HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1924-01-10, Page 5rp
. b
leader of the Farm
rovincial' Lcgisla-
clap` National Transeoia-
am, are Leing r.equipped
o that, news' and concerts
ijlalble `to passengers.
,A-a,xgbody who had the notion. that
fala,uary had lost its kick must" have
1,udely jolted by the blizzard of
day afternoon and, Sunday. Tho
:Ails' turned anild ag tin;how-
;, -
1SU the first laniary' `thavr, is
rpier Gonna has resigned from
Cabinet and the;'illness` 6f
Tion. W.S. Fielding will probably
gesult in has retirament . , Mr Ci era;
arid "Mr. Dunning are now on their'
way ,t6 Ottawa and will. it: is said be
°Preyed .seats in the cabinet.
Those grave robbers haveat last
reached' the inner tomb of Ting Tut-
anhanien and unearthed ,his sleeping
form, which the people of his day
supposed would He undisturbed until
the resurrection, which.- even in those
early days/'amongst the Egyptians
was looked forward to.
he manse 1;is oC the IL'ite Lwicli,2rd L' is lea n snake .i,lai5' a ba:izicz year. Just to ~tart out right we.,
�� . t
arA:^ '9th,, by the Ilapnipond• o .`;;'Detroit 1110h,, >were vfler yo i flus acele a 'i stl' n ,broom ..r ox Jezc,.with, a cash older• oL $1.2e of
yelt �!`ii�e�,.�r_ i�kiny, "dough- Ui'otta+Iii ta, r Tas. T','(ann s on Tlizu's� Ca a eries: Our.iixzees'will intea;esu 'you.
ei o ltlisS vM ' .,b • 1 it the Maitland dein- �-
a F .• II f a daughter, 10 bits iv int ti
"le, to Birt day and Wrier :soap .69c 2 Ib C.0 er Snaps ac„
13eauoni of •Cl?n do r
etery, is wife was
A�Ghe au'd), oS,Mts- Jas,:Mainz. .those �>10 bars Laundry, soap .... ....48i '3 pl.gs. JellvPowder tic
Coolcin'a Figs,, 25e
G. Soap, 1°Cake Ivory. Soap 31e.
The Packet thoroughly agrees` with
the Farmers'' Sun when it says:—
Unrestricted immigration offers no
solution for the problem; confronting
Canada. An increase in the number_
entering Canada at a time when con-
•ditions agricultural and industrialare
not sufficienty attractive to hold the
people already herd will merely =give
fresh impetus to the exodus. :And
`because the newcomers, coming from,
countries with a lower average stan-
dard of living will be content to 'ac-
,cept a lower standard here than na-
±ive Canadians, .it will be these who
willmove out. This Dominion has
nothing to gain by exchanging the
eons' and grandsons of its pioneer
stock for' a polyglot citizenry from
Europe.-Orillia Packet.
Never was a truer word spoken
than: that of the last sentence
'of the above: Canada has lost much
treble—the last Year, by the exodus of
native born sons, Unlest these can
e retained Canada will inever be the
buntry it ought to be.
manse, Lorebiiin, Sask.;,an 1)ecenz- who accompanied the remains, were
bey 29th, 19232byythe Rev, D, M. l,Ig. and -tits. Jai, TurnerIlam-
Robertson, Mrs. Charlotte L. E. mond and son,,, Mr, Sidney Duh<tge,
'Campbell, f 'merle of B'ayfreld to Mr. Fox and .,Miss Edith Dulrage o£
rik: Gustavus Olcerstrom of Ar- Detroit. Rev, Mr. Ferguson conduct-
. as at the, grave
chive Sash.�} �`� �*��
account of the storm on Sunday PROMPT; SERVICE THE STORE
these was no service Tri the Church.
ed the services at the house as: well
8 'cakes Castile snap' ,2oc.'..$ los•
.3' pkgs. Pe'arliine or Azmnonia ..25c 3 Ia .
