HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-10-20, Page 5,rkr • •OCTOBEt. B0:1'927 ar Profits' are too Dear iiought to Risks o o AVE nothing t a with "get quick' sales- -ri h - inen'—thay will try to hurry you into a decision ' y011 Will regret. A setind investment never ill a, ,•. . . r r • • r MeanWhik, 'the Savings Department Cif Bank is a Safe and profitable plate for rt -Ir 111(3neY" • The • • '.73Q 6f Canada 'Clinton Branch • - LE. Mannirtg IVIenager • Of Interest to You and Me :Well, anyway the opposition lead - et will not have any advantage over t the premier, neither of them has a wife to tell him what to do next: * .Science has shown the brain of •• -woman to be equal to that of man, declares The Halifax Herald. The • men probably will be willing to ac- otept that, if the ladies are.—Globe. *55* It is said that only 40,000,000 out of the 110,000,000 citizens of the Upited States use tooth brushes. It t would be quite proper then to refer to nearly two-thirds of our southern neighbors us "the great unbrushed." * * * Have you procured lights for your horse-drawn vehicle yet? ID not you may be getting into trouble, if not with the police, then with s'ornebocly's power -driven conveyance. That little pbint of light will be a great protec- tion to you. During September in Ontario 122 . drivers' licenses wend suspended for varying periode for infractions of the Motor Vehicles Act, 68 of these be- ing for reckless driving. The Depart- ment is conducting a campaign to tarn teach the public "accident prevention consciousness" in such a manner that it will be retained, as accident pre- vention problems are not likely to • diminish, but rather to increase, as more and mere cars are being used. * Most people seem to be satisfied with the choice of H. B. Bennett as leader of the Lib. -Conservative Party, Liberals having little more criticism' to offer than' Conservatives. Bennett 'seems to bear a good •• ' reputation and has a political history of which he need not be ashamed. ' Some are inclined' to find it a fault that he is wealthy but as he intends to use that wealth in the service of 'the country it should be no ,drawback. He was born ,poor and knows What it is to struggle„ The man with the ,energy and ability fb. make a success. of his own affairs should be able td sere his country well. Here's hoping • he will prove as good a nubile Set - vast, as his warmest, supporters now predict. Canada,- is worthy of the ' 'best service her sons ,can give her. • •'.. - "Time softens memory., There le'a tendency, particularly among those • who did not serve inuniform, to for- get the physical sacrifices of Caned - lens in the Great War, and the mice 'that -is still being paid. As we ap- proach the anniversary of Armistice • Day it is well to -recall that 70 out of every 100 Canadians who served in a theatre of actual war suffered death or injury, Death claimed 17 of, the. ' 70, and 53 were wounded or otherwise injured. Of the 58 wounded 'and In- jured, today—nine years after the conclusion of the war -20 are recog- nized officially as still suffering from • their war disabilities and are either pensioned or under treatment., It is estimated that another 10 have died • since the 'war. Of the 53 who sun- vivcd their, battle intones, 28 were not permanently affected." -- The United Veteran, e S * * • There is a general feeling that something should be done to cheek the terrible slaughter on the high- ways and believing that the careless and Selfish driven is the main cause of the trouble an effort is being made to educate careless and selfish driv- ers, those who remain careless will be considered reckless and dealt with accordingly. "It is on the individual driver the responsibility rests," the Hon. Mr. Henry, Minister of High- . ways says: "When a man takes the steering wheel he is as much an, in strument' for potential destetictiot the itarrneith his finger on the -trig- ger of gun." Magistrates are be - 'ginning to treat infractions ef the motoring laws as serious, also, "It .is just as necessary to carry a spare bulb as a spare tire," said Magistrate. Pols -at Bartle, as he recorded a fine "for an ilraction of the law -which re- ' quires two lights on a motor vehicle. 