The Clinton News Record, 1927-09-08, Page 5". itt..,Ii DAY; S1a1'1 M1>I;R 8, 1227.
lot itcefIe1dl..
Dr. A. M. Landsboroagh, son of
Mrs. _
lSr. �I. C. and lCondsboriiu h
Centre Road Por Credit, nt
I0 has
o e_,cd a his office :f general
n or en tz
p g a
ractice of medicine
p r i and surgery in'
Garrettsville Ohio. Ile was a former
student of Seaforth Collegiate and a
graduate of Toronto Medical College,
.also of Columbus, Ohio. Itis' many
-friends in Brucefield and vicinity will
be glad to hear of his success., Dr.
Landsborough is a, nephew of tfrs.
James 'McQueen of Br•ucefield and
Mrs. G. Stanbury and Mian A. Lands -
borough -6f Clinton, ; „
Mss Cooper' of Toronto was the
guest .of Miss . Ada Reid last week.
Mrs. McDonald ` of Ripley is - the
-guest :of Mr.. and' Mrs. R. McKenzie.
Rev, C. Mustard and _ his sister,
'Nurse ;Gr•etta ,of Toronto spent' the
week -end at the home of their,'par-
ants, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mustard.
Mr, ,Hugh Ailcenhead's aunt` and
-cousin, Miss Speir and daughter;
ited at his home last week:
Mr., and. Mrs. 3. B. Mustard have
returned home from their summer
cottage at Inverhuron.
11Ir. and Mrs. Fred ' J. Austin of
Mich., spent the week -end. and
holiday with the former's.parents,
sMr. and Mrs. Alfred'' Austin.
Miss Vera Steep felt the first of
the week for London, where she in-
tends spending some time.
Holiday visitors and. over the week-
end were: Misses Pearl Reid," Irene
Chuter, Gladys and Emily Beatty, all
of Loudon.
Mrs. C. Johnston returned l o Flint,
Friday, accompanied by her; two
daughters; Irene and Jeau.
We are pleased to report that Mac.
F. Weekes,' who was confined to her
bed -through illness, is able to be
around again. • ,
14Ix':•C • Wiley was called home from
Flint `last week to -attend the funeral
of his father, the late> Mr. T. Wiley.
Mrs. Jno.'Sparrow returned to her
home after' spending the past three
'weeks with friends in Kitchener,
The W. M. S, of. the United. church
' held their monthly nfeeting in the
church on Tuesday afternoon,
Quite a number of our citizens took
'n the sports at Bayfield on Labor
Stanteg Township
Mrs. William Spear,:Jr., and daugh-
- ter,' Mrs. Fred McLaren, of Highgate,.
are visiting Mrs.. Malcolm McEwen
and other relatives,
gr. and Mrs. Fred Wallis left Mon
day for their hemi in New York.
Mr. and Mrs. George ,Henderson
and daughter mere attending a -wed-
ding near London on Monday. The
bride was a niece of Mr. Henderson.
Mr.•and Mrse Alex.': McEwen. and
Misses Eleanor and Bessie MeE-wen,
motored to Toronto last week, and
spent a few days.
Mr. John Wise has sold his resi-
Cence in Clinton to Mr.Fred Ford of
• "ohnesville, who gets possession this
In the presence of only the immed-
iate relatives, a very pretty wedding
was solemnized at thb parsonage,
Hensen on Wednesday, Aug. 31, when
Mary Edna McCowan, second daugh-
ter of Mr.' and Mrs. John McCowan,
was united in • marriage to. Mr. Albert
Batt, son of the late Mr. and. hire.
George Batt of Stouffville. The cere-
mons wa's performed at 2:30 in the
afternoon by Rev. A. -Sinclair, . pastor
of Hensall United church, the bride
being. beautifully gowned in, poudre
blue georgette and carrying a shower
bouquet. „The bride was attended'by
her sister, Miss Grace, while Mr, Jas..
McDonald of Brucefield was best
man.fImmediately following the cere-
mony, a wedding supper was served
at the home of the bride's parents
and later the happy bride and groom
left on a two weeks' camping trip,
followed by the best wishes of a host
bf friends. On their return, Me. rrn
Mrs. Batt will reside in Stonffville.
