HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-10-27, Page 5DISDX OCTQBtR 2T 1927 Welkare,thathes,been the ,pase.1.er many, years in...,tlie,‘iind:pouitry • etinten.;:. .; .•: :4 4,4 "V wll buy .CREAM 411 4'C1.9:441TY,BAIS..:. :Sell ',your' creanie ou at hOrlieWhere it winbe gi,acled without • any .'delaY. • ':'. : Cl/LINN LANGLOIS'..,8e CO, LIMITED . • • . CLINTON, ONTARIO , ' ,. • '••• Phoue 0- r‘ 4 Bunri La lois and C�., Limited 190 • " , We haVo;,pleasu1e. advieink„ qui',Triany' friends and prespecture., eustoiaorS:thiit 'I7',•l'inVepnreliaeed the CLIN1ON CREAMER kem.1-tee a ouree `•°'" tbe eaMe interet YoU egg. r , ,Clinton Creamery - - e 145 . ' Night Phone - = 120 , . .e.oereeeofra-evedeeree,,..- agemo.mlogo.o6eloarammoamterommemag000 Of Intprest to You Huron Road East and Bile Mr. Wm. Ball had two sheep killed by dogs on Saturday night. • Is Clinton going to nark Armistice • Mr. Fred Cook lost a valuable Day this year? The two minutes -of cattle beast by lightning reeently. g silence should at least be observed. Mr. and Mit. Oliver Ma•rtyn and Monday is' October thirty-first, Hallowe'en, when mischevious elves :play tricks upon defenceless mortals. Mayor "Bill" Thompson of Chicago must be a lineal descendent of the . superstitious folk who used to burn the witches. * 0 0 If the motorists only live up to - their new motto: "I'in .for care and -couttesy," it ought to tend to lessen the number of accidents. • A person who cannot do nnich but •inake trouble can usually be depend- ed upon to work over time at the one thing he can do, which is borne out by the ]test news from Roumania. Eclitor.Kerr of l'he Brussels Post Is laid up ,at present by an attack of rheumatism: It's-- tough to have to be confined to' one's room these fine 'autumn days and just as likely as not when Bro. Kerr recovers the weather will not be pleasant for metering. * * 0 0 e Lessous in politeness are being • given in the London, Ont,, schools. One thing we hope they will accom- lish is to ban that nasty habit of commencing a sentence • with "Listenr—or is this so common now- adays that it is not considered a vio- lation of good manners?—Goderich Signal, Would The Signal prefer "$ftyl"? * 0 * No one need go south this fall in search of fine weather. If in any Part of the world you can find more perfect weather than we've had dur- ing the past week we'd like to see it Thete is just enough nip in the air to make it bracing, • the sun shims brightly all day and sets in glory eachnight, and the sky is, as blue as in sinnmer. OA Sunday, with soft, floating, whit clouds, the intense clear blue of the sky and the balmy air, being outside was a keen joy. We Say that bemuse we have not been able to be outside so much any day since. Fortunate are those who can be. • , * * * * The alluring idea of church union seems to be getting a bad crack in the eye quite often these latter days. A union of three bodies took place in Canada a• couple of years ago,but after. a bitter, controversy 10 one of these bodies a portion, nearly a third, broke away and esth.blishod them- selves into a separate Church. So' that, while two entire denominatioes and over, two thirds of the other united into one, there were two de- nominations left. And no -sooner has the smoke of that battle cleared than •the Baptist Chin•ch splits up the mid- dle and we shall have still another denomination in Canada. In the humble opinion of the ordinary per- son it would seem that if the churches :Would spend their energy in endeav- oring to e turn • the sinner from the error of his ways instead of eternally fighting, ,the complete reign of the Prince of • Pease might be brought nearer What doth it matter what a than believes if his chief, pastime and recreation is quarrelling with his felloW church -member ?..: . • fa-mily of London motored up last Sunday to Mr. • Ged. A. Vander - burgh's: . • - We are sorry tti hear that Mr, -W. 3. Crich has not been very welle,. 