Large Parka geoi' Chi so, 3 Cake P. and
1,La� 6. p
primes ...,...:;......35c
AWSOI3.--At_ Grace :I-ldspital,'-Tor-
onto,: on January 2nd, to Mr. and
lobs. Fred 0. Lawson, a .son.
.. , Deistirs
GRANT ---In Clinton, on January 8th,
Lydia AimGlidden, widow of the
late WiIliam. Grant,: in her 67th
MARSHALL -1n loving memory 6i
Jennie Marshall, who died January
8th, 1922. "Gone but not forgot-
ten'' Always remembered byher
brother and sisters.
W. 3. McLeod spent Monday in Lon-
JTisses Martha Rothwell and Rachel
Taylor, who have _spent. the past few
weeks in , Detroit, returned to their
Tomes' on Tuesday.
John Gairdner, 'who has spent the
past two weeks visiting his brothers
in Rochester and Pittsburgh, returned
home on Friday last.
Monday's election tbrought out the
largest vote that has ever been polled
here for, the municipal council. It
as' -, 'probably -, on ` recount of the wo-
en's vote, though the day was rough
nd stormy,
Township councils were elected by
acclamation in Colborne, Goderich,
Stanley, Hay, East Wawanosh and
Tuckersmith.:` -
BLYTH—Howard Brunsdon, Cr. M.
Chambers, Colin Fingland. Dr. Milne
was elected reeve by acclamation.
13Dr. Newton
Brady, H. Weston, Walliam Weston,
M. Ross; for reeve, A. E. Erwin was
re-elected by acclamation.
TURNBERRY -.Reeve; J. L. Mc-
Ewen, 330 (elected); John Moffat, 77
T. K. Powell, 97; Connell, Joseph
Breckenridge, 253; David Fortune,
237; Rowland Grain,- 266; William
Marshall, 246, (elected); Peter F. Me-
Ewen, 174; William Bolt 78.
S1AFORTH—J. W:" Beattie was .e-
lected reeve of Seaforth the mayor
and council' was in by acclamation.
McEILLOP. Reeve, P. McQuaid ,z ,
(acclamation); Council, Bruce Medd,
Ed; Horan, John Dodds, M. Regemee.
HOWIQIC Reeve, Tom Tngles, ma-
jority 398; deputy reeve,1George Hub
bard. Council, J. W. Gamble, Milton
Leonard; Fred .Taylor.
;MUSSELS—Council, John Hewitt,;
J. W. Arinstrong, ': George Weller,
Walter Ross.`"" Reeve, A. C. Baeker:
was elected by. acclamation. .
GREY—James McCutcheon, defeat-
ed ,John MVIeNab, later reeve, by.abollt
250. Thomas McDonald waa elected
deputy reeve and W. T, Turnbull, 11i,
V. McKay" and Fred W. 'Rowland
councillors, by acclamation.
MORRIS-1'or reeve, Robert Short_
reed defeated Walter Yuill. Council
Elston Cardiff, John A. Brown, John
lI d as quite' excising as the
Phone lit
i oneyw
polling booth in the village was busy : ®, 816
most of the -day. The women turned
out very well, this being the - first
municipal -Vote for many of them,
Following is the complete returns
Ise'. the names osthe councillors: A.
Newton Brady, .cM,D., 96; Samuel
Blair 77; John ;Pease 69, Murdock
Ross77; William 3, NiFleston 80; Henry
Weston. 81, Elected, r A. Newton
Brady, Murdock Ross, Wm. 3. Weston
Henry Weston. 'Phe returning offi-
cer cast
ffi-cer!cast a ballot in favor of Ross.
The January meeting of the W. M.
S. was held at the home of Mrs.
Campbell, on Thursday of last week,
with (twelve members present. The
study of the book on Formosa, the
"Island Beautiful," was begun, Mrs.
Fraser taldng the first chapter..
