HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-09-29, Page 8CLi'NTOkiS 'LEADING JEWELERy STORE; k Mosso school work serene night work for the avcrage student, because early evening .Hour's are usually taken up with any number of other duties, Therefore, pare it t t should make sure their child is not subjecting eyes to severe strain or overtaxing, which in later , years will collect a heavy toll. ": Great care should be taken by all parents to prevent injury to eyes of their children during school months. It isn't just enough to think your child's eyes are all right. You should KNOW. The way to know is to have their eyes examined by someone qualified to tell you the truth. We have always specialized on children's eye examination. And we never recommend glasses unless it be for health's sake. yi d .bring Your Child In e 'H. JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs " Next Hovey's .Drug -Store ll. II • Made to Measure Clothing We are now carrying 'the largest and best range of samples for made -to -measure clothing we have ever been able to show, consist- ing of serges, pure wool Indigo blue and different shades of grey English Worsteds and neat patterns and fancy and staple tweeds for ordinary wear at prices from $20.00 to $50.00. STRICTLY HIGH CLASS TAILORING Your choice of all the latest style creations 'and a guaranteed fit It will pay you to look over our range at $24.00 and $25.00 They are Bargains. Plumsteel Bros. PRONE 25, No reason for us to tell you of the saw, chilly mornings solid evenings around home these early fall days.' You know that a little heat 'is essential to family health—still it is too early for stove or furnace fire`s. The electric heater will bring comfort to your home—and oh, whatt cheer, with its bright glow. They are so reasonable in price too. Carry to any room an the -house, attach the plug—and it goes right to work for you. _ An ideal gift to surprise and please the wife. Take one home this week. �p $5.00. to $10.00 Sutter & Perdue PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC 'WIRING Phone 147w • il uiid With Celotex TILE INSULATING LUMBER The problem of building warmer 'houses i$ a vital one. CaIo- tex solves the he roblen a as ' p item' combines s rigid insulation le b building total strength. Celotex' is' a strong, rigid and durable building lumber made from the long tough fibres of cane and is used for. interior and exterior finish. Celotex is sawed and handled Tike lumber. • The t, as McKenzie Estate, Clinton Gyproc--Keystone Brand Shingles in four grades and everything in Builders Supplies The ladies of Clinton 'and vicinity are most cordially invited to come and inspect the new Millinery mode at The Vogue. Never before" Kaye the hats been more beautiful, the Beret, Toque and Turban leading. Fine work- manship applied with. discretion character- izes the hat of the com- ing season, You will be delighted with these, numbers. We'd like to write a poem and'ip'. stately line andnoble phrase • thank those who made cur School Opening business the boot we ever hail, but all our brain can devise and pen dietate'is —We Thank You. We'd like to shape strong, well,. reasoned sentences that would hold, grip, clutch your attention' and bring you to the decision that often we are the cheapest and always the best. Still, even if it is iiot heralded as poets and ad writers would do it, we think, hope and have faith that our advertising 'will prove e a profitable and entertaining acquaintance. Here is a book, not the, leasurely, easy one to re<d-but a most endur- ing friendship to make, a book that is something different, worth -while and Iasting, the author is Bruce Bar- ton, who wrote The Book Nobody Knows and The' Man Nobody Knows. The title is What Can a Man Believe and the price is $2.50. The 'intellect- nal reader, we think, will like and enjoy what's between the covers and Ijke the covers its between. It is an answer to such questions as Would the World be Better or Worse With- out Religion? Which religion is the best? What kind of a faith will there be in the future? '• One writer calls it' an original, forceful, strange book which must get any one who reads it thinking. • Did you: miss, getting a copy of the Jubilee Song Book? 'We have just received our third supply and belieXe it will sell for years to come. Moth- ing like a real live sing -song for banquets, parties, societies, school or the home. 130- pages, wards and music of the most popular songs the world over, Attractive cover, good paper and well arranged music. Price, 60e. In timeof dry weather prepare for dust. That is when a whisk is need- ed: Our values are good. If you have a sick 'Window Shade we may be able to cure it for. you. T e Fair CO. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best PJJ4 0810 fi,.I.1 INIPI.ImItNtlt InIp11A�'y'll.� Miss Hattie Bailer 'of Fullerton was in town a couple of days this week. We: G: A. Walker is in Hamilton this 'week visiting her sister, Mrs. • Watson. Miss'Cora Jevis left yesterday to re- sume her studies, in the Toronto University. Miss Agnes Combo has returned this week to resume her studies at Trin- ity'University, Toronto. Miss Esther Trewartha returned to • Toronto on Monday to resume her studies at the TJnavereity. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hudie of Mc- Hilio spent Sunday as the guests of M. G, Cantelon and his sister. Mrs. Treleaven and two children of Lucknow are visiting the lady's. parents, Dr. H. and Mrs. Fowler. Mt. and Mrs. Milton Cook and babe of Sarnia are Visiting at the home of the lady's parents, Mr: and Ails. J. Schoenhals. Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Cantelon of De- troit arevisiting the former's brother and slater in town, Itf, G. and Miss Bertha Cantelon. Miss Marion Gibbings, who has been teaching at Essex, returned home Setur'Btty and is suffering from a mild ease of scarlet fever. Miss . R. Parke leaves today for New York after sepnding the sum- mer with relatives in Clinton and surrounding community, Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Hogg motored to Toronto on Monday, taking their daughter, Miss .Ethel, ,to resume her studies at *the University of Toronto. Mr. Leo Flynn of the Montreal of- fice of the Canadian National Rail- ways, was lolidaying at his borne in Hullett the past week and isthis ' week 'visiting relativestn Detroit, ' Mr. and We. W. A. Meadows of Port Hope and Mrs. T. Odium are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jervis on the Base Line. Mr. and Mrs. Jar- vis and their guests returned Tues- day after'a very enjoyable visit to Toledo, where brother, Mr. Herb Bean, s and fanited s - fly, fly, Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Hearn and daugh- ter, Mrs. Wright, motored to Ham- ilton last week, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs; F:'S. Whitmore and Master Harold, who have, been vis- iting friends in. Clinton and Goder- ich township, Mr. Hearn and Mrs: Wright Hearn' returned remaining wash her , Mrs. Whitmore, for a longer visit. Mr. Hearn/went out to see the vineyards surrounding Hamil- ton and he says he 'saw enough grapes to supply all Ontario, and then some, The grape crop seems to be. plentiful this year. Varna Idiss Ada Steep of London spent Sunday at hex -home - Mr. Alvin McAllister If Goderieh was a guest at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Steep on' Sunday. Miss' Mabel pilgrim of Thamesford spent Sunday at her home. She was accompanied by Messrs. Leslie and Edward Tooley of 'Bothwell. Harvest Thanksgiving 'service will be held in St. John's church Sunday evening, Oct. 2nd., 'service to begin at seven o'clock, The W. A.of St:. John's church' met at the Mime of Ms's D, A. Galbraith last Thursady.afternoon, ., Miss Welsh of, Auburn was a •guest at the home, of. Miss F. Logan over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. John Beatty, Miss Glenn and Hr. G, Beatty took in the Exeter Fair last' Wednesday, Quite a number from the village, attended the Zurich Fah' on Tnesday. I1lsss Irene Chuter of Londbij' is hn ,e For her hliolidays, Mr. Bruce Foster of Windsor spen't,. 0. week's ;vacation, with relatives and friends iii and around the, village, TIE CLINTON, NEW Ii THURSDAY, SEPIEprbpth 29 92rl. Large Alberta. Pe ,elaes by the bushel.' al- ready ordered� If you have not al� you. supply, DO SO NOW Special price off the ear $3.25 per bu-shel BIG BROOM SPECIAL. Friday and Saturday only 3for $1.00.,. FLEX() ' SALE Saturday • only Large package Flexl�I; regular 25c plug .for 22c New ustraijan Raisins, large and juicy per lb 20c New' Currants per lb. ' 19c Baking PoWvder per lb. 19c: Five, Ten and Fifteen Cent Counter ADDING NEW 'VALUES Bridge Pencils` Lipton's Tea, per pkg, lOc SaIada Tea, per pkg. 10c Candy Pepper and Salts , . 10e Dish Mops, Can Openers, eta 3 5e 5e MANY OTHER YALURS-,CALL AND EXAMINE THEM A Mammy's Cakes, Pies and Buns Cocoa and Vi -Tone Week New Pitted Dates, Almond Icing, Jellied Tongue, Spare Ribs Breakfast Bacon in the piece 29c lb In the Morning First Delivery S a.m.' In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. Kindly Order Early Cash and Service To 0 91Nle hon.' /� 4 Where " Sells for less" price prebafis. • WE SERVE AND SATISFY Thurs., Fri. 