HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-11-10, Page 4RE' CLINTON :NEWS -RECORD
� It
Known for its Real Value
that the name m
• U pile., .
> z. e n
Idle"in. Clinton
'M„t cr Values itr
Wood s Underwear
Canada's , finest product of
:"Sills"'.Underwear. Vests, Knick-
ers, Slips, Gowns, etc. Known
as the "Lavender" .line.
` Underwear
vo mill in t
Canal has a bet-
ter reputation for, Ladies'- Um
ceriem than Daxvc s". ; I
eav • cotton and wool the se
lection le : complete, Garments
from 696,0 $2,G0,
o ier
, Pioneers in ".Lullfashioned"
hosiery. A perfect fit for every
lady. All the' newest shades.
The 88X stocking at $1.75 is our
Special Piano
Pianos at
All Prices
T, .- McNEIL
Clinton'susical instrument :Re esentative
n P_
Always at Your Service • Box ll3 or Phone 273. Clinton
The Newest Fall and Winter
Blocks of the famous
<more Hats
are now In,;Steck " in , a wide
range of colors .at prices from
$3.00 and -up
From $24.75 up
Satisfaction ' Guaranteed
Custom Tailoring
Cleaning and Pressing
.ondesbDro. Loltldon foatd ~'
n'fi5s 1' ' Jamtesitq,' is ; 'spending
Tha 1 e �'vui `: a k frim is 'in.
rne :monthly t efie n:�
of the, v
moil's institute was;helt{`'rti the carnal
munity. hall ...on Thursday,. Nov 3rd,
with sixty-eoveniii :attendance; L The
president opened the: meeting'and af-
ter .the 'singing of the opening ''Ode",
Mrs, J. L,Tadsblyn lead: in prayer, ;the;
Lord's prayer beim;' repeated..ip,
-'son, ani
b e s jhit d- been `tr ins
' Wher ustirs
acted 'Mirve there
rs. J. Ranson;,gopt
t,. i?
of .the eonvention •.held at Walkerton,
Miss, A Snell and Sirs. A,. MVIc€ool
and Mrs. J. Radford.' gave reads
e"�ti,r wxs-:elosed.:b..
Q .T
and the meeting,
nig: the national anthem.''After
wards an-excellent.lunch wasiserved
by Mrs. Melville, Mrs: Geo, Co*aw
Mrs. Wm R'osO, MIs.' W. Griffiths,
Miss L, Young and' Mrs. P, Johnston.
Despite the wintry day, large con-
gregations 'attended the anniversary
services.; held in the .,:Londesboro
United church on Sunday last. Rev.,
E. E. Long of Tillsonburg gave two
very helpfuland inspiring sermonse.
which were -much appreciated by- his
many friends here,__The,choir. had a'
large share in .making" theservice
such a success,, a snocial,feature'1,e
ing two solos by Miss Della 'McCool
of Toronto, :formerly `of Hiis'wcongre
gation The offeiit,l was a large
one,. which was much appreciated by
the officials of the church.
The annuo1 fowl_ supper. given -on
Monday night, always an item of in-
terest long ; looked forward to, was
as well attended as in foiiner,years.
All enjoyed the inusie on •Mr. Hell-.
yaws OrthOpnic, beg'inning1at 7:30.
After supperhohad 'beth served to all
a humorous play,, entitled "The
Young Country S`clrool Ma'am" was
given by the. Young- Peoples' Group,
which was much enjoyed by' all. The
characters acted their warts excep--
-tionally well and the audienee'showed
their intense interest by .keeping per -
feet Order.
5reeting Vards
It is not too early to order •.
