HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-09-01, Page 1ii 24 5 -49th Year 11011EFITISINII •IN THE WJTIt iriTICII' cLiArrorkf, CLINTON NEWS- NCORI'ORATEI), THE CLINTON NEW ERA NTARIo, THRJ stAltr, sEprriEmjEft 49a7 FrOlig HELPS THDIFT1 mat,;watomo400ras,...ea...... liota. Watch too, 6itoti1d - 1.011.--9..ressed " You insist ispon style, of eourse, in your eIothing, your autoino- bile;your hem—in feet, in almost everything that serves you in this business of living.' ' Yet one 'point :inay have escaped you; as it has so many others. And that is—yorm.evatch. ' ' • • Tod gy triere must be style in Your watch --true art in its design, distinctiveness in its shape and finish. An old-fashioned, Milky, over- ornametted watch may reinan otherwise excellent attire. , Iri 0111' complete .,stock you will find the "best -dressed" -watches that monesr-can'buy--baciced up by' our guarantee as to quality and reliability as -a timekeeper. ,Phone esseeses-see, ,• • .TEWELER and OPTOMETRIST Residence 17:ij 1 Von•www•amMiseem. 621.1•11.11.1••••••11 Me•Va onomisoma6.1 Ht New resses Models That Show • the Trend of Fashion - Arriving Daily, re• - placing those 'which early ,buyers are al- ready choosing. You .are cordially invited to inspect the range, sizes 14 to 44. No two alike. Every .n um b e rdistinctiv- ely smart. V•1•111011.10MMI.00"11.....1114,.. 101.1611161.44•101 OBVIINSW10.11141.10MIRMIIM, BOYS- siloob srITS BUILT FOR DUTY -We've School Suits built on purpose to hold that active boy . who was never known to be quiet, We want 'parents to see our school suits, •exainine them,. try them on the boys. • Boy's Suits, with extra Knickers . • .. ................. • Boy's Suits, with exta Knickers . .... . 2.00 Boy's Suite with'extra Knickers . 12.50 33oy's 331ee Serge Suits, With extra Knickers "..1p,90 noy'ssu4s, cinepair knickers and one pair long trousers, .12,50 Boy's one knicker suiis . . . .. .... . .... .......3.56 to 1250 Ask -to- see our Blue Clydesdale Serge, color and wear guaranteed in youngtuen's Double Breasted extra trousers, special at $19.90 BOY'S SWEATERS 39c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 to $3.50 TKE MO11E11311 CLOTHIN' G.CO, "t Square Deal for Every Man-" 1 TI -IE MARKETS Wheat, $1.25 to .?1.2.S, Barley, 75e. Oats, 45c to 50e, • Buelcwheat, 75e. Butter, •32e to n5e. Eggs, 27e to 40c, Live Hogs,. $10.10. WILL RECEIVE. III's, Donald Douglas Money, (formerly Miss Richardson) of North street, Goderich, will receive for the. first time since her marriage on Fri- day, afternoon, Sept. 9th, from Tour to „six. Urs. James Donaldson will receive with her. s MARRIED GODERICH. Clinton friends itre interested in the marriage of a former citizen, that of Governor Janie B. Reynolds of Goderich, „who was 'recently wedded to Miss Webb, court stenograPher, also f Goderich. "Jimmy's' tiiende hereabents, extend good wishes for a happy future. WINS SCHOLARSHIP ' Miss Jean A. Fraser, daughter of IVIrs. T. Fraser who lives south of Clinton, and a graduate of the •Clin- ton Collegiate Institute, was the swine • ner of the' third Edward Blake Scholarship in scienee at the -Toronto "University and ranked first in the third Edward Blake Scholarship in Science proficiency, which was a- warded by reversion td another stud- ent. Miss Fraser is to be congrat- ulated. RORSES. RUN AIVIUGX Some excitement was caused last Saturday morning when It team of horses belonging to Mr. T. Cook dashed across Albert street and erash- ed into J. B. Shepherd and Co's plate. glass window. Mr. Cobk was putting hay into his barn when something frightened the horses, which were at- tached