HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-11-10, Page 7T ails CLIN Tole The yHuron County Council Honor. Warden Klopp. and Mrs. Tuesday evening, November 1st,' :112p was, the -date dot o fixed upon to jour. ney, to Zurich, the capital . of Hay. township, and pay spitablef respect 'to Vnt'arde nisi Mrs. Itlopp, who had-re- �eeutly 7onred hinds ztnd deserted. the ranks of single blessedness. • Seated them, with a handsome West minster chime clock. The Warden Made a very appropri- ate -reply, thanking his fellow -council- lors and friends for this beautiful testimony of friendship and aepprecia- This'pleasant duty having been per- Aceordingly a large number of the formed,Reeve S}e •' of' Exeter and ud xs countycouncillors their• wives and Mrs. Siiunde.-, rs were then commanded friends, to the number of about sixty,Y `b Chairman Coultes . to "stand up" aSsembled at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. li:'love and took pesses- sion without let or hindrance. Shortly - after the guests had gath- ered, Reeve Coultes of East Wawan- osh (who by the way has a splendid -command of the King's English and: makes an excellent ' °chairman) -took charge"of the ,prd'ceedings and *eked "Mi'. and Mrs. Iflopp to assume their' r,o_ position under the arch; not -the pCouncillors Beattie Iiatves 1handed to , verhial wedding arch, but the arch- and Il'enneberg, as reminders off between the hall and the spacious liv- duty o which they must soon give ing-room, and lie ve Beattie of Sea-attention,especially- been set by ecially when• the good -forth''read a very nicely worded ad- Messrs. <dress expressive of example lidthe appreciation Klapp and Sanders. held for the Warden. and his bride, After -^the presentations had been and Reeve McQuaid of IMTcltillop pre-' completed an repaired, led by the Warden, to the town hall, where an additional program of music, song, speeches and dancing was carired out with Mr. Coultes again in the chair. The; County Council Imperial Quar- tette, Ex -Warden Erwin, Warden Klopp and Councillors Hayes and San- ders, delighted those assembled with. several selections and parodies, Mrs. Holman ably assisting at the piano.' Bright addresses'were given by Ex - Wardens C. A. Robertson,• 14T;L.A., of Colborne and B..W. F. 'Beavers_ of Exeter and Councillors McNabb of Grey and i�°e`"eirf Goderich. Councillor Hayes then took charge of the, program of dances, to the music furnished by Mr. Weaver ,a'nd daughter with violin and piano. This part of the proceedings was brought to a close by all forming the circle of concord and singing "Auld Lang Syne" and "For They Are dolly Good Fellows," then all returned to the, home, where Mrs. Klopp had pro- vided a splendid lunch of coffee, cake, safidwiehes and pie which were much enjoyed and appreciated, ands shortly after laidnight :the lasi'car had left on and Reeve Hayes of ,Stephen and Reeve Hejnneberg .of Wroxeter per- formed a similar duty, preesnting them with a, beautiful umbrella stand.' 3,1r- Sanders thanked the donors for the beautiful gift. County Cleric Holman being called in said he also had a duty to perform in the gift line; and prrocluced three miniature elaina' brides Which. were - 1927 Christmas Seals The 1927 , Christmas Seals, 1n aid of t ti,o Muskoka an d Toronto Hospitals t o r C onsumpttvee, have just been homed. These - hani.aome. Seals, bearing the dotuble- barred it a d Cross, carry a message of hops to those who are afflicted with <sonsumption. Every dollar received -through their sale is used for the 'maintenance .of patients. The, National Sanitarium Asaocia- -tlon in in need AO funds to carry on -the wor''ijcc of it's-ho�sppitals at Muskoka .tend at Welton.Wiry not buy these ,Seals in lieu - of others? . Not only -will you get good volae in return, but pour money will serve a gregter end for lt„will go to help someone in 'distress. Look for the double barred Red -Cross on every packet. None others -are . genuine. For sate by school, children " and banks, or direct fr6In the Xmas Seal :Department, . Gage Institute, Toren- - ito 2, Ontario. Change Your Attic into a comfortable den, radio room, play- room or extra sleeping quarters by erect - lag ceilings and partitions of Gyproc. Gyproc wilt make your attic fire-resistant, ^ warm in whiter and cootie summer. Write for fres booklet -44y Rome." Itwill tell you how Gyproc, Roeboard .Gypsum Insulating Sheathingae4 Insular will reduce your feel bill from 20 to 40%. - 153 THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA firtfirstor l✓'or Sale By ro Thanks McKenzie Estate Clinton, Ont. Geo. T. Jezakins .