HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-09-22, Page 1Sac • fl' SeseiSseit,"4:4', - • WITH WPHICIJ IS INCO ZPORATED THE CLINTON NEW ERA ttitr. 2428 - 49th Year ClaINT'C5N„ NTARIO TIFIURSVJAY, SEPTEMBER 211. 1.9,27 DO VHHIAIANT TO IIPr11 the eo le through The Nevis- . Te P P A goo° ALL j [IptitjnEgy Recordwhat you have ' . . T. HOIWIE: PAPER HT 11111.1.. 00 THE fl Shorter days and longer nights are again with us to remain all during the Fall -Winter and early Spring months, It is the season oithe year When eyes are put to severest strain. IA your vision is not perfect you do yourself a great injustice.by-not hav- ing' ybur eyes tested and properly fitted to eliminate all eye strain. ' We test eyes and tell you honestly , whether you should have glasses ` Phone 174w JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST Residence 174S ••••=1•0.1111211161•••,. 101•01•11111•16111114100.11 SCHOOL DRESSES • New dresses for junior misses that ext press perfectly the simplicity and 'Whole sorisless rof 'Youth, embellished with the imporiant details that ackEthe final tend) of smartness to the school frock, in at- tractive patternsand styles, sizes 8 to 19 year& Specially pricedt $3.69 and $4.59. N 9 I 0 .. . , . . /0•10...10• 1 Awiromeina mortmeirmituss anoremelfiemensovornaiwe Fall and Winter lothing Along with the Fall season comes the' Clothes pretlem agent,: together with your general" outfittirtgt or Fall and Winter months. We, are fully prepared to take care of every man or boy's, re- quirement.' `" • • 's We haVe close)). for our trade the best mills and manufacturers 'productions in the differ wanted lines: • The very Tall Man, the Short Stout, Man or the Extra Large - Alan can be fitted as well as the man teS normal figure, We selected with greatest c*are the gorrect styles in the different lines and offer them to you fairly priced. Men's Overcioats $12.00, 15.00, 18,0010.00, 25.00, 35.00 „ Men's Snits $10.00, 13.50, 15.00,-18.00, 22.50, 35.00 • Men's Work Skirts 95c- 1.25 1 50 1 75 Men's Overall 95c, 1.59, 2.00, 2.50 Mens 1Felt Hats $2.50, 3,00,4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 7.50 • Men's Sweaters 1.754.00;2.50, 3.5, 5.00, 7.50 BOYS' DEPARTMENT BOYS' KNICKEIS $5.00e $6.00, $10.00. • BOYS' FIRST LONGS—$10.00, $12,50, $15.09, $18.00 • BOYS' SWE4.TERS-39c, 50e, $1.00, $1.25,e$1.59, $2.00 to $4.50 We desire your patronage, and hope to inerit it by our splendid showing f merehandiSe. • MAY WE SHOW YOU AT YOUR ,CONVENIENCE? THE MORIIISII CLOTIIING A Square Deal for, Every Mau " TILE MARKETS Wheat, $1.25. Barley, 70c. „Oats 48c Buckwheat, 75e, Butter, 32e to :Pie. Eggs, 30c to 42e. Live Hogs, $10.50. ENGAGEMENT AlVNOTINCED. Mr. and Mrs. Albert 3. Glazier of Hallett announce, the engagement of their niece,- Mildred Ione Guyiner, of London, to Mr. James Willis VanEg- mond, Youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. THE TOWN WATER, FUNERAL Off_ W. T....BENEY, AN ANCIENT DOCUMENT, s Have you tatted anything wrong, The funeral af the late W. T, henry ,took place from 'Gin family home, Princess strea, 'on Thursday last, the services at house and grai'eside being conducted by the Rev. A. Er Doan. Those from a distance who were pre- sent, for.: the -funeral• were: , Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson, Mr; and IVIrsi Storey and 'children, Mrs. Barr and Miss Dora, Mr, John Henry and so, Dr. $, Henry, Mr. Jervis Henry and Miss Henry and Mrs. Brown, all.of London. with - the town water the Past day or so? If so, there is no real cause for alarm. Supt, Chant explains that they have been painting the inside of the standpipe.and, while the theory is that the water from the standpipe never is used except in eases of' emer- ,gency, .it seems to have filtered through the various pipes into the taps of users. He says they pumped it out after filling when, the paint dried, but even so there remained