HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-10-20, Page 7'If 1 -CLINTON Ng;,_ RECORD �alio�s of NeVe�a A Column Prepared Especially for Women But Not Forbidden to Men Are Canadians'' realty lacking in the "me virtue.of hospitality? A people so fortunately situated and of such stoct. certainly should not show such a lack but the thought has been sug- gested by the fact that several vis- itors to the Dominion during the past summer, (and, -by-the-way, Canada entertained a number of very inter- esting and distinguished visitors dur- ing the past summer) expressed the wish to See more of the home, life of Canadians. These visitors were 'en- :tertained to dinners; luncheons, 'spreads of different sorts and of vary- 'ing degrees of formality, but these feasts were always given at some 'hotel or /club. 'Between these public 'entertainments ;` the visitors were "shown about the't6wns' and cities, or allowed to a muse"theniselvos at beat -they could at their own Hotels.- They •saw nothing of how' ' the public men, •captains of industry, newspaper edi- tors, fainters, or pplitical leaders really lived. Wanted to See Inside' of Home One of the . visiting . English edi- tors when in Winnipeg expressed a desire to see something. eCanadian the Home life. Indeed, wa3c he put it • -was,,.-when asked by one of his hosts 'if there Was anything,' he had not 'seen that he would like to see, ,"Yes. I should like to see the inside of a 'Canadian home:' That was candor, now, wasn't pit? Well,' this ;Winnipeg -man was game. His wife had been away for some weeks at their sum- • mer home and his house was not'` in just the best shape, at least he knew :his wife' would not so consider it. But as he knew most' of his friends were in the came condition he could -do no less than take the visitor home with him, which, he did. He thought perhaps the Englishman would he content to sit down and smoke in the living room, But, `no, He was inter- ested in the home, and insisted upon seeing the house from garret to Cel- lar, and when the evening was over . • lie told his host that it was the pleas - 'mutest evening he had spent while in "Canada, Englishmen Love Home It is a well-known fact that Eng - 1 lishmen love their homes' (alid:'what greater, thin; could be said of any people?) and it' is not to be wondered at that they grew a bit weary,of the continual formal entertainment' and longed for the simplicity of the, hoine. No doubt a'man thousands of miles from his own hone and family would appreciate being received into the home•oi someone else, where the for- mality of the public function cout&be thrown off; where' he would Meet 'the. presiding mistress in her afternoon house dress, instead/ of. ' the formal costume, including hat and furs and a pearl necklace, which she is wont to don when aeociilpanying iter •bus-• band to a public banquet. A woman is never more • charming than when presid ng at her own table, and if the, visitor .could only overhear her warn Johnny- not to, &eine to table without washing his, hands, and Mary not to talk too,' much, it would probably make him,, feel that much more - "at home." • There .is nothing which ,givesone such a warm, •pleasant glow about the heart -al to be. Invited into some- one's home and made welcome to the best it'afforde, with fellowship and cordiality- thrown in. 1 think it would• be well for those who • are .responsible for the entertainment of visitors .to Canada, who conte hereto learn.about the country and its people,.to.consid- er this point and. see .to,it.that they learn something; of the real home life of Canadians. REBEIC_ rr Rupert Township Report for S. S. No, 10, HuIlett and Goderich for month of September: Sr.' 3rd -Gordon Johnston, Donald Sprung. Sr. 2nd—Dorothy Vodden, Charlie Meehan, Leonard Yungblutt. Se. lst—Stanley Yungblutt. Primer—Beth Govier, Ruth Vedder', Eleanor 'Sprung, Orval Sieling, Eddie Honking, Florence Yungblutt,' Pearl Jolintson. No. en roll, 13. Average atten- dance, 12.7. -Elizabeth Arnett, teacher. The modem .young man • wearing "Invictus"Shoes • feels he is stepping olt! THE BEST GOOD SHOE top of the world." .r-42±1141:,_ Ifeefid 44 ,• PLUMSTEEL BROS. 4111.19.0909.19.99•11991MW 911•11119.1191•91/... AST IIU'RON 'TEACHERS NIT IN BRUSSELS. Norma] . School eoiiclnctul a P1t.tl:fNS :SW4 ,Taeasoii with -a class:wbich,was; much enjoyed "bybeth teachers. and pupils She vsry cleverly introduced lies lesson by i silo t Inlereatmg dis The lifts-fouitb ,gnnual convcn t.tlssion qf- art bai cries Slie used. tion'of the hast I -Taxon Teachers' In-, sev'stal-pictures to ;bring the artists stitute was hallin the'Ui ted;chureh Stop} contained in ,l the picture 411. Bi•tissels, Oet.' 13t1 'arid I th. Tt w is pactitl,os y good artists - contain attended by oie,lnur(Ired anti twenty Sfmies By';a tery wch developed ser five teachers' and pudvecl a'sdccess ip ics• cl systematic questions and tin every respect; • sycer