HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-10-27, Page 7� a bl e Teachers Hold Jubilee West Huron �'eacu Convention $ and �'al�llcro. Collegiate �&��� ii,act`9ilid4�n • Technical Schools tion fund Teacher." The superaruma annual convention of The fiftieth 'accumulating -that soon snore held ;in is so'>tccuniul g. the West Huron-teachersxwas liberal conditions: may be made to•the Octobere1 Sully Exeter, on Thursday, s. addresses ' given Miss M. teachers. Two other ,Ellis, 1` of p Hensall,The president, ',at the 0. E. A. were also mentioned hundred of hirty presided. One'on teaching teachers " reg- one by Dr. J. Dearness, acid thirty • istered. • children n to read in eight weeks and the other: by Mr. W. T. Moore on The Morning Session cadet work in public schools. exercises were taken by Miss M. Ellis followed and gave an Devotional U t • t of the doings of other ses- 0. of meet- Sr ons the Inspector Tom: The minutes of less,, a s nae B 'A.. Both delegates s ns and of the • executi've nes, oand and were, cone- ,•'and gave splendid rep . Mg held , /recently, were " r rs. for the''same by the' co ven- adopted. on motion of •Messes. Mac- mended P Ka.'and Stonehouse. tion.' Y lents were made' for the The' re ort of the delegates to the Ai•rangen p ro Ontario Educational Association was proposed visit to London school on given.Mr. P B. Moffatt att stressed.in F r id ay . A t the he r e que s tof the city parttculat.thesuperannuttloresolu- inspectors the teacherswere formed Into groups to divide up tions and the president, Mr. Carie?ch_ .ahs -address on "Idealism of the among the nine schools listed for You'll ,Cance that well - deressed men Wear -- o TtlEBG'STC300D51106 LU S E L BROS; For Interior Construction MAKE your rooms fire-resistant' and free from drafts and cold by erecting Gyproc ceilings and partitions' in your home. Gyproc can be put up in half the time required for lath and plaaster= saving time and labor costs. Gyproc takes any decoration.• Let us show you a full-sized Gyproc board ready to apply. - Write for free booklet—"My.Home."• It will tell yea Iooulee willereduce your fuelbillfrom 20 o 40%c�thtns and THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA ' 151 Fire ooV wallboard For Sale By t) Thomas McKenzie Estate Clinton Ort. Geo: T. Jenkins - - -: Clinton, Ont.. visit TIIE CLINTON NE „ - .IEECOitD 4. That our present text book in Inspector Toni discussed rvtth flit9rithmetic and Cil falai tr be supple - teachers reports and circulars. He 1 mated by a serie •s of practic zl exer- laid stress on Entrance Exairiniatidn 1 uses suitable fol all grades work and,'improssed upon the teach- 5. That the maps in the Public ors to be, more particular in their School Geography', aro notaPiatisfitc- a•ation•of thepupils going up to tory as„trey are indistinct. ndistinct. ex lire neat G.: That ,two-thirds of'the Liters- examination‘ ' Work, especially to insist ally in arithmetic, his- tore selections fel. Entrance be from tory and. geography. All ,school re twenty 'selected, lessons from the ports 'should be sent;to the inspector Fourth Reader and that they be not promptly and c u efully filled in Fur- too difficult, then trisi •.fission on” Entrance Exam- The "Question Drawer" ,was then takenpp by Mr: Toth : who helped p the inquirers over some hardplaces. The thanks of the `association- for of ' the hall;, to the retiring the use officers fortheir `nothetices during year; to the citiiens.o{'l the' town who opened their homes qto the visiting teachers; to thosewho motored the teachers to. London and to all who 'Contributed items° -ori the program for the day -sessions arid for the evening entertainment. Jubilee ,Banquet: in the fiftieth Anniver- .Tliis.be g sary .of, the Association,' and Confect eration, year, it was thought fitting to observe the occasion., by holding a Jubilee banquet and • to invite -to it all ex-teachersresiding' in the Inspee- •ate. • The banque, was'held in Inspec- torate.