to the hay Sark.They made 4 spring, the rope broke and ti ey dash- ed across the vacant let facing The .Nenes-Record office, jumped up onto the sidewalk, whicheis twit and 4 half high, broke the Sheppard's win- dow and brought up in a beep before The News -Record door. Fortunately the horses were not injured. • But if The News -Record offiee inmates hadn't had good nerves and good eon- ,seiences--they'd have been, a- bit scared, " TURNER—CRI5IL A very pretty wedding 'took place at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Cricii,Victoria street, at high noon yesterday, Aug. 3Ist, when their youngest daughter, Pearl Irene, be- came the bride of Mr. John Edward Turner, youngest son of Mr. and Mire. George Turner of Tackerstnith, the Rev. A. E. Doan officiating. The wedding march was played by Miss Hattie Turner, siSter of the groom. . . The bride, who was given away by her father, looked lovely in a dimes of ivory flat crepe, a fine net veil falling from a coronet of orange blossoms, and wearing. a rope of pearls, the gift' of the groom. She carried a bouquet of Premier eases, cream stocks and baby's breath, Following the ceremoity a vseddieg Itunheon was served to about twenty guests, the table being decorated is pink and white. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Turner left on a motor trip to Toronto, Niagara and other points east, the. bride travel- ling in a navy meteor crepe dress, g gold brown needlepoint eoat with' Onnossuni collar and cuffs and hat and shoes to match: Returning' from the honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs. Turner will vesicle in Teel:el-smith, AMONG THE CHURCHES. „ Baptist Church Service at 1 o'clock Sunday evoiliiigt The pastor, Rev. J. B. McCormick, •left' preach, Sunday school at 2430. ' Wesley -Willie Hinted Church The regular meeting of the W.M.S. will be held in the Sunday school 1'00111 on Thursday evening, Sept. • 8th, commencing at eight, o'clock. Ontario Street 1Jnited Church Sunday, Sept. 4th will be Sunday School anniversary clay. Rev. G. E. Morley, B.A., of Toronto will be the special spehlter. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday Sehool-eally at 2:30 p.m. In th e morning Wiz'. Mor- ley. will give a 'dramatic recital of ''The Lost Word." and in the evening "Ben Ilur," In the afternoon he will give selected readings. On - Monday evening Mr. Morley will give a mixed program of lirtmerove-and more ser- ious selections, Come to all the services: You are assured a hearty ewleome. The Ladies' Aid will meet on Tues- day, Sept. 6th, at 3 p.m. St. George's ward will serve tea. • ' Frosb0Y0Han Church Service on Sunday at 11 o'clock. Sabject: "lesus--Crowned." Sunday school at 10 o'clock. 'On Sunday, Sept. 11 th, special an- niversary and Reopening services will be held at 11 a.m. and 7 pm. The preacher for the day will be the, Rev. E. Lloyd IVIorrow; B.D., Professor of Systematic Theology in Knox College. Dr, Morrow is one of the rising young, men of the 'Presby- terian •Church and is a preacher of unusual power. The choir will be assisted by Mrs.- W. Easson, Strat- ford, Mrs, A. J. McKay, Goderich, and Miss Mgry "Ilielidnrelne, Clinton. The Ladies' Auxiliary is erratic?- , -rite HOWIE PAPER ElICIIIINTS 41.011C THE 1111AD TO PITOSPI.:111T1' ENGAGEMENT ANNQ'UNCED. Mr, and Mrs. Geo .go Vantforee an - (i mice the engage' leaf of their eld- est 'daughter, Gretta • Alice, td Mr. John Willard Necliger, Sort.oC Mr. and Id .s. W. J, Nediger Clihton, the marriage to tette place in September. LIGHTS ON VEHIC.ILES Some people are 'requiring about the Provincial law requiring all wheeled vehicles to reeky lights. This law comes into effees on October lst. All- drivers ,of horse-drawn vehicles are then 7regaired to show lights. White in .front and e‘sd in the rear. It would be well to be ready as tbe.daw will probably be en(oeced sti4ctly. Although a few more weeks will el- apse before the law :mites into effect there is no law against', showing such lights now, and • suelt a peeemition may prevent -accidents. FULFORD—RDEGER. • The hone of Mr, and Mrs. T. Ful- forcl was the scene of 4 pretty-wed- idng on Tuesday evening, Aug. 25tb, when Jessie M. Ruego*, only daugh- ter of Mr. and JIrs. DaniPI Rueger of Goderich township, became the bride 'of Arthur R. Pulford of Clinton. The ceremony was performed by the Rev, L. C. Harrison. ' The bride, who was _given in mar- riage by her father, wore a gown of .French georgette with hat, hoes -and hose to match. She was attended by Miss Ada Fulford, sister of the groom, wearing a pretty sleeveless dress of Celanese- silk. Mr. Fred Fritzley of Goderich was best wan. Following the eeremeny the bridal Party and about thirty guests sat down to the wedding feast. MOOT—BELL, The marriage was 'solemn:zed the home of Mr. and • Mts. Henry Mogk, Logan tonwship, last week of Mrs, Florence Julia Bell of Clinton, and IVIV. Charles John Conrad lVfogk, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs, Henry Miser, the Rev. H. C. Bennie of Knox church, Mitchell, 'officiating. The bride was gowned in old rose silk trimmed with sand •witli suede shoes and hose to match, She wore a cor- sage bouquet of lily of the valley. Miss Martha Mogk, toustri of the groom, was brideemaid. She Wore Ali Bebe georgette trimmed with old rest/ ribbon, blonde sheds and hnse to match. Mr. Alvin Bose of McKillop was best man. ' Mr. and Mrs. Mogk will reside on the groom's farm 'in Logan township. and will be at home to their friends after SepteMber the lith. DIED IN TORONTO. The funeral of Miss Mary Rye. whoSe death occurred in Toi•onto on Sunday, took place on the arrival of the eleven o'clock train from Tor- onto yesterday, interment being made in Clinton cemetery. The late Miss Rye was a daughter of the late Joseph Rye and the family lived. here many years, removing to Toronto over twenty yeats ago. She is survived by one Sister, Carrie, with whom she lived in Toronto, and two brothers, both in the Canadian west, - Miss Carrie Rye and Miss Ranson, accompanied the remains to Clinton. The burial service, was read hy the Rev. A, A. Holmes and the pallbearers were: Messrs, R. Ceee,J: Crich and Olen, W. S. and Cree Cook. LITTLE- LOCALS ,• ' The toWn coencil meets on Tuesday evening next, Mondey being a holi- day. • . • Kinhurn football tenni defeated Phesley in a score of 4-3 at Listowel last.week. • Mrs. Hatwoedeog Stratford is ,vis-, Ring" Clinton • and vicinity in the ins :Wrests of the Lord's Day Alliance, Mr: L. W. Curren was amongst those hwo recently passed the prim- ai•y eamination its accountant and auditor, • ISrucefield softbell 'team Won two games on Tuesday, drie from Clinton and one fronaBlyth. • rhe first score was 11-7, the second 11-1. • ' , • Mr: and Mrs. 'Wilfred Tantier of Walleceburg., are moving to Wingham this week, lYfr. Tanner haying ac- cepted a position on the staff of the Wingliam High school. , The German -won the big swirls et Torthto yesterday. George Young, who seemed jb be the Sevoeite, man a good start but had to leave the water early in the forenoon. ate Alvin IS:" Leonard and Miss Es- tella Marquis have auccessienly pas- sed their examinations. 