HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-11-03, Page 2CLINTON` EW -R COR CLJNTON, ONTARlo -Terris of Subscription --22.00 pert in advance, 'to Canadian addresses;' 42:50' to the lee or other foreign countries. < No paper discontinued • until' all arrears are paid unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which every subscripilOn Is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising :Rates—Transient" adVer- tiling, 1299, per count/line for first insertion, Sc for 'each subsequent Insertion, Heading counts 2 lines. Small advertisements, not to exceed one inch, such as "Wanted," "Lost," "Strayed," etc., inserted once for. Sic, each subsequent insertion 15a Advertisonients seat to without -in, structions:. as to the number of .in- sertions wanted will run until order- ed out and will be. charged accord- ingly, Rates for display advertising shade known on application. Communications intended for publl- cation --must, as a guarantee of good' faith, be accompanied by the name of the• writer. G. E. HALL, M. R. CLARK, Proprietor. Editor. Ma DCTAGGAR° BANKER A general Banking Business transact- ed, Notes' Discounted, Drafts Issued. interest Allowed= on Deposits. Sale Notes Purchased.' ' - H. T. RANCE Notary Public. Conveyancer, • F,tnanct"al, Real Estate and Fire • 'In• durance Agent. Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies. Division Court; Office, Clinton. W. BRYDON`'IE" Barrister,Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office: SLOAN BLOCK - ` CLINTON ' CHAPTER. 'IIIIy "It --is a conceivable, theory," re- marked . ,Monsieur Jonquelle, "that Dernburg Pasha was struck down by a hand that we can no longer con- sider to be living." • "But if you please, we will take up Quick relief from pal Prevent sboe'pressure., Ar ciii drag and shoe sruu s ,, `° c '; l'ce 06A—the a •4`.' c fie$ ' Pratte, gone..,• Anyone cons sell poorer tee, chest. ere THE TRIANGULA R HYPOTHESIS, a • BEGIN HERE TODAY • The man's reply was quite simple "Let 'us assume that there are three and without emotion. ways in which Dernburg Pasha might "Why, monsieur, should I wish to havebeen killed," said M. Jonquelle, greatest of French detectives, to the Turkish Envoy' who was demanding. -reparations for the -murdea' in Paris of his fellow citizen. Dernburg bad been found dead in the -library of his -house. His throat was slashed 'and a trail of blood on. the, white squares of the checkered marble floor apparently indicated -the escape 'of the assassin, "I might have killed' him," Said M. Jonquelle. "You ,might , have killed him. He might have been killed by,a man no longer living." The --last theory startled the 11envoy. GOON WITi'I THE STORY. • DR. J.- C. GANDIER Office Hours: -1.30 to 3.311 p.m., 6.30 to 8.00 p,na., Sundays; 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. Other hours by appointment only. Office and'Residencf -•- Victoria St, DR. FRED G. 'TY IOMVIPSON Office and Residence: Ontario Street Clinton; Ont One door west of Anglica'a Church. Phone 172. • Eyes ,examined and glasses fitted. DR. PERCIVAL` HEARN Office and Residence: Huron Street Clinton, Out. Phone 69 ,(Formerly occupied by the late Dr,I C W.,Thompsou):' Eyes Examined' and Glasser. Fitted. DR..• I�r A. MCINTYRE DENTIST alike hours 9 to'12 AM. and 1 to 5 P.M., except Tuesdays and Wednes days. Office over Canadian National Express, Clinton, Ott. Phone 21. DR. F. A. AX6N DENTIST voice, that, was heard outside. I show- ed him that he was at the end of his tether—that the house was guarded; and I came away leaving open to him the only escapehe had,' He affected that scapo with, a. razor drawn across his throat" Monsieur Jonquelle, paused, his voice rm, even and unhurried, "You;, appeared, monsieur, a little late, and seeing an opportunity to ob- tain an indemnity from France for a murdered subject to your country, put the, razor intoyourpocket and ciuin sily daubed the white squares of this drawing -room floor with the eviden- tial