'Motorists will do well 'to note the trend of -events. , • Kippen. Met Einmerpon Stafford and. wife 'of Vienna, were it; the villagd for the triEpore -anteversary services in St. •:Andrevi% • Arricil'd-Bsitr-ieetted-ntiffeedf Va. • ' onto were up for the services on Sun - Mr. Gilbert Jarrett of London, was here also for the'service on Sunday. Mrs. John Worliman, who was brought back feoni'Victoria Hospital, London, is still progressing favorably, St. Andrew's United church, Kip- per', celebrated its 60th anniversary on Sunday, with Rev. Archibald Cam- eron of Ottawa, son of former min-- ister, the special speaker. The'ser- vices were -largely attended beth morning and, evening. In the morn- ing Mr. Camerdn's message was a looking back over the lilessings of the past sixty Years, remembering the way God has led us. In the evening he preached on "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday:, today and forever." Amid all theschanges of the past and present Jesuit Christ is the same. Mr. Cameron appealed to the people to reconsecrate their lives to the service of this changeless Christ. • St. Andrew's church , was built in 1867 and dedicated to the service of God, Amid all the changes of the years she lies stood as a living monu- ment to God. ,The choir, whose members were adorned in their new gowns, rendered two beautiful antheMs• for the occa- sion. Mr. 0. Crawford of Ripley sang at both services, two well -ren- dered solos. On Monday evening a fowl supper was held after which a program suitable to the, occasion was given. The following -ministers brought nbn- gratOlations 'to St, Andrew's congre- gation; Rev, Archibald Cameron; Oth -tawagRev. J. E. Hogg, Clinton, chair- man of Huron Presbytery.; Rev. R. A.. Lundy, Nile and Rev,I. Richardson, Dvumbo. The two later were former ministers of St. Andrew's, church, Rev. R. H. 13arnby of 331y11; Rev, Mr. Fear of London, Rev. W. A. Bremner of Brucefield; Rev. D. McTavish of Exeter; Rev. M. Penrose of %trim and Mr. MacKenzie of Kitipert-'alsO spoke of the memories ha bad of 1867. mr. Jas. 1400dignaf Brucefield, one time a precentor in Si. Arlderw's chuich for 10 years, favored the and-, ience with two old time songs, which were a- real, treat. "Mr. ;Crawford sang in his own capable-, manner, which was much enjoyed while Miss ilL McGregor gave two expellent read- ings. The trio entertained' the peo- ple with musical selections. The of feting and,,sn,py. ambuntedto About $800. • At, your PERSONAL Service . Jilt The men and women of this com- pany are trying to turn out some- thing -more that just a good gen- . eval telephone service. No two users beve exactly the seine needs. When you ask us to install or move a telephone we want to handle Your order such a v-ny that your personal.require- ' Pients ale 'exactly met. When you ask for inforniation about a contract to' a bill, or re- port trouble. with your inetrue, ment, or maim even the most casual telephone call, we, want to give each matter the soil of at- teotion that spells 2,et.seitai ser- vice, not just average service. This is tliTE easy, But it'sWhaf we are aimingnt—ct personal eer. nice, c , .`v • • ""j: .•••.• ml WrI5idiff-r • 'ARROW .;;;;,4,,At ‚the :1f*nnte;"' e e (Q�toon 'Peter Campbell of Toioito „ss • , . DOBIE—Ju Goceiich Hospital eq •••"",•••:WaWait'bett.•••••,'••:" ..„ COnSteknee Bey. Mr. ICilpatrick of Holniesville will preach here on Behday afer- Mr. and. Mrs, Geo Cook of Gorier- ich township and 'Mr. and Mr. elms. Riley of Clinton spent Sunday With 'Mr. and Mrs. SomIlifey in. Quite'a emnber ot the members of the Wi let. S. 'attended the service_at Wilpthoop on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Robt. Grimbolby of Teeswater spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley. His wife and daughter accent- panying'him home at night Rey. Me. Holmes 'will'conduct an- niversary serviced here'on'Oct. 30th, morning and evening. Thd fowl sup- per will be held on Tuesday evening, Nov. Mrs.151.ttwood is expected this week to spend a week or so with her moth- er, Mrs. 'Ben Riley, who is not 'ver' weMlliss Edith Riley°. spent few days last, week with her brother, Tom, in Clinton. Miss Cook ;pent a few days 1Raisitey'w. eek with her sister, Mrs' Joe Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Glaeier of Stratford,were visitors at _Mr. and Mrs. -Thos. Pollard's on Saturday af- ternoon. • BULBS, • Plant now for Winter and Spring Flowering Let us _supply you from, 'a fine stock of— HYACINTHS CROCUSES '•• TULIPS ANEMONES DAFFODILS SNOWDROPS, Etc. Paper White Narcissus, quickly grown in either water or earth. Only Sc a Bulb Give Your Plants Good Soil—We sell it at 15c a Pail J;Cuninghanie, Florist • 32-3 Furnished House For Rent Furnished house will be rented for the winter months Bath 'and •furnace, Apply to Wilfred Seeley, Clinton. 32-1 Auction Sale Of choice Purebred Holstein Cows and Heifers and entire dairy equip- ment* ,six miles southeast bf God - on concession 6, lot 19, Coder- 'ich township,°, on 'Wednesday, Nov. 2, commencing, at 1 o'ciock, the follow- ing cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, dairy equipment, etc. tleehthilde Jewel, No, 45397, 11 Tears old, freshened Sept. 22nd; Lillian Ormsby Caradoc, No. 31700, 13 years old, dun to freshen July 10th; Walker Pontiac: Dekol, No. 105154, 5 years 'old, farrow; Pauline Alcartra Ormsby, No, 105157, 5 years old, due to freshen Jan. 12th; Winnie Helbon Dekol, No, 92845, 5 years_ old, due to freshet Feb, 24th; Hay. Sylvia Walker, No. 132489, 3 years old, due to freshen Feb, Nellie 'Porch Sylvia,' No. '132490, 3 years old, due to freshen Note 25th; Sylvia. Pontiac Veeman No. -132488,3 years old, due to freshen Dec. '26th; Helen Echo Tektite, NA. 132487, 3 years old, due to freshen. ,Tan. 9th; Pansy OrmsbY Abbelterk, No, 160415, • 2 years old, dee to freshen May 28th; Tena Abbe- kerk Echo, No, 1.46860, 2 years old, due to 'freshen April 14th; Saidie Ormsby Dello, No: 161663, 1 year old; Hilda Sohuiling Echo,' No. 105157, 2 years old, freshen at time of sale; 3 Perebred Heifer Calves, about 8 months old, registration papers will be on hand at sale; 1 grade cow, 4 years old, due to freshet Feb. 7th; 1, grade heifer, rising 3 years, due to freshen March 25th; 1 grade heifer, rising 8 years, due to freshen March 11th; 2. grede heifer calves about 4 tionfh4 old, Every individual offered is right in every quarter and quiet. 1 black -driver, 12 years old, quiet; 10' 3 -year-old Leicester ewes; 1 young sow, due Jan, 30th; 13 pigs 10 weeks old; 25 Barred „Reek cockerels; kit- chen range; 4 -bottle Babeosk tester; 5 10 -gal. milk cans; 2 20 -gal. milk cans; Ille,CartheY maehinek we -eking perfect; Melotte cream sep- arator, power pr hand, 650 lb. capac- ity, nearly new; power churn, No, 4; Deering. corn bincloe, excellent shape; disc barrow; Oliver' corn scuffler and bean harvester; No. 21 Fleury Walk- ing plow; No.,' 21 , Premier riding plow; one -row turnip drill; buggy pole; Massey-Harrie root milner; a quantity, of "Alfalfa hay, sheaf corn and 200 bushels of oats. No reserve, Eveitything must be sold, as propri- etor is going out of dairy boainess on eccoent of health, Sale will. be con- ducted indoors if weather bad. 