1Vfx. Geo, Vanderburgh delivered a load of pigs to Mr. D. Cantelon last Tuesday. .., • Mr. and Mrs. Will Glazier and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mann spent Sunday at Mr. 'Well Pearson's, Goderich town- ship. •Varna. Ontliti Area .,:.;,Titod • Church, pa- onagte, on Oct -'20-0-.1,1: by !the 1D�afl Ethel "Verna;,' datigh; ter .Of.'•Mf.,'•.,ad.T..14.1rS, : and- ,,Mes".'•• Geaerieh.-tc-etesnin, to On.'..00,'•-):Ptli;•:"Edni,Iteltena Tni thS 1Sts' Mrs. Edward son • and Mrs. .4Tordrite., Bbee,Illand • ,111, on Oct. 25th, by the Rev:R. E. O'Brien of the•M. E. Church, Cor- nelia Francesodaughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Geo W. Libby of Blue Island, to William J. Shuman; seri of 1VIr. Jacob G. Slonian of.Clinton, RIDH MASSINGIIAM — In Torontd,, on Oct. 22nd, 'Gladys Myra, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs, E. T. , IVIassingliam of Toronto'to Maitland F, Pridham, sod, a. the lateiiifr.and IVIrs. Fred J, Pridham •of Goderich. . - Births ANI)REWS--In. Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Oet. 22nd, to Mr. and MTS. Frank W. Andrews, a son. IN MEMORIAM • PERDUE— , . Time speeds on., two years' have passed, . • Since death its gloom,its shadows cast, • Within our home, where all seemed bright; And took froni us a shining light. We miss that light, and ever will. His vacant 'place there's none to fill. Down here we mourn, but not in vain, -For in good time we'll meet again. —Father and Mother. In loving Memory of our dear little grandson, who passed away two years ago.—Mr, and Mrs. R. Summers, By City, Mich. We are pleased to report that Mas- ters Walter and Ehner Johnston are both able to be around again. Mr. J. Mossop of London called en friends in the village Monday. The fowl suppers are being well patronized by citizens from far .and near,„ distance not being considered: Miss Eesler of Minneapolis is vis- isiting her sister, Mrs. A. McConnell. Mr. and Mrs. McAsh, Misses Gladys, and Emily Beatty and Mr. L. Chuter of London spent Sunday in the vil- lage.. , • • Mr. IL" High was a guest at the' home of M. and Mrs. A. Ings during the past Week. Auburn Mo. and Min. Roy Farrow and family spent Sunday with Mr. and IVIrs. Jas. Johnston. A very interesting service was held in KTiOX United church on Sunday morning last when the Rev, Alex- ander MacMillan, DD., • of Toronto, preached and administered the com- munion. to • some one hundred and twenty communicants. It was ex- • actly forty -years agb that Dr. Mac- Millan administered his first coni- munion in Auburn. It -was also his first as a minister: Dr. MacMillan on Sunday Preached 'from'the same text lie used forty year ago .on the • oecasion of •his•firet communion, He was pleaSed to see go many old friends again • and • to preach once more in tbe•.place where he began his • ministry. On Monday evening the Worami'S • Missionery Society "'of .Knox United church kield their annual