HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-09-22, Page 4_ Throne *1 Ante ALL TnA'' Tits hl ti111.Pt,1E, THE CLINTON' R • School ,Tmuch---Annie Carlile, Dor- Carrots—Alvin' Reichert; Dorothy i eetiReichert,; Margaret Lamont Mar- , ArrastrOni„ Stewart Bond, Allan garet Robinson, Isobel 'Robinson . An- ICeys,Mabel Talbot, Audrey Cocll nie Taylor.` rine. ' .Sample of 5 'Fancy Stitches—Dor- Parsnips = :Margaret Robinson, sen Reichert, "A argarot Jones, Kath- Doi'othy. Farquhar, Mervyn .Ke •s, I leen Scotchmer, Dorothy Armstrong, Mabel Ftue. r Onions --I. Osmond, Melvin Snider, Isabel Robinson, !tamer' Johnston Muriel Elliott, oda Chuter. Aster.— Gordon Horne, , Dean Castle,Bobby Peels, Ill..EIhott, Ruth Geminhardt, Lloyd Johnston, Sweet Peas—'✓i nllie 1VIas.sh, Phlox --Allan' Keys, ; Helen Ander- son, Dorothy Farquhar. Zinnia Janette 'McAllister, Ken Castle, Annie; Taylor, :Russel Hayter, 11laud" Parker, Glenn' Colelough. African Marigolds Doreen Reich- ert, Audrey Cochrane, Marg. Lannont. Calendula---Annie Cathie ` French Marigolds --. Nina Turner, Clarence Reichert. Cosmo Olive Talbot, Mabel Tal- bot Alvin Reichert, Dero hy.Kiteban, Elva: Sturgeon, Kathleen Scotcluner. Pinks=Doris Geminhardt. Gaillartlia-Harvey Keys. Table Bouquet Iron Home .Garden Mabel Talbot, Audrey Cochrane, El- !mer Stephenson, lfobert ' Turner, Margaret Jones. ' Dahlias—Dorothy Farqubar, Har- old Jones, Gordon Horner, l-Ielen And- erson, Mary Snowden; Grace Robin- son. Salpiglosis-Margaret Jones, Mar- garet .MeKenzie, Geo. Stephenson. Cockerel --Marg' Campbell, Grace Robinson, Elmer McBride. Pullet—Grace Robinson, Elmer Mc- Bride. ' ' Pen of Three—Elmer McBride: White Leghorns--Mary ,Campbell, Allan Armstrong, Wesley Jones, Glen Colclough, •Thompson Colclough, Jeanette-IVIcAllister, 'Barred,.Rocks —Billie ,Graham,, Mary Campbell, Robt.' Turner, Gor- don Hoinrer,'Doreen Reichert, Mar- i garet' Robinson. kDucks—Gladys. Coleman, Elizabeth Snowden, Willie McKenzie, Bruce Me-' Clinchey, " Doreen ,Reichert Lloyd iJohnston. • 'Any Pet—Robt. Turner, Kenneth Merner, Johnny ' Stephenson, --Tom. Castle, Edith Merner. ' Tarts —'Elizabeth Snowden, Annie Taylor, Doreen Reichert, Annie kik- . enthead, Genevieve Etue, Mable. Etge. Cake Margaret Lamont; Glenn Colclough, Doreen Reichert, ;Mabel' Etue, Elizabeth Snowden; Thompson Colelough. . Special Piano Bargains Pianos at All Prices 'ae MeNEIL Clinton's Musical•lnstrument ltepresentati've Always at Your Service - Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton Isobel Robinson Dean Castle. Darning•---Dar'ls Geminhardt, Dean Castle, Mabel Rime, Isabel Osmond, Edith Merger, Margaret Elliott. 'Apron—Mabel Edge, Helen Ander- son, Gladys Coleman, IEu e,aret" Rob- inson, Margaret Jones, Irene Turner. Ten Towel -; Evelyn Grainger,. Gladys Coleman, Audrey Murdock, Doreen Reichert, Margaret Jones, Margaret McKenzie. Knitted Wrist' CuffDoreen Reich- ert,`Grace Robinson.' ' Quilt Patch — Isobel Robinson, Laura Wright, Guest Towel -- Doreen Reichert, Grace Robinson, Audrey Cochrane, Annie Carlile, Milking Stool ---Bob Taylor, ; Doris Geminhardt. Any Article front6 inch Square of Paper.-- Audrey Cochrane, Dorothy Armstrong, ` Clare McBritle; Andrew McKenzie, Latera Wright,,Hazel Hayter. • Patch on Grain Sam Willie Aus- tin, Glen Colclough, Grant Turner, Campbell McKinley, Thompson Col- clough, Bob Tallor. ,Bird Ilousc Doris Geminhardt.. Rope Halter — Doreen Reichert, Campbell McKinley, Elmore Stephen- son. Injurious -Insects-7-Doreen Reichert, Annie Taylor, Doris Geminhardt. Noxious Weeds Thoinpson•Col- clough, ' Irene Scotchmer, Glen' Col-, slough, Helen Anderson, Annie Tay=. nor, Dorothy Farquhar, Native Woods Doreen . Reichert, -Elliott Chuter,- Thompson -Colclough, Willie Austin, Annie Taylor. Map of Huron, lst Class — Clare McBride, Isabel Robinson, Dorothy Armstrong. - - - Map' of Huron, 2nd slats — Allen Armstrong; Louis Wild, Hazel Hay ter, Hazel Ilunking, Elva McClinchey, Muriel Elliott. Map of North America—Thompson Colclough, Elliott Chuter, Elmore Stephenson, Genevieve ' Etue, Helen Anderson, David Hodge. - - Map of England—Bert McBride, Vera. Smith, Margaret Robinson, Grace Robinson, Mabel Etue,'Dorothy Farquhar. Writing, "Little Things" a- Isobel Robinson, Dorothy :Armstrong, Loins NieClinchey, Clare' McBride, Bobby Colpo TCiw Pr Mrs, .Tonin i aegon is visiting Mr. find 'Mrs, Ben. •Cox b3' Dundas.