signs of an assassination." • (The End.) grate Gold Another Expedition Will Search :for the Booty Sir Henry Morgan. is Said to Have Buried In, a Lions Jaws "OPEN YOUR MOUTH LEO" ° Capt. Schnelder,!European lien tamer, showing hose easy, it is to make his big Bets obey. d 'For the - sass ma "Did youThe search for buried treasure goes Foo as Pashas" u Dernbuhg not wish to take over this on forever, y Hundreds of years after Toddler ' .h house?" replied the Prefect of Police. life pirates and buccaneers retooledt e "And if --rose took it over, -,you would Spanish Mainexpeditions are still go- ing out with hig1hbPe ofdiscovering Plain Simple Diet is Al ways take it over with what it co tains, Let me phew you, monsieur, thetrea- sure that it contains!"H li ed the point hit th " Little Dick was two years old, and a knife-bladesoped oeen•, s p E 1 t f the badly spoiled when be was 'brought 'of a under one of the, -large white marble squares in the g the gold and jewels and pieces of eight theyare traditionallysupposed to have hidden. Once in a great while e ex peditions are success u , in spite o - amused smiles tot the world at large, drawing r00111 'floor and lifted it up. These squares had been fait t clown on wooden sills, nailed together, and floored undern nth Each square had, -therefore sort of wooden pock- from -' !rant t beneath' it. This wooden pocket by Louis Morgan, a Texan descendant was sturdy enough - and had good Carefully. made junket ig poured to the hospital one day by his Pros= quest. .Shaping the gelatin In molds makes quite, a hit with children. r orDate 'Surprise Prune a rp Stuff dates or stewed prudes with bits. of marshmallows and mold in lemon or orange, jelly, for an attrae. tive and healthful dessert. Bice: Balls, With FMuit Sauce • Remove the stones' from and covef each, cooked prune with one -halt cup, an each such sucbe •s inevitably perous- but- woteied parents'. He re- "wel1cookeiLi-ice, shaping pito• a ball and °'"cone. Serve in glass cups or prompts others to try their hick .in the fused to eat solid foods. All Dicky search for sane cached Hidorado,. wanfed'was milk, and he. took it f4om :s cern with the juice poured over as a over e ' The latest expedition, a• dispatch,itis, bottler- The, family physician, ;a df S Francisco states is headed baby specialist,had said that the boy Fruit With Junket e q under the white square that Monsieur of ;Sir Henryy Morgan's, Sir'Henry was teeth, but would not develop into "a ipso glass: cups over strained fruit Jonquelle'.: removed,: was filled with; a 'celebrated buccaneer of the seven- sound, bright- and heeethy boj' with pulp to which beaten. egg white.has gold 'pieces. • with, century.: The' Morgan..expedi- geed.second teeth unless his diet was been added. Place a spoon over fruit The Oriental, bending over, made a lion will go to. Central America In changed to one including welecooked pulp while adding the Junket to pre - profound 'exclamation of surprise. He search _of some of the loot -which Sir solid -foods, vent the pulp from floating. Beep remained immovable in an overwhelm -1 Henry's followers . carried away after Dicky was loft with us for a few the cups warm for 20 minutes, then ing . wonder, That the man was mess- Ithe sack of the City of Panama in 1671. weeks. We gave hint Seiler toast the chili until served. ing of which up to that' Tradition hash that they buried Valu- first night, but he refused it, Cereal eu .se somecn these theories in their order. Did I moment, he had not had the slightest ! able booty somewhere near a bayou in and milk tempted bum the next morn- �7 Notes From r�0>�a murder Dernburg Pasha? , It is an conception, was clearly evident. ' I the region of Darien Bay. • "• ing. The battle raged beween hun- ®u y Monsieur Jonquelle permitted the Sir Henry's' capture of the City of ger and temper, but' hunger won and marble square to go back into its Panama wee one" of the most specta- he learned to like hie cereals, egg, lace