HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-10-27, Page 8CLINTON'S LEADING 3Etf?ELERY STORE Are your glasses "right"— style right"—s yle in becominnose -- and "suitable" for the 'ocea slop"? There is a style of glasses suitable for ' home, of- fice, street, sports and dress. We can assist you in selecting the style of eyeglass or spec- tacle most pectaele'most suitable for you and the occasion, Correct styles in glasses are as important to one's good ap- pearance as the latest styles in hats, shoes or clothes. A wide variety of frames and mount ings made of white gold, shell find, metal at prices to meet YOUR purse and wishes. THE C INTO N NE'll RECORD e " H. JOHNSON Graduate of 'Toronto College of\Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug Store Tire new Coats for this season are marvels of style, coinfort and quality. 'Blues are decidedly pop-'` filar and we are showing a line of chinchillas -'at $24.00 that are without 'a rival.' In the lighter shades we have -an exceptionally attractive range at from $18.00 to $24.00 and are real values`., We have accepted the agency for Tip Top .,inade to -measure ; clothes and are prepared to give service and satisfaction. We are agents 'also for Greene -Swifts and Berger made -to -measure . Suits and Over- coats. 'CLEARING PRICES ON READY- MADE SUITS' Plumsteel .. •ros. Have you promised the family "a goodradio set" this year? It is a good investment in culture and you ehould not delay the day: In present stage of development the ° fall and winter months are best for radio reception. The air is free from storms and elec- trical disturbances and a good radio furnishes entertainment and in- struction for the whole-fardrly. , hid store is headquarters for Canadian General Electric and Fade Radio sets and equipments Also B. Batteries and Storage B Batteries and Loud Speakers, 4' :H 641 Me"°wl Ho! Ho! 1 00 -0 -OH Hi Ho MVlerrr® Danger in the way Better stay in bed at night And walk abroad by day This skeery §sight When ghosts are white, and Awesome revels at ° their height. Hallowe'en.:, originated in the old days when superstition hedged about' the homes and awesome fear lurked in the darkness. Today Hallowe'en has become a ' gay and frolicsome occasion and all ages participate in its fun. A party As,the most interest ing festivity ,of the 'whole year to young people. " If there can be a few thrills and a genuine scream or two, so much the better, just to proclaim the true spirit of Hallowe'en. Novel- ties, Lanterns and Crepe Paper dec- orations contribute largely to the success of these jolly occasions. The immensely increased sales of these specialties in recent years bear.wit- ness to the widespread, interest in the season and we thinkour stock -of these, which is moderately priced is e'qual• to reasonable demands. Black Cats, Grinning Pumpkins Gaunt Old Witches False Faces Masks: Weird Skeletons Paper Hats Lamp .Shades Streamers Festoons' Rope Cut -Outs Seals. Table Covers Napkins What are you going to be at the party and what are you going to do' to make it a jolly, spooky evening? Come in and listen in—and let us explain the, merits of the different sets t: le : l tter er°du e PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Phone '147w The W . D. Fair Go. .Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Miss Stone of Essex was in town over the week -end. Miss Marion Gunn has returned from a visit in Windsor. Mr. Geail Farnhaul of; Kitchener }nail honfd liver the week -end, Miss Lottie Jenkins of Londesboro, visited with her sister, Mrs. J. Wat- kins over the week -end. Mr. and Mr's. James Livermore visit- ed their daughter, : Mr's: Green' of Teeswater, on Sunday last. Rev. A. Macfarlane attended the fun - oral of the late Rev'. Drs: Fletcher at Thames Road on Tuesday. Miss Ruth Dale of London spent the. week -end at the home of her par- ents, -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur.Dale. ID'. W. H. 