- Clinton, Ont. Col i' i. °',i#'me Duro Water SystiPiz. .ccapaciti'es are greater —prices are lower. .Duro gives you tnor"e wa a u4alpwerprice. Long -life, care -free service guaranteed: VMS nagen A kitchen sink with running water ,C 1. -under strong pressure—a mod- r; ern bathroom—an up-to-date laun- dry—plenty of faucets in convenient places— ail available; with a' Duro Water, System. 'Mink what this means in comfort and convenience in your suburban or farm home. Duro_ systems can be used', with deep wells, shallow wells, cisterns or springs. They may be driven from high line' current, 'arra light plant or'1 gasoline engine. Installation quick and easy. Duro-ire your Country home. Let us recommend the right water sys- tem of the proper capacity for your requirements. No obligation. Vancouver London Toronto THE UMPIRE BRASS 'MEG. CO„ ForiSale By— LIMITED ,Sutter Sc P,etodue 5' the return; journey, some to-hpmes as far U3, forty miles -away. During- - the proceedings Chairman Coolies tools occasion to congratulate' Reeve F1-aiils McQuaid of McKillop on his being. able to come out. after hit, severe illness, Mr. McQuaid feelingly replied, : thanking',all for so, kindly ie- meinbe d g' him daring Besides thoementione1 nd 1 ness the follow- ing nnernbers- of council present, and past and', other friends Were present: Messrs. Backer, Ttn•nei•; Cox, Manson, Ighnsten; Goetz, Kennedy, Henderson bo me Franklin ankliir W. H. :Coats of TJs z Delbridge of Exeter! and CountyEn- gineer Patterson, most Of Whom were accompaniedd by their wives or daugh ten's, The following is a copy ry of the ad- dressp resented: to the Warden and VIrs. Klopp: "To the Warden and Mrs. Klopp: i ethers of .:.Dear d�`riends,T h, e ue e Huron County Council and officials have taken forcible. possession of your home tonight not, for the purpose of arresting you o,}• doing you bodily harm for any -crime you have commit- ted in conspiring together for ,your. own mutual trust and goodwill or in forming a new relationship which we hope and trust will bring you much happiness; but we have -broken into the quietness of your home -life rather. to congyatulifte you both and jgin" you in the,iold-fashioned custom of "hang- ing tlie,crane in your new home," and to do a little toward giving you a, send -oft in life together. We wash' also to pay our respects at this "time to you, Mr, Klopp, and to express our appreciation of your ECORD Services as our Warden, the duties of which office you have so efficiently discharged with credit to yourself and honor tocount oar ' n county. v The'office' pl'Warden sit Present, with so many, activities elamung your itttentiop, is no :,sinecure, but; on the contrary, tireposition carries with: it much responsibility, firmpeie of'cloat- actor, good 'Judgment and executive ability, all of which qualities Wive a rilarked-dob•ree that has brought honor; and dignity, to • the position. As a- slight token t our good naishes;and est w eem. e ask- you and , Mrs: Klapp toaccept this clod_ which we trust will not only prove tin-ortla- merit and a 'useful article of house furnishing, but that as you listen. to the; music of its'° chunes;..proclaiimin-' so faithfully the passing -of -time, you si'ill always be reminded of the pleas ant! associations 'that have so signally' marked our relations in, the discharge oil our several iiOLies and the Marking oil the hours so`' anusically and pleas- antly will always he typical of a life holding for you' both much music and, happiness. In" conclusion we - join inV Wishinghin fi you 'God -speed ,iii hie together, and thatyoumay prove to ?each' other true help mates' in the duties that fall to you in the fiuture. s Signed on behalf of the County. Council and officials:' J. WESLEY BEATTIE.a JOHN iJ, HAI ES, ROBERT COIILTES, A. 'C, BAEI{ER, , THOMAS INGLIS Dated at Zurich, Nov. 1,' 1927."