HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-11-03, Page 5U'RSD i S', NOVPMBER3, 1927.
an age. A snitch_: 'las•ger acreage
Mauled to tobacco and a, accord
crop was, harvested in good condition,.
It is estimated that the crop this'
year, will run to 83,500x000: pounds,
increaseof1.1.0!„10;000 ponds over
last yar, ::Except for a short period
in Auast 'ldstptes ,: .ware especially
good throughout theseas'on. There
will he plenty of coarse teed for Win-
ter feeding. _
rli,s eee• tie at .
We ate' busy now taking portends
for Christmas Gifts,
Sit as** Tuesday nowraid w,. will
put your Photos away until you want
thorn. for''Christmas Gifts. Do nct_
leave it until` December for sittings,
Sit now and you' will .not, be disap-'
pointed. for Ohristnias.
Clinton' Studio Open Teem Paced
Moors- 10 -a.m. to 5,.p.ui.
Burgess, Portrait Studio
WO streams start from the same
source, but find their outlet a
thousand miles 'apart.
Your life may flow into the 'troubled
-ocean of debt, or into the placid waters of
'independence. _
Your Bank Book will decide.
teRoyal Bank.
of -Canada-
Clinton -Branch R. E. Manning; Manager
Of interest to Yon
and Me
November is here. -
r -own town whels still foot
se and, presumably; fancy-free.
Several Iocal bowlers •celebrated
ilowe'en -on the 'bowling, green,
e of them in their shirt sleeves.
W. is that for the "Lady of the
r" r, .,
if Canadians are not thankful this
or it surely proves that they arean
grateful people. No people ever
d' greater cause for gratitude to a
d, over -ruling Providence.
* t r
he Kincardine Review -Reporter:,
s if you 'have a car which you tan -
afford you ought to give it up in
er to keep out of debt. Isn't
J." "-old fashioned? Nancy any-
y seriously suggesting such "a
,g in this age of the world?
verybody, well, perhaps not Just
rybody, but a lot -of people seem
speak as if they, were tired look -
at female knees. Suppose we
n't look at 'them, nor speak about
m,: wonderhow long they would
usia exposed? It's an experiment
th trying.
•M W * W
he Goderich Signal reprints an
isle from the Toronto Daily Star
lifig attention to -the fact that
ee men'' occupying high positions
Canada; that is the premier leader
the opposition and the.president of
C. P, -B, nine ail -bachelors. Then
.re's the editor of The Signal, also
the eminent .bachelor class, and
'Sonic 'newspager'e are ' making a
t fuss about th'e new leader of
opposition being unmarried," ra-
ked a:, thoughtful little woman
. other; day, ."but he and a few
ers are; just the exceptions'which
ve the rule, that'• most men -who
ve ever amounted to anything- are
rrried. And, -you will notice," she
ded, "that when a map is once mor -
d and :ins unfestunate enough to
e his wife, lie is net long in hunt
up another" "•
A most : successful and:' inspiring
eivention, was '.held• in Queen St.
lurch, Blyth, recently. One 'hundred
id fifty' delegates registered at the,
At ten a.m. 'devotional exercises
ere' conducted by Rev. J: Stobie;
elgr'ave, after which the work, of the
.none departments was brought un
r review by W. G. Medd, 1\LL.A., of
ester. The free discussion' was an'
cellent feature of this session.
In the afternoon devotions were 'led
Rev. H. Whitfield, St, Helens. A
reign missionary,, Rev, J. A. Walk-
, directed the 'Ibdughts" of the eon
ntioti in a picturesque and practical
anner. He spoke of . the life and
stouts of tile` people of the Orient,
se darkness of the present was ad -
theca as also the brightness of the
ture, which is snore 'than • able to
mprehend M. The rope of sand
hat disunited people) shall one day
unified by the cementing infla-
ccs of Jesus Christ. Rev. F. Bang-
ui, field secretary, discussed in a
rst useful, and instructive way "How
Program of Religious Education
,rnay be worked in Rural Areas." The
religious end of the program was
stressed by the speaker and the need
of making the wisest and most effec-
tive use'of "the rod in the hands" -of,
the -people of the area.
In the evening: session two most in-
spiring and entertaining addresses
were given, Rev. D. McTavish leading
with "Youth and its Tasks," Rev, F.