thank -offer- ' big service in the leaeernent of the church, Miss -Mitchell, travelling eec- -retary- of the W. M S gave c dear 'and vividaccount of the.work'being 'done bY. the Society as•a wh�le. sii6 Aes6ribpd thestrerneadoe0 amount of Nollto be done and ehoeved *hat op- portunities there • are for Chrietian serVice' in. the weld lbclaY.' She told many etOties of' the WorletheW. M. is doing -both et .1totne. and aloread and of the Wair'it ia helpipg to teprea'd he Gospel.' There was a good repro- entatien of the congregation to hear ''s'5 Mitchell:* "Ildisd' Dorathy 'Craig • WINGHAM: Before leaving Wink - ham Mrs. (Rev.) M. M, Bennett was presented with a silver cake basket by the members of the Sunday school class which she had taught for some dine. Rev. Mr. Bennett has been obliged to etire owing to ill -health and they will reside in London. • Mortgage For. Sale To close up an Estate, a mortgage of $1,650 is offered for sale. Invest- ments of $1,500, $3,000 and $4,000 are also offered. On ,farin mortgages. W. Brydone. .83-1 Victory Bonds , Persons ,having, Victory Bonds ma- turing on November lst should send them in for :',redemption at once to save delays. We have new invest- ments to offer. ..in ' place of the sur- rendered bonds. W. Brydone. 33-1 for Oln?i-'°1s.. • ' •' Gigte„ 4 • •,PliCi,e0' OS'in7 3. ti wnt' Pot Y°1•4., cheititiriaS. Gifts,' Donot 't't'gs Sit• -now• them '':er leave, it Urit,lIyou Decmber fo ',,4:not be 'denY• - e"1i:in,,..."ch,,,i4mao. House to Rent Furnished or partly furnishedhouse for rent during the winter. Posses- sion ill November. Apply to Mrs. 3. Hunter, Mi11 street, Clinton, 33-2 For guide Sale . 1 Ford Tudor Sedan and 1 prac- tically new Ford Coupe. Come and see them at Nediger'e •Garage. 33-2 • Bonds Redeemed • Dominion Of Canada Government Bonds maturing Vov. 1st, 1927, will be 'redeemed without • charge, when presented by owners, at the .Royal Bank, Clinton. 33-1 • Fon Sale . , Ford lightdelivery truck in geed running order, with stock rack. A real 'bargain. Apply to S. Flewitt, Clinton, R. R. NO. 3, or phone 18 on 606, Clinton central. • 33-2-1p NOTICE ASHES ON THE STREETS Househelders and others are noti- fied that his must not be deposited on the public streets. Any infractions of .this by-law will be follo-wed by prosecution. By order of.the Council. L. STONG, -0 33.3 Chief Constable, Robe Loa • Between the home of Mr. Bert' Wise, 16th -• concession of •Goderieh township and Clinton,via Telephone road, a dark goat robe, with red lin- ing. Finder kindly communicate with me, or leave at- Elliott's garage, Clin- ton. E. H. Wise, Clinton. 83-1-p Horse and Buggy For Sale Quiet bay horse, itop buggy and also harness, Tor sale, Apply to Mr. J. Hackett, Stapleton. • Phote 170-r- 22 Seaforth 33-1 Auction Sale OP BUILDING- MATERIAL • . At Seafortli on Saturday, Nov. 5th ' • • 1927, at 2 p.m. • , The f,olloWing second hand building material will be sold •by auction: 'Win- dow frames ansi cash; with casing; deer franies and doers with casing; flooring; 2x4 scantling; joists, all sizes in vai.lous lengths; siding ,a•ml sheeting; a mineber of 7x10 inch Medi girders 12 and 18 feet ,long. 6 only 20.8n6h I beams, 41 ft, 6 inehes long; also 5 slate slabs containing 128 sq. ft., 2 inches thick. This, material is all In firet shape and' can lee used.for any building purpose. Terms bash, Thos.•BroWMIkoctieneer. 305, 58-1- Clinton Studio r 10, ek.'to 5 ' ,'", • ' •••,,BliegeS•A14ie 07.„: • , .• • - CLINTOIsT • •• • Member ef Florists Teleg,raph Delivery Association FLOWERS and FLORAL DESIGNS • WEDDING 130U9UTITS, Etc. Sent anywhere en • shortest notice OUR GREENHOUSE IS FIJLL . Hundreds of ,•Plants ot Chrysanthemums and. Carnations FloWerin$: now FLOWERING PLANTS and rnItN-s Choice Stock—Young Plants • Begonias, Cinerarias Cyclamen. Primula, Puebla, Etc, BULBS ' • Narcissus, Daffodils,. Tidies Hyacinths, Etc, s, You are respectfully invited • to visit us and see our stock at any time during the day or evening. Ch. lit. Cooke Two Plaines -66w and 66j Light Wagon For Sale A light wagon with canvas top in good condition, easily removed. Suit- able for grocer, butcher -or farmer, carry about Inc thousand , pounds, also a driving horse, twelve- years -old quiet and reliable, single or double. Apply to T. 3. Riley or phone 143. 33-3 IN THE SUPREME COURT Or ONTARIO • In the matter of the Quieting Titles •_ Act, and in the matter of Lot No. • 5 hi the Hayfield Concession, north, -in the Township of Stanley, in the • County of Huron. NOTICE is hereby given that Catherine Roland Parke, of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, nurse, has made an application to the Supreme Court -of Ontario for a cer- tificate of title to the above men- tioned property under The Quieting Tides Act and has produced evidence, whereby she appears to be the owner thereof in fee, free from all incurnber- ances; wherefore, any „ other person having,, or pretending to have, any title to or interest.in the said laid or any part thereof., 11 required, on er before Monday, the twenty-first day of November now next ensuing to file a statement or his claim verified by, affidavit, in my office, at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, mia to serve a copy on the 'said' Catherine Roland Parke or on W. Brydone, her solicitor, at' his office in Clinton, and in defaullo every such claim will be barred, and the title of the said Catherine Roland Parke becoihe absolute and indefeas- ibla at law and in equity subject only to the' reservations mentioned in the 23rd section' of the said Act. DATED at Toronto, this twentieth day of October, 1927. r•-, • • G. A. DREW, 33-3 •' Referee of Titles BULBS Plant now for Winter and Spring Flowering Let us supply you • from a fine stock HYACINTHS CROCUSES TULIPS Te. ANEMONES • DAFFODILS SNOWDROPS, Etc. Paper 'White Narcissus, quickly grown in either water or earth. Only 5e LI Bulb Give Your Plants Good Soil—We sell • it at 15c a Pail „ try .‘°r fyonr.d1Thry —Top pricot paid toi ,11 finished niilltefed oU. the to n enb dultr io tbe al,y? 1.111daYV'te"44°: best, 11°Ie at . • Clrnton otilry House Trewartha 414.i "Reidence, 21.4.h; Stewart -Warner, Matched Unit Ra los "We 'sell only •one make 02 iitdio. ,There inay be S011e SetS on the mar- ket just as good hut none better than the Stewart -Warner. VVe them ard forget them ag they give no - trouble at all. Does Yeurs? Egli e0o/lih?dnt tO melte them function Circulars describing setS iney be had Pronerly. Prices from $115.00 11P, „,„ TELI.,,HoNE 58 CLINTON iller-Halidware Co o set equipped only with the best •. Auction Sale Of Choice Durham Grade Cattle, at lot 6, con. 8, Stanley, 2 miles n.w. of Ilillsgreenon Monday' Oct. 31st. Consisting of 16 choice 2 -year-old heifers, averaging from 800 to 000 lbs.; 10 two-year-old steers averag- ing from 800 to 900 lbs„aral 15 year- lings, steers and • heifers. Also 80 choiee sheep. Tereas: 6 months' credit on approved joint notes, or 4 ier cent straight off for caeh. Hol- land and Turner, Proprietors., Geo. II, Elliott, Auctioneer. • • 33-1 • Auction 'Sale „ -01 Household Effects, M. A. Ellis has instructed the undersigned to sell by Public Auction at her residence, South Richmond St., Hensall, on Sat- urday, October 20th, commeneing nt 1.t80 P•me the following:' Oak ped- estal 'extension table, con-ibination secretary and boolccase, Morris chair, J. Cuninghaine, Florist 32' 3 Lost • In Clinton, WedneScleY tif last week, a lady's wrist watch. , Finder kindly leave at The News-ReCerd office. He- , 38-2-p •, rockers, kitchen extension table, tide - beard, 4. 'kitchen chairs, 2 oak bed-': .room suites, mahogany finish dresser and c d ' Holmesville Cheese For Sale Large, 21c per lb.; flats, 22c per lb. Stilton, 25c per lb. Order from W. H. Lobb, Salesman, phone 605r-32 or from Clifford Lobb, Groeer, phone 40. • 21-11 riday an Saturday, Oct 8 29 we in hght 1ubrse. •:04 .vr Bt; .01.0 st_." tfa..wf )1, pslo.u:))d heavy ecptljpd 10 ssiblo r e • Come at Hovey's .0., TH. , " -"; , • 1 'drugltere, ,,.._, J. . . e,—,.........--.......................-.....0 HOVEY • StewarteWaruer Dealer • Residence back of Public School, Clinton, Orff. 30-tf Shoe R.epairing Having. opened a shop next td Ford's Feed Store, I am ready to do all kinds of shoe repairing. OUR MOTTO:, •• Good Work and Promptly Done JAMES LOVETT 33-3 Auction Sale Of choice Purebred Holstein Cows and Heifers and,. entire dairy equip- ment, ebi miles southeast of God- erich, on concession 6, lot 19, Goder- ich township, on Wednesday,. Nov. 2, commencing at 1 o'clock, the follow- ing cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, dairy equiprient, etc, Mechthilde Jewel, No.• 45397, 11 years "old, freshened Sept: 22nd; Lillian Ormsby • Caradoc, No. 31790, 13 years old, due to freshen July 10th; Walker Pontine. Dekoi, No, 1,05154, 5 years old, farrow; Pauline Alcartra Ormsby, No. 105157, 5 years old, due to freshen Jan. 12th; Winnie Helbon'Dekol, No, 99845, 5 years old, due.to freshen Feb. 24th; May Sylvia Walker, No. 132489, 13years old, due to freshen Feb. 24th; Nellie Porsh Sylvia, No. 132400, 3 years old duo to freshen Nov, 25th•'Sylvia Pontiac Veenian, No, 132483, 3 years old, due to freshen Dec. 25th; Bolen Echo Toake, No. 132487, 3' yeets old, due to freshen Jan. Oth; Pansy Ormsby Abbekerh, No, 160415, 2 years oki, due to freihen May 28111; Tena Abbe- kerk Echo, No. 146866, 2 years old, due- to freshen April 14th; Saidie Ormsby Echo, No.161663, 1 year old; Hilda Schuiling Echo, No. 105157, 2 years old, freshen at time of sale; 3 Purebred Heifer -Calves' about, 8 months old, tegistration papers will be on hand at sale; 1 grade cow, 4 years old, due to freshen Feb. 7th; 1 grade 'heifer, rising 3 years, due to freshen March 25th e 1 grade heifer, rising 3 years, due' to freshen March 111h; 2 grade heifer • calves about 4 months old. Every individual offered is right in every quarter and quiet. 