s °the : children _Were .able to un- The opodiu'g: ' devotional eye1 cites dei stand ,the. story of The highland were conducted by Rev: Banner of the' Shepherd's. -Chief ,Mourner." She also• United church, Brussels, showed liow Art, Picture Study, Lan-_ . Reeve A. C. Backer welcarned the guage, and Coniposifion, could be car association on behalf.' of the village. related. •IIer ',address was, really. a IIe ex messed:.. his appreciation that gr_eab help to<tho o ,Present inteach- Brussels had ;heen'chosen Hising the difficult 'suject, of Picture sage to the association , was that' Study,',:`; more time be spent in schools in lit- Mre. Snyder introduced the discus - entry work, especially publicspeak- sion op.Probleins of a Small School, ing, the proper time for cultivating She ave;;a very good papor'showing the same being in youth.. the different ways, and means of over. The records of the last convention coming the difficulty experienced in: were read by Mr, 0, S. Sellers and small schools due to lack" of,colnpeti-' on' the approval of Mr.- W-. Bisbee tion. Combetition,is essential in the they were adopted as read: - life and, progressofthe school merit 1',Ir, W. Bisbee, . president , of Abe, and report cards help. She pointed association, gave a very interesting out that pupils are-; handicapped for and instructive address. Ire spoke play in a small school but this'. can>be on fifth class work in public 'b ,schools._ overcome ' fostering a 'good school He -brought out the : advantages to spirit. l pupils by (1) I1 develop, initiative: • (2) Helps -pupils in other•classes. (3) 11liss M. Wheatley continued the Leads pupils to, spend one Or two discussion and thoii'ght the; problems years more at school and oftentimes of the small school ,could be partially to clintinue at school. overcome by Consolidation and Town- ship School Boards;Atte'ndance pfob pointed.; :,Xeminatingcommittee,, Mr. d. with in lam has t0 be, Contended' 7eff,erson, Clinton 14Ti::,Crawfoi(t, Sea clasof one pupil, 'No opportunity forth;' i iss Johns, ;Wingham, Miss for`,ses debate. in school.readmg tables, a lVfcGowan, Blyth. Resdiution commit-` ,great help,to all,sehools: tee;'Miss maisrab,-.Brussels, Mr. Gar- it'Ir. Posliff gave a number of ways, rete ' 'Nrop ,ter, .Miss 'McKay, Sea to develpti, observatjnu, forth• Mr. Bisbee and. Miss Reynolds led. Thursday Afternoon. the convention in community singiugr Orr Thurslay afternoon some very Miss.MVleLeanintroduced the subject useful 'and practical discussions took place at the different conferences. Primary, first and. 'second classes under Miss F. Buchanan, third classes under Miss M. Bowes, fourth :classes. under M E P riff d n er Y, O51 .an Contjnuatien', under Miss Penfold. ' The -first paper Thursday afternoon was taken by Miss M. G. N. Irving of the Hamilton Normal ISehool on "How to Improve- our English." She very cleverly brought out the reasons • for improvement: of 'speech and different means of procuring it. English lan- guage should be prized. Trashy novels too easily obtained and too readily grasped by the youth o"f the country, This could be overcome by creating in the pupils s4love for good litera- ture and authors.,Pronunciation is spoilt in many people by poor articu- lation due to (1) Ignorance of/sounds. (2) Failure to diseriminate between like sounds. (3)' Slovenly use of the vocal organs. (4) Torpid will• Will power and self resolution are neces- sary to overcome the difficulties of utterdnce, articulation eccentutation and enuneiation. She pointed out a number of examples which would tend to procure the desired d unitY an d smoothness of speech. Meeting then adjourned nail the evening session- when ,a program eon- sisi;in of vocal and instrumental music, readings and community sing- ing was inging'was well rendered. The teach- ers feel indebted to the 'people of Brussels for the success of the splen- did evening. Friday Morning Miss M. G. N. Irving of Hamilton lost for Economical Transportation' Evidences of CgjEVRQLE! S Quad! L Body" by Fisher Chcvrolvt te the only four - Cylinder cur in the world with body by l ishex—aeknow-. ledged toasters of the body. buiidees' art. Duce > irris3l Alt Che wlot models are fn. ithed iti genuine Duro. Chev. roles smartness and beauty aro lasting. Endurance Ruggedness in constntctton gives Chevrolet untoldowers of endurance ander all sotto of road and weather condi. cions, Power and Speed Chevrolet has the ,o t power- ful and smoothest engine in any car of its Stze, wish mstatre eordatetien and flashing Comfort Chevrolet ssmiaUcptie frogs and rear springs p oVdo un- rivalled riding-comroir, Luxury Chovrelot interiors ate design. lid with the utmost good taste. Rich upholstery and carpets— beautiful Ito dv o --c mplcaa. and convenient instrument board—knurled steering wheel , ars among the scores- of co- finenlents, r New Low. Prices The Imvost prices for which Chevrolet has ever poen sold in Canadn Rof ring• -1645 oadster . 