HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-09-15, Page 8I CLINTON > NEWS-ItECO THURSDAY, SEPTrl.2MBER 15, 7627. CLINTON'S LEADING JElWELERY STORE 'EYE STRAiN' N. home school 's otic means night work for the average student, because early evening hours are usually taken up with•any number of other duties. Therefore, parents should make -sure their child is not subjecting'. eyes to severe strain or overtaxing which in later years will collect a heavy toll.' Great care should be taken by all patents to pzevent'injury`to eyes of their ihiIdren during ` school months. It isn't just' enough to think ;: your, child's_. eyes are all right. You should. KNOW. The way to know is to have their eyes examined by someone qualified to tell you the truth. We have always specialized" on children's eye_exaniination. And we never recommend glasses unless it be for health's sake. ,i Bring Your. Child' In R. H. JORNSON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometer' Fine Jewellery and Repairs, Next Hovey's Drug Store Vigorous Canadian boys and girl's need sturdy footwear. We. aim 'to secure the best possible values for the price. We are offering special values for two weeks: $2.25 to $3.50 Some less than cost Get'Ready'' For School How about a new suit for opening day? The old one, must be pretty well wornout • after two months,gf strenuous holi- days. • Special prices on Boys' Suits for twoioweeks: $6.50' to $9.95 Some with 2 pairs of Bloomers • SPECIAL PRICES ON RALSTON'S RELIABLE Reg,` 15c Size for 10e worm SHOE POLISH •, Plumsteel •B QS.'1 PHONI ' S5. CURRELL & SHIPLEY We have a full stock of Groceries. Guaranteed to be fresh and of the best quality. Telephone your orders and we will give you the very best in Quality and Service. Sixteen ounces to the pound --Satisfaction or money refunded ' THE C, & S. GROCERS Branch 125j Main 125w No reason for us to tell •you of the raw, chilly mornings and evenings around home these early fall days. You know that a little heat is essential, to family health --still it is too: early for stove or furnace fires. The electric heater will bring comfort to your home—and oh, what cheer,` with its bright glow. They are so reasonable in price. too. Carryto any room in the house, attach the plug—and it goes right to work, for You. An ideal gift to surprise and please the wife. Take one home this week. $8.00 to $10.00 Sutter & Pe' u.e PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC. WIRING Phone 147w and all Kinds of UIL INSMATERIALS• ' MillworkS . last . p .y. Tho enscKe zie Estate, Clinton Gyproc—,Shingles—Hardwood Fleming --Building Specialties 5, LOTS r'oe n1AL E We mean there are lots of Foun- tain Pens ;for sale. ,Many makes, many, styles, many prices. We have them at, so low a price as 10c;,then 25c, 35e, 50c, 51.00, 51 25, but there. is a distinctive one at 52,75. It is Waterman's. Known by discerning ones as the "Daddy of them all." The, satisfaction it gives, the service it renders and the years it lasts actually puts it in the economy class. The price is made by the makers, and is maintained the world over and is it not true that the manufactures' who' stands out honestly for his price is the one who makeS goods worth the money. A Waterman Pen is backed by forty-two years experience in the .fine art • of successful pen making and again is it not true that there is nothing like knowing how to do a thing—unless it's the faculty of being able to do it when you knor✓ how, Waterman knows how, Waterman has, the faculty.. Tie school student ap- preciates a5Waterman Pen, their per- centage in examination may be af- fected by his or her penmanship and a Waterman supplies the right nib with'the required flexibility.` Send them to school with a Waterman, the cliptcap fastener for'the teal he -boy and. the holder ring type'for the little miss For the adultwe have them rip to $7.00 in nibs fine and stiff; fine and flexible, rigid, standard, blunt, and rounded. A, Waterman connects thought with action and provides the smooth, even way of effortless writ- ing. Prices from $2.75 to $7.00. Good Enough For Elegance—Cheap Enough for Economy We have the lows .prieed pens, but -stone cheaper, . quality considered, than a Waterman. Tito ,W. D. Fair Coe Often the Cheapest -Always the Best t;r isi „„,o U f-io,„„„„,„mu o 11(1, Mrs. R. J, Cluff is visiting in Hnm Ilton. Miss Maud Torrance spent last. week 'at Brpce Beach. Mrs. J. J. McCaughey is visiting her • daughter, Mrs, John Flynn; -of De- troit. - ]firs. Chas. Shanahan and ,Baby Cel- estine 'are visiting friends'in De Boit. -Mrs. Will Hoggartli of Seafer'th vis- ited Niles. David Steepe one day last week. Miss Eary McMuxebie of 7'000nto spent the week -end at her home in town. Miss Louise Beaton of Toronto is vis- iting this week with her mother in to vri...