HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-09-22, Page 3RANCE BUILDS NEW DEFENSES
, Army ngineers Streneithen arts Militariee Natural bare
- r
leers, Build New Railways and Roads arid Huge'
1151250 ship S of the ceuturies'which Waiting: for the Wif
have g0113 down with theaPresinus There 'are a vallety of ways by
cargoes of gold anti jetvels nalthough
eeee maY. put in his timWhile
e, • • • . • 0 at, night might tale° up, its-
Di. Beebe'liirriwee.r.iiitting thie,rp, T,
Unele,rgrOun.el- Arsenals.
BY FE AND ri'LiGHY. under till conditions—I. matter , tO n 'Of Which in ''f "rhea are merely suggestions .Bui a
tairly accurately eliertee beVe '• oyIting oh is '
boon recovered.1he 0e 00111C4 or wife.
if le eaytime,, it is no,u ly
stlinlitr new of 'getting' down imitN44Kiiiiiys poalstbie dairy pocket
in bath irmetsil'gimei t 'iriiramar 'and learn a dead language.
Etter -restless for it
which Atfli shal I roc plorer3 of 50 Expeditionsobserve the e and struct. e th
husband in Chicago who was In e
Guiliatiniat who may 'one\ daY , • 2' ale I reParllig 'to Blaie their s''n ecd as MGVe3 el°W1Y a °T1g habit of meing,.his ile 'three iiights
higia-st importance. In the tor le ^D
hoEtat, Veuhan and k‘eneraciLinino s conceniraiionst
4noot,10i0eyo W112k013,1 inbitahdeen.lat.4311 alc.elown_. ma etal'Ir)sniZt ,6Ln'S Y1 nal tu€:11:0111'llielnopftuctoiritlehdie tine by y tietuariggetinntra.
' fait is 'out of the question— '
010 linant as the military ;architect a , a in „„„ ,,,,,„ ,,,..,,. ariii, no(suclt as ins t, he Eo grei, Restless Tri:Iiii into the yast anti in lialf-a-dniell- countries marine a week TO' eseol•thg lier heme from
engineers ar 3 Ettic"!ying ways and
.rk (I) developed a brand-new' Eri'
' * I' • li-ie and 13-lgium a the .Fellest), but will be executed wit , ar Now DEEPS CALL wieee wm nitibist rid 01,3 terrific 1,1,e_ithe no
alleys and. roibiag then
miegi reyerutimaary natienal defences greater railliditY (like AlaimuriT s 'ix'''. J. ris„, _ri„, 0,. marvellous ' ,.,,, amen an eellable re" Le explore thei their cash and Jewelry, if any, He
to be 'evolved- since the 'le aPo aon:cleeb Tesh to the °eTecl)' '', . i mg I iiies in tri 0 ,ii,ialim icif e511iirPatlai'riBiuic- , irillieil,,,o'tteci '''',iititicetl,,,'''mllittheis,,it, strata irt,,,,e1 soon had a bank account of I000. --to
Wars. Net only will -ail the ,iteachings tielITin tillite stiinetnefant7ficaeitbileirnslilteud'7gItti by ii,Leeienig,, n ‘ a a ime when ‘... bvi,ri widely ‘iiiplet,ed by means e hal- isay nothing of various rings, bracelets
Just' t t'ilk, - -' ' ' '
f the W 'id liti't,' b,,e iiinicitaraidorraadtildialilyn tha hal,nesainp, ,of .wste., pow,, wid by, .a,,,,ensien man ith the 'stazet Is, Eaymg: isms .ii,d air machines tit reeeht !arta whatnotandle IhigitL ili time
' • ' haee established a modest competence
laying down many new telegraphic 1 -here is no more aventure----tbere is years, but 2.0,•0,00 feet above the earth
and telephonic circuits deep in the tletblaggeit ellthe Planet to exPlere" ,i,e ,a realm of 'which very little is
soil fronl pivotal point to pivotal the fascinating.eecrets or sea, air and- known.