Langford discussing in his illumina-
tive way "Young People Related to
the Whole Task of the "Whole
Church," • ,
Theexecutive for the coming year
is as follows: Hem ; president: Rev. -J.
E. Hogg, Clinton; president: Mr. Geo.
Baechler, Goderich; vice: Rev. 3. M.
Calling, Grand Bend; see; treasurer:
Miss EL T, Scarlett. Seaforth;, asst,
sec. -treasurer: Mr. E. ,R. Crawford;'
Seaforth; con. of Christian fellowship
dept.: Miss W. Rae, Wingham; con,
of 'Missionary dept.:.«Miss E. Stein-
hoff, Blyth; con. of citizenship dept.:
Mrs. A. V. 'Walden, Biuevale; con. .of
literary and recreationtai dept.: Dr.
McInnes, Winghant,.
16th a}yl Final Report Issued by the
Bank of Montreal for 1927
This is the final crop report for
1927, and includes a general review
of the crop season. Over 60 per cent.
of the threshing in the Prairie Pray-
inces, has now been completed and
while deliveries, to • date have been
lower than last year, recent favour -
•able weather has assisted" the opera-
tions and imprevsd the grades. Es-
timates of the yield of wheat have
varied between 432,223,000 bushels
estimated by the Dominion Bureau
of Statistics on 12th September, and
409,478,000 bushels estimated by the
Northwest Grain Dealers. Association
on 30th September as against : last
year's final estimated returns by' the
Dominion Bureau of 383,440,000. In
Quebec farming and dairying inter-
ests' have •benefitted by a generally
favourable seasons operations. ;In
Ontario the crop has •Been satisfac-
tory and on the 'whole better than in
1926, and geed weather prevailed
throughout the- harvesting 'season. In
the MaritimeProvincesthe 'farmers
have had a 'fairly 'successful` year,
while' in British Columbia, crops, gait'
orally have been satisfactory,`al-
though wet weather during harvest-
ing has lowered the quality and 'yields
to some extent, Details of Ontario.
Hay was a bumper crop, fall wheat
,average crop, and oats and barley
above the average. .:According . to
Government figures, compiled on
August 31st, the . estimated yield of
all grains in the Province for this
year .is 180,581,000 bushelsas com-
pared with 177,164,700 bushels which
was the final estimate for 1926..Fall
wheat` -allows a decrease of 1i/:r per
cent. but .spring wheat is better by
19 per cent., oats by 2 per cent, and
barley by 14-, per cent. Owing to' a
poor start and the'borer, -corn is the
most disappointing crop, being 42 per
'cent, below the estimate for last year.
The estimate for hay and clover for
this rear' is 5,797,000 tons as com-
pared with the estimate of 5,289.000
tons for last year, an increase of 10
per cent. Potatoes are below aver-
age, but: of good quality. Turnips and
mane•olds are good crops. Sugar beets
are below average but sugar content
is high; Apples are scarce, and oth-
er fruits on the whole are -below
We. are
very pleased to' heap the Many v•
} favorable able remarks and
comments with regard to our purchase , of the Clinton. Creamery.
,,eWe.mean business and at an early date :will demonstrate to the pro:
'fluters of Huron County 'that Gunn, Langlois and. Co., Limited,
have your best: interests at beast.
We appreciate tee patronage 'of former friends of the Clinton
Creamery and will be only -too glad 'to takees
well as all newt > , gooda care, of to ee as
customers, and guarantee to each and, everyone every
'your cream to us at home wher
any , delay,
We will be glad if you will call on us at any, time so that
can discuss with you our mutual bossiness. ,
t will be graded -without
Phone Nos.
Grum Langlois and Co., 'Linsited 190
Clinton Creamery - '- -"..1:45
Night Phone - - 180
PRJZLT;Y. --FULF ORD -- A4: the
United' church parsonage,, Mitchell,
oil Oct. 22nd, by the Ra*, A. Mdc-
ray Stoar•t, Alice' Ada Fulford,. •
daughter: of Mr. 'and Mrs. Thos,
' Pulford ' of' Clinton,, to Frederick
l`OWNSEND - LITTLE - "At tiie
United church parsonage, Londes
bore, on October 22nd, by the Rev.
B. Snell, 'Mrs. Ida Et, Little to.
Robert M. Townsend, both of
KEYS -At Varna, on -Oct. 22nd, tq
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A• Keys, a
son. -Clayton Laverne.
