HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-09-01, Page 4'CO Pl811'S School Books For the opening : of schools we have a f u11 as- sortment of the authorized Text Books "at the best values procurable, Scribblers, Pads, Pencils, Cr•aj+ons, etc. TILE TON .NDW, -RECORD Coats, !P, -0esses a:.ndliats Our ain1`,is to give you Coats,. Dresses and Hats at :popular prices. For a' small deposit we will keep what you want for your convenience. You will be pleas- ed with our assortment and prices WALL PAPER For those who paper in the fall we offer you the advantage of re- duced prices on clearing lines, Some of the 1928 li so be in stock:. shortly. ` nes will al A. is Cooper, Clinton • Special Piano Bargains Pianos at All Prices .(NEIL.. Clinton's Musical Instrument. Representative Always at Your Service - Bolt 113 or Phone 273, ,Clinton. 1 • New Falb "Snits and Overcoat See the Bear -Cat Segni-Fitted Bran Smart, Snapp; and Well -tailored, -23.15 avis St ettnati deaning:arid Pressing Custom Tailoring 1 EST EKN FAIR LONDON ,, - CANADA September i th to *71h,1021 D1A1V OND JUBILEE EXHIBITION Wiiteat once for full information and Prize List, and get your Entries in early. This is going to be the biggest year yet. 535,000 IN PRIZES AND ATTRACTIONS Send for Prize List and further information, to J. Ii. SAUNDERS, President: , W. D. JACKSON, Secretary'. LONDON, ONTARIO Constance Miss Anna Lee,; who has been visit- ang at the home of her uncle, Mr.R. E. Livingston, was given a 'kitchen • shower last Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibbings, Clinton. About thirty guests ' were. present. A very enjoyable evening: was spent in •mnsie, ,recitations, etc., after which dainty refreshments were served.•. Miss Mabel Livingston as spending this week visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. , and Mrs. Win. Wilson and daughter of Cleveland returned home last week tftei"visiting their friends here. Mr. "and Mrs. Jack McIntosh of Toronto are visiting' the former's aunt, Mrs. Colclough. Mr. and Mrs. Erneat Adams and son spent Sunday in Staffa. Wilfred Scott, James . 'Brown and W. Wright left on Monday for the West. Mrs. Philips and daughters of Tor- onto spent a couple of weeks with the Misses' Willison. Master Charlie Wakefield is ex- pected home early this week after his accident and stay in•the 'hespital fora week. We hope he will improve quickly. Mr, Jack McQueen left on Sunday .after spending the vacation with his mule, 1\fr. Win. Cameron. show on Sept.0th, '.Miss Elizabeth Scott . and Miss• .Enema McDonald were in Detroit this -week visiting 'friends. Miss Annie Foote entertained at the tea hour on Wednesday: Mrs. Wooley entertained at her home at a delightful card party -on Tuesday evening. The many friends of Mr.. Neil, Smith will be pleased to know he is improdtng after his serious illness, Brtcefield. Wbrd has been received of the pass- ing of Mr. John Lawrence of Maun- dornin, formerly of Tuckersmith. Mr: Lawrence lived for many 'ears on the farm now owned and occupied by Mr.: Dougal Fothe;ingham 1•'?fty- two' years ago he was united inmar- riage to Miss Etta Dunmore of Tuekersmith. His wife and two -sons are left to mourn his loss• Wilson of Windsor and 'Morley of Maundornin. He lived to the ripe old age cif eighty- six years. Starilej Township Mrs. Arthtir Caldwell was hostess. at a delightful linen and towel show- er at her home on the 3rd: concession of Stanley, in honor of the bride-to- be, Miss ride-tobe,'Miss Mary Edna McCowan, second daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Coawn of Stanley. There were more than thirty ladies present and the afternoon was pleasantly spent in music, contests and conversation, fol- lowed by a dainty tea on the lawn. The gifts were .brought to :Miss Mc- Gowan on a little express .wogan, nicely decorated.' in pink and white and: drawn by two children, Mar- garet lAcQueen, ar-garetMcQueen, in a pretty pink` frock and hat, and Alex. Thomson in a suit of'bine. ..The, event also marked the, anniversary of Mrs. Calth'cll's birth- day. •- Miss H. Isabel Graham of Seaforth is visiting at the home of Mr. Geo. Baird. Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. McDonald of London spent a few days visiting at Mr. Thos. Campbell's. Master Stewart Baird is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Jos. Aitcheson of Mc- Killop: Dr, Peter McEwen of Detroit is• spending' his holidays with his sis- ter,. Mrs, J. Pearson, and -brother, Mr.. J. McEwen of Bayfield- Road. Mr. Lorne Pepper left this week on the Harvest excursion for Pasqua; Sask. • (Frei -it 'another correspondent) • Mr. and Mrs. John Innis motored to Toronto on Saturday and, are vis- iting relatives and taking itt the Ex. They were accompanied by Miss Isabel Glen, who is also visiting rela- tives. Mr., Donald Glen left Tuesday for the Wlest. Miss Zetta Jackson has 'returned to Philadelphia after spending' a couple of months wish her parents here. - Dr. P. C. McEwen of Detroit, is spending a fewweeks with his sis- ter, Mrs. John. Pearson, and other re- latives. The :Doctor is recovering from a serious operation. MissJackson, Di. Wesley Mr. and Mrs. B - Kaiser and Mr. H. Zapfe of Detroit visited friends in Tuckersnlith last, week. Mrs. Wm. Rattenbury is visiting at the home of her son, Mr. J. Rat- tenbury Of Burlington and also in- tends of her i ' at theItem tends.vts ting daughter, Mn. T. Dunlop of Toronto, before xetnrning home. ' Mrs. (Dr.) Stewart and family of Battle Creel( were the gents of Mr. and Mrs, Moodie last week. Mr and Mrs. L. Forrest ave at- tending,Toronto fair this week. Mrs. Arthur Caldwell was hostess at a delightful linen shower at her home in honor of Miss Ted MCCow- an, a popular bride -elect, whose mar- riage took place this week to Mr, B. Batt of Markham, The guests spent he afternoon itt games, contests and.; music, At the close little Miss Mar 'garet McQueen and Master, Alex. Thomson brought out a very pretty decorated express wagon laden ,with the many beautiful presents. Little Margaret McQueen presented the bride -elect with .a beautiful bouquet :of autumn flowers, after which the presents . were opened, Miss Vera Pepper reading the many original Mr. Harold Munntngs, ly1tss; Frances yerses.yhieh gtysed nisch merriment. IfeLurty, h?i0$..retia Fisher, Miss Yteires.anent were then served .an Annte.. Idler, kiss Lsola Snyder, tables ' on the lawn, the decorations Miss . Gladys •Treble, Misses Ilam and in the house and en the lawn being, Mabel Brown, Miss Pearl Finnigan, irk and white flowers. M. Cecil Culbert and sister, Mk. Mel- pI • vin Culbert, Mrs. Mrs. Vttyard and Mr. Kira. Rohner "spent the week -end J M 'Wh' ney All returned with • her sister, Mrs. Smith of Exeter,. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Walker of Niagara Fad are the ,guests ' of Mrs. Sohn 'Walker, Mr. find, Mrs. •Walker are just 1eturning,honte from d, year in E ascot. ' ' • Miss Reale Rouatt of London spent .Mx, and Mrs. William Watson. They returned on Tuesday. Mr. Troyer is a head workmanin'a large factory.i_n Pontiac,' Mks Thornby Lamb • met with an accident on,.Siaturday last. : She was 'diivmg the horse in the buggy, driv- ing the cows •,to pasture when the horse ran into , tate ditch throwing Mrs. Lanli out. A little time elapsed before she was found. and she. is nurs- ing a broken ;arm. The horse -took the ,baggy, home, with nothing broken it is said, Mrs. John Arthur fell down, stairs on Tuesday morning withthelamp,. escaping with some bruises. Portu-, ately the lamp did not set the house afire. A lantern is safer if in a hurry. Mr. and;. Mrs. William Watson, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark visited with Mr. and Mrs.. Will Clayton. 111r. Clayton was a former partner in bits - Mess where Mr, Clark now carries en,. .The also went to see Mr. Cl'ark's brother, Bob, at'Embro, then to I:Iarry Clark's, south of : Stratford.:' Mr. T. II. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs, Stoll visited with Mr. and Mrs. can: Crawford Crawford of flint, 'Michigan. Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. E. Weiclo and family o1 the Parr line, Hay, visited Mr. and Mrs.. Emmerson Sinitlt on Sunday, Mrs. Johns and dau<.};litei, Miss Mabel,' moved this week to Alvinston, where Miss Johns intends teaching the coining. terth. Mr. Alex. McKenzie, who has car- ried on a harness -making business in Kippen for the past twenty years or so, has sold his residence to Mr. John Worinpan and intends -having a sale of his household effects. He will continue ,his business for a time at least, . Should Mr. McKenzie decide to leave Kippen he will be much mis- sed as hens an excellent citizen. He is in Toronto at present visiting his daughters. EDUCATION AND PIIELICITY WILL MAKE IIIGHWAYS SAFE No Loafing to be Allowed on Main stated Wm, ' Finldlay, of Toronto, a member'of the Executive Committee of the Good Roads Association. "We, now have no end of regulations when you hake into consideration -those of all nineprovinces. To my.mind the best method of accomplishing the end in view to by constant education. We must create a 'traffic consciousness' in the mind of all drivers, By that I mean simply the 'unremitting -use of common sense and courtesy. -If all drivers used only common, sense and ordinary courtesy, ,the 'accidents 'on our highways would at onee be re- duced to a minimum:'. At the Good Roads' Association meeting ways and means are to be discussed about inculcating a ,great- er measure' of "traffic consciousness." Ti is now recognized that this is the great problem with which tiro deal. The day is past' when it: is necessarry iURSDAY, SEPTI MBEIY i, 192'7:. to educate the ptal4ic. as to the.ad-- vantages' good roads. 1t is a mat - 1b g ter of educating the ,public ou how to .use good roads. sanely, oaten."' and wisely, now that they have them, THEY STICK YOU Alexander Kerensky, one time Rus - tion President, said at a dinner in Philadelphia: The bolsheviks conspire in every: country, they plot against every gov ernment, and if Yon' utter a word of disapproval -dear me, bow their feel-, ings' are `hurt! As sure as death they'll bomb y:. you if they get a ' chance.". "Nevertheless," 'declared -a rich •rad- ical, "the. bolsheviks, you must re- member, have their good points." "Yes,". said M, Kerensky davagely,, "the.same as a porcupine has his" Highways, The views of Hon. Geo. S: Henry, Minister of Iighways in Ontario, dif- fer to some extent from those of his brother minister in Quebec in mat- ters pertaining to the; control of motor traffic. Mt•. Henry' -maintains that publicity and education will make the highways safer than any drastic 'legal enactments. ' His meth- ods of attaining his objective in the matter of safety have attracted con- siderable attention, and as he' is also President of the Canadian Good, Roads Association,' it is certain that various methods of` traffic control 'will be the subject of discussion when the Association holds its annual meet: ing at. Niagara Falls on September 27, 28 and 29 next. ' Warning Against Loafing Huron `•Specialty Casting Co,, Foundry CLINTON. ONTARIO' • Manufacturers of Iron, Brass and Aluminum Castings. •All makes' of Plough Shares and Sole 'Plates • ' Wheelbarrow Wheels, Grate Bars,; and Chilled; Face Anvils Prices Reasonable. Men's Oxfords In all the latest styles, in either black or tan, From 25-tf�, These are exception- ally good value: Come. in and look' them over. • Only a few days ago Mr. Henry had an advertisement printed in many' attention .to calling a Ontario papers p p Jackson and Mr, 'John Jackson of seven rules for safety. Among ,these Winnipeg and • Mr. Stanley Jackson, rules appeared for the first time a wife and son, were all weep -end vis- warning to motorists not :to loaf on