HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-08-25, Page 7TIJ1 CLINTON ,NEWS -RECORD
,Students receive personal attention
in sll Faculties and peparttuents,.
Men and u women interested in:nuclei-
graduate or post -graduate, resident or
nos -resident, eourses_ehould Write to
the Registrars
What career?
More than half of the
university graduates of
this continent go into
business. This University given
a special eeurso is Commerce for
the puiiwsu of preparing promis-
ing young mon for business
caxeere, The University hell% to
place those who are worthy.
Per additionl
formation write -^
. P. R, NEVILT,E,.'.
PEI)„ Registrar,
London, Canada
Holy mink you pay
HOWMU You et
ITH New Lower Prices is now
combined .the most Amazing .'
Quality in all Chevrolet history; •
Chevrolet has widened the circle of auto-
mobile ownership . .- '. provided econo-
mical transportation to untold thousands,
placed within .reach of the average
motor -car buyer;' a QUALITY and. a.
LUXURY beyond all expectations.
in judging Chevrolet look not merely at
what you pay, but also a't' wjlat' you get.
Consider the "smooth, fleet performance,
the grace and beauty of the Fisher bodies,
the ease of'starting, ;driving and stopping,
the refined: yet. rugged quality evident
throughout Chevrolet construction.
Weigh Chevrolet quality with Chevrolet
price and know why Chevrolet has
achieved the most spectacular popularity
of any car in the world. ;429a
New and Lower Prices
Touring . - - $645 Sedan - . - ,. -,$850
Roadster . 645s. Landau Sedan . - 915
'Sport Roadster - - 720 Imperial. Landau Sedan 955
Coupe - . - 765 1 -Ton Truck Chassis 635 •
Cabriolet:- - - - . 875 Roadster Delivery - - 645
Coach . e - - 750 Commercial Chassis - 485
Prices at ,Factory, Oshawa, Ontario—Taves Extra --
'J. Ba :,:avis; Clinton
f -i ! STORY
Everybody is talking about
Costsea few cents more, but will give
you 2,000 miles to the idling.
Your owngarage caw gget it for you..
The AII-British Firm"
330 Bay Street TTe:onto
1Vontreal Offices 906 New Birks. Minding
/cad Mice: "London, Easland
Sold by Nediger's Garage
Geo. Hanley,' Bert Langford,
A. S. Inkley.
Elliott ServiceSta tion
ia•'--i'`,,, .. iw'1� Ilt r 4.1L. 5•' r
�`� ad I i it?
1111 I -1111(IIiN. iia rix. ,g ti 1
- ,..a,,„,a%,5�^ ars: "^ ..
-IG it ;s - Attraetiv side as 'tl
MAKE' your summer cottage comfortable and home -like`
with Gyproc Fireproof partitions and ceilings. At
small' cost the whole interior may be transformed into
attractive, cosy rooms.
Write for free bogklet--"My-Time." It will tell you how Gyproe,`
Rocboard Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and Insulese will reduce your fuel
bill from 20 to 40%s.
rePrOQ I" 1ibQttr. ,
For Sale By
>y ,
Thomas McKenzie EstateC.K1
Asax.ca3'Y, Ont.
Geo. T. <Jenkins • Clinton, Ont.
ni 1110(g
A Column Prepared Especially for Women -
But Not Forbidden to Men
Light, delicious, quickly eaten, and
quickly digested meals are the ideal
ones for Slimmer days, when one';
appetite is apt to ba roving the high
seas in quest of cooling breezes, Meat-
c ashes are delightful at this seasmi if
they are served with the tinkIiing of
ice all about them. The platters of
sliced, ready -to -serve meats with their.
crisp lettuce -leaf garnish and their
cucumber curls 'ire excellent, 'a'nd as'
convenient to buy. from the butcher
as the regular chops and steaks.
