HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-11-24, Page 6I.)i FICI LTIEtS FACE BRITAIN__' THE WHOLE WORLD OVER l�rernier Baldwin. Reviews'Situaticn at Home and Abroad Seeing Signs. of • Industrial. Revival CANADA CHEERS HIM Lo idton.—•Immonse- difficulties face ti_11. diplomatic severance "recently Great ,Britain at home and abroad, -jc,-l•dized Franco -Russian -relations Primo Minister Stanley` Baldwin said and continued to •prevent the United recently in -his speech at the banquet ':Stoics from opening diplomatic rola- in the Guild Hall for London's new thous." Lord Mayor, Sir Charles Bathe Continuing -to discuss Russia, Bald - in comparing the situation d rp"v. rn with that of yesterday, however, "The quarrel was not of our seek- Baldwin found ground for optimism, ing, nor did its termination, depend especially' in view of' the friendliness upon us. Whenever • theyaas pae;,ared, between France and Germany which, to refrain from ti policy of intrigue he: said, had ..set an example for all and hostility elsewhere, they will find Europe. Ius ready to meet them in 'a spirit of So far as Russia is concerned, the liberality and goad will which inspires Pirima Minister said, sketching a our whole foreign policy," panorama of the European situation,' Referring to China, he said he re England is not concer•ne,i with her' gretted hih inability to record -any form of government. If Ihe Soviet serious irprevenrsiit in Chinese of would change •its 'attitude : and agree fairs, not to interfere, with Great Britain's' "Contending . rights of four self- internal •affairs, England would be styled governments make any ques- ready to consider resumption of dzplo- :tion of recognition impossible,' the matic relations, Baldwin said, but he Prime Minister added. regretted "to .say that so far no evi-:l As for recent Anglo17Jgyptiali con- dense of, a hands-off intention has versation5 he said "we hope they Iaicl been evident.' the foursdatic7ns on which•We'may pre - "Great , Britain, France, Germany sently, build a firm. structure of Anglo - and Italy, p%otagonist6e in the struggle Egyptian friendship." of yesterday, now met, s as equal part- SPEAKS OT CANADA nets in the cause of peace and look forward toward convalescence of our; In Canada, Baldwin.. •said he common situation," Baldwin Said,, re- found "Doth pride in her destiny £erring to the international situation. ''and 'Pride in : her nssociat#on with CLAIMS' CREDIT. !the British Empire: ' "I claim for aur govermtsent some Baldwin declared 'he would speak share inthis rear work of a ease- "at greater length reading Canada g pp at some future occasion. ment and reconciliation, but it was i The. Prime Minister dumped from the- far-seeing leaders of Finance and one country to 'another with ariiaz- Germany who rendered this imp - ng r tpidity He said he .hoped the prochement possible.. i , - .ed the Prime Minister touched new cemii fission` in India would en- upon the situation M the Balkans, j eble that country to open 'a new era Central=and Eastern Europe, ni its a=soc-ation with 'the tm,.the premier Baldwin regretted the a."All Europe now loops toward those lack of improvement in the China sit - stillFrontiers where ancient feuds 1 still areunquenched and old quarrels, uation due to the, multiplicity o£ the fears and suspicions still are` meted.confIicti:'g, governments and generals de •ing." whom it //was contrary to Great' 13ri- Delicately playing around the point m's d1;c taF 3 of no n -i i,tetiereitge to instead of atteekiug It, he praised the rec(1gm e. "courage" of Foreign Minister. Gus- '-i+ APPEAL 'P1' INDIA I tav Strese atm' and the '. -, Mr.1 m a e �rioad hu , Baldwin's we#bl•,t%est,worde re - malty " of Foreign Minister Briand,llated to Tndia when he defended the and asked:°"What country in the Bal -.policy of rort-inelusi3O of Indians in fans, Central or Eastern Europe will the statutory commission. In fact, he first follow their example and earn said, not only Indians had been sxclud- similar faire?" j c-1 but ncbody who has Leen `eo ne,.ted., Going back to Russia, Baldwin said with she `adian-Coverfunent or ins Soi'iet practices which' prontpted 