HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-09-15, Page 3ae Teepj use' of alt t rthe last .meethig 0f4.• - 0-0)40.. Msdieal-Seeioty Piefess01nger'dSs• 0i 100d z • -U ii$ expbvinea.. =with tike•nets nu cotic' ga4to 3 nit,a11 knivaia os' E ' i07 Up to kll•e present` at has bee a11st4lid'f ; ,to 1.i 0, eltli`er; etltt.i . tor' elt.et4tptWh •to prpduee iilicnlls�9tQl0. ,e1hi;.surpida}.cases Gauss see§nt lY intik:dnoeii antot1 0r �mtitil d Pile fled acetylene,but for valll'ous 1'e"as"ons gas entitled n ui1y1on nnrct of pini" tis 0sei'has not become g'enllal It '.,g't s x ot.'at y daug'r Roiinerted vyith' 1:f e use 0fr'ether or' rlileOforui,•;. that 1.440,00 .1,...t.)„.;6: s.ttempt; `lo pl•otluce f. 107 ^ butthm_diseomsoi•t connected (on Wnth;:x,,.... with bhehruse, Many sial/people tine • , Er Cor ls t): unpleeaanly afected .liY atri.a. =o r ohlnre„tetm; hhe festof the,maskthie cok1n sensation thelynowleda tiot ;T1heY finedhi iiftY dofr' they' areb=ing put oslee1) bynrrP,, • `. Because Ize tried to yl 4 :. combine toal[athem nervous-. • QA The stenog in-Ills;oihte,' awakening they.are plagued by thirst - a W11P vas a lovely int s, D: 107 sloes ilei kava to'b r•Ureatied ' led• b e n oE:• a I'M m a n,. is a1.1 s It.' 1P Y. t i , s; •SC le.. ora .aS I e i'. n .th int tine 1 l t, "., `• n e' nd works o e es And whiclh •I hole impart- I'll eight to fifteen minutes: the •patient Is thatit's wise to`ai hash fall in'o. a atui'a sae ' }eating'fir s i n 1 l p, • Whatever- things:•you start,, several koul;s, •and feels • net,after'el .6 , .:,"..",..:','....)••••),:---- .: :; iraRts,til awakening. It'.ts aisle p of bMa, .:.randall au Plly$ter wants unconecleusness, during which no .pain i 1 h oE: t e fam x to . kno ^,what 1lranc . h 'ralaxed. . can be felt and muscles ale M1ve 'sThe. drug has,no•effeet,pleoin th' eIlihie• stt iM bi7 , tell :Ofatda1;t1io Mtirl)hyyb'utsonietimo}ufebt th 'b ea ug. s yin - Prom 'nobody; they` spring at • . _ ex - 'ear!".. gOther physicians related their, e, 'em-! poriendes to the' society; About a thousand cases of operations with E. Women are' supposed to have more 197 'were reported, but the medical curiosity; than men, but so far nett? of profession does not consider it Dos - 'them has tried: to see the North.Pole:tibia' to form 'a definite; 'opinion as to. the value of the drug until far more The:Bookbinder—"Wi11 you have it evidence has been collected. For the bound' in Turkey or Morocco?" p1•eeentthe use of in 107 therefore. The Patriot—"Neither, sir:- nave has: been confined to a few great surgi- cal stations •for continued experiments•. rE HER .BABY -it bound right hero In Canada." We admire pure grit and all that, but we're darned if we like It in our epinaoh. • Notwithstanding the life of a paper dollar is, only seven or eight months, we have never had one die on our "My father's in the goal business." "Oh. ,What branch? "Ho collects the Rshea," Visitor—"won't you he._ very, very happy when your sentence is over?" Prisoner -"I dun'no, ma'am, I dun' no " Visitor—"You- don't know? And why not' Prisoner- "I'm In for life" A shining "!.ample 'of old-fashioned simplicity' is an unpowdet•ed nose. Money isn't everything, but every- thing takes money! (> miss is often good for a smile. Some folks don't have to patronize loan sharks. They could starve. Patent (gaspingly)—"I seen' a little better, doctor, but I'm still short of breath," Doctor—"Have patience and- we'll stop that." - Gladys says her friend Clarice 1s off again. She thinks that the 'hem lock is : an attachment for a sewing - •machine. She—"Let me speak."' IIs—"lou mean continue, don't your„ There may be nothing in a name, but who would: want to be named Skunk? Experiments of more than thirty yearshave prover. that Aluminum is the best tion- taixler for tea. Rod Rose Tea < is now packed only; in Alurii- _- nurh, and every package is ! guaranteedto be in perfect condition. 