point. Underground roads are even I land are provoking and alluring an Of what use.be man Is the explore -
being tunneled in places so that a ever-increasing nullifier of men to the then of the upper air? The entire
CeSeRter .
given vital region may be held with , . V
differenii central idea will be pursued
It is no secret that the Fortifica-
tions Commission of the French army
was not in any hurry to go to work,
even! though more than eight' years
Sound --
had elapsed, since the Armistice.
to Occur -before 1935 at the, earliest tgiaonn rVfaris,IsIbtonnrdrainagnalnc drones, all
adllepwoetlal, Russia,
iimansarli,,,p0N;insralir'iagyg asltedieireittTlirelle(x.'d_ letiiTnUtelkaleTlatstn:,,t1Sicliht2,tilia ameeth10o,i99190gfiesetto labvuet,
'(Marshal Foch has 'just given it as i
his, °omen that the next upheaval camoutlagiid. One section of the plan, peditions to be carried out °fIleiallY She selutien of the weather riddles de -
involves the establishment of little under their respective flags; that this „ands hmnan observation
may not develop for "fifteen or twentyfinanced When this region Is thoroughly cor-
e mammoth hidden arsenals year€ potation is being
years") the commission wished to
mave matters in suspense until the and war material dumps, in,' which .more extensively_t,han vqrs the ,case pioe.ed man will be aloe to peeeiet ae_
will be found everything necessary i m any preceding decade' and that eurately weather conditions fee
view of the ever-changing equation of '-e ,'"e"--11" 'le '"n°u'l 'g c° n y Ifl-ftY ,erien0 ex.lilnra-PnrY.. exPeditienn ahead. Tie may even discover enough
last possible moment, principally i ,, „,,, e , ,,,,,.
of EMMA of the weath a- is
hidden altec-
a inininttntl'a"ensualties while fur -it 25 isis fact tintw ere in these dizzy
todo the, caeas -fora-Fiance, America Canada Japan • I an '
Feeling that freish war was unlikely 9 • nig cons carrying recording in -
an. emergoneY—feorn wire cutters to --apart.Irom minor adventurous ini•o- to enable him to get on the ..track of
air power, 1,Mt also with 'an eye to
, -machine guns and land mines (ieeise-are being Planned wad the great problem of hew to control
-fairly, certain modifieatione in so- - •
oanpd "mechanized war -fere," 8TRATEGIC POINTS. 113y This is 'ail tYbelie,un,(;re rernariu',bie thectilsn'sla'theehr•igreer: altitud,us be reach_
ed at thii• ver •
FTNNee woulti confenue to have the To revert to the wider. phin, the when one casts back and eeurvees ed? Sir Alan Cobham thinks so, and
Rhine as a frontier till 1935, it was more vital railroad junctions, such asaccomplished in the prophesies a Machine in the near fa-
argned, so the danger of invasion Charleville and Chalons, are being man:11as
t -two deeades tif the ,scientilic age. 'Lure which will be able to ascend to
would correspendingly smallspecially protected end clupliceted,
What are the high 'lights from the 50,0.00 feet,'
Meantime, also, there are still many
pioneering flights to be made similar
to those of Lindbergh and Chamber-
lain and .the England -to -Australia
flights of Cobham anclethe late Ross
Smith, aby s Own Tablets to harm even the
Although so many' blank spacee in new-born babe, as they are absolutely
the Map of the world have been filled
'guaranteed free from opiates or any
in by the 'bed' explorers of the lest other injurious drug.
quarter of a -century, there are still
Meanwhils., more and more lessons while great Cale .
beim, estewe
would be assimilated, so that when upon the entreifehed camp of Parisi
the new defences were eventually built particularly with regard to protection
they might eepeesent the last weed in from cheraical gases. Also, the time -
military effectiveness. ' honored channels of invasion down the
'ISSUE DEEMED pREestexe means..e and through,. Lorraine nod be-
. - ig intricately attendedto,--in the let -
in the early summer -or 1 ter case by the "tueniege of the in -
year it was felt that an expidited
thence former German defences around
evacuation of the' eccipied tekritories,
Metz. Henceforth these will, not face
prior to th(lisnit year, had9become a
pressing political advisability, not France, but Germany..
