HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-09-29, Page 7•
THiS CLINTON Ni; 5 itlacon
s t
'ill. - ....
Special Ifl
Pan®s at
All Prices.
T. m
Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative ,
Always at Your Service" Box 113 orPhone Z73,
First Showing of
all . Felts:'
$3.50. and up -
New style lines, new colors, Soft felts for head comfort—but
every hat a dress hat which you will be mighty proud to wear. The
Biltmore is the leader for the 'season—both in style and price—and
good dressers will loseno time in getting under one of ,these hew
fall felts.
' Don't forget to ask about our "Bear Cat" line of Made -to -
Measure Fall Suits and Overcoats at $23.75 and up.,
avis e •
Cleaning and Pressing
,til;%I git.,4,1,
pswIs it as Attractive Inside as Out?
AKE your summer cottage comfortable and home -like
°"`' with Gyproc Fireproof partitions- and ceilings. At
small cost the whole interior„ may be transformed into
attractive, cosy rooms.
Write for free booklet—"My Home." It will tell you how Gyraroc,
Ttocboard Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and bleylex wilt reduce your fuel
bill from 20 to 40%. - - THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA 152
l irepro `Wallboor_do
Far Sale By
Thomas McKenzie Estate Clinton, Ont.
Geo. T. Jenkins - Clinton, Ont.
O one could hire you for such work at such
a price—•yet how many tons of water
do you pump -how many; miles do_ you walk
between your house and the hand pump each
DuoWater System 'will relieve you of all this drudgery. it
A r Yy Y
will; work for you year after year at the rate of only one cent per 100
gallons of water pumped!,
endure `the drud er of the hand and
Is it worth while to dui g y pump
pail when a Duro Water 'System 'will work for so little? It's first cost
is 'low—lower now than ever before. Convenient terms can be had.
For Sale By—Vancouver LondonToronto
Sutter & Perdue
ant' 0
ondesboro Holtnetsville
The Monthly meetng of the Wh-
nei's Institute will be held in the
community hall " on Thursday, Oct.
6th. "Opliortuui ies For The Ilul'tl
Girl," is .the 4,11,1e. of a paper '.v,hiieh
will he given -b} Mrs. H Snell' .read.-
ing'by Mrs, S. Carter, a duet will be
given by Mrs. W. Lyon and Sirs. T..-
;Moon and Mrs, Brydone of Clinton
will give a talk on her trip abroad.
All members are urged to come and
hear ;this. address. The hostesses:
Mrs. F. Little, Mrs.'Mains Mrs. R.
Shaddick Mrs. C. Ruddel, Miss L.
Mains and Mrs. R. Caldwell.
Sally°Day.cservice in Londesboro
Unitedchurch last Sunday morning
was Nell attended, The program was
good and the parts well carried out.
During the last two Sundays Rev, B.
Snel has been explaining to the•child-
sen a remarkable cane carved out,.of
black walnut with a ,iacknife. The-
diiferent designs in - the cane repre--'
sented-an Indian legend showing the
Indian conception of spiritual fruits,
divine mercies, prayer, the spirit and
the Great'Spirit in the Happy Hans -
mg Ground, The children were do
lighted with the interpretation..
• MTS. Jno. Armstrong is visiting her
sister, Mrs; Jack Carter of Water -
Mrs. Peter Patterson of Galt and.
Mr,' and Mrs; W. Fingland and adugh-
ter, Peggy, of 'Mimics, spenta few
days of last week with Mr, and Mrs,
Jno: Fingland.
Mrs, Thos. Little has returned ad -
ter spending some time with her
daughter in London,
Mrs."Jno. Day of Detroit sepnt
Monday with Mr. and. Mrs, Edmund
Crawfords ,
'Miss Sarah McCool of Clinton. is
visiting with realtives here.; -
Rev. 'E. E. Long of Tillsonburg will
conduct anniversary services on' Sun-'
day,: Nov 6th. The annual"goose sup-
per will be held on <•Thanksgiving
night. The young people are prepar-
ing a play for the program.
_ Rev. Ds'. Scrimmager, on furlough
front British West Guiana, will.
preach at. Constance next Sabbath at
2:30 pm. The service will be a great.
Mrs. Thomas Sampson of Palmer-
ston is staying' with her sister, Miss
E. Lyon, who is not well.
Mr. Marshell Braithwaite is on the.
sick list. We hope for a' speedy re-
Mr. and Mrs. ,Milton Hooper and
Master Gladwin . of near St. Marys
spent Sunday with Mrs. Hooper's
Parents, Mr. and Mr's. James Risley.
Quite al number front here attend-
ed Blyth Fair this week.
Application for probate of the' last
will' and testament of the late' Charles
Frederick Wheaton, late President of
the Dodge Manufacturing 'Co. of
Canada, Limited, who died on Aug.
24, is now' being made by the execu-
tors named sin , the .will; the Toronto
General Trust Corporation,
The assets of the estate consist of
the following: .Real estate, consists
ing of the residence in Toronto -and
the summer home . in Muskoka„
$100.000; life insurance, $57,556.65;
stock, consisting largely of his,inter-
est in the Dodge Manufacturing Com-
pany, $148,500, and household furni-
ture,.motor car, etc., $7,500, totalling
Apart from a small trust fund and
an annuity to a sister of the deceased,
Mrs.. Mae Quelch, the estate is divid-
ed equally among the widow, Mrs.
Ida Gertrude Wheaton, formerly Miss
Ida -Holmes,, and Mrs. Ida B. Tyrell,
Mrs. Dorothy F. Whealy, Margaret
Holmes Wheaton and Charels Fred-
erick Wheaton.
Varicose Veins
Simple Home Treatment That is
Giving. Amazing, Results
• The world progresses. Today ail-
ments that took weeks to cure can
now be ended in a few days. If you
have varicose veins or bunches you
tan start today to bring' them 'back
to normal size, and if you are wise
you will dose.
• Just getan-original bottle of Moon's
Elnerald Oil' at any.. dispensing phar-
macist and apply it night and morn-
ing,, as directed to the enlarged 'veins,.
It is very' powerful and, penetrating,
and only a little is required.
After at few day's treatment the
veins. will, begin to grow smaller and
by regular use will soon reduce to
`People who want to reduce vari-
cose veins, or, get rid of running sores
and ulcers, should not hesitate to get'
a ,bottle at' once. It is so powerful
that a small bottle lasts a long time,,
Any .pharmacy can supply you, end
sells lots' of it. •
Have you
joined the $300
Contest ' yet
Be ont 'esafesidelejoianowl
' Everyone; needs a tonic to be
ready for ,winter. Nyal Creo-
phos will not only build up
you rstamina and give you new
vim,. vigor and resistance but
it nn ruin 1 0cas cashier you!
r itY. •8 0 l:j yo t
Ask for free contest sheets ex-
plaining the cash prizes for
best slogans, rhymes orjingles
about Nyal Crcophos.
Keep', this good old . favorite
remedy always ready for in-
stant use in warding off and
conquering coughs, colds and
bronchitis. Wondrously
effective in persistent bran.
chins ailments. -
Ggt Nyal-Creophos and con.
test sheets today from the
°'Once a trial-
always Nyal" 17
Mr, and Mrs. M. Stock and child;
ren motored to Milverton =. on Satur-
a tndspent the' we 1 -e the
i, .a ec d
1 y,n
posts of Mss
':f1hlrs. Rais tShteoyckW's"Wr.peardeCentes,
ted dry: Mrs. Decker of LunknoW.
Mac 1n
ew Courticc of lnni eb
is -spending a' few days with Is sis-
and father, Mrs: T. Walters awl
Mr. A, J, :Corutice.