..2. • • Junior Farmers' Visit Will Not, Be 'Dull: Crowded Program Fuce,g, Youths Who Lord Willingdon, .Governor-General of Canada, who will open the Fair, and Will Visit Royal Fair as Guests for the rest of the evening they will watch horses from the finest stables on the continent take the jumps under skilled riders. More than all this they will have the magic password that will gain them entry to the huge. farm imple- ment' manufacturing plant of the Massey -Harris Company; they will see Union Stock' Yards and packing plants and gain a first hand knowl- edge of cattle, sheepand swine mar- ket requirements; will go through several large commercial, institutions to see how big city business concerns are run. These lads are to live high during their visit a luncheon as the guests of the Government of Ontario; other iiia spreads . is the guests of the packers, theimplement peoplt and' different commercial concerns, winding up with a -theatre party on the final night. The boys will sleep in Spadina House, in the centre of the city, and will breakfast 'each morning at Hart House, in the great dining hall used by the students of the Tani: varsity of Toronto. In order that they may bring 1back a clear story to the folks at home and observe more closely for their own benefit an Essay Competition has been arranged. 'Three prizes will be awarded for essays in this county and the best will be entered in a Pro- vincial Championship '°Class: Five hundred boys, possibly ready for a rest, but carrying away a store of new knowledge of agricultural and industrial progress that will make them proud, of thlrir country and their calling, will leave Toronto on. Novem- ber 18th. Of Government , Three days that are brimful and flowing,' over with interest and enter- tainment ntertainment are in prospect for the five hundred Ontario farm boys, ten of them from this county, who are to. visit the Royal Winter Fair and the city of Toronto as the guests of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. Entertainment', but not merely that; 'everything on the 'crowded program that.hes just been announced by R. S. Duncan, Director of Agricultural Re- presentatives, who.. is supervising the arrangements for the trip, is there for a purpose., At the Royal Fair the lioyd*will see for one thing, the "Jubi- lee of Agricultufe" exhibit which the Dominion' overnment and the different Provinces, are staging -to show in a striking way the progress that has been made in the Dominion's -great- est industry since 1807, and to dem- onstrate the amazing variety of high quality live stock and farm produce raised in. Canada today. In the show ring they will watch judges of international reputation place pure bred animals front nine ' Provinces and many states. , It will give then lasting ideals of the types that the Tangiest breeders are 'striving for, ideals that will influence their own plans for the home- farm. Live stock, grain and seeds, fruit and 'vegetables, poultry, rabbits and foxes, dairy produce and honey— they will see them all. On the first 'night they will pass hr review before BOTS'' AND GIRLS' SHEEP CLUES The sheep population of Huron County has depreciated to one -quer - ter What it was in 1900. A decline from 92,000 head to 23;000 'head in the pat 27 years does not slfeak well of the Industry. Surely this cbndition is not .altogether justified. Duron along with many other coun- ties in Ontario requires considerably more sheep on the farms if the pro- fits from live stock are to be main - tabled or increased 'and if the weed menace. is to be met satisfactorily. It is true, no doubt, that.there are draw- backs to keeping . sheep, buts rely these' are minor when we doind many successful sheep owners its the County who epparentiy have over- come the meet of them. With ;the idea in mind of not only. rejuvenating- the sheep industry but also' lending a helping hand to the boys "andgirls on the farms, the Dom- inion Department of Agriculture has, :outlined a scheme known as the "Sheep Club Policy for Boys and Girls and Junior harmers." Last yeas a start was made in. Miiddlesex. Pour or five clubs were formed of from ten to twenty boys and girls each. Ewes of, suitable breeds and' grades were • Terrible Eczema They Leto h-- all' Heallih Comes Back Rose and Valerie are sisters. Their charts say they are 2S and 18 years of age, respectively, but to look at them you would think they were 16 and 3.2._ad• alight and delicate are they,.,,.And when you hear tine laugh- ter and chatter of these two—for they - are resting side by aide in hospital. cote—you feel surethey must be the lesser aged. tee, they are both very slight, bat the wonder Is they are hereat all, for just a tow nronthk ago they were admitted, victimsof the ravages or consumption. They arehappy now beoause they are gaining weight and strength again; and" you, who have never lost your health, can -hardly understand Khat a wonderful differ - (Mee that makes to, people who never • expected to get well. But then—that' is the work of the Muskoka Hospital for Couspmpttves, and .it is being car- ried on for over three hundred pa- ttdtite each day throughout the year. hire and Valerie are ,a farmer's daughters, In a Mese where there are eleven children, and they say they are learning' all about the disease so they' will do their best to see that no other members of the family walls unawares 4nto.the dread path that leads to` consumption.