on. ough to taint the Water. It is not James VanEgniond, Gravel Road, nearly so noticeable this morning as Hullett. The marriage will take place it was last evening and will soon dis- theOnt early part of October..in London, :appear, no doubt. ' HONOUR TO STUDENT. McKENZIE--WILSON. . • The marriage was solemnized at two o'clock yesterday " afternoon of Lorna Wilson, daughter of Mr. S. J. Wilson, and Kenneth McKenzie, son of Mr. arid Mrs. DaM. McKenzie, all of Parkhill. The ceremony, which was witnessed only by. immediate 'friends, as performed by the'Rev, 'J. B. McCormack, an old' family friend, at the Baptist parsonage. On Monday a pleasing little event took place at the Collegiate Institute, when memberS of the board, in recdg- nition of her winning of two Edward Blake' Scholarships, ' presented Miss Jean Fraser with a very handsome white gold wrist watch, suitably en: graved. Mr. trydone, chairman of the board, made the presentation speech, congratulating Miss Fraser on • The bride was prettily gowned in her -proficienty, ' and Mr. Carhin ' science master on the staff'the de - Lanvin blue crepe romaine, embrofc1,- pethame which Miss Fraser made ered in self colors, shoes of Parelalfent her win, also spoke as did other mem- kid with ..hose to -match and carried bee ee the boaete 'Mr. Brydone a Colonialt bouquet of autumn -flowers. s' •on to the many scholarshi*ps She also wore the briclagreoas gifts, attention a etetesium ,dinner ring set 'with wort by Clinton Collegiate students diamonds end sapphires and a jeweled eaondt.leiener°e7,44e.d pt !lien esitptiatileAnt.stt.opkii7,13e Platinum' wrist, watch, The cpuple were =attended. . presided and warmly gengratulated After the ceremony a Wedding the clever young stedent luncheon was „served by. Nfrs, IVIeCor- DEATH DP CHARLES LOVETT. meek and later Mr. andt1VIrs. McKen- zie left by motor on a honeymoon trip Charles Lovett, an esteemed test - to Toronto and 'Buffalo: The bride dent of Clinton, passed. away at his donned Inc the journey a frock of . laope. hi Rattenbury street on Setur- bronze crepe satin, shoos and hose to „ day after a lengthy illne.ee. Mr. Loy - match -and a beige needlepoint coat etbswas born at Summethill, being the with fur collar and cuffs and a'bronzefirst white child born' north of the 'IVI velvet hat. laitland. in thal,sectiot, and fie lived • • l M. S. J. Wilson and .,Mr, and Mrs,ehis entire life there until about four - D. M. McKenzie of Parkhill and tern, teem years ago, when he left the farm and Mrs. H. M. Rocket of St. Anne, and came"to Clinton. had enjoyed, Qttebee, were here for the wedding, goedehealth until aboet* three years ago, when he suffered' a severe illness A TRAGIC HAPPENING. : from which he never reeovered, Mr- ,' The following, account of the tragic ing his long illness he, mainteined a death of the Jute C. W. Gibbings, Patient resignation and never cells - son of Mr. R. J. Gibbings of Clin- plained. His death came very quietly. ton which occurred early this month, . Mr. Lovett was twice metrical his is take from the Rosetcnart (Sask.) first wife being Miss -Duncan. She Eagle. - lived but it short time and later he "A. 'horrible death overtook harks married Miss Mary J. Ball,' who gut, - Wesley Bibbings, one of Ros,etown's vives him, with her -three sons and mast respected, prozninent and .pros- three 'daughters: Albert of Clinton, perous farmers, on. Tuesday,'Sept. ',Tames and Mrs. Gordon ;Johnston, of 66, at his farm about ten miles St. Catharines, Galvin of Htillett, and north of town. Just what caused the Wire. Howard Williams and IVIrs. accident will never be known. Ile Frank Lobb of Goderich township. had been to the house, got a funnel- Ilfie Lovett WA.8 an Anglican here - and apparently carried tome gasoline ligion and was a inerobet of the from the garage to the pump house Orange Order. He was 4 genial, lov- and while there it is stjapetied