On Sunday morning last =a Rally,
Daiy'service was held • in the' 'Ifolmesa
vine church, with lthe usual Rally,
Day program. Anniversary services
will'he held a 'week, from Sunday, Oct.
9th, when Rev, Mr. Pointer of Ben -
miller, willhave charge of both ser
vices, A supper =will be-given'on
Monday evening following, the Surat-
ford gtfartette to'give the program.
Advertisement of 'same will'. be found
elsewhere in this issue.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard' Siraddick and
family of Londesboro spent Sunday
as the guests of lila. and 11, i•s. John
• Cudmors
At week' ago Sunday morning Rev.
g• Ililpat_icic and' wife of W}
on, "The Need of Rttritil headerahip,J1
Miss Isobel Robertson was a close
competitor, her' subject being; "'cite
Britislr,.Em pire," and Miss Phyllis
Morton took 3rd place oar, "The Farm,
the Backbone of the W,orld." Mr,
Solso,t' Motiles won the C histon,
Cup. 'Phis is :h trophy that goes to
the pupil winning the ,highest nujiz-
ber of,poui's at rthe School Tab' in
which he tools part Tie iron 6 points
and is a pupil of if 3 school,'
shower cut the .: sports short about
firs o'clock,-
London oad
Mr. Mervyn Hanly had the misfor-
tune to have a cattle beast.struck
by the early train on Friday morn-
ing, breaking its leg. This is the :se -
eon animalof `which
d his has-
struck within- a' few weeks by the
same train,
A number of the furthers are busy
harvesting their beans this week,
which appear to be zt very good crop.
Miss Grace Ashton spent a few
,*an- days lost week with Miss Irene Swin-
Potts,Mich., Mr. S.T. Kilpatrick and bans.,
Tire U. F. W. 0. end their fumbles
Bald`their annual weineg: roast on
Thursday' evening last at the home of
Mr. J. McKnight,-Goderich township,
when, about sixty.,assembled, in spite
of the inclement weather.
A program was put on consisting
of readings, "The New Church Or -
gen" and `Bairnies Cuddle Doon," :by
Mr. T. Lindsay, a duet ,hr Miss
Omeine and Master Clarence LeBeau,
instrumental, by Iirene Swinbank;: a
duet by Mrs. T. Lindsay and Mrs. R.
Plumsteel, a'recipe, `Howsto prepare
a mock chic -hen,' anis-several stump.
speeches. The Tebbutt orchestra very
kindly assisted with several pleasing
numbers.' Mliss^Grace Tebbutt and
"Miss Leila Stackhouse'were the ac-
companists for the evening. „The
ladies then treated all to. hot dogs as
well as' other refreshments,' suchas
an abundance of cake, tarts; coffee,
wife of "Ashfield, brothers of Rev. L
W. Kilpatrick, else Mrs. J. D. 'Mc-
Cormick, their
c-Corhnick,`their sister, motored from
Ashfield and attended .,service at
Mrs, McIntyre and son of Torotno
visited Mr. and Mrs.' William Mul-
holland for a couple of days this
Miss Muriel Mulholland will be
missed by the people of Holmes isle,
as, she hastaken a position with Mr.
Wendor'f of Clinton.'.
The Women's Institute held ,their
ani?ual "Grandmotkecf't' meeting et
the home of the president,' Mrs. Jas.
Woods, on Tuesday,' Sept. 20th. There
was a good attendance of members
and grandmothers, between fifty and,
sixty being present: This ''meeting
was one of the best held during the
year, the following program, being
given mostly by the grandmothers:
Mrs. Mogridge 'presided during the
program. The chorus, "There's a
Land That is Fairer than Day," a
reading by' Miss Annie Straughan,
"My Grandma," recitation by Mrs.
