The Clinton News Record, 1924-01-17, Page 14T ONTARIO, TOU}IS A'Y,JANUARY 17th, *J24,. UETON 1024 -:MAK[ THIS THE BEST Y BY -L WS :DAVE BEE:' PRINTED The revised'- own by-laws have been printed' and are now .ready for dis- tribution.. As these by-laws contain much of 'interest to the citizens of Clinton a perusal of them (yvould prove interesting to almost anyone. WITH KNITTING CO. The News -Record was in error last weok in saying Councillor Livermore was a member of ithe Doherty Piano Co.'s stall'. He was for some years, night watchman -there but for some ,time has been, an ,employee of the knitting Co., another of Clinton's progressive industries. T, 0, 0. P' INSTALL OFFICERS -Ori Tuesday evening the local offi- 'sors for 1924 were installed:. in the local Odd S'ellow's Lodge. - D;D.G.M„ Dr. F. Harburn and District Mar- shal, McGarity of Seaforth, assisted by Messrs. Chant, Moore, Mittell and Sutter of the lodal lodge; acted as in- stalling. officers. Following is, the list: N,G., A. E. Rumball, V.G., L. Heard. Itec-Sec , Ii: W. Gould. Fin r -Sec„ J; Wiseman. Treasurer, 11.'13. Chant, Warden, E. L. Mittell, conductor, E. Walton. Chaplain, T. 'H. Tiardy:. R.S,S., J. D. Sterling, L.S.,S., T. Morgan. R.S,N.G., G. E. Hall. L.T,N.G., E. Greeks. R,S.V.G., G. Tomlin. L.S.V.G., J. D. Cook, 'x r I.G., J L ve more': O,G., J II. Derr, akheg best maternal, ]beautifully finished ing insures permanency and "ac est on the market and our guar- arch from us. ellgar one 1'74w Residence 174J` 1 EOP Every on the program and -that anearg it en lines and sizes, h erent bites are very good :and ala d every size in every line, you..will can offer at these low prices. Win x Have Choice nes, sizes from 26 to 35, @ 55,00 nes, sizes from 28 to 35, @ 57.90 nes, sizes frena 3G to 46, @ 515.00 trousers in broken Iines, @ 3319,50`- to 35, clearing :Ci 513.50 +1r; clearing @., . , .. , 57.90 leaning @ F19.50' .. $25.00 Bring at $5.00 t DIED IN WEST t'. WtnStevens of Clinton receiv- ed word recently of .,the death, which took place on New -Year's' -Day, of his oldest daughter, Mrs, Hodgins of Estevan, Sask. Mrs. Hodgins visit- ed her parents herea little over a ELLIOTT—IIARRI1I In our marriage column this week is an announcement, of the marriage. of Mr. Singh Croll Elliott of Galt. The groom's Mother, will be a•e:nein- bored by many in Clinten as 31iss Eva •CroIl, the family 'formerly' residing here.' Miss 'Droll was,. -before her marriage, a member 'of The News-, Record stair. Her ltnsband is mem- ber of the Provincial Legislature for Waterloo, This ie their only son. PRESBYTERIAL 35]5ETS HERR The annual business meeting of the Iiuron Presbyterial Society was' held in Willis church, Clinton, on Tuesday. There was :a good .attendance. The meeting was opened at ten -thirty in the forenoon, the president, Mrs. 3. E. Hogg in the chair and conducting the opening exercises. The reports from the various see, retaries showed increased interest and activity in all departments. Huron Presbyterial numbers -24 .auxiliaries with a membership of -about 800, anti cos tXibuting', l4,946.d0; 5 young wo, mens au dliaries, with a membership of 181 and. an offering of $1,977,45, also 16 .1Vhission Bands with a mein-' bership of 1,617, and contriibuting 21,381.14. Total 'suer raised by the, Presbytertal' F8,3 05.1$ :16 auxiliaries : 2 young wdmen's auazlieries, and 8, +Mission. Bands, have ;reached their objective. 27 senior and 43 junior life menu' bers were enrolled, also one in mem orlon, by Mrs. Win.—McQueen, Bruce field, in memory of her Som, Albert J, McQueen. 90 pounds of excellent clothing,. valued. at 5846,10- were shipped to. Portage la Prairie. 357 Hoarse -helpers contributed 5480.