DALE -At Constance, on Oct. 30th,
to -Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dale, a
COWAN--In Stanley township, on
Oct. 28th, Annie Maria'Earnest,
widow of the late John Cowan, sr.,
in her 83rd year.__
Pigs For Sale
Sow and •9- ybung pigs. Apply to
Nf. J. Butler, 16th eon. Goderich town-
ship. Phone• 604-r-23 34-1=p
For Sale
To make room for winterstorage:
one, steel tire buggy; one rubber;tire
buggy; one set - single harness; one
Ford 1922coupe; one Ford touring.
1923, with winter top; one Gray -Dort
touring. All in good running order
and at winter prieeS: Bert Langford,
Overland defiler, Clinton. Phone
251. 84.1
Undo the auspices of, the Ladies'
Guild of St. Paul's church .on Nov,
17th, in the Parish Hall. Fancy work
and Chidlreri's booth; Flame Made
Baking; Candy' Booth; Fish Pond;
the;Mer.ket; "Kitchen Booth; Touch
and Take; Rummage. Sale opens at
2:30 p.m: Afternoon, tea served.
Auction Sale
Of Choice Durham Grade Cattle at
Walker's Barn, Brucefield, on Tues-
day, Nov. 8th at 2 o'clock, consisting
oe 4 --year-old cow due in November:
3 :5 -year-old sows, due in Janaury; 2
7 -year-old cows, due in March;, mills-
hag .now; 5 -year-old cow,due in
March, milking now;,. Holstein cow;;
milking now; 8 2 -year-old store; '10,
2 -year-old heifers,.liiilf fat; 10 year-
ling steers and heifers. 12 shoats,
averaging about 80 lbs. Terris: 6
months credit on approved joint
notes, or 4 per cent, straight off for.
eash. Rolland and Turner, Propri-
etors. G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer: 34-1
Dissolution of Partnership
NOTICE is hereby given that the
Partnership of W. Brundson and Son
is dissolved this 28th day of``beteber,
1927. a;
Claims against the partnership are
to be handed to either partner and
accounts owing to the firm may be
paid to either partner. Prompt settle-
ment'will oblige. W, T. Bruudson,
John H. Brundson. 34-2-p
` Auction Sale
of Springers and Stockers at
Loodesboro on Saturday, Nov. 5th at
1:30 sharp, the following: 2 choice
Holstein cow., due in Nov,; 6 choice
heifers, dtle in Nov. and Dec.; 30
choice stockers, from 700 to 800 lbs,
Terms: Six months credit will be
given on furnishing bankable paper -
or a 'discount of 6 per cent. 'per an-
num allowed for cash, A. E. Town-
shend; Prop. Geo, H. Elliott, Aue-
tioneer,t. • . 34-1
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements on
lot '44, Maitland concession,- Goderich
township. On Thursday,_ Nov. 10th,
1927, at.1:30 o'clock. The estate of
the late ' C. W. Williains. .Horses: 2
aged snares; driving horse, Cattle:
Holstein cow; 8 years old, to freshen
'Dec. 24th; Holstein cow, 4 years old,
to freshen Dec. -26th; Polled Angus
cow 6 years old, to freshen Jan. 7th;
Polled Angus cow, 6 years 'old; fresh
about 8- weeks; Polled .Angus cow, 6
years old, to freshen in Feb.;_ Polled
Angus, 9 years old, to freshen in
March; I-IoIsteisi cow, 4' years old, to
freshen Feb. 1.4th; Holstein coin 4
years old, to freshen Feb. 5th; Hol-
stein cow, $ years old,. to freshen
March 4th; 'Holstein cow, 8 years old,
to freshen March 27th; Holstein cow
5 years old, bred 6 weeks; pure bred
Ayrshire Cow, '4 years old, to.freshen
May 12th; 2 Holstein Heifers, 2' years
old, to freshen in Dec.; Holstein :heif-
er, 2 years 'old, to freshen in 'Feb.;
Holstein. heifer, 2 years old, to fresh-'
en in March; 5 'yearling heifers; 2
yearling steers;: 6 spring 'calves,, Pigs:
sow with l0, pigs 4 weeks eta; 2
young: sows;• sow due to farrow in
Dec.;,20 page -3 months old; 25 pigs
weighing about 140 lbs. hens: ''100
pure bred Rock hens.- Implements:
Fordson tractor and plow; Deering
binder; 6 ft. 'cut; Deering„mower, 0
ft. cut; Deering seed drill, 12 -hoe;
Frdst and Wood hay rake; Froet and
Wood"' hay loader; Johne ns -Massey
corn binder; riding plow; ,Masesy disc
harrow land.reller; Chathns'fanning
mill with ` bagger; root puiper;; set
harrows; w •o
rq wagone democrat; bay rack;
ttet , buggy; 2 000 lb t:Stoc,k scaled•
quantity of winter apples Terins: 12
mosiths' credit dill'be given hit fur-
nishing approved joint. " notes. A dis-
count, of 4 per cent. 'allowed for cash.