10 ageculture at the summer course aettletalph, ac - Cording to results published this week. - Miss Jean Ilobbs of the Collegiate stad was one of those who 'OM/ a special French' course in Quebec City this summer. Miss I. J. MacDougall, a former member of the staff, was also among the numbeo. The Southern members of the Clin- ton Bowling Club won from the northern men in a friendly tourna- ment on Friday eVentha last. The winners were entertained to supper afterwards by the sporting losees. • The Hospital Board will meet in board roone-of the town hall on. esday evening et seven -thirty. It requested that a full attendance of misers be present as arrangemerit-s to bo made for the rinenal bazaar. the Tu 'Ing for a concert' to be held in the is church on ilyJmirlay eveni»g, Sept. me 12th. •• ' are DEATH OE MRS. A. J. IR:WIN. on several occasions it was thought Alter a long illness, during which the end • was 000r, Mos. Irwin, -wife oe Mr. X. A. Irwin of Clinton, quietly ,slipped away on Tuesday ev- ening. Fora week her condition had been the cause a concern on this nart of her family .Insb the end eame un- expectedly, the heart suddenly giv- ing' out, Mrs. Irwin is survived by a family of three sons and three daugh- ters • , • The fateral which will be private, takee place from the family resi- dence, 'Delon street on Friday after- noon. A GLORIOUS HOUR! The following appeared in The Globe's Southeast Corner on Satur- day. Mr. Routledge is on aid Clin- ton bey and has many friends here: - To the:Southeast Corner: I am enclosing a picture of myself and four fish I caught in the- Sault Ste. Marie 'Rapicla Aug..18th. The three larger ones are rainbow trout; the smaller one on the left is a speckled trout weighing ).% pounds. The three rainbow trout weighed 12 pounds, The catch was made in the hours after work, and before sun- down. Roping this will help to keep the Soo's reputation up le compare - son with the rest of Ontario. .• •Hairy Routtedge, Sault Ste. Marie,, Qnt, "People You Know Mr. Edwin MacRae of Detroit has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. Mc- Lennan. IVIr. and Mrs. Fred Wiltse of Detroit have been visiting Mrr Levi Wiltae of town. • Mr. and M'rs. W. S. R.'Holnies and family took a motor trip to Sarnia Rest week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold /fifty and babe returned this week to their home Toro4o. Mr. A. Royce of the Bank of Mont- real staff is' holidaying at his home in *Walkerton. ' Mr. and Schoenhals and Miss- es Dora, Olive and Freda spent . Sunday swith Stratford friend% Mr.Livermore;E. S. Livermore who came up for his sister's 'wedding last week, returned to Toroeto on. Thurschiy, Mr, and Mrs. Ingles and three children of Stratford visited at the ' home of Mrs. Jos: Finch on Sunday. Mr. Earl Steepe of the London post - office stair and hie little son visited the former's parents in town on Sunday. .. Mrs. Mooney and daughter% Misses Vera and 'kens', visited during the past week with Mr. and MrS. lifiG..eaonrgdelVAV-asn:11Prrialinek. Sturdy and Mr. and Mrs. Einer Pinch visited Mr. and Mrs. Clement at Shakespeare over the -week-end, Mrs. D. B. Kennedy left last week for Detroit where" she will make her home for the winter with her soh, 3. 33. Kennedy, IVIes. E. 'Watson and three children, who have been spendiep the past six weeks 'with the lady's sieter, Mts. George 'Walker, have re- turned to their hontef in Hamilton, Mr. and Mos. Clarence S. Green re- turned 'front their honeymoon trip on Monday and after spending a (NI, with the latter's parents here; wett on to their home in Tees - water. Mrs, R. L. IVE0ore and -family re- . turned. on Sunday to their home ,10 'Stratford after a week's Visit at 'the home pf -the lady's mother, IVIrs. Jas. Pinch; and with other friend:S. life. and Mrs. A. Cooper, accom- ponied by Mr, anti IYIrs. S. 5, Cooper, of Clinton, have returned, from a 3notor trip spent in various karts of the Province.