- , Main Aura urch ba newel retsred was a -e great suet 5s. Th 0 roc School al • ° g eo the and home .Club had - char catering and •certainly -,made a splen- -did. job plen--did.job, of it. 'Mr. G. •i twson, teach{ or .of S. S. No. 5; Usborne, ably acted as •toast. master.', Tasts' were pro- posed to "The King"•"'1Our"CodntrY'', "West Huron Teachers", and "The School. and Home Chill, Other items on the rprogram were, vocal and. in- strumental music • and community singing. • • On Friday the teachers motored to London where they: inspected' the ination work was -led by_the exam, friers, '11'fessrs. Tom, Howard, Stone- house 'and.Miss' A. Gaiter. Mr. J. Elliott, formerly, of West Huron, now of London .was present. and spoke to the teachers about the. early days he spent in the inspector•- ate. Many pleasant memories were recalled and the names of teachers mentioned who. were then in the -,pro fession. Afternoon Ses`sioii',• • After the reading of the minutes, the reI? ort..'of the Auditor's: was .re-, _. ceived showing a good balance: The election of,'.'officers' resulted as fol-. lows Miss- Isabel Shareware, B.A.; rot Goderich,- pretideitt, Ince-president, Mr. Duncan -McRae; Lucltnoty; secre- tary -trout -trey; .•}ll'Ii'• ,.q. C.-iIoward;• Exeter; Executive comnittee Miss am li' 'Miss Edna Campbell - and be p s Cowan,Luella M,r and Me. Alvin. Brintnell,, auditors, Messrs. ,G.'111ay✓son''and F. Ross; reso lution committee, Messrs. .hU Mac Play P. Moffat, R. Stonehouse' and. Misses MiBailie,.R, Graham, E, Reid;. delegates to:0. E. A. in 1928, Mr. G. S. Howard'and Miss Lottie Robinson. The Resolution Committee present - .ed its 'repo'rtas follows 1. that 'the •West Hui;oh Teachers view with approval the suggestion of the, Teachers and Inspectors Superan- LIMPING and carrying water is slot just hard work; its drudgery— slavery! • Who could be happy and Healthy', pump -ng and carrying tans of water each year? Why tolerate such drudgery when a Duro- ,Water System will deliver fresh running water under pressure to your kitchen, bath- room and grounds for 10 cents per 1000 gallons? The low first cost of a Duro Water Sys- tem will surprise you. Duro gives satisfac- tory water service at lowest cost. And now you can have fresh running water, under pressure at less cost than ever before. See us for complete details. , No obligation. THE' EMPIRE• BRASS MFG: CO,, LIMITED For Sale By— Vancouver London Toronto nuation Commission • that there is a strong probability that the superan- Public Schools in session, Adam Bec nuation allowance paid to sidperan Collegiate; the Technical School and nuated teachers may be continued of the University. Every teacher is loud ter their death to their surviving de- in his praise of the hospitality shown pendents' for life: by the London Teachers, Inspectors 2. That the West Huron . Teachers thank the Hon. Minister of Educa- tion for the special grant on salaries. 3. That .thecourse in History., for the Third Class be restricted to the French period in Canadian History and to -,the end of the Norman period. in British History. • ter '.eS and School .Board. Wlest Huron Teachers in company -with •Wiest Mid- dlesex teachers were entertained to. luncheon (a real banquet) in Empress Ave. school. A. number of shortmgd dresses were given. The teachers: of West Huron will not soon forget this their first visit to outside schools. A Coltman Prepared' Especially far Women orbidden to Men But' IdOi� l'thlnit that I shall never see A po m lovely as a tree.' 1. A tree .whose hungry, mouth` .is pressed flowing ' west Against the e,arth's breast; A tree that'looks at God- all day And lifts,her leafy arms to pray; canon of the year should ,. A tree that may in summer, wear try at this s So there you:ares A nest of robins in her hair; gamer enough beauty in their 'souls • loin;keep them • sweet "and cheered all P.., Upon ,tivhose. bosom snow. has lain, to 1 Upon ._ Who' intimatelytlives with rain:` the winter through. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can- make a tree. , SEAFORTH: Sunday; October owe eo"le have been -greatly in' 'ret milestone • .ac �. .i+ S p p 2lyd•marked an'imports a=Joyce.Kzlmer ,Trees. teested in he ffndfr a of:a certatn - r of Northside'' United recently that a'. woman's m the history scientist rete y. . ., church,fifty years 'having' ''passe•d tin's and at their dove=' brain is Suet,as good as a man's, ince this,fine building was erected IT you would see treesfailed to malas s must see them newspapers ,have not dedicated to the .worship of God Best, of course, you .mat- and the more or Iess fun over it. As a , Rev. W. P.`Lane, lust as they come to full blown in rin 1847. The Nothing • can `exceed the soft, spring. Ng beauty of them then:and, also,: green boa y the, •d iso of long full premise } are iu p they 1 Y summer. But if you wish to see something very, very beautiful; even though you know, it cannot last, go • from carrots. The Malic acid in strawberries is a rine brain.builder. Even the season of the year has its effect on the brain. The -best' sets are hose that conic in December or March. The worst' are the August, and October, sets. Assuming yen began to think con- sciously at the age of five, then at thirty, if you have done an average amount of. • thinking your "impres- sfons" would number J,550,000,000. lank Tana): the -trees ai ,,taliar Those whose work is entirely mental out: and loo,figures. would double those b season, ire hhtn• their brilliance tints; almost sA. woman's brain is about five dazzles that bs, and, knncingthounces lighter than a man's, hitt it is it dazzles the' eyes, anti, drink in that • of superior quality= -of a higher spec - it zyt•11 not be for long, drink in their rile. gravity. It lasts longer, too. On beauty with' greediness, Those: whose , woman of sixty has ;a. or'who:can take .an average a `sines' takes them ' tran'a ' business twenty per cent. better beam 1 time to dative about through the coon- man of the same age;" RElIhilKA cL The Huron Old Boys of Toronto- Hold Snappy and Interesting Annual Meeting ter of fact women have known for road the scripture' lessen, Rev. S. D. long : enough that . they had just as ' Chown,D.D.LL.D., of Toronto, Gen - good brainsas men,but thatusuallysial S u er mt ndent of the former "they"fuietion • • di erentlv Though Methodist church, preachedchedab andle some women, finding it easier to fall impressive sermons at both the worm - back on the old belief that the males in and cicalae services on Sunday. had all lite brains, havePlowed g• a theirs to rust. Men', take , up great .. . • t' ' on' the job good "space in telling how men 'have also as Mrs: e ■ • which ,have called' - Ex -President John 1Vfoon goes to together forgetting the fact that they Arizona for the Winter. have been training their brains along the - early,a tion was or Beck. and early, as w M -achieved such successes o fields forbrampower ai Rev. 'j+'. E. Powell, of St. Barnabas these lines. for hundreds of years, e': chance` of intellectual training of any gave: a,rattling five minute speech: tort: They have had to fight their way. into the higher schools of learn - lig by. glow degrees. Even now wo- men are not. admitted to the great English Universities on an, equality -• with men.30 A. certain percentage are •/!o Pikes to be allowed to enter Oxford this 1 - & LB Liar• while women were not even allowed a • church, was late in' arriving, but h Quite a. number of former news- paper men are members of our'assoc- iation, some of them being the follow- ing: Messrs. W. Powell and T. G. Soole of the Seaforth' Expositor, R. Holnes,.forneily of the Clinton New Era, E. Floody, formerly of the Clin- ton News -Record, Thos. McGillicuddy,, formerly of the Brussels Post, and Athol McQuarrie, formerly ;of the Goderich Signal: R,ev. F. E. Powell, of St. Barnabas Anglican Church, has extended an in- vitation to the members to attend an evening in his church, the evening to .year. Women have done so well since they have had 'a•chance to train their Minds that it is hard to say howfel. 