpe. His comrades could do nothing for him, but present- ly a resent•ly,a Iargc party with guides appeared and prepared to, rescue the unfortun- ate. man. A guide was lowered Misty feet into the crevasse, and presently sounds, of conversation floated up. In a little while the guide appeared alone. He had found the Scot sitting on some scat (now with a broken leg, coolly smoking a cigar, and no less coolly refusing to be rescued until he had bargained as to the -coat o tho operation. -A friend :of his had been badly "had" over a job of tile' same sort, and he was determined to stay there until he mune to tennis.' lie won. Mother! Give Sid Child "California Fig S,rrlap" Harmless Laxative for a Bilious, Constipated Baby or Child. Constipated, bit, 1 - boas, feverish, ex sick, colic Babioe. and Children love 6f to' take genuine J "California - F 1 g Syrup."I orather laxative regulates the tender --little beWclo so nicely. It sweeten. a the stomach and starts' the liver and bowels acting without- griping. Contains no narcotics or soothing drugs. Say "California" to your druggist" andavoid counterfeitsi Insist upon genuine '"California Fig Syrup" which contains directions. Motorist, How Soon Can You Stop? The suggestion is made that motes-' fists should test for themselves their ability to make a quick stop in ease' of emergency. It is perdicted that most Of them will be surprised. Running at 11 miles ,an hour, a car travels at 22 feet; a second. At 20 Miles, it is 20 feet lour Mobil. At 26 miles. it Is 30. foot 7= inches. - A "perfect: atop" on dry pavement, from a 15-urile speed, covers 25 to 30 feet: At 20 Miles;.40 to 50 feet; at 25, 00. to 75 ,feet, Ong wet pa e:neht's; this ;distance may be doubled, The motorist owns at to hirpgeit io' 110 5111'0 himself continually that his brakes aro to proper ecndltsau. An ostrich, Vidus about 3 ihs oi' feathers yzuaril. sneal r01.111.1 de;crilre the scenes which value 09', the eOppet cent hoe fallen 1lrllc ; y00 azo ikirul,.le< s of t baacri' �>oeurd to motet ;190 for a dollar, in silver, a yosr 0)0 11°Ver depreciatign that seriously hurts the 'the firm. pmohasii'�g power of 071 pc10alis 'who C,7nsrci' nimcn2 In tlra "house, or Wc'k .t1flxcd verges. b7 With golhrself ossein: ono of aam1 end Dyes. 'Each 15.cont package of "Dlunrond Dyes" bontaiva directions so' simple that. any,wcu2an 'Cali dye cr _tint any old, Worn, faded thing new, even if he has .sever dyed before, Choose any cola' at drug store: Pictures on Nlpmory's W0ii, It was a thrilling; story that McGre ger Adel to tela. "I had abandoned all hope," he said:: As I sank frit, tho'third time lily.pest' Ill's seenied= to rise. before, ins in a series of grim,, realistic pictures." . murmur of sympathy rolled trona the lips' of listening :frfouda; but just as McGregor .was ;preparing to resume, McTavish interrupted him sharply and hopefully. "And did you happen to notice," he asked, ."a picture, of •me lending you a liver in the autumn of 1910?" Hie ,Hearing Res9tored. The invisible ear drum invented: by A. 0. Leonard, which is a 'miniature megaphone,' fitting inside tim ;ear' en, tirely out'. of sight, :ie restoring- the hearing of hundreds of people; in New York city. 'Mr. Leonard' invented this; drum to relieve himself of_:deatness and head noises,, and it does this so successfully that no one could tali he is 'a deaf man., It is effective when deafness 'is caused by catarrh or. by 'perforatedor wholly destroyed natural drums, A. " request for informntlon to A. 0, Leonard, Suite 437, 70.I8'ifth avenue, New 'York 'city, wlll.'be given: a prompt reply. -adv King "Tut" Bought the Elect. The • professor and his wife,.. says. Punch, were talking over. the remark- able discoveries in King Tutenkha-_ noun's tomb. "Isn't it wonderful, my 'dear?" said the professor. "They've , actually found' in the tomb 'Couches and chairs thirty, centuries old eta- in good con- dition: Well," replied bis wife, "I've al- ways Bald that ie pays, in the long run, to buy the beat. • Beware ` of Imitations' Unless' you. see the name "Bayer Gross" on package or on tablets you Aro not getting the genuine Bayer As- pirin proved safe by millions and pre- scribed by physioians over twenty. three years for - Colds Headache Toothache •`,rumbago.- Neuritis Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of, Aspirin" only, Each unbroken pgokage eon - tains proven directions. ' Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is thetrade:, mark (registered in Canada)' of Bayer Menufaeture of Moneaceticacidester, of SaIi,eylicacid. While it is well known that' Aspirin means Bayer Manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tab lets of Bayer Company will be stamp- ed withh their general trade mark, the "Bayer Crone," If a great thing can be done at all, it can be done easily. But it is that kind of ease with 'which a tree bibs- soms after long years 'of gathering Strength. -Ruskin. • Askfor hllnard'e and take, no other. Ignorance ,is always a misfortune; sometimes it is a crime.