An Important consideration 'in the
serving of . attractive: chilled meat
salads is the sauces and relishes. A
piquant relish will lend variety and
interest tothe simplest of meat sal-
Fruits of every kind and clime,:
fresh, canned, and dried; tomatoes,;
cabbage, cucumber, olives, celery, as-
paragus, fresh and canned; cheese;
raisins and nuts --all add gaiety . and
interest to the Sumtbor salad
The• salad recipes ; following will
help you in planning. Summer menus
that imrolve the minimum of effort
and time in the kitchen,
Sweetbread Crown Salad
Scoop out the center of: firm, ripe
tomatoes, Fill with edoked sweet-
breads cut in cubes and cucumber cut
in cubes and masked with mayottltaise.
Sprinkle bits of finely chopped green
pepper over the top: Arrange,
blanched almonds around the top like
a' crown. Top with mayonnaise and
serve on a bed of lettuce. Veal may
be used instead of the sweebreeds,
Swiss. Salad
1 cupful cold roast lamb, cut in
cubes; 1 cupful of cooked peas; 1
cupful walnut meats, broken; 2 hard
cooked eggs; 6 stuffed olives; lettuce;
French dressing aitd 11M'ayonnaise;
Chill the meat and the peas. Mari-
natethe meat peas, and nut -meats•
the I'rench dressing, and chill: _Ar-
range on lettuce -leaves. . Sprinkle
with paprika and dot with the mayon
naise." Gut the ',eggs., into slices an 1
remove the yollcs. Arange' the, route
rings around the. salad, Cut the
olives into Iices; and place a ring of
olive into each ring of egg white,
•Press., the yolks of the eggs, through
a sieve and Sprinkle ovdt• the salad.
Ilam Selad;De 'fence
cupfuls chopped limn; 1 i/. cup
fnls celery, finely ldiced; t/ cupful
rich cream; 1 teaspoonful prepared
mustard; salt; dash cayenne; )
tablespoonfuls Mayonnaise; 2 table-
spoonfuls grated-ltorseradisit; pap-
rika; 2 hard -cooked: eggs; lettuce.
Beat the cream until stiff. Add the
mustard, salt, and the dash of Cay-'
erne. " Beat in the mayonnaise, then
fold in the horseradish, the ham, and
the celery. Serve in mounds on
bed of the lettuce. Garnish with the,
hard -cooked eggs cut in rings.
Sprinkle with the paprika.
Pork Sla ad
2 cupfuls cold lean diced pork; 1"
cupful crisp diced ` celery; 1 cupful
tart diced apple; white pepper; salt;
paprika; lettuce; mayonnaise.
Combine the diced pork, celery and
apple with the mayonnaise; Season
with the salt and pepper. Place in a
mound) an crisp ,lettuce leaves, Garnish'
with mayonnaise roses and sprinkle
over with paprika:_
-Pineapple and Veal Salad
let.: cupfuls veal, diced; 1 cupful
diced celery; pineapple slices; stuffed
olives; mayonnaise; lettuce.
Mix the veal and celery with a lit-
tle of the mayonnaise. Put a slice of
the pineapple on each' plate on a bed
of lettuce -leaves. Cover the pine
Neple with the neat mixture; garnish
with slices of the stuffed olives and
dots of mayonnaise.
Highway Safety to be Main Theme
at Board's Meeting,
Canadian Good Roads .Association
Officials Now Steady Speed -
lug Problem.
Officials of the Canadian Geed
Roads Associat}on report an inathes-
ingly intensive interest in the motor
speeding .controversy now heard in
Ontario and Quebec: Opinion for the
present is mut h divided hs to the best
methods of, curbing the speed menace.