• 4 Mrs. J. G. Steepe is spending •a. few days this week with Goderich friends, -Mr..and Mrs. T. H. Lardy visited over the week -end with Mr. John Wight - man of Belgrave. Mrs. Fletcher and twochildren of New York visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. :Taylor of London spent the -week -end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Rodaway. Miss A. Bartliff returned to Aurora on Monday after spending the stun- nier vacation at her home here. Miss Winnifred Mel4fath, who has been spending the Summer in Mus- koka, returned home on Friday ev- ening, Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker 'left this webk on a month's trip to Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Boston and other points. Mx. and -Mrs, John -Diehl have return- ed from a pleasant visit -with relat ives in Muskoka and Toronto,., where they visited the Exhibition for several days. Mrs,- J. Johnston of Boston and Miss Isabel Johnston of Toronto called on friends hi town this week. They have been ',spending .a holiday at Bayfield. •- Miss Bessie Sloman, who hays been, visiting her mother for the past six weeks, has returned to New York. Her nephew, Mr. 'Henry Sloman, returned with her for a. week's visit. Mr.•and labs. Ralph Tiplady. returned Tuesday evening after haying spent a month. as guests of 'Mr. and Mrs: R. Stirret of Sarnia, who brought them home by motor on Tuesday, returning homeayesterday, Messrs. William and George W'Irit- 'tingham of Sunbridge, Parry Sound bis., accompanied by their son and daughtei motored down and spent a few days at the home of Messrs. J. Ford • and. S. Lawrence. Messrs. ,Whittington are former citizens of Clinton. a. Miss. Freda Wallis, who has been spending a holiday at Midland and, in the Georgian Bay district, spent a long week -end : at her home in town, returning • the beginning of the week to resume her duties in the dietetic' department of the Vic- toria Hospital, London. Mr. Rouse of Brantford and Miss Rouse, who have been engaged in mission work in China and is home on furlough, were the guests of the farmer's niece, Mrs. (Dr.) 'Hearn, this week. Miss house addressed the • Girl's Club ' of. Wesley -Willis church on Tuesday evening. Mr, and Mrs J. F. Reynolds, who have been°Spending the pest couple of years in Goderich, returned yes- terday and have taken possession. of their oWri cosy cottage in Albert Street. Their friends are glad to welcome them back and a number were present to tell them so when they arrived yesterday morning. We are opening up new good's of different lines for 5c , Ic and lSc " Special values, est qualities, Attractiverices. ' Call an.. inspect these goods, Thursday, `Friday; Saturday. Y Also follo r: n,g Week -end Bargains . 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar for , 'New Cheese, per lb Kraft Cheese,per lb 30c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. fox29c Cleaned Currants., per" lb, • • . • . • . c MixedPeel, .per 1b, ,59c Shelled 'Walnuts, per lb 50c Candied Cherries, per lb. ... 60e • Ammonia; 8 pkgs. for Quaker Corn Flakes, 3 Pkgs..for ' 25e 2 cans Peas for ,.,,:., ........ ..... .......... ....:. .25e 2 cans Corn for . 29c 2 tins Tomatoes fol .•. 25c 3.pkgs. Jelly Powders for ............::...... ....,. 19e. 10 bars P. & G, Soap for' Broom, regular 75e for 3 lbs. Rice for 2 lbs. Tapioca for •• 5 lb. Pail of Lard for .... , ...:.. 3 lb. pail of Lard for Corm Starch, 2 pkgs. for 6 ,lbs. Rolled Oats for - 6' lbs. Corn Meal for. 2 lbs. Prunes for '; ...... 