HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-10-27, Page 3Retain the • Chasm
Of Girlhood.,
A Clear' Sweet Skin
Will Help You
Ur Cutiouura Sona.'Eve
Ili. d� ezada l>a e1y ®til t ae uryarny.,use rich'WOebelteve
yoµ'11 welcome Ehls sugge tion fltory Cnrit t the , vi} ofious ,
Tlclir'T ixiade'from the,fi iest'Western yv eat D housands of
Books say•Purity Flouras best for, eakesw les,' u,ns and,b Bad N.
$srzd3tle:n, Y�crn s fef our IOp recz e Purity;Flour `Cgok Baok f ' sox '
TOroato Monteai O'ttatve B stloiuo .i
taate.^n,;YCtannda Flour l4ldlo Co':, L,mited. xy, �. , :,,4 '.y' , ,. '
I though a.thceoquarter turn has 1)een
rS$,Ing used by .some btiti• never to an a1 j
'Stay Put"
Expert Tell Tricles'to Learn' in
l'iYcb ilig l io.
s".- idiee.
wagers Mean _
epeople. vho :cherish the idea.
.Som v
that pitching horseshoes to ince:e�ehild's
play a;•rd requires.mi skill other
than grabbing a shoo and throµ'ing'it,
have never seen real shoetosser8
fn action. Just. as;.in `eyel-y, other'
sport fiffereitt experts, have their own.
pet methods of handling.the irons. The
Average man who thinks, that he can
,pitole.slioescfairly well, but has•• never
con8icered:.himself in the,"ghamplon
class, •gives` a fast twirl • to ,the shoe.
as he flings- it,. hooking.11is ;index lin-
ger around •the , end of the shoe and
giving it a;pull:.back as "it leaves his
hand, This ,sends the'shoe' spinning
'',through the air and as a. rule it will
land fiat- and "stay put." 'But 'very
A Close ;Decision
often if .it hits the poi it will ricochet
to one side, Most of the real chain
pimis, itseems ,toss. the shoe so that
it does net twirl, iu the air, but makes•
a slow turn that brings itnicely in
position to settle around the peg. Any
ambitious horseshoe'fans who are
starting to train for the Canadian
Championship Contest, which the On.
terio Athletic Commission is staging
at the Royal Winter Fair next month,
wilt be interested to learn how one
champion had achieved success. This
method which Is described in the ,fol-
lowing paragraphs, is now generally
accepted by the "hest people" in tbo
horseshoe world.
"In playing always loon at the ole
pestle stake you are aiming 100,' he
says "not at your opponent's shoes, or
the people on the sidelines.
"Learn first' to throw the open shoe
so that it will land right;into the stake;
1101 slide into it. Take the shoe in the
right hand, unless you, able It southpaw,
vantage;•oi> acdount of having' to' be
thrown so hard, Then, if the, stake+
Is missed, the shoe travels beyond all:
'possible scoring distance, •
1'in thri'vin'g'ale open shoe It should:,
be thrown'.witli all possible `:ease and.
laud eight; into, the•'_stake..Many i?itch
with. a tWst.,. This ;has a tendency to
'cause the 'shoe' to 'lend. otherwise than
net, which makes it ireposeible to keep
"Here's -for a Ringer"
a ringer on top of another ringer.
"Nearly anyone cad Learn to throw
the open shoo by learning the proper
hold and making the natural swing.
If' the ` shoe is mit'opening • at stake,
then throes a little higher, that is, if
you are landing in front of the stake.
If you are pitching over the stake,
then lower your height. This will at
the sftme time bring your turn of the
shoe slower. The position df the hold
on the shoe governs this and all de-
pends on whether your shoe is turn-
ing too much or not enough.
"Always be sure, to train 'yourself
to throw the same height, which is
about ten feet , When throwing a money, than a preacher.
ringer always-try.to tee) it, throwing
the shoe so that the speed is'speiit
when arriving at the stake. In doing
this, if you fail to, get on, you will' be
within sheeting distance. ' When a
shoe is leaning .a'gainst1 a stake, this
being ono of the hardest' conditions, to
pitch against,,you should learn: to
throw a .low `shoe,me rather hoop the
shoe straight in. This all depends'on
the position of the leaning shoe.
