HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-11-03, Page 6ALATIAL ITALIANLIN K
] 4
"w O u
lis of All Nations fns®vel �+By
Natir. -
Ships of All I`�ons "Ansi eiSOS' and Stand By 13ut Death
Toll Believed to ,Reach 1 ligh Mark
lccw .,
i c hent din witli`:he Mafalda.
Brazil.—The French steamer 11
of the sh,i s`wl c e 1,
STos311a, First p "The causo of the. disaster w1s"'n
cic efforts Turned the siiT❑
n of the
broken propeller shaft . Its flailing
Italian liner Irinci ossa
Mafalda into torent
ole .the sh1P,
s hull. 1.
n f man over the .ea r1
s triumph o
"aicr rushed
w sl into the Phil? as
' the
bels` l
r v �1 Ile with 24 mem. o
c x
la lite e, em1 >.
� x ile'
lornn was flooded. Tho
boilers exploded,
der ' of
The cone was appalling.
1 caniinan 1 P g•
people ierlsh d" the
the Moselle toldd the Unitedd Press Juse "Many V )
9 nS left the Mafalda
safer - M lifeboats. '
b s. •` But ,the ]anis
r cher- Ye
11 -dropped 4]
-lice the Mose a1
`thoughI do not know how many peo- was indescribable. Many people
leap -
pie other eh1 s rCs ILd. 50from the deemed ship's deck into
the sea.
0 to -1 members of
I believe eons 2
lr fl 1
k vol for me,who' has cent the
r 1w s s
1'x0117 crew w0
the Mafalda s engine
d by the e
i n
hex boilers,"
sea at its worst the scene
was terrify -
(Radio re orfs from ether ships at mg. I lave seen many' other (Retie -
the sceneaPP entlY ineke it impos-
n os-
sible that so many peop`
le cnu1d,h
The number ber alg pis in is put
perished. 1 n s
at 68. The Dutch Alhena
reported P. d Y n
c'tx 1 mtr 530 to Rio de Jan
]aro. The Formosa, reported to have
353 reseuee aboard, was due at; Ria
Other ships Have reported carrying
smaller numbers.)
"We used all the means at our coin- taking the do'arpailing passengers from
' land to save them. their perilous locations, and not until
n- P
"The , Mafalda's captain, Sinton all these report their rescue lists will
Gull, a veteran like myself, renlainedi the truth be known asto who was
et his post until all the :pass'engers lost and who was saved. True to
and crew had left the ship. -I under- their trust, the Captain of the ill -
stand that he Was not saved. , fated liner and his first Radio'Oper-
"The radio operator remained, too, ator are known ,to have gone down
as such mes-must. I understand he, with their ship. -
Va(aIca's clew' and a
graphic story
' �'"]
of their "rescue.
600 l `ss than
I cannot believe -that e
ters at sea, but none like that.
"Wo did all we could.
"The to
`r u
The greatest number of victims
wero first and second class passen-
The Dutch 'steamer.....-Alhena.; the
French, Formosa; the British, Ein-`
pine Star; the British, Avelo•nia; the
Italian, Rosetti, and othere joined in
Ottawa Gets
Mail By Amir'
Ottawa.—The first Canadian- air
mail steached' Ottawa. Thursday. A them speaks with pardonable pride of
seaplane took the. British mail fromethe.•fecundity' of our race, and ap-
Infantile Mortality
LeePresse (Ind.) : It is 13tounding
to see how indifferent tate publicopie
ion of our people, appears to remain
face to face with the annual massacre
of our children, while each; one of
the steamship Mount Royal Thursday
morning at Father Point and dropped
it at Quebec, continuing to Montreal
with the mail forr that city, Another
seaplane picked up the Ottawa mail
at Quebec and- arrived, here- at one
o'clock. The time saved in delivery
of the British mail was forty-eight
elands with enthusiasm ehe patriotic
speeches which celebrate the virtue
of numbers as an element in one fu-
ture. - -"What is the use of having
children, if -we only let them die as
soon as they set foot in the world?
.True lovers map be few, but never
far between.
The Grim Gaunt Reminder
'/ The charred remnant of the launch in the burning of which three young' Inc
Georgian Bay, near Victoria Harbor.
Fears Revolt
Prince Carol
recently lost their lives in -
W. C. Taylor, Burridge,
• Stands Second Only to
New Zealand
Kingston.—W. C. Taylor, of Bur-
ridge, Frontenac County, who has.
made Dominion -wide reputation by
the fact that 'his cheese in' Empire'
competition has' on more than cue oc-
casion won the firat,prize, has been
informed that he has received the fol'
lowing announcement from the Bri-
tish Dairy Farmers' Aseooiatiori Dairy
Show, London, England,, Cheese
New ealand, first and third;Ontario'
(W. C.- Taylor, Burridge), second.
Countess de Lesseps and Her Sons
Countess de Lesseps, wife of Count de Lesseps, now 'given Tip as lost
when his plane crashed in eastern Quebec, is shown here with her two sons,
Guy, left, aged" 15, and Franc,cle, aged 14. The keys, who aro attending;
Appleby school, are grandsons of the late Count de Lesseps, engineer on the
Suez canal. Their mother was the former Miss Grace Mackenzie, whose
father was Sir William Mackenzie, 'railway builder.' Two pretty daughters
also eurvives the lost father.