itors with their parents, Mr. and •Mrs: the main highways. Sueh a warning James Jackson. i is the result of many complaints that Miss Mary Stewart left 'Monday notoriously slow drivers have been' for Webbwood, where she will teach holding up long lines of traffic. In for .the coming .year. turn, such slow moving traffic lines Mr. Lorne Pepper left Monday for have started the: dangerous cutting in Moose Jaw, Sask., on the Harvesters practice. Mr. Henry advises motor - excursion. ists who are merely,. out for a plea- sure drive that if. they desire to move slowly they . should • use county and township roads where the traffic' is fight. The whole idea is to avoid con- gestion on the main provincial high- ways and 'keep traffic on them .mow ing steadily and ata pace which Wi11; not tempt the "cutter in," No at- tempt is ,made' by the Minister to de- fine a loafing speed, but on Ontario's main highways anything under fif- teen miles an hour may be safely classified as loafing, • • • Another point in this. advertisement which- has attracted much attention is the advice to drivers to let cars pass them if the,. attempt is made.' In Ontario it is :illegal to race with a James c in car when overtaken.. As a matter of with satisfaction considering this one fact the law distinctly states that the of the perfect days: driver overtaken must pull over to Mr. and. Mrs. Jessie Troyer :and the right and allow the second car to their two, children of Pontiac, Mich- pass. 'igen motored over on Friday. and vis Become "Traffic Conscious" ited Miss Marion. Watson and brother Allan, IVtr. and Mrs. Alex Watson and Officials of the .Canadian . Good Roads Association agree with the On- tario Minister that all car drivers' must become "traffic conscious." That is, they must realize that the question of. the safety of the highways, .in the final analysis, is altogether in their own. hands. In Canada today there are approximately 7,000 miles of paved roads' and 48,000 miles of good gravel roads, so that it is manifestly impossible to keep a constant police, patrol' •to have every motorists checked up: "I doubt very ;ouch if wo can make the highways safe solely bythe 'en- lations t•e u -and , laws g • meat of force Colborne Township Those: who went to Niagara Fails August 19 all .reported such a good 'time that,.twenty Atwo went. on Aug. 26. They were;; Mr. and ' Mrs, ,Ward Gledhill, Mrs, John Long,' Mrs, Os- mond,.Mrs, Parkinson, Miss Sadie Good, Mrs. Bill. Good and little son, BAKRY' S SHOE STAKE Opposite Post Office the weeek-end at her home here, Mi. and Mrs. Jack Rattenbury mot- ored up from Burlington on Sunday. On their return.;IIrr, Rattenbury's. mother accompanied them, Mr. John Hehner is visiting., God erieh friends. - Master Fred Rathwell is the gtsett, of Mrs. Ross Scott. Quite a number of our boys are leaving for the West. n 'in at are Cat The Trail Rangersp g Bayfield thiS week. Brucefield' Horticultural Society intend holding their annual flower 1A` IttING SMOOTHER PERFO 'NCE. AT N EW LOWER PRICES. OT only dashing new,smartness, but dashing performance ---in the latest, greatekt Oldsmobile Six. , Thrilling— smoother —with sweeping acceleration and flowing power. For Oldsmobile engineering has. kept. step with new styling, new luxury and new colors. See these new Oldsmobile features. oases hike SERIES Special 2 -Door Sedan - t$1,115 Special 4 -Door Sedan - . Special De Luxe Landau Sedan, with trunk''1m1,095, 345 Special Comercial' Coupe - - ' - Special De Luxe Sport Coupe, with dickey sea 1,205 Prices at Factory, Oshmva„Ontario-Government Taxes Extra OLDS BILE S Clinton PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OP CANADA, LIMrFED 0 y_e!rsiaroao as'syio Rvsrsortiren • • , n ' Follow the crowd to the sign of the boy and slate. Everybody'sbUying , 'En-ar-co Motor Oil and *White Rose ,*Products of Canadian Oil Companies, ' Limited. 0...ThrtUtitrit 41.+"1 dos. tci„ J u .ta;to: ,:0.,.44t