The Clinton News Record, 1927-08-25, Page 21 CLINTON. NEWS-REC R GUNTON, ONTARIO Terms of Subscription -42.00 per year in advance, to Canadian sfddr&esee; 12.50 to the U.S. or other foreign countries. /No ;riper discontinued' until all arrears are paid unlese,et the optidn of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising hates—Transient :Over. tialaf ; 12e per count ,line for first insertion, 80 for each subsequent insertion. Headipg:ceunts 2 lines. Small advertisements; not to exceed one inch, such as "Wanted, ""host. 'Strayed," etc., Inserted once for 35e, each subsequent insertion 15e. Advertisements-•aent In without -in structions as to the number'. or in- sertions wanted will run until order ed out and will be charged accord- ingly. Rates foe display advertising made known' en application.. Communicate - intended for pubtt-• cation must, as ,. guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. G. E. HALL, M. R. CLARK, Proprietor. Editor. G. D. McTACGART M. D. MCTAGGART kleTAGGART RRA ., BANKERS A general Banking Business- transact- ed, Notes Discounted. Drafts leaned. ,preliminary papers of Rodman show - Interest Allowed on Deposits: Sale ed that by synthetic chemistry he was Notes Purchased. w en you an a change. has delicious. THE THING ON THE I EA11H. • health. And there was a change in his demeanor, He had tho acpeeb of men, Who are determined Co have a thing out at any hazard. "Afterhis dinner the master 'went into the drawing -room and closed the door behind him. He had net entered the room on this day, It had stood locked and close-shutteredl" ,The big Oriental paused and made a 'gesture outward with his fingers, as of „one dismissing an absurdity, "No living human being could haivo been concealed in that room. There is only the bare • floor, the master's` table and the, fireplace. The great wood shutters were bolted in, as they had stood tined • the mistertock the room, for a workshop and removed the furniture, The, door` was always locked with that special: thief-proo2 lock that the American smiths had made for .it, No one' could have en- tered." 11 was the sport of the experts at the trial. They showed dry the easing of rust on the bolts that the 'shut- ters had net been moved; the walls, ceiling and floor were undisturbed; the throat of the chimney was coated evenly with old soot. Only the door was possible as an entry, and this was always locked except when Rod- man was ,himself in .the room. And at such times the big Oriental never left his post in the hall before it. That seemed' a condition of his mys- terious overcaro. of Rodinan. , Everybody thought the trial eeurt went to an excessive care. It scru't- inizedin-m"hsute detail every avenue. that could possibly lead to a solution of .the mystery: The whole country ,and. ,every _resident was inquiaitioned': The concluslon was ipevitable. There wad" ne human creature on that for- est creat of the Berlcshires -but Rede man and his servant. But one can, vee why the trial judge - lce t at the thing; he was; seeking an P A SMART.DLAZER.FOR THE explanation oonsistent with the, com- mon '. experience of mankind:. And When he could not find it, he did the The blazer is decidedly smart ,this Only thing he could do. He was wrong, , sea's'an ant'i's shown hem in two views ns we now know. But;he had a hold worn over a chic one-piece frock. View, in the dark on the truth—not the A is fashioned of -striped flannel and `patch -pockets; Whole truth: by any means; he never" has a notched collar , hada glimmer of -that, He never had and long two-piece 'sleeves, while thea' faintest conception of the -big; View B is of plain and contrasting amazing truth. • But as 1 havg,_s'aid, material and has rounded lower frank he had 'his fingers on one essential edges. No. 1627 is in sizes 8, 10, 12 fact. " and 14 years. Size 10 requires 2 (Tobo continued.) yard's 36 -inch, or 1% .yards 54inch Sir Harry Johnson The British Empire has lost one of its most eminent 'servants by the death of .Sir Harty Pohnston, G.C.