13r#- cununerce had been included, the Bole The Kitties at Washington eenteada's Cross at Washixagton CANADIAN .ARMY AND GOVERNMENT REPRESENTED IN,WASHINGTON ON ARMISTICE, DAY `Le[tto Riht g Jion, Mt:„ Massey; Dwight V. Davis, United States secretary for. war; Prank E Kellog,. , United States secretary of state, and Col. the Hon. L. C Ralston,. anadiau minister of national defense, photo- graphed at the unveiling in Arlington Cemeteryofa memorial cross to U -S: citizens who died in the_92.21.... , des,re being to give, the real ins�rueted will not'sgitare vrith,the hard knots! Theatrical agents somatliues hA• opinions of Indians the best chalice of of life because they i; more them? If to be'rather cruel . One day, a son taking an effeetivo.ennstruotive. ear, not the future is dark. If eve''ca'nail-,what fa"lled-'vomau called to apply in devieing a solutime proach this problem: with a conunon the position et chorus girl "Sorry ,The premier addressed a Salem-. detorniutakian. to Build fore poster said the agent, tactfully, "You're to n.., tY . pear to re Indian Bence; h2 was Spon the best''and surest foundations, late." no applicant, knowing ilii aware there was a tendency'to regard then whatever the future may have in was not tti'ae, burst tutees volume o the Word "Co-operation" as eupiramism store as the fruit of its labors, the abuse,.ending with, "I don't believe I for obedience to dictation, but he ask- statutory conunission will go .d4'gn in i toC late at' AIL" "Oh, Yes, you a ed: "cannot w% escape that delusion 'Matory as an instrument and symbgl said the tigenl. "AUont lti years." and finish with suspicions, jealousies, of a new era,"- (cheers) "• -- - `e = with the strife of costo with catste, of 1 Referring to. the domestic situation, ' religion with religion; .ofnation with he declared there are signs of a'new nat[4n, of east With 'vest, Camiot ,vo revival industry. A Busy Link Liver 3,000,00Q Crossed Peace Bridge' During June, ;"jelly, . August, September Ottaw t.—A steady, grossing Stream of traffic ,s using the new Pearse Bridge opened by the Prince of Wales at Port Erie, reports the department of national revenue. The total traffic in Juno, •July, August and September. was 513,298 inward;anc' 492,594 uut- w:ir 1. The total puniber. of Sass ngte'1 los' the four months exausive of the autotnobilo dilvers d'as i 0 6,633. The bridge lima a capacity of 4.'Go ears an hour, and the customs officers have handled as high as 1,800 cars an hour inward :end 1,200 cars outward, The largest_number of cars handled in one day was elightly over 17,000, The customs • staff includes 48• officers; which will be increased to Do this winter, T1burteen extra officers were used in the sunsmer'monthe for the heavy traffic, ' There are 8,00.0/ commuters at Flet! Erie and Bridigeburgand to pass these. With as little inconvenience as•possible the department hds provided stickers for the ,windahiold; good for th]rty days and .reneiivtuble. It is not now, necessary for thorn to take out a per-, mit or deposit their license cards. There aro vastly Sabre United States visitors to Canada crossing the bridge than Canadians ht• the United' States.' • In the foie. months mentioned 18,764. 'Canadian autoinob#les crossed inward :and 18,718 outward; foreign autonto,. biles, inward 488,212, outward 463, '011. August saw the peak of the auto:. mobile traffic with 160,838., ears ward and 146,60 outward.•/" Rail Head Visits ~ „Mexico City --Sir Henry:W.' Thorn- Thorn - Wu, , direct,er of the Canadian` Nation- al. Railways', who was ,invited by Pieeldent-,Canes to visit Mexico to Ye study the ii taneial conditions of the te. federal railways lee arrived here.i for He will confer with Luls Montes de Oca, Minister of Finance, on the peel: - 0 tem of reorganizing the railway's for more eiilcient and economic opera-. i tion. to Gett ng -out o[ a traA[o •jaht is Lake Boats Seek Shelter From Gal Grain Carriers Ride at,•Anchoz, "'Alai ling .Change - in Weather Port Arthur; ontesearhe heavy ire,st erly gale that swept•: Lake Superior early Go the week 'rya0 one of , the worst of tlre-'aeason, and at times was aocoii`ipanied by