'Every cow offered for sale is guaran- teed to be with calf and if -proved' to be otherwise within« 30 daye 'after krelen:t5.ner cent: of ;purchase. money will be! refunded.- Tererg: sums of $10.00 and under, eash. o 'the satiount, tee months' -credit 'mill be •'••••::f.'"`r,„ „ • liven pnforeisbing, ,lamireved, lent s, ret niktes. . A.': discount, .• .5 , per -cent, nISTANCE. • • • , •nr. etealght Wrill,`1rd."611mtred :der caSh -61-1 eiedif -AMotritte, Au- -- •••••'‘ tielleer::,•011-kte. Cox Propi-i‘ter: MORD eiri,••••••:.•. I'll say it lot Age g'nng to glvq oi (tills this :We^•*0:0Sk, •LinalOnil,',.4ittiiig„S*W;ed lst Satindey wits ml lliiay day Again 4iv.,:,A,4*(10,t".'64.,:2girill';'#916.:.giLt9 • Will be in my �liq studi ffk work oug i» ices w,41 he jo'qpd Opp: 12 ROnitette-t410 :.ane et 'Z tgignds at ChnutmaMITCHELL AND CLINTOI THE FINEST QUALITY ONLY.. Daffodils, joritiellie,"Noreissue ad Hyacinths • For Growing Inside or Outside Choice varieties of the above ter forcing • e, " If you tirartt ,good bleorne start early and grow elowly. 'Have several thgesand just arrived from Holland. Call and . see them, - Chas. V. Cooke Phone 66 Calendar Bazaar • In•aid of CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL Thursday, Oct.. '27th SALE OPENS AT 2130 p.m. January and February — Decora- tions, Winter novelties and 'Valentine *ors. Candy. Miss Hebbs, convert- ' Mareh--Deco'rations, St. Patrick% colors. Miscellaneous: Unity CInb, Mrs. Stevens, convener. ....- April and May--Decoratiens, Tiny umbrellas and daffodils. Kitchen shower. Hospital Board, Mrs. Hol - }Owen convener. . June—Dectrations Apple Blossoms. White elephant. Miss Bawden, con- vener. Tu]' and August -- Decorations, Orange colors and Camping auto. Miscellaneous. L. 0. B. A., Mrs. E. Cook,, convener. September and October—Deema- tions autumn leaves and Hallowe'en novelties, Honiernade baking, Wo- men's institute, Mrs. Flynn convener. November — Decorations, Christ- mas tree. Touch- and Take. Girls Auxiliary,' Miss Howson, convener. December — Decorations, Santa Claus. Christmas giftez M. Mc- Taggart, convener, ,,, "*.•:" Afternoon Tee—Mrs. Roberton, convener. Baby Show—Babies 6 months and - under. 6 months to 1 .year,' 1 year to 2 years, milk I ad chmer.enS—sefl til,ymnv to us bOqtA)tg.'Acte. 1!4try W e*ore PhoneS--'9f4feen ris #f'410?P0e! • ' Stewart$V4;4irle1C • . if'••• • tched.,,Unit Radios Iveenl3r 04emake of radio, e.sets cm the OUS There may be som ket just as good but tone better than the Stewart-Wiaram. , We sell them, and forget, them As they giVe no trouble stall.'.Doe e yours? Each set equipped only with l5'tbest 'equipment to make them function properly. Prices from $3.15:0o up. Circulars describing sets may be had at-Hovey's drug store. B. A. litIVEY Stewart -Warner Dealer '• Residence back of PubliC School Clinton, Ont. 30 -ti - TO RENT Part of' Lots 10 and 11 in the Mait- land Coneession, known as the Schwarz Farm, cuasisting of 218 acres, Immediate- possession.- -Will lease front three to five years. For particulars apply to 3. A. E. BRADEN - P. O. Box 510, London, Ont. Anniversary Services BRUCEFIELD 'UNITED CI4URCH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30th,' 1927 REV. W. D. McINTOSH, D.D. A Former PaSter, will be the, special preacher at 11 amt. and 7 • Special Meek by the Choir, EVERYBODY WELCOME • 32-2 , . • Representatives Wanted ,Brown Bros. Company, Ltd., Grow- ers and Importers of High Grade Nursery stock Want special repre- sentatives in every locality. Liberal commissions paid weekly. Write to- day. Address Ridgeville,. °Marie. 