HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-09-22, Page 8C
Home, . school weak
means; night work Tor the
average student, because''
early evening hour's are
-usually taken up v ith any
number of other duties.
Therefore, p ar e -n t s
Should make 'sure their
child is, . not subjecting
eyes to severe strain or
overtaxing which in later:,
years will collect a heavy
toll. Great care should be
taken by all parents to'.:
prevent injury to, eyes of
their children during,
school months,
It isn't just enough to
think your ` child's eyes
are all right. You should
KNOW.' The way to
know' is to have their eyes
examined by someone
qualified to tell you the
truth. We have always
-specialized on children's
-eye examination.. And we
never recommend glasses
lidless- it be for health's
ring ;Your Child In
Ft. m i,d SON
Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry '
Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey'sDrug Store
We are now carrying the largest and best range,of samples fbr
made -to -measure clothing we have ever been 'able to show, consist-
ing of ser es, shire 'wool ;Indigo blue and different shades o€- grey
English Worsteds and; neat patterns and fancy -and staple tweeds
for ordinary wear at prices from $20.00 to 00.00.- -
your choice..of all the latest style creations and 'a guaranteed fit
It will pay you to loolr over our range at .$24.00 and $25.00 -
They are Bargains.
P-1urnsteei Bros.
No reason for us to tell you of the raw, chilly mornings end
evenings around home these early fall days. You know that a little'
heat is essential .to family health—still it is too early'for stove or
furnace fires. •, -
The electric heater will bring • comfort to your home—and oh,
what cheer, with its brightlow. , They are so reasonable in price
too. Carry'to any room in the house, attach the plug—and it goes
right to world for you.
An ideal gift,to surprise and please
the wife. Take one home this week.
$8.00. to $10.00
Satter & Perdite
Phone 147W
und With, Celotex
The problem of building wanner houses is a vital one: Cele
tex solves the problem as it combines perfectinsulationwith struc-
tural strength. Celotox is a 'strong, rigid and durable building
lumber made from the long tough fibres of. cane and is used for
interior and exterior finish. Celotex is sawed and handled like
Thomas McKenzie Estate; Clinton
Gyproc—Keystone Brand Shingles in -four grades and everything in
'Builders Supplies •
The ladies of Clinton
and vicinity are most
cordially invited to
coma and inspect the
new Millinery -mode at
The Vogue,
Never before 't have
the hats been more
beautiful, the Beret,
Toqize and Turban
leading, Fine work-
manship applied with
discretion character-
izes the hat.di'the conl-
in;' season. You'will
be delighted' with these
We'd ail co wkaite a oeni and
stately line, and nulla t'lso thank
those who^ made ouu`chdcl' Opening
Business the best welg`yei had, but all
our .brain can, devise.'tnd pen dictate is
—We Thank You.
E t'1_,
I'Ii-C;tt,iDl3 Xy:S
827_; .
ti'7;e'd'Baca to shape strong, well -
reasoned sentences that world hold,
grip, clutch your attention and bring
you to the decision that often we are
the 'cheapest and nhvays the hest.
Still, ,oven .if it is not heraIded as
poets and ad writers would do it, we
think, hope and have faith that our
'advertising ;n -ill prove a profitable
and entertaining acquaintance.
Here is a book, not the leasurely,
easy one to read—but a most endur-
ing friendship to make, a book that'l ti
is something different, worth -while
and lasting, the author is Bruce Bar-.
tomwho wrote The Book Nobody
Knows and The Man Nobody Knows,
The title is What Can a Man Believe
and the price is ,$2.50. The intellect -
hal reader, we think, will like and
enjoy what's between the Covers and
litce';the covers its between. It an
ansiver to such questions as Would
the World be Better or Worse -With-
out 'Religion?
ithout'Religion?Which :religion is the
best? What -kind of a' faith will there
be in the future?' One writer: calls
it an original, forceful, strange book
which must set any one who leads it
Did you 'miss getting a copy of the :
Jubilee Song Beek? We have just
received our third supply and believe
it -will sell for years to come.* Noth-
ing .,like a meal live ; sing -song for
banquets; parties, societies, school or
the home. 130 pages, -words acid
music of the most popular songs the
world over. --Attractive cover, good
paper and -well arranged music,
Price, 60c. .
In time of dry weather prepare for
dust. That' is when a whisk is need-
ed. Our values are good.
If you have a sick Window Shade
we may be Able to cure it for you.