driving eri'ow tuhic,h Made navigation 'extremely hazeidons. A dozen or more grain carriers were swinging at anchor_ in'Thrindor Bay waiting for the stern to blow itself out., The waves, outside /Thun- der Cape, were rolling high and with 'a slcy threatening snow, marines were "exercising every caution and„ -were. Prepared to wait out the storm rattier ; than I i'oceed• to the open lake, i': The :Canadian Pacific ;, passenger steamer Ase#niboia`arz'ived in port on Sunday night, ,94 Hours •gveedue at, the lakebead- : TIfe vessel 'cleared ,at ten o'clock Monday for the east, but came to anchor with the; rest of the fleet In the bay. P Ii eHenry-Has D . nr'ii us Fall finish with spinning, phrases which "This 4ecoverywill be'grelatiy facil- itated if the conchiatory -attitude of trade union leaders toward settlement: of disputes is ale° shown by leaders, of industry.", CHAMBERLAIN SPORE. Sir Aueten Chamberlain, secretary . ' of state for foreign affairs, spoke of mutual Anglia -Argentine action rais- ing the diplomatic ministries .to Em- ies, himtn,the closebassand fruitful"Tsstep relationshiparksao s v:eeltleh have existed between the two coun- tr#et for 100 years," Atter' Sir'Austen Chamberlain lied toasted the health of the diplomatic corps and referred to Anglo Argentine, relations, the Spanish. Ambassador thanked the ;government, particularly Chamberlain, in behalf -of the foreign envoys. ,sire paid tribute to Great Bri- tain's "nnteasing'work. for peace not only when an impending breach direct- ly' aileylad iter national interests, but for heli' equal zea] and persever€[nce when she saw danger+iii other lands.» • Eight hxondred . guests: Attended the Lord- Mayor's banquet, - including Chamberlain,. Winston` - Churchill, Chancellor of the Exchequer; Air "LAST POST" BLOWN For the veil t i i eat war.iighting under Canadian colors. POPULAR AS EVER •Waslriugton took the "Kitties" and the bagpipes to its heart when the skirlingl:and aria the rythniicswing- ing sporrans were heard and seen there for the first tins. WaterWaays Action Dormant at Ottawa Might Remain Quiet Until After U.S. •Presidential Elections IS POSSIBLE ISSUE' Cion appears to be In a state" of suss peudod animation: ' In 'Washington" it is said that they are waiting on Canada, that they are willing to give whatever safeguards Canada domande with respect' to her "share of the 'international section ans; maintenance of bar dontrel over bei own national section, Ofdeial Cam ada declines to dismiss the sttuation, And there it lies; all planned'ottt•and ho. place to take it. O.t4.awa---So far me the dominion ;government is eoucerned, the St. - Lawrence waterways satiation is in • British Airmen x atato•of'hibereation, and it is' said that real activity 'i1 t t. will 1 nbt commence Start for India for.' genie' considei•oble time, eeel l note until' after the United 1 States pr sidential elections, Effort Made to' Break ' Long: The primeminister• whoy� ie -the. key', LliStallCe' RCCOl'fl---Btlt 10' the situation has made no state' Thought Lost meat on the mettel' for- sonic. lonsid- er•abl lime. T1.' Upavon,L;n —Ga f e Tee Canatliaitl NationalG P , 'R, H. • Afclri- Advistlr"y hoard is 'in a soporific state, testi, who made an unsuccessful -at- while the "hoard of 'enghteere is :still tempt to Ily' front Troiund to New York considering appendices' to the 1'0- this summer, took, off [or xndia oto port it made to the government sone f Tuesday bis 0, non-stop eight In an e[ time' ago. Port to break the world's long dis- The reason'' that the United States i tanee record now held by Clarence pres.izlenlial elections enter even into Chamberlin and Charles A. Levine. the Cenadiu''eat is said to he dire to I Ca1.Ptaln i0lcTntogh, wag accompanied' the, possibility eC the matter becont-' try'` Bart Hiulcler, tast*111101) wyo 010 1 ing- a politieial issee: Canada bas ed a worltl's long distance s;ecord for no desire be furnhh ammunition cue light • planes, min a- recent not -stop a ay -or tate 011ier. Although the niajyii' itiglif, helm London to Riga, Latvia. seotioti ol'" Canadian 0p1nion is. in 1 rN110ather conditions .were o cellent favor • of early' and deer h'o act-iot when the 1'"o},ker (0000015100, Prise, -none of the Canadian ageaelee con-• cess Xenia,; tile' sante phtne which noted with 11(0 selieme ars moving• ` Captain McIntosh used .on ' his at- . in t.,in explenatlon it s said that the tenaPtoll transatlantic flight, took, tho helledcannot do aeythin ' until the .tp- i air after" a ran 01 01)0°1 hal[ a Inde eendices .