HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-11-24, Page 4THE ' CLINTON _;rt♦rS-RECORD
Art .edewot-k.
For those who make, up-
Fancy Work for •Christmas we
Can supply j,oa with all -corded
materials, Stamped AMins,
R uvieis, Scarrs, Buffet`,1elo,
Pillory lids Luncheon Sets,
P.rtsyl J. cC P,' C'rats
Ladies' Coats
This is our first season in
Coats and theyhave. h
e ''been \go-
ing well. We;sSt.ill have a good
selection and can save: you
Money > ciioesin by r g:'.from our
$14.50 SI"r.5 ,` 2.
0 �52 .l0 to $54.00
Bois Sweaters 98c to $1.29
L1ean'sweaters 5101 i
S J .21
to $6.75 '-
and Girls Sweaters i>
1.69 to :1495
Good selection of Dresses for
Children, Young People 'and
Ladies.-FlannelDresses as low'
as $2.95.
Choice Dresses "made` from
Crepe, Jersey Cloth, etc.
$6.05 to .$22.50
S ecial Piano aZDO
Pianos" at
All Prices
T. J. Mc '` _ IL
Clinton's 'Musical Instrument Representative -
Always at Your. Service ' Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton
The Newest Fall and; Winter
Blocks of the famous
ore Hats
are now in stock .in a wide.
range of colors at prices from
$3.00. -and up
From $24.75 up '
Satisfaction Guaranteed
. Dads & Herman-.
Custom Tailoring
Cleaning and Pressing
For Niru
reefing `Cards'
We all .have a list of . friends we like to
remember at the Christmas 'season,' '
but it is impossible to send gifts
to all.
The Greeting Card's the Neatest- and
Sweetest of Messages,
We are booking orders
every day,`
See our new and very attractive samples
`ltd£.' • ��
NeW . •ori
I�e•� d•
mot of` tr _
other Zi e tb
Mr. 'W J,
cattle to 1
Mrs. e
1 rs., John .- d�e'J;t 1a'st week
lore ai 10l
having visited,.
mother, Mrs. �,n.
Stirling for the:: ltiiyst month.
Messrs. Walter"Wallis and. Donald
McKenzie, who " Went out west in
September for the'harvest 'and
since been visiting realtives, returned
to their homes on Wednesday of last.
Mrs. J. W, Tippet, who ,hasbeen
i 1 isiting hera '
d. fighter in Detritlt, .ar-
rived home on'Monday evening.
Rev.F. II: Paull andI •
ly z. Sam Wird.,
'comb attended the laymens banquet
al Exeter on Monday evening.
Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Lewis left for
their hoirte in Toronto on Monday at -
fee having visited with, Dr.. and Mrs.
Woods for the _Mist ten- days. .
Mrs. Jas: Ferguson went to London
on SatuidaF,where she will „pend: the
winter months.
Fir. E. T. Btcwn, who for over two
years -has been the obliging teller in
_the Standard Bank, has been moved
to Orangeville. -'He left here on ,Wed-
nesday for Orangeville. "Ernie" has
a large circle of freinds in this vicin-
ity, amongst whom 'l0 will he very
much missed. '
The .Young Peoples' Society met on
Friday evening last. Thedebate: ""Re-.
solved that money has more influence
in this world than brains," was well
"thrashed out." The affirmative Was
taken by Misses Marie Grainger and
`Sarah Reid:- while Misses Marion
Davison and Ella MacKay niiheld the'
negative. It was the first time that
any of the girls had debated and they
all showed great talent by the clever.
way in which they dealt with the sub-
-lect.. The jude•es, Miss _Cecil McLeod,
Rev. R. M, Gale reel Rev.. P. Il: Paull,
'gave the decision iii favor•.of the:af-
Dr. Newton -Brady then gave 'his
lecture - on "First Aid;' after which
there were games and contests.
Mr. W. J. Stinson is attending the
Royal Winter Fair in Tomato:
Mrs. M. Cameron and Messrs. Jas.
A. and Gordon Cameron' motored
from Toronto on Saturday evening,
At Seaforth. the car .Skidded on the
ire and hit the, curb, smashing one of
the eeheels so that the party wan ob-
lisred to come on to, Bayfield in an-
other car. It was the 'intention of
Miss • Grace Cameron to accompany
them to -Toronto on Sunday, where
she intends making her home,' but: on
acc'nunt of the accident she is- detained
until the -wheel is repaired, Mr. W.
Lt Cameron motored the guests home
to .Toronto on Sunday and is spend-
ing a fete' days in the city.