lVIogridge, "My Grandmother's Beau,"
'reading by Mrs.. Chas. Straughen,
"`Love to Grandmothers," chorus,
"When the Roll is, Called up Yon-
der," reading by Mrs. Wm. Roberton,
"Down to Old' Aunt Mary's," solo by
Mrs. Henderson, "We'd Better. Bide a'
Wee," reading by Mrs, John Manning,
"The Mother's Care," recitation by
Mrs. Thos, Straughan, :"Bairnies"
Cuddle Down" and several victorlia
selections. The musical numbers were
accompanied by Miss Winnie How-
son on the' harp.` Mrs. Woods and
Miss King donated two special prizes,
two vases, filled with beautiful flow-
ers, enc for the oldest grandmother,
which Went to Mrs, no, M1annipg,
the other for the grandmother coin-
ing the farthest, which was won by
Mrs. Thos. Straughan. After the
program a social half hour was spent
and a dainty lunch was served by
some of the members of the Institute.
Mr. and : Mrs. Edgar Lawson and
Miss Bernice, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Hill, Cr,, Billie and Miss Sadie Carter
spent the week -end at Port' Elgin.
Mr. Rees Jenikns and Miss Mary
Jenkins visited with Mr. and Mrs, A.
Andrew on Sunday,...,
- Several from here ,attended ' the
Carlow School Fair on Wgdnesday.
Knox United church will hold their
anniversary on Sunday, October 16th,
Rev. Mr. Craw of Lucicnow will be
the speaker for the day.
Mrs. Jas; Johnston and Mr. Tom
Johnston went to Stratford on Tues;
day to see lifrs. Boy Farrow, -who is'
in the hospital there, and who is pro-
greasing favourably,
Mr. Frank Raithlrbv and his bride
have returned from their honeymoon
and are residing on the groom's farm
just east of the village.,
Miss Pierce has been visiting rela-
tives at Goderich 'for a few.' days.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robertson
called on friends in the village on.
Monday evening.
Colborne Township
Mr. and Mrs. William Westlake
motored to Listowel on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Robertson of
Niagara Falls, N.Y., and Miss Mary
Robertson, sister of the fernier,
tied over over the week -end with Mr, and
Mrs. Edward Fisher. '
Mr. T. H. Wilson motored to Flint,
Mich.; .to visit his two. Sisters, Mrs.
Dmhcan, Crawford and. Miss Pearl
Wilson, and brother, Mr. Gordon Wil-
son, over' the week -end.
Rally Day service •will be held at
Smith's Hill on Oct. 16th. An endeav-
or is being made to have each mem-
ber bring one visitor or new member,
Miss Julia Young returned to Tor-
onto after her vacation of two weeks.
Mrs. Win, Marsh attended the Wo-
men's Missionary Society-: Conference
on Wednesday at Dungannon.
The ' Owen Sound Motor. Coach
Transit Co., has changed.' its route
from Owen Sound to-Goderich to Kin-
cardine to London.
The Colborne School Fair was held
on Sept. 21st, with a good attend-
anoe The District` Representative,
Mr, Paterson, commends the directors'
upon their yearly ;success. We are
learning that this is one' of the best
educative institutions We have to
Leach the children how to show their
colt or, hold their lamb or feed their
hog or bake their tarts for the in-
dustrial :fairs in after years. The
Colborne Directors told Mr. Paterson
that they had prizes for all who take
nart in the sports. Everyone took -an
interest in sports other years and it.
is evident they like cash mere that;
ribbons. This was noticed from ob-
servation as well as continent from
the scholars. S. S. No. 3 , wen the
shield for the..,. highest number of
points per pupil. S. S. No. 2 wont the
prize for the parade. Miss Rita Fish-
er won the public -speaking contest
Fights 18 -Years; to
Get.RRid of Gas
".I had stomach trothble for 18 years.
Since taking Adlcrilta' I feel better
than for years and have not been,
bothered with gas. -L. A. Champion.
,Even the FIRST spoonful of Adler
jka relieves gas and often removes as-
tonishing amount of old waste matter
from the ' system. Makes you enjoy
pour meals and sleep better. No mat-
ter what you have tried for you stom-
ach and bowels, Adlorilca will surprise
you. W. S. R. Holmes, Druggist.
