The Clinton News Record, 1927-09-29, Page 6Courage
nd Character etan
rap ic, DcEP.-.r,iption Over the
Radio Vividb, Visualized ,Ti'rti°ldps
Heavyweight Boling Contest to mi.
lions Of ` "Listeners Ino"
,ring Fans of Ontario anis! Quebec Owe a Debt 'Of Gratis;
£a1de to General Motors, Canadian NeAienal Railways
(CNRO), and Toronto Daily Star (CFCA) for a Won-
derful Entertainment.
W;dtteva, Nmdedia$ely crfIer tlae Broadcast before Press reports_ were
eveitaotc for sheets o?•_a'efea encs.
None of us need be Sorry we were not It Chicago for the big and statesmen to which the history of
fight. Never has a more nerve Wracking, heart thrilling, intel'est- mankind cam's few parallels. All the
ung holding broadcast been put upon the air than Graham Mae-
namee's dramatic description of the World's`, Fistic Title Contest
at Soldiers Field, Chicago, From the first resonant deep throated
Ghat r,- th nilowing iignies, all
estimate'd, were issued in cm—inaction.
with the Damps p=Tonne bout,
A tteitildnee 1.50 000
Receipts ,,' gL,800,050
Federal tax . ..$ 200,005
State tax a y, 225,000
Tunney's share
A mpsey's share • y 150,000
Preliminary boxers' .8 185,009
Ran tai 'cf tadi.5 100,065
Incidental expenses , , .. 156,000
Richard's .profits . .. , . g 250;000
lung Porcelains
Per some three hundred years
(1365 1043); China was ruled by the fa-
mous dynasty known as "Ming,'.'
Which was distinguished for a.eucces-
shea of able and cultured emperors,.
arts — from architecture, painting,
sculpture, to bronze -founding, metal-
working and enameling —, nourished
with the utmost -vigor \ under their
and intense 'ike Bell, the Bell' until the last high pitched' vibrant vigilant and enlightened patronage,
"I think ,Gene wins" the radio fans were held in the most grip- - and the Ming•was undoubtedlyone or
ping interest imaginable. The writer, an old fight fan, was the greatest, if, indeed, not the great-
est period of Chinese porcelain, - So
skillful did the numerous craftsmen
• become at their narrow occupation;
ung tiger, motion with. sneering assur under the supreme direction of a suc-
ance to his apparently vanquished op- cession of learned and able superin-
ponent, to come on and be finished. tendents appointed by the Court, that
We shook with Tunny's trembling they ,reproducd on demand practically
knees as he fought off the effects of all the delicate and superb glaze ef-
the _'gruelling punishment he 'bad re- :Sects of the earlier, Chinese potters,
absolutely all in" from the intensity of the reaction to Mac
n.ameU' s description: ,.
We wore carried, in the earlier
stages el' 'the broadcast, to the scene
of, the conflict. Humorously and vivid-
ly the picture was painted. The gi-
gamic Stadium, twice and a 'half, calved,; and here is where our un_ and added' a majestic succession of
larger than Toronto's Varsity Field; stinted and hearty syntPathy went out new ones : such 'as their 'predecesso's Rome. --Gianni Ca coni whose
the to- the clean-ltvtn and modest Tun -.never conceived, p Yhos air- ung stations at ewfoundland and the
mentsmonster crowd; the arrange- y as he out eneralled' De The Mine d na, t coverscraft did fine homologs work during Azores, thus dividing: the flight into
statistics humorausIy` running La i; mpsey.jy y-. 17 periods the wars says a New Yoi`k-ro-Rome'two stages of e '
from three pair of cotton stockings to This was the crisis of the fight. un..,'and the porcelain of each period may: flight can be nada safely •in 24 hours miles each.something over 1;200
affected b Dem e s taunts or t]te readily be determined by its form
a lake of mustard for trainloads of y ps y if builder t d it is follow a few sum- .Air lanes
p that rise straight' from
Another wonderful exhibition of 'clean boxing' was given when the. two
Premier Artists of the -Leaner met.