- M.G., K.C.B.' ilia record as consul, commissipner and administrator in var'ions parts of British Africa is'e re. cord of great achievement accomplish- ed ' with modesty and with a thorough- ness that set, a new high water marl: in colonial service. He equipped kite- self for his life's tatdc by penetrating' alone into the heart of the Dark Con- tinent. He was of he type "born to. commend. His skill. in conciliating natives and in adjusting grievant:es' became .proverbial on both the Last and West Coasts The crowning suc- cess of his active career was perhaps the consolidation of the British .Cen- tral ,Afrlca Protectorate. In addition to, his labors' In the co- lonial Reid, he was also a most active author,, and lits range was remark- able. He made manyvaluable con- tributions to the literature of Africa; he wrote extensively upon problems of administration; he added largely to the authentic history of the . African peoples; acid he was also the author of an entirely new typo of novel, in. 'which plots of famous novels by by- gone authors wore developed and car- ried up to the present time. It was an experiment, but it succeeded be- yond his expectations. His official life was a model of what can be done among hostile peoples by the ei;,ercise of firmness, courage and humanitarian principles. He enhanced, wherever he served; the reputation of the Em- pire as a symbol of justce ' concilia- tion and pe"ce. BEGIN" HERE TODAY. '"It began, Excellency, on an Ang- Mysterious, incredible tragedy had ulst nght. There:; is a chill in these been the fate of {todman, the world mountains at sunset. I had put wood genius, whose tremendous brain power into the fireplace, and lighted it,.and had, be ss centred, on the commercial,. was about the house. The master, es niadufacture of precious stones. The I have said, had worked out his scientific world was startled when the 'formulae. "He was at leisure. I could not see him; for the door' was closed, but the "odor of his cigar escaped from the room. It was very silent. I was placing the Master's bed -candle on the table' in the hall, when I heard his voice..:. You have read it, Excel- lency, as the scriveners wrote it down before the judge." Ile panted. "It was an exclamation of surprise,, of astoliishment. Then 1 heard the master get up softly and go over to the fireplace. . Presently he re- turned. He got a mew cigar, Excel- lency, clipped -it and lighted it. I could hear the blade of the knife ani the fibre of .the tobacco, and, of oeuree, clearly the rasp of the match. A moment later. I knew that he was H. T. RANCE Notary ,Public, Conveyancer. Financial, Real Estate and Fire In• suranee Agent. Representing 14, Flra. Insurance Companies. Division Court Office, Clinton. - W. BRYDONE Barrister, Solicitor; Notary Public, oto. Office: SLOAN BLOCK CLINTON DR. GAN®3ER Office' Hours: -1:3b to 3.30 plm., 6:30 to 8.00 p.m., Sundays; 12.30 to 1.30 p.m, Other hours by appointment Duly. Office and' Resldet:ca — Victoria St, DR. 'FRU) G. THOMPSON Office and Residence: _Ontario Street ' Clinton.. Out. One door, west of Anglican Church. Phone ,172. Eyes examined and giasses fitted. - DR. PERCIVAL HEARN Office and Residence Huron Street Clinton, Ont. Phone 69 ,(Formerly occupied by the Jae Dr. • (1 W. Thompson). Oyes •Examined and Glasse:: Pitted. about to turn and rubies at nmere' taro, of ord'izta • The Orient tremendous d Then one da thousands, 'th turn from th Asia. Powell this man had religious ord genius and p Then came man- in the mystery was of French ale out sheets of :emeralds o. vei�ghing several pounds cost than the manufac-; ry window glass. was shocked. It meant esteuction - of wealth. y; bearing a gift worth the DR: H. A. MCINTYRE DENTIST Office hours 9 to 12 A,M. an 1 to 5 ,P,51;, exceptteues•days and Wednes- days. Office over Canadian National Express, Clinton, Ont. Phoma 21; DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST Clinton, Ont. Grath/ate of 0.0,11.6., Chicago, and 11.0.D.S., Toronto, • a , Crown