and he; returned to his chair.I cular exploits of his career. As a feat vegetables, cooked fruits' and dry interesting hypothesis, and I should be glad to consider'it at some length. But it seems to require no extended deduction to conclude it. Wei have shown°that the mysterious visitor who called on Dernburg last -night was not his assassin, because the evidences which seem so to indicu'to were laid down by design 'and did not some about by accident. Theywere laid down by the intention of seme person, some person who Wished to establish that this visitor ryas the assassin. But the visitor himself could net "have wished to establish that he was the assassin; consequently he could not have made these indicatory evidences, and therefore he was not the assassin of Dernburg Pasha." Ho paused. "And now, monsieur, as I was the visitor"ivho called on Dernburg Pasha last night, it must be Clear that I was not the assassin that struck, him down. These conclusions may sewn to inter- lock with a slight obscurity. But if you reflect, upon them, monsieur, you will observe that they are sound and convincing." ' There was a moment's silence. The Oriental did not speak, and the Pre- fect of Police continued: r' -Now, monsieur, we approach the second ,hypothesis; did you murder Dernburg Pasha? "Here, monsieur, one finds himself confronted with certain 'difficulties. Youtook charge of this house the moment it was ascertained that the man was dead." The Envoy interrupted: "I did, monsieur. As a representa- tive ., of the Turkish Government, , it was my duty to. take charge at once of the property of one of its murdered citizens. I. came at- once and took charge of it." "That is true, monsieur," continued the Puled of Police. "You came as you hal. the right to do, and ypu took over this house as it was your duty to do. And, from this base we may go forward with the hypothesis in its first inquiry—namely, did I create these false evidences on the` -,floor of this drawing room, or did you, or did the agency net now living undertake it?" "Now, .monsieur, Iet us consider these suggestions in a reverse order. If Dernburg Pasha was struck down by a ha',ad not moving alive in the world after he died on the floor of the library yonder, then such a hand could not have gone 'forward With the manu- facture 81 these false evidences of his, assassination, and we may dismiss it. I cannot have manufactured then;, monsieur, because it is nbt' conceivable that' one undertaking` the Assassina- tion would construct evidence of his criree,,to convict himself. Therefore, monsieur, by elimination, we seem to arrive at the conclusion that it Was you who manufactured them." The Envoy's face seemed to form itself into a sort of plastic mask. ' "Now," Jonquelle -went on, "if ybu manufactured •them,. monsieur, it was with a deliberate obect. That abject would be, -to fasten the crime upon another, But ,gtte does not undertake to fasten a crime upon another with - Clinton, Ont. Graduate of C.C.D,S., Chicago, and v R,C.D.S,, Toronto, Crown and Plate work a specialty D. H. IVIelisilligES Chiropractor—Eloctricai Treatment. 'Of Wingham, will be at the Con iner- ci°til inn, Muton,;' On Monday, Wednos- day and Friday tforenoons of each ••week, Diseases of all kinds successfully bandied. GEORGE , ELLIOTT 'Ltceneed Agctloneer for the County of. Huron. Correspondence prompt!:' answered. ,Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record. Clinton, or by calling Phone 203, Charges Moderato and .Satisfaction Guaranteed. OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' National School of.Auctioneering, Chicago. Spe. dal course taken in. Pure, Brod Live Stock, Real Estate, Merchandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping With prevailing market. Satisfaction ,as - *mired. Write or wire, Zurich,/'.Ont Phone 18.93. B. IL HI (' G ,,-INS CIto ton, Ont. General Flre and Lite lnseranoe.'Agent for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock, Automobile and Skittles). and Accident Insurance. Huron and Erie and Cana- da Trust, Bonds. Appointments made to meet parties' at, Brucefleld, Varna and Bayfield. 