Miss Anna Caldwell,, nurseiii-train-
ing as Niagara Falls, is spending 2
weeps holidays at her Bonne.
Mises Smith and Miss dash Mc-
Gregor or Cleeland, Ohio, are this
week the guests of Miss May Gil-
Mr. John McGregor of California
is visiting his brother, Mr. Neil Me-
d washstands,bed, spring, mattress, 2
toilet setts, sane rocker, upholstered
chair, sanitary closet, bedding•, -,par
lour table, new Raymond sewing ma-
chine, bureau, oak secretary, linol-
eun Brussels carnets, z s a e a n hoist � �e
p cid.
chap quantity, mats,upholstered
q y'
rocker, conch, lace curtains, table -
cover, draperies, 5 volume Larned's
History of the World, 5 • vohnne
Everybody's Encyclopedia and scores
of library books, centre table, flow-
er stand, Alladin lamp; 3 ordinary
lamps, kitchen raage for coal or
wood, sideboard, kitchen table, 6 din-'
mg robin chairs, several other chairs,
quantity of dishes, pails,', -kettles,
pans and all kitchen utensils, copper
boiler, ,:2 dozen sealers, graniteware,
42 lb, scale, lantern, new sprinkling
can, laundry. bag, picture frames,
hamock, limited 'number new hal-
ters, jack screw, shovels, forks, hoes,
rake, garden tools, 2 furrow riding
plow, walking, plow, single riding
plow and other articles. Terms:
Cash. Oscar Klopp, .,Auctioneer,
Alex. McKenzie,'Prop, 26-1
1, I� To nsh#p.
A:Eamily reunion was recently held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, 3, Shob-
brook, when Mrs. Siiobbroolds moth-
er, , Mrs. Webb of Toronto, was host-
ess to 'her family. The occasion was
a very happy one as this is the first
time in twenty-four years that all
have been', together.' Those .from a
distance were Mrs. (Dr.) Bell of
Reading, Mich„ Mr. and Mrs, G. R.
Webb, Chicago, Ilh, Mr, and Mrs. E.
Webb and family, Toronto, Mr. and
MrsA. Rick and family of Hillsdale,
Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. W. Mont-
gomery, Toronto.
Auction Sale
Of Household Effects.. Mr. John
Wise has instructed the undersigned
to sell by public ' auction at Joseph
street, Clinton, on Saturday, Sept.
17th, at 2 p.m., sharp, the following:
parlor suite, mahogany music cabinet,
hall rack, dining 'room chairs, table
and buffet, kitchen -chairs, table, etc,,
2 bedroom suites, choice- Axminster
rug 9x10 feet choice Axminster rug
7x10 feet, electric reading lamp, elec-
tric iron, coal range, coal oil stove
with oven, washing machine and
wringer as good as new, lawn mower,
granite and aluminum ware,, dishes,
pots, pans,' garden , tools and other
articles too . numerous to mention.
Everything to be sold as proprietor
has disposed of his house. Terms:
Cash. John WAG, Proprietor. Geo.
H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 26-1
• Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock - and Implements,
lot 33, -con, 2, Stanley Tp:, on Wed.;
Sept, 28th at -1l o'clock, sharp.' Lib-
eral twins, See full particulars next
week. Jas. Jackson, Prop; : 26,1
y Horse For Sale
A good work horse. Apply to H
W. Charlesworth; or phone 199, CIM -
ton. • 26-1
Stray Steer
Strayed onto the premises of the
undersigned, roan steer. Owner may
have same by proving property and,
paying expenses. Wilfred ' Colclough,
Goderich township, Phone 605-r-23.
Household Articles For Sale
Wlashing machine and wringer,
nearly new, wash boiler, kitchen
range and number of ' new pipes,
lawn mower and a number of garden
tools. Mrs. Wm.- Graham,. Isaac
s'ree 26-1-p
Brood Sows For reale
2 brood sows, regular bacon type,
,one to farrow Sept. 15th, the other
Oct. 15th. Price 845.00 each. Apply
to' W. A. Stanbury, London road.
Phone 629-r-13, Clinton central.
Clearing Auction Sale` —
Of Far Stockata
Farm Geo. Holland's
farm, Bayfield road, 3i mile south- '
west of Clinton on Thursday,' Sept.