1 black driver, 12 years old, quiet; 10 3 -year-old Leicester ewes; 1 young sew, due Jan. 30th'; 13 pigs,10 weeks old; 25 Barred Rock cockerels; kit- chen range; 4 -bottle Babceek' tester; 5 10 -gal. milk cans; 2 20 -gal. milk cans; McCartney milking , machine, working perfect; Melette cream sep- arator; power or hand, 650 lb. capac- ity, nearly new; power ehurn, No. Deering corn binder, excellent shape; disc harrow; Oliver corn sonffier,and bean harvester; No, 21 Fleury Walk- ing plow; No. 21 Premier riding' plow; one -row turnip drill; • buggy pole; IVIassey-Harris root Milner; a quantity of Alfalfa hay,, sheaf corn and 200 bushele of oats. - No reeerye. Everything must be sold, as propri- etor is going out of dairy business on account of health. Sale will be con- chicted indoors 1 if weather is bad. Every cow offered for sale is guaran- teed to be with calf., and if 'proved to be ,otherwiee within 30 • days after Sale, 15 per cent, ,of purchase money will be refunded. Terns:' stuns of $10.00 and under, cagy over tlie amount, telt months' credit ;will be Oven on finenishing , approved joint notes. A aisopart o 15 of,Pei cent., straight Will be alloWed for cash 'on credit amewits. 0, II. Elliott, Auce ti neer, ChM. Eex, Proprietee, • amino e, nem bed, Wooden bed, snringe, pillows, mattresses, 2 eight- piete foliet sets, couch, lounges, book- • case, books, sewing mathine, gro's red 8x1.9 ft., tapestry rile; 1.0%x12 ft., tapestry reg 9x12 ft., linoleinn, car- riet, Detroit gaeoline stove, oil heater, Washing -timeline, to ladder. lawn mower, large freiit etipboard, kitchen table,,' kitchen oatensils; dishes and Sealers, garden tools, barrels And, minierous other artielee.,. Everything' advmtised to be sold: Terme: Cash. G. 19. Elliott, Auctioneer.", M, TO - RENT - Part of Lots 10 and 11 in the Mait- land Concession, known as the Schwanz Farm, consisting of 218 - acres. Immediate possession. Will lease from three to, five years: For particulars apply to J. A. E. BRADEN P. 0. Box 510, London, Ont. 32-3 Anniversary Services BRUCEFIELD UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY,' OCTOBER. 30th, 1927 • 'REV. W. D. McINTOSH, D.D. A Fernier Pator will be the special preach_r at 11 a.m. and 1' p.m. Special Music by the Choir EVERYBODY WELCOME' 32-2. Hallowe'en Supper • C. VENISTER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances - Wiring and Repairs. Phone 7 Rouse For Sale Large red brick house, corner Or- ange and Wellington streets, 8 rooms, all modern conveniences. Possession when desired. Also a barn an 14 acre lot on Wellington • street. ,Apply to Mrs. W. Jenkins. • 06-tf-6p -• Farm For Sale • 100 acres, good soil, fine buildings, small maple bush, 4% miles from Clinton. Will sell cheap and on easy terms. Will sell crop with farm if desired. Inquire at Newe-Record of- fice. 127tf -• - Boarders Wanted A limited number of boardeA wanted, ' students preferred. .Com- fortable rooms, reasonable rates. Ap- ply to Mrs. R. A. Govier. IN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH' TUESDAY, NOVEMBER lst 5 to 8 o'elock Under the auspices of the LADIES' AUXILIARY MEAT Cold Roast Dressed Pork jellied Chicken Escalloped Potatoes Salads, Pickles Rolls, Bread and Butter Pumpkin Pie And Whipped Cream Lemon Pie • Coffee Adults 56c—Children38c • EVERYBODY WELCOME • 32-2. Representatives Wanted ° • Brown Bros. Company, Ltd., Grow, ers and Importers of- High Grade Nursery.stock want special repre- sentatives in every locality. Liberal commissions paid weekly. Writd to- day. -Address Ridgeville, Ontario. 80-10 Apples For Sale , Winter Apples, Baldwins, Spys and Russets. Bing your own bags for beet eerviee. CT Hoare, Fruit Farm, near Clintdn. ' 31-3-p • . • Sheep For Sale Purebred Leicester shearling rams and shearling ewes, registered. Also ram lambs and ewe lambs, ,• eligible Tor registration ,Apply to S. H. Quig- leY, R. R. No. 5, Clinton. Phone 619-r,-3 Clinton eentral. 