that an able man and oue "who had hosts of explosion took place rendering him TriendS, unconscious and he was hurried to The funeral took •place ortT e d u s ay death. All his clothes except the poet afternoon, the services at house and tion under his back were burned off graveside being conducted bY the Rey. down to his boots ;The body was L. C. Harrison,. assisted by the Rev. badly, charred. A hired man noticed A. A, Holmes- •The pallbearers were the fire, called Mrs. Gibbings and to- two sons, Albert - and Calvin, three gether they extinguished the flames- soPs"in"law'r Mesa".' Johnston, Wil" ,and. 'found. the .body. Medical, assist- • Hams and Lobb, and a nephew, George ance was summoned but death had ?'tains ef Blyth, evidently been practically inetantan- Mr. and Mrs. Gotdon Johnston and eons. Dr. E. T. Myers, coroner, was Mr. James Lovett were here from St. called, but an inquest .was considered Catharines, Mr. Frank Scott and Miss, unnecessary The deceased 'liras /a Scott, came up Sewn London find Dir, years, 3 months and...3(10dAys• a age. Rey Ball was here from Toronto to He was hornet Clinton Ontario, and attend the funeral: came west to Saskatchewan in 1907 Amato THE EHHEEHS. andtools up as a homestead the ' sputh-west quarter of 96-31-15, the, • Presbyterian Church land upon which he had been diving Seeviees on Suriday . at eleven a.m. at ,the tine .of his-dernisei • He :was .and seven. pam, conducted . bY Rev. rt.prosperous-farmer and added 'con-. James Foote, Exeter. Sunday Scheel siderable acreage to his holdings.. In at 10 o'clock. On and after the first January, 1911, he married 1VIiss,Burr, Sunday in October the Sunday tschods daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Peter Burr will meet at 2:30 in the aftegnoop. of Virden, Mane and besides his wife he is survived by three sons, Corday! wesleY-Willis 'United Church Charles and Jelin, and two daughters, Subjects of discourse Morning "A Blanche and Irene, all at home; his Humble Man's AchieVement." Even - father, Robert Gibbings, of Clinton, . ing:. 4;The Spirit of Adventure." Ont., three brothers, Foster and Raily Day. service twill be. observed. Fleteher, of. Kindetsley; Bert of in the.Sunday school at hell past two. tory Ont., • and* 'one sister, Vita B. It is hoped tliat all fernier members Jervis, of Toronto. -Mr. 'Gibbings was will be in their places. A hearty.wel- HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB • The autumn meeting of the Home and School Club will be held in the Assembly hall of the Collegiate on Tuesday evening, S'ept. .27th, at 8 o'clock, A special program will be given, The executive urges that- all parents attend if possible, and endeavor to make the first meeting after the holi- day period a succes. 'Refreshments wilrbe served anis a silver collection taken. A business meeting will be held at 7:30. . TO HONOUR HIJKON OLD 130Y. The' Ontario -Department „of Agri- culture through its office in Clinton, with the interests of stile poultry in- duetry in mind, is sponsoring a Imes quet in honor of F.C. Elford,,Dornin: ion Poultry Husbandman., and Press clent of the next World's POUltrY Congress. My. Elford is well and -widely known as si Huron Comity boy and poultrymen -will do well to at- tend the banquet to be held in Chil- ton on Friday evening, September 30th, at 7 o'clock sharp, Two hund- red tickets will be Sold end after the banquet' the hall will be open.. to any wishing to attend.A • prominent poultry man' from, 'tile Ontario De- partment of Agriculture will also be present. - IVIANNING—MORRISII- A very pretty wedding 'took place at the home of the bride's parents yesterday, Sept, 21st-, ' when Bessie Louise, daughter of Mr, and, Mrs. A% J. IVforrish, was united in marriage to Harold Boles Manning, son of Mr. and Krs. R. E. Manning. The Rev. Macfarlane officiating. The btide, who wore her mother's wedding gown, with veil and