�of the boat'd;.ol engineers and graduafiy disappeared with Ito have ,been. 'received, completing the escort of six Royal Air Force ma- report they made a veal" ago. \;rhea chines. these will be ready no one a0lle;irs to i The P1100000 Xenia carries 800 gal know, ` The United States had a same, lops of gasal'lno. The British `ai#:nten ler national advisory committee `end, Plan to make Choir dost , landing bei,xd `oJ en •liter rs, The, tarter- 11201 soniewbere in India ` at least 4000 made -11y tt,poi't, which has boon 5011110,0100 from their starting point.' to the 'president by Herbert Hoover, I They are now thought to bo lost ee secretary of etato. It 11,0 „till to r1o. iurthor 'word hos been received' (*ire before ';eon gresg,from them, •(, This -to- pert 'reconitnended a single stage .• ` eethetne, The Canadian report favor- A ihunnel shirt can oftentimes be ed a two•stggo project.: nut on both compared to -the serail boys -they Isotii. eidos' of the bnrdcr .the whole situs rhrin from washing >t Kitchener, Ont,—An expenditure of $5,0.00,0011 in the next three years on y advertising in the United States the Italian" -Consulate tourist and investment advantages of e Canada Is to be asleed by'the Ontario Associated Boards et •1'>iade, The ase o f soelatton adopted this attitude in Coil- aeration here after: approving' the limit- ed efioffts which leeve'already been made along publtoity lines. A resolution dsaltng with the sub - Belgrade. — A double fordon 'of Sect Said, 'All have been amazed at police with fixed, bayenets protected the ignorance which tourists sho'v tbe Italian, consulate at Spoleto. re- regarding Canada and her resources. cently a_; atnst a mob detupnstretiiig. against Italy and In favor of Frantz 'Lethally a sweet Job. R.C;R., Q.O.R. and R.C.D's. Buglers Thrown From I loose and Nar- rowly Escapes Animals Hoofs Melton ntt 2owbray, 17ngland. Prince Henry, youngest brother of the Prince of Walee; narrowly escaped serious in- Jury when ' he was Soo -hunting, Itis horse fell heavily at an obstacle it was jumping, throwing PrIhne Ifenry completely over its'head, The horse, struggling to rise, bare- ly missed' stepping on Prince Henry's chest, isienry rolled aside and, was not injured, IIs resnme0 the hunt on a another mou, ThentPrince of '4Gfi1es also partici- gated in the hunt, Prince henry is the best horseman by far in the Royal Faintly. hike the Prlueo of Wales, Ite is a fearless rider.. He is an active officer in the crack 1:Oth,Hussare, and has won many steeple -chases. Minister Hoare, Home Secretary Join- " as r. t tens of the United States wire fell in rile great son -Hicks,, the Archbishop of Canter- bury, the . Lord Chief Justice;' the ` i �'is es End i ulate on foreign exchanges in the cur - is Predicted its assistance in ]ire. chiefs of the army, navy ,and air rency of America, industry receiving force, end tab Spanteli, French, Ger- man, Japaneee and Malian Anthas- seders. Ontario Boards Seek` $5,000;. 000 For 'Publicity Soldiers Protect Mob Celebrates Signing. French-Jugo-Slavian Treaty The tourist trade has grown,,however, until it le second 'to. ltgtteul uro, all in -25 years. The proposed $5,000,000 .j "Within a very few years, how- ever," he • said, "the deception will Mussolini Go`vertlment tiilill °°m° to light. And when that time Collapse Within S Years, ,conies, Mussolini will no longer be Declares Dr. Alitti able to pay his army, the civil ser- vents and the 100,000 militiamen. New York itterlllapsa of the'Mttsso- Then�oraish, The Government will lini�Governnient'withirt five years ,00fhe tumbling down:' 1 Ivf,,Nitt. said 500,000 Italians had i cause of rte unsound financial founds thin was predicted'here by Dr, yin- lett their country because of the Mus- solini ruts. of Italy, who has arrived front •Italy to lecture a aiiirst B' � r,. _:.