When the Association holds its an-
nual meeting at Niagara Falls on
Septelhtber 27, 28 and 29 it is certain
that tnueh discussion will centre
around speed regulations or other
methods taken to lessen dangers on
file highways. ,
At the'motnent the experiment of
Hon. J. L. Perron, Minister el High-
ways in the Quebee Provincial Gov-
ernment, is attracting much attention.
lint long ago Mr. Perron bluntly an-
nounwed•that'speeding in Quebec trust
stop. He intimated that traps would
be set along important highways, and
that cancellation of licenses would
follow infractions of the law. This
was no idle bluff on Mr. Perron's
part. A number of licenses actually
have been :cancelled, someof the vie -
time being people ]highly placed in
-Quebec Province, Word has gone
around that 1 v. Perron is doing ex-
actly as • promised.- A wonderful
change has: taken place, but whether
permanent or. not is too early to
state. It is a singular fact, however,
that for the past two weeks accidents
which could be ascribed to excessive
,speed, have been reduced to almost
nil in Quebec.
"Last week -end I drove over the
Laurentian highway," stated on of-
ficial of the Canadian Gond Reads
Association, °The change )vas most
marked, This road has been used,
by speeders quite a bit heretofote,
During my drive .I saw no cause :fi>r
complaint in -this respect. All speeds
were moderate and driers scented to
be exercising unusual courtesy and
.common sense. I believe such a de-
sirable state of affairs, even if lett
teniporary, must be attributed direct-
ly to Mr. Perron's action»
The recent letter of Sir•, Thomas
White, former federal Minister of
Finance( protesting: against the"mot-
or killing which goes on on the high-
ways of Ontario" has added' much
fuel to the controversy. He stated
that no more important topic was be-
fore the public and the government,
Those who have given 'time and study
to the problem praise Sir Thomas
for bringing a serious matter so lforc-
ibly to the public's attention. though
there is by no means agreement with
his contention that a speed limit of
30 miles an hour is "high enough grid
25 hatter."
It was stated. here by Good Roads
Association leaders that their out-
standing problem in Canada uow was"
lint;' the building' of more highways,
but making safe and maintaining
those we already have.. They ,ire
tackling the menace seriously and the
question of safety is being put first
everywhere. Road experts
are o now
devoting practically all 'their time
and thought toward some solution.
Doubts are expressed that constant
end more stringent regulations will
of themselves 'make for permanent
safety. There is -general agreement,
however, that the reckless and unlit
drivers :must be weeded out, and re-
gulations are necessary if such a
weedingout is to be accomplished by
legal -means. Good Roads Association
officials here who have had long ex-
perience in motor matters apparently
place more faith in education and ac-
tive agitation. They assert that driv.
ors must be taught the common sense
and courtesy "of the roads if regular
tions are toserve any useful purpose.
Efforts die being bent to this end.
Pians^are now in process of prepar-
ation, so that some definite proposals
/nay be placed before the Associa-
tion's convention.
SEAFORTII': A quiet wedding
took place on Wednesday, ,August
17, at, the manse .' of the UMW
church, Egmondvilfe, when ICatherine
C. Doig, only daughter of Mr. and
Alm Robert C. Doig, became tile'
bride of William James Brown, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Brown, Tuck-
ersmith. Rev. W. 11 McDonald of-
ficiated. The bride, who was unatten-
ded, wore a pretty frock of powder
blue: flat crepe and grey hat with blue.
facing. Following the ceremony
luticheori was served at the home of
the bride's, parents on the 'Oh con-
cession of Tuckerstititlt, after which
Mr. and tars. E'roven left on a we
ding trip to Walkerton.
DATES -1927 w,
Rensall—Sept. Br
Zurich—Sept. ' 9.
Fordwich—Sept.: 12. •
Wroxeter—Sept. 13.
Ethel—sept, 14.'
Walton --Sept, -5.
IBelerave-Sept, 16.
Varna --Sept. 19:
GoderichTp.—Spit, 20.
Colborne TpSept, 21.
Ashfield Tp. --Sept, 22.
St. Helens Sept. 23.
Winchelsea Sept. 26.
Blyth—Sept 29
Crediton -Sept, 29.
Grancl Bend—Sept, 30,
;Dashwood --October 3,
Clinton;' Town—October 4.
Clinton 'ltural—(jetober G.