30-10 • M1 ' ' Mire For Sale- • • A sorrel mare,',general purpose, Apply to T. Johnston, ,R. R. No. 1, Bayfield. Phone 009"1"-31. Clinton central. • 30-3 EVENING „ . Euehre.8:30 sharp. Dittoing at 11 .A 5.horsepolrvodc LSaislteer en g i n e , also Admission 850 • - a 5 -ton weigh sealenApply to S. E. • • 1Weriter,13a.yfield. • 31-2 Hallowe'en Supper N PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1st 5 to 8 &dock Under tile auspices of the • LADIES' AUXILIARY - MENU • Cold Roast Dressed Pork Jellied Chicken ' • Escalloped Potatoes Salads, Pickles • . Rolls, Bread end Butte;' • Pumpkin Pie and Whipped Cream' Lemon Pie . • • Coffee Adults 50c—Children 35e EVERYBODY WELCOME 82-2 CARD OF THANKS 1Vrrs,. Twitchell. wishes to express her thanks to old friends and neigh' bars in Clinton for the sympathy ex- tended to her, and other members of the family, , in their recent bereave- ment, the' death of their sister, the late Susan Mulloy, and for all the courtesies shown. • Read Burgess' The Photographer, advertisement on page 5 of this paper. His Clinton Studio will be open Saturday next, Oct. 22nd, for taking • sittinge for Christmas Gifts. • Studio also open each Tuesday. • 32-1 Boarders Wanted A limited number of boarders wanted, students preferred. Com- fortabIe rooms, reasonable rates, Ap- ply to Mrs. R. A. Govier. .82-8-p quantity of good whiter apples: 'Apply to E, Welsh, R. R. :STA. 1, Olin too, Phone 641-r-12, Clinton 'central. • Percheron Colt For Sale • A 3 -year-old grey Pereheroe telt; Choice animal. "bargain efor anyone -wanting geed yonng 4- ply- to F. 1Viiitmore, R. g," No, 3, Clinton, Phone 406-r-2, Clintop cert. tval- .,- 32-2-P Community Hall Supper.' The Community' Hall Board of. Loedesborenwilk hold the.-nemikcersary of the Hall; on TueedayXveningeo0ct. 25th; SuOrier''.4i11 be 'Served' 'fibril ' to 8 o'clock"; after which a program . given eeneistieg' of'•songe, recitations; etc., by' Havvey McGee of; •1r,olinitit god. Others. • Conte rid fon6 °"' a'AdreisSiett netted' 32-S25c, ° 25-1 Apples For" Sale - - Winter Apples,,Baldwins, Spys and Russets. Bring your own bags for best service. C. Hoare, Fruit Farm, near Clinton. 31-3-p Sheep For Sale , Purebred Leicester ihearling rams and. shearling ewes; registered. Also taut lambs and ewe lambs, eligible for registration Apply to J. H. Quig- ley, 41. B. No. 5, Clinton. Phone 619-r-3, Clinton central. 31 -ti Shropshires For Sale , Shearling and ram lambs; sired by a 2nd prize rain at Toronto. Priced from $20.00 to $30.00 each; also some good ewes, W. G. Rose, Londesboro, Ont. Phone 26-15, Blyth central. - , Farm For Sale 100 acres, lot 24, con. 2, Stanley, good state of cultivation. Bank barn, 76x40;driving shed 40x24, cement silo. Good brick house, 2 never -fail- ing wells. N. Saundercook, Brute - field.. Phone 621-r-31,, Clinton Cen- tral. 27-tf. ' Farm For Sale Lot 28, con, 15, Goderich'township, 85 acres more or less, good land, well with windmill, bank barn, hog pen, 6 acres hardwood bush, an acre of orchard. CornfOrtable frame- house. Also 60' acre / faint on London road, Tuckerstnieli. Apply to J T, Mc- Knight, R. P. No, 2, Clinton. Phone 604-r-4, Clinton central. • 28-,tf House for Sale On Victoria street, opposite Wes- ley -Willis church, 8 rooms; electric lights and water, stable, Fruit trees aed garden. 'Also Ford Touring can. Apply A. 3. Grigg. 24-tf-2p Ilolmesville Cheese YOT Sale . Large, 21e per lb.; 'fiats, 22e per lb. Stilton 25e pet' lb. Crder frein W. 14. Lobb• Salesmao, phone 6064:42 or from Clifford' Lobb., Grocer, Clinton, pliorte.40: , 21-tf Heave PerBele Large red brink liouee, corner Or- ange 'and Wellington streets, 8 rooms, all Modern, conveniences. Possession when desired. Also//t acre lot on; Wellington' Street. Apply' to Mrs. 