9erarnal r•eeting `dards
to send to: your friends at Christmas
We have already booked
some orders..
ee our new and very. attractive samples
IIENSALL: .Dr. 0. W. Knapp, who,
has been practising dentistry here fpr•
several years and who together with
his: wife proved among our very best.
residents; is leaving here for Toronto
where he has many freinds as well, as
relatives, and where he expects to
work into a larger practice. IIe has
sold Isis Practice to Dr. McTaggart of
Toronto, who is not stranger in. this
section, having quite a large number
of relatives and friends and who
coming with fifteen years experienec
'i'he Noenibiber rheetingof the U,
W. O. wilt bo held at the hones of
Mrs W. A',,Stanhury' ori 1`lini d y of-;
ternoon ncx ,November 17th
t M
of Mon a
firs. Will Moti'att leeft. , k d d }r-:
for Detroit and 'ToIcdo . tor, a short
holiday.::She' accompanied 1153•, and
Airs. F. Thompson, who motored 'over
for the week -end from Detroit,
Mrs. 'McMichael is visiting her
g 1
daughter, .;firs. Kiof
p of Walton.
ni • and:
L. Mr,' and Mis, 'Frank. R,tn,1i 1 in
Soinbri' Spont the we els=end` with the
i M ', andMfrs" '.'Lind.
lady's s,lai•ents i i. 2
ray; who; rot -timed with diem for .a
4�uigley spent Sunday. in
Mr, 'and Mrs, Price of Zurich. paid
a visit to their daughter, -MissViola
Stelcic, on Pu saa y
A very jolly evening was, spent at.
tile-.lolrie of,� . and Mrs. W. Swire-
bank on Friday,last, it being the 20th
anniversary oftheir wedding.. The
evening ,was -spent in dancing and
games: , ' During the evening the
neighbors and friends, numbering,•
'about fifty, presented Mr. and:Mrs.
Swinbank with a set of beautiful
carina: Mrs. T.`Lindsay read a suit-
able address and Mrs: IZ, Plumsteel
made the presentation. "Mr. and Mrs.
Swinbank were taken. completely by
surprise. They thanked, the people
warmly for their kind thoughtfulness.
leellowing is" the -'address:
"To IVIr. and Mrs. Walter Swin-
bank: This festive occasion which
has brought -us, your neighbors and
friends together is another 'indica-
tion oiyour part, that -you have al--`•
ways desired to keep. uppermost in
oOr community the spirit of "friend-
ship and goodwill." We have on many
occasions, enjoyed your„ hospitality
and it -bas been a real pleasure tows
as individuals and a benefit to the
communty, but this is one that' calls
,for an unusual expression on our
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Grinibolby and
daughter of Teeswater spent Thanks-
giving with the lady's parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Ben Riley.
Miss Mildred and. Mr. Clifford Brit-
ton of Toronto sueitt the holidev with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Brit-
ton. _.
Miss McQueen and nephew, ' -Jack.
of Toronto spent the holiday with
her sister•. Mrs. W. Cameron,
Miss Blanche Wlheatley of Toronto
'spent the holiday at"honie,
Mrs. W. Wilson and sister. Mrs.
Stewart of Seaforth; 'spent Monday
with the assay's •daughter, Mrs. Roy
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barnett of Tor-
onto spent the •holidav with their
brother. Mr. Robt. Gil-00lbv,
Mr. Joe MTann' and. -sister spent
few days at Brussels with friends. • _
will ino.•doubt;tlo,w,ell here, Dr. Knapp
willNbe, very ;much' missed together
with his 'wife for they took a great
interest in whatever tended to the in-
terests of. the village and_were'ae-'
Lively, connected with the .United
church -end among , i its most liberal
supporters. 'Dr. Knapp was also a
valued,member of' Zurich -Lodge of A.
F. and A. M. at Hensall; and at the.
present , time is president of the.
Young Peoples' League of the Ignited
Stanley township
Mr. 'and Mrs. Nereus Lane o„f
Stratford spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Diehl. -
Mr. N. Saundercock has sold his
farm on the second of Stanley to Mr.
Andrew Price of Zurich, who will get
possession as soon as Mr. Sounder -
cock can get his stock ., disposed,of
and another place of residence. Mr.
Saundegcocic has not been in the beat
of health 11or `sorne time end he found
this work oe his . farm increasingly
burdensome to him. He has not just
decided where he will locate.