31-tf • . • Percheron' Colt For Sale A 3 -year-old, grey Percheron colt, choice animal, bargain for anyone wanting good young horse. 'Ap- ply to F. Whitmore, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 606-r-2, Clinton cen- tral. ' 3e -2-p , • • • Shropshires For Sale Shearling and rani; lambs, sired by a 2nd priee ram et Toronto. • Priced from $20.00 to$80.00, each,,alse seine good ewes, W. "toss, 1:,ondesboro; Ont.' Phone 21)-15, Blyth central., ,- • • . , • Poultry Supplies LAYING MASH SCRATCH FEED GRIT, SHELL AND 13REF SCRAPS COD LIVER OIL, $1.25 per Gallon E. L. MITTELL Huron, Street Clinton 81-tf .Poultru and Eggs Wanted Now is a good time to sell your non -producing hens and cockerels. " , We handle Eggs every day and Poultry on Tuesday and Friday morn- ings, We will grade your flock free - of charge A. E. Finch Phone 231 Victoria street, Clinton 27-tf Farm For „Sale • Lot 28, con: 15„ Goderich township, 85 acres more or less, good land, well, with, windmill, bank, barn, hog pen, 6 acres hardWead bush;- an acre of orchard. _,Comfortable frame house. Also 50 acre farm on Loedon reed, Tieclemsmith, ,to J. T. Mc- Knight, R. 1i No, 2, Clinton, Phone. 604-r,4, Clinton central. 28-t£ „ On. Victoria Street, opposite Wds- • leY-Willis church. 8 rooms, e/cetriir lighte 'and water, stable, Fruit trees and gar,dn.i Alec.), Ford Touring car. .1 A. J. Gri • . • 24et Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms wer Heard's B..rber shop. W. J. Jago, 228341 Clinton's 0MittliPA Pr' You INVITED US 500NER 'WE'D HAVE BEEN • HERE SOONER =We are, ready, right now, te Se you yOur Winter's supply of coal. And our delivery service ' is eeeedYas you could asle.for.'• - • All we need is an.inVitedon, ' Will you invite us today?• Call 74, . • , • CaiL the • for good, clean, coal nd. as F. R. DARROW BARRISTER will be at his office in Clinton each MONDAY From 3 to 6 p.m, 80-tf. Enter Any Day in any one of Shaw's Twelve Tor- onto Business Schools for the . training Which will lead to a gdod salaried position. Free Calendar. Write W. R. Shaw, Registrar, Bay and Charles, Toronto. • • Order Winter Coal Now Prices are lower, delivery is prompt. The coal you select is stored in your bin—and all worry is over for this year, • Orders- Taken at Lawson's Grocery Phone 111 HOWARD CLARK Phone 182 • WOOD I have a quantity of good, hard wood and .some slabs for'sale. . NOTICE I would like, all old accounts straightened up at once. E. WARD Phone 155° : *iron street Singer Sewing Machine Leased on Small Monthly Payments Big Discount on Cash Sales Now is the.time to have your ma- chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs, Needles, Belts and Pails for all makes. • W. GLEN COOK Phone 1713 • P.O. Box 201, Clint FORD COUPE FOR SALE . A 1923 model Ford coupe in good running' order. A .1 . , ' • 'AUTOMOBILES Overhauled and Repaired • STORAGE BATTERIES ; • Charged and Repaired •'...;) Gasoline—Oils--Accessories. W. J. Nediger, Prop. ASPHALT ROOFING We have a complete line of Toronto Asphalt Shingles and Roofing for siding or roofs if you are considering roofiris compare ours, before buying, with any other. This is the best by test. Feeds Always carry Bran, Shorts, * Western Oats, best quality at 11' 1% TimInid lowest price' 3. A. FORD & SON COAL -COMPANY Phone 123 PHONE 74 • CLINTON Flour and Peed merchants aaa • Grain Buyers