Orange blossoms, was assisted by Mise Mary McTaggart as maid of honor, and Miss prances Cooperland Miss Vera Dodds as bridesinaids. The groom was attendedby 1Vfrs Robt Middleton;' and Miss Helen Manning played the, wedding muck. Little Miss Gladys Medea of London wee trainbearer. Mr, and Mrs. Manning left o,o a motor. trip to .Quebec. • LITTLE LOCALS, ' • Mr, lsert Marshall has taken a posi- tMn in J. E. llogeeds drug store. Usti of the prize winner's of Velma and Goderich township School Fairs will be found in this iseue. • a Mr. K. Rorke has accepted a school at Montreal River and left on Mon- day to take up his new dutiee. 'Clinton L.0.13.A., went to Stratford on Thursday evening last to demon- strate some degree work for the Classic City lodge and -were highly commended on their 'work. The annual C. C. I, field day will • be held on Wednesday next, when the usual prevails et sports will be lam off.„ Friends of the school are in.- vited to attend and encourage the students in their sports, The Isadies'Aid of Ontario street United ahui* held a very successful bazaar in' the council' chamber on Saturday afternoon last. The booths were very prettily decorated and the wares °Toed were most attractive, getting ready buyers. Afternoon tea was also served. . NEDIGER=VANHORNE. • A very pretty wedding took place at the home -of Mr. and Mes. G. Van- Very highly respeeted nettle eminent • come to new colliers. • 1 Horne, Vietoria street, at high noon. 'yesterday, Sept..21st wheMtheir old- est daughter, Greta, Alice, became the bride of Mr. Jehrtlilf. Nediger, young- est son of 1VIr. and. Mrs. W. J. Nadii ger, all of Clinton, the Rev, j, E. Hogg officiating. The wedding Maisie was played by 1VLiss Madeline Van - Horne, sister ofethe The bride, who Was given away by her father, looked lovely in a gown of white georgette with silver trim- mings and veil of fine net falling from a coronet of orange blossoms, ,She carried a shower bouquet of Premier and Sweetheart eases. The bride and groom were attended by .Miss Helen Nediger sister of the ity and took an actave•mterest• in. its' s ' welfare. He was a member of fuel • • St. Peel's Church council .of the Rural IVIunieipality of Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. Marriott for four years, 1915 to 1918 Morning prayer at eleven atm. Sian - inclusive, and during his term of of-, day school and bible class at two - rice was foe two years the council's, thirty. Evening prayer at Seven pan. representative am the Rosetown UniOn Thete will be a meeting of Huron Hospital Board He was a member of Deanery Sunday School Association the Cleland School Board- and was ineSt. George's cherch,„ Goderich, on prominent in activities of the Grain Tuesday evening, 'Sept. 27th, et 8 Growers Association and the 'Wheat o'clock. All .interested are cordially Pool. He was a member of the Elks invited. Lodge and as a tribute of respect . large body of its members will attend Baptist Church the funeral from the family residenceSubjects for,Sunday. Morning sub - on Saturday at 2 p.m. and at the ject: "The Higher Life: A Message graveside will he in charge of the for Christians." Evening: • "The" services. 'fah/anent will be made in Fruits and Penalty of Neglect." Mrs. the Rosetown Cemetery. •, Blake of Orillia will sing a solo at The manner and suddenness of his this service. death was .a severe shock to all in Sunday school at 10 a.in. Prayer the community, whose synmathy is service each Wednesday evening at 8 sincerely eXtendedsto the bereaved o'clock. e . • ones," s 1, We invite you to come and worship Mr. and Mao, R. J., Gibbings were with us. in Toronto wben the sword cailie of the tragedy and left immediately for Ontario Street united Church the west. The unfortunate man was Meeting of classes at ten o'clOck, born on the family homestead on the Morning sepia -eel,: "Rally Day in Huron road, Hullett, and had been