•Miss. Gretta. Mustard of .Toronto
,spent the week -end as tate guest of
Miss Nettie Sinclair, - `R-
.1VIr. and Mrs. Wm. Baird and their
aunt, Mrs. McKnight, motored from
Toronto and spent the holiday at the
home of Mr. Geo. Baird.
A number of the young friends of
c tchmer
Mr. and Mrs, Roy S o , who
were married on Saturday, held -a re-
ception for theist in the -town hall,
Bayfield, on Tuesday evening, about.
fifty gathering for the event. A
very jolly ', evening' was spent in
music and d
gand the young
couple were happily upon
their journey down lifey s pathway to-
gether. ..
It is therefore a real pleasure to'
'us to .accept this opportunity.`of ex-
pressing to you both, our hearty cone
,gratulations that, you- have been
privileged to enjoy the celebration of
this, the twentieth anniversary of
your wedding day. '
We wish you :will therefore on be-
half of your neighboes and friends
accept this china set as a slight token
of our•;-e'iendship, and be assured that
it is our. earnest prayer that you may
be able to celebrate many moresived-
ding anniversaries and that health
and strength may be given you for
every; task.
Signed on behalf of the community:,
M'e•s. Arthur Wiltse, Mrs. Fred Nett.
The following is the report of S.
S. No: 5 for October:
Sr. 4th -Grace Robinson; 248; Vera..
Smith, 205; Margaret Robinson, 163.
Jr, 4th. -Bruce MoOlinchey, 190;
Marie McClinchey, 183,': Bert Mc-
Bride, 152.:
Sr. 3rd -Campbell McKinley, 230;
Elmore McDride, 211; Russel. Hayter,
132 Elmore Stephenson, 108.
Sr. 2nd-Mergarot Lamont, 248;
Allen Armstrong, 102
Jr. 2nd Elva McClinchey, 227;
Hazel Iiayter, 202.
Sr. ` 1st -Dorothy Arnistrgng, 140;
:Isabel Robinson,`132. .
Jr. lst-Clare McBride, 204;' John
McClinchey, 105; Lolus McClinchey,
Primer -Mary McClinchey, 108;
George McClinchey, 56.
-C.- L. Reid, teacher.
.1lcssr`s C,ro.,sley
and Leonard, well.
known ' evangelists, .completed 00
Tlt trsday last a tenday, campai, •n ;an
Sc. Anderw's United elturith, under
the pastorate of Rev. R. M Gale. The
meetings were all `well attended, and
the sermon Messages of Dr. Crossley
touched all, hearts' deeply' and, the song
Messages of Air. Leonard were' great-
ly enjoed. etweon thirty-five and
y i y 13
„forty' were led to make definite con-
fession for "Christ and many others to
renewed. e nsecrat o t the, .com-
o t o A
n service held:lt. Anderw'
munro vin 5 s
church on Sunday morning a num-
ber ',joined the church.
Mr, F. A. 11dwards, ,who-spenta
month's vacation at' Kitchener, 'Lon-
don and Lobo,- returned home on
Wednesday oflast week. He was ac-
companied by his c tsin Mr. George
Mitchell, who returned 'to; his' home in.
Lobo on Saturday,, z`
An accident that might have result-
edn g,
' very'• seriously occurred on Satur-
day 'when Miss Margaret Clatter, who
called at the Rectory, fell the whole
length of° the oellar steps. Margaret
was passing from one room to an-
other and opened" the cellar door in-
stead of the hall door. Mrs. Paull,.
h heard that she had, opened the
who p
wrong door, called and ran, to stop.
her but, was just in time to:touch her
-coat as she walked into the darkened
stairway- With the aid of Rev. and
l\ i's• Paull she was 'able to walk up
the stairs. I,lr. Newton -Brady was
immediately summonedeland found
that 'a severe shaking up and: a cut
in the scalp from which she had lost
considerable blood, she had escaped
luckily. After resting she was 'able
to drive to her home near Varna;
Miss J. Grant, who has spent the
summer with Mrs. M. Bailey, left on
Saturday for Clinton and on Wednes-
day for California, accompanied:jy
her sister and a cousin.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dymont and
family` of Detroit visited Mr. and
Mrs. John Tippet over the week -end.
Mrs. Tippet accompanied them' on
their return to Detroit.
Donald Mustard of Toronto spent
the week -end in the village.
Misses Elva and Annie Dewar, ac-
companied by Mies McLaughlin- and
Mr. Storey, who motored from T.
onto, to attend the Fingland-Chowen
wedding in Clinton on Saturday, spent,
Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. David Dewar.
Mr. David Dewar, jr., 'who es en-
gaged as .a teacher in. Colborne Tp.,
also spent the holiday with his par-
ents. -
The. Girls Club "and Junior Far-
mers met at- the home of Mr. Thos,
ColonFridayevening, Nov. 4, about
thirty being present, During 'the
business part of the meeting the girls
decided that each one make for next
meeting a crazy quilt block of velvet
to be sold by tickets sometime dur-
ing the winter. The blocks are to be
16x16. It was also decided that they
challenge the young people of Londes-
boro toa debate to be given during
the Christmas holidays,,.Londesbora
to be given "the privilege of choosing
the subject, two girls and a boy from
each: place to participate. Blyth
group offered to go to Londesboro.
At the resignation of Miss Eliza-
beth Mills, secretary -treasurer, Miss
Marjorie Colson was elected secre-
tary and Miss Irene Ferris, treasurer.
At the close of the business meeting
the group joined hands around the
resigning pecretary and sant;' 'Auld
Lang Syne."
A pleasant time was then spent in
group games and music. Refresh-
ments were served by the girls,' after
which the group joined hands around
the Colson family and sang `tror
They :Are Jolly Good Fellows," and a
vote of thanks was extended to them'
for their hospitality.-"'
Hullett Tipvivnship..:.
The following is the report of S. S.
No. 5 for the inonth ' of 'October.
Those ;narked were absent for one
Sr. 4th -Ethel Thomson, . 282;
Isabela Nott, 248; Carl Radford, 173;`.
'Percy Carter, 145,
Jr, 4th -•Marian Snell,, 245; Irazeh
Hoggart, 1.89; • ^Lloyd Adams, 174;
Earl :Snell, 134; ' Fred Morrell, 172;
Roy Appleby; 126 "Alvin Voddene.91;
Roy Vodden, 38.
Jr. '3rd -•Alma` Carter, 270'; 'Ethel
Iloggart, 200; Clifford 'Adams, 196;
Chester Snell, 162; .Gordon Radf6irl,;
Jr. 1st Snell, Nelson Radford,
nell , .,
Thelma' Iioggart, Isobel Morrell, Bill
C 1 ars.
Pr: Lloyd Jean Par qui ,
Alma IJ'ogg araiter't, Maureen ' Lovett,
Leonard Radford, Leonard Vodden.
r, n11, 28 ; average at-
Ntnnber.'"en g
"tt:ndance, 26.84,
--M. L. Parrott, teacher.
Iiss A7maMutchof
Toronto spent
the week -end with her parents, Mx
and : Mfrs. Jas,Match.
Messrs, Clarence .Waldron, Sydney
MoClihcbeyy. and Reg. :Hamilton .re'
turned frtitn the West last Friday
where thy have spent the last
couple of months.haivesting.
Mr. George Hallam of Detroit is
visiting'' his parents on the Base line.,
Mrs, J. J. Washington returned
from London on Monday, where she
spent :a,week with her sister.
Mr. Jas. Carter and Mr. John ,Clark
have, been on the sick list this 'week,
Their friends 'hope for a• speedy re -
Si. ;;glens
Miss Caroline Wellwood, 'a re-
turned missionary from China, gave
a very .interesting address' in St.
Helens United church on Sunday,
Oct, 6th.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
R., IC.'Miller has been on the sick
list the last few days. We hope she
will soon,..be very much' improved in
'health and eblo to be around agaiii,
Mr. and '12rs Percy 'Hyde and Mr,
and'Mrs: Earl Cranston .and children
of ICincasdine spent Sunday at their
respective homes, here.