To Expropriate
Ottawa Property
Russell House ease Will Be Razed
in Beautifying Plan
Ottawa.=The Morning Journal, in
its news column says:
"Parliament will meet early in the
new ..year and it 1s more than -likely
that the Government will- ask for an
appropriation of approximately 81,-
000,000 for the exprbpriation of the
Russell House Block,"y according to
well-informed sources on Parliament
Hill -
"Certain ertticisms about the. mil-
lions spent•in beautifying the capital
have not disturbed members of the
',Government who feel that Ottawa as
the national' capital should be worthy
of the Dominion."
Present plans., of the . Federal Ole-
,trict' Cornell:Veen 'for the beautifying
of the. national capita,], call for the
demolition of a group of buildings
standing in the northeast approach
to the Parliament Buildings, and the
Ilaying of a central park in their” stead.
rl a Russell House block, which was
formerly a leading hostelry of the
city,' is one, of this group of buildings,
Leaaling Tower Getting More
1 ItalY's” famous leaning tower at
Pisa le leaning 'a little harder. For
conturiee the famous tower has -shift -
fl ed only a millimeter a year. ' In' the
iast'ntne years the rate has ln.creased.
Scien.tists fear it will fall and
yising Wage to save
Remarkable Growth of Indus-
try Causes Government
• to Interpret Words
Growth of aviation has become so
pronounced that 'tire United States
Government has officially defined'
aeronautic terms for the Nation's •air
transport as follows:
Aeronautics—The science and art
pertaining to the eight of aircraft:.
Aviation—The wet of operating
heavier-than-air craft
Aerostation—Thee art of operating
lighter -than -air craft..
Airport -An alrper't' is a locality,,
either water or land, adapted for the
landing or taking -off' ot'. aircreft, and
which provides facilities for seeleeer,
supplies, and repair of aircraft; or a
place used regularly for the receiving
or discharging of passengers or cargo
by ail•,
Airway—An • air route' between • air
traffic centers; with lauding facilities'
at intervals, egpipped ' with aids to
air navigation end a communication
system for transmission of informa-
tion pertaining. to
nforma-tioix.pertainiug,to the operation of air-
craft. The term "airway" may apply.
to an air route for either land planes
or seaplanes or both.
Ottawa, Ontario—Immigration , to,.
Canada for the' first five months' of the
present fiscal _year' amounted to 90,-
964'persone, as coanpared with 78,477;
last 'year, or an increase r of 27 per
cent. This it "according to the Depart.
ment'of Immigration and Colonization.
In the five months British immigrants
totalled '26,906; ,United States' 12,387
and other countries 57..271.
'Timber ' Resources
Still Extensive,
Areas of Timagalni and Ken -
ore Reserves, Sold by Gov-
ernment at High Prices
Indicate Revival of
Building Activity
It is not so .long ago that goodhem-
lock lumber could be bought for $10
a thousandand pine for $15. That
our country is assuming the ch'arac-
teristics,4if the older lands that
our timber resources aro creeping
farther and farther away from old
settled Ontario is indicated by the
timber limit sale recently announced
by the Hon. Wm. l• inlayson, Minister'
of Lands and Forests for Ontario.
The price to the Government was
$12,50 per thousand for red and white
pine apd.$6.50 per M. for jeckpine
and spruce.
The cutting rights in the big deal
were dor approximately 78 million feet.
ot pine timber.
The largest of these sales and, ins
cid'entally, one of the biggest reported
by the Lands and Foresee Department
in many months, is that of 72,000,003
feet of red and white Eine, pack -pine
and spruce in the Townships' of Cas-
sels, and Riddell Part of this tract
lies in the Timagami Reserve. It goes
to Genres Bros., Limited, of Braeside,<
at a price of $12.50 per theesand'for
eed and 'White pine, and $6.50 'per
thousand for packpine and spruce,
J. A. Mathieu, .Limited, were fold
700,000 feet of timber in the Town-
ship, of Watten, District of Fort
Frances. The prices paid are $9.10
+ter thousand for red and white pine;
$6,pei thousand for, jackpine and 50
cents per' Ord 'for jackpine pulp. A
tract of 175,000 feet. of pine on Split
Rock 'ISIericl, in the Kenora District,
.vas successfully bid for by the Kee-
watin Lumber .Co.. The price involved
is $1-0.5e pie thousand feet.
The award in each sale went to the
r higheet_tenderer. All prices are hoard
Ottawa. Ontario—A Government re- measure prices and include Crown and
Pert on the'Canadlan pulp and paper other customary dues.
industry:covering the year 1926 shows, SPLENDID MILL. '
this to be the most important manu-
facturing industry in the Dominion not be as flourishing, geneeelly speak-
ing, as it might be at the present
Unice there is one company, which, ae-
cording to Mr. Finlayebp, is unques-
tionably in a state of speeding up.
That is Carpenter:Nixon, Limited., of
and which had a gross production of Blind River, whose pine mill, in Mr.