Maker of '.'Planes Says
Trans -Ocean Flights •
Can Be Made Safely
"hat dogs",washed down with the sea' Wdsdi cries c£ the taunting, fight -mad glaze,
s c err an p o
P o rule
degree of finish and the pecul.
iictl heard: ;' Tun e
stifles oP decoration and color. s' the ground and . are capable of touch-
ken, The rangy d , periodt s, celebrated for Atlantic flying safe and, commercial] them 'a
Y bio t t
mental canvas while THE FINISH, pt t its blue plane builders anything in the nature 000 feet above . the sea. ' They should
the roar • of the crowd and the high Again we saw Dempsey attack, eyes usually a pale tone, The second 'was of a miracle or anything that cannot attain •a speed o
famous- for• lie decorations in colors.: be done ' t r E 1S0l miles s hour, •
hitched dirge of the dfi cal annousicer bleeding nolo; we could fee l him maks in ho present state of aero• These are the uala a s. f r
blueq s o con
came clearly through the "air. that stupendous ..effort to' hold 'his The cobalt ativ o4 this epoch 'was auntioal knowledge is: mercial passenger platter. Pilots t -
AN UNCONSCIOUS TIT -BIT. lead, hut «Tunney's better condition •s made from native ores. The rich dark No seaplanes demanding a her sen et , 1 ae
vy g •s and instruments sliotild ' be
Macnamese assistant was a $ lendid telIing," sIusvtved that the ridiculed
blue of the third period is so distine- fuel supply (much of the 'recent agl- enclosed in one cabin wh c t
p "softy was more man than the `uled live that it can be recognize- - tatlon. against , ocean dying has been well su Ile i i would be
,,second to "the !ring himself. Ona n ,r
ever seen. Almost approaching black, the use f a d- of d with Compressed aircoo-
remark hes made w#11 be appreciated assn Mauler, and the dogged deter -,this blue,is more : often found on h a 1 n planes): At least the whole thing; Signor Capron; Con-
urination was depicted for us with ' t .e three engines, Properly equipped fuel- tends, is practicaltte,
, b ,all Canadians, lie mentioned that double. our, and the broad Jar -shaped
uncann control and• extraordinar g
C.XI.R•0. (tlte Canadian National Ata- y y vase, The large Jars and vases of the
sustained enunciation. _ We were. porcelains, generally .known among
, F
Bart at Ottawa), and C.F.0 A. (the fourth period, while not so dark : a connoisseurs as "Blanes' de China" , fl rangy` ��gg
• Daily Star station at Toxon shatvn Tunney s raagntfie�nt rill and � E7'o§i®�(°$
tN) were Y blue are i h i
cP po}r; the die nitaries that came throng (all dist y heard): n y His prescription for making tracts tug the' sea. without
into the announcer's played. his own grime and this is The first was damage. He wants,
the brilliancy of its underglaze cop- profitable without o capable
l gke huge
the lights, the movie man --all. were ut demanding of' air- canoes but cq• ableof
painted on the , Per -rods. and the depth
where character won,
of .
P flying over 20, -
broadca i ' uro-
i his strategic and glorious lin ! ofarc ' deep tone,. and have . ranked for many. centuries'
st ng to Canada and tllaskcc. tacko al at- piloted whit. the mei flower,, or wild among the choicest -tree r
Not appreciating Canada's extent, he which` smotl eted the natural treasures of think
i fir hter" and had him "out on Iris feet" alum, 1e among'eas the Most hawthorn peon horOne is apt to dying
{lid not realize that the U.S. Western g and aro among the most beautiful ea- of .. Chinese figures as embodying
stations were thousands of miles' in the tenth round and Tunney's'amp#os of blue and white known in ideal; of strength and virility, even of
nearer Alaska than the stations he l crown retained. It was infinitely bet- decoration.1 the
named ter than being there. A marvelous 1 grwhite a or the terrible, but in
performance and' a. night, longi Two famous green enamel coolers, these white figures of "Burn -yin" is
$ t, to be i t l
"The bell! the be31I"`hissed Mne-
Naniee, and then blew folle'wed blow.
•Tunney's "one, two, left, right" and
Dempsey's rapid counter punches
were recorded. The condition of the
Eladiatot. between sounds; the calling
of the points as'the-gene clanged took.
the-1ie,t`ntas out of themselves. The
smell of resin and sweat was in the
nostrils, • The gleaming 'skins ' and
tense set aces of the combatants were
ta% the. eye. The timbre of Macnamee's
`voice and the hissing snap with which
lie . described' a punch brought the
.sickening thud to the ear. The dram-
s., "atio seventh round when, ender 1)emp . �_. , de
soy's "wild animal" onslaught, when RECOGNITION. andleci or meat Upwards is clearly demanded in
ro . Lite h
remembered by every listener -in, '^ they occur on sing26•eoloratt-pieces or tondernass such as is a s an of ng Suresnes 8ranee—Thirty thousand
's call of the blows and s oeiated chief- American soldiers who died in France
rounds tva$: are used: as the ground•color of an im ly with happy motherhood, Europeans were honored
(portant group of painted vases, are have bestowed- upon .them the appel• recently by their war-
BIows landed--Tunney 172, Demp- distinguished as "cucumber -green" lation, "The Chinese Madonna."
sey 98., 'and "apple -green"; •while the tor- -----s
taro highly prized both when ,found Cl,, most gracious d loving
Amerman Dead -
War -time Leaders Pay Tribute
at Soldier Cemetery
in Suresnes.
•Rounds called— , : quoise-bine of the Ming ..'are is ••'+^h • +^ M
R,ottnd 1—Even. out comparison, •
Round 2 -Even.
The names of '' "Harlequin" and 1 Edmonton Sourual (Ind. Cons.)—In
Round 3 ---Dempsey. "Tiger Shin" have been applied to one fair -Mead iilberta community the
Round Tunney, postmaster received $3135 t1
Round b -Even.
Round :8—Even.
Round 7—Dempsey.
Round 8—Dempsey-
Round 0--Tunney.
Round 10--Tunney,
time leader and high ohicers of
France and the American Legion.
They gathered in the Autos -loan Cense-
tory 'here where 1,507 marble head-
stones lie row on row,
Pershing "and Foch, who oredered
those pieces with variegated colorings per month
the teen forward on their last fight;
--red, blee, purple and green -applied In x920 and 7'0,75 in the prey one year. hloward P, Savage, saticna) corr-
in dappling spots over white glaze. To Out of these amounts he has expenses mander of the 'American Legion; Gen -
the same group belong., those specl- to meet for the upkeep of the : office era's Gouraud, tie Beney, kagenau o.nd
mens which are colored in incitation end had to be on vie job from seven Hart were among those who partiei•
of agate, marble, • tortoiseshell or in the morning until seven at night, pried in the tribute to the fallen onesr
grained' wood
• -while hie" hours were often longer in
rush Later altpea
stemmedcups decorated with red fish,. fairness to these-ptltlic servants and
with, every atom of his mugnaficent Canadian fight fans (and -who- the' color being made from red preei- it should ife, brought about: without
science' and Strength he strove to: re- doesn't lois a fight), are 'deeply in- ons stones reduced t0 powder. Tho further delay, It is a -false economy
gain his lost crown and the .blood- deleted to the General Meters of Can- forms of the fish emerged from the
Curdling suspense as the seconds were ada, the Canadian National Railways, paste during the firing, and stead oat 10 maintain the present scale,
,called, with Tunney hanging to the and the Toronto Daily Star station, in relief as brilliant as rubies, It is
roper,, carried us to a climax unpre- for ' giving us " the ' opportunity- of celled: the "sacrificial" red,and rose Apples and Oranges
— cedented. sets what' erre and all must agree in relief -because the glee seas. as Victoria Colonist (Cons.)—British
We saw this terrible •human fight_ was indeed "some fight." transparent and thick as a mass of Columbia suffers in a commercial way,
lard, while its surface became ;narked and probably in a health sense just
toe" Will Said like the peel of an orange. The cups as well, because of the public taste
are' unrivalled end are marvelous ere-
- for imported oranges, for the eon -
Over $35000 000 du4ttons, peculiar'to this reign, sumption of these makes the eonsump-
9 9 !D Scuiptufq and medeling, played, au tion ai the hoineproduced apples so
itriportant part in the work of the much the less and, In scores of oreh
Last Testament of Theatrical Ming potters. Once again one may ards the produce is left. to rot on the
- Magnate to Be Filed for stand amazed at the vigor and versa- ground. It is the same in Eastern
tufty of a race which produced, with Canada, where, no doubt, the orange-
equalProbate > mastery, imposing almost life- juice campaign is as admirably or
New. York, Tl>a will of Marcus sized figures: and also email ones,. gaioized as it is in this province, No
Loew, theatrical magnate, 'was filed which compare - not .unfavorably with one suggests for a moment that
the sculptured marble masterpieces oranges, ',taken in moderation, do any
for probate; 'in the Surrogate Court of the best Greek periods, and which"harm, -The. point is that apples do
here recently, tdispiay the most intimate, affectionate milord good,
lemees widow and his two sons wviIn tenderness in every line and contour,
inherit the larger part .of the estate, First, for their delicate and,exggis- In a West End bar there arose a
according to Leopold Friedman,his rte beauty, one may consider the ex' di"lesoussionbetween anglislmanand
counsel, but the value of the entire es- amples, often quite smal land general a Scot ;upon a perennial topic. "Loop
tate has not been determined, lie said, 11y of modest size, fashioned in pure here," said the former . in :tlre final
It -is `estimateWto be from $35,000,000 ,white or Creamy porcelain, which is.tone 'of 'one eoneludiug the argument,
to $50,000,0,0, frequently left in the "biscuit" state, ^"Scotland is noted for whiskey and.
Themes Hitchcock The . estate is dui ided b y' erc though it is usually cldthed, with a nothing else." "Ah, weer, does any
The /nen responsible for the y p enc rich white glaze, soft and'tendet- bath s"
Ahtori_ ages,, The willow, airs CJarbline Loew, _ tiring else matter asked the Scot
can polo, team defeating, the British will receive 25 pec' cent, outright a.ncl to the oyo and to the touch, Such with a smirk.
At my in Indra team Cho sobs; Arthur M. sand David jJdow, .
each will receive .15•per cent. A trust, oho $rifle Ground
fund of 45 per.' of the estate also
"The newspaper is a' poor man's' um, is to be • created, the income to go' to q t•,;,,
versify, says a Speaker: Then it be. the widow during her lifetime and the
hooves the publishers to give the best principal to be shared equally by the
education possible, sons at her death,
;LUPld"9 sot�°e�
4_414 e's
U icnt6slone
An Open Letter to Gene Tone y
Man Grasps But Once the 'Opportunity that Lies •n
PP y I Hands
of the Worlds Champion
world,' insert a clause whereby you
My Dear Tunney:-
You have not only achieved your will be permitted to talk to the boys of
atiib t#on' in• ;avhat 'appears to have .yams own country; and of. ours and
been an epochal ring battle, but you i teach them that the manly art of ..
have . acquired a rs ponsib#l'ty avliich 1 self1d tenco does:not, necessarily need• ,
I ant sure yeti 'will appreciate and, to -he assoeiate:i with the. "pug"
def*elop, y
Your country ha's recently ba
We in Canada leve fighters, bu't• glee -Med by the discovering of one of
when a fighter rises as you have risen the world's greatest popular helves--
attributes of a man and a gentle -I CeL Ghas, Lindbergh, He is using his
pian ave extend to you not aneie con -,1 sttcC di 'for the tithe Gl good' Witli-
ratulations, but, a true regard -Mince -lout dto rtuni ng the Col,, yell have
able to expi.+ess in print. n opportunity to do snore good' as
trite school boys' hero titan any meet
You possess talents which shauldtever Itatl! before- I trust ydit will take •
liaise you a national figure as well as 'my suggestions as a sincere -compile-
the•- champion heavy weight' pugilist ment to your magnificent performance.
if the world, p
which we saw throughGraham
g Mac-.
Character, clean living, a ,crit+e ford namee's incomparable ryas, You have
'earning, the irerseveranee td carry 1 gone far•, but no.matter 'what pug!
a fine seneibiliity emE:wet in a superb listie successes your future may have
physique,suee es yours, to success in in 'store, you have an opportunity in
the Most heart -breaking contest in teaching oar boys by example, "tee-
the world marks you as an extra- sept and personal contact•ta love their
ordinary man. De not let your sus- country, reverence their bodies, and'
easy and affluence bring you tumbling endeavor to become as proficient in
down from the high pedestal you have manly sports ee Gene Tunney,
heaved for y4Urself, Remain modest,; "Because Gene told us" can he and
cultivate prise. and 'When you, sign should, Le the boys' guiding phrase. --
your vaudeville cr whatever contracts "The torch is yours, hold it high." •
you propose to enter into to tour the Yours most cordially, R. It
Find Lake Levels
Higher hi Augt.>�ht
Water in St. Lawrence High-
est in Ten .Yearns, is
Ottawa:—T1?e. levels of all of: -the
Great Lakes and of the St. Lawrence
river for the month of August last
seers appreciably higher than those
for the corresponding month of last
year, according to figures compiled by
the Canadian H drographer's (Mice.
As was natural, hon'ever,, largely be.
cause of lesser precipitation on all of
the lakes with the exception of Deice
Superior, the levels were • lower in
August than 'in .luly la,•t, ,The same
is true of the St. Lawrence river,
On Lelia Superior the levels were
,02 foot higher then in duly, • 1927;
1,104 foot highorthan in August, 1920,
anal .44 feet higher that the average
stage of August for the last 10. years,
Far Lake Huron tlte.•iigures were: .03
foot lower, )1.05 feet higher,- and .73
toot lower; on, -Lake Erie they wore:
1.10 root lower, :71 foot higher, .38 foot
lower; Lake • Gntarlo .02 foot' lower,
.76 loot higher, and :32 foot:lower:
On the 'St. Lawrence river, .76 Boot
lower, ,Lig feet higher, ,03 foot higher.