The annual. meeting of St. Andrew's
congregation was held .on Tuesday af-
ternoon of this week in the basement
of the church. Reports were present-
ed from all, the organizations within
the church and all showed satisfac-
To the Electors
of Our Town":
I sincerely thank you for the vote
you gavene on Monday for ree'vo
for 1924. '
Chas. G
To the Electors:
tory progress, The,chureh treasur-
er's books showed a total income of
81770, while $365 lied been .raised for
missions. In addition to this the
W.M.S. raised.$171.00, making a to-
tal of,$536-from the congregation for
missionary purposes. '' The Sunday
school with an enrollment of 80 raised
$171.00 and the Ladies' Aid, with a
membership of over 20, had an income
of $241.00. All officers were re-ap..
I wish to thank you heartily for.
your support at the polls on Monday,
when you elected me as councillor
for 1924.
iIiENSALL — .Owen' Geiger, twice
unseated as reeve " of Iiensall last
year, and three, times elected, defeat-
ed Higgins Monday by two votes, the
poll being 189 to 187, It is not cer-
tain that Mr. ' Geiger's . troubles are
over, as there is a possibility of a re-
count. Hensall council was elected
by acclamation: Chris Campbell, Robt•
McArthur, Thomas Hudson, Hugh Mc-
Goderich, Mayor, W. F. Ga11ow;;
reeve, Hugh •-J. A. MacEwan; deputy
reeve, B. C. Munnings; council, C S.
Huniber, D. E. Holmes, C. W. Worse'rl
J. S. Platt, P. J. Ryan, and R, Ttirtier.
Exeter •Reeve, W. W. Sanders;
tonne%T, 'Joe Davis, J. NI. Sotuhcott,'
Eli Coultiee, Charles Hooper; school'
'board, J. Elston, W. H. Dearing, A. E.
Puke; hydro board, E. E. FTueston.
Ashfield; reeve, Frank E. Johnston;
deputy reeve, Johfl 3antbson;' council,
John Campbell, Thos. Sullivan, John
East Wawanosh, ;reeve, ;Robert Bu-
chanan; eoundil, F. D. Starker, R.
Coultis, Peter Scott and;John'Gilles
F . Johnston
To the Electors .-
Wishing:' to thank the electors of
Clinton for their hearty support at
the polls on Monday, I remain -
Wm. Jenkins
To'' Clinton Electors :
I wish to "thank you sincerely for;
the support Given me at the polls on
Nlonda/ as councillor for 1924. 1
shall endeavor to deserve the /conk
dense thus reposed in me.
Mr. J. Workman of this village
whom we retrorted last week as quite
111, has •improved the last few days
and his friends are quite hopeful of
Mr. Alf, Glazier of Clinton is visit -
'rig at his sister's here:
A. number of the young people met
together and drove over and surprised
Mr. and Mrs. J. MCBeath on Tuesday
evening, The night ,was ` spent in
dancing and cards.
Mrs. Glazier- of Clinton and -her two
sons and Mrs. Stevenson of Brussels.
'visited friends here on Thursday last.
JIuliett, reeve, Armstrong, 884;•,
Clarke,' 827. Majority for Arm-
strong 57. ' Councillors, Adams 441;
Barr, 154,• I viper, 519; NIogridge, 455
Sloan 899,
John Schoenhals
. • 36-1-p
To the Electors:
Start the' Year Right bi ussiug
Delivered to all parts of the town
j. ,,.f WN & CO.
Thanking you for your generous
support at the 'polls on Monday. As.
councillor for x924 I shall try to serve
Your interests to the best of my abil
0. L. Paisley
Farmers requiring help for ' the
spring season or year 1924 are re-
quested to apply at once to H. A. Me=
DonelI, Director. of Colonization and
Immigration, •Parliament buildings',
Toronto, Ontario, or to the Agriculs
tural Representative of the County in
which they reside. i
Applicants ..should state whether
they require experienced, partly. ex-
perrieneed or inexperienced single men
or experienced married men with or
without families, length of time ser
vices will be, required and rate ofwages. .
Miss Welsh, our public school teach-
er, has returned to her duties.
Miss Margaret McConnell', is visit-
ing her friend, Miss Ferguson at
Granton. s
Miss E. Loganl who spent the past
month in Nashville, Tenn., returned
home this week.
Mr. Connell has;; resumed his duties'
in the. Sterling Bank,
Miss Mary Galbraith of Winnipeg
and Mrs. 3. Geminhardt of Wisconsin
are, visiting their brother and sister,
Mr. Arch and Miss Margaret Gal-
On account of the stormy weather
services 'were called off in our differ-
ent churches on Sunday.
Mrs. `A, McConnell and daughter
and Mr. and Mrs. W. Reid and Messrs.
W. Logan and F. McClymont attend-
ed the eoacert in London on Monday
given ;by sir I--Iarry Lauder.
'Mi'ss E. Mossop is taking a few well
earned holidays. , •
Mr. and Mrs. Ii. Diehl gave a party
to a large number of their friends en..
Owingto the severe storm on Suis- :New Year's eve..
day, Rev. Mr. Lundy did not preach + Mrs. Win, Claris has gone to Sea -
at his elrarges of Llillsgeen and forth to spend the winter with her
daughter, Mrs. Evans.
We pay the farmer a premium fox strictly New Laid Eggs •and
also for well, fattened Live Poultry of all kinds. Special' arrange-
ments will he, made to handle produce from a distance. -
Phone or write -us for regular weekly price fiat which gives all the
necessary information.
Gunn, b angloiS &C®., Lnnitcd
Montreal, Quebec.
•Manager, Clinton:. Branch r
Day Phone 190: ,Night Phone 214w
The Council of'the Corporation of•
the County' of limon will meet in the.
Council Chamber, Goderich, at 2 o'-
clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the
Unit day of January 1924. All ao;
counts against' the County meet be in
the hands of the Clerk not later than
Monday preceding; the meeting of the
Council. - '
Goderich, January 2nd, 1924—,.
GEO. 'W'. IIOLMAN, County Clerk,
: Baby's Sleuth For Sale '
Awhite sleigh, with top, handsoinet
Ty upholstered and 'Comfortable, only
used a short: time Will be,'s0li
cheap. Apply to 'Ts H. Leppington,
38.1 pt
l l tentillihibslistilAillfstsagsstoistsissol,st.
I €
If it's a heating problem you l,
eu immediately g,by installing
,,FF: rho
v-ith 15. to 20 thousand' cubic Deet Ge
Burns woad, soft coal, coke or hard
you its superiority over any other
Also remember we carry- only
both pure and highest refined of,
proof is the hundreds of satisfied
and elsewhere,
few 40 watt lamps left at 3 for
Pure Aluminum Dish Pans, each
TO FARMERS—See our speci
long l99iineli traces also 72 inch 13
011111thisliUit1,111116111161PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111n1IIli111111IIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIltIt111111i,111$1 i
Alberta Coal
1s you Do
Phone 155 Huron, Street
Beginning at once and until further
notice we w ill give
'grout 11010 30 per cent
Off, ail Whiter Goods
consisting of
Underwear ,
Seeks > '
Caps , 1'
'Mitts ,
. Herse Blankets •'
also a.nunmher'of other lines of
plu[l sioc_�, rl
AppIleati0ns will be filled es far 66
possible in the 'order in which they are•
received -preference given to yearly
engagements. `
By authority of the H pourable,
John S. Martin, Minister of Agricul-
ture Jan, 10-31
Blake, .There was no service in the
Methodist church on account of the
Ms, Ileni:y Ivison is quite undispos-
ed, was confined to his room far some
time, but is now able to be up, but not
any too well.
,,,Io rsnnith Township
r, has one. to Austin Matheson g
atratford.Busine,s'College to take up
the lar �� .0D telegraphy.
Pot Sale
10 Barred' Rock Cockerels the
"Togo" strain,' hatched from "Guilds
best pens Nos, 1 and 2. Mrs, hirarn
Hill. .. -;: 36-2-p.
Pelts Found
• Some pelts were found by the: -un
dersigned.Owner may have -same
by .proving property and paying;foi?
this advertisement. -- Wilfred Jewish
Elolmosvihe. 3641;
Skating, Skating
A skating party will be put on in
the local arena on Friday evening,
January 19th, under the auspices"of
the Girls' Auxiliary. Band. in at-
tendance and all usual attractions
and a few extra` ones. Come and help
the girls raise money for hospital
equipment. 86-2.
Miss E. Elliott i5 spending a few
days with relatives in Stratford
.Mr. L. McConnell is spending a few
weeks with his aunts in Minneapolis.
Mrs, Alfred Austin and Master Wil -
spent Christmas and New Year's
at the home of the former's daughter,
Airs, Floyd Schell of Detroit. They
also made a trip to. Flint to visit her
son, Mit Imo, od' Austin. who has good
position in' that erty, returning home
on Friday evening last.
Mr, Rus4915 Austin, who has beep
Auction: Sale -
Of choice dairy cows and horses.
The undersigned has received instruci,
tions to sell by public 'auction" ai Lot
57 B. L.,' Goderich 'totviislup ' • Tues-
day, Jan. 15th, conirlrencing •at':1:80
o'clock sharp the following: • COWS
-No. 1 Durham grade cow, 7 years
old with calf at foot; No '2 Durham
grade, 4 years, due to, freshen` Jana
10th; 116: 8 Durham grade, 4 years,
due to freshen Jan. 12; No, 4 Durham
grade 7 years, to ffeshen•Jan, 20th;
No.. 5, high grade holstein, 4. years,
due, to freshen January 14; No. 6
high grade 5-Iolstein,'S'syears, due to
freshen January 20; Na, 7 Registered'
.Holstein Daisy, H. Dewdrop, No. 33775
due to freshen January 8th; No. 8
Ayrshire grade 5 years, calf at foot;
No.9 holstein grade, 3 years, calf at
foot; No. 10 Holstein grade 8 yaars,
calf at foot; No. 11 Registered Polled
Angus, No. 23035 Bell of Ashcroft,
due to freshen Jan. 14th; No. 12 Dur-
ham grade, 5 years, due to freshen.
February 11th; No. 13'Durbam grade,
5 years, due to freshen in April.
HORSES—Choice bay ,mare rising 6
years, weight 1450 lbs.; fine brown
mare, rising 4 years, weighs 1450 lb.
set double harness, bridles, collar's,
breeching; cutter. TERMS -6 months
.credit will be'given on furnishing ap-
proved joint notes or discouait of 6
per cent. per annum for cash. Sale
will be conducted indoors also accom-
modation will be provided for -horses,
W. ' H. Lobb, Proprietor. Geo. H.
T lliott, Auctioneer.
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Huron
County Spring' Stock Show will be
held in the office of the District Re-
presentative, Clinton, on Saturday
afternoon, January 19th, at two o'-
clock. An interested are cordially
invited, A, 3. McMurray, Secretary.
,Auction Sale of
Young cows .and young cattle, ai
Lannon's stable, Goderich, on Thurs-
day, : January 17th, at 1130, consist-
ing .of; the following: cow 6 years,
due in January; cow, 4 years, milking
6 weeks 2 heifers rising 31 year:, due
in March: 4 cows due In April; li rfeg
rising 3, supposed to'. be in ` calf;
Ilereford heifers weighing 800 Ihsp
14 Hereford steers woighing 700 to
900 lbs. All. these •cattle are On-
tario bred and of good quality. :Will
he sold without reserve. Terms: 9
The Hospital Board offers for sale
its (building on corner of Victoria and
Cutter streets. .
As at present arranged it contains
19 rooms including' dining room, kit-
chen, linen room, Bath, etc., and the
cement -floored basement contains the
laundry :and furnace rooms.
The' building is ' well heated and
lighted throughout and without
change would make an excellent
boarding house or' ,'private hotel,
with slight rearrangement it could
be adapted:"as a store, or as a dwell-
ing or a, small apartment house.
Structurally it is in good condition
and repair: Inspection maybe ar-
ranged for, or terms of sale had on
application to —IL E. Manning,' Royal.
Bank, Clinton. - - •
y A RN A Phone 622 ring 23.
Y 1 A t1 36-1
Furs Un Tri Price `
Raw furs wanted at 'following
Mink, $5.00 to 89.00. --
Raccoon, $3.00 to $6.00..
Fox, $9.00 to .$13,00.
Weasel, •25c to 90c.
Phone 89, H. A. Hovey, Clinton, Ont.
• Auction Sale `
Of household effect;: at the premi-
ses, Fulton street on' Saturday, Jan,
12th, 1924. At one o'clock sharp:
Parlor suite and all wool parlor-
carpet; dining room, sideboard; table
and -chairs; lounge; good bedroom
suite, with springs and mattresses;
white enamel bedroom' suite; .odd bed
stead; .feather 'beds and a number of
good,pillows; a number of quills and
blankets; pictures and mirrors;' din-
ner set of china dishes and a quart-
tity of other, dishcs'and 'glass ware;
sewing .machine int„ggod running or-
der; kitchen side -board and six Icitch-.
enichairs; also pots end pan' gar -
Be pe Bag.
a�1 ®®c����,yypp((�NEAR) ,C� ,�gcy�,,
Custom a ing
Custom sawing, will be done in Bay;
field after January 10th. Bring in
your logs and have them sawed dur-
ing the winter months.
McEWEN `313108., BAYS+IELD
: 35-tf
, ""Pullets For Sale •
40 S. C. White Leghorn pullets,
Tom Baron's strain, also a few choice
Barred' Rock cockerels.—A. 0.1.
ey, phone. 12 on 630.
For' Sale
A quantity of fust class dry maple
Body wood cut` 12 indhes long. Apply
C. E, Wise, Phone 24 on 605. 35-tf
Annual Meerting
The annual •meeting of the Bayfield
Agricultural Society will be hold in
the town hall, Bayfield on the after-
noon of Wednesday, January 16th, at
1 o'clock. Reports will be received_
and officers elected. A full attend-
ance requested.
Roomers Wanted
Ooaifortablc rooms for either two
girls or two 'boys that would room,
together, or for married couple. ro
venient to centre of town. Enquire
Barn Per Sale '
` A good barn on 38. acre of land
on. Princess street. Convenient to
the centre of town.. Apply E. L.
Mitten, phone 213-r-3. 31-tf.
Farm For Sale or Rent
West half of lot 22 and south half.
of lot 23, except, railway part, 'con-
cession 9, Hullett township, in all 95
acres more or less,: conveniently, to-.
sated near Clinton and Londesboxo
stations, is of good soil,,, well mai
Voted, and has a good fraape house,
bank barn, never failing well, also wa-
tered by
e-tered'by river, A desirable farm'
property, Will be sold on easy terms;
possession -to suit purchaser. Apply
to William Stevens, .William. street,.
Clinton. 26-11.
Annual ,Meeting
The annual meeting of The Clin-
ton Horticultural Society will be held
in the Council Chamber on:. Tuesday,:
January ;15th, at 8 p.m, C. G. Middle-
ton, President, - 34-3.
House For Sale or Rent
8-ro0iia frame house on Victoria at,
Electric light, town water. Large
garden with some :fruit trees. Apply
to Geo. I1. Elliott.. 22-tf.
(louse Tor; Sale
Frantehouse era Albert street, -Clin-
ton with a 'o
FOR 1924
High Patents, Blends and Past
G' reaisr
Rolled Oats, Flaked Wheat, Wheat-
ine, Graham Flour,
;Bran, Shorts, Screenings, Western
Oats, Corn,; Chop.
lock p111ek
Everything in the line of Tonic;
nd conditioners necessary.
All fresh Steels and highest ctualits
See lor.3r'window display