• Muth inte,e t was Shown in the wedding of Sept, "1 4th, when Miss Janet Thorn, elderdaughter„' of Mr: Charles Wakefield spent a few days and Mrs. William Thom, was niacin last week in Clinton as the guest of in marriage to Mr.. Prank Raithby of I blaster Haroid Glazier, Auburn: Miss Thom's 'girl friends Qaito a4n'.,naber of the• boys went 1 sur prised her' en the Monday evening. down with the team to Brantford, before the wedding ' and presented where the final game was played. her with a shower • of silver cutlery. We all. join-; in 'wishing the young couple, a happy wedded life,'- new Oldsmobile. sedan. Clark Bros. have bought fifty of -land from Mr. R. M. Young CLAaStaiCApe TIITIRSDA. SEPTEMBER 22, 18274 don: Fair last, week, re 1YIr, and Mrs. Fred, Stephenson. spent Sunday :in the village. Those attending London Exhibition this week were: Mr. and.Mas. ,Wil- liam ,Watson, 1VIr. ;William Cantwell, Mrs. John Long, Mr. "Albert Ker schenslci, Miss Amanda Maedel Miss' Sadie Good Mr, Tom Wilson Mr: and Mms. Allan Willson, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mitchell,' Misses Ruby and hazel Young, Mr. Howard' Squires, Miss McGlathan and Miss Winnie Marsh. . bir, John Gallagher installed Delco. lights' this week.' Miss Isobel Young leftthis week to attend the Ontario, Agricultural) College at Guelph: Decoration Day was held on Sun- day, Sept. 18th, at Colborne Ceme- tery. A good crowd attended in spite of sudden showers, Rev: I. W. Kil- patrick of Holmesville addressed the audience. Rev. 'VIT. Poulter taking anniversary. services on .Mr. Kilpat- rick's: charge, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hardy, Mrs, William Stevens "-and Mr.'. George Bean, sr:, visited with relatives in Toronto during Fair week. We are. very sorry our boys did no win but better luck next time. 'The final score stood 4-2 in favor; of Brantford. / ' Aubut Mr. and Mrs. Fingland :cJ; Londec;- bora visited Auburn friends on Sun- day Nl:rs, 0. E. Eiratt spent a couple of days last week with her sister,'lErs. C, J. Wallis in Clinton. t Mr. and Mrs. [L,Mognidge, Mr. and. Wan.-1lfarsh, Miss Edyth Meg - 1 ridge and Mr. Gormley Thompson • sell spent Wednesday of last week at _ Buns — Gladys Coleman, Doreen VARNA SCHOOL .FAIR Reichert, Mabel Etue, Grace Robin= r lie SDal• - Muffins - Wilmer Turner, Anna, Wheat, 1 quart—Milton Talbot, Anna. Aikenheaa. t, Aikenhead, Jack McClinchey, Isobel Harvey Keys, Elmore. Stephenson. Irish' Cobbler Potatoes: Mary Wid- Robinson, Audrey Cochrane, Mar - Wheat, sheaf='M'ilton Talbot, El- field,' John Keys, Brace 1VIcClinchey, garet McKenzie. more Stephenson. Getdon 'Heard, Randall Pepper, Cookies — Gladys' Coleman, Eliza- Oats, 1 quart -Grant Turner, Irene Thomson Colclough. - beth ' Snowden Doreen Reichert, Turner. Green Mountain Potatoes—Elean- Dorothy -Farquhar, Mabel Etue, And Oats, sheaf—Grant Turner, Irene or Scotcluncr, Ray Pepper, Berthena rey Murdock. Turner. Sturgeon, Dorothy Woolly, Bert Me- Biseuits-DorothyFarquhar, Gert - Barley, 1 quart—Margaret Lamont, Bride, Annie Carlile. ` rude McClinehey, Glenn polclough, John Keys, Kenneth Etue. Dooley Potatoes -Floyd Johnston, Audrey Murdock, Gladys Coleman,, Barley, sheaf—John Keys, Margy Bobby Peck, Roland Kitchen, Elmore Mabel Etue. Lamont. McBride, Rob Taylor, Annie Taylor. Pie—Gertrude McClinchey, Audrey Field Corn, 10 ears — Melinda . Mangolds—Maryann Steckle. Murdock, Genevieve Etue, Thompson Steckle,; Clarence Reichert, Turnips - Toni Scotchmer, Janette