T`inlayson's estimation,ais-the finest
$216,488,815and a siet:of $130,2355,42'0• Canada, if not in the whole of North
• A.meriica. This electrically operated
mill is capable of clotting 100,009400
Ottawa,• Ontatlo Ntl'ngesser and feet a year, and with its facilities for
Coll, who sought to fly tits Atlantic but turning out the finished' product, to -
tailed, will: live forever in tee elect .gothor with its holdings, represents
;names of Canada. The Topographical 'an•. expenditure on the partof the
Sui'vey, Depaetment'of the Interior. hevlin-Clarke ComP,any, the parent
has leaned a ne•h' map of the 05ly geld, concern, of approximately $0,000,000.
bearing arcus in i:he v.cinity of W1• Last year the Shevlih-Clarke people
man, Narrow and Biros Lakes in noSilr bought out the McFadden holdings id
Western Ontario.' The names e: Nun-, ,the Mississ1ugh Reserve and. acquired
gesser anti Coll have' each heen given from the Government an additional
to a lake,- the two being linked by foist tovin5hips of timber. Udder their
river asci stream as Nungesser and R'ontractwith the Government $4,000,
Coli were inlite and .`death. _ '000 was tp be spent on the mill pre -
with regard to net atm gross value of
preductiou as well as total value of
wage and salary distribution. There
weres115 mills in Canada rnanufactnr
pulp,artid paper in 1926; in which a
capital of $501,184,714 was invested
Jed by Dec. 31 this year. Operation
of the mill will commence in 1928.
At the present time the company
has 3,000 ]nen engaged in cuttingsin
the bush. Present', timber holdings
Will keep the mill going, it is predict-
ed, for 2'0 to 25 yehrs.
Industrial Warfare
London Spectator: Industry; If it is
to succeed, requires collaboration, pot
enmity, jealousy and suspicion. The
interestsofboth sides are identical.
Everybody loses by war, ..even time
nominal victor who sits- triumphant'
sulrveying a field covered with wreck-
age and filled with suffering. Even
from the point of view of a Socialist
tyke confidently believes`�.,,that "So-
cialism in our time" is a possibility,
the policy of warfare is. sheer mad-
ness. Socialists could conveivably re-
construct into the Socialist model a'go-
ing,concern, but they Could' make no-
thing of •a heap of ruins.
Euphemistic expression _ of polite
fi§tion is that the college boys and.
girls have returned to their studies.
The' Disco+gory- of the C• lrr�1 Plot_ Causes :Turmoil in Goverme
� While ]t
T e I3ab
Celebrates,, Sixth Pirihday
Events in :the Situation s afros rraated by people to give ' up their decision. on
the dim '`"
o erof the
9 a flat uestio
bels • • n of h'
YP to g ,tbcut q his recall to � the
the return of 'fes -n er Crown Prince, throne," one letter ';purported to be
a r
Carol: of Rum,initi moves ra idl , ` p oclap op1e addressed ,to the Ru-
hanf n
n a of Z'
eat ]
Pe a1 e
F g
n to Bucharest
and '
Premier s ar Br ti
a A] O
r proposes 9 to' 1
despatches les n i
P 1ns-
) martial la
p 1 law has been de-
an Opposition � ositi
] p o n :and Government a ^.
(lax ed 'p
throughout the country, Tante
to declare their attitudes in face
troops sent '
acrd the fr-citter
of Carol's s a
sPit alio
n This .,tout
been taken as'the
result S of the
uncertain' ta111' 9
rt ar n
to and'al
p o b •.
S 0
of a dee
n ofopen �
fare B1 upon the.
P a ono regime by M.
Michalache,'leader of the National
. Y
Meanwhile IVIa oil '
n e5cue in whose
o. on
p059 61
isingletiers will be
b court
oP '
Finance in the
Rumania, who vho is
atP re
at St.
late 'Aver
CSCll cabinet, who was a1
Maio, ao confirms
h t
against a possible attempt by Ca1nl
to enter Rumania. A tight, censor-
l htc.rsor-
shiF on news is also saidto' have been
jammed down by the Government.
Bucharest declares the Government
to be master of iho situation 'As the
nation celebrates the sixth birthday
of King Michael.
Tho plot torestore Carol to the
throne was discovered in letters in
the possession of M.Man isescu
• - formerRumanianUnder-SecretaryofFollowin8 a heavy crop of rumors
Finance, e arrested a sted at.'Bucharest;"was
the Government issued an official the bearer of 1ettsr from 131010 the
statement iii, which it was admitted leaders of the
tARu.that Caiof "attempted to send an in -1 manta, including Premier Bratfaio.
vitatio'n to theheads of, the various I ' "His arrest was a direct provoca-
pasties, including the Premier,, with tipn to public opinion," said Carol,
the object of :itiducing the Runiattian "and' anilifringemcnt on liberty".
L;. borer Acquitted
Mulder Charge
child Was Slain Because of its
Sufferings, Accused Says ,'
Chester, Eng.—Albert Davies, la-
r itairi 'uildiltng -
et Airplane"
Capable of Carrying Five' Tons
of Bombs, is Report
borer ,who-crondessed that, he ItiIlecl
J.-ondon. A "strictly secret" air -
his 3-y invalid daughter be- plane, reported to l e the largest in
the world, is under construction at
cause, lie loved her so much thee he Martlesham airdrome b y .. it
could not bear to see her suffer, was Y A Minis-
aegtiitted, by a jury in the gourttt'of try experts, -
Assizes here. Newspapers declare -that the 'plane
Evidence showed that the child had was designed originally to carry 30 to
Veen" in . hospital for treatment: of 40 passengers and that it is capable
tuberculosis; that following this she of carrying. from four to five tons of
had been -operated on for appendicitis, boanbs.
and. that often this ;she contracted It is said that the 'plane will be a
measles and pneumonia and became �• four -sintered one; developing 2,000
It was the Air Ministry that ape
plied the "strictly secret term to the
'plane, in refusing flatly to discuss it
J --is__
"What did father say when You toll
infected with gangrene. Davis' told
how he had watched the child suffer
until he could bear it no longer.
Mr. Justice -.Grease -le in his .sums
ming up to the jury, said that one
thing stood cut above all others, and
that this was that if Davies did take him semi : were gong to take me away
the life of his child he did' so because ',vide you?" '•I•Ie seemed to feel his
he 'was, actuated by love and sym- loss keenly at first, but I square(
pathy, things' with a good cigar."
The Liner Mafalda and the Scene of the Accident
EMPRESS of - 0Rlrls11v�
M• 1914
102,7 La5m5
Collision. /-'x
Moe 7,1915
jse + TITANIC Z 1198 Luer
r- E 19 Terpc65
Ile"IebeOSY._ ;
j�F°te s9r0aOCEAN ' /
acQ CPae
Above we lieve5tlie palatial Italisif.
liner Principessa' Mafalda, which`
proudly left Italy' with 1600 aboard;
1 At the spot marked with a •cross dis-
aster overtakes her. Her SOS Rashes
out and four rescue vessels steam 10
Ther assistance, saving practically all
her human freight, while she is a
total wreck now at the ocean's bot-
tom. Oilier major Atlanctie ocean
'tragedies are indicated.
A Reason For American Tourists
1\100. Paul Iaul A. Curtisof New York witha reeercl;hrealting moose which
•.t; 5•C.northwestern
the foothills of not w
site sol, .1J., ion ago nn'the.first car of a hunt in t c f
A ofia.llorns spread 53rJy inches.- Over 5,000Aiemicas h m
visit' Ontario and Quebec:,during the hunting season. .. `
-Y.A(Tug9 29ATA.1922--j(
oCr. 05 1927
• SO117:Y ,.
That Settle, That
K.K.K.for' Backinghomp-
son Chicago's ~
� o
aY r,
. Gives His Action
True Status
Springfield, Ill.—Grand Dragon
Gail S. Carter, of the Illinois Ku Klux'
Ielan, who `has announced' his sym-
'pathy for Mayor William Hale Thom-
sons -anti-British propaganda stand,
said the Flan had procured the ser-
vices of certain educators and; histor-
ians to.cothpile.'a'rncoid`bf. the. yeti -
'glens propaganda in the school, text
books of Chicago.
I "The Klan has found' that there is
as much pro -religious propaganda in
the text -books as there is fundamen-
tal American facts,' Mr. Carter said;
"but knowing that all Mayor Thomp-
son's time is` occupied with his anti-
British program; the'Klan'has under-
taken to compile a record' of the pro -
religion facts."
"In the last feiv yea}s, school texts
have become literally filled with al-
leged information, regarding the acti-
vities of certain religious leader-
ships,":Mr, Carter said, `'anti the Klan
is endeavoring to rid the public
schools of all influences that conflict
with the spirit and ideals reflected in
the Declaration of Independence of the
United States."
in a recent Amoriean magazine
article elle statement wag made that
the Klan stood' for all that was retro
grade, narrow, unlightened andUn-
educate d. That accounts :for. Thomp-
-alifaX; Nova Scotia --.L. W, Beat
President of, the Canadian Pacific
Railway, has .:announced in, a telegram
to II.' P...Salvei, President of the Lard
Nelson '1•Iotel -Co:; that the company
.had decided to,eubsoribe to the ertent
of $950,000 in financing tite hotel. Ac-
cerding to Mr...Silver,this assures
immediate construction be n modern
fireproof hostel to cost about u'
0001 d
'Planes ring
Help to Ships
in Distress
Distress' Calls of Grounded
Vessels Answered •
Gloucester, Mass. -The practice of
_"throwing out the life line" is dying,
In its stead come radio and the air-
plane.' •
Fort`• now, when a ship flashes its.
distress signal: from a reef off shore,
tt radio-equippsd amphibian airplane
picks• it up, and alnmet immediately
carries out the life hue to the ma-
rooned passengers and crew, . That
insures speed' In rescue work that
the old fashioned gun could' not at-
This method of rescuing persons -on
stranded ships is now , in practice
here °and at Cape May, N,J., and leas
already proved its superiority over
the old system.
The 11.5. coast guard has installed
radio receiving: and transmitting sets
on several of Its airplanes, and these
aro used not only in combating, smug-
gling operations, but in rescuing pee-
sons on endangered ships..
In this now method of rescue, the
line is wound around short upright
sticks 0441 a frameworlc resembling a
ahoesbo t•d, the lino, oS rope -being. so
arranged as' to pay out creole. One
end of the line is carried through
clips on tw'o' masts, planted on the
•shore about 200 feet, apart. The air-
plane, flying low, pick's - up the Ilan
from these' upnfght poles and carries
it seaward to the disabled vessel.
A special pick-up is used on the air-
plahlefol 1001(in„ contact with the
life -lin suspended between the "tvt_o
poles eu .the shore. The olrlp-wreelr-'
ed crow gets the life line from the air-
plane, Then, on by one; tho' persons
'aboard trio storm -swept ship are pull-
ed : ashore 111 safety by means of the
breeches a .and other co 1 c i,iona
b1c.. ,buoy Yn; 1
titre saving equipment.
Search Expedition
Starting for Brazil
Fully Equipped and Strongly
'Officered to Hunt for
Lost Explorer
A.e expedition, paralleling in peril,
importance and public .interest, the
Historic guest of. Stanley for David
Livingstone; the missionary, in AM -
ea, is to be set afoot within a few
weeks ,
The expedition is headed by Cont.
:'minder George M. Dyott, British air -
Man, big -game hunter; and engineer,
and its purpose is to seek Col. P. H.
Fawcett, British explorer, and two
companions, who have been lost in
the wilds of Brazil for nearly Cho
years and a half.
Col, Fawcett penetrated an unex-
plored area of 100,000 square miles, in
search of a lost civilization, whose
walls and temples, he believed, still
lie crumbling iu filo. jungles of the
Brazilian hinterland.
Comprander Dyott .has crossed the
Andes eight: times, he has explored in
the South 'Peas, time Congo, India and
Biuniah, and recently he returned
from an expedition which retraced
tlle'oourse taken by President Roose
vert on the River oe Doubt IIe is
known on the lecture platform, an.
has written many articles and tw•
hoops. •-
in's League 'ue Polic.y
London Saturday Review. • (I3y th:'
Geneva Correlspondent) :',lilurope stil
preoccupies all minds. Nobody seem
to worry about difficulties winch ma
arise elsewhere,' and not a.£ew obsery
ere out here believe -that what Great'
Britainaims at is a .League which i•
Just strong enough to keep peace 1,•
Europe and will thereby allow her tc';
devote all '}tor • attention to' the def,
velopment"o£: relations with the othe
parte of tho.Lrmpire. In other word
ilte British' Government, instead o:!
having 'to worry about the squabbles,
el •minor Earopean countries, wou1;,
b: able tO appoint the League aseye
eer and deal with GengS4,.*URI ,, •i'
a. •3„
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'/ The charred remnant of the launch in the burning of which three young' Inc
Georgian Bay, near Victoria Harbor.
Fears Revolt
Prince Carol
recently lost their lives in -
W. C. Taylor, Burridge,
• Stands Second Only to
New Zealand
Kingston.—W. C. Taylor, of Bur-
ridge, Frontenac County, who has.
made Dominion -wide reputation by
the fact that 'his cheese in' Empire'
competition has' on more than cue oc-
casion won the firat,prize, has been
informed that he has received the fol'
lowing announcement from the Bri-
tish Dairy Farmers' Aseooiatiori Dairy
Show, London, England,, Cheese
New ealand, first and third;Ontario'
(W. C.- Taylor, Burridge), second.
Countess de Lesseps and Her Sons
Countess de Lesseps, wife of Count de Lesseps, now 'given Tip as lost
when his plane crashed in eastern Quebec, is shown here with her two sons,
Guy, left, aged" 15, and Franc,cle, aged 14. The keys, who aro attending;
Appleby school, are grandsons of the late Count de Lesseps, engineer on the
Suez canal. Their mother was the former Miss Grace Mackenzie, whose
father was Sir William Mackenzie, 'railway builder.' Two pretty daughters
also eurvives the lost father.
To Expropriate
Ottawa Property
Russell House ease Will Be Razed
in Beautifying Plan
Ottawa.=The Morning Journal, in
its news column says:
"Parliament will meet early in the
new ..year and it 1s more than -likely
that the Government will- ask for an
appropriation of approximately 81,-
000,000 for the exprbpriation of the
Russell House Block,"y according to
well-informed sources on Parliament
Hill -
"Certain ertticisms about the. mil-
lions spent•in beautifying the capital
have not disturbed members of the
',Government who feel that Ottawa as
the national' capital should be worthy
of the Dominion."
Present plans., of the . Federal Ole-
,trict' Cornell:Veen 'for the beautifying
of the. national capita,], call for the
demolition of a group of buildings
standing in the northeast approach
to the Parliament Buildings, and the
Ilaying of a central park in their” stead.
rl a Russell House block, which was
formerly a leading hostelry of the
city,' is one, of this group of buildings,
Leaaling Tower Getting More
1 ItalY's” famous leaning tower at
Pisa le leaning 'a little harder. For
conturiee the famous tower has -shift -
fl ed only a millimeter a year. ' In' the
iast'ntne years the rate has ln.creased.
Scien.tists fear it will fall and
yising Wage to save
Remarkable Growth of Indus-
try Causes Government
• to Interpret Words
Growth of aviation has become so
pronounced that 'tire United States
Government has officially defined'
aeronautic terms for the Nation's •air
transport as follows:
Aeronautics—The science and art
pertaining to the eight of aircraft:.
Aviation—The wet of operating
heavier-than-air craft
Aerostation—Thee art of operating
lighter -than -air craft..
Airport -An alrper't' is a locality,,
either water or land, adapted for the
landing or taking -off' ot'. aircreft, and
which provides facilities for seeleeer,
supplies, and repair of aircraft; or a
place used regularly for the receiving
or discharging of passengers or cargo
by ail•,
Airway—An • air route' between • air
traffic centers; with lauding facilities'
at intervals, egpipped ' with aids to
air navigation end a communication
system for transmission of informa-
tion pertaining. to
nforma-tioix.pertainiug,to the operation of air-
craft. The term "airway" may apply.
to an air route for either land planes
or seaplanes or both.