'fleIlyar has been attend- ing the Provincial Sunday School convention in Toronto this week: Mr. Wm. If. Doig and his daughter of Port Huron, Mich., were in town on Monday calling on old friends. Mrs. J. C. McMath,, Who has been .vis- iting Lucknow friends for a couple of 'weeks, returned home Monday. Miss Marion Andrews is spending a few, days with her sister, Mrs. F. F. Gillies of Kitchener, 'this week. Mr..and Mrs W. Walker, Mrs. Cluff and the Misses Cliff visited with Mr, and 'Mrs. Tanner of :Wingham on Sunday. Mr, ,Oklc1 MTs`; W. Elliott and George and Mrs, J Watkins vifiited the latter's sister, , Mrs. P. lifyies • of Brussels, recently. Miss Marion Gibbings, Who has been home for the past few weeks owing to illness, leaves today for Essex to resume her teaching. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Courtice and Miss Betty of Hamilton spent the week- end with the former's sister, Miss Hattie Courtice, in town. Mr. J. G. Sloman and Miss Lottie Sloman left this week for Chicago to attend the wedding of 'the fors mer's son, Mr. William Montan. Miss Florence Cuninghame accom- panied Miss -Hattie Baker of Fut- _ larton on a "motor trip to the State of Michigan during the past week. Dr. and Mre. W. Holloway of Peter - bore spent the week -end with the formers brother, Mr. A. J. Hol- loway of town, and Mrs. Holloway. Mrr. Nellie McNeil left yesterday af- ternoon for Ontario, Calif., where he intends staying for a year. His brother, Mr. Murray McNeil, has been in Ontario for- some years. Mr. and Mrs. 7. L. Heard and family, accompanied by Mrs. John Heard of ,Bayfield, who has been spending the past week in Clinton, visited on Sunday with relatives near Listowel. Mr. T. Callander motored up frons Fruitland^ last week, returning Thursady accompanied by his uncle, Mr. Curtis • Stevenson, who visited hint for a few days; before going on to his borne at Burlin- game, Cal. Mr. Stevenson has spent the past three months visit- ing his sister here, Mrs. i. Cursing- ,name. and also , relatives and friends in St. Thomas, in Grey -county and several other points in Ontario. He made the long trip here alone, although he is in his rmetieth year, and he thoroughly enjoyed'seeing old frieeds and re- visiting''old scenes, Just Phone your Grocery needs to 125 and the goods will be delivered promptly. THE C.& S. GROCERS Branch 125j GODERICII: A - branch of the Canadian Legion was recently organ- ized here, the following officers ':be- ing elected: president, Major A. F. Sturdy: first vice-president, Geo. Main 125w T,xl1JRSDAY, -OCTOFBIE 27, 7927.. orner Grocery a of Pure Cane Sugar to be sold at car Price THIS WEEK ONLY. • Leave .your order' early. .Clark's Soups, Tomato and Vegetable 3 this for 27c Corn Syrup, 5 lbs. for Prun 35c per lb, . , . 10e • J'lb. Pail Lard 57e' 5 lb. Pail .Lard ... , ..... ° ' 55c Loose Sodas, 3 lbs. for•.,.:,'. 29c Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. for 25c RICE SPECI•AL Italian Pearl Rice -3 lbs. for 25c Pure Cane Sugar at cad' price 6.80 ecials New seedless.raisins 2 lb 29c New Sultana: raisins, per -lb 25d New Valencia raisins per lb 18c Mixed' Peel, lemon and orange 25c New Australian `Currants per lb 19'c Mixed Peels, lemon, orange and citron 39c Imported trench Sard nes, 2• tin Marmalade, large sealer , G lbs. Corn Meal . . 25c 40e 29c 'Pop Corn, per pkg. ... 10c Shelled -Walnuts, per lb, .' See WHITE BEANS 4 1b$.. for 250 Breakfast Bacon in piece per lb 29c Mammy's Special Mammy's. Buns Tea Time Cakes 30c and Bread Special in Hallowe'en Chocolates 2 lbs 79c Pictothis Nuts in 5 lb packages Hallowe'en Suckers 'and Kisses Mixed Nuts 30c Salted Peanuts 5c and -10c Popcorn per pkg 10c Budded California Walnuts lb -40c Sweet Potatoes - Cramherries Filletts of Haddie Fresh Salmon Trout Special 5c counter, reg lOc Custard Pow der 9c. See page .4 for- Hallowe'en Contest 1I'( THE MORNING FIRST 'DELIVERY :9 a.m. IN THE AFTERNOON I;IRST DELIVERY 2:30 p.m. T.O'Neil Cash and Service W. WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS ligliiiMOMOV ORDER EARLY Phone i, Schafer; second vice-president, Jas. W.:: MacVicar; secretary-treaisurer, A,. E. Peachey; executive, D. McMil- len, 1ti, M. McDonald, C. Ross, Gen. James, A. Kitton. Hallowe'en Specials for Week -end Breakfast'$acon in piece 29c lb Oranges per do 29c New Seedless Raisins,- 2 lb 20e New Figs, 2 lbs. for 25e Special Blacle Tea, per lb590 Broken. Sodas, 10e lb., 3 for 29c Chicken Haddie . , ' • 25e Canned Peas, 2 for Canned Tomatoes, 2 for 25c Matches, 3 -boxes for 25e Betty's Peanut Butter ... 