1,t3'an eU ons ]p a71 64.ose, Veins
R ,raced ®r Money Bask
Rub Gently and Upward Toward the
Heart as Blood ie. Veins
Flows That . ay,
I1 you or any relative or friend is
worried because' of varicose 'veins,
or Matches, the best advice that any-
one in this world tan give you is to
ask your` druggist , for as -original
thio -ounce bottle of Mooit's J`sincraid
011„ (full strength) and apply as di-
rected eight and morning to the
,woollen enlarged .;veins. Soon you
will notice that they are growing
smaller : and the treatment should
be continued until the veins- are of
normal size. So penetrating and
powerful is Emerald .011 that even
Piles are quickly relieved. All drug-
gists sell lots of it
�._,.ronew THEM
) EX'ACTi Y/
seliooI or, Thursday. An interesting
feature. Of the program, which `includ-
ed games, 00005, etc., was the, preson-
tation of a hanctsomere /din1,'rump
-.he retiring teacher, Robert Beatti
who Its given 29 year. 01' efficient
s r it
V P the 1 1 e school and has been ob-
liged to resign on account of i11 health.
His. daughter, Miss Bertha Beattie,
hasbeen appointed in his place,
The aidross w tS read by Arthur
McGavin, of iueading, Pa„ one o the
pldcst Corrircr pupils of tits school, 'aim
is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs.
Ile u
v lv>It ' a� ,r ii '
� i i e
it Ice
z r flit The
presentation tlot
WaS made by Be:;sie Rice
and Jean Gemmell,` A dainty lunch
was served. AL's, Luther Robbins, of
Rochester, N. Y., who was present,
generously treated the children toiee
creast and candies, A soft ball game between school
sections and 5,resulted in 0 Score of
15 to 1,$ in favor of No. 5;
Hest of all icily Killers --10c and
25c per packet at all ;Jiruggists,
Grocers and General Stores.
Epworth vicarage, home of John
Wesley, founder of Methodism, is
about to puss into the hands of the
Wesleyan church. It has been an
Anglican rectory all these years, .as
it was in the. days when the Wesley
brothers, their father, but above nil
the noble figure of thein mother, Su-
zanne, lived'there. It had.fallen_into
dilapidation and the rector appealed
for help. Naturally the Methodists
came 'forward and even proposed to
bus the historic place, The broad
'sympathy that has marked inter -pro-
testant relations since the Lambeth
conference in England was also in
evidence at the conferences that led;to'
the purchase. There was a time, not
so fardistant, when harsh words
might have fallen, It will no doubt
become a place of grateful pilgrim-
age to tens of thousands of Wesley's
fellow men. But the old ghost that
haunted it in John Wesley's youth,
that shuffling ghost, jocularly called
"old Jeffries," is no longer there.—
Pierre V'an Paassen, "in the Atlanta
In the year of Canada's Diamond
Jubilee, when the sixtieth birthday of,
the Dominion is being celebrated,
Western Fair has cause for jubilation
on its own account, This great ex-
hibition, one of the finest of those held
annually anywhere in Canada, ' came
into being itt the very year of Con-
federation. For sixty/ years it has
grown in attractiveness, extent and
influence, as well as in public• favor
until to -day it stands high among the
valued institutions of the most pope
alone and prosperous section• of the
tt sixty years since the East
Middlesex Agricultural Society. and
the London District Horticultural and
Agricultural Society were amalgain-
ated; since the show grounds on Tal-
bot Street north of Oxford Were ab-
andoned and the annual Fair at Lon-
don began to grow: Yet in those six-
ty years Western Fair has kept in the
van of progress, has kept pace not on-
ly with the City of London, but with
the Doi tinlon of Canada which came
into existence at the same :time. Sixty
years of effort by public-spirited cit.
izens, and sixty years of loyal sup
'port from the public have made Wes-
tern Fair great.
Space has been 'reserved at the
Canadian National Exhibition ler a
combined exhibit of the Colonies pf
*British" West Africa.