'W, Jetiltios. /06-tf-6p Farni' roe" §iita acres, geed "soil, 'fine b,ttildinge, small maple •btish, 41-4 onilee from 'airito*",-W111.'selreheiip ViistY terme. Wili',t'd1li'0mtiuifojnjf ,N,eiVi411e.COrd -Of- in tubbei Boots -alno liepyg and light Section It e an oppoll,pmiu'ty trot quality and at th loseqet possible i» ices dot these two days CNLT Sizes "Miller Early w co. re to get 714r". TELEPHONE 53 CLINTON C. H. VENNER, .Electrie Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Appliances Wiring' and Repairs. Electrician Irons, Fans and other 0,111.410111.1•01M,... ‘alogiswessalitaziapeiNIMMINISIMI. , • Enter Any- Day in any one of Shaw's Twelve Tor- onto Business Schools for the training which will lead to a good salaried position. Free Calendar. Write W. R. Shaw, Registrar, Bay , and Charles, Toronto. • Judge's Court of Revision .Of the Voters' List for the Police Village of Hayfield, I appoint Fri- day, the 28th day- of October, at the hour of 2 p.m., in the town hall, Bay- field, for holding a court to hear and determine several complaints of errors in the Voters? List of the Pol- ice Village of Bayfield for 1527. By order, E. N. Lewis, judge. J. E. Harnwell, clerk of Stanley' township, ' 32-1 Poultry Supplies. LAYING MASH SCRATCH FEED GRIT, SHELL AND BEEF SCRAPS COD LIVER OIL, $1.25 per Gallon E. L. MITTELL Huron Street ' Clinton • !' 31 -ti •. Poultry and Eggs Waited Now is a good time to sell your non -producing hens and' cockerels, We 'handle Eggs every day and Poultry on Tuesday and Friday morn- ings, • • We will grade your .flock free • • • of charge • A. E. Finch Phone 231 Victoria street, Clinton 27 -If Clothes Cleened'and`PreSeed Clothes cleaned, pressedand re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms war 'Heard's B-rber shop. W. 3, Jago.. • 2283 -If F. R. DARROW • • BARRIStER will be at his office in Clinton each MONDAY Froth 3 to 6 p.m. 30-tf." • For Sale • Titan 10-20 tractor, a three -fun. row Cockshutt tractor plow, 13 -inch Gilson insilage cutter. These are all iii first class condition and will be sold cheap. The price of this outfit can easily be made doing custom plowing and silo filling for farmers. Apply to Frank W. Andrews, Clinton. Phone 33w. 26-tf Order Winter Coal Now Prices are lower, delivery is prompt. • The coal you select is stored in your bin—and all worry is over for this year. Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery nn,„ PhOne 1.11 „ .,4,44 HOWARD -CLARK Phone 182 WOOD I hove a quantity pf good, hard wood and some slabs for said. NOTICE I would like all old accounts straightened un at once. ' E. WARD , , Phone 155 Ilorontstreet Singer Sewing Machine Leased on Small Monthly Payments Big Discount on Cash Salts Now is the time to have your =- Chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs, Needles, Belts and Parts for all makes. ciintott's W, OLEN COOK 4Phoue 1711 P.O. Box 201, Clinton' A HURRY CALL FOR THE HEAT POWS' Clang! Clete • Here chines the ambulance! • -Where was the accident? • .It Wasn't an accident; it -Was a case of neglect! • ° , They found a inch's furnace frozen stone cold in hid basement! . • , Don't letthis happen in your. -house. Send for •the Heat Folks, before cold The phone number is 74. Call t4e ilattrUte for good, dean coal • FORD COUPE FOR SALE.. A 1923 model Ford coupe in geoid running order. • T AUTOMOBILES • Overhauled and Repaired STORAGE BATTERIES Charged and Repaired Gasoline.7.0ils—Accessories W. J. Nediger, Prop. ASPHALT ROOFING We have a complete line of Toronto Asphalt Shingles and RoOfing for siding or roofs if you are Considering roofing compare ours, before buying, with any other. This is the best by test. -‘ 'Feeds WAeslwteranysoacryBran,tasr,bestciuhaSlityortast, lowest price. II. -Mlls!ar11 4 A. FOR!) & SON, COAL COMPANY ...Pone 123 " wirroN Graini3u.Vers