2T. . 1 A Frenchman has invented an. ' automobile that will leap from the ground and travel through the air for. a considerable' distance. Pedestrians had just as well give it up and lie. down in the middle of the road.— Nashville Banner. '1 Senator Mac' predicts that the Fascist; Government's proposed tax on 'bachelors will be paid, without protest. He is ;confident that his fellow country- men .will regard 'it as preferable, to tither. matrimony 'or ;castor-oil, Putsch. ! 'na rd ' ntment}Case's 'sore 'leets Ms Lt•a w �`e "Sail =ma b1o' u sone 'da '; s'ay May p Y,. nstrinlomers." That will be aterrilde blow to sunny' California:St. Louis Star. PLUMP AND WELL Nothing makes a mother more grateful than a benefit conferred up- on her child. Mothers everywhere who have used Baby's Own Tablets for their children speak in enthusias- tic terns of them. For instance, Mrs. Zepterin Lavoie, Three Rivers, Que., writes: -"Baby's Own Tablets are a wonderful medicine._ for little ones: They never fail to regulate the baby's stomach and bowels, and make him plump and well- 1 always keep a box of the Tablets in the house and would advise all Mothers, to ,do likewise." Most''o the ordinary ailments of'child- hood arise In the stomach' and bowels, and can be quickly banished by Baby's- Own Tablets. The'se Tablets relieve "constipation and indigestion, break up colds and simple fevers, ex- pel worms, allay teething mina' and promote healthful sleep. They are guaranteed to bo free from injurious drugs and are safe even for the young„, est and meet delicate child, The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A Good Crop Rotation Experiments have been conducted on the Central -Farm at Ottawa during the last seventeen years in order to learn which rotations give, the best re- sults under certain conditions,. what sequenes of crops produces the larg- est yields and which rotation is most effective in maintaining the produc- tivety of the soil ands in controlling weed and insect pests. An excellent rotation is, with several Others,.— des-cribed in the latest report of the Do- minion Field Husbandman, distributed by the Publications Ilrimch, Depart- ment of Agriculture, -Ottawa. It Is a five year rotation with the crops in the following order: Born, oath, clover hay, timothy bay, oats. There is thus one-fifth of the land in corn for silage, two-fifths in •ggain, and two- fifths in hay, 'For the purposes of the experiments boot the clover and the timothy are harvested, as hay. Ma- nure is supplied twice, l once for the corn crop at the rate of 15 tons per acre, and once for the timothy, top dressed on the clover sod in the win- ter at 15 tons per acre. These large quantities of manure are7applied be- cause the land is not pastured. There is an excellent -opportunity of eradicating weeds with -this rota- tion. The timothy sod may be ploughed as soon as the hay has been removed and cultivated. duripg the remainder of the season, and the oat crop may be handled in the same way The corn crop will, of course; permit of considerable cultivation during the year, it is,grown. et<fPt es e •Ii Is abet t 4me' to 11 h eft' reoord+biealtiiig"stuhite.• The attly_seal. son and the vacation months are about over.' It is time we got back to work and sanity. ' t , �... T OR Y'., US1 S C�tL 1 - M,41CIslG GANADA M Si rs e' he•'Canadla relit'. So`�gi'eat was the intef�est evide'nded oda. Tke first was t , n in the Scottish 'Musicsl' Festival er- I Song ! andHandicraft:Festival'stag, ed g ized•as zart oithe Pi hla d 'Gatti', at tho Chateau Frontenac, Quebe n g- • e . uo' eying. fol .Bann;: cal ly in ;3eptembor,. ]Vfay., which .