The ' president, Mrs. Plumsteel.
then made a few amtounecments and.
arranged\to have the program re-
peated'this evening. Thursday, at
the' County Home for the benefit' of
the old folks. The regular October
meeting -will be held at the home of.
Mrs. M. Wiltse. ;A hearty vote of
thanks 'was tendered- Mr. and Mrs.
McKnight for the enjoyable even-
ing spent inttheir home.
Miss Viola Stelck spent 'a few days
this week at her home in Zurich.
Mr. Cliff Holland is on the road
this .week filling silos.
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Tyndall vis-
ited friends near Owen Sound a few
days this week.
Miss Mabel Riley of Tuclrersmith
spent a few days' with Mrs, B. B.
Miss Phebe Wakefield was in Clin-
ton for a few days last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Mans and daugh-
ter, Mary, and Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
,Bird of Brussels were visitors with
the ladies' uncle and aunt, Mr. and'
Mrs. D. Tudor, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clark of
Listowel spent Sunday with the for-
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Robt.
Miss' Martha Cook of Goderich
township spent a day in the village
Quite a number around here are
busy taking up their potatoes.'
~.: rucefieldt
Mrs. C. Warden and four sons of
London spent Sunday at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. A.. Wooly also calling
on, her, mother, Mrs. Hinter of Clin-
ton. •
The anniversary services of the
United church will be held on the last
Sunday in October, .A former pastor,
Rev. W. D. McIntosh of Embro, will
be the preacher for the day. Rev.
Mr. McKinnon of Caribou, , British
Columbia will conduct divine service
next Sunday morning.
Mrs. Ross SEcott returned home
last week after spending a few weeks
with friends in Toronto.
Mrs. L. Forrest and Mr. and Mrs.
Jervis 'and Miss Minnie motored to
Fullerton and visited the Misses Ida
and Lizzie Taylor and Mrs. D. Bird
last week. The, many friends of Mrs.
Bird will be glad to hear that she is
improving in health.
Mr. and Mrs. Grieves of London
spent; the week -end at the horns of
Mr. 'and Mrs. Win. Douglas, ii i Ip n.
Miss Grace Addison is visiting
friends in Londesohz'o: this week.
Miss Ada Reid,A. M. Hough,
Miss Ioug•h,
Mr. Lance Norris and Mr. Caravan
Rough ,haveigone to Toronto
tc d �the University. t .
They c will
missed, in the Sunday school
and young peoples' society.
ev: J. and Mrs, T-Ianiiliivn and Miss
Oliver of Goelrich were guests of
Rev. W. A.. and Mrs. Brennier this
Deer and ltjaoose
The Ontario Government have an-
nounced a change in the np en season
for deer and moose this year, in that,
either animal may be taken in the
district south of the French and-Mat-
tawa' Rivet's from November 1st , to
November 30th, and in the district
north of the French ..and Mattawa
from October 10th to November 30th,
These periods are very much in
favor of the Hunter, especially if the
weather may turn 'cold, and it is
trusted the action of the Government
will result in a 'marked increase in
the number of those taking to the
woods: For their transportation,
Canadian National Railways have
provided with their usual care and
forethought and printed copies of the
hunters Train Service leaflet may
-be obtained shortly on application to
Canadian National Ticket Agents.