- 51, an increase of, 106 in membership and 283.00 in offering:.Huron-Pres:, bterial is the highest in the Pro. vine° in this Department. Subscriptions to the Missionary Mes.. senger for 1924, 749, an increase of 83 in response to special appeal. Stranger's Department has about doubled during' the past year. There are 23 press secretaries. An interesting report o£ the young women's nttxtliiiries was given by the. secretary,' Mrs. Geo. Telford, Blyth, also literary secretary, Mrs, Naftel,: od rich ' G ° Mies 'Urquhart of Henson, library secretary, reported'.tlrat,,tlie work of. her -department had :Drown anueh dur- ing the year. ' 1558 "papers : and 62 .books for. students' `library -having been sent tp' outlying;districts, 5frs R A .Lundy reported Mission Bands. in17., oibt; of the 07. congrega•- tions of the .Presbyterial.. ,Several valuea'au1fliary members hid been galled iby.;death duringthe year: Mrs. McLaughlin, Exeter; ° Mrs, 'Curtis„ Clinton; 'Mrs: Cobper,. Sea forth,; liths. ;CIifford; Goderieh. Ernest prayers were offered; by Mrs, Jas, Scott, ;Clinton; Mrs ,froward,: oderrtch; and Ivhs.' Larkin, Seaforth, .the following olllcets were elected Zion President, Mrs. James 1°IamiT,:. tone Goderieh President:. Mrs J. Ia'Tiogg,Clinton., 1st' Vice:, :Mrs 11' `H. Larkin, .Sea- forth, • 2nd Vice: Mrs R. Q. McDernid, Code. 31d Vice: "Mrs: C. A.,M,cDonnell, Ex_, eter, 4th Vice: Mrs, J. C. Greig, Seaforth. Secretary:: Miss Graham, .Seaforth, Treasurer: Mrs, H. T. Dunlop, Code - rich. Mission Band Secretary: Mrt. R. A, Lundy, 'klippen: Supply Secretary:M'rs. W. D. Fair, Clinton.': • • Assistant: Mrs,: B.- R. Higgins, Cltn .'ton, • Literary' Secretar' : Mrs. W,F. Nat f - y' YNa tel, Goderieh. Missionary Secretary: Miss 'Jeckyll, Exeter: . Strangers' Secretary: Mrs, H. Arnold, Hensall.' Press Secretary: Mrs. W. D. McDon- ald, Llgnondville. dom-'Me onteith, Helpers' Secretary: Mrs. A. Ifippen. Library Secretary,: Miss 'Urquhart, , Rirkton. Young Women's Secretary: Mrs, C. Telford, Blyth, -Social Service Secretary: Mrs„ R. Mc- Kenzie, Ebnuondville, Forward Movement Secretary: 'Mrs. A. Henderson, Auburn. Tuterdenominational Secretary: Mrs, W. R. Alp, Auburn. Finance Secretary: Mrs. . Gordon, Blyth, ltromination Committee: S. Moore, Program CommitteeMrs: R. Kidd,', Nlrs. Chiclley, Thames Road, Miss Jeekyll, "Exeter. A motion of appreciation of the services of _Mrs. Wt ' D. McIntosh, Brucefie)d, who xesigned•lieir office, was moved by Mrs. Lundy, seconded Uy Mrs, .names Hamilton and unani mouSly carried. Mrs, 3-1. C, Dunlop of.G'oderich was appointed Presbyterial delegate to the Provincial meeting in'Hanriiton; _Mrs. 1I Tarkiir President's s ibstituto to the 9encral council meeting in atliintreltl, and Mrs., R. C. ,11cDeimiid, 'Ole,irl. r si .,;:. ¢.apes.da•nt5 slrbstaiitr;.to the 1'rorincial meeting in I•Ianultoii. 4; hem,-ty vote of thanks was passed 1Ororn the g'tih<rinC' closed to the. (1)inton ladies fe, their kind hospital- it 8 ' CARD 01? THANKS Laura;' Edward and Eanald Mac- donald '''wish to thank ;the ,flany friends . for their, lundtess to : their another, the late Mrs, J. 4: Macdonald, in her last illness and wish to grate- fully acknowledge the kind expres- sions of sympathy, DON'T ASK. A REPEAT". Sometimes we are asked to repeat an item of news; such as an an- nouncement of a social: gathering of some sort. A newspaper does not like to repeat anything; except an advertisement. In fact ° if -an item needs repeating it tales On the nature' of an advertisement and should be in the advertising columns. Please do not ask' for :repetition in news col- umns, We want to fill' thein with. fresh news each week. _, THE PUBLIC INVITED; The ppblie will have ail` oppootuni- ty on Tuesday afternoon and evening and Wednesday afternoon of looking over the new Clinton hopital. On Tuesday afternoon at 1nio o'clock_a program of musk -and speeches will liegiven and afterwards Ate' ' hospital will ]be thrown open for -inspecion. After the program the superinten- dent and nurses will serve afternoon tea in the dining -room o'f the hospi- tal. - All citizens of Clinton andsur- rounding community are cordially in- vited to these opening exercises: USING WILLING WORKERS' The Greenland(Iowa) Plaindeale ( x gives the following hint as to making the "busy little ;bee" do ,double duty. We do not vouch' for, the success of the plan but some .of our- local; bee 'tnen, Messrs. Watts and Cudmore or Irving, might give it a try -out in the spring:' "Convert your bee hives°' into. incu- bators and let your bees hbtch out ehieken eggs „This can be done -ac- cording to J.