C. 1-1. Williams, Executor of Estate,
-G, Il. Elliott,. Auctioneer. • 34-1
Member of. Florists Telegraph
Delivery Association
Sent anywhere oil shortest notice
Hundreds ,of Plants of
Chrysanthemums and Carnations
e Flowering now
Choice Stock -Young Plants
Begonias, Cinerarias Cyclamen
Primula,°Fushia, Etc.
Narcissus, Daffodils, Tulips
Hyacinths, Etc.
You are ' respectfully invited to
visit ns and . sob our stock' at any
time • during the day or evening,
V. -Cooke
Two Phones -66w and 66j
Coles For Sale
2 -Durham cows, 6 and 7 . years old,
due to freshen about Nov: 6th. AP -
ply to J. H. Quigley, London Road..
Phone 619-r-8. 34-2-p
Stray Steer
Strayed onto the premises of the
undersigned a 2 -year-old Hereford
steer. Owner may have Samby
proving property and paying ex-
penses. Charles Rathwell, Varna.
Phdne 18-87, Hensel' Central. 34-3
The Rolmesville Co-operative
Cheese and Butter Company will hold
their annual banquet on Tuesday ev-
e/deg, Nov, 8th, . commencing at 8
o'clock, in. Mulholland's hall. Alt
shareholders and patrons are invited
to come and bring their batltets, W.
H, Lobb, president; E. J. Trewartha,
sec, -treasurer. 34-1
Fore Sale
A number ,of young pigs, also a
registered sliearling Oxford down
rani: Wm. W. 'Wise, R. R. No. 8.
Phone 22 on 606, 'Clinton. • 34-2-p
For ,Sale
A.1'04t inch Messey'.Eshdis grind-
er, in first-class condition, May be
seen at H: W. Charlosworth's' feed
store. 34-2-p.:
Grand Opening
Opening and dedication service of
Grace United church, Porter's Hill
will he held on. -Sunday, November
18th at 10:80 a,m, and '7:00 p.m. The
pastor, Rev. R. I12 Gale will have
charge of both services. , Rev. A. E,
Doan of Clinton will preach and will
be assisted at the dedication service
by Rev. II, F. Kennedy, a former 'pas-
tor. Special music will be provided,
with talent teem Goderich and Clin-
ton. .
On Monday, Nov. 14th, the ladies
will serve 'a fowl supper.' The Sun-
beam Trio will furnish an excellent
Program. The public are invited to
come and enjoy both the services gtrd
the supper. Admission to supper:
adults, 76c; children, 35e. Rev, R. 14i.
Gale, Pastor. 34-2
Municipality of the Town of Clinton
Notice, is hereby given that I have
complied with section 9 of _The
Voters' List -Act and that I have
posted up at my office in the Town
Hall, Clinton, on the 31st. day of Oc-
tober, 1927, the list of all persons
entitled to vote in the said munici-
pality ' for members 'of 'Parliament
and at 'municipal elections and that
such list remains there for inspection;
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate' proceedings to
have any errors or -onu'ssious cor-
rected according to lbw, the last day
for appeal being the 21st day of No-
vember, 1927.
34-2 Town Clerk.
In Clinton, Wednesday of last week,
a" lady's wrist watch,' Finder kindly
leave at The News -Record office. Re-
ward. 33-2-p.
Iiolinesville Cheese For Sale
Large, 21c per lb.; flats, 22c per lb.
Stilton, 25c per lb, Order from W. H.