545 Sport Roodstor . .720 Cou e - Cahnotet • 505 Coach . 750 . . sadaa . as0 Iuiparit farad Sedan 015. I556 Tr:•k Chassis - 635 Roadster Delivery, - , 645 Commercial Chassis . - 485 Prifef al j!aitory, Oshawa, Ontatie— Govarnment 2saes Extra, is 3iCT" *z 23111 ur�lit�/ g the most 1TEVER has any car in Canada estab- fished such a phenomenal record of public acceptance as Chevrolet has attained during the past eight months. The Most Arnazing Quality in Chevrolet History—the lnost,,`arnazing 'quality ever offered Ly ,any care in the .low -price .field-- has field-whas won for -Chevrolet` the unqualified, thuslastc", approvals of Canadian•<'biirers frb1n CQ1 dt tomcoast. Chevrolet is far outselling all other cars in its -price range combined . sheerly and solely on the basis of•rrierit- ..' `of a stand- a.rd of quality, performance and' value tin equalledinall Chevrolet history. Let your Chevrqiet dealer show you the car and d e iaosti ate its performance, Judge Chevrolet by every known standard of car-' values ' and understand the ,-reasons for; Chevrolet's amazing success: c.lesocl' s. pnomiCT OP GENERAL ^.l'✓MOTORS'° OF CANADA, LIMITED ) of "Problem 'of a Targe School.", She pointed out the difficulties of review- ing work and correction of exercise books and her ways of overcoming the same. Difficulty in securing time for midi' individuals attention is ex; perienced.' Discipline xis procured by -means -of fair ' play and the: right school spirit-being'fosteeed. Report cards, good for discipline and attend- •ante. She believes there are as many advantages as problems in a large, school. Miss H. Delaney continued the dis- cussion emphasizing the lack of suf- ficient time for individual help and -teaching as well as homework cor- rection. In a large school the prob- lems of gifted normal and subnormal children presented a problem. At the end of the paper much useful discus- sion took place with regard to the above problems. The election of officers resulted as follows: President, Mt..Ashton; vice- porsident, Miss McKay; secretary - treasurer, Mir. Sellers; librarian, Dr. Field. Executive committee—IVIr. G. Jef- ferson, Miss L. Parrott, Mr, N. Muir, Blyth Public School Staff. Auditors: 1Vliss Mills, Miss Strong. Delegate to 0. E. A.: Miss P. Buchanan. Dr. Field gave a very instructive address in "Some Hints in Teaching Arithmetic." In teaching arithmetic the teacher must bear in mind the use of practical problems and the mental training or: development of the' inind that • arithmetic gives the pupils. Accuracy in arithmetic is the first requisite, He thought that di- vision of fractions was given too early as very little use was made of division of fractions in outside life. More mental arithmetic is needed on account of its practical value and be- cause of the development of mental activity. Friday Afternoon On Friday afternoon Mr. G. R. Pet- erson of Clitnon gave an interesting address on "Sone New Ideas in Agri- culture." He brought the relation of science of agriculture, showing'. that agricutluie is a science. He explained the different kinds of research for new ideas and why made (1) For the love of it. (2) Fundamental re- search for the making and establish - jug of facts. (3) Experimental Pc - search. (4) Fit and try ntethdd of research. He wondered if the science of agriculture was keeping pace with other sciences, He dwelt on the ad- vancee agriculture has made in Bri- tain by developing a pasture of the sane composition as milk. The teachers were entertained and instructed by motion pictures for the remainder of the afternoons The following resolutions were brought in: • (1) That we, the East Huron Teachers' -Institute tender a vote of.: thanks to the Boarcl 'of Management of the United Church for the use of the building for our convention, - (2) That a vote of 'appreciation he tendered Reeve .Backer for his very appropriate words of welcome also to Mr. Barker for the Opening Exer- eises. •. (3) That the thanks of the con- vention be tendered those who pre - 'pared and delivered papers, leetiiree, or in any way helped toward the edu-' eational value of our meetings. (4) That the thanks of the con- vention Ile ten"dere(1•'those who so. wil'lingly entertained us at the even- ing" session, • thd6) That the committee consider ' idea of the small eonforenee a great help to the teachers and that this be enlarged in' -the future. (6) That copies of our•. -convention be sent to all papers of the Iuspee- torate: - -(7) That the East Huron Teach- ers' Convention beheld in Blyth, in 1928. , STOMACH GAS DRIVES MAN FROM I3ED • cel had gas so batt 1 lied to get up .nights on account of, the pressure on: my heart. I used .tl'illerika and have been entirely relieved"—R✓3+. ICrue-' ger. ,Even the FIRST spoonful of Adler - ilea relieves' gas and often removes 'lstomshing amount' of old waste mat- ter front tha