• E. ;Sample, veteran (bee raiser of Shannon;cennty Mo; ,. Mr. Sample ;plans to remove, the "top or half storey from the hive. Be then tacks screen wire over the lower part of the frame and upon this screen he places a few thicknesses of flan- nen. The eggs are next placed upon the flannel and more flannel laid over the top. The heat from the bees who are Working° away in the hive will hatch out chickens in the regale, den 21 days." AMONG THE -CHURCHES Union prayen•atieetings are planned for the winter as:follovis: January 16th at 8 o'clock p.m. in the Baptist church, Lieutenant Stev enson. '. January 23rd, at Wesley Church, Rev. C. Llewellyn Bilkey. January 30th,' Willis Church, Rev, C. J. Moorhouse. February Gth, Ontario street church Revr.A. A. Holmes. February 13th, Salvation Array, Rev. E. Parker. • February 20th, Anglican Church, Rev J;'E. Regg. ;Bach ini.nister will 'have •charge his own church. •; Baptist Church Sunday school et 2:30. : Evening service 7:00. Subject "Cart Man l Understand Cod?". Ontario -Street Church On Sunday the morning subject. will be: '`.'Christ's Second Conning:''. The evening' message: "The ;Seven VtTonders of Earth" This is the first o£ a series, St, Paul's -Church- Contributors will confer: a favour by writing their names on the backs of the first envelopes used: Last Sunday envelopes 13, 20, 26, 45, 47, 57 and 98 had no names, consequently it is impossible to tell who to credit with the contents: Also ' some aro still using 1923 'envelopes, These should:be destroyed. Wesley Church • •Brotherhood'art 10 o'clock, subject,': 'Some of: Ono Obligations to° Ottr Homo," introdttced'by Mr. IVi. T. Cora less. ' -,A11 men welcome. Morning service: abject,'•"Stobiliz ing. the Leaders." Evening subject, 'Too Busy. to Notice Big -Vents." -Dr. Johnson' of Victoria University,; delivered a fine rneseage ,Sunday ev. ening: The Young Peoples' League rnet lilonday evening, . when the' pastor," the Rev. A. A. Holmes, gave a most interesting talk on his trip to Pales. tine. Mrs. A. T, Cooper occupied the chair and Miss E' Wise contributed a;' piano solo. Willis Church' - AB WAIU1 RPCE:PTfON GIVEN Many from Clinton and vicinity at- tended the banquet' tendered the .111,,. Hon. Arthur: Meighan at London on Friday evening: and all report a very; enjoyable time. 'The London Con- servatjve' Clubs, Men's and Women's took upon themselves the' responsibil- ity of entertaining the visitor in the 'city, for 'the event and they seemed t. carry through their plains very 'suc- cessfully and pleasantly:' There was an informal reception in honor Of Mrs, Meighan'during ' the afternoon, to which the ladies were invited' and the men were entertained at 'lunch- eon `and in various ways. The "Conservative leader was given a very enthusiastic. reception by, the two thousand people or more who at- tended the gathering, the most sue,° cessful of its :kind ever -held in: this part,of the Dominion.. A -unique fed tore was the presence of members of the Party from the Province of Que- bec, whose characteristic vi`v'acity helped to enliven the `proceedings. In his address Mr. Meighan dealt with National questions, handling them in his usual', straightforward, outspoken manner. He was listened to with rapt attention and• during the :evening was acclaimed as the coming Premier. ° Other • speakers were: Hon. Ilugh Guthrie, Hon; 3, S. 'Martin, Hon; - L. G. Belley, Hon R. Menty acid others. The French-Can- adian . speakers` were, most heartily received. It was ,a notable gather- ing held',' on ; the anniversary of the birth of the late Sir John A. Mac- donald, the 'Old Chieftain, and the Western Ontario .Conservative As- sociation, ander whose direction it was brought to so sirecessful• a con- clusion, are to' be congratulated, • The Huron County' members and their, wives were present. DEATH OF "ELI CRICK - Eli Crich passed away_ at his home in town en Saturday evening after. an illness of about a week: ` • The Irate Mr. Crieh was a son of the late James °rich, one of the eftrly settlers in Tuckersmith. After grow-;• ing to''.manhood he•farmes.for a, time in Rupert; later settling in Tusk- ersmith, on the late Sidney Johns• farm. Three years ago he came to Clinton. Mr. Crich is' survived by his wife who was formerly Miss. Spencer of Gr yyeounty, and two daughters, IYhs. Ellis of the Base line and Phyllis at home. Three. {brothers .and :Four' sis. ters alio survive: Iddo °Crich' of Clin- ton, and Lewis and Gifford, Mrs. 3.'. E. Ball`,of Tuokersrnith;' inns,. Mode. land . of Seaforth Mrs. McDonald, Washington, -and Mrs, Sarah F. Crieh of Clinton.Mr. Crich is the fifth of a family sf'eight 'brothers to pass On within the past few (years. He was' a Methodist, being --a ,m niber of On- tario Street Church - The'funeral took place oat Tuesday afternoon, the services being conduc- ted by the Rev. C,'J, lYioorhouse. The, pallbearers were Iris three brothers, Lewis, Iddo and 'Gifford Crich, Fret:. Spencer and John- Ritchie of Shallow Lake, and Dr,• Ii Fowler' of Clinton. Interment was mule Clinton- ceme- tery, Amongst those who ,were present from a distance fa -the funeral were, • Mr. and Mrs. P Spencer, .1118•2 -and Mrs. J .Ritchie, Shallow Laken; .Mrs Wmt MelVof Miss'Ruliy MMT'vor,'and. Mrs>,lVforrow, Port Elgin; Mrs, ,Louis- Ilill and baby-: from ° 5tehener; Miss Clave 'Richards, Stratford 'and Mr. and Mrs, .Isaac, Modeland and Mr. Will Crich, Miss Mary,Modeland, Seaforth. r • r Mrs, Crich and daughters wish to extend' to the ,friends and neighbors their very sincere thinks for the kind, neseand sympathy shown themdur- ing the illness of their' husband find father; CANNOT .13E T0O CAREFUL The almost, instant death of a Lon- don lady who went ..to change the position of an electric heater while standing in a bath ttrb, calls attention to the fact that people eantrot be too careful' when handling electrical phances. Supt. Chant ' gives it as his- opinion that: there was some de- fect in the heater. "'But," he added, "it would 'take an expert probably, to detect that defect, so it behooves ev- eryone to the very careful when hand- . - Iing electricity. It is' especially web to bd,sareful when standing in water or with wet hands." " The following warnings were print- ed, by the Hydro Commission when Hydro ' was first introduced. It nriglrt be well to repeat thein in or- der that people may take necessary precautions: The fact that water is one of the best conductors:' of electricity makes it particularly dangerous to touch an. electric ;switch.or any appliance' while standing in a bath or while standing on wet: ground with bare feet, Manypeople are of. the impression that 110,220 or even 550 volts. are quite harmless. This is not the 01800, officials declare. From an issue of the, "Live Wire" published in 1921,.the following "tlou't" have been extracted: "peep the hands and ,feet , away from '"any grounded objects when touching anything electrical`." "Don't stand 111 5 bath tub and touch any part of aln..electrical s device, Don't use an:, electrical vibrator while. in the bath tans' ,"The turning on of a,water taTh n'as stove, or rata accrr na y br nt; ' re- ;,tilts 11 . the p555'crr. Isr also 111 t c» psora With alr e100h11eal, fixture," If 