15th at' 1:30. o'clock, sharp, consist- ,
ing of the following:. horses—Span
of working nines, supposed to be in -
foal. Cattle—Choice cow, 6 year old, I
due Sept 25th; Holstein cow, 8 years' I
due Dec. 10th; Holsteien cow, 9 years
,due Dec; 14; Ayrshire cow, 81 years old; due -Dec. 5th cow, 4 years'
old, due Dee. ,• 15th; 2 2 -year-old heir-
ers, with calf at foot; 8 heifers due
to freshen in ' Sept. and - Oct.; black'
cow, 6 years old, due Jan, 20th; red
cow, 5 years old, , due Feb. 1st; 20.
steers and heifers,. yearlings and 2
year old; 2 Polled ` Angus 'calves; 2 1
young calves. Pigs -11 -chunks;. sow 1
due at time of sale; 2youug sows due
in October. One trailer hi good eon- I
dition. Everything to be sold as ad-
vertised, Terms; ,'6 months' credit
will be given, on furnishing bankable
paper or a 'discount of 3 per cent.
straight allowed for cash, 12 months'
credit will be given with 4' per cent. I
added Ernest . Townshend,. Propri-'I
etor. ' Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
26-1 1
Auctions' Sale . I
0f Household Effects; etc., at Kip -
pen. on Wednesday, Sept, 14th. at 1:30
p:m,, the following: White enamel
barbel suite,. complete, dresser, 2 1
'Andrew's Presbyterian I: church„
Stratford, on Sept. 1st, by the Rev.
Mr. Duncan, Bessie Laidlaw,
younger daughter of Mr. and ..MTG.
T. "3: Lindsay, to George Leslie
Falconer, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs.
W. S. Falconer, all of the London
road, Clinton.
'. SILCOX—SLOMAN,-In. St: . Paul's.
church, Clinton, en Sept. lst, by
the Rev. L. C. Harrison, Susan May,
daughter of . Mr: J. G. Sloman, of •,
Clinton, to Joseph S. Silcox, son of• -
Mr: J. Silcox, Liverpool, Eng;
church, Massey, on Sept, 5th; by
the -Rev. Mr. Youmens , Amy
Evelyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. IJellyar, Clinton, to Alfred
Edward. Blight, only son of Mr:
James Blight and the- late Mrs. .
Blight of Massey.
BATT.-McCOWAN--At HensalI, on
Aug. 81st, by the Rev, A. Sinclair,
Mary Edna,, daughter of Mr., and
Mrs. John McGowan` of Stanley, to
Albert Batt, ' son of Mr: and Mrs.
George Batt .of Stouf2 ilie.
'.FARQUHA,R—In Clinton Publie`Hos
pitaI,' on Sept. 2nd, to Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Farquhar, a', son.—Doug
Jas Shepherd. "
/COLCLOUGH-In loving memory of.
Mrs. 'George Colclough.
"We have to mown the loss of one
'we loved
Beloved on earth, regretted gone, re-
membered in the grave
Your name is dear to memory, 'Tis
graven in our hearts,
Your kindly smile is with us still,
lingering, loath to part."
Sadly missed by husband and mother.
MANN—In loving' memory'. of Moses
Mann, who passed away, Sept., ,11,
"Three' years have gone, our hearts
still sore,
As time goes on, we miss him more,"
—Sadly missed by wife and family.
t t
The Voters' Isist, 1927, for the Town-
ship of Stanley, County' of
Notice is hereby given that I have
transmitted or delivered' to the per-
sons mentioned in Section 9 of the
Ontario Voter's .List Act the copies
of the' list,made pursuant to the said
Act, of all persons appearing by the
Municipality' of the Township of
Stanley, to be entitled to vote•in the
said Municipality at the elections to
the Legislative; Assembly''and •;at_
Municipal elections, and the said list
was first posted up in my office at
Varna on the 2nd day of September,
1927, and remains here for inspection.•
I hereby, call upon all voters to exam-
ine the said list and if any errors or
ommissions are found thereinto lake
immediate preeeedings to have the
salve corrected according ' to law.