'Phone 57. CINDIAptlatitNA't AOC TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at,and depart from Clinton as follow$: - Buifalo and .Goderich` Div. Going, East, depart 6:44 am 2.52 .p.m. Going West ar: 11,50 'am. at. 6.08 dp, 6.53 'pm. Cr. 10,04 pent. London, Huron`& Bruce Div. ..Going South, ar. 7,56 ,dp,"• 7.56 am. 4.10 p.m. Going North, depart 6.50 sem. ar, 11.40 " 11.61 a.nt. The PilicKillop Mutual m out an. adequate reason in" himself. �p !� . � Insurance LB Q!i aeon sfeur, Now, what ae lion , could Head Office,'Seaforih, ova DiRECTOIY: The Oriental sat down beyond him of arms it was actable for its sheer 'bread or toast. ver the Be,rder i Easy to Sprout -Oats.—Ono .of the speechless in his amazement., The I audacity: His men, although..'stat-- I Usually the opposite Is true. More easiest ways to sprout oats is to Prefect of Police continued to .speak' wart fighters, were heavily outnum- children -are ,given solid ' foods • too place the oats in a bag and soak it as though the ma-I's',poncern were not bared at the " eta'rtt.:and bitterly op- soon. In some homes the foods for in a pail of water overfight. Use ti thing which he had observed. I poses, ' The tears of he inhabitants grown ups are fed to tiny tote. Par- warm water, in winter. - Soak two "And so you Lee, monsieur, we have were not' groundless. i After' taking eats who shield their •children care- quarts for each 100 hens. Atter soak - here the motive, the opportunity, end, the city the captors pillaged it. Hiss I fully Grum hard work will serve them lug overnight, hang the bhg bobtail e construction of these false evil tartans have -arraigned Sir Henry pie, fried foods and rioh, concentrated the,=kitchen stover Dip the bag in the- sweets, then wonder why the chil- i warns water' ouco daily, shaking. the deuces, to indicate ;that yoU were theimargan for the cruelty and ..debadeh- assassin of Dernburg Pasha. And cry practiced by his men. And at-'dren are cross, have headaches.'and oats' each time, and hang up again. President, a. les Connally,Godcrici'; Vice, James Evans, Beechwood: Sec., Treasurer, -Thos• E. I-Iays, Seaforth. Directors: George MCOa1'tney, Sea, forth; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth: J. G. Grieve, Walton; Wm. Ring, Seaforth; M, McEwen, Clinton; Robert Ferries, farlock John Benneweir, Brodhagen Jas. Connolly„Goderich. -- Agents; Alex. Leitch, Clinton; J. W. Yee, Goderich; Ed. IHiuchray, Sea. forth; ` W, Chestier, Egmondville; G. Jarmuth, Broellisgen. Any money to be\paid In ;nay be paid to Moorish Clothing Co, Clinton, or at Cutt's Grocery, Godericb. ,, Parties desiring to affect Insurance 'or transact' other Vastness ,will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective,' post office, Losses inspected by the Director who lives', Reared the 5 i't_a "i; you have had for Wishing to establish that I, who called upon Dernburg late last night, had accomplished his Mur- der 0' and fled,' carefully dropping splotches of blood on the white squares of the floor'cf this drawing room, and escaping over a, wall covered with a eating of dust whirls I did not re- move? What could have been Your -object in undertaking to establish these facts, if you were yourseuf guiltless of his death? .'the time tne,episode did not pass .un- rebuked, The fact 'that England and Spain were temporarily at peace ad - frequent "stomach spells."' I The oats is ready for use on the.fifth Solid Food at Eight Months dag. If one' uses five bags for sprout. log oats, he can have a constant sup - dei to the gravity of the situation. At eight months a child needs Bir eery. was ordered. to return to n. cereals, carefully cooked and, 5tialit- Ettglgtad under arrest, to explain his ed. One teaspoonful of cooked cereal can be mixed with :a little of therbot- actions, I'e was not long under a cloud, however, for he was a general favorite at'court, and his servibes to his King had always been notable. ', Sir Henry was forgiven, as -he hod been before. What happened to°"fhe loot taken from Panama City, history does. not ply by a rting a new bag each day. Culling Layers.