and Plate work it specialty mune a' strange crea- c Shan Monastery in. ul, intelligent—weird— been delegated by his er to serve the great rotect him from evil. the tragedy.The one wgrid needed to solve the M. Jonquelle, greatest tectives. GO ON WITH'THE STORY. CHAPTE- R - II. s France could release, in -the chair agvain. The odor of ig- sent . him. Rodman's aired tobacco returned. It was some the common property of time before there was another sound The. American govern- in the room; then suddenly I heard ot, even with the verdict the master swear. Ilis voice was rt, let Rodman's death sharp and astonished. This time, Ex - the smoke=screen of such cellency, he got up swiftly and crossed rutable mystery. meet Jonquelle and dome im. But my train into d was delayed, and .when the stetion,'I found that d `gone down to have a Rodntan's country -house ing had happened. an isolated forest ridge shires, no human soul Gen miles of it -n com- ne house in the' Enilglish ere Was a big drawing - one end of it. • sed tiie drawing -room for He kept it close -shut - eked. Not evert this big, ' vile creature who took ex- i"T- — of him in the house was IIT�-\ enter, except' under Rod- j What he saw in the final e tragedy,' he saw looking a creek under the door. I i s he noticed when .1 —*- things t on the fire at dark. artily a measure for the the mind. These reflee- d by in a scarcely per- erval of it. They have so time to write'out here, the room to the fireplace. I could hear wded past while `the big hint distinctly. There was the sound as making—in the pause of one tapping on meal, thunping it, words. as with the fingers. t," he continued, "was the He stopped again, for a brief mo- story but it was not the Ment, as in reflection. tory sign. I doubt if the "It was thea; that the master -un - self noticed the thing at locked the door and asked:.for the liquor." He indicated the court rec- d ord in my pocket. 'I brought it, a er was sunk in his labor, goblet of brandy, with some carbon - that enveloped him, the ated water. He drank it all without co of the lure 'would have putting down the glass. , .. His face noticed -and the tension' of was strange, Excellency... Then re. But the day was at he looked at me, ter was "Put a log on the fire,'he said. the mss receptive. his work completed; the "1 event in and added wood to the. penciled out, were on the fire and came out. new bythe relaxation. Of The master' 'remained in the door - all periods this is the one most dan- way; ho re-entered nylten T came out, gerous to the human spirit." and closed the door behind him. , He sat silent fora moment, his big There'was a long silence after that; fingers moving on the arms of the then I heard the voice, permitted to chair. the devocation, thin, metallic, offering '.'I knew," he added. Then lie went the barter to the master, It began, on:' "But it was the one thing against and ceased because the master was which I could not protect him. The on his feet and before the fireplace. toot was to be permitted," I.1 'heard,him swear again, and ;pres- ,lie turned sharply toward me;" the ently return to his place by the tabl." folds of his face unsteady. I The big Oriental lifted his fa "Excellency!" lie cried. "S would and looked out at. the sweep of coun- have saved the'master, 2 would, have try before the window, saved him- with my+setil's damnation,1' "The thing went on,Excellency, but it was not permitted. On that.the voice offering its due, and: 'pre first night in the Italian's- tent I said -senting - it in brief flashes. of meter- call ater all `I ceuld.tl/ .'_ t inlization, and the master endeavor His voice went into a higher nets. I ing to seize and detain the visitaaions, "Twice,. for the master, I have been which ceased instantly at his approach checked and :reduced in merit. For to the -hearth." _ that bees I myself was encircled. 