The Serasbourg enceinte is also be-
e -lily in the Interests of European Ear-
ing "turned" to face the other way.
molly but also of French reconetru - It is in this region that the 'Vier
Lion. What, iteeas aSkecl, had Prance
to rely upon, as a bearriee ,igainst pos-
sible re -invasion for the third time
, within three generations, if she with-
drew from the Rhine, and articularly
from the Coblenz bridgehead? Her,
'period beginning when Peary stood
on the frozen spot of , ground which
marks the North Pole, and ending say
when Lindbergh flew from New York
to Paris?
Both snow-capped poles haVe been
visited- by men who travelled thither
in shipe sleds and snow shoes-; and
Amundsen has flown over the Pole,
blazing the trail for the great air
route of the future.
Mount Everest and most other of
the world's loftiest mountain, peaks
have been conquered by intrepid
work is at present being done, since climbers. Great tracts of desert and
from Strasbourg to Bale Prance holds i waste spaces of the earth have been
the line of the Rhine in perpetuity, surveyed and melaimed. An airway
and the situation there is neither so has been established over the mighty
Eierious nor so urgent. Lorraine and, Sahara, the grave of so many human
Daupliiee today; the Vesges and the
own frontieracl Nord tomorrow. was, naturally, ba Such is the order 0 hopes and endeavors. Lost tribes and
one. The Italo-BritishLocarno guar- civilizations have been found in
precedence in. the gigantic undertak-
ntee to conic to her -aid' in tee event Africa and on the South American
mg at whieh thousands of engineers continents, and great excavation
of a renewed German aggression Was
not, considered reeise enough in the are working teda:Y• 'works completed or put under 'way to
NOT is it possible to consider the
military smite. As for the demilitare 'disclose the mysteries of the past.
:general scheme without taking into ace Radio has brought communities
thousands of miles apart within
speaking distance of eaclCother. A
man has gone forth 3ii search of the
petrified eggs of the`almost legendary
dinosaur, braving the latighter of the
ization of the Rhineland, as laid down count the reorganizetion,of the army
in Article el' of the -Treaty, no one had
. which N. Painleve has just managed
yet come foe'vvard to exlain how It to put through after infinite trouble
-was to be dons. Wee France" to 7'5" with the Senate and Chamber Corn -
upon this gamma -beef former allies
mission. This redistribution is speci.•
in return for a remature evacuation? nattily deuigneel to coincide -with the Scientists—and /meld them and
No. It was detidecl to put the court- neve national defences. Heretofore brought them back.
try into the meet perfett state of de- the 9standing and conscript army of,
. What, then, remains? The great -
fence known thus creating a substi-
tute barrier 'for the Rhine.
The greatest seeeecy is being main-
tained regarding the nature of *the
new fortifications and many 'spies
have already beep areested; but -in
bread outline it may • be exelained
that they are a mixture. of the 'old
innUctuely strengthened, -and,
of natural, 'bulwarks of -the region,
peace, numbenng some 800,000men, eel, conquests. of all remain, inviting
has been divided. into ettebersome
e, , the intrepid adventurees of this gen-
7 -- lira"'e" oration as the gold of unknown
army corps areas, with a
service of eighteen months, Under the Mexico invited Coetes and the dream
new law reducing conecript service to
Of land across the western seas earlier
one year France is redistributed into invited Columbus.
twenty territorial divisions, eaoh No less than 6,000;000 square miles
highly mobile and velf-eontained f or of the Arctic ..r.egions and 6,000,000
all arme and' aircraft, and whose square miles of the Antarctic wastes
cadres have been entirely recast. e 'remain untrefideri by the foot -of man
Thie is the Metropolitan Army and unseen by his eye. In these bre,
organized in a manner similar to that (actually the corps appellatiensewill mouse areas, who lmows What trees -
in whith celebrated battle ridges and be retained for it) and it will be re- tires of 'mineral wealth may lurk?
hills were fitted out, painfully and enforced upon mobilization by a fur -
tragically during the war, . . ther twenty divisions. el first-line The land about the poles commit,
,we know new, be dismissed. easily as
To name three as an illustration: troops, inetantly raised. These forty
Sotichez, oePosite Lens; Mencalvillers, "supormechatiner and mobile dee_ merely a happy hunting ground for
in Champagne; end ethe Hartmann- sionS, armed to the teeth, will -with- the 'men who want to be "first at the
weilerliopf, in Alsace. The klea it to stand the first shock of invas,:o ,
ii E3- Pole:" It has a high strategic ini-
or the conquest of
turn to account every caeca 'of, the eurely reposing "on their newly 'con- nonSanco in view
the air, and most valuable possibilities
, natural bastions which canes into be- abducted' evar-z.one aesenels and forte -
in ''v.idwe" of the relative scarcity of
- jag, naturally-, during the conflict. 'If fied regions, while the rest of the na-
01' when fortresses are captured, these tion will be drafted under the Paul manganese, radium, Platinum, gold,
tried and trusty militarized zones will Bancour Service -foie -All act.,
he there to fall back upon, —Now York 'limes.
But there is 'far more in tlie plan
tean that. A large part of the seven
raillarde of francs, which the conailete If soraetienea the tea ybil
Proposition will,cost, is to be devoted are using dome not taste, as
to the construction of a positive net- good as it tided to—just .see
work of railroads, light and heavy, What kind of a packae it is
' and. of strategic roads, arise -crossing in. No- chances are' taken
--Irvin zone to wee and linking pp the
who -ho system in order that rapid. coe-
central-ions of troops may be effeeted
And here let me say at once that
in thie the new era which is opening
differs from all the great orai of die -
'Weary and adventures Of the 'past.
just as advances in shipbuilding
enabled Columbus to 'reach America,
and the invention of fire -arms allowed
the Spanish conmierors to sweep
through. Mexico and 'Peru with but a
for 'his ,'old age,. , -But, the authoritlea
are alwayiii sli.ew to reedgnize gemes o,
so ontstandrng a naturewas-nick-
named the "Cat bandit,O, and one Sheet
year thereafter the police, with super-
-human canning, managed to , corner
him. Whoa he 'gets, his- parole, he
should' consider astranoMY as an alder,
Baby's Own Tablets Should he in
Every Home Where There .
Are Children
, The perfect medicine for little ones
is found hp -Baby's OWN Tablets. They
are a gentle but thorough laxattve
which regulate the bowels, sweeten
the ,etomach; drive out constipation
and indigestion; break hp colds and '
simple fevers mnd promote healthful
refreshing sleep. It is impossible for
large enknown areas , along the
mighty 'Amazon, in Africa, Tibet and
Abyseinia; and in South Australia.
One may ask: why discover niece terri-
tory when only one -eighteenth part of
the planet ie under the control of
civilized man? .
The answer is that the, population
of the globe is fast increasing, and the
spectre of hunger -end population
pressure looms ahead. --
Italy and Japan are already heav-
ily severpopulateel. The,Population of
the United, States has increased 13
million in the last seven years despite
immigration restrictions. Britain is
overpopulated, and Germany soon Will
be. Discoveries of new areas of the
earth capable of sustaining human
life are recognized by Governments
everywhere to be one of the burning LondoM—The passing of the late
probletne of the near future. Sir Robert Mauston recently, leaving
Finally, them is a quater in which an estate of more than B7,000,000,
the boldest adventurer 'will not see brought to a head a matter whieli has
limits, however for be 'penetrates the been vexing the BritiSh Treasury for
realm of scientific discovery, of the a" number of years. The' difficulty
probing„of the secrets of Nature and arises from the well-known legal pe -
the forces of life. cullarities which obtain in the Chan -
Thousands of young, ardent scion- net Islands. These 'places, where
tists, equipped with Buell instruments many English people now make their
nee knowledge as -their great manes- homes, owe allegiance to the king, but
sors never had; are setting forth, in not to Parliament. English Inherit -
quiet laboratories, on daring quests ance taxes are not, therefore, legally
into the unknown; and whet they may collective in Jersey, and by establish -
find there inay'well change the aspect log his residence there Sir Robert
of the earth and the very life of man- Houston apparently planned .to save
kind. • his estate approximately B2,800,000 in
The magic of radium and the ether, taxeS.
the nistateriee of electricity, light, a The Chancellor do:the Exchequer,
thousand chemical riddles bearing on declaring that Sir Robert made ,his.
the food supply, Man's health, fuel, fortune in England and that the Gov -
power, the final secret of life itself; eminent:would collect the taxes if any
these are being investigated. And possible Method of doing so could be
these am the greatest exploeations of devised, has been seeking legal advice
Concerning the Tablets, Mrs. Alex.
Perry, Atlantic, N.S., writese—"I
alwaye keep Baby's Own Tablets in
time house' for the -children, as I have
foiled them a perfect medicine for
little ones." - •
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 26
cents a box from The' Dr. Williams'
Medicine CO, Brockville, Ont.
-e •
Taxes Donated
As Act of Grace
Over 30 years the same good tea.
Now packed in Aluminum,
RANGE PEKOE is extra goods
Great Highwa3r
to Span ,C n da
Only 235 Miles Yet 'td Be
Made of Road From Halia
fa:" to Vancouver
It now requires only the conSteuco'
gem of 236 miles of highway, before
Canada will have a motor, road extend.
Ing from Halifax to Vancouver, on -
timely within the Donaleime This miss-
ing teleage is composed of folly or
five sections east of Winnipeg, and
along the north shore,. of Lake sup-
erior, acCording to Dr. P. 'E. Doolittle
of Toronto, president of the Canadian
Automobile 'Association, in a recent,
Dr. Doolittle, as .president of the
association, makes practically an an-
nual tour of the 'provinces from the
Atlantic to the Pacific. He was pre-
sent at the recent opening ceremonies
of that section, of the trans -Canadian
highway hat passes theough. the cen-
tral part of British Columbia by way
of Kicking Horse pass. , He describ-
ed ihis pass as the most spectacular
section of highway in America. .
It is now possible, by use of an
alternative route through southern
Britith Columbia, to motor direct from
Winnipeg to Vfinceuver, ail in Cana -
titan territory. Dr. Doolittle said and
he was looking forward to early corn=
pletion of highways through those sec -
teats north of Lake Superior and east
of Winnipeg, that would link complete-
ly the East with the West in highway
construction. As an instance of high-
way development in Canada of recent
years Dr. Doolitle said het one might
now motor from Montreal to Windsor,
Ont., opposite Detroit, over a com-
plete, permanently paved motor road.
jersey Heiress to Pay Inheri-
tance Duties Without
Admitting Liability
all. Ito guide 111111.
Hoarever Lady Hons.
Itonestbe chief heir, evit'll a vise,- to
Government has written to Mr. tory. The result is that the hardy and
Ohurchill to She effect that 'Ms an Rot 'indefatigable section of -our people
of grace one.her part" she desired to iwho live by supplying the nation with
present to the British -Government-her ;its most popular food fish are in good
share of the duties which would have heart afel pocket. We sometimes, in
been due -hid Sir Robert been dome ;our Inland and urban way, forget what
cited in ESegland. At the same time km owe both to the fiShermen and the
Lady Houston denied that her hue- therring. Between them they have
band had Made all his money In -Eng- built up flourishing cities oh our
land. The bulk of his fortune, she de-
clared, was made in Smith America.