1110 foregoing rules.' are carried ant .tltere will be no' :denget • fro;.r cleetroct1tieti in the ordinary event Of things,' • Morning subject: "The Dominion of: the Spirit." Evening: "They That.: Wait,,, Mission Band will hold its month- ly meeting on Monday evening at- 7 o'clock in the lecture room:;" The annual congregational meeting was held yesterday' evening, when : reports .were read from 'the different, departments, The year has beau a most successful one, financially .pfd otherwise. Balances zero a'eportci1 in all the departments, and ovm'- 51 550 was paid to' mt0Sitins, , The new tneinibcr, of the board'' of man-: (gement ,are :MosgGs. 0. A. McLen- nan, J. Torrance and Dr. P Ilearn, The managers inert trod the -.minis- ter's stipend.by 5200. In suite: -of the1- rather, stormy evening there was a good attendance at; the : meeting: g 1 1 rf 11 1 'a1 3, 0. G. MIDDLETON The above photo ,of the Rt. Hon, Arthur Meighan was taken on the .steps of the town hall on his last( /Is - it to Clinton ri 1921. With hi is Clinton's m popular reeve, Mr, C. G. la' RT: HON. ARTHUR MEIGHAN Middleton, who was one of the guest' lit the 'banquet given in the Conser- vati a Leader's honor in London ori. Friday evening. New Town Council Take Their Places and Look Much at Home The town -council stet on Monde morning took the oath of 'office an appointed - as Striking Committee Councillors Paisley, Jenkinsand John Ston, They then adjourned -to meet in the evening. , In the evening they met again, all members present and Mayor Jackson in the chair. Mayor Jackson called the meeting to order and, after a short address, pro needed to ibusiness. In hie inaugural speech Mayor Jackson congratulat- ed the. Councillors on their election, 116ey el said thwere there by the will of the people and their„• election was no uncertain sound, as all had good majorities. He especially congratu- lated Reeve Middleton on his elee- tion to 'the' :most important 5osf4on ort the council by solarge a majority. Ile appreciated his own election and. said he would :use his best efforts 80 serve the interests of the community. He hoped' harmony would prevail 111 the council during the year and felt :sure it would. He hoped the court eillors would ,be punctual anif' wol`tld attend to the work of .their'rse1f al 'cohtnrittees, the -chairman being ready. with a written report at each aneettii The main wont of 'the council Would be on the .streets, "and it -should° he the aim • of the"epuneil to see that the money tpeat-on therm:: was spent to. ,the best advantage.: 1 -Ie called ati tertian to•a number of improvements which hey though might be made. The assessment,' lie' thought too high, did not 'believe in high assessment, when the assessment was lower and tate 'fairly high More care was, usually taken, more economy practised, He spoke highly of the work of the totvn officials and expressed the opinion that the salaries paid by the town were low. He hoped the council would give this matter some consideration, Reeve Middleton replied to the ad dress of the Mayor, eong°ratulating him on his election 'to the position and on his public-spiritedness fn off- fering his:services to the town after tea years, in private life. lie said the people' were looking for some- thing special from him, and "assured him that he might cbunt•on th°•,co- operation of the council, He said -he would endeavor to serve the town to 'the best of his ability, both here and hi county council worts • - On the request of the •Mayor, Chair- man Paisley of the striking commit. tee read the report' of committee, which Was accepted. Following is the Mist ,Street 4.- Middleton, Jenkins,' Pais- ley, Johnston; Property--Schocnhals Johnston, Jenkins, Fire and Water .--ltozell, Johnston, Jenkins. genie- tery: Livermore, Middleton, Schoen- hats.