1I The mat pauseel. was in an agony of spirit when 1 "1 knew the master contended in knew that.the thing was beginning to vain aglainst the thing; if, he would advance, but nay very will tip aid was acquire possession of what it offered, at the time onvironed." he must destroy what the creative His voice descended. 1 • , Iforces of the spirit had released to As soon a Jonquelle, , it genit3's was the world. meat could n of at trial Don go by under. a weird, in;e I " was to here :with h New Englan I arrived at Jonquelle ha look at where the th It was on of the Berk within a do fort -able sto fashion. Th room across'. Rodman u a workshop. terga and le yellow, -ter elusive 'care allowed to man's eye. scenes of th in through The .earlier he put logs Time ite h activities of View evit:ge oeptl'ble int taken me s but they oro Oriental w between his "The prin first confirt master him the beginni. -Ho pause T-1 a mast and while first advan by'un the preesu hand when Be. had got formulae, table,Tkn D. H. McINNES. Chiropractor—Electrical Treatment. Of \Vingbam, Will be at the Commute cial Tun, Clinton,; on Mouday,Wednes- day and Friday forenoons of each week. Diseases of all kinds successfully handled. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron, Correspondence prompt'.' answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by eallingPhono 203, Charges Moderato and Seth:raetioit Guaranteed. C ENS Quickrellaffrompainf ul corns, tender toes and pressure of gtight Mune. !t6'Z$ aC R'syAidn+s l l ao"pad cvoywhera get shad stern OSCAR KLOI'P Honor Graduate Carey tortes' National School of Auctioneerfng, Chicago, See - dal cameo taken in Pura Brod Live Steele Real Estate, Merchandise and Farm Sales. 'Rates la keeping with prevailing market, Satisfaction as - Mired, \Vrite or wire, Zurich, Ont: Pbone 15.93. B. R. HIGGINS Clinton, Oht., General Fire and Life Inaurance,'Agent for Hartford Wiudstortn, Live Stock, Automobile and Sickness an Accident Insurance, Huron and Erie and Caua- da Trust'Bonds. Appointments made 10 ;neat parties at Bruceilotd, Marna and. Baylleld. 'Phone 57. I.t r" Iffy Ai °a TIME :TABLE ' -Trains will a -_live at and depart Brom Clinton as follows: Buffalo and Goderich Div. 'Going East, depart 6.25 a -m. 2.52 p.m. Going West, or. 11.10 a,m. " ar, 6.08 dp. 6.53 p.m. 10 ar. 10.04 -prin. London, Huron & Bruce Div. Going Soptlt, ar.' 7.56 dp.7.56 a.m.' " 4.10 p.m. Going North, depart 6.50 pm. 11,05 11.15 a.m. Wilson Publishing' Company C:. raping St rtes Are ,Elaborate What the Hosrdgr Citi,.cn Should' Take With Hirai When ° He' Goes halo Woods for a ,Holiday --His New De - Vices Gone are the days when .getting. ready for camping meant digging out ewe's oldest clothes ao l blankets, bor- rowing the nest battered of the loit chen utensils and lnvestSng in 0 piece ofmos(uito,netting Such dimple pro paratione are thoug'ht,lnadecivate to- day. ' Since camping evolved from the sport of hardy apirlts -'into- a fashion for di, cainp styles ha't`e come to the fere. They speak in such a tone of authority That only, tho,herdl esteeed'them• not, and these, -"too, are likely•10 come evatually'16 `coneeni- enoes,of the'sttntdardi`zed type.;. -.Camp fashion- shows are 'features of Summer scales ovate; and he who attends them learns once for all that camping 16 no longer a strictly rustic affair. Take the item of clothing alone, ,'What the wctl-dreseed matt or' wonsau needs for Camp,, ' in .the opinion of dictators of such styles, might cause thb old flannel shirt to blush with shame.. There, must• be shirts and knickers and blelusee for Morning, afternoon and night, with kerchiefs and hose and sweaters to match, slickers and jackets and coats, emote .and shoes and ;gloves, Campers, it is eajd, take these dictates seriously; "The .camping close on the whale has changed a great deal in the last few years;" one salesman explained. "Many persons, 4110 used to 'spend their vacations at Summer re:,orts now go to Camp instead, The sante interest they used -to devote in got ting together" a lot of fancy clothes for the resorts they now -'tut olt,gentl- ing equipment. - It makes a great dem of difference to them how that' look. Besides, they're not really roughing. 