Lady Houston's offer' was. accepted,
Doc ows p BE avoiding the further struggle with the
'About this time Of year the stove
brought in from the summer 'kitchen
and' set up in winter (Martel's and
shoetly afterward the furnace • op liv-
in stoves will be called into
heating 'action. , Before the 'new fires
are lighted the Ontario Fire Marshal
advises a thorough inepection. A lit -
Slavery in the Empire
London Daily Mail (Ind. Dons.):.
The British public has always be-
lieved that under the Union Jack slav-
ery cannot exist. It has consequently
been not a little disturbed by a recent
decision of the Supreme Coere of Sier-
ra Leohe. That court by a majority of
two judges, to. one who dissented, has
quashed the convietion of two ,owners
of sieves in the Sierra Leone protect-
orate who recaptured by force runa-
way slaves,. within the protectorate.
If the judgieent really protects or pro-
motes slavery on British soil, as at
first sight It seems' to do, then it is
safe to say that it will not be permit-
ted long to stand. Bet the protector-
ate of Sierra Leone is not British `soil
in the same sense as the colony of
Sierra Leone, which Is quite distant
from it. In the colony there is no
ulavery, and there has never been any
for a century.,
A Great Industry
London Daily Express (Ind. Cons.):
The summer herring season has
closed with a cietch abbut as large as
last year's, and prices not unsatisfac-
tie care at this time will often, preVent'
a disastrous ere later on, mad a fire
in 'the country usually spells a com-
plete loss- In the towns and cities
where modern fire fighting apparatus
is at the disposer of all residents a
house fire is costly enough but out on
the concession lines and in the vil-
lages fire usually wipes out every-
eBe sure the chimney is safe and-
olean, and that all hue holes not in
use are covered with tight fitting
metal -caps," reads a bulletin issued
by the Fire marshal's office. "See
that all stove pipes are clean and free
from rust holes. Where the pipes run
through floors or walls they should be
protected by masonry or with metal
ventleated collars so as to leave an air,
space between the pipe ane the wood
or lath and plaster, through Which the
pipe peeress." , '
Metal .cans are advised for etoring.
ashes ,as these are- often hot when
removed eroin the stove. The metal
plate on which the stove is placed
should extend well In front, so that .
ashes cannot drop out on the floor..
Fire places should be protected in the
same manner. When soft. coal or
wood is used it is well to place a
epark arrester over the chimney.
Used by physicians-Minerd's Liniment
A Noted Doctor Strongly En-
. dorses Dr. Williams' Pink ,
with Red Rose. It as packedThe test of any remedy Iles hi its
'n clean bright Aluminum.: • • •
handful of white men and the pro- acceptance •
and employment by the
1 - . gress of aviation a owe intrepid-
11, d qualified medical practitioner. No
ST navigators 'Of the air to fly immenselees an authority than Dr, Andrea
'd'istances at incredible speed, so the Aneci, physician to the Papal house-
hold, writing on the subject of elute -
adventurers 'of the new- era must de-
pend upon the discoeries of science nem impoverishment of the nervous
and the technical improvements system and disorders attributable
Wil -
wrought by engineers. tnereto, ',strougly 'exidorses Dr. Wil -
This appjles with especial -force to
that vast region, comprising seven -
eighths of the planet, which so tar
has seccessfull 'eluded humen curios-
ity, and has neper even been gazed
upon by the eye of -man. I refer to
Ni.w.y seldom ,... . the fantastic lands which, lie, with
Sieve-tate:iv longer
Cuts easier. Saws faster
5114.0005 CAMADA CAW CO. LTD.
coasts, and it was our fishermen who
long ago laid the foundation, of Bre
with reservations, the Chancellor re- a,te•ehe
ilght omfarthitetelelierr
e .edThe
eterking that Lady Houston had fiat year is over twice that of any other
admitted any liability to the duties. fish, their numbers run into the thefts -
to continue the judicial proceedings
But Mr. Churchill reserved the right ands oft, ninions, the value of the an-
nual catch is round about 20,000,000.
A great Industry pursued by the pick
of our people,
De Valera's Dilemma
Hams' Peet Pills, eecommending them m case Lady Houston's co-eeir, Mr.
as superior to other tonics.