(Crowded Out Last, Week)
Mrs, A. P. Walker of Toronto, who
was visiting her father, Mr. Alex. Mc-
Kenzie, last week, returned to Toron-
on kftcz �asztr b at Bay-
and Goderich;' Mr, W linter coin-
mg up with Ills car from the city to
take her home,
Mr. Thos'. Kyle, one of our promin-
ent farmers, met with a serious acci-
dent Co_ his fine sedan car Mit week.
lie had been up to W. Cooper's farm.
just north of the 'village andon re-
turning home ' had Mr. Fred Brock,
Mr. Cooper's hired; man, in the car
with him, when in some unaccountable
wary the car went into the ditch south
of the village and overturned; mak-
ing a bad wreck of itself, and causing
serious injury to Mr. Brock, who was
taken to his brother's home in Hen- -
sall„ where he is recovering from his
severe shaking up. Mr. '.,Kyle .eh-
caped with some bruises, but nothing
Mr. Alex. Sinclair of the township
of Tuclrersmith, who is a prominent
breeder. of good horses, had his fine
team of heavy draft horses at London
fair and'though he had to compete
with the best horses. in the province,
won third prize and also spld his
team at a high figure to a man east.
of, Toronto, the team being shippe
from here last week. We heartily
congratulate. Mr. Sinclair on his sues
To Drivers of Motor Vehicles
If you have not yet secured your
Motor Vehicle Operator's License
apply for it without delay
It against the law and punishable by fine to operate a
motor vehicle registered in Ontario without first securing
a Motor Vehicle Operator's License.
Highway Traffic officers have been instructed and muni-
cipal police have been requested to demand the, production
of Motor Vehicle Operator's Licenses, and any driver
unable to produce his or her license at any time is subject
to a fine of not less than, $10.00. In case of accident or
infraction of The Highway Traffic Act, the Operator's
License is sure to be called for, Drivers who have not
their Operator's License cannot be considered experienced
and competent.
Application forms for a Motor Vehicle Operator's License
can be secured at any garage, Licenses will be granted
forthwith to anyone who has driven over 500 miles and
for six months continuously, and who is not physically
disabled, Examinations will be afforded to all others by
Highways Department examiners.
youave•omitted to ger;-your Operator's License, this is
your last warning to secure it. Don't drive a car without
It, either on city streets or country highways,
Lights on Horse Drawn Vehicles
After October I; 1927, every horse drawn vehicle on
the public highways in Ontario must carry after dusk
and before dawn a light plainly visible on the left
hand aide ehowing-white to the front and red to the
rear.. The attention of horse owners is.partieularly
directed, Drivers, of automobiles should be more
certain than over tat their tail lights arc always in
working ondet:
Ontario Department of Highways
The Hob, GEO. S. HENRY, Minister
It's a case of"love at first
sight" when your feet
slip into Invictus Shoes,,
Such style—such coin- TnEllfatioeD. Snag
fort—such wear.
G 7I.CA A D TExe
Tr. motes ire Bound de.
e+traytng this piece.. of
Se+ydar: Soni -Arlt furniture
yarn dealer,'is anthorlscd'
opt: se ntation . of this
eery to
tinplate it a wit
others Zai -Alit • furointta
We furthermore guarantee.,
.that the, filings and other
enatrriala' eased in .the east
*traction of this article are
new, not reaovatedaad are
clean sad eenitaty. • H
found to be, other than as
here' reprasetnted the
merchant it authorised to
promptly replace' It with'
other Sari»Hirt farnLtgra-n
'1,l1,t,4ltt; 1,151
The Big?imps are Over
But Our Big Furniture Show is Just
Starting. We have the Finest Stock
We Have Ever Shown.
Pall is stere and we aie prepared' with a great stock -of Chester-
field suites at prices ranging front $135 to $109, all in mohair;
Buy your lam s and shades now and, save from' 10 to 15 per cent.
We have ,a nice line of Dining room suites, bedroom suites,
springs and mattresses to select 'front arid the ,beauty of ours whole •
business is that our prices are cut down to the limit, which, of course
will be interesting to you. So drop in and look around.
As usual we have a splendid stock of the famous Beach, ranges
and heaters, also other makes' to suit your price.
Some. Extra Special Values in Electric heaters and Irons
A Full Line of Granite mmol'Aluminum Ware..
Clinton Hardware'and FurnitureCo
Hardware 19ti
Furniture Phone: 104
ram es.letberearmrsaamommccomeMonoseamassetema