Colclough, Glenn Colclough, Mabel Field Corn, 8 stalks Melinda McAllister,Vera Steep, Doris Chuter,. Etue. • Steekle, Clarence Reichert. Gertie McLincby,rvyn Candy-ClaaParker,Lloyd Jon- Swea Corn- Doreen Reichert, Beets ,-' Harry Snider, Bet stAnnie Taylor, Ma • Campbell, Andrew IVIcKenzio, Bride, Claire 'McBride,' Aubrey . Far- Margaret Elliott, Doris Feather Mary p , Glenn Colclough, . Marie McClinchey,. fuller, Evelyn Grainger, Russai Hay- stone. Mr.. and Mrs. Joseph LaRoche are away for their ''holidays. They will visit at Niagara Falls, Toronto and Montreal. Mr. and Mrs,. William Watson mot-, Dred to Pontiac on Friday and will re- turn on Tuesday. - Mr. Gordon Young is sporting a They - bre .. the gap between town and country Improved, highways make for a better understanding on both sides Hard, smooth roads, stretching in all the new speed laws, drivers must exercise directions over Ontario, have helped rural every , precaution. Watch the road and town people to appreciate one an- warnings: Take no chances at intersec- other's'problems. Mutual understanding tions, railway crossings. and curves, near is taking the place,of misunderstanding, schools, or when passing pedestrians. Easy communication has brought com- See to your brakes. Your life or the lives munities closer together. It has widened of others may depend upon your,, control personal and business acquaintance. It of your car. has opened, up new markets, has saved time and: effort. Rural Ontario does not Watch your headlights. .They must not need to be isolated. - glare. A glaring headlight is a positive No one wants to return tothe old days menace on the highways. Simple . in- structions, sent free by this Department, when it was impossible to drive to town show hdw headlights should be adjusted. because of bad roads, or when town people could not visit the country. - Obey the rules of the road. Be patient. Use the highways. .But 'use them sanely. BE COURTEOUS. Do not enforce Avoid .excessive speeds and careless driv- your rights in traffic if others are incon- ing. With the faster moving traffic under venienced or placed in danger. '.Always have your Motor Vehicle Operator's License with you A common courtesy on Ontario's highways will help to bring country and town still cldser together for the well-being and prosperity of both. tytario Departneqt of 'l l.ghways The Hon. GEO. S. HENRY, Minister Writing, "Indian Sunnier"—James Sturgeon, Margaret Lamont, Willie Austin, Louise McLeod, Dean Castle, Muriel Elliott. Writing, "In Flanders Fields"— Doris "Cliuter, Anna Aikenhead, Glen Dowson, Stanley Collins, Annie Tay- lor, IJelen Anderson. Picture of School — Glenn Col- clough, Bert McBride, Jessie Lindsay, Doris Geminhardt, Helen Anderson, • Mar garet'Elliott; Writing, "Crossing the Bar"—Lot- tie Higgins, Stuart Iiorton, Margaret Chuter, Irene Knight, Glenn Co1- clongh, Jean Campbell. Drawing of Apple, Banana and Pear — Glenn Colelbugh, Thompson Colclough, Margaret Robinson( Jessie Lindsay, ; Mary •W'ldcombe, Thelma Parker. Illustration,' "Little, Red Riding Hood" — Dean Castle, Ilia Chuter,. Muriel Elliott, .Tom Castle Lillian Elliott, Annie Carlile. - Beef Calf—John Keys. Halter, Broken Colt—=Russell Hay- .ter. - Market Lamb Elsner Johnston, Audrey Johnston, Ford Johnston,' Walter Johnston, Margaret Lamont, Lilian Elliott. ' Bacon Hiogs — Margaret Lamont, Elmore Stephenson. -• Publie Speaking Gladys Cole- anan, Margaret Robinson. Judging- Competition, Iambs—Glenn Colelough, Campbell McKinley, Grant Turner, Bruce McClinchey,• Elmore Stephenson, Thompson Colcleugb. Judging` Competition, poultry --- Margaret Margaret Elliott, ,.,Jimmie Lindsay, Vera Smith, Grace Robinson, Gladys Coleman, Tom Geminhardt. Parade—S:S. No. 6, S.S. No, 5, S.S. No., 10, S,S. No.