Mr. Wltn. .:Dougherty. of Guelph
spent it few , days at the hone of
Mrs, ,R, J Woods
Mr, and 11fre: Sam ' Johnson and
datigliter and Mr. .Andrekee 'Foote'
spent Thanksgiving at the hon'ie of
MI: and Mrs. -Robinson- Wood's.
Mr. J. 'Culbert spent the holidays
at his 'itime ;near Ripley,
The 'following teachers spent
Thanksgiving :at their respective
no; les here: Miss Clara Woods,
Gsb 1 ih; Miss Vera Woods, • Toronto;
Miss Caroline Webb, Port Credit;
Miss Tena Clark, Milverton; .and
NLr:.Alvin Woods, Toronto.
Another ef' eur 'old residents passed
away _on Thursday, Nay.'3rd, in the
nersoi of lI
i r; Jas. kitcltesoi sr....
ng�ed' oig�hty-five years. The funeral
o Greenhill cemeterywas very
largely; attended.
Miss Elsie Bryan; resumed tier
dutias at S, 5, No. 3 on Tuesday af-
ter having spent theholiday with her
parents at llarriston,'
Mies Nina l.leard_returned to
chener on leen day after spending
the week -end whit her parents,` Mr.
and Mrs, Wm. Hefted. e
Mie. F. A. Seeds of Detroit spent the
week -enc with his i
, -
Me. and Mrs, A.,,Ford Ring and.
babe` and z'iiss Mina Proctor motored
front Toronto and spent, the holiday
with tih
the former's perents, its ItiIr and
Mrs, Geo. Ring, Mrs. King,- -who
has visited her • dat gg rtei', Mrs.
j , 1
Ritchie, ia �hnvale L'or the. past two
weeks,_motored home with them.
ltfessrs. Chris. T. Parker 'and John
E: Howard arrived Borne From the
western harvest fields on Saturday.'
Mi'.. and Mrs.. Hugh McLaren and
family e1' Port Elgin were guests of,
Mrs;. McLar•en's mother, Mrs, Win.
Stirlinge over the week -end,
Mr. and Mrs, Eric York motored
from Toronto to spend Thanksgiving.
with the latter's mother, Mrs. F. W.
Miss Gladys Davison and Mr, Tom
Mallet of T;ondon' were the guests of
the former's another, Mrs. Jno. Davi-
son, over the week -end.
Mr. and Mee. McDonald . Wm. McI3o ald of
Detroit are visiting the latter's par-
ents, Mr. -ailed Mrs. Henry Weston.
lir. and Mrs. II. K. King and little'
I-Iarold and Wm. E. Parker of Sarnia
visited their parents over the week-
end. -
Mi'._J, A. Cameron of Toronto spent
the holiday, with • his sister, Miss
Grace 'R. Cameron.
Mr. and ,.Mrs. J. L. Dixon and
daughter Carrie. of Galt visited over
the week -end with their , daughter,
Mrs. F, H, Paull;. at the rectory.
Mrs. Jas. Reid and daughter; Mrs.
W. B. Baker, whsi�,have been visiting
theformer's sister,' Miss Nora' Fer-
guson, returned to their homee. in Dee
trait on Monday. '
Mr E. T. Brown motored tp..Detroit
to spend Thanksgiving.
Miss Jean M. Woods of Orton was
home for the week -end. '
Miss Anna Elliott of Toronto spent
the week -end with her aunt, Mrs,
John Fraser.
Miss Wdnnifred Elliott, who has
been, visiting her aunt for the past
two weeks, returned to her hone in
Lucknow on Sunday. She was ac-
companied by Mr. I. McRae of. Strath-
Miss Alma McICay of T'or'onto
spent Thanksgiving withher parents.
Rev. and_ Mrs. W. A. Townshend
and family and Mess Mary Elliott re-
turned to Bervie 'on Wednesday af-
ter having -spent Thanksgiving with
their parents. -
• Miss Maude Castle, who has been
in Detroit for the past few months,
game home for Thanksgiving.
Mr. Nesbitt Woods of Toronto was
home for the'•holiday,
Trinity church was the scene of a
quiet wedding on Saturday afternoon
when Tellisille;'' daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Hudie, Goderich township,
was united in the holy bonds of mat-
rimony to John, T. Storey of Mc-
Killop township. The ceremony was
performed by the rector Rev. F. H.
Paull. The bridal couple' were ate
tended by Miss Georgina audio and
Mr. George Hudie, sister and broth-
er of the bride:
M. and Mrs, John Stewart of Ham-
ilton and Mr. CIifford Pollock of Lon-
don visited their parents over the
week -end. '
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wi. A. Bunt returned
to their keine in London on Tuesday
'after having spent the week -end at.
the Ritz Hotel., Other guests 'et the
Ritz hotel were: Mfr. J. D. Doyle,
Misses E. end B. Chplc, C. Keenan.
Detroit; Ted Hart anti H. D. Davis,
London and Mr. N. -Cornell, Port
Mrs. Hugh Allan left on Tuesday
for Dunnville after having visited
friends in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gingrich and fam-
ily of Bad Axe, Mich., spent Thanks-
giving with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. Cleave. --
Rev. and Mrs. 3. Gale and family
of Sarnia, Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Rich-
grdson and family: of -Waterloo re-
turned to their homes after having
spent, Thanksgiving with their par-
ents, Rex, anti Mrs, R. 1d, Gale at the
Mr. Jim Catling visited with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stur-
geon, over the•.week-end.
Mr. Harold Stinson, _ewho in July
accompanied a friend on a motor trip
through the Northern States to the
Canadian West, 'returned, on Friday.
He spent the greater part of his
time at Churehbritige, Sask., where
his sister, Mrs. Geo. Reid, resides. pie
also visited his sisters at North Bay
and Torontoon his to trip. r
Miss Ruth I•Iouston antd Miss
P. Gray of London spent the week-
end with the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. Houston.
Miss Ruth Higgins "is spending a
few days holidays
with her parents.
Mt: and.Mrs. Elton Schnell of De-
troit spent Thanksgiving with the
clatter's mother, Mrs. Emily Peek.
Mrs. J. Heard .left on, Friday to
spend a few days with her sot in
$ ,Y (triturate utumLi wedding was Sol
ennrzed 011 Saturday, Nov. 5th, whe
Freidaia�Lillis Talbot, yon
ugget dauglr„
Lei' of Mr: and Mrs. W. H. Talbot,_oi
oho Blue Water Iligliway, became til;
bride of Mr. Roy Frederick Scotch
mer, son of Mt. : and Mrs. Jo
Scotehtner, near Bayfield. The care;
nen was performed byRev. R."1
t s r 4f.
Gale of Bayfield.
The bride. looked sweet and doli
her sI ev le:5 French •tr c.
white georgette, ;which was heavil
beaded, and with deep scalloped here;.
Her embroidered sill. net veil wa'
held in place • with orange blossoms
and she carved an armful of pink end
white 'mums, with butterflies an
maidenhair tern.
Miss Vera .Dowson made a char
ing bridesmaid, gowned in flower•'.
chiffon georgette and carried a ben
quet of sweet peas and maidenhai
f ern,
The•room was supported orted by'th
bride's brother, Mr. Leonard Talbot.:
After the ceremony the happ".
-couple left by motor for Detroit, the
bride wearing a 'dress of rose beige
crepe with pleated trimming, rose-
wood coat with ''shawl collar of man -
del fur and a smart French hat and
accessories to match.'-
The groom's gift to the bride was
a handsome cabinet of silver.
On their return, Mr. and 1VIrs.
Scotchmer will reside on the groom's
fine farm near _Bayfield. ,
A. been belonging to Mr. Owen
Geiger of }Iensall, situated en the
old McFarlane -farm on the 12th- con.
of Tuckersmith,.was burned on Mon-
daytity''lastofha, iyn which was stored a quan-
. , '
A collision of trucks took place one
and a quarter miles north of the vil-
lage a few days ago, "One truck was
owned by Mr. Geo. Chambers, mer-
chant of Chiselhurst,, the other by
Gunn, Langlois and Co., Clinton. It
would appear fron all accounts that
both meet attempted to cross a
cement bridge at that point and bad
results followed. • Both trucks were
badly damaged as well as the bridge,
but the men escaped with minor in-
Mr. and Mrs. Winter and Mrs.
Anderson visited with Mrs. J. Work-
man on, ;Monday last.
The young people of St. Andrew's
church held' a social in the Sunday
school room on Friday evening last.
A good program was put on, also a
light lunch was served at the close.
The seventh session of the Older,
Boys' Parliament will again be held
during the Christmas holidays. The
election^will be held on Saturday,'
Nov, 26th; by secret ballot, All boys
between 'the ages of 12 and 21 may
vote providing they belong to a reg-
istered Sunday school classa Taxis
Square, or a Trail Ranges organiza-
To Voters of Clinton and Surround-
ing Districts
"The following is the outline of my
platform, which I will uphold in in
effort to secure a seat in the Olde
Boys' Parliament:
1. I am in: favoufe of the Bon
selling idea being - continued as the',
means for financing the 0. S E. T
program, but that an effort be mad(;
to find another:'
e 2. That the Junior League of Na
tions be given' our support.`
3. A lower . age limit for mem•'I
bers of Parliament, ,
4. Correspondence '•- with Foreig
boys in order to learn their custom:
and their country.
5. A leadership training camp in
South Huron.
6. Tire forming' of more Tuxis
Squares and Trail Ranger organiza-
tions in the electoral district.
I will appreciate your vote at the
polls on Nov. 26th and, if elected, I
will represent the district of South
Huron to the best of my ability.
Thank you.-Wi. C. Barber.
County News
IIENSALL: Fire, discovered about',
five `o'clock Monday afternoon, cont.
pletely destroyed a barn owned be
Owen Geiger, reeve of Flensall, about
two miles east of the village, with t
quantity of hay, etc., stored therein
A large number of neighbors gath
ered but were unable to do anything
to. check the progressof the flames
The cause of the fire is unknown, a..f
Mr.. Geiger states that -neither him-
self nor any of his employees had
been around the place for a couple o
days, while' the fact that the hay and
other products stored in the buildin
had been put in in dry condition, ap-
pears to :preclude the possibility o
spontaneous combustion. Mr. Geiger
had some insurance on the bern and
v _
BLYTH: John Leith was driving
his etir from Auburn to Blyth on Fri-
daya flock of whenthere was flo
enso the road and to escape them
t , p
he turned out and went into the ditch
and through a wire fence. The car
turned over a couple of times and
was damaged consiedrably, but luck-
ily, he,escaped with only a few cuts.
League of Nations Ttt>i•ns to Teleph
nergency eoseions of the League vt Nations wild soon be held bytelephone, t1redicts Sen
otatY-Geuenal,Ssr En.c Drummond. Speaual tdllgpiaue equipment is being constructed far,
insta'lllahian in the :Loa ue
(shown above) paivntlibLLnig-Geneva, to link;tup with Parts, Leaden, 13resse]tsr, Bat+lin and atone',
n vL,t tianati6l.Lnbic •set to with al ,
*v e � t , hwn
R g tan -amid• CAtt In +t
g aWiathe event of exbnaond7na;ry iclloveldlpmenrits, when
a sperecly Sloois'(d , i5 vital, fnsuch fprecious„tlme Gar be saved by telephone di ciusetlon.
The information
is, of especial Canada, rovhti5e ,r resenttaibivos_` Senator '•' �
• aI>! . S redia; Raoul 1)amid,ur,amid (Na. 1
Above) t
v ) and Scnibtur N. A. Belcourt (140. 3) have taken suolt irram'lnlowtpant LIS recent League aUSc*uis}ryians. ,, (Nrr.
2)1/4„ Sir I-lerbert Antis,.Soi'nieml. 1T P:'liar the.,81.'Anitoine Division Montreal, kio treat,:was for some ,years Financial
Adviser of -the L e:igite.