HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-08-25, Page 6His Royal Highness ReadY for ' esPonslibilAties FeriniDP' apd Tzaz el Has Prepared'Him for His Future E,tato' GRACIOUS 'GIFT "As the tumult and the ftheuting that high ;responsibility, 1.ti,ust that times" wo get time to re -read and, con- 1 may be found wortl.y of it. Sider the nubile utterances of Prince "At least 1 -may say that I lose no find Premier; Naturally such public ,opportunity of ]seeping always Is cell expressions of opinion are made after -those contacts with all. parts of the careful study of -word and phrase so British Empire which- I have been Canadians may well consider care- fortunate enough. i.o-melte in the Popt: lolly the remarks made in curmidst..,, learns Frcm Visitors i The message of - the Prince; }Iia "They all have' something to im: 1toYa1 Iiighn•egs the:. Prince of:4l'ales, Part, and to all of them 1 am grate- . itt,:Ottawa, shade his most Pregnant Tel for the, help they give me, it may' statement after thanking Canada and be: quite unoonsciousi2ty,'\is vitalizing the Canadian government for 'Lett' in- my interest in Canada,' and in keeping vitation to`:Visit Cnida, expressed his 'me "breast of the development of this appreciation of his appointment as: great. country, `which is so bewilder- Privy Councilor. •'the acceptance of'inyly swift. I bite to *drink, too, which "Marries with it, too; certain that such visitors from, overseas' re duties and: certain obligations; my turn from tlto O1d Country with Homo-" acceptance of then , constitutes one thing pf equal value, to what they give' more link with Canada and a very -that there is a. -fair exchange be inl:inutte one." tween hosts and guests --albeit all After telling of the, Id -redness of members of one great leerily—of this their Majesties the Bing and Qlteen, quickening of ideas and 'stimulating of le promising to replace the State interests. Only'the other day I was Portraits- 01 King , Edward, "Queen present at a, gatheriny 'which, I 'be-. Alexandra and thelr ow; all destroy- lieve,;has•admirably -fulfilled this hope. ed in the fire of 1916—he went on to 1 mean the opening' meeting of the° say: Imperial Education Conference in "Since :I was last the guest of your' London. Government, since even my last -visit "There is no need -to lay stress on to Ottawa, the relations of` the Do -1 the value of such conferences for minion of Canada and Great Britain.] those taking part in thein, ` Theycon- ) have entered on e new and significant vey, •'moreover, a striking example of Phase, about which, I hope, -Mr. Bald- the importance which' Governments win will speak to you to -night. now attach to -.the education of 'the "My'br`other, the Duke Of York, in coming generation, though -this is not a lesson. which .Canada requires to the first -meeting of the Perliau- m-ening -I learn from any ono.. Nothing, for i menu of the Commonwealth of Aus stance, could' by more impressive than the history of the Canadian univer- sities have a continuous and remark- able emarkable record of progress, while each: of the new provinces of the west has signalized its entry upon the status of province by the sreation of a univer- sitywhose successful development has, tralia at Canberra, said: 'It is, per- haps, peculiarly fitting that we should celebrate the birth' of this new Capital city just after the close oesenIntperial Conference which represents the be.' ginning ofanother chapter in our Em- pire story.' "It is at least as fitting that the fully -justified the faith of its, founds - 'notable landmark in the growth •of Iera the EmpireAxed bythat Conference . There was onesub est discussed at t should' --also coincide with Canada's that conference which was of°•parti- eular Interest to me—namely, the in- terchange of teachers. I know that rpuch has already been done to facilit- ate sueh interchange, and I hope that it will be found possible to do yet more. It seems, to me to be one of the' simplest and yet surest methods of distributing widely a real knowl- edge of the Empire and its needs.. "It is not possible for all to travel and see for themselves, but surely the next best thing is to enable all to see with the eys of others, to travel "TO me in particular, -as the ding's in' the spirit and in the imagination, eldest son, the Conception has a epeeial importance which, in whatever part' of the Empire I may be, 1 try always to keep hi my mind. The Crown stands above all distinctions of country, rade, :and party, and serves' to mark the unity in which all such ;differences are transcended.' If, some day, it should fall to my Iot to assume celebration of her Diamond jubilee, It was the Confederation of Canada, GO years ago, which marked, it not' tate first, at least the clearest step on the road which has now led, by natural progress, 'without any hesitation or Yooking.backward, to the conception and attainment of agroup of auto- nomous communities . within the British Empire, equal in status, mark- ed arked by a common allegiance l0 the. Crown:. Foresee, Great Responsibility I 1,471e. .tled the Athl tic World. Pit -INCE OF WALES .CALLS ON BROTHER FOR I"ells : VaneouvcrCaanadian 'Club Ho Has Tito; Strings To H'is Bow Eraneouves, B.C.-2211c :Piinco of'; Another outburst of cheers and W aloa had'.:. me.., o o for V}sneouver r r, ,.,, - r_., rose. iTe had 0 cnn,ta Ito spolc-e at the Canadiiin Club, Cluests packed the Inain dining room and dewed asgay clown, into the sea -- lido T on--ridor s Sitting at the head of the table was Prince Uscrge, the younger broth.- of the Prince 01 Wales:' "Gentlemen," riayly observed the Prince „of Wales as he- closed -his 1,pee011, "Gentlpm.pn, s-1 expect xcu have fount eut5 it is not a bad thing to have, two, strings to one's bow, I atna in that happy. position to -clay. My second string is my younger brother,: who, having eared` -with me in our wonderful tour through Canada, and in that hospitality shown us, to -day, i.: anxious to tell you in his own word's hcw much Ise' has, enjsya it." Prince George looked hip sharply as 11 in protest. IIe has appeared with the Prince ,of Wales at all previous functions, , but it was t$ be This first Public Speech—iu Canada -at any rate: The crowd cheered and the Prince of Wales, tilling, added, "I twist not keep -him or you'weiting any longer." pleasant slhafts for 111 e dist• brother, which sent ripples� of laughter ai-ourd the ream and cvidemly cbeli�glibed the Prmee of Wales himself. "Liehas told yen I am his s co,nd string,". Prince Getrrgo said, after acknowledg- ing the welcome be had received in Vancouver. "I' dant exactly know' what that meanoy' whether it is a compliment or not. it means that I alis r..at as goo d ,. It as he'is, S object, If, as somebody has just told me, the second string starts in to function only when the first has broken down, I don't quite see where I come in. He did not show any signs breaking down: In fact,' I thought - he was too long. " There was more laughter: It was a moment" er two before Patrice George could 'continue: Then he added that in whatever capacity he was preeent, hie second trip to Canada had marc !than confirmed' hie impression of the m first-air imeresston of hearty' wel- come for which he was mora than grateful, Grave '`Diggers. Exhume Chinese 137 Oriental Bodies to Be MISS ETHEL' i(CATHERWOOD lel' REPOSE IAND ACTION Shipped Back to China Miss Ethel atherwood o Saskatoon,'who burst like anew star stress the athletic Toronto.—Recently 17 men have Idem are two pictures of ItI s., el C f cscar...1rMIX.151Mar. .•111111.01022108M016111 graves and removing the cofnne • of Javelin, been busily -engaged in digging up the firmament when she set up two new Canadian records for women for the high jump and throwingthe -Two Planes Win Victory Two More Perhaps Death and so to attain to a wider knowledge of what the Empire means. "At this moment 'I at any rate don congratulate myself- that I am once more having the good fortune to travel to and across Canada, and N meet in the seat of government, as I do tonight, such a gathering of Canadians as this.' :•' Premiers to -Meet in November 'Agenda for. Conference at Ottawa Dwarfs That of Parliament DATE CONFIRMED Malcolm ' An - Hon.' James Mals nounces "Decision on Month of Meeting Ottawa,—With a program .el eon- structive issues to come before it which dwarfs the agenda of the usual parliamentary session the long -herald- ed ednference ong-heraid-ed-eduference of provincial premiers. is to assemble .in Ottawa during No- vember., Announcement of the gathering' In that .mouth has. been definitely cen- firmed, by I1on, James Malcolm, ]'ibis• Istel of Trade and Commence.- Of •major importance 'will be an effort to. reach uniformity of the highest stand- 'nrd"in'these dairy and' meat products from all provinces 'vvithwhich a con- certed effort is to be made to capture the British market. -uniform quality' hrncier• national trade ntarlt—a' mark available to all those. exporters who reach and maintain the standard of quality required --is to be considered. British and Canadian authorities are a .greed -that hundreds of -millions of dollars in trade can be secured -an- nually for Canadian dairy and meat products in the British Isles if the y quality is fixed beyond the ability of unsoropulous dealers to destroy pub- lic confidence. _' National Guarantee.. The national,tradernarkwould carry the. national- guarantee and would -re- quire a degtea of careful inspection'. I that is only possible.: through the- closest co-operation between the Do- ' minion•and the Provinces. The' •undertaking of`,scientific re- search upon nurcli broader lines also I requires. the co-operation of each pro- I vines 'and of ascii. industry and steps to secure' this -and make it effective will be taken, by the conference. Co-operation in the securing of int migrants and in placing them and as- , muftis, 'meter as can be done, ,their profitable employment, will be thresh- ed out: The'Provincial representatives have been giving special study to this eelijeet and -,to consideration of the extent to which direct assistance is • possible of practical,• Irish Senate Passes Public Safety Bill Dublin. ---The Public: Safety Bill, in- , traduced by the Government; after the aseassivalion of I(evirij O'Higgins, Nice -President of the 'Council, passed its final stage in the Free State San - ate ,on Aug. 10. The bill, already approved by the Dail Eireann or lower House, includes the extreme penalty for illegal pos- Hesston of arms. Fires mage in Northern Ontario — Picton a Sadder `But . W is er Town' ' in the ,district's history, due to the Orient for burial. The others will not which he had ]known for menthe On Wednesday four airplanes left prizes for the flight, offered a reward foolish'financing of Ralph H. Raynor, be shipped until a ]ipso of seven would curl fatally. A tuna for the. rt in Oakland California, of $10,000 for discovery of the occu- ime tenant farmer and late spa - wears, p Xt has been a tactics of the worse an 'Monday had warned his the air port , p familyof jus approaching death. Ile in a woman, and were roc- pants of either of the lost machines, teenier „meter merchandiser." Celerst. is to ship the remains of. their PP one carrying o or $20,000 for the discovery of both in out over the Pacific Ocean toward ;r fellow—countrymen to China for burial lapsed into unconsciousness after. Honolulu ,g crews. An offer of. $i of Flint, front every seven years, but. owing. to the speaking with his relatives earlier in 000 4 , , in quest of fame and emesas,backerwsigia P-- he "Mira of nee, midi., of ii is war,. the shipments were stopped. th Prize mons offered b Jameg backer of the "Mfiss Doran," one of Pension Payments in British h 000 in P Y Y , the bones from the coffins use brush - Orientals, who have been hurled in It is not to be thought that the town. Mount Pleasant cemetery here. In. a has participated in any "paint up.an + tent in one - corner of the cemetery, a brighten up" campaign and is glisten- group of Chinamen are engaged In ing in consequence; rather•it is to be entoviug the .bones Prop] Cho, coigns resli ed 'that the Picton totvnsipcople and preparing them for shipment to are realizing slowly and, sadly, mule- China. It is estimated that there are ly, that tile, ale the : viatifris in a '322. Chinese buried in ` the cemetery, $223,000 fniancial crash, the `greatest but only 137 twill be shipped to the Prier` Oliver Dies Leading Figure in British. Columbia Politics Passes HONEST JOHN Victoria 13.0.—British Columbia mourns the •peesnt of Ham John Oliver, Premier of the Province, and Canadians from mast to coast join in Paying a last tribute to the man who for a : decade dominated the lido 'o3' British Oblumbia. At his unpretentious home on Fern Street, Premier Oliver died. Monday: night, tlugust 1&thr after an illness' ' which commenced last spring, and e evening,and the end' came quiet- ly. Ms son Joseph cf Vancouver was alone ,by his bedside when the Premier died, ae there *as no tune to summon the other members of his. fancily: They had retired, not realiz- ing that the end was so near._ D. Dole of Honolulu for the firth the last planes, who. -made the offer Columbia transoceanic air derby in the history for the recovery of the occupants of f Victoria, B,C.—Definite arrange-. es and water to clean the"'remains, of aviation. ` the "Miss Doran" dead or alive. The of the Examiner, which en- merits for the inauguration of pensions which are then placed in white can - Reports an Thursday toldSan Francieeo xa r, 1n Il. itish Columbia Will be made here vas bags like dunnage bags, tagged, mono lana Waolasoc, doted by tered the' "Golden Eagle" in the race, 1t ArthurGoebel,: movie sp announced anB • , trioti], when Teter Heenan, Federal ready fpr shipment. C tont aviator itis d offer of $10 000 for The Chinese 'engaged In removing the Minister of Labor, cornea to Victoria Of Hollywood capturing first prize of fescue of each crew. I`' `with th Provincial Govern" y in the thought that hie' life had con- Wash., on- s ., o i, coWitry. Pacific, reported a "dusty' voyage] I On -Monday, before he sank into Captain Nemaeu said that two bucket - the oosciousness, -Mr. Oliver sand fills of this dust was swept upiTrus gcadbye to is private secretary Jas. the decks every morning.