Dated at Varna this 2nd day of Sept.,
1927. J. E. Harwell, Municipal Clerk.
LIMPING and carrying
water is riot lust hard
work—W:3 drudgery—
Who could'be happy and liealt'Iy, ling and and carrying taus of water each year?
Why tolerate such drudgery when a'Duro
Water. System; will.: deliver,fresh running.
water unde
r r res u kitchen, s re to your k tchen, bath-
'room and grounds for 10 cents per 1000
The low first cost of a Duro Water Sys -1
terse will surprise you. Duro gives satisfac-
tory water service at lowest;cost. And nowt
you can have fresh running water under
pressure at less cost than ever before.
See us for complete details,
' No obligation,
London . Toronto Vancouver
For Sale By—
Sutter Perd
Style No. 400.
400 gals. per
We Can Please You
WheIl 'SOli :want real t i ea good cod I liotu-
Wedding Photographs' a Specialty
Let tis develop c >v 1of n 1 � a c
print ,your.
Snapshots -
Clinton Studio open every Tuesday
hours -10 a.m. to 5 pan.
Burgess, Portrait Studio
Prompt attention . given to any
Order for Flowers or Floral work.
Member Florist Telegraph Delivery
Chas. V. Cooke,
Phone e 66
The Graham ,House
11as been painted and the interior
remodeled and decorated and is now
ready for the travelling ` public, and
othere wanting the accommodation of
a Standard Hotel.
Accommodation for Horses or Cars
Rates from $1,z0:a day up
First -Class Meals Served
Hours:Breakfast, 6:30 to 8 o'clock:
Dinner, 12 to 1:30. Supper, 6 to 7:30.
, Sample Room in Connection
R: LAMONT, Proprietor
5atlf ' 'kklverd
Under the Auspices of
Presbyterian ;Church.
Clinton Sept.. 12th
At: 8 o'clock
Miss Greta Lanunie, A.T.C.M.
Miss Gladys s Sla
y y
Soprano ,Soolist aiid Reader
llliss Kathryn Sells, A.T.C.M.
Pianist and Accompanist -
(Graduates of Ontario Institute for
the Blind) -
Adults,-35c—Children, 25c'
Rug For. Sale
A good Brussels rug for sale. Ap-
ply• -to Mrs. Wilbur Welsh, James
street, Clinton. , 26-1
Accommodation For Students
If you will • be attending the Strat-
ford Normal School and would like a
home -like boarding' house write for
particulars• to Mrs. Stewart, 841 On-
tario street, Stratford, 26-2-p
Dog Lost:
A brown rat terrier with small
white strip between front Iegs. Find-
er kindly notify Ross Forrester.
Wheat Poof Tickets
Given to farmers bylocal buyers
in payment of wheat purchased by
thorn will be cashed by The Royal
Bank free of charge. 26-2
In the Estate of William Henry Mc-
Clinchey, deceased '
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having. claims against the
estate of William Henry McClinchey
late of the Township: of Stanley in
the County of ` Huron, farmer deceas-
ed, who 'died on or about the 26th' day
of August A.D., ;1927, are required
to -deliver to Albert E. McClinchey
and George' McClinchey of Varna,
Ontario the Executors of the said
estate or to W. Brydone, solicitor on
or before the 1st day of October A.D.
1927, a full statement of their claims
together with particulars thereof,
and the nature of the securities, if
any, held by them all duly verified
by affidavit:
• ANDafter'
the said last mentioned date the said
Executors will'. proceed to distribute
'the estate of tine said deceased : a-
mongst the persons entiled thereto
having regard • only to such claims as
they' shall have received 'due -notice
and in aceordanto therewith.
Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 7th
day of September A.D., 1927.
W. BI$YDONE, Clinton,Ontario,,
Solicitor for the said Executors,
Timothy Seed For Sale
• Government tested Timothy seed,
: guaranteed dean.• 84,00 per bushel.
George Leech, 2.• R. No. 1, Clinton,
s. ;Phone 22-241, Seaf orth .central.. 25.2
' Rooni To Let'
With or without boardfor two
School of Commerce or 'Collegiate
students.. Apply: to Mrs, White,, Rat-,
tenbury street, West. 25-2-p
•• Roomers
A few roomers,+ school children
preferred. Inquire at The News -
Record. 25-3-p
For Sale
160 acres choice land, lot 12, con.