Lobb, Salesman, -phone 605-r-32 or
froth Clifford .Lobb, Grocer, `Clinton,
phone• 40. 21-tf
a. Light Wagon For Sale
A light Wagon with canvas 'top it
good condition,. easily removed. Suit-
able for grocer, butcher Ox farmer,
carry about. one thousand pounds,
also n driving horse, twelve' years old
quiet and reliable,': single or, double,
Apply to T. J, Riley or phoab 143.
For Quicic' Sale
1 Ford Tudor Sedan and 1, prac-
tically new Ford Coupe. Come and
see them at N'ediger's Garage. 33-2
L Fon Sale
Ford light delivery truck in good
running order, with stock .rack,,- A
real :bargain.' Apply to S. Hewitt,
o `i ' plume `'R. R N , o r 1 Ismc 1. 3 on
606, Clinton central. - 33 yelp'
'Boarders IVainted
A limited' number of boa -clefs
wanted, students preferred. Com-
fortable rooms, reasonable rates, Ap-
ply to lMSrs, R. A. Gooier, 82-3-p
s and Poultry
MakeLhe masa, cit `-yous' peditry.
Top nttcei paid' for'wei7 t,rtishetl_
milk;fed chickens -sell dl -sem to tiffs;
Tou•n people who enjoy. poultry 'or
Sunday dinner : can alwaysget the
best .horn at erasonabis;'.pricos,
Clinton POultry House
N. W. " 'rewa °tilla-
Phones-Office,'214j Residence, 21,4w
Stewart -Warner
Matched Unit. Radios
We sell onlyone- make of radio,
There may be some- sets on the mar-•
ket'just as' good but none better than
the Stewart -Warner, We sell their
and "forget them as' they glob no
trouble- at all: Does, yours? Each
set equipped onwith 'the ' best
equipment to make them function
properly. Prices from $1,15.00 up.
Circulars describing sets may be hash
at Hovey's drug' store.
[ .,CA. -HOVEY
Stewart -Warner Dealer; ;
Residence Slick of' PublicScheel
Clinton, Ont. 30-tf
Shoe Repairing
Having opened a shop next to
Ford's Feed Store, I am ready ta_do
all kind's of shoe repairing.
•Good Work and Promptly Done -
Part of Lots 10 and 11 in -the Mait-
land Concession, -„-:known as the
Schwan " Farm, consisting of 218
acres. Immediate possession. 'Will
lease from three to five' years, 'For
particulars apply to •.
P. O Box 610, London, Ont.
Householders and others are noti-
fied that ashes must not be deposited
on the public streets,
Any infractions of this by-law will
be followed by prosecution.
By order Of the Council,
83-3 Chief Constable.
In' the matter of the Quieting Titles
Act, and in the matter of Lot No.
5 in the Bayfield Concession, north,
in -the Township of Stanley, • in the
County of Heron.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Catherine Roland Parke, of the Town
of Clinton, in the County of Huron,
nurse, has made an application to the
Supreme Court of Ontario for cer-
tificate of title to the above men-
tioned property under The Quieting
Titles Act and has produced evidence,
whereby she appears to be the owner
thereof in fee, free from all incurnber-
Inees; wherefore, any ..other' person
having, or pretending to have, any
title to or interest in the said laid or
any part thereof, is required, on or
before Monday, the twenty-first day
of November now next ensuing to file
a statement or his claim verified by
affidavit, in my office, at Osgoode
Hall, Toronto, and to serve a copy on
the said,: Catherine Roland Parke Or
on W. Brydone, her solicitor, at his
office in Clinton, and in default every
such claim will be barred, and the
title of the said Catherine Roland
Parke become absolute and indefeas-
ible at law and in equity subject only
to the reservations mentioned in the
23rd: section of the said Act.
DATED at Toronto, this twentieth
day of October, 1927.
- G. A. DREW,
33-3 Referee, of Titles
Representatives Wanted
Brown Bros. Company, Ltd.,. Grow-
ers and Importers of High Grade
Nursery "stock want special repre-
sentatives in every locality, Liberal
commissions paid weekly. Write to-
day. Address Ridgeville, Ontario.