11. They're as comfortable In camp .as they would be in a betel, and they have the same urge ' to dress up, though fashion calls for a . different sort of dress," t "Roug4tng It" Is Ended "WHEN I WENT IN TO PUT WOOD ON THE FIRE I SAW -TIIE OTPRINT. material; ee yard additional 36 -inch •~ Io Adition.d Situp "I gave my wife sone) money the other day to purchase a dress and elle enure home 'with two,' "Hew did that happea?” "Well, she' bought one, and the other site had on when she went out." —Life, He at motiehless, as though the him. �i k� 'C�� � whole bulk of him were devitalized, I Again he paused. g ��andw amaintained its outline only by the "Toat'd morning be went out of 'Eli's Insuranceenclosing frame of the chair. the house. I could hear him walking on the gravel before th. door. He _�� would walk the full length of the Head Office, SeafCIrth, that; DIRECTOh,Y: President t Sus Connolly, Goderich; The, James levans Beechwood; See,. Treasurer, ';'hos: le. Hays, Seatortli, Y Directors: George McCartney, .Sea. forth; D; 0. McGregor, 2caforth; 1, 0, Or i ,ve Walton; Wm.Ring, 6 eaP rt • M. Mc11wen Clinton; Robert Ferr(op, Matlock; John lleoneweir, Brodhagen; Jas. Connolly, Goderich. Agents: Alex, Leitch, Clinton; J. W. Yeo, Goderich; Ed. Ilinchray, Sea forth; W. Chesney, Egmondvllle; 11. G. Jarnluth, Brodhagen, Any Money to be paid in may be paid to Moorish Clothing Co., Clinton,. or at'Cutt's Grocery, Goderlch. Parties desiring to affect Insurance or : transact other business • 10111 be promptly attended to en application to any of the above officers addressed' to 11ss1r respective post odlce. Losses inspected by the Director who Alves ;nearest the s.:eno, ,,,,• . • -... ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS ehouse and • return. The night wap W. MacMillan and Company clear; there "'cues a chill in •it, and Union Bank'Building,.Galt. Picone 5,8 eV¢ rou'loat pd s� allr Ekclellency, The ipso Toronto and Kitchener I master returned a little later and W. 14I.4CxlIILLAN, LA, I ascended to his bedroom, as Usual." /. F-28 Then he added: • "It was ween I went in to put wend W s v w k our the $re that I sato the footpxinb ,� , I ; r"'"'t"� i `t, t ,�l,tr l��*t- a,, y�. larfa,• � � l on the hearth." There was a force,r e, canp e1llng aerial vivid, in these meager the se. Il ,y J yore suppression of things, big and tragic. No elaboration could have equaled, in effect, the virtue of this restraint. ; °inn l rilf,,aul n1 ,l;p. h'ilt 1,tc 1. The man was going on, ;direcUY, Prof. W, 2 Ilnldsivnrtlt,l',C,, SI,ClT„ Vintt witThi star . ' ;. 1 Souls Cclie'e, Oxforil,.r•eIural ag wlih 111 an, tiob ttwoofla I'r1ata 1'otisio "The folloWin night, ht, Excellency, a All S U o t Om l'utlptd liner {lusitilia, 10 England. 1 ft g g tour of the halted 9tate,l 1 ,the thing' happened,'-Thenmast r had On tail-th(r /,m'l Prise of Ilatvat'd daring his received two honorary degre 4 passed the day in the open. ` I3e dined i man t i American visit. ,.,..rn,;^ y.tv,".°„•-. With a good' appetite, like a r SOrTEF•If1 NalAST I't R ?{.; µ)Vi Evet'ywomans Maid-ef ail-werk :. 00C -.• -tin be overcome lf,'yen w1'll eew cop+ hand es on all loin' corners ;Pith heavy thread, Flower Sterne Clear crystal vases give double beau .y from a bouquet if you arrange the stem's under the water as -Care!. fully as you do the blooms. above. Chicken Grill Oh•icken legs and wings . can be utilized 'appe lzinglqby g'rllling with small sausages and bacon arid -serving with tried' pineapple shoes: Stuffed Tomatoes. Tomatoes stuffed with fruit and served with. boiled 41,eam trashing make an unusually deliciousand diff, fereut tasting luncheon salad. Pctui•e Prints - Old-fashioned ,tinted prints [rem books and ,magazines „Make charming medallions for smart ,lamp slrailee boxes or even wall decorations. Cheese Salad Roll small balls of cream cheese, Sprinkle with paprika, place; three on : lettuce leaf, and grate Roquefort cheese over tole. Serve with French dressing, New Dressing For fruit salads a delightful dress- ing results from whtpplug.ttvo teb.le- apoone `of .fruit Jam into mayonnaise with a little heavy cream added. Mint Mousse if you make your own ice-cream, .l delightful dessert can be made by flav- oring your regular recipe of mousse whit mint, - Crisp Rolls -To crisp rolls. hi-muggysummer weather, sprinkle lightly with water and insert in hot grill pan tor a few minutes, Summer Treats Bavarian Raspberry 2 tb. gelatin, ee cup colel water, 1 pt. crushed red raspberries, % cup boiling water, 'a cup whipping cream, 1 eup sugar, t tb lemon juicer . Soak gelatin\in cold*water and ilia. solve in boiling water.. Cool and add crushed: fruit mixed with sugar and lemon juice. As sou as the mixture' start's to jell, fold in the whipped cream and peer into melds to set. Cooked Salad Dressing 1 tsp. mustard, .1 tsp. salt, Dash cayenne, 1tirtb. flour, 2'egg yolks, 1 ' cup milk, i/2 tb. butter, 1/1 'cup viuogar, 1 tie eugar. g Mix dry ingredients in tae tap of a double boiler. Gradually add the egg yolks, fat and milk; stirring constantly to keep"smooth, Caolr over hott waters',waters',Roughing it, in any real sense, is contrasting for View' B. Price 20c en -experlSnce modern ingenuity is the pattern. ing its best to rule out, even among The frock has rlaits and' a yoke at those'wlio pitch their tent in a differ - front and back, a high' neckneckwith ent place each night. Where is the shaped collar, or square tock, long •camper now. wild -splits his own wood sleeves with cuffs, and ,a belt. No. and blows 'his own. fire? Not many 1542 is in sizes 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. of his kind are left, The Camper Size 10 requires 2% yirpirate39.inch, us,nally lbas-a stove with oven and or 2 yards 54 -inch. material., Price 20 steamer and hinged wire grate, which cents the pattern. folds up into a suitcase. Rio fuel. -he Our Fashion Book, illustrating „the borrows•from Umautomobile gasollue newest and most practical styles, will tank. Electric'i,'ghts, are plugged into be of 'interest to every home dress- outlets in the oar. .liven a hot bete. maker. Price of the.book 10 cents may be had comfortably in the heart the copy. of a virgin forest, since the portable HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. folding bathtub of rubber -,coated dupla Write your name„and address plain appeared. 'The market is flooded with port ly, giving number and 'size of such able ice boxes and ioeless refrigel patterns as you want. Enclose 20e in atom, kept cool by Water evaporatin stamps or coin (coin. preferred), wrap through re covering of duck, and thet'' o - it carefully) for each number and mal food, containers come in all sixes address your order to Pattern Dept, Wilson Publishing Co„ 73 West Ade- laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by retursr mail. There is the portable fireless •000iter, for ton minutes. Remove front fire, cool, and add the vinegar, Peach Salad 6 largo peaches, raw or canned, ice crap Dream •elieese, tri, cup,mayotmituise dr'es:•iitb`, 3fi cup celery cut In that strips about 1, in. long, 14 cup shredded green, popper, lettuce leafy".s, 4,i' cup 1nlllc Pare and crit peaches in halves: Placa to n bel of lettuce leaves, chop- ped celery and pepper. Mash cheese and combine with mayonnaise. Put mixture Into a pastry bag and 1111 the. hollows of peaches leaving a rase Otttop, or 111 carefully with a spoon. At • Uro table serve plain or with creamy dressing as preferred. Summer Drinks' I think our husbands and families and the help, too, enjoy in the heat or the outrlmer,a change+trout tea, coffee or milts. There are a fern cold drinks that are especially good dud. thirst quenching which I use often when .the too, with its promise of ltot lunches served up without decoy, the lunch having beet started: en Nthe stove dur- ing breakfast and 'finished in the cook- er while the`party was taking its ride. For the calliper or to -day the solitude of the wilderness le bauished by the ,portable radio sat and the silence is dispelled. by tate voice of the portable phonograph. Tents Like Bungalows , Unkind of Him. "Guess you've forgotten. you owe me five bucks, eft, Bunkiel" "Now, there you got a had almost forgotten it and now you hadto up, and remind the -of it "again,” "Everybody is somebody's bore."