systepm, Makes you en- joy 1 oto meals and sleep. better. Ne: matter what, yen have: tried for your -stomach and bowels, Adierika"will surprise ytlu. W,0S. IL Holmes,, Drug How to Test your Headlights Lights on motor can may glore either-" through'' bulbs being out of fo'eue or elle. 14uppn, tlielnaelves na having'. the proper To test the lights on your ear place the ear. at a 'level space 25feet from a wall or screen: Mark a horimntolliaa on the wall the sante height From the ground as the entire' of the:lamps on your car. Under too cheuwaances should this line, which is nailed the Lamp Level Line, be more than 42 inches from the ground. With lamps .having a screw adjustment Wm the screw one way or another until the horizontal beLm an the wall front each lamp in as narrow as possible. (Lens need not be removed.) , To focus bulbs in lamps without. outside adjusting *crew, screw, remove th,lens and move the bulb backward or forward until the circle of light on the wall is as small as possible: Then replace lens. Theo test each lamp separately with tens installed. The top of the beam of light should be.4 inches to 7 inches below the Lamp Level Line to take care ofthe loading, of the car. Light touring can require a full 7 inches below the line. Lamps on Fords without batteries require 10 inches below the line. If in doubt tilt the lamps till the top of the beam is still tower. The Jaw requires ,m approved headlight device wsd 21 mull, power bulbs. The Department of Highways will supply mete detatled instructions', Or you can have your lights tested and adjusted at most garages. See to them. Night Time me of the Elighways The motor car with glaring headlights is a:danger to its own driver and a terror to others on the highway. Drivers moving in the opposite direction are deprived of sight to guide their cars. - A good garage mechanic can focus headlig hts so that - they do not glare.. Drivels can do it. themselves b following printed.instructions. The Department of iiIigtiways will mail you without charge complete instructions. Test your headlights often to. be assured they do not glare. You are responsible. Lams are designed for the roadway and not the other driver's eyes or the tree tops. Night driving must be made safe, Never drive with only one headlamp lighted or tail light out. Brakes and steering gear should' be kept in perfect condition at all times. Your car must obey if you wish it to be safe for you and not a menace to others. The concentrated effort in behalf of safety on the high- ways is meeting with a widespread and active support. Co-operation from every motorist is asked so that the 'example set during this period may take a permanent hold of the consciousness of alt who use the highways. It is the duty of everybody to learn how accidents may be prevented. To showha yousupport t s pport this movement put the sticker on your car, "I'm for Care and Courtesy. Are You?" You can get one at any garage or filling station. SXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (hh"trnnan 51025 GEM 5, HENRY. At loader of lrlghtvays W. O. ROBERTSON, Secretary Ootarl, motor Lougne; 5, P.• H, WY5l Secretory (Infirm snlety League; 5, 7, 1)IC1534Y4 Met at Pollee, Toronto: '1', MA SH R ATT Seigniory '!`rods• rntar Asan • ed Boards lir J. P. SA I v clot isy („Ragtatrar lir Motor vchtdas: R. Al. BAIlTn Acing lluputY hilnlstur of highways: ADVISORY COMMITTEE All Editors, henna oNMunteIpal noverumennl Pollee 01,101,, Prealdents of Rends or Thor, Atnelnnoblle Clubs and Service Cubs in ;he Province at Ontario 8 (Guaranteed to you by the Canada ifs) How Fifty Dollars a Month looks to the Average Man Age 20-11appy on Fifty Dollars a Month.. Age 21—Fifty Dollars a month is not enough.. Aga 35 -Thinks, -he can -easily a "spend". Fifty Dollars a month ord to Age 50—Things are not 'going as well as they were. Age 55 --Strange nose these :wets have de-. pleelatedl Fifty Dollars arnbnth is good intereston910,000, nodnotto bo. despised,' _113 nit You know of men well up in years who are still "drudging along." They cannot stop if they would, but must go on to the end of their days working for a living. You can 'avoid that. Wits Not Pension YoLtrsdf 'Why not "take stock” of your present financial position—to size up your personal affairs and decide"on a plan for the future? Our New_Perision Plait guarantees that upon reaching a certain age in life you, will receive a monthly cheque for $50.00, $100, $200, $25O -as you may now decide—and this monthly pay- ment cannot cease as long as you live, &n Income for Life, Think what it may mean to you to be certain of an income right up to the end of life, when you consider that 97% of people in their later years are partially or wholly- dependent upon others for support; When they were younger therdid not have the chance now offered you. It was not then possible to secure' such a convenient and 'cmtaln provjslon as this Monthl