Sheep For. Sale
Patebrecl Leicester sheatling rants
and shearling ewes, registered. Also
rant .lambs and ewe lambs, eligible
for 'registration. Apply to 3. H. Quig-
ley, R. R. No. 5, 'Clinton. Phone
619-r-8, Clinton central, 314
S1n'opshires For Sale
Shearling and, rim lambs, sired by
a 2nd prize rani et Toronto. Priced
from $20.00 to $30;00 each, also some
good ewes. W. G. Ross; Londesboro,
Ont.. Phone 26-15,,,Blyth central,
• 31-5-p.
-Farm For Sale
Lot 28, con• 15 Godcticli-township,
85 acres more melees, good, land,well
ov I
with windmill, , bank barn, hog pen;
6 ', cc. es hardwood bush, ari acre. of.
orchard. Comfortable.'eframe house,
Also 50 acre farm. on •London road '
Tirckerstnith. Apply to' F. -T. Mc-
Knight, R. R. No, 2, Clinton: Phone
601-r•-4, Clinton central. 28-tf:
Friday andaturda �ct,:'2q'.y
S^3 0,'',u
we oriel' to the public BARGAINS
in' I sb es' Boots also heavy and lig-h',
rubebrs never before equalled in this
section. ft is ins opportunity you
won't want to- miss. - Ail standard,
quality and at the lowest possible
prices for these two days ONLY
Conte Burly' to get Your Sizes
liller Etardware.
C. H. VENNER, Electrician
Electric -Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs.
Phone 7 •
Rouse For Sate •
Large red brick house, comer Or-
ange and Wellington streets, 8 -rooms,
all modern conveniences. Possession
when desired. Also a barn an. Ye acre
lot on "Wellington street. Apply to
Mrs. W. Jenkins. 06-tf-6p
Farm For Sale
:;100 acres, good soil, fine buildings,
small maple bush, 4',fs ."miles from
Clinton. Will sell cheap and on easy
terms. Will sell crop with farm if
desired. Inquire at News -Record of-
fice. • 12-tf,
House for Sale
On Victoria street, opposite Wes-
ley -Willis church. 8 rooms, electric
lights and water, stable, Fruit trees
and garden. Also Ford Touring car.
ApPiy A. J. Grigg. 24-tf-2p
Poultry Supplies
COD LIVER OIL, $1.25 per Galion
Huron Street Clinton
ti" oultrij and. Eggs
Now is a good time to sell your
non -producing hens and cockerels.
We handle Eggs every -day. and
Poultry on Tuesday and Friday morn-
We will grade your flock free
of charge
A E. Pinch
Phone 231 Victoria street, Clinton
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and re-
paired... Woollen goods dry cleaped.
Rooms ever Heard's Berber shop.
W. J. Jago. 2283-tf
t .
The Heat Folks are constantly on
• Looking after the comfort and wel-
fare of this town, •
• But when there's 'a riot call, and
everyone wants coal at once,
Someone may have to wait. '
• The -best way to be sure of Reat
Folks comfort .during the winter is
•to. order •it before the bitter weather
sets. in.
• Why not today? -
Call the valtfale
for good, clean coal
R. ". •� n/^�
Will be at his office
in Clinton
irton cock
From 3 to 6 p.m.
SCHO, work hider
H the Shaw
s Plans for Day,
Evening or Home Study Courses is
easy and effective. Individual in-
structioss the key : note to good
results. Enter any time. W. R.
Shaw, Registrar, Bay and Charles,
Order Winter Coal Now
Prices are lower, *delivery is
prompt. The coal you select is stored
in your bin -and ail worry es over for
this year.
Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery
Phone 111
Phone 182
I.have a quantity of good, hard
wood and some slabs for sale,
, I would like all old accounts
straightened up at once, -
Phone 155 Huron street
Singer Sewing Machine
Leased on Small Monthly Payments
Big Discount on Cash Sales
Now is, the time to have your ma-
chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs,
Needles, Belts and Parts for all
Phe 17.1.7 P.O. Box 201. °Untort
,A 1923 model Ford coupe in gtod
running order, '
Overhauled and Repaired
Charged and Repaired -
W, J. Nediger, Prop.
We have a complete ling; of
Toronto Asphalt Shingles and
Roofing siding idin or roofs if
you='- are considering roofing
compare ours; before buying,
with- any` other, This is the
best by test.
Always; carry Bran, Shorts,
Western Oats, best quality at
lowest' price.
J.."Ae FORD ,& SON
Phone 128
Flour and Feed Merchants and4,
Grain Buyers f