- Charity--.Tolniston, Livermore Paisley. Rota; -' Jenkins, Roz, Johnston, .Finance -Paisley, Schoen- hals, and Jenkins. Bylaws -Middle- ton, Livermore, Rozell. Special--. Schoenhals, Paisley, Middleton,:Court of Revision --Jackson, Jenkins, John. y year to fill out Mr. Brydone's term, d t Councillor Livermore .objected to this appointment; saying he objected -. to the • appointment of. "preachers and bankers," to these boards, but as no other objections were put for- ward and Councillor Rozell and Reeve Middleton warmly recommended the daprepwoint]timseabjectiont.: of Mnr., Hogg, he with... On notion of Counoillar PaisIpy ant Reeve Middleton J. Wiseman and D. W. L. Cantelon were appointed midi, tors' at a salary of 515.00 each. ' On motion of Councillors Paisley and Resell W. M. Erwin-was,appoint4 ed to the e Puhlic Library boardandD. L. Macpherson to the board of health. - A. bylaw empowering the treasurer and Mayor to borrow 515,000 from the 1V1'oltons Bank to' carry on work' 4f" the•town until tastes are paid in June was passed . Reeve Middleton, street eommitteo asked -that $h5.0 'be p+i'id- A. Allison,: tile. accowrt-'having{ been overlooked • at last me ting. He also, reeommen. ded that the town ltteep snow plowed ;-from the driveway of the new hospi sal, A rtlutteo-of flog minmtes work each timet -he said Councillor Jen- kins seconded request and the.Coup- eil' :iibeed.' There was no report front the fin - mice committee, the first and last time such -a thing will happen, Yery'few citizens carne, out to tits• :first ineetin of Council. Are they not interested or are they so sure they have elected a good Council that. they 'can safely "leave the .work to 11!1(11 Reeve Middletont took his place in the Reeve's chair ab the Council table Councillor Paisley moved up to the chair occupied Iasi year by his daft, Councillor W. J. Paisley; Councillor Rozell sits next to him, Councillor Johnston occupied. W. J. Nediger's place; Cotincilior Livermore is in" Reeve'1Vliddleton's old Place; Couneii. for Schoenhals is in Livermore's old place and Councillor Jenkins in the lower end seat, where S. ICentp eat, last year. All looked comfortable;;y and Quite at horiie. communication was read 110313 the Pastime Club asking for a robate of hall rent. On motion of Council- l.ors-Paisley and Sclioeiihals this was 5100. The resignation of T', Bo done Y frons the Colle •lateInstitute 'board was regretfully accepted. The Clerk was instructed to send acceptance ,of invitation to hospital opening. - Aredo.rt was read from the Child- ren's ` Shelter and a grant of 510.00 was'v'oted to 1t, On 'notion of Reeve Middleton and Councillor Paisley W. II. 1Ic11yar was rc-0ppointod to the C. T. board for three' On' Motion of Councilors Rozell and Johnston Rev, 1. r:F IIoeN was LITTLE LOCALS' Now is the time to renew your sub- scription to The News�Reet,'id, if yora have not already clone so, The hospital furnishings are being -moved from the old building and ted into the new one this, week, "'Mrs. S. Diehl bas, a Christmas cmc.• tus which has at present 113 blooms: These plants when at their best brake a magnificent showing. Mr. John Forel and his sister, Miss` JJ.' Ford have moved in from Godernch township and are getting settled in their new home on Huron' etr•eot, The Gills' Auxiliary has decided. not to serve tea at the home -of Mrs.; M. D 1VIcT'aggart`:eh the day of the. new" hospital opening, as °announced. last week. ITPe ecan saveou a little tome on Y Y your 1, i1so the iY' a ler rt y p I oable� of sending fox• it. .Cotte itt,and IeaVe � your renewal with as. Vi'e'cart -Setitii ror any paper you. wish. A Our mailing• list has beets correct up' to 3001111137 -lath. We ribonl_d ha. obliged ire each „Subscriber Wonld en - 10111111e 1115 ?:r, lel aocl if he dpesn't third: he's • boes.grodatrxi with hr t'1115t•pajl;: :tient would come hi lard say. 30, appointed" to the C. I, Board for ono (More Local on Page 8)