- - Would yon not like tin contribute to this .excellent. works? ' It depends largely upon subscriptions. • Coniributtons may be, sent to Hon.. W. A. Charlton, President, 225 College - Street, Toronto 2, Ontario. bought fob, the members and distri- buted at Cost. A good rain was sup- plied free of charge and the results have.. led the Department to believe Goes Quickly that the policy should be pursued fur- - ther: `;aroag, Powerful Yet Safe, Sur- geon's Prescription Called Moone's Eniell-aid Oil Has Astonished Physicians There is one simple and inexpen- sive way to reduce the danger of swollen veins and bunches, and get thein flown to normal, and that ,is to apply M,00ne's Emerald Oil,. night - and morning, using the' Moonie's Bandage to support thein during the clay. People who have painful, en- larged1veins should not nieglecl them for they sometimes burst and cause much misery and erypense, Moone'sf EmeraPd Oil besides being so marvelously antisepticthat it destroys germs ' and poisons caused by Ovine is such a remarkable heal- ing aggnt:that" eccoma, barber -s' itch, salt rheum and other inflammatory skin eruptions go in a few ditys, Fey. years it bas been used :for, boils, ulcers, abscesses; ., and open sores that discharge anti with the most perfect saccess. All d`nlggists will be glad to supply you. ifillmillailtill Rebetali ared ecia 1 for Women nn'Pe s R ofm k a A,C !i A _ p Y Forbidden But Not F d dento Men r1lthough I often hate to'work n iI know I'd hate, it not to -- And maybe this is ,just as well Because it seems I've got to. -The Cheerful Che'imb Quite recentlywarden ' of - the Qu ethe.d vol e Kingston Penitentiary, speaking be- fore a e-forea company of -:police magistrates, said: "None of you magistrates has ever. sent me.a niechanid:in all the years since I have had charge here. The 56 men • now imprisoned for terms of two years or more afro all without a useful trade, until we teach them a trade here. They are men who worked at odd jobs, often out"of employment,' with :time on their hands, but none of them had served time learning• a trade, and, steadily employed, We givethem a chance tolearn a trade, and help -them to decide which trade they are heft adapted for," With the knowledge of the fact that most of the men who have run foul of the law in recent years -have been young men, many of them boys scarcely out of their teens, it ,would be well for parents to givethe above some thought. For years M past the custom of "learning 'a trade" has 'Kallen into disuse. Returns fromindustry have been high . and the time spent in learning a ti.1ade has bee .yconsidered, a great waste of time, as often the unskilled laborer has been able `to earn as much or more -than the man with a tt'ade, se parents have been letting their sons "go to work"" as. soon as they left school. -Very often,: of course, these boys drift into some `blind alley" job, where there is no chance of promo- tion, and when the time •'conies that such a boy loses his job lie has noth- ing to fall back upon. He' waits for another jqb to turn up and, it may be while 'this is happening he is idling about and is very likely to get into bad company and first thing anyone knows he is doing things he should riot 'anti may land in the clutches of the law. Not oiilji is a boy in a better posi- tion to irQet the world with sonic trade:. or'calling but the very appren- ticeship which is served iii learning this trade adds the finishing touch to his education. It is like a'" training school, where •helearns his trade, it I•s, true, but also ninny other things besides. One is that he learns to work, to put in, so many hours per Huron County, through its Agricul- tural Representative; has applied for some of these clubs and'it is expected that one or two will be formed intire northern townships this : fall. Biter- ' ested parties would be Well advised to, got in tough with