-Was ;regarded as, .un q thaE'tho' gaYiadfan Panic [3aiiway iniha annai's•of Ganadianmuetc., Rei Company ,arratlged with the Alberka ,vfvdng oldrtitge sodas and homey cue- ' . Government:'1'elephones, to instal•the.-tome of the earlier settlors ':'oE •thiel tir �li0ers o'f•:ilia-'pti11110 addrese,,sys' eountry •has':naught•,the. publto-fanoy, p m li t+ .oi•e 'need.''.iii; the Dominion 1 Sco s laved'. ,an important` flat t iii. to to w t p Jubilee b load est so.tkat the: evening'`butlding up: theDominion o,itd, the uon0er s wore ;hoar'd'Tiot ghl)" in_ thy1 -lxntuos,0ballroom'oE'tbeHanfl' 5•prinks Total, !•ca e :msny sgaxxdy Settlel•a zYjto; L, 'm" here,ih'tll's•early,days.are'Eor6; 'Where the Festi'val was staged, hitt'most in the of noted explorers,'fur also : in the lounges and en the ter-. traders and par tici7?ants In manyt dal , race..,' ing^;projects', that ultimately have help - in no -small way to help the Domtn- The festival was the#second out -ed. ma Y standing musical,event of an unusual ion toivsrcls' the prosperity she now nature that has taken place in Can- enjoys, • S de only from hard Western wheats, Purity Flour is rich in gluten -- the energy giving and body, building food. Purity Flour is best: for all your baking ,and will supply extra'" " nourishment to thz_children, in cakes, pies, buns, and bread. :. .Samir 30c i z stamps for our 700 -recipe Purity Flour Cook Book. 265 Wader. Canada 1 lour Mille Co. Limited 'd'Oronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Sit John.' Lyle sit lab , HELPING ? UILD CANADA Starting Young Canadians Right With a Healthy For idation• is Recognized as of National Importance -, A SPLENDID -EFFORT Government Caps a Notable Year With a Notable Publication The'Dominion Government has just published "The Canadian Mother's Book," written by Dr. Helen MacMurchy, chief of the Division of Child Welfare of the Department of Health. at Ottawa. The foreward—"The greatest gift is a child, and the greatest honor is to be a mother," and the introduction—"This book has bs'en written for you—a Canadian mother. The Government of Canada knowing that the nation is made of homes, and that the homes are made by the father and mother, recognizes you as one of the .1Ylakers of Canada. No National Service is greater or /better than"the.work of the Mother -in her Own Home. The .Mother is the First Servant of the State. —These tell the story. j the baby," picking up the darling," Dr. MacMurchy is to be congratuiat- I "cuddling the little pet" Is past and ed upon tate simplicity and clearness II Dr. DiacMurRUy has stressed ilio 1 point so often forgotten that the first of the language with Which, eke tolls Year of a baby's life is, made up of her story of how to care for young sleep, fend and batih. The reviewer's Canadians, Dr. IliacMurchy used to bo' 001801 al, experience, ., arrived' at teacher of Literature in the Old Gram- I through watching and :helping his bet- tor School or Jarvis ,Collegiate Inst!- ter half raise a fair skied family fatly tute in Toronto and well does the re- 1 confirms the Doct'or's mothotls. viewer remember how .colloquialisms Free For The Asking and Popular expressions were frowned The publishing° of the Canadian upon by the Doctor when she en -I Mother's Book is without doubt one of deavored to teach him the rudiments the most notable t,vents marking of the English language, The Doctor, I Canada's Jubilee Year and every a master of English, has worded her• i mother, prospective and expectant, book in the simplest manner Dos -t should have ,this most excel- sibie and where Popult}r expressions lent publication which will be mailed carried her thought frost foreefully•free by simply writing and .asking for site lhas, used such expressions until it to the Department of Health, Ot- ibe• result' is absolutely clear, read- taws, Canada. able, and understandable by anyone Advice tot Doctors who can read words of two syllables. To stress the important points Dr. MacMurchy has resorted to repetetiolz so: that any one seriously wanting to benefit by her instruction tau who has been through the experience not en It ly fail to have her truths he -does not hesitate to say that every driven home, She has written, for doctor in city or country should' keep the - good of the great mass of a supply of these little books on hand Canadian women in average circum- . and give Ole to every wife and stances. Her simple, direct and inti- mate Ianguage proves her as great a master of English as o' rhyscelegy. A New Era The old time method of "rocking Simply Told hrdviding 1lequests for, r'ehelar gips so tliat YQpngypehs'ons.;of limit mtah zpay be•asaisted.to gto to•got ge JpaSQ :Garv'a wtU is not:zunue z fibs plaviston 4Gstltles" to the t�steAm iwhich,hlher edneation was heti by u:=map. ,Whose jutlginent of „`practi a1 ,' �Olues was;• unquestioned It is a :, obgr $ rebid a to ] leu who tilee'.to thinly, eto tiemeelvos ns hard headed antlswht> ?¢boy fundal thetlel�tstou lkh`at tli-ey alioly that tiluality by'1 eleing,contenipt t4 coileg. olid university training," ' • (s'+ [ , '-';IJitdge Gary's will:Is unusual, how- ' evo3 in that ,it contaihe a igal agra7,,h: M , ^'il 111Z of advice regarding the use of gaoney" y� qy yep �+ q v ry� The, paiagraph••e0ziylsts of foie warn, •;; 801tts ROSE QaANGE PEKOE I>a'.extra.good.. Being a mere newspaper magi the reviewer hesitates to offer, _advice 00 the medicial profession but as the father of a successfully raised family mother. We congratulate the gov- ernment overnment on their Chief of the Division of Child Welfare and we congratulate Dr. MacMurchy on such a noteworthy achievement, The "Immortals" and 'Their Ages Strictly speakhhg, those who are im- mortal have no age. Nevertheless,, the Immortals of the French Academy are still • menable to the enlendar, though' come of them seem to defy. its Iimitations. The Forty are, in fact, a venerable company. - One of the latest members, Df, Prat, Valery, is re -,r marked upon for his youth, though he 15 past-56rdiul the only younger man is Robert de Piers, who is 55. The Dean of the Immortals, thoagh hehas never forinallytaken his seat among theins: is Clti-menOettl, ; �vho 'le 00 36; ', but be is; not ,the anFY is' ar -tali', for Jules' 0hainbon' is '02 and Pierre de la:`Gbree is 81 Geor`gsa de ,Porto -Riche and Albert Bernard are '78; Marshal Poch is 76; Paul Bourget end 'Papa" Soffre are 75 a Year olden f1) Li .warning against eigiiing anY; 1?'onds'or.Ob'ligatione 0P"apy;lclnd-as �Iltt r�.: mg: omi is "Is it true `mother, that sheep ,aro 8 0 ,the clumbeat of all animals?" (2) 4 'warning sgainst anticipating' Po •Vega]; like'1Dnghand, is:concened, one's ineotioe "in, 'Mai respect';' _ ,lest lande�ee Heil, by ler t shelf de ;(3) "A warning _against making anY, •yielence_to, the mother -tongue Brazils leans `eXcegt oii'the'bo.sis`oi•itret-class, Aoademy, Melt n a: Brazlltnzl, diction- liik o .We 1 n it n. seertiittes; .and' :... ary, fiida' that the ap.i,r,wo p aurnttyrioerd aonrtedi•'o:p_"`ur'3gli.a'tef^uoi rs'be ugisieirniteiisess ass!bi dgerr slgfnnter ms el ' aonud (4) A Warding'a5alnst•vAPrieausiron orEcia,ve Giave al 't s voo budad iespoGtively $,000 • aid1torm2 The Eoitri_ varntng 'hie' heis t4te1a1X s and popular terms unknown'hi Judge• Gamy. smPhasizes: byaddinpg t Po1;Uuga1. • "They willbe• approaolied'frequently, .', witlf suggestions' to • .be relied upon .. The. 'word dollar has an 'interesting. s h' from a Abuatness standpoint," • histor .whtclh is'related' hi th o 7 I t of n i'4knt r st y' e toe It wohld.be, malahcloy. o a 00 lruow how nsanyeubstantiel inherit' representatives, ono -s hav . n•di si ted in Whole or, 1'n lar z' rt b` is bseve 1 uz�e to 0 g..na . Y.•. 1 theee-ou'n` rindlples, ''-Sedge, r 's` d1) 1Gay heir's may cr may.iiot need the admen{ tions be• leaves them, but for many. a- benelielaiy such warnings' ' might have 'proved- more valuable tha,•the bequest itself: They might well be incorporated in any, will.• of Yaolifmbv, in Czechoslovakia, where •epresen atives, of the' Little Entente -recen,:.tly . met, . ^ome 44.0:years ftgo,.a silver mine was discovered :hear Yachlmov. The German .name- for the .town was Joachinestahf, The Coiint of Schlitz had s•iiver. collie made 'from the metal' and these coins bore the likeness of • St. Joachim; The silver money was known as joacbimst-' balers, • This' was, in time, abbroviat ,ed to 'thalers Other changes occur- red such as daalder, dolor and clelar, In the sixteenth century these Coins were called dollars' 'n England•. Christendom's last monastic repub-• 1ic• still holding sovereign power in. its territory, that of Mount Athes..in• After Acute Diseases the Blood' one of the Greek peninsulas, is to be Must be Built Up Beforedeprived by Parliament of its com- mand of the gendarmerie. This sym- Recovery is Complete, bol of the Patriarch's• civil sway will be for State reasons.'trans1ferred to Fevers and other acute diseases -like the authority of the Government: pnenhaonia and influenza, leave the • * * patient weak, with thin blood and un- States of the Union thathad lynch- strung nerves. The period of con- Ings last year numbered ten, the same valesconce, is often long and trying, as in 1924 and 1925. States that never and years of poor health have ire- have had a rlynching are Maesachu- quently followed so brief an illness as 1 setts, New Hampshire, Vermont and Rhode Island. E TO ICTHAT GIVES STRENGTH than Rene Daztn and Gabriel Hanot - aux, white Franco's• de Cure] and Marshal Lyautey are 73. Camille Picard` is 71, and the roll of septua- genarians is completed by Charles C. A, Jonart, 70. There follow Eugene Brieux, who is 60; Monsignor Baudril•laril, Henri Bergson,' Pierre de Nolhac, Maurice Denney, Henri .Emile LaVedan nal Gamllle Jullian, Who are 63; Re he Doumic and Raymond Poineare, who are 67; -Louis •Bartlt'ou, Marcel Prevost and Edouard lLtannje, who 'are 65; Mme, Henri -Robert is 64; LOWS r Chevrillon, Joseph Reciter and 'Iienr de Regnter are 63. The Abbe Bre mond, 62,:completes'the list. of sox an attack of Influenza or pneumonia. Much of this sort of misery could be avoided bY•t>zking steps to build up the blood so that it can carry to, the nerves and other tissues of the botsi the' elements they need to' i`e- store their' normal.: functional activi- ties. To ,build up the blood and re- store it to its rich, health -giving vig- or, no other medicine can equal Dr. Williams' Pink P1113. Front first to last it is their intssien to improve the blood and thus restore good health and vigor. The value of these pills in condi- tions described above is shown by the statement of Mrs. Rebecca O'Brien, Pembroke, Ont., who says:—"In Nov., 1023, I was stricken with pneumonia, and at the time but little hope was held out ter my recovery. However, with the best of care I vas able t6 walk about after .some months. But I did not recover my strength.'The Moder told me I wee 'anaemic. My appetite was poor, I grow nervous and restless, I was deathly pale anti' prac- tically gave up hope of ever being strong again, However, remembering that in my girlhood