1VIre. A. Weir of London is visiting
her sister, Mrs. W.J. Tippet.
The annual meeting of the Bay;
field Branch -of the Upper Canada
Bible Society was held in Trintiy
church on Sunday, evening last. The
attenda4i'cce was not very large. It is
to be hoped that this was due to the'
inclemency of the weather and not to
lack of interest in its great society.
The rector, Rev. F7}1. - Paull, con-
ducted the evening service, while Rev,
P. M. Gale, pastor of St. Andrew's
United, church. gave a - very fine ad-
dress on behalf of the Bible Society,
taking for his 'text, Isaiah 55:11;' "So
shall any word be that geetlh forth out
of my mouth: it shall not etnrn'unto
pin void but it shall aeenmplisli that
which I please; and it shall nrosner in
the thing whereto I sent it." At the
beginning of his address Mr. Gale
drew to -the attention of these nrebent
that -this branchof the Bible Soeiety'
was fo,rrned on the 23rd of May. 1855,
"..avium fpr its first president Rev.
Jemee Duncan. Alex. Johnson wee
the srcrotury and the commitf"e- eon-
nsteed of Tames Shaw, John Robson,
T"senh T)origles, Tames Armstrong.
TTom'v )lolloek, Sr.. Isaac Pirett and
Walter 'Rossi°, The treasurer's banit.
shows that, the following year the..
,nn of 512 ils and Oil was raised. Sir,.
Gale pointed out that the Bible goes'
into the darkest- corners of the earth
where the missionaries cannot go incl
urged that when the'collectors make
their canvass this :week that we sub-
scribe liberally, remembering how.
much. the Bible means to us and what
-our subscription will mean to, some-
one else. With him Mr. Gale gad a
Bible' in the Korean language which
his brother. Rev. Jas. Gale, lied trans-
lated- for those people and. also a
Greek Bible with the signature of one -
of thew.e'reateet commentators of the
early 'eighteenth century, Johann Al-
bright Beagle,
At the close of Mr. ,Gale's, address'
the election Of officers was held, : F.
A. Edwards wee re-elected president
and Mrs. Robert Scotcluner was elect-
ed secretary -treasurer for the Coming
The Junior Guild 'met at the rec-
tory on Wednesday afternoon. After
the ,business of the meeting a -bale of
clothes was packed to be sent. to ;the
Indian Reserve near Brantford,
On Saturday at two o'clock a meet-
ing of all the, girls of the parish will
be held tat . the rectory ; when 'Mrs.
Bice of London will be" present to
give an address and organize a 'girls
branch of the W. A.
, A,t the manse, -,Bayfield, on Nov.
19th, Garnet McCluskey and ''Agnes'
Adams were joined in the' holly bonds
of matrimony, Rev. R. M. Gale, pas-
tor of St. Andr'ew's United church,•
Messrs. Ben, : Charlie and Frank
Riley spent Friday near Teeswater
hunting, for the day.
Quite a number around here at-
tended the Whiter Pair 'i o Toronto.
Among them being Ross McGregor,
and Leo Stcphenosn. -
Tl -e Ladies' Aid will meet 'this,
Thursday, afternoon. •
The Sundayschool hasdecidedto
hold a Clu'lstlnas tree and concert:,,
e it - Show County Or-.
e ion to�.be: Doing, :t= " ng u
'Useful Work
The annualy r ti i�•
,nee rag, of the Child-
ren's^ -Aid Society of • u rarest County
was held in MacKay 'fl,all, Goderich;
on Tuesday of last week, the presi-
dent, Rey. J. E. lord; iii the chair.
The comity superintendent, Mr.'G.
1. P
M. Elliott -resented a 'report of the
Elliott, i' P
year's work under direction, giv-
ingl ` some 'details of the several
phases oil ,the, work which is carried
on by
the Society. ,One paragraph
from the report is as follows:
"The to Children's. Aid So
Tl Society is' the
only organization officially respons-
ible in every locality -in the Province
for all neglected children, Our re-
cords show that during the past >i4 -
teen. years "thousands of -children
have been brought to the attention of
'Huron County Society and their cases
investigated andthe necessary action
,taken. One hundred and ninety-eight.
of these vrere made wards and placed
under the supervision` of the Society,•
an average of twelve: each year. One
hundgdil and two . were :girls and
ninety-six 'boys, Many of these have
been released- from guardianship for
different reasons: thirty get married
(nineteen girls and eleven bgys);
three girl's, and two boys died. 'Since
1921 -thirty-seven girls and eighteen
boyshave been -legally adopted. Some
of these were not wards,' brit. adep-
tion was, secured by the, Society. Ten
}yards have_ ' reached their.oriajority
this ,Year; three -of these; have bank
accounts, amounting'ta $553. One of
our 'boyshas $600in lbs hank account
and'is -'getting ,$350 for this, year.
One of thew;boys- called on October.
6th, which was his twenty-first Cloth-
day.- We had -the pleasure p£ giving
him. a' cheque, Der $296, the amount;
held in trust ' for him, He - thanked
the Society for what they had done
fon-him and went ,back to' his work
h1pPy. IIe, has made 'good in every
way." It is very encouraging to find
many of our wards taking prominent
places in the community in which
they live, as schoTel . teachers, hank,
clerks, hospital nurses, -etc.. while
quite a ,.number have established
homes of their own."
The 'Children's Shelter is an im-
portant adjunct of the operations of
the Society,:;a home where neglected
children may -be taken and kept un-
til they' can be properly - clothed and
prepared for placing in a good -fam-
ily home. 'Since April ,1sl the Shel-
ter has been under the management
of -Miss Jean Fraser as matron, her
sister also Making her home there
and acting as helper.
es Treasurer's Statement..
The treasurer'sstatement was pre-
sented as follows:
Receipts and expenditures' from
November let, 1926, to October 81st,
Balance on hand . ... , $280.92
Cush from Huron County ... 2760.00
Cash from municipalities . -. 270.00
Cash from.. .oeieties . 98,15
Cash from, individual con-
tributions ... 156,00
Cash from maintenance acerb 77.00
Cash from Thos. Ausebrook
Estate . 50,00
Refund , . 2.71)
Local superintendent ...,.$1149.00
Matron . . , 660.00
Groceries . ... 209.46
.... 307.08.
Bread 78.50
Milk ',' 79.00
Clothing and shoes 79.27
Laundry and wages . 81.00
Ice - .... 5,00
IIarchv u e . . 9.27
School supplies , , , .. l 17.37
Water and light ". 80.22
Dentist; medical attention
and drugs . , , , 4,11
Telephone 83.43
Postage . . ...... .. 87.03
Printing and office supplies . ' 87,88
Travelling expenses . 220.05
Photos , 4.00.
Stenographer , .. , 12.00
Bank charges . 1.22
Provincial- Association fee ,, 15.00
Maintenance:: • . . , , , 16.00•
Miscellaneous supplies . ' 25.83
Miscellaneous expenses , . 68.03
Balance . - .$387.90.
Meat '.•'.
The chief address of the evening
was giveen by -Rev. ,G. Quintin
nor of London, judge '.'of the Juvenile
Court in that city, who told 'of -the
Work for the redemption of children
that is done in the Juvenile Court and
spoke with force and eloquence upon
the subjectof child welfare.
The address was, heard with great
interest -send appreciation.
Officers Re-elected
,The officers of the Society were re-
elected for another year: Ilonorary
President,W. R. Elliott, Centralia;
president, Rev. J. E. Ford; vice-presi-
dent,: R: J. Acheson; county superin-
tendent, G. M. Elliott; secretary,, A.
M, --Robertson treasurer, H.' G. ': Rey-
nolds. Representatives-Seaforth;: A.
D. Siitherlai-d; Winghaln Abner Cos-
ens; Clinton, "A. T. C Popes; Blyth, E.
Bender; Exeter, 'B. W. F! Beavers;
Brussels, Tames Fox. Advisory. and
.Tuveni e -Court- committee, Rev. J. E.
Ford; A. M. Robertson, R. G. Rey-
nolds, R. J. Acheson, C. 1M. Robertson.
EXETER: The Hospital Aid So-
ciety. recently - organized in town,
gave the first of a'.series of -euchre
parties in Seniors Tallon Wednesday
evening, the object being 'to raise
hinds for the purpose of furnishing a
'room; in the Exeter Hospital. ' Over"
fifty,, citizens were in attendance and
the evening ,was very pleasingly_
spent. The prizes were, tt on by Mrs.
Elmer Harness and C. H. Sndozs,
they' 'having' -_attained, the highest
fikITJItSJJAY, NOV"It' 1}3TfR 24, :1.02
SUI)DL,N DEATH OF SAMUEL ledge the -deceased was a member,
ducted •by the 'Ord -The he flor tl tri-
butes: included aL large. wreath ,from
L,' G.' L. No, 10 5 Varna: