HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-11-10, Page 3ANOTHER WORD'' OF WARNING ABOUT RADIO SETS As predicted •larit-'"year,-,radio with Circ batteries, cheniieais, cl?al erg rgt�` taaillnent5 etc.: aresnow-,the .ctaiidar'd In another year or yo battery-opor-. atod- sets: will be"obsolete, almost w•orthelese, wherever current is avail - Those considcrlst the purchase of i radio operating • without "Uatteriea` should, bear this iir,mind: 'There are two, -'types of ''elect rig" radio—al those that are built to operate direct from a light socket, made in one fee-, tory, complete in(Ate cabinet all` ready to opo ate, - and—(2)/ : or dlriary, t 'electr'ic, 'sets that f -`can be "adapted.' to tight -socket operation by Installing a so-called power unit, which Power. unit generally consists of a '13" 'Elim- inator, i,limiu for a storage battery and a charger. You still have the "A" bat- ' ,te 1 you still have chemicals, but the charger is''connectedtd a light socket, and so they are termed "socket -power," `" This ilattor type serves very well for those who al- retaly have a battery operated set, but Cannot afford to turn it in for a pew genuine ;fatteryless Model, but when buying a no's' radio supposedly "Bat- ter'yleer,"•be sure to got the typo that is completely batterylees add built to Of this typo the "Rogers flattery less'. is the only:`ene with any record, of prover; perf,rman os behind it."Con= ceivod'fh l923and introduced in 1125, -Itis the first and only tine -tested. radio; set, complete in one cabinet, made in one factory and' operating' direct front any alternating Current socket.; (eud•'in -niost c'asee' it noed'e.no aerial):'.. -. 3Ioreover the Rogerswas.conceived, developed, perfe'eted and made right in Canada and "Was the world's first' Batteries A/C Indio seta"` Producing such a sot tl `at, iyill'.give uniform performance in all localities under all conditions is not easy. The first year or two brings grief. Now, in its, third year, with :then -sands of sots inom active 'operation fr' Coast to coaittthe Rogers has proven its Don't'experiment. It May cost you dearly.:: Look for the name "Rogers;" look foil' tthe'Rogers A•(C Tubes with the- top clips :and be sure then you'll have :no regrets later,—Advt. In the game of life- too many people are trying to pitch and too few are willing• to play in•the outfield.' ' The, dbdtor gazed at his patient's eye. "You say you Have trouble with it" Ire said. "Buf there's something more. On looking at it I see. signs of liver trouble, of anemias and, I -fear •a chronic affection." "Look, at the other eye," said the patient, "this is my glass` eye, you see." . .• Often when we command Satan to get behind us we seeretly hope he'll push us into what we want to do but oughtn't so's, we can lay the blame on drim. The man who gets up in the world must alsogot up in ,the morning. Two small girls were out playing when the doctor, who happened to be passing, stopped and inquired oli.oty they were. think 'we had better telt ' I don'tbe •satisfied" with the treatment they By - the. time '- he . "pops- the- piles-. tion" she 'has already decided' what she'll wear at the wedding. Oh; "yes, , I've, thought of marrying I've thought of it a lot, ,. Because I've though of it so much, Is fust why I have not, • "Stick, it, out, old man," said the said 'the axeutionen,,- as .he prepared to cut, off the murderer's head. Newbrdoma'sweep clean; but the new fall dresses are in' no danger of doing that. A flapper who: is anxious to' be lia�t- ed as a high brow refers to her sweat, er as a perspirer. Crazy Quilt: One -you can't keep over your head -and feet at the same time. Nearly all husbands and . wives think' they are martyrs.' • There'd Be Nothing in It "I `couldn't drink anything out of a 'flask after that ''fellow for money." "Why not? He seems a pretty clean chap," "Clean enough; but there wouldn't be anything iii, the flask." :''MonopolyComditions . Halifax Herald'(Coil.): Sir Hen- ry Thornton suggests -that.:tho Mari- time people. "leave every reason to `you," said one, of them. "Why nott?" he asked. are receiving:from the C.N.R. Let it be stated that the Maritime people "Well„” sloe replied, "Daddy told are far froin satisfied with thio treat- i}s that when you ealled the otker ment, , , . For years Nova Scotia weekand'aslted how we were, it Cost shippers have load the': privilege of interchange of traffic as between the two great railways at certain "gate - him IL" Old Gentleman (ht street car) ways,"notably • Saint John and Ste. "Has 'anyone here dropped a roll of Rosalie. This iprivilege aha C.N.R. bills with a rubber elastic . around Would d now withhold. old, . it was beret• the intention of the Duncan Commis. "Yee, I have,'' cried a dozen at lose_ privileges they enjoyed previous ' once. to the inquiry= -and' the Maritime pee - Old Gentleman (calmly] — "Well, I've just picked tip the elastic." „ ole have no reason to feel satisfied _ with efforts of the C.N.R. to wipe out '"My wife," said Brown, "has as ter- these privileges, rible memory. She simply forgets everything." "Well," remarked Jones, "mine used to be that way, but I found a way to Mire her," • "How was that?" "If there is 'anything t km anxious for leer to know and 'remember I write it' on,a card and put the card_ in my trousers pocket." them?" stoners ' that the h arittmes should Some people. hold the key to suc- cess, but are too lazy to turn it. Clothes make the man, but when it comes to a woman, clothes 'just serve to show that she 'is made. - What is 'wrong with the tea? If this; question is ever asked at the table you may find that the tea you, are using was in a -poor package. Careful experiments have proven that Aluminum is the only :fit, package to keep good tea in. You should try Red Rose Tea and see how fresh and brisk and pungent it is in the. Aluminum pack- age. ' lOT Youthful Energy or Can +i di n 'Far s RRanging in°age from fourteen.to eighteen years, this party of sturdy boys recently a ®ive'd in Canada on board the Anchor Donaldson Liner " he " " y - • At• via to take up farming m Canada. ,They allharl from Scotland' and were keenly enthusiastic to take Tip their new life on the land. Prior t ein 1 the Hostelmaintained 4 b iza P aced ociatrms they were 'entertained at he icor :boys marntat ed bythe Brrtrsh;Imml Immigration n ,11 g t o and Colotazatton Association. RUN DOWN IN HEALTH Why Many Men and Wonsen Are i3adly, Handicapped When you are so run down'in health that it impairs the efficiency of tnur work as well as your power to enjoy your ,leisure hours, or :obtain rest, .it is time you looked - to the cause. If you do not, a. serious breakdown is al- most 'sure to resultt. In nearly .all cases this condition, which doctors usually describe as, general debility, is clue to poor blood -blood that is deficient in red corpie5 l s. When the blood is thin and weak your -whole -system suffers.' You . lose appetite, have no energy, your nerves trouble -you and, you feel restless. What you need is help to build up your blood and you should begin at once to make your blood rich and: red by taking- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills^ you will soon notice the difference In your health by better appetite_and increased"vigor:; The reason is that the new blood created by Dr Wil- liams' Pink 'Pills stiluiulates all the organs of the body to healthy activity - and so the system gains nourishment and strength. . If you are weak or out of sorts, begin gaining new, strength today by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. "I was in a badly run down condition," says Mrs. J. Potter, of Winnifr cT. Alta " heiI began us, lug Williams' Pink PIlls and they fnily restoted my health. I strongly recommend^ this medicine to all weak people." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by. all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' llferdicine. Co., Brockville, Ont. . South African 'Flag Dispute NOW Settled = Draft Agreement Provides for Continuation of the Use of Union Jack THE GOLF' 'WIDOWER'S GUARD THE CHILDREN DIVORCE NEARING • (A Chicago man has suecl'lris wife for'divorce on'the ground that she neglects him and .his children to ploy golf.—News-item.) • Q.—Is this lady your wife? FROMMN 'AUTO U C®LDS. The Fall is the most severe season of' the year for colds—one day- is- A,—Her face is familiar, blit I don't warm, the next cold and wet,, and yn-. recap her tan- less the mother is on her; guard, -the 1?. -.—It's been a long time since little ones are seized with holds that' You've seen her? may hang' on all" winter, Baby's, Own A.=I haven't seen her to speak of Tablets are mothei:a' best friend in sincefwarm weather set in. preventing or banishing colds. They Q. Wheif were you married? act as a gentle laxative, keeping the A.—In December, 1911. bowels, and stomach free' and sweet, Q,—Wiry An" in December?.occasional )lode - of the Tablets will •A. -All the golf courses were prevent colds, or it it does come on frozen over and sloe could spare the suddenly their prompt use will -relieve alma. , the baby. The Tablets..are sold by w m * medicine dealers or by mail at,26 cts. a box front The Dr•. Williams' Medi Q,—Were you happy? cite Co., Brockville, Ant. " A,—Until the following spring. Q.—What happened in tile follow- ingCola Lindbergh_ sprue? Vola Lindbergh A.—The. link- p Q, at d your ryvife ever -pond any Plane, Not time at home? Y�� A.—Only when it stormed. Q. -You did oeverything you could Better Than. It Was When to make your home attractive to her, did you 'not? New, He Declares, At End A.—I .even put grass- on the floor ' Of 22,350 -Mile Tour '- e dhad the entire house trapped by New York,—Bach' at the' starting. one of the best known golf course de- signers in America.... point of his flight to world fame and Q.—Did she make am complaint? hfs 22,850 mile tour of the :country, A.—Yes; she paid she never could Col. Charles A. Lindbergh Was' oval- A.—Yes; happy in a home that had no water corned by vi000, pareons; includfirg hazaida.' Harry P. Guggenheim; 'president olf * e e the Guggenheim Pond for the Promo- Q.—Was romo Q: Was she extravagant? tion of . Aeronautics, under the aus- pices of which ;�Qplonel Lindbergh Q,-••Rrliat do you mean by that? - made his tour, A,—She often lost as many as eight The Colonel shifted the conver-a- tion of interviewers from himself to golf balls a day. Q.—And you dad to"buy her 'new the merits of the plane that had 'car - ones? ried. him through 855 hours of flying since he loft San Diego, Calif., pre- viousdidher to his hop to -Paris: "`The Spirit A.—No, I had to buy some of the fifty cent balls and she used to com- plain constantly that I couldn't af' ford to keep her supplied with dollar Ones. ✓ K reopened. . Says Credit Due Cape Town.—There is reason to be- lieve Aag„ controversy is now practi- ,cai.ly settled. A provisional agree- ment has been drafted, and except for ono Small point Is generally approved. The agreement provides that the Union Jack shall always flyollicially alongside the national. flag and be re. cognized as one of South Africa's flags, The 'proposed new design for the national flag follows the design embodied in the Flag Bill, but the shield is removed and in its place the Union Jack and the two old republi- can flags, are placed side by side in the center panel. Tile three minia- tures occupy one -ninth of the whole surface, Tielman Roos, Minister, of Justice, says the country is indebted to Gen- eral Ilertzog for. the agreemeutt, though the feeling outside parliament is that General Smuts and Mr. Roos also deserve much credit. - Since the South African .Govern- merit overn-merit at the beginning of the special session of Parliament agreed not to proceed with the Flag Bill until a final -effort had been made to reach a peaceful settlement, private discus- sions between. the Prime Minister, General Hertaog, and General Smuts, the leadef of the South African Party, have baee 'held daily. 'The country - NORTHERN ONTARIO RIO awaited the result with anxiety, the 1'). Issue being regarded as of the grav- of - NORTHERN ONTARIO contains millions of acres of the finest agricultural land in the world 'and may be had. by returned soldiers and millers ; free; to others, 18 years and over, 50 cents per acre: What settlers say of the soil, climate, farming and forest =life, is told in a -. mbst'attractive booklet issued under the direction of the Hon. John S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture for On - FOR' FREE COPIES WRITE: Director of Colonization, Parliament Buildings, P oronto,' O'nt., Canada ` • "Please mention this paper" High School Boards and Boards of Education • Are authorized by law to establish" INDUSTRIAL', TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Ministerter of Education• DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. maybe conducted .in :accordance with +th ,re ulations Issued by e 0 the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND -,PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION is given. In various trades. The schools and classes are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should be made to the 'Principal of -the school. "SCIENCE SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND'HORTICULTU•RE are provided for In the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High Cohoois, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments copies of the Regulations Issued by the Minister of Education may no obtained from .the Deputy Minister,, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. eat importance..• The 'lag pill of the Government Manitoba Free Press (Lib.) : (The proposed that South Africa should Conservative Convention resolved that have a Rag consisting Of a red vei'ti- the three prairie provinces should, be cal stripe next the staff; and horizon granted . their, natural' resources" as tat stripes of -green, yellow and blue, soon as possible). Some clay' the entirely excluding the .,Union Jack, school lands fund, created by the sale This proposal 'was met with opposi- of land within this province, -will be tion from a large-por•tion..of'the South transferred to Manitoba. When that African population and, many' at-. With conies it will be transfer•red.with. tempts have been made to reach, an out condition,. other than the peipe:t- amicable agreement on what It a vital nation of the, trust, or,there will be question. One :proposal made was trouble. The "cdeclaratibir of the Com that the Union ,lack `should be flown vention that no limitation of -this kind on a few specid) occasions, as an evi slicipld be -imposed is therefore of im deuce ,of the country's connection portance to this province. with the British Empire, and that the South African should include the Minerd's Llnlmetn ior Chilblains. .cross of St. George. -•-�— Then followed another proposal to Fair Customer: "The color on the` the effect that the flag should cont-' pullover will not fade quickly?" Shop. bine the Union Jack with the old re- man: "It is as fast as the roses on publican flags -In a shield in the mid- 'your cheelm.". Faif Customer; dle of the household flag/of the `old "then you had better dhow me some - Dutch House of Orange,y The Senate thing else." ---Pete . Melo, Paris, refused to pass the Flag' Bill and -a deadlock has continued', ever since, with an attempt on the part of both leaders, as stated in ,the above cable, to reach a' modus vivendi. • Safety First. Vicar --"Certainly I'll some and; see your slaughter if she Is so very ill;' but what church do you .attend?" • Caller—"We do not go to church; we're chapel people." "Vicar -=°Then why didn't you send for your own minister?" Caller—"We 1couldn't risk him= -It's scarlet fever:!'' •For all pains,—Minard's Liniment. o M.a Q. Ila'ep you any children? A. -Three. The Wife (interrupting): 'POUR! Judge: Which is right? Your. wife says four; A.—She's ' played golf so steadily she can't say anything else. Q.—Your wife named tie children, did. she not? A.—Yea. Q.—What did she 'Hama them? A, --Mashie, Niblick and Conon. Q. -Was she kind to them? A- 4irell, site used to let them play with her old score cards, - Q. --Did this have a good influence on them? , A. --No;. they., grew up to be im veterate liars. ' * s; Q. -You have had very little -of your Wife's company? - A:—I figure I have only seen' her for about eleven weeks out of the last sixteen years. Q.—Did you^ ever chide loon about this? - A:—Yes. r "Q.—What was her answer? A.—She said that, was par for the match. • Judge: Decree. granted: Custody of children to husband; custody of golf clubs to wife!_ ' Natural Resources XI ai•sEl , so easy and perfect IF you also the same kind of dyes Profes- sional Dyers rofes-sionai'Dyers use. Dyes thtetarc put up 'in hikhly concentrated, finely powdered, soluble ,form. No work to 'dissolve them. Never any shaving, scraping or cruntbli tg thein up. They arc: AND TIMTIIU DYES ISSUE No. 46--'27 of St. Louis is in fine shape," he as-' serted,` "It gives more revolutions Per minute now than when it was new. Bet this looks like a good time to do it, so I'm going to have it coin- pletely overhauled. 'That's never been done, since it was built, ''you know. • No, it isn't destined for n museum yet. Eventually, but not now." Ile said the tour had proved the reliability:' of. modeirn equipment. "Others will. have to say whether the time was .successful," he declared. The "others" did. Statements by Mr. Guggenheim, William P. Me- Crackeu, Ir., Assistant Secret, �•y�- of Commerce for Aviation and HMI' S. Now, Postmaster -General, told how the tout had stimulated interest: in flying, in the air mail and in construc- tion of airports." Minard's Liniment for Distemper. They say that this football season Is full of upsets, Also, we should say, of Setups. DEALERS AND AGENTS Writefor our Free Illustrated Cata- logue. Complete selection of Sets, Parts, Speakers and I0111ninatore. Lowest Prices In Canada, - G. C. PAYETTE. & Co. ado- M. Catherine St. West, S,tontregl EnlistNow!. With the party of C`iiristrhas homegoers leaving Halifax for the Mother Country. Make- sure of a right royal " - Christmas, and good time with your family and friends on the other side. „y: .. See a steamship agent to,rday. Round Trip from $155 up. Children. half fare -- every. ' •.thing included: Christmas Sailings trom HALIFAX /Dec. 5—ANTONIA for Plymouth) Iiavr'e and London; • Dec. 11—ATIiENIA for Belfast; Liverpool'end Glasgow. Dec, 12- -ASCANI"A for PlytnoutN Havre and London.. --- Front ST„JOHN. Dec. 10 -ATI- EN IA for Belfast; Liverpootand Glasgow. CANADIAN S1;RVICE ' a®i� dud ,. r•.I��ldsoat, 0I vie ROBERT REFORD co. LIMITED Cor. Bay and Wallington Sts., TORONTO erammaatmnitammagreirergrammi Now packed in slant lruv . 'Youic- grocer knoi g, -when you order RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE you- , are a judge of fine tea: Pirates Kill Classified Advertisements ®, Wound 60 ERVBICAnIN4TIEIIMEIPT6., ��77�FII 1f TLTR:fPmoNlc fiRAMOPIioNR. ,38 - anteed �� Poisson �3400M0 ovnt R YarRaot, 65,00. ,Guar - Chinese FreebootersL-Rob Pas- Montreal, , sengers on Ship on the'' SIISn.PEf3n onAirome '`I ▪ START Yang'tSe.. x�j' _ u r asi YOU IN '.,r_ aka be glass 4�J-. 11 e h d6 making. unbreakable p g. a ., bio Blase. Shanghat.--SiXty.porsons'were hill substitute on u$re,base for percher, od dr wounded in' a pirate attack oil greenhouses,. barn ovals, : Swnplo intoe - the. steamer Iiianghsin on the Yang tse' River, says a semi-official 'Japan- ede statement. The attack took place soon after the steamer load left •Tchang., Thirty GIib:wee pirates traveling as passen- gers, seized the vessel after a fierce fight ” with the crew and a dozen. guards attached to the Governor Iiwaichow. , The fl5ht lasted' an hour and resulted in a victory; for the pir- ates. - i The 'bodies of those • killed in the fight were thrown overboard,and the passengers and crew were, robbed of