3 tins Carnation Milk for Baking Powders,' per tin 5 lbs. Corn Syrup for 45e 49e 25c 29e 89c 550 19c" 29c' :29c. 296 29c 19e 38e 'Big Special in Breakfast. Bac®n, by the piece or side, lb. 25c Lave your orders early. They will not last long. New fancy pined Dates 25c , New Almond Icing 50c Mammy'sBread, Buns and (takes; Jellied Tenderloin Jellied Tongue. - Fresh Salmon Trout on Tuesdays and Fridays NOTE—We are taking orders for Alberta Peaches by the bushel, a car being expected about Oct. let., Leave your order early to avoid dissappointment., In the Morning First Delsveiy 9 a.m. In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30"p.m., Yindly Order: Early Cash , arKi Service Wo To O'I R4 e ' Where "Sells for less" price prevails.rof . v Good things to •eat have always been, our. policy and it is upon this platform that we continue to serve you • ! colThis"Week Pure Lard, 10 lb. pails ...$1.60 Straw.- and Rasp...jam, 3 lb. jars , 55c , Sherriff's Jelly Powders (with tumbler) 3 for 25e Rice, 3 lbs. for ' 25c Dried Peaches, 'per lb: . 25e Prunes, 2 lbs. for . - 25e Seedless Raisins, 2 lb. for 29e Sliced Pineapple, tin . 20c Fresh.' Fruits, Betty's Peanut Butter, jar 25e Libby's Pork and. Beans 2 for 250 Canned: Peas, 2 for 25e 11 bars P. & G. Soap .. 50,e Rubber Rings, 3 dor for . 25e Zinc ]Zings- per doz. . 'Me Pickling Spice, per llkg1Oe Vinegar, white or `blended 'per gallon r'. 50c Vegetables, always at the lowest price. L Lawson, . o. PHONE t11 PROMPT DELIVERY BAZAAR IN COUNCIL' CHAMBER on' SATURDAY, SEPT.' 17th: Commencing at 2:30 Under the auspices of the Ladies" Aid of Ontario Street United Church BOOTHS— Apron and Towels Dolls and ;Handkerchiefs Fancy Work Touch and Take '°, Candy 'ii Iloinentride Baking 'Miscellaneous Rummage Afternoons Tea Served from 3 to 6 EVERYBODY WELCOME 26-2 Music Lessons oVomJ E , Teacher of Piano and Theory Studio at home on ONTARIO STREET Phone 163j 25-tf OIL D. I,. and W. Coal and.Semet-Sol- GODERICH,: Mrs. Ruth Thomp- son, of Goedrich, announces the en- gagement of her daughter, Maud Elaine, to Elwin Rutledge, of De- troit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Relit, Rut- ledge, of 'Auburn, the marriage to• take place the latter -part of Sep- tember.,;' SAVE Phianbing - Hire teeth - should be inspected at least once a year. Pipes and joints are naturally, bound to daring a leak in due course - of time. You can save yourself much needless expense and loss by calling us in re- gularly to inspect and make needed re - With freezing winter months com- ing on it would be well to consider in- epection, repairs of alterations in plumbing at this time. Our service charge is very reason- able and all work is guaianteecl,: We recommend no changes, or repairs un- less to your advantage in savings and home comfort. yap Coke alatsys on hand for immed- iate delivery. Also a quantity of dry Maple Wood . e Prices reasokiable and sense to all rr. el.' lrl5bLd..e>aq SX a75JI'J HARDWARE and PLUMBING I Orders taken at residence, Ontario St: Ph , ast one New, Nifty Ind ,Up -to -Date pee our hew Jubilee Dining room suite the finest Canadian Pro- duction every shown in these parts. -, Our whole furniture stock is all the latest styles so it 'will pay you to drop in and look us over and we -will be glad to deliver to any- address. HARDWARE 'W;e have a few coal oil stoves and ovens which you will be able to save money on by buying now. A. full line of Graniteware in all the new colors.'• Get your' roofs ready for the rough `weather now. Use -the cel- ebrated Brantford, roofing which has stood the test of years and is still goingtrcng A good line of roofing paints, in black for asphalt and red for steel. • Any furnace double,, tell us. . Plumbing or Tinsmithing, satis- faction guaranteed, , Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 10&. Hardware 195 , NMI et 4' er, n , • c.140411241111, (o UA ° wAIDIS I Oa, emtnnt CS • -'IN. as .1 'OLD ®.1I Yhe Better'] ' Most,, Tues. and Wed. Sept. 19, 20 and 21 The - Better. Ole Admission 350 and 25e .Thurs., Friday and Saturday Sept.' 22, 28 and 24 The Under- standing Heart You've never known what love isyo true till you've seen "The Understanding Heart." Admission 25e+and 15e Eggs s Bring us your Eggs While Fresh We invite customers to visit oiir candling and grading room to see grading properly done, e Pay ,Spot. Cash Now is the time to market yonr fat broody hens and old roosters Gunn, Langlois & : Co., 1; fie HEAD OFF/CE MONTREAL, QUE. For further information apply to 0 '5 CLINTON. BRANCHA CL NTON aONTARIO '1