.4 ewomanlse lilacs may ';bein the
'can �. R 0 a1] n eW6 a
haute. • bn - ou ca g n, r y N er wernen fro man " "
s k y ., .r: p p m y. BtLrce..
da•oye of;,then'; ln:.1100•,beaiuty pa11pr. • of, danada, ofilgials of;; the Can:adlan`'
It ds estimated ;that thirty-seven Per Pacific Railway 'and f' seeds kath red
take ':bath recently in 11Sontreai'; to honor'the•
cent. .of the ,hotel • guests' a memory of the late Col. George`Ilam;
rust to Set .their_money s Worth.'.• foul ., of ills 'Canadian W'"
Press Club and{for ma y ears active
I?;eePing shoes,shindd'ie,exlibnsive, ..n y
omen s'
but, at least 000',needn't check them in publicity work of , the , Canadian•
when• yen: go onto lunoh.: Pacific Railway, A',lironze memorial'
bearing � a lot
odallion liltenesa of .the'
;late. Col„ Haim -was tinveiled`>in ;:the
A young double'. war heel irig"in,,the Wind or.Sfr'"
- late,one avenin is when suddon. ar; k olnenriopiesie gift afs ea
par e d CaCitadian Wojnen's press:Club, •us,a
]y the young roan medi this remai:lt:
"Gosh,, it's dark in here, I "can't • Bee.
my hand in front or my'. face
"Don't. woreey, : dear, I ]mow .it's" not
there,"' •the •skirt replied.::'. -
'Nature probably blessed .ltiethuse,
lab With, an incurable ••disease which
caused him to Jive so long:
Squirrel meat is said to be good, to
eat if you can keep from thinking
about a rat while eating it.
We rise to remark—l:f they want
People to keep clean why do they bar
If the doctor finds anything the
matter with you, the physical exaip-
Ination is worth all it costa. If he finds
nothing wrong the examination is
worth a million dollars..
It appears ;that the -proper defini-
tion of "Christian nation" Is one in
which a prize-fighter, .makes more
The Proper'Hold.
take hold,of the right fork with' the.
thumb on the' top side and all -four
fingers gripping the fork, with the
little , finger against, the heel 'calk.
Beep th.e calks face flown. The thumb
controls the shoo in turning. if the
shoe turns moreethan a one•an-tltree-
quarter turn, move the thumb slightly
Calk, gripping
ar 'pie toe ca ri
forward taw d � e g pP g
the shoe tighter., To slow:up'lhe turn,
hold closer toward, the heel calk, ,The
shier 'When leaving the hand should
be level, not edgewise.
'i\Vhen•' in position to deliver the
s'1toe make a full swing and don't jerk
the arra when pitching. •Don't'.hitch
cross-fire unless 'it becomes' morerna'
turas•, it's harder. Then•fiitch'the
shoe• so that your, arm in the swing
will 'pass directly over the ,,,seahe.
Never make e downward or swooping
movement in delivering the shoe,
"The •open-,abtge Is onq-that, Janda..
"-with the 0Pe111 geeieai•d• lee_'stalce and
is all:colrtroiled.by the grip or hold on'.
thes1oe, An open shoe..eanu91 bo a
success that has snore tilau'three and
bile-Italf tin'ns; AS 1)11 cnntrol is lost.
The one and ,one-quarter turn is used
by the hest 1iorseshne'-piteliers, -ale
Sometimes you, can drop a ringer
down on the leaping shoe, which will
cause it to fall, your shoe remaining it, buy it, build a house.
a ringer. The real object Is to keep
The slow one -and -a -
the first pitch, PJltat
i ntiflc and
• It's=time to•`take theecoweatclfors off
the railway locomotives and substi-
tute automobile nets." •
So the 'wife bias fatilte,' eh? 'Ale,
well; if she had been perfect,`you
wouldn't have got her.
A touch •of rouge on the lips' of
most Wren is considered by them in
vory good taste,
Three ways to get trouble—borrow'
tribute to the -founder tee their organ]-'
The nlemoriel,hore the ,following
"To the memory of eColonel George
Henry Rem, official dY, tile -Canadian
Pacific Railway, Who died in Montreal
April .16th, 1926. This tablet is erected,'
by .the Canadian Women's Press Club
in ,gratefui:zecognition of his services
as their founder and feeend, He was
'a ;gallant• gentleman .; and great 90••
Pieliowhig,; the un•
veiling Miss 'May"
S; Dlendennan,'president,of• the C.W.
P.C., the permanent memorial was ac-
cepted for; the Canadian Pacific by
E. W. Beatty, chairman and president
of the Company,
,a" N-
era,. Yon erve�RD ROM �! A
KOt ed Your :faxrllly- you ' re &avi xg
them the best lea y_ot can
. ]`'irony in China Clas itied.Adverfisgrxientg
•Singapore Free Press The.;recrud. �'ttma0i t. =Ng?rg'v4'?; 11 Ta_
_ 0 -.•:;
extents of pnacy leads, �tc Rile' belief;" . 1,T>3.�pflOxlc' ciSAfdol I3,oNn as
that the' fighting yihiah wag' 1'eviotts--' V selections $YO5:O.o t.fer .566:00. Guar,
$ t Pbls on `a40 flaunt -Royal IDask;
ly'=''being "conducted 'on a'•fairly wide Montreal. a ,
an<l well organized.,o'ealo has resumed`
Into more. of.. its old-tim 'character•,
thrjs releasing numbers of "men
haying no means of -honest employ-
Inept, are:tasting to piracy as a' very
well understood resort in times of dif-
ficulty. It is plainly reaching a Ore
quency winch cannot be tolerated and
now that the propaganda machine in
Clic a hes Wavle ovvin .'t '•
of', Russian oil to' help it along, `the
Foreign' Powers may be.expected to
tk d t
Puente 2618 Ceterfo 'S
business making: unbreakable glass.:
subetitute on Wire base for porehSS, .
greenhouses, henhouses, Samples Infer-;:;
matIon sent. Box 201, Exeter, Ont.
1 -OAIN9. Write for free list 2arms,, �i
Mr. Douglas, Herkimer,•
,N.Y.. .i jr;•,
•n g o lack" 'tee OU7t z BIRTHDAY •Ii'OROSCOVE
selentldcully calculated :.by Setono0
of fistrology.. offers some. Interesti>TSg-{_-
i'acts.- Fon particulars address
Mandela P.O. Box 733, Toronto.
• Fo , Two Years.
Small Tin Weathers Many
How Weak, Run -Down People Seas But Eventually
Can Obtain`, Relief a Was Picked Up
eke more rastic 'action_,.lsan they,
Could when every effort to 'ensure a- Grays et; a! 1110 wo>itR
reasonalil •t .'Gum's o�� �a3ETG aUf OO105121 i
e Security for was; ,unply ."11'66.'Sets of Our .Famous
twisted into an Imperialistic attack k .i tin s Seals for ioc a sat 4v'lt n
upon the helpless Chinese, people,
Chinese Reformers '
Hong Iiong Press:' (The iutroduc-
tion of Occidental ideas into China
seems Of 'doubtful benefit, if not im-
possible to achieve).`. The question
arises whether those Chinese ..who re-
sist the changes • that some would
seek to'impose upon them may not,
after all, be the real benefactors' and
preservers of the countiy rather than
those individuals who lightly, discard
the ancient customs. It may be that
such people are not really obstinate
and ignorant, but unconscious agents
of the, spirit that seeks to' preserve
the integrity of the race. It is clear
that those who have forsaken the an -
dent paths; who know 1itt1e or 'noth-
ing of the Confucian cult","who scoff
at anceetor worship, and scorn the
Other customs; are not, in any etjsen-
tiasi, Chinese. ,: They cannot; there-
fore, .ever become the natural inter-
preter' or leaders of China. In this
eatego0y we would'.place such persons
as Eugene •Chen,••
Among 'the many remedies offered ' A",message thrown ov�srboard in 'a
for the maintenance or restoration of 'tin from the decks of an Atlantic
health and strength, there is none can liner on the Canadian route has beet-
compare with Dr. ' Williams' Pink'retr•'ned to the White Star Line lead
Pills, Most ailments are - due to poor, -office in Canada exactly two years to
thin blood: Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 'the dray front' the time it was pitched