their money and belongings. ' The pirates then left - the steamer and made a landing with their' booty, M'lnard'e Liniment for Neuritis. GeneralOb g . says the Mexican revolution' is dead, and if it isn't' it's only because, it could run faster than any one connected with it•. - BOYS & Given RO WO$¢ Slimily sell 60 Bets,.of Our Famous Christmas Seals for 0o a set. When sold send us $3-00. anti keep 82,00. We trust you till Xmas. St. Nieho)ks Seal Co., Dept 604'yL, Brooklyn, N.Y.. U.S.A. ATE TS List of "Wanted inventions" and Pull Information Sent Free on Request. TSB-8AaZSAIL CO., Dept. W, 273 'Hank fit,,,Ottawa, Ont. Keep Posted On Mining Read Every Issue of "MINES and METALS" (Canada's needing Mining Newspaper) Send for Sample Copy Mines and Metals Toronto Cuticura Talcum IIs Soothing For Baby's Skin Sons. Ointment, Talcgm. fold ever ghero DEAFNESS HEAD NOISES, Refeved Ly LE°I'NARD \' r� EAR OCE lots, "Rub Beck of Ears". ODI :INSERT IN NOSTRILS' �At All Druggists. 'Price $1.25 Folder about "DEAFNESS" ea request. A. 0, LE010.00.i61„ 70 Filth Aro., he York motion -.sent, Box„26.t, Fxoter, Ont, -IC' ORSDS AND" IIAI1N17SF', WRITE/ IA_ for Harness: Catalogue, The rRe- pository, 10 Nelson Street,. Toronto;' (-'(ELI'O' PLAYIlRs—MY •(VIlElY yJ 'Uodret) 'cello floor grip anchorsend pin an all floor surfaces. ' Vaidorsed by renowned players. One dollar post paid. C. De' Jardine, -Port Arthur, Ont. �'t A L L.'S hi I7 N S',CRADY, PROFIT - i ABLE employment, weekly.pay,, selling; our un vdrsarly known; guaren- {teed quality, Trees and Plants, 'Newest and best verietles.., There is good money In 1t for..you, .Illustrated up-toctiie- minute equipment. Real sales co-opera- tion, . Write LUBE BROTHERS' NURS- ERIES, MONTREAL. Stc Fflim' Hair Treatyour scalp with Minard's' four -times a week; Prevents dandruff. CARRIED r 1FE TO BED Suffered So She Could Not Walk. Restored to Health by-Lydia.lE. Pinkham's -Vegetable Compound Minesing,, Ontario.— "I am a prac- tical nurse and I recommend Lydia Pinkham'sVegetablocompound to suffering women. For three months I was almost helpless and could not sit at the table long enough to drink a cull of tea. Many a time my hue-' band carried me to bed, I would bo so weak. Then he read in the paper - of a woman suffering as I did who got better after taking -the Vegetable Compound, so he went and got it for me. When I had taken three bottles I was' just like a new woman and have had splendid -health ever since. When I feel any bearing :down pains I always take it; sometimes a half ' bottle or whatever I need. It is my only medicine -and I have told many a one about it. Any one wanting to know more about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable'Comnpound I will gladly write to her. I do all I can to rec. ommend )}•t for I feel I owe my life and strefrgtth to it." — Mrs. ItIfahs Bowsai, RR. I, Minesing, Ontario. Do you feel broken-down, nervous, and weaksometimes? Do you have this horrid feeling of fear which some, times comes to women when they are not well? .Lydia E. Pinlchani's Veg etable Compound is excellent to take at such a time. It always helps, and if taken regularly and persistently will relieve this condition. a • Demand The whole worldknows As u1n as an effective anfdote for pain. But it's just as iciporticnt to know thatthere is only one genuine Aspirin. The name Bayer is on every tablet, and on the box. If the name Bayer appears, it's genuifie; and if it doesn't, it is not! -Headaches are dispelled by Aspirin. So are colds, and the pain that goes with themm ;. even neuralgia, neuritis, and 'rhena tism promptly relieved. Get Aspirin—at any drugstore—with proven directions. - Physic ;s. prescri▪ be Aspirin- g s hivent does NOT affect the heart . Asplrin'ls As trade marl, (registered Ie Canada) indicating 8nrer Manufacture,- While lb �T. is wellknown. that Aspiln means Bayer up eufaetsio,, to estate the onsite `a5alnst belts: Bons, tee Tableau wall ie stomped-,wlfo. their "Bayer ;Cross" trademsek,