•*• -To encourage cull- ing of poor•layers.frone farm flocks in the Camden-Dallas.Laciede "-district tie feeding and fed with a spoon each (Missouri), the produce' dealers day. The amount; of cereal is in-. agreed lassummer to pay one cent 'creased until the year-old child e'ate a 'pound', extra on all hos culled out, two tablespoonfuls of caked - cereal To get this premium, 'the poultry twice a day. -Oatmeal is best if raiser had to feed a balanced ration constipation is S problem. for at' least four weeks previous to, For little folks, ,cerea'is should be satisfactorily explain. But Louis cooked bulli when strained we,, have Morgan, who is going to search for it, aijelly or thick gruel, Servo with tniik. 'lased an, Comede then of all other br rtd4 ' oo gobued' MADE IN CANADA NO ALU E.W. f3rLLET'T Ca. LTD. aosoero, CAN.. has, ,announced that he will °be guid- ed by a map, said to have been• left to his descendants by Sir-Xlenry. The With vegetables, begin with a little of the water from spinach or string- beans, then use strained vegeables: YiOKES, ARE MODISII.THSEASON. IS Extremely attractive is this dainty nightgown having a shaped yoke with square neck, hand sleeves, and groups of tucks at the front. No. 1632 is in sizes 34 to 44 inches bust. Size 88 requires 2°5 yards 89 -inch plain ma- terial; a, yard yard allover lace and % . yard --insertion for A; 33 yards 86 or 89 -inch plain material and 3% yards insertion for Yiew 13. Price 20 cents` the pattern. Homo sewing brings nice clothes within the reach bf all, and to follow culling. Tho low -producing third oP the mode is delightful when it can 450,000 boos went to market. be done so easily and economically, by following the 'styles' pictured in our new Fashion Book. A chart.accom- panying each pattern shows the ma- torial ad it appears when cut out. Every detail is explained so that the inexperienced sewer can make with- out difficulty ah attr ctivo these. Price of the boolt 10 cents the copy. ROW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your mime and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you Want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap' it carefully) for each number and address your order to Pattern Dept, Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by return I Mo I haven't anydern puppyLi€e dog, I, haven't any cat, I haven't any house at all— Sparrows Carry Disease -When R. P. Tittsler, bacteriologist of the Penn- sylvania State "College, examined 21' English- sparrows filled at the Col- niett which the drawing waslege poultry plant, he found that 17 parch•until the teeth' come, then chop' or of them carried, the germs of cocci - made, came on elle present owner frommash the vegetables, Babies take diosis, thes poultry disease which his father, Frank Pierce Morgan, the only a little each day,ihu by eleven caused such severe losses in Penney' District :•Attorney of Victoria, Texas. .months of age they should have one amnia, flocks last spring.. The story is that eight of Sir Henry's tablespoonful of cooked green vege- Quite a Difference,—The best 264 Monsieur Jonquelle permitted' the men burled- the foot for their leader "tables, and two tabieepoontuls of flocks in Illinois fiockrrecoie work last marble, square to• -go back into its and that, as they wore later atur-" baked potatoes each day. 