have a specific action.on the- blood,into the ocean. •
making it rich, red' and pure. Through t;'.It d"riftsd onto the 'shores of New -
this 'richer blood the, tissues of. the foupoland where it was slicked' up by
body are. better nourished, and the a' fi herniae and, forwarded #o the
functions of: the body retie' perform Montreal office of the company where
ed. Anaemic sufferers,„ weak, fan- officials expressed the 'opinion that it
guid" and nerv`ou's people speedily' fled was }written by, some hinnorist because
new health and strength throngs' the was
was. signed " ,,or4 Carnegie' and
use of this. Medicine. This was the promrsTd that ;the. finder would "get
experience! of - Mrs, 'John. Armour,; the surprise of his lire"•
South onoghan, nt., hwhoon says:—"I • The message, written on common
am: one of the many' thousands who ' g '
have regained 'health,through the use white lined paper' in a well formed
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,'and I take ,hand, And dated October 18, 1925
this opportunity of. saying a word in• reads as follows:
praise of this splendid, inedieine. 'Be- Whoever finds this tin please com-
municate- with: White Star Line office
at-uebec, Montreal, Belfast or Glas-
gow and
lasgowand yen will get the surprise of
your life. Lord- Carnegie. P.S,—God
Biose whoever finds this. '
,'Itivas picked up on October 9, 1927,
by John Troves, 'Little Soort ^var
Lark Harbor, Bay of Islands, New-
fou%dland, ,as the following ,letter,
sent ,to the' White Star Line by Mr.
Traves, testified: ,
"This aper was found in,•at Cin 'on,
the shore of Little Soort' var 'Lark"
Harbor, picked up by' Mr.: John
Traves, the 9th day of October, 1927."
fore beginning the use 'of this medi-
the silk -clad flapper can't un- ' cine I was pale and 'badly run down.'
quarrel• sisoe Is Use most s clorstand—why cotton should jump in / found it difficult to do my -house-
work and was tired and breathless .at
the least exertion. Iliad tried several
medicines without benefit, and finally
decided to try • Dr. Williams' Pinlc.
Pills: Soon- I Began to'feel better,
sleep better and eat better, and found
my weight Increasing. In, a word, I
felt like a -new -person. I hays since
,recommended' the ,pills to •'others who
have taken them' with equally gobd
results.",e ,.
Try Dr, Williams "fink Pills for
anaemia, rheumatism; ;'Neuralgia, ner-
vousness. Take them',akta tonic if
you are notln the best physical con.
dition endtciiltivgte a feeletahe4 that
will keep you well and strong. Oct a
box from• the nearest drug store and
begin this treatment now.
The .pills are sold by all medicine
dealers or will be sent by mail at'„60c-
a box by,; writing The Dr. Williarns'.
'Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
vVoman Ss Under Dog
easiest thrown."
t tt
3�'� ClliL0��:1V S COLS S
II' ,
pride when no well-dressed. young: Wo-
men wear 1t any more. . ,
Hitherto unpublished list of gifts
from the bridegroom to' the bride: Six
knives, six forks and six epoone; Two
sheets; One :bedside lamp; Four bath
Cold in the head is very common at towels' 011e .dense, set; Nine, face
this time of year, especially In the towels, One 'blanket; Thirty-two
very •young. Neglect of a' cold is dividual calces, of soap in the original
prone to lead'to'tertous,consequences:" wrappers; One Bible. This list is
'1`o relieve all congestion of the ' sys- made available. for publication through
tent is 'the first step in treating a cold,
the courtesy. o 0
Whether, in infants or adults! -• For
the Very youifg,,,Baby's Own' Tablets'
are .the'ideal,nreans;af"doing' this. ,Con
taining-no,narcotlea er other. Harmful
drugs they soothe the'ciiitds•relfit1-;
nese, relieve its suffering and ensure
Baby'S.11wn Tablets 'are Without an
f -Mount Royal Hotel,
'the Pullman' Conipahy, the C. N. Ry
and the Gidoons. •
11y, the, time the Women folks get
through.' , shaving `fusty ',necks,' -and
shins, and under the arms, man's
safety razor -is ready for tc new blade
before he can' shave. .
l•...`..'•+?! tn,b.y 1, ,L d
equal for relieving indigestion, con-
stipation and colic. They • .check
diarrhoea;•break up colds and simple
fevers; promote heaithgiving sleep
and mak@ the•dreaded teething period
easy. The Tablets are the' one medi-
cine that a mother can give 1rer,,Ht-
tie' ones with perfect safety as, they
t take
hers as
i o
in urs• the' mother.was going to'be free from h
1 medi- soon as
They, sold byal o
us drugs., Y
o g
cine dealers -or, by mail at 26 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co„ 13rodltville, Ont.
• This ie surely the land "of oppor-
tunity.. and 40 wears ago mixt Satur-
'day night the father of the man :who
has just decided to have seven.batir-
roolns in his new'hone°, instead - of a
paltry five, was taking his 'bath inna
washtup behind the kitchen stove and
Custom .endures, and people still
'call the eD-end•down part of a skirt
• A Flapper On Each Side. , •
"I3e's `a lot.of blubber- " list 'a 1 Ig
"I've noticed, whenever I've seen
him, he alway has a flapper on each
icor all pains—Minard'a Liniment.
"I ,love to go to the. movies, but
aril, tired of hearing.the '1812 Over•-
tuie:,:"—James R. Quirk.
"Work for money is good, but worst
for the work's sake will carry a young
man; far:'—William Ih Wpodin,
the "length."
Hot Dogs.
They sat alone at evening time,
Beneath the twilight skies;
,With Hungry. look the young man
gazed :.
.Into the sweet:girl's—lunclr•basitet.
t,lu a e e _ _
strust old -senyou d ttiinll $1;00 and.St.'koop Nio$Lkol0ae0. g5Veear
Co., Dept. 604WL., Broolelyn, N.Y„ U•S ;A.: ` .
Physicians say: insane are happier i
than the sane. Don't have to worry
over doctor bills.
War iemorials;
Berlin Borsen Courier: Itseems ae`,
though a curse lay upon all speeches
made since the -War at the inaugura-•
tion of;^:memorials to the dead.- The
'nations of the world were willing to
fbrget the past:'but their statesmen
do everything they can ti revive the
ancient hatreds.. It: is not 'therefore
surprising that material disarmament
makes little, progress, since the
spirits of men do not wish 'to be dis-
Mlnard's Li -lament for Toothache.
"Rembrandt painted about 700 pic-
tures: • Of these' 7000 are In exist-
ence."—Dr. William Bode.
"Don't get up front the feastof life
without paying for'your share of It."
-Dean Inge.
Many ..,-Prizes for Canadian
Ottawa.—G.:E. McIntosh, .Canadian
Fruit .Commissioner, is in the British
Isles snaking a survey. of the condi-
tions under which -Canadian. grown
fruit and -iegetables are marketed in
Great Britain 'and Ireland. HIS visit
to the British Isles is 'at the invitee
tion of the. British Empire Marketing
Board, On arrival•1n London bre will
confer: with officials of that Board, on
John Erskine,' author of ")lelen of- r1it marketing from the Canadian
Troy,': and 'Galahad" believes 'that :.point of interest.. While in England
women's -marriage status hasn't Chang- 1,"r. MeIntosh will be one of, the most
ed since prehistoric times. Prot interested visitors', at' the Imper�fald.
Er t1
o is'conv aced that in matri• Fruit Show which opens at
mony man.' is sti1L the brute mastsr , Gardens; Manclloster, on Ont r 28.' October
woman his Saithful .follower. Despite At this show Canadian fruit growers
the new position occupied by woman will have.. a large number of entries
in' politics,. in busyness, In literature and are hoping that. they will, as in
her place in the marriage relationship, recent Years:- Again carry off most
points rout the Columbia University coveted awards. Iii•the ;past'aix years
professor, ' has not changed an 'iota ''Ca}lacla'lia1 won the prize .for the best,
since she emerged from Adam's .rlb dessert. apple grown in, the British
Bir.reduced Troy to ruins. -Empire, with the Mclntosli. •Itedt a
"I, don't believe that people' ever variety "originated in Dundee County,
change," says ho, "Two separate in- Ontario, quite ,close "to :Ottawa, and
stints, simple and inevitable, are still has also 'won nine grand champion-
at the bottom of`all our divorce and ship prizes, eight second prizes. and.
marriage problems. Man 'is a brute; five thirds in the British Empire sec-
woman`is @seontially-pessessfve.,•It's tion'alonc. Although this .section has
the' ofd. ,fight, '0 set of combative in- been abandoned at, the shote the Over-
stincts.Inman and possessive instincts seas -Section is-lreing continued and
'in `woman --that brings about the: di here is where Canadian apple growers
'yorco p1•oblem, ' and%it Ise not the meet the`.Aeeneat competition, In the
.career -seeking tendency 'of the mod- period from 1921-1.926 1n the 13,c1ass-
ern woman that brings it about. Wo- es in the'Overseas Section, open for
Man' waists' to held. the 'inah:'Over a competitive entries, British Columbia
long duration 00 time.' I' .can'well has won 46 first prises' and 12 second;
tniagine a time when: a Ifran gambled• - Ontario,'19 first and 22 seconds; Nova
away his' sweetheart, 1 do not be- Scotia., 15 ,firsts .and 11 seconds; Que,
sieve that only wo;naii ever gambled: ileo, two firsts and four seconds and
away her. man in that way. Ire Is tiro Neyr Brunswick, two firsts.
nigh a ,15rettt Of her Pirtle ' . '1,•The Britieh Isles is the- principal
Pref, Erskine ,vvlose forthcoming market for most of;1he commercial ap=
novel -Adam and,k7ve Will,nonoplebe .ple'atm .in. Canada and consequently
his trilogy ,on falntiuS men and Wm there is keen interest' in the Cana-
nien of the, past, admits that eve have dian'prodixats.• A
been st}idying ourseive5, where the
:ancients• were, ellgaged'•asinost wholly Communisrn and, the Soviets
in, the problem of,gotting,sonietbing to ` Bcho de Poria:-- The seizures made
eat •"But,''' he continues' ."the teethe, in Pekin; and afterwards ;in London
vve 1> ave' unearthed have not: cleared in 1110 ;Soviet headquarters, showed
clearly ., Chat they -were centres of
e and social di.si1tegration.,.
eapional 1n
Wily should they be anything else
other countries 1, We know; that they,
net,. ; Tile Commpnfet .140a, faith-
fully and ardently iegresented by
every..Sovlet.agent, cannot, n.4 recon-
ciled with the Spirit oitpati•iotism 1111
'national feeling. , Itis therefore use-
less ,$oi' :us 4:9struggle 'against Com-.
ihunism, unles's' -commence y
breaking relations' with the Soviets.
Comm1nisiir Ie•,part •of the soviet
Socialist ma0hine: •
And while the frogs began to croak,
This jolly brown -eyed. miss
Smiled up• Into his- eager face • -• - -
And gave him just one sandwicli.
are sd easy and perfect IF you
use the samdkind of dyes Profes-
sional, Dyers use. Dyes that are'
,brut trp'ie highly concentrated,
1inoly powderecl, soluble form.
No worst to ' dissolve them.
Never any shaving, scraping 00
crumbling them tip. They are:—
The 'stars, as usual, peeped at, them,
And night her pageant traced;
He slowly slipped his' arm around •
The winsome girlie's—umbrella
Whsle chiggers climbed the poison
And ants played on the logs,
Ile took her slender hand in lits
And said, "I love—hot dogs,"
The following verdict was brought
in. by the foreman of the jury: "The
jury are all Of 'the same mind-tern-
poserily insane
Noweomer "Your advertlsement,
said: ',that at, thee hotel there is a'
beautiful view for miles and miles
Proprietor--'i$O there is. Just put.
your head. out 'of :that window and
look up,"
"We can .no longer rely on the girl
as a good influence on the boy." --Dr.
E..$.. Griffith.
Red Rose Tea, now packed
in the bright, clean Alumi-
num package, is completely
guaranteed..' You can try it
without ',any risk. Order a
package £roils your grocer.
'Use any portion .of ,it endd if
you are .not, entirely please
return it, and no charge• ,..w -
be ]made,
Mrs.. Stalittene—",/Tarry runic •bur
car"tifnufrat clay and night," '
Mrs Cassingliam---"Oh, .I,, Wouldn't'
think of :letting our 'Clifford run the
car'.; Ile 'tight get a flat, tiro and his
lungs ,aro.'so weak `I'mafraid he'd>
never bleep it up,"
k d is faster than the eye,
That's you, see. -so many black
elle [way toan understanding between
Plan and Woman, The great'peoblem,
as I -see it, la still the man and Woman
Italy is -shaped; like a, boot'apa
so1•tu1 is doing.his -beet to put the kick"
t and Quor
Statemen Y
'11i1come Tax Alipeass,' reads 'a head-
ing, To whom
ltl nard'e-Linitrent tot Lumbago.
A true radioal is' e," man Who thinks:
YOU aria agatnst'blini if you :can't get
hp excited.'•as-he does.
Too many Wbmeir expect their slut
Bands to bring home the bacon and:
then fry it•
ttitnerd's Liniment for rtstiima.•
ISSUE ;No. 4-4-.•47 tvta
Sore Throat
'Spread on brown paper :and.
apply on outside. Reduces swell-
ing and eases pain.'
I Mrs. Hopi Tells 'Maw* Lydia E.'
P'mkhant's Vegetable Compound. •
'; Restored Her Health
H amilton,Ont. —"I have taken Lydia
E. Pinkharl's Vegetable Compound
and would not be
without it r}ow'
trouble so badly I '
could hardly walls
and I was all run-
down and could
hardly get around .
to do my house-
work:.I. would be
in bed three or
four daye,ata" '
'time. I•was told
by a friend to try
your Vegetable Compound, I did, and
' by the time I took two" bottles I was
beginning to get around again. I too
tell bottles in . ail, and now 1 am all
right again and doing my own work.
I have six grown -lips to work for, so
1, hate plenty to do. I also used Lydia.
E. Pinkham s. Sanative. Wash, and I -
think it is good.`" But Iowom health
to the Vegetable Coinpound, and ,I
think if mote of it was used Women
would be better off. ' I would not be
without it if it cost much more."-
Mrs.NELL1Er1AMESON; 808 East Can-
non Street, Hamilton, Ontario.
1 o you feel broken down, nervous
and weak sometimes? Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound is excel-
lent to take atsuchatime. It always
helps, and if taken regutarlyand per-
, sistently, will relieve this condition. of
ATE... .t`f'
List of "Wanted Inventions"
and Full Inrorntatlon. Sent Free
on Request.
THE 1U11T0AY co., Dept.' w,
273 Bank St., Ottawa, Oat.
Proved safe by millions and prescribed. by physicians for j.
. Neuralgia Neuritis.,
Headache Toothache .�
Colds -Lumbago
( .
-, Pain Rhelimatistn
"-'T . • 1E0e
Beware of Counterfeits
Thel'e is only one genuine
ASPIRIN" tablet. ' If a tab-
let is offered' as ASPIRIN"
ihd is not stamped with the
"Bayer Cross" -refuse it with
contempt -it i s n of"A SPIRTN"
at all 1 Dont take chances I
1€1.1a2.,e,r." acka e ' �larce t . off' ; p �
which contains,proven directions.„
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets. j
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.A:
in Canada) of Bayer'Stennfacturo. of l+tonoeootle+.}'
ecide n ie tb0 trade mark free (Acetyl
ttbetAe lrinmelne B Bever Inonufyi entittoollno011O the public agaiinst Imitetlone won
`.:.5 Bayer
Will' a Mapped
of Rayer Campltuy will'bo 6tafnped with theu'CenoTal trade mark, the "Beyer Croae: