HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-09-29, Page 5w
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'1,1-3.1,1 DAY, SI1P3.11V/B11.1 29, 27.
, CLaNT ON NEWS .R C.9 R lit' '
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phatograplii, ancIthePatherdaartii 7,4".
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.'"-F,,:aall..11aeraaaanataalao,,,u,,tayaritaia..., e,a,
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Ceaitliatied,'froi a 'j:1:111M9'
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need" teir,alef'-',,Chriatinaa, .Gifts..," Do,
Tot 1OSN'eqt )401' '-tliorlea,St feW.lWaCkar
,As..15d,-..<it000lfi, toil., ' d*,,.iv6 ,'4Ve':',104•,
'Only',•Triesde4 Of' eselaWaela. • .. „:,,,,a.a.
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SOI1TO r‘, r' dY " Y°111:124Y ' 'rt.::
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..the Bank 1O'bily'eed,:grains or .to,.,•-,
., 'PrOiid.efzt'fOr• your''StOr'tii1,111,
•aiDar:keting 'lli4e;•:'," If' yoi,12',-afe',•••k
tstaangara iT . tlaay ..b, I.,* •.-t0 ar-•:.
1:‘ 'A.'s- ' A ' ' ' ' *th''
. range, • . ' aNaings , Cenunt 'W1 a
us now j.S a gnOd..'ra.45tninerida-a
-tiOl'a. for 'f1.1 'dire'eretlit,'; "•.' ' ' '' '
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33 ana
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.Clinton Branch, , . ' aa. &Manning
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r ''sr etid.
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, , „ ---FF':-Ir
' ''- it --.-p---- -
• ',1 ..„. a ,
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-' Maniger • ''Lloyd
,tliAlitil ,,,
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. /
norp-7,'..Robt.:.:.Mhiqurr4-Y, ''-'P.'• ,
,SliorYtiOn'.,6, •ears'aany.." Other: vatietY,
a/-1V1iSailhieWnett;.liftra; .W.•:..11:: Tr -eta.;
lei.- a•RUaliel • 'fiteld---,--. beans
- 'Rader. 9-:.1,Tarieniner and Sea 'iCollee-,,
''.'.::1.6'1 e1':,•:'
,.:Bdtge-ss•', 'rartrait ',Anew ' • ' '; '
'. - ; • -, , • . P•,.., •,„ ,..1,,,. ....•,,.., - • , .
' ' ' -"a a - i ''' ' ' '• ' ' - '''• ' •-• '
ntonr.,.Poultry rr'r.' House
mace In
• .. . ....
, bee, n
ti011 Of , 'IgTaii*.lill'hetia,4(.4:0..rn r. XaC
••'' ' '' ' -.'' ''•••
.,-,'.'Plate,..;plubisa4oseab, Rader," raVfies
VA '41; -• ". CD • ' "
,l4/( • : iv/ i it ,,,i3O"Werd,
.1t/ ''
. • 117.0'Watilia•
Phones -a -Off) la 214',Itealdea" ea214w,'
., • - • ,• , .. r ..••..,.• .• ° - ,
..". ,'''''.
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0.,,r,:t.,,...„,.--,,,,.. ..... , ,
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BraTtrett. Plate, prunes-algaaa.13rovaria
,ott,: :11. 0:rotr.R.,,sTiowdbh.. :. islate ..yenov
.rerabs:-.an •• •;:k . "Stirlitm" • Cheer ' B.
' IVLiddleaon. -Plate 'red • crab$-.--Haro d
.1"enhale, a'Jasi./ It,','Rtitiliag; ' Collea:
•.tioaa. of,pearS,'aive .-ef reaeh 'afarieta.„
tHarold,P.enhalea, F1,
apt' attantiona gwen te axii•••'•
• • ad • -aoa ,pai ' e a s• ' '710 111' .0 l'1C'' ' , . `
'• M ',caber ' Florist 'Telegraph' Delivery - ' Conn:eatable. : furnished. dottage to.
- ." • ' , - •,.. • a a. - .: , .. , . - , ' rent:. for winter., Enquire •
- -
'r r' .: .4a.a°91a '.°11- •' ', Record., &fie,. a , - . 284
.. ' . . .. . ,
al i./.re.V,Cooke.,
...., , ....
, ,0 ::.7, r ,., „ , aly, , 1,:, ,.1, . .r'‘r Ci r ' .. ' . P, UrniSh.ed Cott'l(g° To Rent:2:84
, stall-ation
. ) ,
, ,
an arran-
a . • .'
. .
e Or I '
. ' : : : .
. ....
,.r ' Plate 'fall -.PeaaaSa-Harold. ' Peraiale,
Mag. la IVIetcalf. Plate' '
:.:,Pliene 66- '' a .
. , , . . .
, • • Stiayed. Steer ,• .
. ...
..W,.. . . wiater
amira:.--Haaeldllenhaleag. R.: St.114111g.'"
Collectifia', ad', ,impleaaqOar a fall and
Jaln_fs..twiriptega, Bov,y04,160etcrechlintay6armewtyri--0„,_
ter'' apales,, aour ahmieties; five • of each
, . - . • 'from premiaeS ' of Wen:
' , Coal Heater'. Eck:Sale • .. ' Brigham, near LondeSboroa black. ,and
- A. oat haatea, clidaplfor imicic an1a. white stoar,a, inootis,,,, biora,,•:gaearca`d
:A,134no/tati..11:,:H, :Wiltse,- T°720s_tpd. •-lalnl leaifrwirlien. ti„ 0: ,11Bireriagdhlaringter,oeneodVeestyoroaf ,
a . - - „
Cash or,
. . . .,
--L.C. B. MiddlatonaJ. RaStialina. Best
Northern- Slli-eeLl(4l.i:laS-e°te.h'''
.' ' • , ', Phone.a5-123, Blyth central. • 28-3-p
- CI nton
.09( ,oa
mei:, .-"Fallaapples,' foui. varieties, fare
of 000h,varioty___,T. R .stirlingi, loyd,
Scetchmer. Plate , . of .McIatosli. Reds
' On AlbertMsntnreeYet•nnlititon: ,. 'on Sun- Farm.:Fiir Sale.' ,
da Laa s a of money. .Owner may. . 128 acres Hatron County adjoining
-liaYve'saa'nule ay proving- property •and - ' • • ' • '
.Davinn• all loani;" large brick
-a•-• "-...."-a--.-..
. atoteinne.r.
Plate ef- 1Vlann .
for this adVerbSernent. Hu- ,Clinton; clay
•••• - - • , house ' 2 . bank barns . silo a large or-.
bert-J. Reynolds, - Clanton. Phone • / , /
, . • . , .
' Of Interest 10 You
• ^ -
arid' Me
. , , . -
Some of the visiting British edi•-•
. . -. •-......-ass.---..*
,, • . . a - . .- . . ''' . - :. •
- Uncle.: De You lake 'riding on MY
thee Veriaraucha , . • • „
. . .„ , . , ,
FaveaYear-Old Niece: a Oh, - no., '1
have ridden a real donkeY. .
• . .
apples --Lloyd Scotch-
mar, C. Ba Middleton: Plate of .Northa
, a
637-r-13 -Clinton Central. . gm chard; a fevv ininntes' walk to. town,
. • ' • ' ' ' '
. ,
ern spies-LlOyd' Seetchrina,• Joseph a
:Richardson. -Pla, te • Ring o.f •ThoraP--1
kinaL-Lloyd Seotchmera ' J, R.- Stit-
- , pen.
lino, Plate .0teeninge-a-Robert
hale, h. Stirling. Plate
churches 'and school's; town -Water
' ' ' ', ' . For Sale ' piped through buildings and river at
- A --few. bushels of' pearsaalso ,a.num- back, Apply to• E. W. Morrison, R.
a aa a i3 . R 1 1
ber of we re eared oc c the ter- R. No. 4, Clanton, Ont.
NITS, 1311:8111 Hill Clinton Phone
C. H.
Electric Banges,
Fixtures, '
9 .Eleetri.cian,
,• '
Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Pippins -J. . Staling., . la Scot h
1015%, 29.2 Auction Sale „
, - .
Wiring and , Repairs.
Phone 7
ors who recently • visited : Canada -.a.
-"' • "
hought the Canadians • talked too- A --MATTER 'OF ALTITUDE
Mach - about themselves. Tut, -tut! . .. . : ,. , ... .
ley should hear our neighbors to Leslie• had always b,een veay :Much
. , „
he south. • afraid nf .dogs. ' '
• One daY, after a struggle to get
The Hon. W. E. Raney lias been ap- him to pass a large dog which stood
lointed to the bench of the Supreme on the corner, his another scolded
lourt of Ontario. arra Raney's resig-' him. for his unnecessary fear.
: ation leaves the Progressive g -roup "Wall," was his reply, "you'd be
afraid' of dogs if was as low dawn
n the Provincial Parliameat without'
, leader, It -will also leave 'Premier' as I cum"
'erguson cane less severe critic, but
mar.. 'Plate of 20 ounce Papains-,J.
rt.- Stirling, LloadeSneotchmer.
Leieester Ram For Sale .. Of House and. lot, being lots 27 and
2$, Frederick '
._ .
of Wagners-R P hale C.' B. Mid -
A thoroughbred Leicester ram, reg- street, Clinton,' on
Saturday 2
t -
dletori.- Plate of -Golden. Busse s--
Robt. •Penhale, .T. R. Stirling. Plate
of Blenhelin. pippins -C. B. Middle-
October 1st, at pari. Good
, istered, two years old. APaly to J. - ..-:„ . - • ,., a ,
G "Gibbings, R. R. No. 1, Clinton, cir comrortaine a-romn name . noyse,
phone 4 on..641. 294_1, with good cellar and aa acre a choice
/ garden land,
- •
Enter An
y ay
F. R. DA' ' , OW
ton, Jail. Stirling. Plate of Snows-
a. R,, Stirling. Plate of ontaries__,
Miss Brownett, Lloyd .Scotchraer.
Plate of W,olf River -J. R. Stirling,
C, Trammel" and Sot. Talmeh Sweets
-Robt. Penbale.
, with abundance 01
Constance Bazaar fruit trees and , small fruit. Terms.
A bazaar will be held in the For- 1.0% of anrchase Price an day of sale,
esters' Hall, Constance, pct. ath, eona balance in 30 days, G. H. Elliott,
mencing p.m.under
. let 7 o'clock, , the Auctioneer. 28-2
auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the /
in any one of Shaw'
onto Business Schoola
training which will
salaried position.
e Twelve Tor-
for the
lead to .a good
Free Calendar.
willbe at his office
Peck Early Cobblers= -Milne Rader,
United Church. Sale of all kinds of Wanted -To Rent
useful mticlea, candy, etc. Also an 100 -acre farm. masa be good in
autograph Light
Write W. R. Shaw,
a.11.11d Charles, Toronto.
Registrar, Bay
in Clinton each
he Prerhier says Mr. Raney' will
rake a "good judge." - WAS. IT ONE OF OUR EUROPEON
, S •••'
The Ontario Government has a .., .
chee for transferring settlers on "Shall 'I bring you some dinner?"
on-productive lands in Muskoka to asked the steward of the ship.
iore fertile aarms in Northern On- "Yes, you may bring ine one on
aria/. About twenty families are -be- approval," replied the passenger, as
ig removed this year. 1VIr.• Finlay- he gazed over the bounding deep. "I
on, minister 'of Lands and Forests, may not want to keep it,"
bated, recently that it was not the .
C. B..Middleton, Peck early potatoes
quilt. refreshments. every way. State terms full
to .be named -Mrs. W. F. Metcalf, A.
29-1-and par -
P 'beaters in first letter. H.. Briggs,
, . '
From 3 to 6
E Peck Green Mountain-
Erwin der, Truemner Son.
..lne •
MRaC. and
- Heim° For Sale . 530 Talbot atreet, London, Ont27.
Cider Apples
Wanted .
"80- tf.
Peck late potatoes to be uamed-C.
, -atorey frame houswith -5-p
Trueinner and Son, Harold Penhale.
attmangolds, long ,red -Miss Brown -
, Ed. Foster. 3 mangelds, yellow
globe-aThos. SnowdonC T. .
, . ruemner
and Son. 3 intermediate mangolds-
C. Truennier and Son. Miss Brown -
ett. 6 field carrots -Robert Penhaie,
Chas. Bedour. 6 'table carrota-Miss
basement, in. Princesa street. Hard
and soft water, % acre of garden, • Farm For Sale
with fruit trees and berry bushes. Lot 28, con. 15, Goderich township,
Good aarn, Mg pen and hen house. 85 acres more or less, good land, well
Bargain for gum t sale.well- ' IAlso 15 with windmill bank barn hog pen,
bred Rock cockerels and 20 Rock a acres liardw'ood bush, 'an acre of
pullets, spring hatched. Apply to R. orchard. Comfortable
A. Hearn, Clinton. .frenle house.
29a3 Also 50 acre farm on London road,
I am in the
Will Pay 50c
Telephone 105 Cliiaton
lath as to delivery,
market for
Per Cwt:
for partien-
For Sale
' Titan 10-20 tractor, a three -fur-
row Cockshutt tractor plow, 13 inch
Gilson insilage cutter. These are all
in first claSs condition and will be
sold cheap. The price of this outfit
can easily be made doing custom
itention of the Government to use
ny ppesstire to induce anyone to Bagfield
10 VG but those who wished to do so
amid be advised and assisted. n Miss Margaret Metcalf of Detroit
inks sensible. In this country of spent the week -end with her parents.
ne farniing ,Iand •It is foolish for Miss Metcalf. has lately rearmed
nyorie to waste, time on a non-produc- from abroad, where she spent the
ve' farm. summer in Italy and France.
* * * * Rev. and Mrs. F. II. Paull retrained
on Friday last after baying spent a
Really, though, do the Canadians fortnight's holidays at London, Galt
ilk too much about themselves? and Toronto. . ' •
hey"lfave not in the past been. guilt)" The Harvest Thanksgiving service
f it In fact they seem to have been will be held in Trinity church and
ao prene to sit down and patiently throughout the sparish on Suddav
Sthn to our American cousins tell next. , '"
aout themselves, take everything ,The semi:annual meeting of the
leY said at par value and to consider DeanerY of Huron will be held 3n
let tountry and people fat superior cTorillitY thurch on Tuesday, Oct, 4th,
encing with a celebration of th
i Canada and aier people. This "year : e
! jubilee" may have taken us alit- . Holy Communion at ten o'clock. •
Rev, and Mrs, R, M Gale and Misa
e out. of that attitude and if so it is Gladys Gale returned on Friday last
good thing, There is. not much after having spent their vacation at
urger of us getting into the habits Waterloo and other points.
! a blow -hard; we are sure to be Dr. and Mrs, A. Newton -Brady
Tied inr by our candid oveasea relit- left on Thursday for a week's motor
ves, or somebody at home, before trip in the United States.
aing too far. A little. bit of genuine yfy, Geo. M. Fisher and little Miss
..itle of race and country is not going IVIirtam Fisher, who visited Mr. and
:. hurt kl$. ' Mrs. Is. A, Edwards.. for a couple of
wee is, returned to theh• home in
Mary Reid, F. Barker. 6 table beets
-A-. E. Erwin, Robert McMurray, 6
parsnips -E. and R..Snowdon Milne
E 1 ''
3, Iileolddturnils-vi c, Foster,
Vann For Sale Trickersmith. Apply to J T. Mc -
. Knight, R. R. No. 2aC1inton. Phone
100 acres; lot 24, com 2, Stanley, 604-r-4, Clinton central, 28-tf
good state of cultivation. Bank barn,
_ - D. Cantelon
plowing and Silo ailling for farmers.
to Frank W. Andrews, Clinton.
Phone , 26-tf
„litadaeic... t
E. 1 ., at 1,adidi
76x40, driving shed 40x24, cement ' Dog Lost
-Tin S vc.11.Lo11.6 alsiayerE', and
RaSinnonWdonnn, la Berke:. 2 he -ads cab-
bage-F. Barker, Chas, Bedonia 2
heads cauliflower -Mrs. W. F. Met-
calf, F. Barker. 3 heads' white celery
silo. Good brick house, 2 never -fail- A. brown 'at terrier -with small
ing wells. N. Saunderceak, Bruce- white strip between front legs. Find-
field, phone 021.a..31) Clinton.Cen- er kindly notify Ross Forrester.
tral. . 27-tf, ea...,
• Used
New is tare time for
at Fall Prices.
that used car
Order Winter Coal Now
- Prices are lower, delivery is
-Ginaiet Jacobi, E. and R. Snowdon.
2 inuakrnelona- Thos.. Snowdon, S.
Trueamer and Son. 2 watermelons-
MI's. Robt. . Scotchmer, Thos. SnoNv-
don. 2 citrons--Tbos.'Showdon. Best
Pumakin for table use -Thos. Snow.
don, A, E. 'Erwin.'best scm sb a •
a oi,
, 150 acres choice land, lot 12, con.
The Voters' List, 1927, for, the 13, Hallett. lst class buildings, Delco.
Pollee village ei Bayfield, County of light. Two-thirds`purchase price may •
Huron. . . ' remain on mortgage at 41/4%. Bal-
prompt, The coal you select is stored
in your bin -and all worry is over for
Ulla year. I
Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery
. Phone 111 I
table aie-Ed. Foster, la- Barker,
Largept pumpkin aor feecl-A. E. Er-
win Thos. Snowdon. Largest squash
fdr 'aced -C. ,Truemner and Son. 4
Peck laro English
, Notice is hereby given that a have ance may be paid in cash or would ae-
t• • 'tt d d l' • d t tl cept mortgage on other property.
si ansmi e. or e tam e . o le per -
ons mentioned in Secbon 9 of the Would consider a house in town. Ap-
Ontario Voters' Lists Act the copies PlY to J. IL 'Wheatley, R. R„ No. 1,
'of the list made pursuant to ie -said Blyth, Ont. 24-5
Bert Langford
, Clintori
, Phone
potato onions-
Mre. W. P. Metcalf,
Act, of all persons appearing by the
E, and R. Snow-
den, 12 large white onions -F. Bar-
ker, Mrs. T. II Trembley, 12 large
r_ 11 dons --F. Barker, Thos. Suova-
llow onions -F. Bar-
deal'. (311.,„.2. hirga„ye, . ,,, ,
ker, mane „imam. 4.6 large red
tomatoes -la Barker, afrs. W. F, Met -
last revisal Assessennt Rollaof the Wanted
said Pollee Village, to be entitled to Rooiners or boarders. Second house
vote in the said Police Village at from Baptist church, Huron toad,
elections for the Legislative Assein- west. Mrs, W. II. Cole. Phone 138.
bly and at elections foe Police Cona. .
missioners and the said list was first * .
Poultrti and-
Now is a good time
non -producing hens and
to- Sell your
8 have a quantity of good, hard
wood arid some slabs for sale,
I would like
calf. 12 Iarge yellow tomatoes-Maa.
J. II, McLeod, P. Barker. 'Plate peach
tomatoes -alas. W. F. Metcalf, E. and
R. Snowdon . Largest head a sun-
posted up by inc at my office at We handle Eggs
House for Sale
Varna en Monday, the 19th day of PoultrY on Tuesday and
August, 1927, and remains there for '
On Victoria street, opposite Wes- jags.
inspection. I hereby call upon all ley -Willis charch. 8 TOOMS,, electric We will grade your
voters to examine the said list and if lights and Pria trees
every clay and
Friday morn-
' flock free
ail old accounts
strai h d
g tene up at once.
Phone 155 Huron street'
on ThursdaY, t
IVIr; and IVIrs. Ma Kerr left on Fri-
day'for their home in Whitby. They
Countg.News -were accompanied by Miss Agnes and
Master Craig lacar, who bave made
EXETER: Mrs. Wesley ammport their home with Mrs. F. W. Baker
:ceived the sad news last week of for ahe past few years. Agnes and.
L0 death of her sister, Masi Ernest Craig will be very much missed in
rmstrong, who died in a Detroit Bayfield, especially in the various or-
spit -al, at tire age of 87. years - Mrs. ,ganmations of Trinity ahurch, in
rmstroag was afflicted with diabetes Which they were valued vvorkers,
l' a number of years and sone . -Mr. and *Was. F. G. Neelin and
onths ago was confined to a hos- Mrs. J. II. McLeod spent soveral days
tal for treatment. On being re- al Seaforth last week. '
ased she was mach improved and ' 1 Miss Lillian Martin of Toronto is
vialtin • friends in the village.
,e continued in apparently the best, Miss Ethel Fewlie is visiting her
- .
health until the night When she sister, Mrs. Koehler, in -Zarich this
a.s taken to the Detroit hospital, and wook. • . . . , .
only a few hours she passed away. Mr. E. T. Brown spent Sunday with
is, Armstrong's maiden name was friends in StrathroY. • ' '
:Bra' Gould, being the younger daugh- Misses Ethel Jewett, and Izetta
r .of the late 1V1r. and IVIrs, James 'Meaner motored fawn New Dundee
Add of Exeter. -Besides her sister, and spoilt the week -end" with their'
rs. Lamport, she is survived by her parents, Miss Edith laferaer accoms
isband and one daughter, two Years Panted them on their return to visit
a with her sister. .
1VIr. P. Wellington Graham retanined
flower -C Timemner and Son, Thos.
Snowdon. Collection of garden herbs
-Mrs.' W. P. Metcalf, Mrsa Wi. H.
Truemner. Plate
water, stable, of charge
any aarors or omissions are found and garden. Also Ford Touriear.
therein to take immediate proceed- Apply A. J. Grigg. 24 -t -f -2p A.1E. Finch
ings to have same corrected aecord-
.ng ..,,,
Singer Se*ing Machine
, of ,tienaerS"a-Il. and
R. Snowdon, Lillian Cartwright, Plate
of cucumbers -LE. and R. Snowdon, C
ing to law. ' Phone 231 Victoria
Ifolmesville Cheese For Sale
Dated at Varna, Oils 10th di f
w ° Large, 20c per lb.; flats, 21c per lb.
September, 1927.
street, Clinton
Leased on Small MonthlyPayment a
Big Discount on Cash Sales
Traemner and Son. Vegetable Mar-
J. E. IIARNWE'LL, Stilt&i, 24c per lbi Order from W. H.
vow -.-C. Truemnea and Son, F, Bar-
icer. Green Hubbard Squash -Thos.
Snowdon, Ed,, Foster, Yellow Hub-
Clerk of Stanley Township. nLobb, Salesman, phone 605-r-32 or Clothes Cleaned
29_3 from Clifford Lobb, Grocer; Clinton,
40. ' • 21-tf Clotbes cleaned,
and Pressed
preSsed and re-
. -
Nova is the time th have your nut-
chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs,
bard Squash -C: Trimmer and Son,
.paired. Woollen goods
dry cleaned.
Needles, Belts and Parts for all
Ed. Foster,
Lof whiners n
ist nrize iladies'
wchat and fine arts left over to next
week. •
• . ms House For Sale Roower Heard's
AS nniversary ervices Large red brick house, corner Or- W. J.' Jago.
SUND,AY, OCTOBER 9th ange and Wellington streets; 8 roams,
Barber shop.