in Church atal School." Sunday school the west sin6e he was sixteen Ile had at tWo,thirty. P,'Ivening subject: "Mit- homesteaded as soon as he was Old sonny and -Religion." t enough to do so and had prospered 'The morning and afternoo» ocr- grsatly, his holdings being in a good, vices will call f or a Rally of all our section where a _failure for 111:7 rea- .people to church and school. At the eon was 'very ears. 31Tuch sympathy evening service the members of the is felt for the 'bereaved family. The Masonic Orde,r will attend in a body. man who first noticed the fire and • found Mr. Gibbings' body Was Harold The isrvsces Will all be bright„mid ' and ' London, the ,bride -groom, and Mr. Garnet! VanHorne, brother of the bride. The brides- maid was dressed in pale greensgeor- gette over pink and carried 'bouquet of Shasti daisies, pink snapdragons and baby's breath. • During the signing. of the register Mrs. Merritt Nediger sang sweetly, "Always." Following the ceremony the bride and groom led the, way to the ptettily decorated dining room, white and maize -being th'c e olor scheme, About thirty guests were present. The groom'e, gif t to the bride was a mink choker, to the bridesmaid and pianist gold bar pins, to the groomsman, gold cuff links and to the soloist a pair of silver candle 141r. and Mrs. Nediger left on a motor,trip to - Owen Sound, Niagara. Stanbury of the T.,ondon road Who, helpful and a IleartY welcome is at- travelling in a dress- of' rose satin went west, this fall on one of the snrsd all- .110, . with adack velvet isemmines, harvesters' excursions. 1818,. Gibbings Young Peoples' mM meeting every on- wood suedine coat with fur collar 'had ;just set his binders to work cut- day at 8 p.m. Prayer and praise and cuffs and hat and nose and shoes ting his eight hundred acres of wheat service oath Wednesday at 8 pm, to match, On their return they will ahs siay before the tragedy, , Anniversary services on Oct. 2nd. reside in Huron street, Clinton, Mr, John Elmsford has in his pos- session. what he believes is the oldest "ocean steamer ticket in existance. It is reallY. not e ticket at all, nothing but a receipt for- the passage.moneY. paid. It reinisi "New York, October 8th, 1832. Received' from Mr. Rens- ford one hundred and fourty do11as— in for cabin' passage in Ship George Washington. Fish, Gunnell and Co." is written bn a sheet of foolscap Ransford •had written below the haine el the officer in eharge of the ship, "Capt. Haldridge.a • Needless to say the document was riot the original property of the Mr. Ransford who now possesses it, but of his father, who web taking passage on a visit home to England. • • People Yon know Own condie bas returned to Trinity_ College School, Port Hope. Miss Marjorie, Hunter has returned after a visit with her.sister in Lind- say. Mrs. E. A, Croet and children left this week for her home in Windsor, after'spending the sununer with het father and sister, Dr. Gunn and Miss Marion Gunn. Mita Robert Middleton, who has been in Hovey's drug store for the past couple of years, has gone to Tor- onto to take a conrse—at the Col- lege of Pharmacy. Mr. Middleton will be missed by the members of the younger social set and also in sport circles. Baglield . , Mr. and Mrs. W.'R. Jowett and MM. E.- P. Merner motored to New "Dundee on • Saturday and visited Misses Izetta Merner and Ethel Jow- eta- . . • • ' • Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kerr of Whitby arrived on Saturday 'evening and are spending a week's'honeymeon with Mrs. P. Baker. A large number of the villagers took the. opUortunity. which Bayfield (Male. Holiday afforded on Thursday last to attend the Western Fair. • Dr. and aftS:P:ItteDoriald who have spent the past few weeks in Jowett's Grove, left on Sunday for Clinton en route for Edmonton. Mr. and Mrs. W.,11. Shannon, Tor- ,ontot Mrs. L4Roy V. Hiles and babe!, and Mrs. Jennings of