'and Saturdag SPECULS' Pure Lard, 201b. pail .' 10" bars P. and Soap . , Corn Flakes, 3 for Rice, 3 lb. fora ., Ras. and Str. Sate Seedless Raisins, 2 ib r Sodas, broken, 3 lb. for 5 lb. Syrup for . ,. Ginger Snaps, 2 lb. for .. ,$3.15 Jelly Powders, 3 for , , „ 19e 450 Corn Starch, per. plug. ,., 10e 25e• Matches, 3 boxes for ,... 25c 25e Sealers, pints, dozen 55e ' Sealers, quarts, doz...$x,40 for 29e. Sealers, 1F -gal„ doz. ..,,$1.70 25e Rubbers, 3 doz. for 25e 38c line Rings, per dozen .., 25c 25e Toilet Paper, 6 for '...,.. , , 25c Order your Peaches by the bushel $3.25 Fruits and Vegetables in season L. LA 7. ON '` CO. PHONE Ill PROMPT DELIVERY 1 low Mr. Turner and familyto their Music e\ ssa+.ns new home. The 65th' anniversary of Turner's church will. be held on Oct. 9th. The pastor,'Rev. A. E. Doan, will conduct the services and preach at 2:50.in the afternoon and 7:30 in the evening and special music will be fuinishe'd by the choir; The trustees are asking for a liberal thank offering to meet the increased needs of the church, . Ay hearty invitation is extended to at- 25.tf tend these services. Edna Wise, A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Theory Studio at home on ONTARIO STREET • Phone 103j COAL D. L. and W. Coal and Sennet -Sol- vay Coke alawys In hand for immed- iate delivery. Also a quantity of dry Maple, Wood Prices reasonable .and same to all W. J. MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. ' Phone 46 Tuckeramith Township A well -attended congregational meeting was held in Turner's church on Friday evening; Sept, 16th, the Rev. A. E. Doan presiding, at which certain important business in connec- tion with the church 'was discussed. Following the transaction of business, Mr. and Mrs, Gee, N. Turner and fames By were called to the front, and on be- half of the congregation Mr. Ira Johns read an oppropriately worded address and Mrs. Whitfield Crich presented them with a beautiful mantel e]ocls and on behalf .of the junior class in the Sunday school, Master Alden Crich- presented Miss : Mary Turner, their faithful and 'efficient teacher, with a very pretty plate. Mr. Turner replied suitably and the ladies served lunch with their usual liberality, Mr. Turner and family are retiring from the active duties 'of the farm and will reside in 'Clinton. Mr,Jno: Turner, their yonuger son, who was recently married to, Miss Pearl -Crich of Clinton, will continue on the home- stead, The best wishes of Turner's churchand the eoihrnunity will . J fol - EXETER.: The local high school is so overcrowded that an additional teacher has to be added to the staff. Form 1 has an enrolment of aboiit 60: STOVES For Heating and Cooking See our new Quebec Ranges and Heaters, Just what the family needs for the conning winter, SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAYS Clare Bros. Products and the "Circulator•"'made by Dominion Service Co. • MARE AN INSPECTION OP OUR LINES.. -.AT RIGHT PRICES • Agent for Louden' Oil Burner HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244' Huron Specialty Casting Co., Foundry CLINTON. ONTARIO Manufacturers of Iron, Brass and Aluminum Castings. All makes of Plough Shares and Sole Plates Wheelbarrow' Wheels, Grate Bars and Chilled Face Anvils Prices: Reasonabi CURRELL & SHIPLEY 1 , We have a full stock of Groceries. Guaranteed 'to be fresh and of the best quality: Telephone ypi r orders and we will give you the very best in ,Quality and, Service, , Sixteen ounces to the pound --Satisfaction or money refunded THE C. & S. GROCERS Branch 125j Main 125w STAR THEATRE ` Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday—Oct. 3, 4' aitd 5 AN EXTRA SPECIAL PICTURE AT REGULAR PRICES SLIDE, KELLY, SLIDE Featuring William Raines, Harry Carey and Sally O'Neil Admission. -250 and 15e I Thursday, Friday and Saturday—Oct. 6, 7 and 8 The tinsel, clamor and magic of circus life abounds in this great film ThE UNKNOWN Lon Chaney plays sinister, armless, sideshow performer with startling reality Admission 25c and 15e NOW PLAYING NEGLECTED WOMEN The show' you •can't afford to miss, seeing Admission 25e and 15e g&3 S m�•ti . Cod'fanialitil Brings Gond Prices We Pay Spot Cash POULTRY This is the season to sell old fowl and broil'ers,. Hold the chickens until full r wn and well Y grown fattened Gunn, Langlois & Co"', Limited BEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, QUE. Per further information apply tp, CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO PHONE 190