, all modern conveniences, Possession
In Iiolmesville United Chdrch when desired. Also it barn and 14 acre
lot on Wellington street. Apply to
C 1 .
1 11 t
011. S
Phorm 171J P.O. Box 201, Ciliate*:
iyrisaaN__aa, loviaa ntemeay of laTasa
Rev, Mr. Poulter, Bemniller, Preacher Mrs. W, Jenkin, 06-tf-6p
J ames Mann, sr., who died one
yea!'" ago, Sept. 27th, 1926,
"All 'day we' have been thinking,
Thinking just of you '
Of the years we were together
And the -things we used to
a ----
. Vann For Sale
MONDAY EVENING, OCT. 10th . es, goo / soi , me in in s,
100 acr d '1 f' b 'ld' g
- sinall ample bush, , 41/2 miles from
Supper and Concert -
Clinton. Will sell cheap and on easy
terms, Will farm if
4;(1A/t miye
A 1923 model Ford coupe in g nod
. A -
And Te felt a lonely feeling,
And we chased a tear. away
. sell crop with
'Talent -Eveready Male quartette desired, Inquire at News -Record of
Stratford, Ont. ' flee, ' 12 ±1
. .
r urining order.
---. to on Monday to aesirme his
studies at ICTIOX College after having
HENSALL; Fred Brock, of Hen- had charge of the Brueefield and Bay -
11, was seriously injured in a motor field :Presbyterian churches -Charing •
cident :two miles north 'of here. the 'past four months.
eentLy. The ' car, driven ay . a Among those who..retuatred to aheir
[end . "of" Mr. Brock, - get, mat of co -tibia -ea for the week -end *area-. Mr,
ntroland went into the ditch, turn- and Mrs. II:X. - Peam.s - and family,..
' • ' Mr I Ma R T Orr anci- family,
a over • two or three tunes, The , and , s„ . . , , , • ,
aver. was not injured beyond, a Stratford; Mr, and Mrs . Dickson
alass and family Ma. and 1VIrs. W. IL 'envelopes
sling up, . but , Mr. 13rock suffered „,-,.. .. .
I . ' ' London 'aid Dr
vere cuts about the face and other 'aemneon and ami Y., .• .
,• • - and Mrs, G. S. Atkinson. and "familY,
juries, IIewas-brought to the horae Exeter. • '• • ' . ': ' •hig
his 'brother, Geo. Brocla-hera The -Rea'. ,.1",, S. Gabe of Seone,• Koret-i• •
r was ,badly damaged. who for 'the past thirty-nine yeEtr,a
has heen . a missloriary.aundea the •
'7-- ' Ainerican Pres13yterian church North,
6TJN'OAN11,01\1": Thomas liaeicet, in Korea,. is ,visiting his br, other, Rev.
aona. son' of Alexander Haekelta R. M qald, tpd will preacli_in St: 'extra
eve of Ashfield township; met with Andrew s Uniaed elmach , at both ser-
. ices on Sunday "text, Peat of Mr.
painful' accident. while ,assisting in. ; . a ,
am pea, woi c 1 / ao, a,,
'"S ' t ' .1 'r I' re was 'the
loading. 11 11 ,hay• at his home.. making of • a -dictionaay in the, 'Kor- '
:allay was being unloaded by'means ean languare, -which is onw, a,,stand- •
a, hay, fork when irr 'aortae manner ard'Work, Previous 'to this,,the Chin-
B Ihtf Orthhate . young man got the ese •figeres had ben used • ' ..
'gore of his left hand canght,fin the --1Vfessas. Laarreace. and Prod,' Dowlie
' T i al 'were . borne for the :Week-
Iley:, The second finger,. was coin- of ..,o,isle , , ,. , . ,, .
te].ir amputated, -while the, others' and. ' a , . ., . ,...a.
we badly ,.eallithed, ' ,and. 'it will be Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilbur _trwin,alass,,,
me time e , ,, : : , : , , Schualz .. and . ala„ Frank , Erwm el..
' b fore he will have the• ate
his handKitchener spent .,Sunday la .aha via
age. - .-, '
Arid this little wish came stealing
;'N .
. r --
That today were. yesterday."
-Her loving friencla, Mrs,. l'homas
*Pollard and,Pboebe Wakefield.
, . •
-a -Mr. R. A. Reid House For Sale
Violinist -Mr. Harold Broaliagen A. nine -room house on' Paincess
atreet V • 1 t electric' light, fur-
re . •
. ,..4' 1, 1,
IV 'S•
Ovehauled and Reaaired /
, , , ,
Help wanted
.quartette won ,prize at the naee, taree-piece. bath,. all in first-
'Perth Coanty ""IVaitsical 'Festival, of din ditiOn. Apply I]..L..111it'-•
E, •
„ , „ . clasi to
1927. As inclivalua s 4 H ,,vir..i... , .
I. al ouson,
Charged Repaired
aim .„ •,
$25 weekly and up at home
clipping newspapeas arna achlressing'
. tell, Clinton, Phone 213. .084..
and bass and E. G. Swanson, lst .