— Edith Sitwell O1' RIO GOLLEGE;,OF ART n ' Grwig''o Per'JL l Zara nro, . Cmplete fiutrucgon in DRAWING,PAINGIJG SCULPTURE Died"iatSIGN,COMM1RCLAL ILLUSTRAuOM,INTEMOR DECORAYIDN, A. and: do APPLIED -ARTS. e Nto 55001105` cotln,irAOtoOeITn otic DM' 01 tbil0, DAY AND EVENIN50 011551(E01080C160E11,volas 00I51 mit PROM: 105100 I1EO0-l1ATION Tents, guaranteed mosquito -proof, are niad•e like little bungalows, wall. windows and doors and maybe a front Porch. - Or if one prefers a cabin one may have it ha an automobile body that claims to provide all the comforts without the ungainly lines of the "house car;' and to offer the appoint meats of a small apartment without the •earmarks of heusokeeping on the road. At stops' the driver's cab be- comes at kitchen, witn stove, ice box and sink; and when the.meral has Ween prepared a table in the stateroom -15 dropped from a partition panot„ Tito divan in the stateroom heeomes a full; weather is hot size bed at night; the betcloth3s tom- Orangeade—Pare a thin rind from Mg from au attic in the roof, and a four oranges and put into a hitcher.. third passenger is accominodatetl ou Add ,an ou0ce,of<sugar to the peelings a conch le the front contpartmeitt, and pour over them a- quart of boil- " Everything• Po !ng water: Let stand until call.• Thin Automobile camping has brought in add the, juice Or the oranges and the folding gear.. Tito' steel franme of juice el one lemon; then chill.. These canvas wash basins and water hack- portions 'maty be doubled if desired. ots have joints that enable them, flat- -Temperance Tea—One' .cupful of tend cut,, to. be carries raider the strong tea, half a cupful of ginger tett, cushion of the automobile seat. There ono •-capful at sugar, aha rueful 61 are folding baskets. folding lanterns orange juice Balt a Cupful of .lemon With mica sides, folding hatches and juice and cue 'capful et ':oil water. knives, and a spade that collies in two. Mix anis 01:111. e -11;x uteo There kw a folding toas'e'r that stashes Pineapple Lemoned the j flat and a' frying pan with a handle ot two lemons. With one cmipfut of that tucks under its bottom, a -folding shredded pineapple, three tab;espoon'. -cupboard with wire able and metal full -of sugar, Wed .e -tie cupful of boil - shelves and a fort[ with a t le Copia„ ing water. When cool add a capita handle. Thera are 0.1,0,,, tables and, of cold water. Strain before.:awing. chairs..; anal beds fold, of Courit,'10 Old size of a small golf ,bas wle t%:er, it bo, an ordinary camp cot, an ad;ust- able frame made to fit oval. ,the seat rms of ny touring car br• Inet'ely a meatless inflated with ah', The 'hist word in folding conveni- _eire•ee is -spoken by tlie 00mpera' kitchenette, whet 0 11000 for every- thing anal everything Rept in Its pIncct' it is a cabinet ol1 steel with' a trade folding out from the front end tompartments 'fnri ice and all kitchen sU(plies, insldo Its dishpan tits a nest of tlrs,.es an;lee:eel:Mg titonails, nal the, whole alis snugly on the r'inr- niiiebeet d of (he oar HOUSEHOLD HINTS Sts7t u nt iCl `SGhe Schedule " Stinrtitrr hollaelierltlltg 1111'1 eOO1C{iia 61mel l 'lie retuned to a nsiuinutin, To alt111 t'.10151 slid effort, peaneeaeh week'e 5pltedul5 ;ilei stick to tt. Invalid's -Catch-All t' 1 kLop an invalid's help lags,: stteh as bartcll.erchlef, ;glasses, nnte- bocic,';etc„':from getting lost, 'pin a stiff, chintz envelope bat; to the under- side of her Pillow. Mattress•i-landles A11di(Htu1. tl �i's: in. turning' tnattr rises JUICY • F'R.UIT hos the fievor of fresh, ripe fruits. 9f It is beneficial too, cleansing mouth and teeth, soothing 'thethrmit 'is and lYctpt g. v• : -o . c: esn di t a g ISSUE . No. 36- '27 •