In this respect it is to be noted
that en the' St. Lawrence during the
Met ten years the August level hat
averaged 1-05. feet lower thou the ,Tuly
Tie above map shows tire, loeat on 1
of the' Roman Catholic Mission at
ileauvel, ie Nortlasre Sasleitnhewan,
•which was destroyed by fire ,on Mon-
day last. A man and nineteen' boys
perished•: The mission is 126 ranee
north of Prince Albert,
l-lindenburg Declares Father--! classes of German people unanimaa,,137
land Unsheathed Sword
`i in Self-defence
repudiate it. It was not because o4
am• envy or hate or -desh-c far: con-
quest, thea we drew swards. On the
contrary, the war with all the terrible
UNMITIGATED ait'sn c' sacrifices it demanded from the whole'
country was an extreme measure re -
la it to he .wondered' at .that we sorted ho far the preservation et ' our
mistrust' such people as the militant exis'once'against a heel' of ,enemies,
Gorman. The blood of our boys stirs
"With clean hearts we snatched out
out at the flaunting of such charas- to defend he fatherland; with clean
rands the German urine wielded trier
teristics'as thefellowing; sword;' Germany is ready at any
Tannenberg, East,. Prussia. ---Un- moment to prove this fact before irri-
veiling a monument in commemoration partial judges,"
of the famous battle of Tannenberg, Glean Ile -arts! Clean hands! Cid
*,:in August, 1914, President Von Olin- forbid,. And Agnes MacPhail says
denhurg•,;•Who was victorious in that Jlfdo away:with military training."
battle, delivered a. speech repudiating So long as such a spirit is alive and
Garmanys war guilt, tea Jaean Russian titueeion exists as
It -wee ie self -e. fence and with a it .does, we must •all live in fear and
pure conscience, mast
declared, that the trembling or "gird up Der loins." The
6weed was'unsheathsd by Germanyrl thinking men admit that British
"The accusation that Germany was state's 'len knell- their business, even
s'esponuflcle for this greatest of all if our . American friedns . do erltieize
wars we repudiate," lee said, "All their actio
noise a' 'Field eta lure, Where
unree Defeated :Dampsee Before 150,000 )'pne
Lalidlady-"I'll have to request You
to pay in advance, Mr. Smit!.' Smith—
"Why, ien't my, portmanteau good for
a weeks board?"' Larullady—"No, it
looks like' an old-fashioned'emotional
box." , Smitll-"Emottesiai';" Laud -
lady .--- 'Yes; one that is easily
Moved!" •
Senate- Rani eendurand
Ca tada's representative to the League
of Nations, '
Two men wore e talking at the club.
"I am b&giuoing to eelleve itt fortune
,telling" said one of. them. "Why,"
,said the the other, "sontetlting: conte '
truer" • "Yes," answered • the first.
1"Y-ester-daye fortune-teller told .m me I
!would have money left me, and to -day
II havefourpence left 'after paying my
wife's dressmaker's bill
Canada Has Pride is Fe >r°less Josh;
Evil Doers Will Have Cause
to Think of Sentences
Meted Out to Sarnia
idY It E. G.
be ealaanisd of the eceurenco in Pis-
ton. A money fine levied by a friend-
ly, nuegietrate
riend-ly,'nuegistrate on a Minister of the
gospel, a: hypocrite too 'base to 'be
spoken to by decent inea, e mar. who
brnaonly worried to secure a position
as luveniie dodge when he knew him-
self to be a betrayer of the innocent.
asshi reu
Cross a, toff AP ll he proud of the large ww u
ill alwaysamre'an•m.toain a blotlain orati
;,atresia seveeity of our justice in our eicuteheon. Nothing but the lash
1ax.d,ing the Sarnia fielda and -imprisonment e'r incarceration in
'Sire in Canada have been dtsgested, an tieyluno ler life, is he-isproved to
with the mawkish methods. of coapt be as mentally deranged (as it would
Its ced:ere across the Brie, and, we appear he is front his anticus), is the
irometimes weeder if we are following only thing that will clear•the aria
f merioa's lead too closely, The heavy THEMAGISTRAT ',
penmen sentences and above all the
adding of the best et all deterrents A then who would be party to such
the laoli ui 1'ss L tingly handed to a white -washing is not fit to be re
tl u�n i calcaldo co at"Tea gives no tamed in office. We do not -went,
conso fou pride in six coir+s, nor will we tolerate, the permitting of
ACTION Ia000ISOD: TOOL, "Elmer Gandeys" to renesifl,45. our.
,On the other, l acid, We,c a:, not but1.:'Main Streets,"•