."" ra
' '
No corivassmg, Every-
" ' ' d S • ' ', full 't" •
Pale ell,
thing furnishe ..01
tenor won gold medals ' WI. C. Car-
-, • • , " Executors' Sale
ter, 1st bass and, II.. S. Jacitson, and ..
Fr •
./‘' '
Gasoline -Oils -Accessories
particulars for stamp: ' Gilbes man-
Seraicea Box".8; Sydney, N. S. •
' '
Farm Stock and Irnple-
tenor, woe silver Medals. /At C.N.E. \ 11.111/ ' .
a. , . a ia .w•ll - s a a • elver meas. The executors of the -estate
t is year . , i: sin o ,
medalist, , , of Alexander M•cf3eath, deceased; will
' offer for sale 'by public auction on
' .., '
...VV .1,;Nediger, .Prop.
. , ,
Admission-Adutts, 60c, .Children, 35e • ' 1 t 6' 3 St 1
. -the preanases, o , con. an ey
. , .„Sale
' Two ljassey-Harris
' toWnship, 21/2 ' nines.
-furrow'. gang,
Ipow, suitable, for four or, five'. horses,
. northwast el
• Kippea on Monday3r0, at, 2 Min.
heavy bearim, goad. as noenw.,,,,Will
sell very heap. ,Ed. Joanst a R....It
No, 4, Clinton Phone 636-T-3. 29-113
- - '
\ sharp, the follom mg. Cow, 4 year
SOU ND ' • '. ' • • -
old, 'With caH; farrow • cow;' a calves;
aged driver; 60 hens; cream sepera-
.. .
, ,
Winter is really a
delightful time
A P .A1.11°
' ROO}, IN
a . , , ,
, / ;Dance and' Card Party -
• A .dance and'eaad peaty will be held
in .the 'town. hallaGliriton, ,on FradaY,
Oct: 13-tia under- the Mistakes of the•
Clinton Fire 'CalnaanY. Romani:bar' ,
e • . • . 29-1
th date . • - . ,
y of Iniabera' a ladders;
i•,i' Itilj-ilig _ b ggy;li, '11)otatlendrii etteria
barrova;1 grand stone; 35• cord. hard
I!. 1,1 a . . • wood., all 'ather aatiel es. •The Email
.h...farala,- aac consists of 100 '.acrea, , mere or lees,
• , , • , ' .
IN I KAU (excepting' salmal or good
- '
wb.en we.prepare for
flIeolivmvstybilioifylayts (.?„anyds arais4
ere 1S Whillith
when th , ,
doors.' .. -
If you \Tart to have
/ • '
the `Winter . ar enget
G d ' Show'
and cheer in-
a good time at
• t . 'd
lea y
. '.
wia I
w e nave a complete line of ,
Toronto Asphalt Shingles a d
__ „. „ ,_. , _ 1
Roofing for siding or roofs i
, • •
you are consictering rooting
''Ifospital Euchre anct,Bance : .
. grounds) -.-` ----
.. ,
- • clay loath, well drained' and Wa:tereda
'state' 'ciatiyatiena
fot It today by ordering
ter' supply of Heat Folks
,your win-
Coal. ' '
compare - ours before buying',
. ,
. .
..iithr.. ' This
A.. euchre 'arid ..danecaTill ;be giVen
M the .toam , hall on', the:, eiMniria". of
the HoSpita-1 Baaaar, Oct, 27th: , +tar-
iib r pattieularsa late ' ' 2P-1
.° - • • , ., ., ' •2LL......• , ' '
-----:- na good Of with
a ' ' a.
LOADING' AT ' about '6-intres oa huSh. ,•A good. Coin-
. , , . $ortolo ,IviC.A.•hou§,e• with .1citchea and
,. , . .
, ..., . ,, . '
wood' shed; Mad a - commodious "bank
on,. . . . .
° t .. ' '''' B1 th
' , - .
' Call the WNW
with any is tile
best by test
. Feeds
a. .'