25c Canned Peaches,.. 250 Canned Pineapple , 20c Marmalade, large jar 39e Ras. and St. Jam, jar '55e Vi -Tone . . 40e Toddy , - 35e Nut Spice Cakes, pkg15e LETTUCEI--CRANBERRIES—GRAPES-SWEET POTATOES FILLETS OF HADDIE—CODFISH, Etc. L. LAWSON & CO. PHONE 111 PROMPT DELIVERY October Specials 1 EYSTOthI BEAN]) SHINGLESS ' /‘ WHITE PINE --8, 10 and 12 inches wide, 10 to 14 ft. long. HEMLOC —, All sizes. - WHITE PINE SIDING AND SHIPLAP GYPROC ;LIME—SASH--ROOFING Our" yard and sheds are stocked with all grades of lumber from which to make your choice • M:ILLWARK A SPECIALTY Thomas McKenzie Estate, Clinton Gyproc—Keystone Brand Shingles in four grades and everything in Builders Supplies COAL D. L. and W. Coal and Semet-Sol- vay Coke alawjs on hand for immed- iate delivery. Also a quantify of dry Maple Wood Prices reasonable and same to all W. J. .MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. Phone 46 PeOPI16.You Know Mrs: W. 'S, Downs is in Toronto this week. Mrs. J. E. Hogg goes to Burns church tomorrow to 'address the. W. 14I, S., Miss Doris .Clbghorn of Guelph Was the guest of?'- Miss Olive Watkins over the week -end. Rev, J.'•E. and bass. Hogg were in Hensall on Tuesday attending gthe funeral of the late Rev. Dr. Flet- cher. Mr. ]Legg, as chairman, of the Presbytery, cgnducted the ser- vice at Thames . Road church, where the public Service w. s held. 1 STOVES For Heating and Cooking.. How About Some ' Real Comfort . Since fall, is here again and you will be 'spending most of your evenings': at home you would surely enjoy yourselves more with a few good comfortable chairs or a Chesterfield Suite. We have a fine' large stock of both, which are built for Strength, Beauty and Comfort, Then for good refreshing sleep it will pay you to discard that worn out mattress for a Marshall or Simmons spring filled Mattress. Prices ranging from $25.00 to $37.50 and you will agree with us •. that you. could not spend' the same amount in any better way. If it is something a little cheaper we have good values in all layer -felt mattresses, from $12.00 to $19.00, Also a•good assortment of Springs and Walnut Steel Beds. '� ' HARDWARE DEPT. As usual we have a splendid stock of the famous Beach ranges and heaters, also other makes to suit your price. Some Extra Special Values. in Electric Heaters and 'Irons' A' BARGAIN --0 50 -gal. Steel Drums at $2.00 each wa Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS • MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 • Hardware 195 See our new Quebec Ranges and Heaters. Just what the family needs for the coming winter, • SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAYS Clare Bros. Products and the • "Circulator" made by -Dominion Service MAKE AN INSPECTION OF OUR LINES—AT RIGHT PRICES Agent for. •Louden Oil' Burner Hawkin HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 STAR THEATRE • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Oct: 31, Nov. 1 and 2 HE BELLS Featuring Lionel Barrymore' America's most distinguished star in an immortal classic Admission 25c anti 15e ' Thursday, Friday and Saturday—Nov. 3, 4 and 5 Richard Dix in HE R, , ACS Dix in' the role of a popular football star Admission -25c and 15e - , NOW PLAYING TIIE CAMPUS FLIRT ALSO TUNNEY-DEMPSEY FIGHT Admission -25c and 15c We Pay Spot Cash ~ for Eggs and ouitry Good Quality E`rings' Good tics. Gunn Langlois & Co Frill ted HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, QUE. BRANCH, CLi�ll'®N, ONTARIO• CLINTON PHONE 190