London, who, have spent this month in tlie former's dottage in Lakeside Park, reterned to their lunnes on 1VIonday. Rev. and Mts. Abery have returnedi to their home in Londestero etas' having spent the season in Ilifrs. Stothers' eottage in Lakeside Paris. IVIrs. E. N. Hatt and family re- turned to theM home in London on Tuesday. ° Mr. and 1VIrs. F. A, Edwards, Misses Ploy Edwerds and Lucy Weeds, little Miss • Miriam Fisher and Mr., George Fisher motored to Kincardine and visited friends on Sunday, 111r. Wel. Cameron of, Detroit is visiting his father Mr. A. Cameron: Mrs. Hugh Kaaren and family have returned to their, home in •Port Elgin after having visited Mrs. „Mc- Larents mothers Mts. Win. Stirling., Professor Lloyd C. Hodgins res teamed to his home in Toronto on Tuesday, after having spent two weeks at his cottage. - • Mr. ad Mrs. Wightmart of Detroit are bectipying .their cottage, formerly Mrs, Cowie's home, here. • - Mrs,' L.I3. Monkhouso and 'family left for their home in Toronto on Tuesday. Amongst those who oecupied their cottages over the week -end were: Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Orr and fainily, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. W.-11, Robin - soh; Mr. and Mb's, W. E. Matinees and family and Mr. and_Mrs. V. Grain- ger and little daughter, London. Messrs. Stewart and Kenneth Start bery of Exeter are epending` a .few , days .at the Stanberg cottage.' Mes. Geo, Weir of Seaforth is vis- iting her sister. Mrs P. Keegan. Hayfield_ Pair will be held next weeke-Tnesday eral Wechmeday, Sept. 27th and 28th, and if the weather is failerable a record attendance is ex- pected. On the evening of the second day a concert will be given in the town hall, a London company being the entertainers. , Ura,, Welsh and clangliter.of TOMO- j 1.30i;,121t,i siting the lady's mother, Mrs. • Mrs. Weir and Ur. and Mrs. Her- my Wet, of London have been visit- ing the former's sister, 'Mrs. Tippet. s Mrs. Thos., Ring of London is the guest of the Misses Parke, Rev, Chas. Ryan and Mee Morrison of Owen Spend have ;men in town v this week, s-i3ent Sunday as the guests or Mr, a id Mrs. Jan CO( more. Mr. P. 13. Peter, Carland, Mich, and• Mr. I. E. Carr, Lansing, spent t 'Week-ond as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Williams Mulholland. Mr, and Mrs, R. Tichbourne aim Mr. and Mrs. N. Jai nston of Goderich pent uesday with Mr. and Mrs, G. R. Sheppard. • „• rhe Goderich township school fairs had not as favorable weather lor their exhibits on Tuesday as could have been wished for, but nevertheless the pupils turned out in good force and the exhibits were of a high order. This was Holmesville's first exper- ience with a school fair, they having been held at Porter's Hill in previous years. The small exhibits :were dis- phiyed in the school, 'the livestock ' being inthe church shed. A list of the prize winners will be found on page seven of this issue.' , LOrideS,b0r0 The W. M. 5. of the United ehutch held their Septembee meeting at the home of Was. Holtzbaner on Wed- nesday afternoon with the persident, liars. J. Tamblyn, in the chair. After the opening exercises, group No. 2 took charge and gave a splendid pro - grain, after which lunch was served to about 35. Mr. A.• Martin. and wife and /laugh- ter of Winnipeg and Mies E. Lyon spent Monday with Mrs. Thos. Samp- son of Palmerston. Rev. Mr. Snell. Mr. Fred Shobbrook and Mr. II. Snell attended the Presby..tersrmeeting at Wroxeter Monday. Mrs. Wm. Sloan is visiting friende in Timmins, • „ Mise Jean Mains of Chicago is spending Iter vacation with her moth- Miss Marion Cudmore of Holmes- ville spent a few days of last week 'with her grandparents, Mi. and 11/1as. Wrn, Bromley. • Quite a number from this vicinity attended London Fair. •• Miss Sadie Gibbs of Clinton spent the week -end with friende here. Mis.s Alice Fingland' spent a few days with friends Belgrave. xi% and