HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-09-01, Page 9TU INT t)1 Nl titi S RECOIID TI%URSDA'Y', SE I.:EMBElt 1, 1927, LINTO��N''S LEADING JEWELERY STORE 'STl N Maine school \vpric''`. leans night Nerd for the veragestudent,, because early.= evening hours are usually taken up with any, number of other duties. Therefore, par e n t s should make :.sure, their child is not subjecting eyes tosseverd strain or overtaxing which in later years will collect a heavy • toil.- Great care should be taken by all parents to prevent in,jnryto eyes of their ' . children : during sehoeil niontlis.' It isn't just enough to think your child's eyes are all r ght, . Yon shetild KNOW. The way t; o know is to have their eyes' exainined by "someone qualified to tell you the truth. We .have always specialized on children's• eye examination. And we - never recommend glasses unless it be for' health's salcer Bring; Your Child In • Graduate of Toronto College, of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug Store i, • Get Ready Fir School How about a new suit' for opening day'? The old one must be pretty well worn out after two - Months -of strenuous holi- days. Special . prices on Boys' Suits for two weeks: $6.50 to $9.95 Some with 2 pairs of Bloomers Vigorous Canadian boys and girls need sturdy faotweur.:We Min. to secure the 'best possible values for the price. We' are -offering special .values for two weeks: $2.25 to $3.50 ,• Some less than cost SPECIAL PRICES 'ON RALSTON'S RELIABLE. SHOE POLISH. Reg. 15c Sizefor lOc' steel Bros. PHONE 25, Seh®ol Days Wil! Soon be Here We hive •Bever tried it with either children• or adults but we have been told that "You can fool some of the peopel All of the time and some of the people most of the time, but you cannot feel the children -at all;" We can believe this to be. true in respect to the children and their bnyiny of School Supplies. They know values and•.onjoy, tint profit by the eiq er-. ience of doing their buying. Opening Day; will be one of new impressions, new thoughts, and new tasks. • We have tried to provide such supplies as will make school work easy and pleas- urable. In Text Books, those meetin;, the ;regulations of the Department of Education for • our =local institutions and 'at the.prices made by them. In general supplies such as Scribblers, Pencils, Crayons, we try to offer a few specials: - One worthy of mention is a lead pencil at two for ;five cents, and another'an eight -color tin box of crayons at 25c. Then we have a '916 - page Scribbler for 10c, fair quality paper; substantial:; -'doves and many other' values„equal to any. RE READY WHEN TITE BELT; aA RINGS Mid -Season inventory shows a number .Of last year's Radio Sets in Stock.” We are marking these sets down to half price t� clear out "These sets will compare favorably in every way with this year's model. Come in and tear and see these sets if inters, ested in Radio. We can save you .money. Sutter PLUMBING HARDWARE Phone ' 147w Ivsnmseveameanminsol er'd e ELECTRICMasozeronerstamiezramerstmot WIRING A H,�i me 'of Cre Dipt Shingles More than a . house, more than a place to live in, more even than a thing of beauty --is home..' It is part of oneself, growing dearer as the years go by, gathering ';about itselfthe memories of love and friendship, adding contin- ually to its freshness, the charm of time. ;'Such homes are those which strike the imagina- tion, fulfill fondest de- sii es. • Such are homes•: built in the truly artistic style, Such will your home be, if built with ha - titre's building material-- Creo-Dipt Stained Shingles—ott. roof and sidewalk. Crco-Dipt stained shingles in thirty shades of brown, green, red, gray or white, make possible an accurate: interpretation of individuality in home building. • Trier . Fair Go. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best FOIL 'SALE 'Thomas McKenzieEstate;'Clintonn EVERYTHING IN BUILDERS' SUPPLIES PHONE : Mrs. James Flynn ' is visiting this week with Kitchener friends. Dr. P.; U•Iearn and family intend mot- oring to Toronto the 'beginning of the 'week. Mrs. Lochart of Sioux Lookout vis- ited her cousin, Miss Marne Muff,' ores day last .week. Mr.' alai Mrs. G. W. Pinner returned on Satui:day from a trip to Toron- to and Smith's ,Falls. Mrs. .D. Dicicensed and Mr. Wilfred. Dickenson • of Hamilton visited Clinton friends last week. Miss Irene East of Stratford was the guest of her 'cousin, Miss Clara Steepe, one day last week, Mr. and Mrs; -..Alexander Elliott of Philadelphia, ;Rei., have been visit- ing the foriner's brothels in town. Mr. and Mrs. R. Morrison. and Miss Morrison of. Hensall visited -with Mr. and Mrs. E. Morrison on Sun- day. Miss Florence -Johnston left yester- day to resume her duties on the teaching staff of the Ford Public school. 1Vlisa Ruby Churchill has returned grain 1Vfuskoka,. after spending a fortnight with her sister, 1VOI: D. Massey. Mr. and Mrs., E. H. Wise and Miss Edna Wise -deft this week on a motor trip to. Port Huron; and Cleveland. - Mr. and Mrs. E. R, Zinn and little sort of Lanes visited the lady's -par ents, Mr. and Mrs, George Holland, this week..: Mr. and Mrs: Frank Layton and Mr,. and Mrs, .Fred Nott of the London road, spent Sunday with friends in Kincardine, Mrs. Wm. Rutledge is spending, a va- cation in. Toronto as the guest of her daughters, Mrs: Russell and Mrs. Ferris. Mr. and Mrs. John Pepper and son, George, of Adorable, Mam, were guests the past week with rela- tives inClinton. Rev. J E. and Mrs Ford of 'Goderieh and Rev. J W. and Mot. Scott of .Owen Sound called on Clinton. friends on Sunday'. Miss Mary -Kerr of; North Morning - ton has been holiadying during the past cguple„of weeks with Miss Muriel Downs of town. • Mrs. James Scott left Monday f'r Calgary, Alberta, beingg, called thence -by the serious illness of her mother; Mrs. James Fair, Mr. Harold' Pickett, accompanied by Mr. Fratilc Andrews, " motored to Toronto for the opening of the Canadian National Exhibition, Misses. Mary Chidley and Ruth Jack- .; e'en ack-.;son returned to Toronto after spending the holidays at the home of their mother, -„Mrs'. T. Jackson. Mr, Benson ''Corless has returned from a pleasant •-holiday' spent at London, Port Stanley`and'.with his uncle, Mr.- E. -J, Colquhoun of Science Hill. Mrs. T. D. Johnston and her little granddaughter of • Chippewa re- turned home on Saturday -after spending some time with her son W. L. Johnston:: 1V4rs. Raymond Davis and :family of Staifa and Misses Margaret,'Ethel and Annie Colquhoun of Science Hill visited last week with Mrs: E, Kennedy and Mrs. Coldest. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Blake and fam- ily of Orillia have been visiting the past week at the home of Mrs. Blake's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Gale Orono street. M .and, Mrs G. H,Elliott and fain- ily niotorod to Port'. Huron on 1Vroiiday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott' returning Wednesday.: The children are remaining for a week, The and Health Ment for Schools. Along. the line of Toronto Exhibition cation period is over and the re -opening of schools" dead - us to suggest the foilowiog "Bill of Fare°' for School Chilcren FOR BREAKFAST Hot Cereal or Bran Flakes Brown Bread - Marmalade or Jam Glass of Milk or 'i -Tone FOR DINNER Soup -Vegetable Potatoes One Ve etable—Caaioi;, of ncets Tapioca., Rice or Sago Pudding Glass of Milk FOR SUPPER Salad (Vegetable} Bread and Butte Fresh Fruit -Thimble Berries or Peaches Cocoa or Vi -Tone Toddy or Vitono . . FOR LUNCHES 59c Smiles apd Chuckles, 2nds, lb. 49c Roque£or)Cheese, To'keep'that-School ,Girl Complexion, Palm Olive Soap, 3 for 25c. Eyerrythi g For Making Sandwiches for Lunches Chicken Paste .. 26e1 Cream , ,15c I Sandwich. Spree .. . 35e SPECXAL ,Anchovie Paste . 25e I Pimento Cheese .......150 Picnic Lunch Boxes. Shrimp. 