Tile W D. Fair Go
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best
1N uihllIIiI pmmmw', i
Mite Barry' Combo WS up from Tor-
onto for the week -end.
Miss Shirley Bawdea ' has returned
front a holiday in Hamilton:
Miss Pearl. Churchill; spent the week-
end with Mrs. S., Hudson of I ensall.
Re's.,A. Macfarlane; is spending a
few days • at Preston- taking the
baths. -
Mr. Horace' Wiltse of Royal :oak,
Mich., is visiting at the home of his
parents. -
Dr_ and Mrs. Edwards of Toronto
were guests last week with Mrs. C.
IL Bartliff,
-Mr. Fred lifeTaggart has been'visit-
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D.
Miss Vera Dodds of Toronto was in
town for the Manning -'Morrish wed-
ding yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Lucas and babe
and Miss Josie Carter spent lest
-week with Forest friends.
Dr. Howard Ferguson of Walkervilld
was the guest of Col. H, B. and Mrs.
Combe over the week -end.
Mrs, Wm. Graham left last week to
spend the winter with her niece,
Mrs. Gray of St. Williams.
Miss Hattie Courtice motored to St,
Thomas • and spent the week -end
with Miss Burke of that city.
Ur. and Mrs. H. B. Rorke and Miss
Florence visited during the past
week in London and Toronto. •
Mrs. Walter Sorby of New •York was
the guest of her . parents, Mr. and
Mrs, B. R. Higgins, over the week-
Mr. A. W. Steepe and Miss Marjorie
spent the week -end with the form
er's: brother:, Mr. Earl Steepe of
London, •
Dr.'and Mrs. Hessian and family of
Toronto were the guts over the
week -end of, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. R.
Dr. Roy Ball of Toronto' was in town
this week,' coming tip to attend the
funeral of his auelei the. late
- Charles Lovett.
Miss Jean'McTfurehie has, returned
to her home in Toronto after a holi-
day spent at Bruce Beach and at
her home in town.
Mr, and Mrs. dames Glessford and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glassford and
son of Chatham were the guests
of Mr, and Mrs. John Watkins over
the week -end. '
Mr. Gordon Johnston and family and
Mr. James Lovett returned to St.
Catharines yesterday. Mrs." John-
ston is remaining with her mother
fora short time.
Miss Zenda Salter, of Clinton, spent
the. forepart - of the week at the
' home of Mrs. M. F. Salter. She
left Wednesday for St. Thomas to
attend Alma College. — Exeter
Times -Advocate.
Ms's, Enos Hull of Davidson,' Mich.,
has been visiting her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Joseph Wheatley of town dur-
ing the past week and is now visit-
ing her brothers in Exeter before
returning to her home. ,
Mir, and Mrs. Kauffman, Travers City,
Mich.. and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Deer,
Mrs. Frank Arseott, Mr. Earl Ar -
Scott and Mrs. Chapman of London
were the guests on Sunday of Mx.
and -Mrs. Murray McEwan. •
Mr, and liIirs, Ogle Cooper acid Misses
Phyllis, Frances and ,•Norah ^ of
Toronto have been here this week.
coining to attend the wedding of
the forineits niece, Miss Bessie Mor-
rish, -which . took place yesterday.
Mrs. C. 7, C, Mogi:. of West Monkton
was in town over _the week -end at-
tending to some matters of'busi-
nesst prior to settling in her new
home at West. Monkton. Mrd and
Mrs. Magic just returned last week
from their honeymoon trip,
Tew otions and
1E 'let's 6 e
g valu
l a1 d.
' pr your se
y the bushel. Order early (while they last) $3.25 perbushel
Large Alberta Peaches, equals 3 baskets. Peaches are scarce-
and we have been fortunate in securing a car.
Special price on Pure Cane Sugar by the sack.
5 lbs. Corn Syrup for ........... Mc
5 lbs. Corn Ideal for ' 29c
10 bars 'F: & G. Soap for 45e
Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. for ......... 20c
Breakfast Bacon by the side or piece, per lb, . , . 25c
Cottage, Rolls, per lb. 33e
New Pitted Dates 25c,..
Baking Powder, per lb. . . , ,
2 pkgs. Corm Starch
10 1b. Granulated Sugar for
New Cheese, per lb. .. , 29c
3 pkgs. Corn Flakes.................................... -
blew Almond Icing . , , 50a.
MaIlntny's Cakes,
res and Buns, Mon., Thur s. and Sat.
In the Morning First Delivery a.m.
Cash and
In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.ni.