G. R. Paterson, Clinton, and arrange to have a 'full outline of the plan placed in their hands. , , Fights 18 Years to Get Rid` of -Gas "I had stomach trouble for'15 years. -Since taking Adlerika I feel better than for years and have not been bothered with bas. -L, A. Champion, " Even the, FIRST spoonful of Adlea- 'ilia relieves gas and often removes as- tonishipg amount of old waste hatter, from the system. Makes .you enjoy your meals and sleep &letter. No mat- ter what you have triedfor you stom- ach and bowels. Adlerika will surprise von. W. S. R. Holmes, bruggist, day -in useful labor. Ito rimy learn habits pf thrift, too, as usually the remuneration fon' one's labor while; learning trade is not very high, and he has to count his pennies,- He also wilt learn, to take orders, to work unifier the direction- of others and to stick to a job Until it is finished, whether he likes it or not. Learning a. trade might easily be a great help in the forming of character ,and in the forming' of right habits jis ii young roan. One can easily :see how the ybung t -fellow who is allowed to drift about' from one thing to another, being out of a job more or less of' -the • time, inightetl'ind it a good deal,hard- ter to keep' out of mischief, than the lad who is learning a useful trade. Useful Flints -,for the housewife Fruit stains on tablecloths should not be allowed to dry in. As soon ae the accident happens stretch the stained part of the cloth oyer a basin and pour boiling water 'thr'ough until the stain disappears, Glycerine .will remove tea or cof- fee stains from white or colored linen. Apply with a soft, clean cloth, leave for an hour or so, then wash the articles in the usual way. Use a lather of warm water, a few drops of ammonia and a soft. brush for cleaning 'cut and inpulded glass: Rinse well in clear cold water before drying. When sewing on 'buttons that will have- a'strain on theirs, put`iCrpteee of an old kid glove under the material to which the button is sewn. When washing new 'sheets or white lace curtains for the first time, soak them overnight in water to which one or two handfuls of coarse salt have been added. The salt takes out the lime dressing and saves both soap and labor. Hallett Township Monthly report for 5. S .No, 10,. 1 uliett arid Goderich for October': Sr. 3rd—Donald Sprung'', Gordon Johnston, Sr. ,2nd --Dorothy Vodden',: Leon- ard Yungbhttt,."-,, Charlie Machan. Se' .I st -F tail Yun rblutt, c Y Primer—Ruth' Vedder*, ;Beth Gov-' kr"; Eleanor Sprang*, Orval Sieling, Florence Yungblutt'5, Eddie 1-funk- ing", Pearl Johnston. Anasterisk denotes present every day. Number ors roll, 13; average at- tendance, 12,3,-, -Elizabeth' Arneth teacher..; The Onl lYa 'they Could Pass CO y Y C u .) The colonel wasdelivering anal p dress to ,junior, officers up for an ex- amination. He dwelt with much emphasis on the fact that each officer should de- vote the intervening time to prepar- ing for the final exannnatiens. The examination papers ate now ifn the hands of the printer. Are (there any questions to he asked?" Silence 'prevailed, ddeny a voice'- 1'rornwth'e rear quietlySuinquired: `Who's the Printer!, sir?": Tarnished brass can- be cleaned b' dissolving two heaping tablespoons of• salt in half pint of vinegar and rub- bing with the mixture. Polish with dry whitening. - RIBEICAII ood:old: family fend Keep Creophos `always on i hand ready to prevent or coo• quer a' nasty cough, cold or bronchitis. Alwaysamaringly effective as a stamina and, to. sietance building tonic. ,, It puts stew life into tired rum. ,;.. down people. join the $300 Prize Contest Now Get CreophosI Send -in sbo• gars, rhymes or jingles about yourexperience. Enclosefront of Creophos carton, Get full particulars of contest from free contest sheets avail. able at the - DRUG STORE "Once a erial-++ slwpya Nyal" 21 int THE WELCOME" SIGN "Nobody asked you, sir," said the coy maiden. And in matters of buy- ing, as well as in affairs of the heart, most people like to be ."aslced." Often, indeed, they insist oil a proper tation. •He is a wisenerchanil who keeps tire welcome sign constantly before the community in the form of. AD- • VERTISEMENTSin the home paper. 'There everybody,: sees it :for AD- VERTISING is "the light of directed Attention." Speak tip. Light up. Hundreds of good customers are listening for your message and watching for your 'wel Iconic sign in The Clintt%n News- ecora "An Advertisement' is an Invitation"