'they will go in another five hundred years or so. Here are some "facts"' about the brain which may be of interest. I will not vouch for them but you can take them for what they are worth: "If you are thirty, you have had, be devoted to the Huron Old Boys ,so far, 180 sets of brains, for the Association. The invitation may ,be «grey matter" is renewed six 'times accepted by the incoming executive. yearly Each set was different in - 1•t from its fellows: That was President-elect due to various diet being Turnberry township, but. is well one of the chief.. Sf;dor; example, you Association of Toronto was President:, Rout - Kings. known in thesouth end, of the county, had a temporary liking for parsnips, O1d�BoYs A late W. J. King is a native of qua i y factors— The annual meeting of the Huron, I. Morrish. C { held ' th Auditorium of the Y 1r Vice-presidents: Mrs. R. C. I g, Uoing a brother of the the brant set that had the benefit of re in e C. A., 40 College st., on Thursday ev- Mrs, H. B.. Stowe, Mrs. C. G. Van- I{ing, M•P.: the latter, would a ,good far enin 20th hist., with a large attend- stone, Mrs. W. J. Cracknell; Mrs. D. Buchanan, the new Finan -;parsnips , would bePaogoodrio one, for g, Walter , . snit ' of Old Soya.and ofrls, repro- ld D. Wilson. cid. `coon of the old Secretary: E.`Floody. j cit} Secretary, is a Goderiehor0ldfBhe are Uadlfox the brainin prussic acid, smiting every: se it AStistant Secretary: Mrs. Lorne • and will be remembered as county. :Dukes in the parade from the e ,of If, for three months, you ate large M Pringle. The reports, of the chief officers i Financial 'Secretary: Walter A. on the morning of 'the . Hurbn Old quantities of watercress and apples, showed the Association to ,be in a Buchanan: Boys' day in the Centennial Celebra- 'yourer br int tn owould get no benefit uld n - very flourish'lag "condition, ' with the Treasurer: John Robertson.. tion. - Very brightest prospects -;for the future. • ' The Goderich '.Centennial Celebra- tion came in for a very large amount of discussion -and many' cornplimentry expressions were made regarding -the committee in charge•for the unquali- fied success of that big undertaking. Much sympathy for Mrs. R. C. King, -vice-president, was' expressed by the members of the association. 'Mrs. King is confined in Wellesley Hospital with a severe illness. A representative committee was appointed to apportion the grants to be made to the different hospitals in the county for the' present year.' Time`followeng officers and commit - 'tees were elected''for the ensuing year, being' the recommendations of a special nominating committee . ap- pointed at a recent ;executive meet- Honorary Presidents: T. A. Rus- sell, 3. A. McLaren, B. H. McCreath, J. Moon. Hon: Vice-presidents; Mrs., E. Floody, MTs. A. E. Forbes, Mrs. H. When YOUR. bell rings -a personal service • When the -bell ,on your telephone rings, somebody has a. persona message f 05 you. , It means that someone is making use of a petusmel equi,priorit, which we have provided; and that he has secured connection with the peg. - canal equipment reaching you. More than this, he has •secured the personal use of the necessary connecting equipment in a central office and the personal services of 'one or more telephone opera When you are talking with him you are using Itundi'eds or even thousands of dollars' worth of telephone equipment:, And in order that this equipment may always be ready for your personal use, it is closely watch- 'ed; tested, checked. ' It's, a personal service. Auditors: Ernest M. Lee, L. T. Wasman. • , Chaplains: Rev. C. A. Mustayd, Rev. T. W. Neal. Reception committee: Mesdames R. C. King, .Leek" Itentietly;" 3"Moon; S. L.. Scott, W. Proudfoot, ,Geo.: Fer- guson, G. C. Young, B. H. McCreath, 3. A. McLaren, H. Martin. Program committee: D. D, Wilson, R. S. Sheppard, B. H. McCreath, Geo. Ferguson, A. E, Forbes, C. G. Van - stone, H. B. Stowe, Dr. H. W. Iloag, Ernest M. Lee, Athol McQuarrie, Mrs, G. C. Young, Mrs. II. W llpag,. Mrs. H. B, Stowe and Mrs. C. G. Van stone. • Refreshment. committee: Mesdames. R. C. King, D. Thompson, Mrs. H. I. Morrish; Cobbledick, L. M. Pringle, D. D. Wilson, D. Robertson, Misses Nora Kennedy, Mary Morrish, Grace New- ton, Mary' McLaren, Messrs. L. M. Pringle, N. B. Cobbledick, R. C. King and H. I. Morrish. " Publicity committee: W. E. Floody, R.' Holmes, Athol M,eQuarrie,t Wt. Powell. Finance committee: D. M. John- ston, Dr. G. F. Belden, Bruce Ander- son. Prdper'ty committee: G. A. New- ton, J. R. Lyon. , IMembership committee: For God erich B. IC McCreath, E. M. Lee, H. I. Morrish„ Clarence Rhynas, For Cliutolt-R. Holmes, .1. Moon,: W. S. ' Tamblyn, Dr. 0. M. Johnston. For Seaforth—W. Powell, A. E. Forbes, D. D. Wilson. For Wingham—C. G. Vanstone, L. Kennedy, D. -Robertson. For Brussels—Dr. H. W. Hoag, Geo. E. Ferguson, L. M. Pringle. -For Blyth—E. Floody, W. W. Sloan, Isaac Brown For Hensall—Dr. B. Camp- bell, Miss E. Thompson, Mrs. H. S. D. Cooke, For Exeter-: N. B. -Cobble- dick. For Bayfield—J. A. Cameron, Dr. R. B. 'Stanbury. Sorts committee` Messrs. J. Moon;' R.' 0. -King, A. McQuarrie,-J. 4. Sutll'', erland, R. S. Sheppard B. •II. Mc-' Creath, k. B. Stowe, D. D Wilson, G. E. Ferguson, J.: A. :McLaren,- E. M. Lee, - Dr, -0 M. ;Johnston, A. E. Forbes, L. J. Wlasnlan, Earl Elliott: The Annual At-home will be, held some time in January or February. A progressive enclsre party Will be held tering the earth' part of ,Deceit•; Refreshments were served at the `close of the meeting at which all en- joyed themselves. Notes Major Joseph Bock, the veteran of Tired and run down:' Yen certainly do• need Creephos to, build up real vigor; and resistance, to ward ' off or conquer coughs, colds arid bronchitis. Gives amazing results ttt deep seated brondit- iaieta troublbottle nes. ' " Gow , and a id trouble, Feel like a n$w peraonl;And besides you may Awn't$e ONcyaasfhdtrui: gist for fre e contest sheets giving full par. oculars of our $300 prize con. test for best slogans; rhymes or jingles about NialCreoptos. Warning. Contest cldses December 10th.' Get your free contest sheen now at the DRUG STORE "Pace a trial,— -19 d,valt Nyat,. 581 Now Enjoys Eating, ' Thanks His Wife "For years I suffered with stom- ach trouble, Then my wife got me to. take Adlenika. Today r reel fine' and eat what I like." ---Wm. Opp. Adlerika relieves stomach gas and Sourness iii . TEN < minutes. Acting, On -BOTH upper and lower bowel, it removes old waste matter you never thought was in your system. Let Mlle ikti give • ;hour, stomach and bowels a ETAL cleansing and see how imcli better yea will feel. It, will surprise yen! VT. S. R. Holmes, 'Druggist, A GREAT TE .tC ADVERTISING conducts a public school; Its pupils are. all the readers • of the home paper—in short, the whole buying comthutiity. ADVERTISING teaches -that loyal- ty to the home merchant brings real aeter:is in :betterr service and better values: :It's ' a 'lesson•that requires the repetition, afforded by the weeklf arrival in the home of• TheClint News Record You can teach the public to rely on your advertiseiinentS as safe guides to- economy and satisfaction in shop- ping. Moreover, people appreciate being asked for their patronage. To them "An Advertisement is an'Invltatio ,,