RatlaIlonston eflandon spent
. : .. • flea are the aveek-ead with 'her varente.' ',
WROXETER: Ideal weather - . , , ..... , , , . , , ,
iled :for •the SCii00,1' fair,' which •Oes on sunday, Sept '25th, the secoad :
14 in • the ' park. 'and sica.ting rink. aowett re -union. pierila .61 athia 'season
r'e allueSday -et last Week, Several was held at ' the Crove,...13hYfielc1;..Tho
' f ' t • ' * t • duced in the followina assembled at the table 'on
w ea ures were • in ro , ,. . . . , . . , „ •
' ' - ' .which Vere •SSt• many - goodieq. Mr •
lie het, Which piade,the fair of .par- , . „ . , , -, , . , ,, ., , ... ,
, , ., , . d and Kra. . Wan...A, *revved.. Massea
:War interest. pro ,sehoolF1'enteio . , , , ..T
d 'Pd. 11if • - cl Mr ' G• •,'
:the - vailoas competitions,. wiiiab. Beatrice an , . pa, ,i.„ ail s ox -
.' ."--• '
'' ' ' ' ' ' .. doe JowettaaVar„ and..Mrs. 11erb. Jow- .
!lie keenly .cent'ested ' and much 'au:,
Mt" 'and babe. •:•Mr.' `Harold :Jewett,'
e.cieted• ' by ' the -.' large runnb et. Of MiSS '1.41417 ' Pi0', '.1167; lalatac,",-Edineason:"
eatator.e. . The, oilyer Cups preeented
. Mr:: and 14:1•.•• nos,. Jowett 11115505 Misses
r the ' pupil • winning the greatest Bete, mid - Las, . Laleseasaa yam, and
,idber bf ponu, ,W£L$ wort by ,kiaa "okri; `rirlii•4„ T.,tuySoni ,Kr• ,..,14,(1, .1V1r,o,
Ith.'11/TeLokinun ' Of 'Itokvioh. •••' - ''•••• ',Dtintee'V,Mifett,.'' ill aof -,Porilallitacin,"
. ,
, . ,
. '-ilinise For ',ROM:, Or. aide .
' ,Cotifortable.„ cottage .• on 1-Inron
street far Tent oa aale: :Far 'partieu-
,Clin y btl.t,iii 101th : spriiw... shed, pighouse,
. . , , ,
henhouse a0 •driaarig shed-fainn- 21a,-
and • Goderih ..' , mito, froin,..,edir,,4.. School onf arm.
. , . . : ...
'Terms. '' •
\.. -
' , for good, clean
Always Carry liran, ShOrts,-,
. .
lar apply to W...BrydoUe.., . ., 29-
. . • . / . 2
, , , . ... . c. a - of. Side. All Chattels • cash.
, , , . , . 1
Start Loading l'irst . Car , , On lands; 109/ of purchase price pan
, , .
, , ,.
'Western vats, nest quality. at
• ,
Bond I t i t - .
, .- .nr,es u elks. ..-- ' ,
a Persons'.requiring; investments ter
f ' a. ' ' '.' ' h ' d'"- •'' 0: C '11. . f •
un s now in PII .. or- , .c i mg lora ,
Vieteriy Benda arnataring. November.
1,1,41'-` • ea,:a.': . be" acocaimoclated 'with,
fitst•elese 'securities ,at maa.effice,:-We
tecernmead antily •-securities iii Which ,..Iii'ar
TSUStgPS: are 'xi:Ike:Wed by:law,,to',inyest. ..,,,
l'iMat•Totinda.' ',',W.. BrYcloae. • •:.., gg-g ....
' ' down 'cm day • of, sale, balance na Tst.
... CLINTQN, ,OCTOBER 4th . : , . , .
, • , . ' ' ' of Mareh, - 1928. • he a. arm '...wl e
' f • 11 b
. a.. ...,' ,a.' - .. ../ • a ' ff ' d b. t t ''-' •• '',V' bid and to
•Aind: uoitianue ,necmving orb., o eve . se. jee „.9:a aesei: e. _, ,,,,, „ ,.: .
,.. , • . . ,, , . , ,, r,. ,,
the mastomary aeoacharerisa, For pea-
a ' a ' ' No*oniber .1.5th:... ' - ' . 1, . - ' 32 h IV" n , d
a : ,,' - .:: .....,- • , . ' . .., a . fielders 89J1 31 ,to, • ,0 ,11; e ',wen an
., •:,..• . , """7"-, ' •: • Hugh . ilcenhead, E c, t. is, 13,uce
, ,L. field( °IA.,' • "Wm. ' Brydohe,• Solicitor, •
. 'PriCa and, paatieulaap .and •loaca. er. Oen"-, a..,Ellititt /,Anetioneer, Oita,
trig dateS,"Phcitie'248;• Olinton'I' • '-':•• • -" ' * ' •" • . - - . 28;.'g ,,.
b••,... -WS, ,0,11t.,•, •, : .„, , .. , , .
. , ,
. : :
- •
a, a - • .-".:
74 .
0 S
. .
• •
•-". -...':
- ,
• ,
. •
- e
lowest prie ..
• . , . ,
,. •
, Phone 128
, _ .. __...
Flour • and• reed Merenante eau '
Grain, Buyors
a . a it "•1:1