Mrs. IL I. Redden have re- turned to their home in Winnipeg al- ter spending some time with friends Atinttdvoroedlt.ttonivews ieannteshedacy. community. Rev. B. and Aire. Snell motored to Miss E. Lyon recently visited Clin- ton firiendao • . • Quite a rannberafrom here motored to Brantford on Saturday to see the game between Kinburn ,and Drente. ford teams. Both teams played well, ,but Brantford came out in the lead, '• Miss jcines of near GualPh visited in this'community last week, returns' big on Montlair. • Mr. and Mrs. W.; IVIeClool visited, friends in Michigan last week. They motored; accompanied by Mr. T. Miller. Mart. W. Lyon was in Toronto last week. Ilee sister, >Bee' Kirk went through a critical operation in the .General-Hespital and n4- trent to be with her for a few days; ' 4 Miss Lavinia Brigham, -who showed fine -a•tt at Goderich fair last ,week, was quite successful, taking 'fifteen firsts and•three second ptiSes; Mr. and Mrs. J. Catter, .Miss Par- eott, Mrs..Allsere Moon and. Mr. and • Mrs. ErnesteAderns ware on a motor trip to Stratford recently. The W. I. at their next meeting, vrhich is the first Thursday in Octo- ber, will be „addressed by Mrs. 'WM. Brydetie ef 'Clinton,' who 'will speak on her trip rthriiitd: Mrs'. Brydone is not a, strange): to 'this branch as about a year-ago she gave an address. The members are lootcing forward .awgitalL.Much pleasure 'to bearing her The Ladies' Aid of Knoxd Unite , chtrch held their monthly meeting at' the "home of Mrs. H. Riley, with a large attendance. Arthe' close of the ; meeting Mrs, Jelin meeting the fol- lowing address to•Mrs. H. L. Redden of Winnipeg, 1Vtan. • (formerly Miss Belle Roberton) and Plias' Laudy Young presented Mrs. Ruddell with e purse.m of oney: • • , • "Londesbeeo, Sept 13, 3927, Dear lL Mrs..Rudde•-a-liVe; the 'min e- -• bees of the Ladies' AM of Knbx United chutch,,Loncleaboro, are happy' to lia,Ve'the opportunity of eicpreesing to you our appreciation of your will- - ing anti cheerful work in the different activities Of the church while you were here: While we neutrally re- oiced when we heard of your mar- ' •iage and know you will gledIy ren - Mr' your services to"the chUrch and community where you reside, never- theless, we feel the loss of your plendid help. In the work of the Sunday school, especially in connec- • ion with our Christmas entettain- nents, your services were alnibet in- aluable. You gave of your thne and ability untiringly and your help M connection with the service of praise added much to the .helpfulne.ss of the service.. In these departments of the church week we 'have missed you since your departure and will miss yon still in the autere. 'As a teaeher in ono cif our lee& schools your success was above the average and you also ren- dered 'willingly your servied, to any- thing that WINS for the Welfare of the community. We ask • y6ti to accept this gift'as token af our apprecia- n • tioof yonr kindly spirit and of you did when youwere a member of our church and a resident of the com- munity, withing you future success . in your new home. Signed on behalf of the Ladies' Mts. J. D. Mel- vilM, esident, Mrs. John Nett, see- retery, Mrs. Rob, Scott, treasurer." rs.•Ruddell than ted the ladies for their kindness and withal them much success in -their work. EfOltrfte,SVillie (Received too late for last weelE1 Mrs. Audeeson. Kipnen_ visited' her niece, Mrs. Holdswortli, the past week. Mrs.,, Alcock of Brussels and Mr. I Armand Alcock are spending a few days.with .friends here. Miss Marion Cudmore spent a fest- days as the , guest of Londesboro friends. Hohnesville United Church a7;.. ranging to hold''its anniversary ser- viees on Sunday, October 9th. , IbTiss Sumo A ..h.cson otorcd with e friends op Fs zda., 1,Striona, athe w , she soce1I-end with 'her sis te- Mb, Id's. D. Catbeck. • Ali',Tom Shoddicic, Miss Elva and brother Charlie Shaddick,