Ottawa, Ontario—Immigration , to,.
Canada for the' first five months' of the
present fiscal _year' amounted to 90,-
964'persone, as coanpared with 78,477;
last 'year, or an increase r of 27 per
cent. This it "according to the Depart.
ment'of Immigration and Colonization.
In the five months British immigrants
totalled '26,906; ,United States' 12,387
and other countries 57..271.
'Timber ' Resources
Still Extensive,
Areas of Timagalni and Ken -
ore Reserves, Sold by Gov-
ernment at High Prices
Indicate Revival of
Building Activity
It is not so .long ago that goodhem-
lock lumber could be bought for $10
a thousandand pine for $15. That
our country is assuming the ch'arac-
teristics,4if the older lands that
our timber resources aro creeping
farther and farther away from old
settled Ontario is indicated by the
timber limit sale recently announced
by the Hon. Wm. l• inlayson, Minister'
of Lands and Forests for Ontario.
The price to the Government was
$12,50 per thousand for red and white
pine apd.$6.50 per M. for jeckpine
and spruce.
The cutting rights in the big deal
were dor approximately 78 million feet.
ot pine timber.
The largest of these sales and, ins
cid'entally, one of the biggest reported
by the Lands and Foresee Department
in many months, is that of 72,000,003
feet of red and white Eine, pack -pine
and spruce in the Townships' of Cas-
sels, and Riddell Part of this tract
lies in the Timagami Reserve. It goes
to Genres Bros., Limited, of Braeside,<
at a price of $12.50 per theesand'for
eed and 'White pine, and $6.50 'per
thousand for packpine and spruce,
J. A. Mathieu, .Limited, were fold
700,000 feet of timber in the Town-
ship, of Watten, District of Fort
Frances. The prices paid are $9.10
+ter thousand for red and white pine;
$6,pei thousand for, jackpine and 50
cents per' Ord 'for jackpine pulp. A
tract of 175,000 feet. of pine on Split
Rock 'ISIericl, in the Kenora District,
.vas successfully bid for by the Kee-
watin Lumber .Co.. The price involved
is $1-0.5e pie thousand feet.
The award in each sale went to the
r higheet_tenderer. All prices are hoard
Ottawa. Ontario—A Government re- measure prices and include Crown and
Pert on the'Canadlan pulp and paper other customary dues.
industry:covering the year 1926 shows, SPLENDID MILL. '
this to be the most important manu-
facturing industry in the Dominion not be as flourishing, geneeelly speak-
ing, as it might be at the present
Unice there is one company, which, ae-
cording to Mr. Finlayebp, is unques-
tionably in a state of speeding up.
That is Carpenter:Nixon, Limited., of
and which had a gross production of Blind River, whose pine mill, in Mr.
T`inlayson's estimation,ais-the finest
$216,488,815and a siet:of $130,2355,42'0• Canada, if not in the whole of North
• A.meriica. This electrically operated
mill is capable of clotting 100,009400
Ottawa,• Ontatlo Ntl'ngesser and feet a year, and with its facilities for
Coll, who sought to fly tits Atlantic but turning out the finished' product, to -
tailed, will: live forever in tee elect .gothor with its holdings, represents
;names of Canada. The Topographical 'an•. expenditure on the partof the
Sui'vey, Depaetment'of the Interior. hevlin-Clarke ComP,any, the parent
has leaned a ne•h' map of the 05ly geld, concern, of approximately $0,000,000.
bearing arcus in i:he v.cinity of W1• Last year the Shevlih-Clarke people
man, Narrow and Biros Lakes in noSilr bought out the McFadden holdings id
Western Ontario.' The names e: Nun-, ,the Mississ1ugh Reserve and. acquired
gesser anti Coll have' each heen given from the Government an additional
to a lake,- the two being linked by foist tovin5hips of timber. Udder their
river asci stream as Nungesser and R'ontractwith the Government $4,000,
Coli were inlite and .`death. _ '000 was tp be spent on the mill pre -
with regard to net atm gross value of
preductiou as well as total value of
wage and salary distribution. There
weres115 mills in Canada rnanufactnr
pulp,artid paper in 1926; in which a
capital of $501,184,714 was invested
Jed by Dec. 31 this year. Operation
of the mill will commence in 1928.
At the present time the company
has 3,000 ]nen engaged in cuttingsin
the bush. Present', timber holdings
Will keep the mill going, it is predict-
ed, for 2'0 to 25 yehrs.
Industrial Warfare
London Spectator: Industry; If it is
to succeed, requires collaboration, pot
enmity, jealousy and suspicion. The
interestsofboth sides are identical.
Everybody loses by war, ..even time
nominal victor who sits- triumphant'
sulrveying a field covered with wreck-
age and filled with suffering. Even
from the point of view of a Socialist
tyke confidently believes`�.,,that "So-
cialism in our time" is a possibility,
the policy of warfare is. sheer mad-
ness. Socialists could conveivably re-
construct into the Socialist model a'go-
ing,concern, but they Could' make no-
thing of •a heap of ruins.
Euphemistic expression _ of polite
fi§tion is that the college boys and.
girls have returned to their studies.
The' Disco+gory- of the C• lrr�1 Plot_ Causes :Turmoil in Goverme
� While ]t
T e I3ab
Celebrates,, Sixth Pirihday
Events in :the Situation s afros rraated by people to give ' up their decision. on
the dim '`"
o erof the
9 a flat uestio
bels • • n of h'
YP to g ,tbcut q his recall to � the
the return of 'fes -n er Crown Prince, throne," one letter ';purported to be
a r
Carol: of Rum,initi moves ra idl , ` p oclap op1e addressed ,to the Ru-
hanf n
n a of Z'
eat ]
Pe a1 e
F g
n to Bucharest
and '
Premier s ar Br ti
a A] O
r proposes 9 to' 1
despatches les n i
P 1ns-
) martial la
p 1 law has been de-
an Opposition � ositi
] p o n :and Government a ^.
(lax ed 'p
throughout the country, Tante
to declare their attitudes in face
troops sent '
acrd the fr-citter
of Carol's s a
sPit alio
n This .,tout
been taken as'the
result S of the
uncertain' ta111' 9
rt ar n
to and'al
p o b •.
S 0
of a dee
n ofopen �
fare B1 upon the.
P a ono regime by M.
Michalache,'leader of the National
. Y
Meanwhile IVIa oil '
n e5cue in whose
o. on
p059 61
isingletiers will be
b court
oP '
Finance in the
Rumania, who vho is
atP re
at St.
late 'Aver
CSCll cabinet, who was a1
Maio, ao confirms
h t
against a possible attempt by Ca1nl
to enter Rumania. A tight, censor-
l htc.rsor-
shiF on news is also saidto' have been
jammed down by the Government.
Bucharest declares the Government
to be master of iho situation 'As the
nation celebrates the sixth birthday
of King Michael.
Tho plot torestore Carol to the
throne was discovered in letters in
the possession of M.Man isescu
• - formerRumanianUnder-SecretaryofFollowin8 a heavy crop of rumors
Finance, e arrested a sted at.'Bucharest;"was
the Government issued an official the bearer of 1ettsr from 131010 the
statement iii, which it was admitted leaders of the
tARu.that Caiof "attempted to send an in -1 manta, including Premier Bratfaio.
vitatio'n to theheads of, the various I ' "His arrest was a direct provoca-
pasties, including the Premier,, with tipn to public opinion," said Carol,
the object of :itiducing the Runiattian "and' anilifringemcnt on liberty".
L;. borer Acquitted
Mulder Charge
child Was Slain Because of its
Sufferings, Accused Says ,'
Chester, Eng.—Albert Davies, la-
r itairi 'uildiltng -
et Airplane"
Capable of Carrying Five' Tons
of Bombs, is Report
borer ,who-crondessed that, he ItiIlecl
J.-ondon. A "strictly secret" air -
his 3-y invalid daughter be- plane, reported to l e the largest in
the world, is under construction at
cause, lie loved her so much thee he Martlesham airdrome b y .. it
could not bear to see her suffer, was Y A Minis-
aegtiitted, by a jury in the gourttt'of try experts, -
Assizes here. Newspapers declare -that the 'plane
Evidence showed that the child had was designed originally to carry 30 to
Veen" in . hospital for treatment: of 40 passengers and that it is capable
tuberculosis; that following this she of carrying. from four to five tons of
had been -operated on for appendicitis, boanbs.
and. that often this ;she contracted It is said that the 'plane will be a
measles and pneumonia and became �• four -sintered one; developing 2,000
It was the Air Ministry that ape
plied the "strictly secret term to the
'plane, in refusing flatly to discuss it
J --is__
"What did father say when You toll
infected with gangrene. Davis' told
how he had watched the child suffer
until he could bear it no longer.
Mr. Justice -.Grease -le in his .sums
ming up to the jury, said that one
thing stood cut above all others, and
that this was that if Davies did take him semi : were gong to take me away
the life of his child he did' so because ',vide you?" '•I•Ie seemed to feel his
he 'was, actuated by love and sym- loss keenly at first, but I square(
pathy, things' with a good cigar."
The Liner Mafalda and the Scene of the Accident
EMPRESS of - 0Rlrls11v�
M• 1914
102,7 La5m5
Collision. /-'x
Moe 7,1915
jse + TITANIC Z 1198 Luer
r- E 19 Terpc65
Ile"IebeOSY._ ;
j�F°te s9r0aOCEAN ' /
acQ CPae
Above we lieve5tlie palatial Italisif.
liner Principessa' Mafalda, which`
proudly left Italy' with 1600 aboard;
1 At the spot marked with a •cross dis-
aster overtakes her. Her SOS Rashes
out and four rescue vessels steam 10
Ther assistance, saving practically all
her human freight, while she is a
total wreck now at the ocean's bot-
tom. Oilier major Atlanctie ocean
'tragedies are indicated.
A Reason For American Tourists
1\100. Paul Iaul A. Curtisof New York witha reeercl;hrealting moose which
•.t; 5•C.northwestern
the foothills of not w
site sol, .1J., ion ago nn'the.first car of a hunt in t c f
A ofia.llorns spread 53rJy inches.- Over 5,000Aiemicas h m
visit' Ontario and Quebec:,during the hunting season. .. `
-Y.A(Tug9 29ATA.1922--j(
oCr. 05 1927
• SO117:Y ,.
That Settle, That
K.K.K.for' Backinghomp-
son Chicago's ~
� o
aY r,
. Gives His Action
True Status
Springfield, Ill.—Grand Dragon
Gail S. Carter, of the Illinois Ku Klux'
Ielan, who `has announced' his sym-
'pathy for Mayor William Hale Thom-
sons -anti-British propaganda stand,
said the Flan had procured the ser-
vices of certain educators and; histor-
ians to.cothpile.'a'rncoid`bf. the. yeti -
'glens propaganda in the school, text
books of Chicago.
I "The Klan has found' that there is
as much pro -religious propaganda in
the text -books as there is fundamen-
tal American facts,' Mr. Carter said;
"but knowing that all Mayor Thomp-
son's time is` occupied with his anti-
British program; the'Klan'has under-
taken to compile a record' of the pro -
religion facts."
"In the last feiv yea}s, school texts
have become literally filled with al-
leged information, regarding the acti-
vities of certain religious leader-
ships,":Mr, Carter said, `'anti the Klan
is endeavoring to rid the public
schools of all influences that conflict
with the spirit and ideals reflected in
the Declaration of Independence of the
United States."
in a recent Amoriean magazine
article elle statement wag made that
the Klan stood' for all that was retro
grade, narrow, unlightened andUn-
educate d. That accounts :for. Thomp-
-alifaX; Nova Scotia --.L. W, Beat
President of, the Canadian Pacific
Railway, has .:announced in, a telegram
to II.' P...Salvei, President of the Lard
Nelson '1•Iotel -Co:; that the company
.had decided to,eubsoribe to the ertent
of $950,000 in financing tite hotel. Ac-
cerding to Mr...Silver,this assures
immediate construction be n modern
fireproof hostel to cost about u'
0001 d
'Planes ring
Help to Ships
in Distress
Distress' Calls of Grounded
Vessels Answered •
Gloucester, Mass. -The practice of
_"throwing out the life line" is dying,
In its stead come radio and the air-
plane.' •
Fort`• now, when a ship flashes its.
distress signal: from a reef off shore,
tt radio-equippsd amphibian airplane
picks• it up, and alnmet immediately
carries out the life hue to the ma-
rooned passengers and crew, . That
insures speed' In rescue work that
the old fashioned gun could' not at-
This method of rescuing persons -on
stranded ships is now , in practice
here °and at Cape May, N,J., and leas
already proved its superiority over
the old system.
The 11.5. coast guard has installed
radio receiving: and transmitting sets
on several of Its airplanes, and these
aro used not only in combating, smug-
gling operations, but in rescuing pee-
sons on endangered ships..
In this now method of rescue, the
line is wound around short upright
sticks 0441 a frameworlc resembling a
ahoesbo t•d, the lino, oS rope -being. so
arranged as' to pay out creole. One
end of the line is carried through
clips on tw'o' masts, planted on the
•shore about 200 feet, apart. The air-
plane, flying low, pick's - up the Ilan
from these' upnfght poles and carries
it seaward to the disabled vessel.
A special pick-up is used on the air-
plahlefol 1001(in„ contact with the
life -lin suspended between the "tvt_o
poles eu .the shore. The olrlp-wreelr-'
ed crow gets the life line from the air-
plane, Then, on by one; tho' persons
'aboard trio storm -swept ship are pull-
ed : ashore 111 safety by means of the
breeches a .and other co 1 c i,iona
b1c.. ,buoy Yn; 1
titre saving equipment.
Search Expedition
Starting for Brazil
Fully Equipped and Strongly
'Officered to Hunt for
Lost Explorer
A.e expedition, paralleling in peril,
importance and public .interest, the
Historic guest of. Stanley for David
Livingstone; the missionary, in AM -
ea, is to be set afoot within a few
weeks ,
The expedition is headed by Cont.
:'minder George M. Dyott, British air -
Man, big -game hunter; and engineer,
and its purpose is to seek Col. P. H.
Fawcett, British explorer, and two
companions, who have been lost in
the wilds of Brazil for nearly Cho
years and a half.
Col, Fawcett penetrated an unex-
plored area of 100,000 square miles, in
search of a lost civilization, whose
walls and temples, he believed, still
lie crumbling iu filo. jungles of the
Brazilian hinterland.
Comprander Dyott .has crossed the
Andes eight: times, he has explored in
the South 'Peas, time Congo, India and
Biuniah, and recently he returned
from an expedition which retraced
tlle'oourse taken by President Roose
vert on the River oe Doubt IIe is
known on the lecture platform, an.
has written many articles and tw•
hoops. •-
in's League 'ue Polic.y
London Saturday Review. • (I3y th:'
Geneva Correlspondent) :',lilurope stil
preoccupies all minds. Nobody seem
to worry about difficulties winch ma
arise elsewhere,' and not a.£ew obsery
ere out here believe -that what Great'
Britainaims at is a .League which i•
Just strong enough to keep peace 1,•
Europe and will thereby allow her tc';
devote all '}tor • attention to' the def,
velopment"o£: relations with the othe
parte of tho.Lrmpire. In other word
ilte British' Government, instead o:!
having 'to worry about the squabbles,
el •minor Earopean countries, wou1;,
b: able tO appoint the League aseye
eer and deal with GengS4,.*URI ,, •i'