- 2 e d Morton, who had .been his intimate sego -elate for inaily years. -• Shal'ing Mr. Morton: by hie, handy ha summed up the Warks of hie life simply, when he said: "Well, we didn't always do the beet thing politically, but we did the beat we knew 1how. That's all any of us can do." A man of the people by Mirth and tempexament, John Olivet was prob- $25,eQO in the Dole air race front Hopes 4ero hcld.'out, for "the lost to confer w i e "Dusty" A britt Voyage meat' At this conference, the two y Oakia»tl to Hawaii, and $Dnolulu s flyers having' landed at out -lying r ments will reach. a formai A Japanese steamer; the Montreal Mr. Oliver ended his days as he had spent them, .unafraid. As his strength. ebbed, he found his' comfort • Govern - entrant, the Aloha, with second Hawaiian islands, but these are not so ien , , • iv agreement covei•(ug the inauguration Maru, arriving recently at Tacoma, triliuted something to the building up sen: as pilot, taking tha�second prize confirmed. We ask: Is -it worth it. bf the new Cana an penaion`law In Wa h after fourteen days on the f h' of $10,000. THE FIRE FIEND. this province, t:13e,Ilxstpart of the Do - of and his navigatox, Lieut. W. Forest fixes of major proportions. 'minion to adgpt It. C. Davis, naval officer ,of San -Diego; are rain in the Sudbury district Details of regulations to be enforce Landed' at Wheeler Field, at 12.22 p.m:raging far the first time this year as a result ed under the law have ret to be set= (Honolulu time), the first fliers in the of the pontinuoug spell of dry weather �'tled between th federal and provincial powdered passengers, decks and Ilfe four-cornb)ed race to each the goal; which has created -an extremely high-olmdiais. It Is planned to start pay- boatscoverings. It was produoed by taking 24 hours to Travel the 2,400 fire hazard in recent weeks. The lig pensions early in On autumn' et a salt edyatalizing in the hot Summer miles. pact ten days have witnessed the out- cost of something like $500.000 a yeas, air. ` _ The Aloha was brought down on the break of no less than ten fires in, Hundreds of applications for pensions 1 --•— field at 2.221),m. (Honolulu time) l various parts of the district under have been received by the Government Plane Rushes Cholera Sarum and Jenson and Paul Schluter to San supervision of the Sudbury office of- already. Francisco, the navigator, . stepped the Ontario Forestry Branch. At ,_� r, Y " From: Germany to Persia from the: cabin to find that the eat under control. Two thousand men No New Leases ctoleia epidemic now raging in East - under airy a Huge mobilization of RICH GOLD STRIKE REPORTED IN N.S. Promises to. Be More Valuable Than Ontario Mines Ilalifax',=-A'special dispatch to the Halifax Chronicle from Inverness, states that "Bold ore assaying '$30 a ton pure gold has been struck in the mountains of this (Inverness) County. According to -the article the discov- ery has been kept secret while assays were being made in Halifax, but it elates that final reports have reehlted. in the nituing areas being 'taken .up by the discoverer, Roderick Rankine, of Inverness, and others, and that -the lead promises to prove even more valuable than the gold mines of Northern Ontario., . Praise For Canada London. --The Financial Times edi- torially comments in laudatory terms of the reduction of Canada's national debt, as r•ecentiy made public in an official statement at Ottawa.. The of- ficial figures given out at Ottawa stated that the Dorninton's net debt had decreased' 152,498,000 during the first four montlhs of th epreseut fiscal/ year, which opened on April 1, the net debt on March 31 having totalled $2,- 347,834,370, 'and at the and of July having dropped lo, $2,295,335,940. Tho Financial Times .says no more sign': firant comment is possible on the re- markable progress in every branch of productiveal'ttvity in Canada than the figures quoted: y In another editorial, dealing with the financing of the Australian State of 'Queensland, the Financial Times refers to a statementcredited to Pre- mier Wm. McCormack that Queens: land's' experfdituhe -Out af' lo'ans'-was excessive and implying that "efficient manipulation': of a' proper system at loan flotation in New York would be attended by eminently satisfactory re - 'Sults." The Times wants some eluci- dation of this from Premier, McCor- mack. - had I t two of these fires are loot yet p'ranittorton•1lfain—To combat ' a finished second. and 20 planes fight the menace. Newfoundland's Government has ern Persia the Hoechst plant of the. naval vessels and army and navy] Garman Dye Trust recently shipped ably'more proficient in the rugged planes in' the Search for two Hissing PIC10N CLEANED. introduced official' legislation provid• 100,000units•of anti -cholera vaccine to arts of the pioneer; than any other Dole flight race Irani Picton; Ont.—The town of Picton, ing'that no er l ]cissa of land a the the stricken. district by way of 'Mos Canadian statesman: Miner, farmer, planes nl the g , the mainland of the ionated States 0 noted for itsretired ft Wealth and shall be ermitted recently -gained, sow on a special Lufthansa airplane. 'evoodalnan, engineer and stonemason, Hawaii and rewards totalling$50,000;$50,000 beentantial, if not ors," heatee has seals ae permitted except by act. e :