Where "Sells for less" price prevails.
Kindly Order Early
Phone --
Good things to eat have always been our policy and it
is titian this platform that we continue to serve you
Specials. This ee
Pure Lardi 10 lb. pails ...$1.60
Straw. and Rasp. jam,
3 lb. jars , . 55e
Sh rrr f Jelly Powders
e fs J Y
(with tumbler) 3 for .. 25e
Rice, 3 lbs for ... 25c
Dried Peaches, per lb. , . 25e
Prunes, 2 lbs. for .. 25e
Seedless Raisins, 2 lb. for 29e
Sliced Pineapple, tin .. 20e
Betty's Peanut Butter, jar' 25c
Libby's Porlc and Beans
2, for 25e
Canned Peas, 2 for ,26c
0 5c
11 bars P. & G. Soap ., 50e
Rubber,. Rings, 3 dos for 25c'
Zine Rings, per doz. .. 25c
Pickling Spice, per pkg. '910o
Vinegar, white or blended
' per gallon . 50c
Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, always at the lowest price.
L LawsonCo.
Stan eg Town -ship -
The death occurred - in the Clinton
Hospital on 'Friday .evening, Sept.,
16th, o£., Miss Isabelle McGowan,
daughter of the late Mr. -and Mrs,
John McCowan of. Stanley, at the age
of 70 years. „The- deceased had been
ailing for the past two years so that
her death was not,•tinexpected. She is
survived by three sisters, Mrs. Mur-
ray of Detroit, Mrs. McKay of Hamil-
ton, Mrs, Eryant of Landon, and three
brothers, Duncan of McKillop and
Archie and Tulin on the homestead.
The funeral service, conducted by
the Rev. A. -Macfarlane of Clinton and
Rev. Jas. Foote of Exeter, took place
on Monday afternoon, interment being
made in-Baird's ceinetery. The pall-
bearers were: John McEwen, A. Cald-
well, G. ' Graham, 1. Pepper, Geo.
Baird and 3. A. Moffat. Friends from
Music Lessons
Edna Wise, ATC.M.
Teacher of Piano and Theory
Studio at home on "
Phone 163j
25 -ti
D. L, and W. Coal and Seniot-Sd1-
vay Coke alawys on hand for immed-
tate delivery,
Also .a quantity of dry Maple Weed
Prices reasonablewand same to■a �all
Orders taken tit residence, Ontario St.
• Phone 46
a distance were: Mr. Win. Sullivan,
of Toronto; Mrs, NI,Hamil-
ton; Mr. and Mrs.' J. Bryant, London;
Mrs. Westweod and lblr, Jas. Murray'
and two children, Detroit; Mr.. and.
Mrs. Russel Saundercock and Mr. and
1VIrs. Peter McDonald of -Blyth.
Plumbing --like teeth = should be
inspected at Ieast once a year, Pipes
and joints are ,naturally bound to
spring .a leak in dee course of time,
You can save yourself much needless
expense and loss by calling us in re-
gularly to inspect and make needed re-
With 'freezing winter months cons'
ing on it would be well to consider in-
spection repairs of 'alterations in
plumbing at this time.
Our service charge is very reason-
able and all work 'is guaranteed. We
recommend no changes or repairs un-
less to your advantage in savings and''
home comfort.
aw IBS
Phone 244
Huron Specialty Casting Co., Foundry
Manufacturers of Iron, Brass and Aluminum Castings.
All makes- of Plough Shares and Sole Plates
Wheelbarrow Wheels, Grate Bars and Chilled- Face Anvils
Prices Reasonable
We have a full stock of,Groceries. Guaranteed to be fresh and,
of the best quality.
Telephone your orders and we will give you the very izcst iii
Quality and Service.
'Sixteen d
unCes,io the pound—Satisfaction' or money refunded
Branch 125j _ Main 125w
Monday, Tuesday, and ,Wednesday ---Sept. 26,: 27 and 26
Admission -25c and 15e
Thursday, Friday and Saturday—Sept. 29 and 30 and Oct. 1
Come and see whose fault it -is women are neglected at the
Star Theatre in •
Admission 25c and 15c
Admission 25c and 15c
Eggs Fresif Eggs
G1od QUaIitg Bri6gs:06®d Prices
We Pay Spot Cash
Pl) LTR i
This is the season to sell old fowl and broilers.
Hold the chickens until fully grown and well fattened
Goon, Langlois & Co., Limited
Tor further information apply to
'PHONE 190