25c Salmon, per tin .. 20e Sandwich Filing 20e to 35c With Assorted Biscuits Olive Butter .. 25e Red Salmon, per tin .. 25e I Peanut Butter . , 25c Each., 90e t I � h, Aylmer Peas, 2 cans for 25c Fresh Salmon Trout on 'Tuesdays and Fridays • Picnic Ham Week -End Specials ' '$reakfast Bacon per lb. 3 pkgs. Jelly9e Powder FancylbCooki29c I es 1 3'pkgs: C25ornc Flakes per lb. 25c For 1 , per . 29c For Pickling Season—Peppers,' red end green, Pickling :Onions, -Celery,: Tomatoes, Spices: , . ~ In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. in the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 Cash and Service 'T 1" AIWNOVVIRO Pan. Where " Sells for less ' price prevails, Kindly Order Early ?hone 48 .nmrremu+.181.1.04ma.w mamae.a_vmaaw SPECIALS Lard, 5 ib. pail . 89e i pail ,. 38e Corn Syrup, 5 ll ketchup, large , 25e Canned Peas, 2 for ,. •.n 25c Where- - Fresh Means Fresh THIS WEEK I'Rice; 3 lbs. for Starch, pelt lb. Corn Starch, per pkg. a Ly Golden do Syrup yiu1 25c - 10c 10e 30e Vinegar for Pickling Blended or White Wine, 50c per gallon Anfronia, 3 .pkgs, for , . 25e Ringo, 3 pkgs. for , , ... , 25c Rubber Rings, 3 pkgs. for 25e Cups and Saucers, doz...$1.70 Toilet special, 7 for 25c Catsup, large . 20c Matches, 8 boxes .for .. 25e Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs, for 25c PEACHES — BLUE BERRIES — APPLES, Etc. TOMATOES -- CELERY - CABBAGE - CAULIFLOWER L. Lawson fe Co. PHONE 111 - PROMPT DELIVERY .._.-. Hot -:Weather Groceries Whether you eat ,at home camp or picnic; buy your fresh grocery supplies at The C. S. Grocers Music Lessons. Edna Wise, A.T.C.• Teacher ;of Pigno and ;Theory ' Studio at 'twine on ONTARIO STREET Phone 153j 25-tf C041.4 New; ieliftg and Up. -tet -Date, ' See our new Jubilee Dining room suite4he fittest Canadian Pro- duction every shownin these parts. • tee styles it will Our whole furniture stocl�,is all the latest y so pay you to drop in and look us over and we 'will be glad to deliver to any address. HARDWARE We have a few coal oil stoves and ovens which you will be able to save money on by buying now. A full line of Granitewate in all the new colors., Get your roofs ready for the rough weather now. Use the cel- ebrated Brantford roofing which has stood the • test of years and is still going strong. - A good line of roofing paints, in black for asphalt and red for steel. Any ,furnace trouble, tell ms. Plumbing or Tinsmithing, satis- faction guaranteed, Clinton Hardware and 'Furniture .Co THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 .STAR THEATRE. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday—Sept. 3, 6 and 7 The Doiiii-Bride What is a "Demi-Bride?" See Normal Shearer at the Star Theatre and find out. If you can see for laughing, Admission -25c and 15e Thursday, )!`riday and Saturday' -Sept. 8, 9.and 10 Sweet Adeline "Sweet Adeline" is a love tale in Romantic Rural setting Admission -25e and 15e Prs'ervin Season • IS APPROACHING 'AGAIN ' Seeour cooking utensils — Pure. Aluminum and the,' SMP Pearl and Diamond Ware. Something for every- pne. W!hy not use an oil stove this year for the preserving season? You will D. L. and. W.' Coal and Semet-Solenjoy' being in the kitchen with the vay Coke alaivys on hand for imn'ied-Perfection or'Nesce. Think it over' and see^ns before iate delivery. you buy Also a,, quantity of dry Maple - Wood Pricesreasonableand same to' all W. J, MII LER & SON Orders token at residence, Ontario:51, Phone 16 T. IIawIdns HARDWARE cud PLUMBING Phano 244, pmmemeneaseseternevnamema NOW PLAYING • "FRONTIERSMAN"—With Tim McCoy Admission 25c and 15e' Bring ui your Eggs While rash We invite customers to visit our candling and grading room to see grading properly done. We Pay Spot Cash 1\loiv is the time to market yonr fat broody hens and old roosters Gunn,: Langton Co . Limited HEAT) OFFICE MONTREAL, I$1JE. For further information apply to CLINTON BRANCII,4I'CL1NTON,;DNTARIO PH(JNE 190