13, Hullett -1st class buildings, Delco
light: Two -thirds -purchase price may
remain on mortgage at 45/26/0.
anee may be paid in cash or would ac-
cept mortgage on other property.
Would consider , -a house in town. Ap-
ply to J;' I3. Wheatley, It R, No. 1,
Blyth, Ont. 24-5
Roomers or boarders, Second house
from Baptist church, Iiuron road,
west, Mrs. W. II. Cole.. Phone 133,
• Accommodation
For students or others. Location'
very central. , Tither rooms or board.
Every room Heated. Bathroom and
phone. Mrs, Downs, Ontario and Wil-
liam streets. 24 4
Eggs and Poultry Wanted '
Fresh' eggs and live poultry wanted.
Write lire stating what you have to of-
fer. A. Judd, Box 140, Montraclk, Oiit,
Now is the
3m' Far•mss•s' and Poultrymen G, clear
their rens of roosters <iud fat brood �..
1 Y
! n..
11e are buyers 12 nlonlhs in the year.
for. both Eggs and Poultry
Clinton Poultry House
N. W. Trewartha
Phones—Office, 214j` Residence, 214w
School of Commerce
Clinton, Ontario
Olfcrs the -following. advantages—
Expert Teachers
Two Standard makes of Type-
Practical Business Training.
Gregg Shorthand
Secretarial Duties
Actual Office Practice
And a record of successful grad-
uates, whose high standard for good.
work we expect you to reach or ex.
SEPT. 6th
When you think of a Commercial
Course write'
B. F. WARD,B.A;, M..Accts.
Phone 198
Order Winter Coal Now
Prices are lower, delivery is
prompt. The foal you select is stored
in your bin—and all worry is oyer f=or
this year.
Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery
Phone 111
Phone 182
For Sale
White, brick' house on Princess St,,
east, with 8 rooms and bathroom,
town and -eat water, electric lights,
s/o acre of land with barn, large and
small fruit.. Possession any time.
Apply to Levi Stong. 23-4
House forSafe
On Victoria street, opposite Wes-
ley' -Willis church. 8 rooms, electric
lights and water, stable, Fruit trees
and garden. Also Ford Touring ear.
Apply A. J. Grigg, 24-tf-2p
1lelmesville'Cheese 'For—Sale
Large, 20e per lb.; flats, 21c per Ib,
Stilton, 24c per lb. Order from W. H.
Lobb, Salesman, phone 605-r-32 or
from Clifford Lobb, Grocer, Clinton;
phone 40.. 21-tf
` Rouse For Sale
Large red brick house, corner Or-
ange and„Wellington streets, 8 rooms,
all modern conveniences. Possession..
when desired. Also a barn anu 3± acre
lot on. W'elliington street. Apply to
Mrs. W. Jenkins.
Farm For Sale'
100 acres, good soil, fine buildings,
small maple bush,, 41/a miles from
Clinton. • Will sell cheap arid on easy
terms. Will sell crop with farm if
desired. Inquire at News -Record of-
fice. 12-tf
House For Sale
A nine -room house on " Princess
street, 4 acre lot, electric light, fur-
nace; three-piece bath,' all in first-
class condition. Apply to E. L. Mit-
tell, Clinton, Phone 213. 08-tf.
Sheep For Sale
20 Leicester ewe lambs and 15
Yearling ewes; :same "breed. •Well-
bred'and in good condition. Apply to
T. E. Cole and Son{ Lot 25, Con, 10,
Goderich' township. R. R. No. 3, Clin-
ton. Phone 605-r-11, Clinton central.
. 22-1f
Auction Sale •
Clearing Auction Sale of farm
stock and implements at lot 22, con.
7, Goderich township, 7 miles south-
east of Goderich on Monday, Sept.