Dr, Amid's" testimony' reads. as fol.
lows:—"Por several years I have
made us'e of Dr—Williams' Pink Pills
their mountain ranges mighties that
!Yes, I knew that -Scotsman she 1,, , , e.
Tiedeetig4eRatad chap. Hoyi•Ei he ,the litociticisi or the
treating -hie wife?" dread gorges and mysterious forests
"-Very seldom, .e hesee
It depends largely On 'the flour you use. We believe
. . .
you'll welcome this suggestion—try. Purity, the rich vigorous
Flour—made from the finest Western wheat. Thousands of
cooks say Purity Flour is best for cakes, pies buns and bread.
• -
Senc130c in stamps for our 700 -recipe Purity Piaui^ Cook Book. 261
Woatzrn Canada Moe: Mitts Co. Limited. Toronto, Montreal, Came, Se:a; lobe,
"Weil, ditto goes twenty-seven holes this afternoon.
Went to stop—aro your feet,wet "
"I should eay not Do YOURS ever get wet when
i:5,teve polished them with
99 Sliii0E
a,:N.Egst"shadefor decry .shoo ritql
at the bottom ef the seas. ,
The sea depths have always' defied
man. Men have gone down a hurl -
'tired, two hundred feet in diving bells
and protected suits. "
They have even penetrated to so
great a depth as 600 feet in the new
steel armored cases _equipped With
\mechanically -operated claw hands,
telephones and electriebeam lights.
Sech men as DrieBeebe, the famous
naturalist, ,have avalliiecl about the
floor of tropical seas and photographed
ocean life; and, scientists like the late
Prince Louis of Monaco have eetiencidid
man's knowledge of the sea deeps by
coaanegraphic exploratione under-
taken' with a ship specially equipped
'and 'fitted with a glass panel for
underseas observation.
But what lies beyond the half -mile
depth no one knows, The certainty
of de,ath -by 'crushing has reserved the
greater deptht inviolate. The enor-
mous preasures of the waters hay
hitherto baffled all man's attempts to.
'investigate the secrets- of the sea., -
Altheugh lancla beneath the sea can
never be used to solve the problem of,
the earth's overlarge -population, or
utilieed,—as the, air is—for -transpor-
tation they Offer a, treasure-trove to
Appleton, refused to pay his share of
the duties.
To this Lady Houston has replied
declaring thet her otter was entirely
iu my- work and I have always, found her own and that she could tot he
theni, efficacious, in the treatment of responsible for Mr.. Appleton's nor-
diSorders due to ininoveriterment of time so far, as she is c.oncerned,
thee nervous system, anaemia and there case with the Crown after
neuresthenis, stomach weakness, re- her offer hes been made aful-accepMd.
Larded deyelopmone in young women,
and, ir.regulerittes. There IS .1.8 110 lack.
of tonic'remedies, but in my experi-
ence no one of them manifests a en'
parlor efeeacy to that of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills." '
No more, conclusive evidence of the
value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills could
be asked for or given, then is fcihnd
in the above endorsement r of this
noted European physician. Besides
this, however, this medicine has en-
joyed a world-wide public ,,conildence
for more than a third of a century
and lied brought relief to thousands
and thoesando of weak Enid suffering
Try Dr. Williams'. Pink Pills for
anaemia, rheuinatism, neuralgia, ner-
vousness and stomach trouble. Take
them as a tonic if you are- not In the
best physical condi„lion and cultivate
a resistance that will keep you woll
and strong. Yoe can get these pills
through- any Medicine dealer or bY
mail -at 50 cents a box -from Tho Dr,
Medidine CO., Brockville,
' Dr.' Edward eGrant Conklin alleges
that we have. not found a more per -
feet' woman than the Venus de Milo
or a more eerfect man than 'Apollo,
1)110exploser who cam sueceed in con- Obviously Dr, Coeldie never reads
gearing them: foe there is no scien- movie miblicite.--Solith Bend Tribune,
rlia.son who,, the mineral Nv,eiilth
of dryland should_ not be repeated in Minard's Lichnont rollovers bacNashe,
Ohs, landil covered now but the oceans. .