'Rice, well year made their ownere an average place. I dared, only Sir Henry ,,ltnew where cooked, may be substituted for pota- profit of $2.55 a Iron.' These were the it was. Louts *organ furthermore • toes occasionally, upper one-third of all flocks entered says that a distant t`eIt tine of hie is° .When the. family has spinach, sum, in the contest. The lower one-third itagain I beg to observe how fatal at present ransacking the ruins of mer squash', aapwragus or celery, a Made a profit for owders of only d is -to proceedn with indicatory esetablish h the old city of Panama-WhlCh gives q deuces when one wishes to small portion may be strained.. and 16 cents a hen. My, what a difference a theory. It is f+irtun•ate,, monsieur, to the search: the aspect of a fancily, ped to the baby, provided no vinegar, good birds and a little, care matot • r fam!ly heiriooure, fat meat or pepper is used in cooking. house Laving Pullets Early,—Nor- A little •gait may' be added. Later molly develdped pullets have corn - the child of a year may have string- pleted their molts and start heavy beans, lettuce and carrots, The last production when about six -months may be served grated,, if not too old. Put ,titer in their laying quer- tors when they are About five months that it is I who considered these eve', conies t fo deuces against you, for it is 'I who! Louis Morgan's expedition will, ;ie. know that Dernburg Pasha was dead' cording to dispatches, set sell on the when you spiryedthis in house.”' testy -toot auxiliary Paunch :Saxons, He will be ,ace,ompan!'ed by Captain Ile from paused. P They a fl skipper. 1 I'm'livingin at ori y veteranstri i apP n i '- Po pactY A. ang y. atom the tinddn his throat,. > ' ,rui lire given -.—....„-- inflicted to obtain permission' from of- • P in small amounts old, or they flrat start to lay, ,.- I knew at once 'what had itwas that' .Glad Reunion. 'clad it•—. hand' not. now liv�in i++ ficials of the' Republic of Panama la first, starting tivith ono -half teaspoon- Early housing enables pullets to get inftt 'tn ; excavations at the spot lndi- fu of juice - in the early months, go- accustomed to their new surround. Crowd of 4,000, at Lawrenceburg "Theehand of the dead Mani"; make nhe1 !+ '-mated ott'.the map. ,ing on to taro tablespoonfuls daily. inks before they IaY, and rEmovos a Fair Brings Out area Collocttou�,of heiic,l the, Oriental.dYou moan the,•- Swine—Nashville Banner, hand of'n dead man?" I ,The. life of Sir Henry Morgan has Strained cooked fruit pulp' is intro - common cause of fall molts. '"I mean the hand of the dead Dern,. been written many times; it always tt burg Pashas replied the Prefect, presents new angios to tempt the hle- ACCOUNTANTS AND. AUDITORS W..MacMillan andCompany union Dank, Building, Gait. Phone -568'. it Also Toronto and Kitchener W. 'MACMILLAN, 'L,A, k"-28 ISSUE No, 48--'27 ' duced at six montes, increasing In given twice, a day. Some doctors allow meat to be given to three -year -o d children ren Others postpone tele until five, That is tlte slash of a suicide. Death - ;aft side and tailed' off to the right. greatan was not 'a Devon/ - man, nor ,even' a ret then -small pieces tornado. was caused ndf by air but by wounds, 4 inflicted by one 'intent on strictly speaking, an Englishman, ,lie Bacon cameo nest, tort df air Se us ealeo, The vbut by takinghis own life, are always inflict- was born in. Wales in 1685. If is be- of'«roast beef or lamb. Boiled or force of the tornado avas responsible ed on the loft side, because -they ale Moved that when' a boy he was kit- baked white 'fish is bettor than meat for e of of the damage. It this undertaken 'with the right hand, andenappecl end sold as a slave In. the Bar- for.most children, each force which da the wIt is of a if they are done with a'knife, they bados, and later ori. In Jamaica. He ' Cod fiver;.011, one tsapso0rifttlryorce to burst outward as if front su pop t flay;` protects the child proal rickbto,- d explosion inside.. What the vacuum Tornado Vacuum Did They St, Louis "The wound began heavily on the topical writer. Unih$o en many of the That the ra a o-dtte t m g a 1 Begin with a heavy incision thattailshimself denied this report.-.