T had taken Dr. Williams' Pinky Pills with decided suc- cess, 1 decided to try thein again. By the time I had used two bones there was no doubt the pills wore helping 3the. Contitintl1g•their use'I was soon able to attend to my household duties. I continued taking the pills, however, until I had used twelve boxes, by which time I was enjoying bettor health than at any time in the pre- vious ten years. In gratitude 'for what the pills have done for me, I give this statement in the hope dirt it maY point the way to health to some other weak despondent Woman.", e • T A Bolton watchmaker has entered the• perpetual motion class:His in- vention is a wrist -watch, Inside which, is a : small weight or balance .that Swings with every movement of the wrist and gives a tarn to the spring. Half an hour's wear is, said to be suf- ficient to wind it for forty hours of timekeeping.. Should, the watch run down, all that it 4s necessary to do is to put It on the wrist, when at once it begins ticking, * * * Soviet Russia claims a prodigy. He is Nicholas Nazarov who, at 16, is a full-fledged college professor, Nicho- las entered Tashkent University at the, age of 10 nud in 'four years com- pleted the mathematcaf, historical and scientific courses which other students required' ten, years to finish Kept Both Feet on the Ground. 1st )clubby—"My wife's hobby is the flying machine -she's always .hopping off into the air." 2nd Hubby—"Well, I'm glad to say my wife's hobby is the sewing ma- chine—she keeps both feet ou the ground." You can get these pills from any Drives away paln—Minard's Liniment medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cis, Signor Mussolini ,has aid a visit to a box front The Dr. Williams' Medi- p cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Mount Vesuvius, Now perhaps the volcano will stop its nonsense, `ill Rogers Sees 'Humor in W g Customs Search of Fliers *'10 Editor, The New York Times, Washington, A;C,--T see the customs authorities in England searched the round -the -world titers when they land- ed. I guess- they- thought the boys had smuggled :over a coupe of baby grand pianos or some early Okloholn;i period furniture. I was Utero last Summer when Gertrude Edetle swank a' to and, they searched her,. 53gured genariaus Tht. )Duc • t'0o'ia Poree „ b 'u` 'i Betty'�lh Cxso?'i�es ,!C Ya , and Y $4 death. are'under 66.• ` Tlfe, Times asks: "How 'Near, I Deer?" As •nearly as we know, Ca ada.-•-New York Evenhig Post. ,, she' had' breaght In some cigars''or v 1 • inidtets`. t' "cigarettes or.mt'liither i1) tl e. 1 c bathing shift X`recltoi • People Of her b g , tell you England has no humor. Wily, •t"ey•are funny; even when they don't n= try to bo. ‘The Congressman at Lar°ge,- WILL ROGERS,- • P.S.--Did ou ever seo two people as much alike as Levine and Lindbergh? Both their names begin with an L. - —_ . '.- To feel ,much for others,; and: little' for ourselves; to restrain our sel4ish and exercise our benevolent affec- tions, constitutes the perfection of hu- man nature,—Adam Srnith,. , Mfnard's Liniment relieves backache. • "I don't need' and speedometer on my car. ; 0 can easily tell the speed," at)id-.the-one' "Tiow do you da that? robed Otte oilier:: "When I go ten• miles an'hour, mnylamps rattle; when ..I go fifteen miles ,'an. lhour, my mud- guards rattle; and at twenty miles' an houhumy. bones rattle." A party of British public school boys arrived in Canada on Saturday on the White Star liner Albertic to rnake a tour of Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Algonquin Park and New York, to become better acquainted with Canadian boys and to understand the points of view of other nations by means of personal friendship. They are in charge of Rev: E. S. Fellowes-Farrow, M.A., F;R.G.S., of Cambridge University, third from the left itt the. front row, and RcV. Howard J.. Rose, M.A. of Oxford University, on the extreme right. BICYCLE BARGAINS need,: $re ilpwards.;' Tran0Dortat1eul Pro -j paid 'Wrltre foEE:EL List P.P,LRLT37S9: :. 