And ith•epe area besides, incolcul•ableThere is a Idaee ie, so
teeastiree 'lying on the Sea hed! the lten
when. omissien of the "M"," is
anethsh• when' it 'is a
distinCtien.. ' ' •
MinarO's Liniment eases sore feet.
I-Ie—"You certainly look like
dryad:" ,
She—"A. dry ad. fop what?"
-- "For bathing suits. You
leiyon't got yours wet yet,"
Nowadays every man is entitled to
lite, --liberty and an automobile in
which to pnraue
A study of married and single men,
according to an eastern prote,ssor,
shays that -',married men are the
smarter. Well, look at the help' they
All the World need,s is an agreement
net tO have any more wars until the
eld- ones are paid for
'ISSUE No. 39—'27
Londoe Daily Chronicle (Ube:
There Is only one way in which the
irigh people can establish more nor.
mal political parties in the Dail; and
that is by depriving Mr. De Valera of
the strong representation he has se-
cured there. It may well be that those
who voted for Fianna Fail at the last,
election hAl no .thtention of sending
its' ntembers to the Dail. Having
based his whole position on antagon-
ism to the Oath, and provoked ciVil
war i nthat Cause, they can scarcely
have thought that Mr. De vaiera
would swallow the Oath to gain ac-
cess to the Dalt If his cause is good,
lie has perjured himself, ho has no
muse. Ho has a curioa case to pre-
sent to the Irish people:
A good many people still seem to
think that it's possible' for an entwine
bile to knoce down a thiegraph-pole."
Drives away paln—Minard's Linnnent
Classified Advertisements
and -light sewtng.at home, whole et
spare time. Good my. Work sent any4
distance, charges paid. Send stamp foit
particulars: National Manufacturing'
Co., Ifontreal,
either sex; mailed In plain enveletist.
Paris Specialty Co.. Montreal,
VILLAGE IN CANADA as agent, for
THE mina; PRAYER, Position of
Importance. No oxPerieneo necessary, •
Pleasno t • and prod table occupation.
Apply by letter. BIBLE PILA.YER
A GENTS—DITIrnie SEX......aid week,
ly easy oselling PALCO CLEAN-
everything ieght. 'Removes Road Tar
without imittry to pntnt. Sells nu de-
moestration. Samples free. P. A.
LEFEBVRE & CO., Alexandria, tint. .
Mlnard's soothes and reduces
the. litilanneateine Keep it on
handl tor isprains,1 bruises land
flesh wounds.
The real-estatd firmahat refuses to
hire flappers and employs none bue
elderly women aeservee to be con-
gratulated upon its ability to dis-
tinguish between theM.---New York
Evening Post. •
Read Mrs. Menard's Letter.
Her Experience May Help
Chatham, Ontario.— "I want to tell
you how niece good•your raedmme
has done me. Be-
fore my baby -
came I felt so
weak and run-
down that I could
hardly do my .
work. My head
ached continually
tied I was so dis-
enraged that I
could ere feo to
I had another
and a half old and t gave me a lot to
do. So I thought I would try Lydia
E. Pinitham's Vegetable Compound,
as I had read so mueh shout it in the
little books, I foetid a difference right
away as my head was relieved and
rey tired feelings gone. My sister
had been doing nly 'washing and she
continued doing it, se she said it
might set -Inc back if I started to do
it again. It sure did help , me and I
had taken just two bottles when my -
baby came. He is a fine big boy,
now nearly five months old. I ens'
taking your medicine again arid I am
able to do my work all by mysele now.
a ways recommend the 'Vegetable f
Compound to women, and especiallyi
to expectant mothers, as I believe
they need help at theee times."— (
Mrs. (eleven MBI:IAnn, 24 Harvey& ,
Chatham Ontaeto