--Geierich Signal; Mrs, P. P. Gillies returned to her home in Kitchener yesterday after a viSit at tile home of her parents, kr. and Mrs. S. J. Andrews. Miss Marion Gillies 'reinained for a longer Visit. Dr. end Mrs. H. S. Brown OF Detroit, • Mich., were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore, coining • to attend the wedding of Miss Kathleen Livermore, which took place last week. Mrs.• Antes -Aiidrews and lVfr. and Mrs. Henry Andrews and Ruth and Frederick Andrews returned Tues- day to their home in Coshoeton, Ohio, after a. weeIc's visit with Magistrate and Mrs. Andrews, Rov. C. .3. and IVIrs. Moothouse, who came up last week to attend the Green -Livermore wedding and re- mained over the week -end with mr. and Mrs. James Livermore, re- turned to Exeter on Monday, Miss Margaret Malt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, L. Mair, has hist returned to Detroit after en- • joying a six -weeks' trip through the Canadian Rockies to Vancoe- verethen taking steamer to Alaska and the Yukon Terri(ory, retern- ing by way of Seattle-, Wash. !Huron Road East —Mr. and jas.II. IlarCiso,i, pf Itirk- ton spent a Serelay recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Cook, .Miss Annie' Dewar of Bayfield, ,Miss Geetrade Snider of Goderieh 'township and Miss Agnes Ileynolds of 'Hullett werieguests of Miss Jesele Ball a few days ,last weelc. ' Mr. and Mrs, Harold Sprung.and faudly of Londesboro 51)0110' Sunday last at the home of Mr. Wm. • eatffiellei • Mr, and lVfrs. Frank V. Martin an little Miss Ruth Martin and Wlis Noma BroWil left on Sunday' fp their hoiae Detroit. Ili'. end Mrs. Geo. Gisnii and fain Ili. have returned to their home i London after spending the roomer i Jewett's Grove. ' , • ,.IVEiss Franey Potter is sareping with s friends in Bayfickl, r Miss Elva Proctor' and Messrs. Frank and Harold Arco ere at Toron- to Exhibition, • • Roth esville 'United church held their annual picnic et Jewett's G•rove, Bayfie on Tuesday. After gamee of ball and. horse • shoo the follinving races were run off: Primary Class Peanut Seramb;e• Boys' race, under 5—I. Jervis, T, Potter. Girls' race, under 5—Willa Potter, G Miller, • Boys' race, 5 and under 1O—E. Yeo, R, Miller, G. McCool. Girls' race, 5 and under 10—R. Cu,dmore, W. Miller, R. Potter. Boys' raee, 10 and under 1 Trevrartha, E. Yeo, 3. iVfair. -• Ch•ls' race, 10 and under LI—G, Miller,. C. Cudnione E. Trewaithas. Young men's race—W. Jervis, B. Walter. Toting women's rav'e—M. Cininier% • C. Trewartha, Married men's raco.---L. Jervis, D. Gliddcm. • Marled wornen's lace—Mrs. Les.' Jervis, 1VIrs. Mulholland. • Standing broad . junap—W. Jervis, B. Walter. • Throwing soft ball, girls--I-fazel Vatter, Mrs. Les. brvis. Wheelbarrow race, under 12—N. Trewartha and 1V1cCool. Hop, step.and jump -D. Glidclon, )3. Walper. 3 -legged race—]. Teo and R. Milt - 2 -legged race, tirls--0. Trewartba and T. Cudmore. Running broad jump —D, Glidden, B. Walter. Baby show, under 1 year—Joe Pot- ter, June Miller., Baby show, over 1 year: -Mary vis, Alaworth,'Lew Dempsey. Alter which the ladies --provided a dainty lunch. • Miss Minnie Proctor, acconmanied by her ' niece, -Miss Elva'proctor, aid spending a few days in Toronto at., tendink the Exhibition. —Colonel 0. C. Crabb, Mrs, MacTicar and Miss Young of Toronto, spent Friday ag the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brogden MacMath, IVIrs. Herb Bennett and family, who have spent the -past two weeks In Windsor, returned home on Friday. Miss Hawkins, of. Clinton, spent a few days as the -guest of Miss Marion Cudmore. mrs. lioldsworth•was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Charles McPhail of Goderich, for a few days the past week. - Mrs. IC, Bewley, Misses Ada Bing ley, Mary Walker and Mary Mailer returned o'n Saturday to their home in Detroit. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Plater an babe of • Detroit are visitine, Mrs Plater's parents, Mr. and Mrs W. McLeod. • Rev. A. Macfarlane of Clinton dis permed thq Sacrament of the Lord' Supper at the Presbyterian servie on Sunday morning last. Mr. Gra ham conducted th e service in Clinton Miss L. D. Shackleford of - Wash ington, D.C., arrived on Monday t visit Miss Ist7E, Garrett, Miss Gar rett, we are- glad :to report, is" im proved in health, having come hom from the hospital at Heiman on Sun daRy.ev, E. L. Willianfs, who has bee the guest of Mks. J. IL McLeod f9 the past month, left for hiS home 1 Cleveland on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs,: A Cooke and family St. Thomas, and Miss Pulsford o London are occupying A. J. Steven eottage, "Merrytime Lodge." ' doNfn 1Weliteld Geo.atWthrisgliretootofrYLoon Sunday: Miss Dorothy Wright an Miss Carrie Dixon accompanied thei on their return' to London. Rev. and -Mrs. (L Hallowell, wh have been camping at Thos. Elliott' farm for the past fortnight, rettune to the rectory at Paisley on MondaY Mr. and Mrs. P. Cr. Reedit' -left o Tuesday for Toronto to attend th Exhibition. • - Mr, Harry Brown of Toronto is -Vis iting .his brother, Mr. E. T. Brown teller of the Standard Bank. s -Messrs. Chas, Gentielterdt an< Ernie Fawn of Toronto are visiting the forraer's parents, Mr. and Mrs, • Geminhardt, Mr, and Mrs. T. W. Oates and family left on Tuesday for their home in London after having spent the summer -months in Lakeside Park Mr, and 1VIrs. W. H. May and fain- ily returned to their home ir, St Marys last week, after having spent 4 couple of weeks in their simmer home in the village. - Mrs. and Miss Wolfenden of De- troit are visiting the Misses Cronin. Mrs. A. C. Rhodes, Mrs, John Buell and Jack Hepkins of Flint, Mich., are occupying Mrs. M. Schell's _Cottage "Belle Vue." Miss 'Ethel Drehmann visited her father, Mr. It Drehinann,- for a few dayh last week. Mit and Mrs. Robt. Rid, who have spent the summer months at Miss M. Bathwell's, Ieft on Tuesday 'for their hoine Windsor. Mrs, 3. Hunter and son Robert, who have camped Bayfield this ornetxournnedday.to their home in SCIlirkil'In;ntr°sell.r'R. Y. McLean teed family, who have spent the summer in our midst, left on Saturday for' Toronto, en route for IVIontreal. Mtet. A. New- ton-BrEtdy 'received a message on Monday from lien sister, 1VIrs, Mc- Lean, telling of the serious illness of her little son in Toronto. Mr, and Mre, en. Phoenix' and Mrs. Mostill rettiined to gaging*, Mich., on Moitday after having visits ed, Mrs Phoenix's sister,„Mrs, John Davison, Miss Margaret Baker 'returned on Monday after spending a 'few days with her sister, Mrs. Victor Part ,he was accompanied by little Miss Mar- garet and IlfaSt& Blister Burt of London and 'Mts. R. Clarke of Cleve - Miss Izetta Merner Mid Mies Ethel Jowett left' on Wednesday by motor for New Dundeee to commence their duties a•S' teachers in the Coetitom- tion School, NeW Dandee, Professor Lloyd C. Hodgkin:, C. W. Itodgins, Mrs. A. G, Hodgins and -Misses Mabel and Dorothy Hodgins left on Wednesday fzorning for their home in Toronto. ' • Mr. R. Thomas Orr and son Thos. returned