---- g as..ism. Balloonist Exceeded M d e ed ire' ht tts.aliru s <wvernntont will fall of FS its own weight within .five years," he Mark By Mile - said, "even without any assault open • 1Vi,sliington- A,neve altitude record it by the anti-1+"ascisis, for balloons .has been eredlted to "The Faseisti Government is' built upon an unsound, Ahancial'feun!iati•oo,' Capt Hawthorne C, Gray, who perish• Which Mussolini his thus far hidden et! reientle, afro: having aeoentlod from th world. •. ' 42. 7 o ..,4 0 feet.. /the pi•svtoii9 altitude re - .",Even new one out of 10 Itailians is -cord for balloons was 35,424 feet, and '` loyal in his Itettet to 'the d bot who' wlrs es•tabl,slied by a German In 1001, The Slob was celeb'at :1g the. sign- expenditure is in addition to anything has enslaved his native 1 Porter-Adams,r+ , Y n i e land. '0hapresident of the ria ing of a• anew i'rdnc,r-.7u4•i1l1tviaii now on 'the Federal Goveriunent's- nine others are oppoeedt,r his rtde, tional Aeronautic -Association,. 0.n - but terroriser keel—is—them from .sl s1ssr-' Rammed .,the .Stark, after Captain ing their• convictions." j al '011ie's barograph• had Weil studied t ire a been earl or .r iu arse; excee e treaty and"-tlte anniversary , of the linblicity.bnilget., reignin of the'RepaIlo-treaty. ,f' -•---- •:"-.-- »y manipulation, the l d by 'tie Eur St' d l d Those were Similar demonstrations . An American millionaire who- r o Bled fix''en a fictitious value. `•1`lto Ioans`of all previous records bySotto] • a mita: ht many other Jago-Slavlstn towns, al- recently left everything: to his seese- , 3 C•houglt'a Government decree had for- tory, Some city alien- do that all $ were p ,000 floated • , this , which , ought#tion, o[ the dere will o- were pard.:to Italy in ,dollars which sought ricin the ' Federatiou Aero - bidden such e.'diressloxi3 of sentautent• their lives, were. used by the Government t spec- naXutl he Inter fall ra' • 4 pgc q r or le. ti All Bright in Their Red and Gold Cuuad:an 'leemiis paseing'before, the, fhlte ligu^1e•ilG Wosl1.1-09ton, tl, People Paying Cash for Cars Survey Shows Time Payment Plan Falls in Esteem — Financing Corn - panics `Tighten Up Chicago. --Tito trend ,'In buying auto• mobiles is to pay cash, it was reveal. ed in a report 'of a survey presented by C. C. Iiauclt, general manager of the National Assoclation of Finance Companies, at the fourth 'national flnastetng conference of the organiza- tion hare. Figures showed that "fast year '58 per cent. of new ear sales were on fa• etallment plan as compared with 64 'Per cent, for the preceding year and that the percentage of all ears, new and oid veld on the installment plan was 60.8 as compared with 70 per cent. the preceding year and 75.5 per cent. for 1925, lYlr Handle explained that "the growiiig"prosperity et the country lsas no doubt produced, a greater propor- tion of cash buyers, and the unsatis- factory experience of itnauco corn- 011i55 with paper covering cars -with em unusually small down payment has resulted lni tightening up of• credits on that class of customers." The perecentage of trade -ane of used cars on sales of new cars for 1927 is 72, end, the percentage of trade-ins on sales of used cars is 37.1, he an- not:aced. " - '"The feellug on the part of the hankers generally," he repeated, "la niechbetter. than it la's been at any time since 1924, when •'the tendency to let down en 100)11s of payment began, The, fact that retail auto payee c;ill. ing for less than steudard down pay nient is now only about 5 Dor cent,, of the total is hound to` have a further reassuring effect." ' .,As soon as the new Ford car is on display and available for delivery, there la e'ver'y reason to hype that many people now cleferrialg,•decielon as to the next ear they .will purchase will act and, the result should plush automobile' sales next spring'into new records and'bring improved business conditions to,manufacturers, dealers and 1lnence ;companies, "Severe punishment in school snakes a permanent tInp,ressiou on the child- mind," days a psy cholo4lst, 'fhb Brand of Cart. w Calle. as ielts