• Robert Beattie Retiring After 26
Years at Tuckersmith School
SEAFOIJTH, August ' 13,—There
was .a Iarge attendance at the annual
picnic of No. 8 School, Tuckersnnith,
which was held in the, grove near the
Correct in style—
and wear like
Tl1E! (]DAD1f08
I belong
tb'� Stinclay
�� 1
- to .deer
aJigiveme some
o y
F bowl of Kellogg's Corn
Flakes spoon.--and
poofl�n „tit
get - nbreakfasttl
he e,snothittghe
Kellogg's to -start clay.
aful ito" scup
ness"Serve with Trak r
creat` -- and ad fresh or, ,
Made Kellogg in Lawlor',
Oare,bilenfineseethe inner
sectdred.an green. each.
Imitations cannot equal suCe,n
�'Demand the gna3
��otels, aafeteria¢,At all
tl'v y�
ESTERS! 25,000 -
Plus half•a cent pet• mile beyond to all points in »fani-
toba, Saskatebewan, Alberta, -'Edmonton,
Calgary MacLeod and karst,
0 ® WINNIPEG BETURNl1YG— half a set per one to Winnipeg,
Lit P
phis 820.00 to destination,
UG. 30th—From Toronto, Caledon East, Becton, Meaford, Collingwood, Penetang, Midland, Capreol, and
South and East in Ontario, also Sta'lioasin Quebec West of St, Andrews and J;achutc,.
SEPT, 7th—Front Stations in Ontario, Toronto, Inglewood Jet, and West and South thereof.
Specie .Trains for Winnipeg via Canadian National Raiiwayst
. 'roirn'1'ORONTO (UnionStation)—Aug .30th— From OTTAWA—Aug. 30th -12.01 a.m. (Mid-
12.01 amt.:(Midnight Aug, 29th)12.30 p.hn.:10.40p.m. night Aug. 201b); 12.01 noon.
Sept. th--2.00•p.m.; 10.10 p.m, ,
From PETERBO1TO— Aug. From Wl bSOR-Sept. 7th ProowsPALMERSTON—Sept.
sate, 12.01 a,tn, (Midnight, -12,80 a.m, (Midnight Sept Oth) 7th — 9.00 a.ni. via. Guelph,
'Aug. 29th) via Lindsay, Black via Cltathaet, London, Hamilton Georgetown and Inglewood.
water and Atherley. and. Inglewood.
Through cars from other principal points connecting. with abote special' talcs. Por detests consult/local Canadian National Agents
Through Trra.tire—Comfertnblo Coletoe0 Care-Spegial Care for Women and Children
To i6fI 1NlPE ti,., r"°la a 'From WIIVINIPEG
Plus 01 oat per natio to points beyond, buLimt the
,_. Plus ire cent per utile, starting.
of Edmonton, MacLeod and Calgary - point. to Whu:ipeg
Fro,n Statiohs in :Ontario Smith'u Fans to and including Toronto on Lake Ontario 'Shore
AUG. a30'�',� T:;no.nttd Havelock-1'+eterharo Lino; King ton Renfrew J nction, in lusive; Burheton
y[ to Robeey+geon, inclusive; Droned .to Port- McNicoll; lroeonto.Sudbury direct Line,
From all Stations:, in Ontario, South. and West. of Tro to to Hamilton Wel/and, Niagara
✓ Fall and Windsor; on Owen.Sound, Walkerton Orangeville,Teesborer, Elora, Listowel,
� a 7th Goder c),, St. Marys, Port Burwell, and St.; Thomas Bran h es; Toronto and North to
• From all Stations in Ontario on the Michigah Ceitral; Pero Marquette;- Windsor, Eeoex &
Lak Shoro;. Grand River; Lake Frit & Northern; and Toronto, Hamilton &`Buffalo.
Ra ilavays.
Through Colonist Cdr operated from principal points. SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE FROM c oaolero
, Ladies' and Children :Special Cara will lan reserved for than exclusive ,o s'of ladies, chddreo and' their weeds,
Full information front ` W. JACKSON, ' Agent, CLINTON, ONT.IF