On Saturday atter having' travelled abroad during the summer. Tni.Oorrdt remetoehTe:oinnt103eoro:tioy. Measles W'. J. Stinson and Robt. Penbnle ot Wednesday morning to take in the Exhibition. • Mrs. F. Webb rater:led to Termite on Wednesday after having Visited Mrs, jolin Pearson for the past fort- night.tiyrield's Civic Holiday will be ob- served on Thursday, Sept, 1600, A fine program of woter soots has been arranged for Menden Sept. hth, Labor 'Day. Tt will be a gala day in Bayfield. Roderic!' Township Miss Muriel Potter,' eceonmanied by her coueins, Dills's Lillian Richardson of Brucefield and Miss Edith and Mr. Clayton Rithardson of Timmins are spending a weelt at Toronto i hib Mition, r. and 10150.R 'S, R. Richardson and family of Timmins motored down and spent a week with the foriner's ole - 411, M r, rs: Greet Potter end' other friends. Miss Edith and 1Viaster Clay- ton are staying'for „another week to take in thb Exhibition at Toronto. 1 Miss Muriel Sterling left this Week for Windsor, where she will teach dining the corning school term. •Y Mr. Will and Miss Dorothy Stet. - l4171 aro in Toronto this week, taking 111 the sighte at the hig fair. • Rev. Mr. Kilpatricic, who has spent the past month at his cottage at Bruce Beach, will return this week and will have charge of the church service Sunday. Mr. and IVIrS. 3. 33.,1VfacMath mot- ored to Toronto qn Tuesday, where they will spend a few days attending the Exhibition and visiting friends. They Were accompanied by their aunt, Mrs.• H. (3. MaeMeth of Toronto, who has been spending the summer with them. Rev. T. R. Courtice and family mot- ored from Lake Chautauqua, where they have been spending the stunmer, and visited Mrs. T. Walters over the week -end. Hubert Township , Misses Jessie McDonald, • Annie McDonald' and Mrs. Leo 'Whitley of Goderich and Miss Francis Reynolds of .Seaforthwere guests of 'Mrs. Thoe. O'Connor on Sunday, Mrs, Peck of Detroit is visiting at the home of Mr. See Reynolds. 1VIr. and letra, Joe Reinderbart and Master Jerome of Kittliener spoilt the week -end SVith Mr, and Mrs. T. O'Connor. Mr., Robert Xohnsten announces the engagement . of. ' his youngest daughter, Margaret Ada to W. Clar- ence ,Clarke, son of IVItt and Mrs. Robert Clarke of Rullett township, the marriage -to- take place quietly early in September. M.r. and Mrs. John Ingli's and of Stratford and Mrs. Inglis' tis - fess Mrs. Morse and two children of Cleveland spent Sunday at the home of Mr, Henry Adaies. Miss Deloris Laithwaite of Goiler- ich visited at the home of Mr. Wm. A very pleasant time was spent at the home of Sites Wm. Carter on Sat- urday everting, where the section /net to present Miss Laithwaite, who has been teaching here foe three years, with a gift of silverware. The pre. sentatioe was made by, Vera Hoggart and the following address was read \` by Nona I-Iesk: • "Dear Miss Laithwaite,-1)uring • Your throe years term with us, we have had many pleasant gatherings and it gives us much pleasure to meet this evening with you. All our lives we children will remeniber your patiettce and cheerfulness when teatn- ng us, and your untiring energy and tact in preparing the Christmas entertainment which young and old equally enjoyed. We hope thgt yeti accept this gift of our esteem and love, and trust that your fut- ure, 'wherever spent, may be happy • and prosperous. We feel that your • )right, obliging disposition will win yon ninny new friends, but we hope' hat although acquiring new friends, ou will still remember those yots low have in S. S. No, 4. Signed on ehalf of the section, -- Marion SteWart, Effie Fairservice.” '