—»Ludy Nott - Bower. "And how is your little baby sister, Ronald?" asked the vicar,:who was melting a call. "01, she'e only fairly well, thanks. You see, eho's just hatching' her teeth." t120.19 RieloMOMISem+Ne. SAVE TIME AND Wit ,$ RISE 1IiSORE— III ES Concentrated 'beef -goodness, easily imparted to dozens of dishes mailing them snore tasty and nutritious. Is sae -of 4,10, 90 andd00. Frot Bites ire Often dangerous. with Pdlylard'o. It er pain eac. yr Science.'`-'• publiehln'i lhleatJrap Foreoaot Bril ..Storms. ... Iiew'ayour wife, Biinka.? .71nlre, "Iter head troubles I:e deal," admitted, Blinks, What's the trouble? 1 'glaY"' "No":said Blinks. `S now hat." Untlrnely�C3e11Congraeulgtion. "I maybe is little deaf,". said Grand.d sira, 9fabbitt, "but' I'm glad to sr ay my eyesight 1N as good, an ever, Jimmy', pass me them potatoes." Arrd '''519 pointed to'adish fu11 of crisp, broom doughnuts. When ordering goods by mail s9nd a Dominion Express, Money Order.' (,rot urs On'o of the greatest mistakes' of the well-informed is to imagine that others kmom- nothing. hl!nerd's Liniment 7ioo78 s3ur The man who can't make up hie mind probably hue no mind to make IN NIG1IT €9' MORNING' KEEP YOUR EYES, LEAN':.CLOAA:'.AND'.:k£GAL'rHiC..' C,rC 0010 PAC Orc CAA 0001' 5401041: c0.00lCA0l04$ ervo .Peopie l That haggard, +Care -worn, depressed l0011 20ill. disappetlr .and nervous; thin people will gain in weight and, strength , when ' Bltro-Phosphate is - taken for a short tithe. Pried $1 per pkge at your 'druggist: =Arrow Chemi- cal co„ 25 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. III DYS9 Fg IR MATCHES Themore you n In them -the better ss "Oilif like then / ON 0A10 EVPAti^A En6 lir CANADA As0 POR. Tn1M BY NAMM S. 01 st ni' rn 1112/11111111111111111111111812 l For the Kidneys Kidney troubles are frequently paused by badly digested food. which overtaxes these organs to eliminate theirritentacidefermed. Help your stomach to properly digeefthe:food bytalcing: 13 to 30 drops of Extract of Roota, sold, es brother Belpre Curative Syrup, end your kidney disorder will: prompt%,y disappear. Get the genuine. SOc. and $1.00 bottles. BSI PATCH: ar ECZEMA 0ON CHIN In Rash. itched and Burned. Cuticura'Healed. -1 had a very bad patch of eczema on shy chin..1t broke out in a rash' and was very troublesome,' itching sad burning a greats deal. I lost my rest at night onracceunt of tit, krt. talion, and my` face was disfigured for the time, "I tried many different remedies without success. 1; began using Cue ticura' Soap acid Ointment; wliich brought relief righ4 away, and after using two caked or Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was completely healed." (Signed). Mies 1Vlary Campbell,Big Pond Centres Nova Scotia. Use Cutltura Soap, Ointtoent and Talcuin exclusively for every -day toilet purposes. anm}1tst.o1VrdaLyy FRnn.�ANdreao: "E9ymmana,Llm. rtadi 344 et, rest et: w., 5tabtrdat." 8al0 0)005y- ' avb5oopt5d. otnlmdssaso,o bee. ToutMee. ., ro.'Cuticura ea 5onp ahovwttSout 55.. THER OF LARGE FAMILY Recommends Lydia E. Pink. Iluntn's Vegetable Compound to Qther'Mothers Hemford, N. S. -"I am the mother of four children and I was so weak after any last baby came that I. could not do my work and suffered for months until a friend induced me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Silica taking' the Vegetable Compound my weakness has left me and the pain in my baelt has gone. I tell all my friends` who are trobb ed with female weakness to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, for 1 think itis the beat medicine ever (sold. You may advertioe my letter. "—idre..Giooww". I. Caousn, Raeford, N. 5, My' Forst Child - • Glen Allen;.Allabama.—"5 have beet reatly.benent'ad by taking Lydia 111, !Inkhorn's Ve3etabie Compound fell bearing -down fgelisigs and pains. I was troubled :in this way for nearly' four years following the birth of my first child, and, at times could hardly stand on xny feet. A neighbor recommended th Vegetable Compound to me after I ha taken doctor's medicines without tams benefit. It has relieved my pains me gives me otreegth, x recorunend give you 'permission to use'rey ups menial letter.'---114re. 3Dh Ryto, opsit{ Allen, Alabama.. Women who suffer should write to ate' Lydia E,Pin-khanMed : oleo Co. Cobour�, Ontario,' for a free copy of Lydia res 1°inkhana's Private Text -]gook upon 4, Ailments Peculiar' to Women." bub: ..1U521 No. 2—'24. ..�i.