132CYCLiil 103 Dandae ,l3tz'oot West, TORteltte Used b' ghYslclans Minard's Liniment m Classified 'Adl%ertisernents $J.'i'r7 T o va06N 4. R Na m -AD ' O - S,. ii, tty, to n wANTIdD .$J ver .':.cit nN fi to vill res in Y a d ul r wn . a g liVe.. to,actrl as •oxolueive represen- tatol.g tribution of . the . on 4!'• 2're,3'ert whole'. or, part time• position o4, im .orfs ce' P n do business: at home; pleas- . 1ettr d proatable occupy&ion. Appply by Ontario beet, Frront ,Aesoclation;•l flA-_(7ntarto Street, Toronto, •i, �A:ATL'S WANTED ,O Dor PL Nr '..and• light -sawtn at.drorlhe, whole or. �" spare time. Good 1103,, Work sent any, 1�,...: atao � chyr �e t1 d n e, .. charges 11.Send-tifamp ft .arthcu - •s: -" 31p:091,04 :: fat turin 11 nanu t. 0 C ,. DTontren.l', BATTS. (LITTL=E:' L'RTAND)'..,TO" ,L7r either sox; mailed,in lain snvelo" e : tp D.• Paris Specialty Co.,, Montreal, A ENT List of :"Wanted Inventions"': and Full Information Sent P'reet on Request. TIin RasasAIr CO., Dept. W, 273BankSt., Ottawa, Ont. Tennis Rackets Re -Strung Gotf, Clubs Repaired Ail work done and guaranteed by SPALDING EXPERTS Special Prices No. E Yore' Lambe Gut, reg. 137, apoL fes' No. A. Rare Lamb's Gat,. reg. 58, 81)01, s Work sent out 24 hours after receipt. TORONTO RADIO CO., LTD., Representives for A. G. SPALDING & GO., 241 Yonge Street, Toronto. Foot Weary and Sore'' Bathe and rub well. ,:with Minard's. Soothing and re- lieving. moarmssammosepeaoeut The Purity of Cuticura' Makes It Unexcelled ' ' oile Purposes' �orA�aT � ►� R��atr_r1.,tW r Y OPERATION ATION LEFT 4/PvaR HER VERY WEAK Letter Tells of Wonderful Relief After Taking Lydia E. Pinkbanz's Vegetable Compound Coniston, Ontario.—'"After ase= •were operation and a three weeks' stay 1n a hospital. I returned home so weak that I was unable to move a chair. For four months I was al- most frantic with pains and suffer- ing until i thought sure there• could not be any. help for me. I hadvery severe pains in my Ieft side and suf- fered agony every month. Ono day when I"was not able to get up my mother begged me to try your med- icine. .My husband got mo a bottle of Vegetable Compound at once and 1 took -it. I started a second :bottI and to my surprise and joy the pains in my sidb left me completely and )S am able to do all my work without help, I am a farmer's wife, so you see Ican't be idle long. In all, I have taken six bottles of Lydia F. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, five boxes of the Compound Tablets,r,; two .i?, , L •. - nkkAm 2 Blood bottles et Lydia . i 1)1 ,..$:... i ovsetltheS ri r`Ie" andhawea s edt atOV'0 Was):`t'-Mrs, L. I.AJEUNESSE, Box 103, Coniston, Ontario. - ' o Proved safe by millions, and prescribed by physicians fax' Colds I-Ieadaclie Neuritis' ° Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache' Rhetitnatisll'i' DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEA °T Accept ons "Clatver" packge which contains proven directions.; Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Alpo bottles of 24 and loo ---Druggists. Anplrin 16'1he trate mane. (re.lnt'roO in Conan) 01 13..ye1 htealfsot•no. or 11fo:ontetto- i 'cl aoldes'ter e[ Wall rlt h.ic. (d ety3 Salley '.tflnt.L+nrltlu n:uuin 9oYCr nlaniltsc ve, to ,s lot�(hc ru1L' nIIsiss JaliuMona, 150 Tnb)etn ISSUE No. 38—'27 � a;• y •+L•t=heir general lr d0 ,n ,th, 1,,;C "Iiiayeh Qetul,''j :1)T. n ar (uta,, eu Nili Lo near'[S. 01111 ,1 , A A. ,. wine St. Is well. 1,0onn