- 7, Bayfield, S.S, 1 e. 3. - Hitching Competition — Lloyd Johnston, Jack McClinchey., T. Raton Special—Doreen Reichert. BrUrCefield The many friends of 'Mr, and Mrs. George Watts of Clinton, who were passengers ort the wrecked train near Calgary two .weeks ago will be glad to hear that Mr. Watts' injuries wee slight and they were able to continue` their joiprney. • • Mrs. Morrison of Bhsevale we''s the guest of Mr. and Mrs, 'Hugh Berry last week: Mr. Lyle Ilill left for Moose Jaw on Mondy Mrsa, G.. IIill is visiting at the hone of her son, Mi•. Jas. Hill of Stratford, this week, The annual;Rally Day service of the United church S. S. will aro held next Sunday at the morning service. The offering will be taken by envelope and a liberal one is asked for. With the Rally Day offering last year three hundred new Sunday schools were or- ganized in the United Church. Quite- a' number attended the Lon- London Fair. First Showing e Men's Fall Felts $3.50 and gip New style lines, new colors, soft felts for head comfort—but every hat a dress hat which you will be mighty proud to wear. The ' Biltmore' is the leader for the season—both in style and price -and good dresses will lose no time in getting under one of these new, fall felts." SEE OUR WINDOWS Don't forget a to ask : about bur ,"Bear Cat" line of Made -to - Measure Fall Suits and Overcoats at 523.75 and up, Davis '& Herman Custom Tailoring s Cleaning and Pressing • Katmentsosieseaft 1t: tl ktti/t i fiiij i ; GUARANTEE ' Tr moths aro found de- -1- straying this plate, of Snyder Sani-Bilt furaitbre your dealer is authorised upon presentation of, this can: to replace it O with f other' Soni-Biit furnitter We furthermore *rerouted that the fillings and other ructerials used in the con- straotiou of this article are naw, not renovated and are clean 'and sanitary. if found to he other than as here represented the merchant is .authorized to promptly replete it with' other Saul-Bilt fur iturq 1�"1Lh4r,'lItf aha 5„,a,t00 0 •1', The ig Faivs But Our Big Furniture Show is Just Starting. We have the Finest Stock We Have Ever Shown. Fall is here and we are prepared with a great stock of Chester- field suites at prices ranging from $136 to $109, all in mohair, A FINE) STOCK OF CHESTERFIELD TABLES AND MIRRORS Buy your larbps and shades now and save front 10 to 15 per; cent. We,' have a nine line of Dining room suites, bedroom suites, springs and mettrodses to select from;and the beauty of our whole business is that olir prices are cut down to the limit, which of course will be interesting to you. So drop in and look around, HARDW,ARE DEPT. As usual we have a splendidstock of the famous Beach ranges and heaters, also other makes to suit your price, Some Extra Special Values in Electric Heaters and Irons A Full Line of Granite and Aluminum Ware, Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 aliardware 105 Hlt>t1A .tt TOwzship ' Mr. Ephriani Snell was the winner of -a nice bunch of prizes for sheep at the recent exhibitions, At Toronto he took the championship for rani and ewe, also/six`.firsts, six seconds, two thirds .and three fourths. At London ,lie also, carried off the championship for ram and .ewe, eight 'first's; four seconds, two thirds and two fourths and a shield, which was donated to the winner of the most awards. ' Mr. Snell shipped two of his sheep, to Arizona and one to .Wisconsin and. left, hinnself for .Salt Lake City on. Monday, taking with him thirty-one sheep: half of them for exhibition, the others to fill orders taken. He will bo home in time to snake exhibits at the . Winter Fairs at Guelph, Toronto and Chicago. o iAt LY WELCOME SHAD ACCOUNTS"' t the annual iii.eet•ing.of the:IBANIS,O� 16 cYNTKp.-L Freaerick Sir Fr'eaer ick �Arilli4ras Taylor,, General Manager, said: sl1oulci like . to take this opportunity of saying that we cordially welcome small accounts at all .our offices' t the EAN1 O1Z IVioN'riTAL:. no, account is too small to receive tiae undivided) attention of its officers ,.K OF MONTREAL Establislied 1817A - Waal AS'setr in, ea[cess bit:y.7$0.®OOr 000 Clinton Branch: H. R. SHARP, Manager`