12th at 1 o'clock, sharp, consisting of
the following;_Jiorses-Matched,grey
terim,'8 years 'old; general purpose
horse, 9 years old; extra, good road
horde;,8 years- old,'gauranteed good
either single, or double;, Percheron
filly 2 years- old; Percheron gelding,
2 years old. Cattle -2 young cows
due to freshen in March; 2 young
cows due to . freshen in October; 8
year ,old cow, due to freshen in Feb-
ruary; 8 year old cow, due to freshen
October 10th; 4 year old cow, due to
freshen December 25th; 3 year old
cow, due to freshen March 20th; 3
Holstein heifers, . due to freshen in
January; 2 2 -year-old steers; 2 Calves
3 weeks old. Pigs -20 store hogs; 2
choice sows dtd hi October; 2 brood
sows; registered York hog. Poultry
—125 pullets, 75 young roosters,'' 50
1 -year' old hens; good Collie clog-. 30
bushels early Irish .Cobbler potatoes.
11 acres of buckwheat (standing
crop). ' 500 bushels • of clean oats..
Implements—good farm wagon, near-
ly new; 16 -ft. luny rack .(new'); 7-£t
binder, cut 4 props;, 9 -ft. -Steel reller;
walking plow; heavy set har-
ar.•ness; extra good set of driving her--
ness; set of block and- tpckle (extra
heavy); a good Massey -Harris, seed
drill. Reerything to, bo sold as pro.
prietor is going west,guaranteed rno
outside stock and everything advei
tised to bo sold without reserve.
Ter tes: All suns of 310 and under,
cash; over that amount, 12 months'
credit will be given on furnishing
bankable paper, or a discount of 6 per
cent will, be allowed for cash on credit
amounts. Richard Band, Proprietor.
George H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 25-2
Made on. many " articles in our, recent
o .
sale, l , will be conte :�
n ed for the'
fpresent. gest: therefore that you come
in and see
us b
be o
f re buying r as it will be
toid decided `
r c
y e ed advantaeo '
i1ier :Hardware C
Sole Agents for Clinton and Territory.
The Fall Term
in ,Shaw's Twelve Toronto 'Bust.,
Hess Schools opens on Monday,
August 29th. Calendar mailed on
request to W. R. Shaw, Registrar,
46 B,1oor St. West, Toronto.' Please
write for it.
I have a quantity of good, hard
wood and some slabs for sale.
I would like all old accounts
straightened up at once.
will e at his s office
in Clinton each
From"""3. to 6 p.m.
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and :re-
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms Iver Heard's B..rber shop.
W, J. Jago: 2283-tf
Phone 155 , Huron street
For Sale
Titan 10-20 tractor, a three-fur-
hreefuii-row Cockshutt tractor plow, 13 -inch
Gilson insilage cutter. These are all
in first class condition and will: be
sold cheap. The pried of this outfit
can easily be made doing custom
plowing and silo filling for farmers.
Apply to Frenk W. Andrews, Clinton..
Phone 38w. 26-tf
A bin-ful of Heat Folks' --Coal in
your house serves notice on every cold
wave that the Heat Folks are on
And that it means instant death to
try to get in.
A phone call to 74 will assure your
home of this protection.
Call the akrm
for good, dean coal
J. B. Musiartl
Singer Sewing Macliine-
Leased on Small Monthly Payments
Big Discount en Cash, Sales
Now is the' time to -have your ma-
chine repaired'and cleaned. Repairs,
Needles, Belts and Parts,, for all
Phone 1713 P.O. Box 201, Clintes§
A 1923 model Ford coupe in good
running order.
Overhauled and Repaired
Charged and Repaired
W. 'J. Nediger, Prop.
We have a complete line of
Toronto Asphalt Shingles and
Roofing for siding or roofs if
you are considering roofing
compare ours, before buying,
with , any other. This is the
best by test.
Always carry Bran, Shorts,
Western Oats, best quality at
lowest price,
Phone 123
Flour and Feed Merchants and
Grain Buyers
Om i m V NNERs Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs'• Irons, Pans- and other
Wiring and Repairs.
.ems.. _.. ........
Fe -'",ds of all inds
Bran--Shorts--Middlings—Two grades of Western Oats
Mixed Grain,' for Hens
We also have Fine ancF,Cloarse Scratch Feed, Hominy Feed,
Ontario Oats, Chopped and Rolled Oats, Ground and Unnground
Screenin'g•s .444heat and Barley, A11 -Binds of Royal Purple Stock
Foods, Cod Liver:0i1 for Hens.
Five Roses, Maple Leaf and Purity Flour
Sugar by the. Hundred weight
PHONE 199 -