• At any ig • a out as the knife is drawn to the right tilts, tie pistil but ..to lite colonies and some doctors . think throathv does is to remove, the atmospheric —as the strength of the person under- when very young and grew up there. nose troubles are,avoided, int s y measure outside which causes ilio. ilii taking ,to'•infliet•,the .- wound s ;fails. ,:.SI,Plienry's early cereer, as a Sailor Mlik`the r:Mainstay `. ," the house to push out. Suicidal .wounds, when 'indicted with and. fighter. attracted ;to • much titter- pleasure inside 8 when he had al- In .giving Dicky solid foods, milk the walls. In this manner'the.St. ah sharp instrument, ' have always tion that by was still. the -mainstay and backbone Louis tornado broke the outer globes these evidential signs. They ,cannot readyatta!ned a measure ovei'me, 4 oil ford the Governor' of ills diet:' This w,iLl he`trne unlil he 'of 8,000 street lights, leaving the elec.- be:mistaken. Sir.Thomas, b y is grown. ,Knowing that he has his life -light bulb. inside, still intact, fit. Monsieur Jonquelle arose. of Jamaica, eeemese eeee him to go pall abort of!" good, fresh: clean his ttany cases,, "Let me clear this mystery," he over to the mainland to discoVer the d "De burg Pasha was"one or details or a pros which, -" Leach day, we need not worry if he ills egg' or vegetables We the' most accomplished counterfeiters p him n W foods at the always gave e, in -the world," , 'lIe opened his hand. "This device, which looks like an alabaster box,.;is a mold made of plas- ter for the purpose, of Counter-feiting one of the largest gold coins,,: of the ur came Deo currency. Dernburg French ur y g ' here, took- this house, carried. forward his undertaking until he had stored the squares' under this drawing -room with 'false. coins. Then�,when "lie had finished ---when he had got the coins molded, gold-plated and hidden, ready for the business of their distribution, I called on hint Iast night! It was my d'rY' measure. sal•rn ected was brewing against Jamaica. • do Baty ilia edl, got that n informs, the meal when lie 'was quits tion but pillaged, l rincipo 'and cap. first of ree Porto Bello as'rvell,i NeXt year 'hungry ant,ready,for anYtlting. Get' a miracle is?' The children ]oolcedera II�t Smith—"Roll on, thou doep arid mighty ocean," Mrs. Smlth—"Oil, look, Henry, It's doing Iii" The squire's pretty ira`ughter was ^'^' �` 'a t examining the village School 'cbildroitd Y 4:"Now, children, tau ,you tell me rvii`at at one another but eMeairied silent" "Can tio:on'e,answer this question?", asked; the new curate, who was. stand: ing hphind the squire'$ daughter. A little gittl'"was suddenly struck with a brilliant .idea, She hold. up her hand lured Por e succeeded ice. A year or two later came the exploit N need far Dicky table manners. R at Panama": Afteroacasional pea i to be untidy about eating, lie used die impetuosity, -•h cit his t c ei inatids, oa ode Lieutenant a short -handled teaspoon and ,big lie- had a shill blown from under h.im, , ting used to new Havers is hard. yV cceeciecl in teaching n was knighted aiid m plate, and fed himself very well, Governor of Jamaica. Though onceNewlY all ehlldiren like,; milli.' or excitedly,,.."Well, Jessie?" asked' the squire's daughter, smiling approval. "Please, ,miss',' the child replied �• • A d fe1 breathlessly; Mother says. 'twill be a miracle if youdon't marry _the new si�sa Every Mort '- >.;. suspended, lie was restored to favor t gelatin desserts. 'Prepared gelatins" iii death in 1688.—N.Y. Times. before s may be used by omitting the sugar. The measure \ofihospita.lity. 'these' and flavoring extracts. The .manufac.- daYs is coming mucro and more to be a, tuners of prepared gelatin, gladly I•fiirriish boolelets of recipes an re, - 4 SPEARMINT has a tang and zest to. brighten your whole day! "It keeps teeth white, soothes. the throat; rad J aids digestion. I s'8 BEST FOR ALL YOUR �,A IAT a; . - ro Pies, Cakes, Buns and Bread ` DOES ALL e5 M' +: '. a, ,le ,'.s'z;,eS, dev ...p..Y.'a"b W'w',', csi,F" e,3ipseiilite. 'Ave. y UR BAICING YST alit E.•'; c .,t ;5.:..,+.,,ta,