HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-08-25, Page 1•
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24.24 -49th Year
-ci,ENTeN, ONIPAR11*,..TIllinspity, AUCUST 25, 1•2';/'
Ziour *Watch too,Jhu1d 3e
You insist upon style, of course, in your clothing, your automo- -
bile, your home—in fact, in almost everything that .serves you in this
business of living.
" Yet one point may have escaped you, as it isas so many others.
And that is—your watch.
Today there must be style in your watch --true art in its design,,
distinctiv-eness in its shape and finish, An old-fashioned, bulky, over -
ornamented watch "nay ruin an otherwise excellent attire.
In our complete stock you will ,find the "best -dressed" , watches
that money can buy—backed up by our guarantee as to quality and
reliability as a iimekeeper.
Phone 174w Residence 1743
At Half Price and Less
This is a gebuine clearing-, sate
and you will be surprised at the
assorttnent of dresses we have
chosen to clear at $3.49.
These are comprised of fujis,
voiles, wool crepes and flannels
in BettyBIQ W 11'Billie Burke and
Helena, Garments. ••
An assortment of better ,dress-
es will also be priced for friday
and Saturday at half the regular
Price. •
st, -
We've School Suits built on
purpose, to hold that active boy
• who was never known to be
• quiet.
• We want parents to see our
4school suits, examine. them, try
them on the boys.
Bas Snits, with extra Knickers . . ... . . $6.90
Boy's Suits, with' exta Knickers . . 2 00
Boy's Sits with extra Knickers . .. ... . 12,50
Boy's Blue ' Serge Suits, with extra Knickers 10.01)
Boy's Suits, one pair knickers and. one pair long trousers -12.50
Boy's one Imiekersuits . • ,........ ... .8.50 to 1255
ASlc to see ourBlue Clydesdale'
Serge, C'elor and.Wear,guaranteed.
-yovitignien's Double' Breasted
extra trousers, special at •$.19.90.'
439c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 to $3.50
"A Square Deal for Every Man j
Wheat, 51.20.
Oats, 50c, '
Barley, 70c.
Buckwheat, 75c.
Butler, 30e, td 32e.
Eggs, 25c to 30c.
Live Hogs, 510.00 t 510.50,
Wlorcl has been received that Mr. C.
F, Wheaton of s Toronto, husband,ol
Mr. Robert HohneS' 'eldest daughter
(Ida), pas5ed4 away in Toronto Ofs
Wednesday after an illness of about
three weeks. Sympathy is extended.
to the family in their bereavement.
One of the • worst fires for some
time was the fire at Mr. 'satin Bath -
well's, when his large barns, were
completely destroyed about forr
o'clock Sunday morning. When he
got home from town Saturday night
everything was all right but arty
Sunday lamming he saw les beers
were on fire. He salmi -toned his neigh-
bors, but nothing .could be saved. The
lose is very' heavy as he had got' in
,his hay and most of his' grain. The
loss is partly covered by i.11S11111.11Ce:
Mr. Rathwell has no idea how the fire
The war veterans of Huron Couety
held a leery successful picnic in ,ToW-
.ett's Grove, Bayfield on Wednesday
of last week. There was a splendid
turnout from nearly all parts Of the
county Sind all took a keen interest •in
the many; events -of the afternoon's
program. The following were the
prize whiners:
• iiELPS'11111;1'''f'f 1111E11C11
'ff,"1-2E LiOrthIE
• Married ladies' race Mrs. Ohm,
Mrs. Vanwick, Mrs. J. Cook: ••
• Young ladies — Messes McClelland,
Schoolbrook and Otelniere.
, Girls under 12 --Mildred Fraser,
Betty McClelland, Irene Stheets.
Girls:under 7—M. agaid, R. Mc-
Clelland, 51. Vanners.
Giris' three-legged-rade—M. Streets
and L. Flynn, V. IVIedomiell and C.
Crynon, fl, Cox and{ M. lVfieholland.
Men's race--Cantelon. Patterson,
Boys, under 12 ---Tom. Sills, Melvin
Snyder, Bill Robinson.
Boys' three-legged race—Mrs. Geo,
Jenkins, Mrs. 'COO1C, Mrs. H. 1VieBrien.
Young ladies' walkink "rnee--Mies
..11.feBryne. • t.,
Two soft' ball games were played.
• The ladieseteam from Clinton certathe
ly put it over a picked team of boYs
by a score of 174,1. The other game
WAS between Winghare, men players
and Exeter and Clinton combined,
Winghaem winning. by a Scare of 14 to
• A boxing bout- J)etween ;Cones and,
Williams wasginfehiappreeiated by the'
crowd present,4ones whining the linen
and Williams a five pound pail of
The Clinton.1.Pipe, Band entertained
the -crowd during( the afternoon and
evening under the leadership of Fred
Ivrt'theell;'• '
e wes an abundance of go
things to eat and the ladies deserve
much. credit for the service rendered
the,veterans, on this their...third-amend
Ontario street United Church was
. the scene. of a very pretty wedding on
Wednesday afternoot, August 24,. at
12,15 o'clock, when Kathleen E. only
daughteg of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Liver-
more became the bride of Mr. Clar-
once S. Green, son of Mr. and Mrs, Al-
bert Green of Teeswater. The cerem-
ony was performed by 'Rev. C. J.
IVIoorhouse„Exeter„ assisted by Rev.
A. E. Doan.;" •' .
. .
The bride, who 'Was' given in rtsar,
riage by her fathon, wore, gown of
Romaine Crepe,' her veil was caught
with 0 wreath ..02, orange blossoms.
She earried'a „shower bouquet of p ph-
elie. and Sweetheart, ros5s and Bay's
The bride • was 'attended' by Miss
Carrie Pratt of Toronto who. wore -a-
pink. georgettedress with hat to'
match. She carried a bouquet oi Oh -
alis roses and sweet peas.
The flower girl was Miss Pearl
' Mr. Ernest ,• Lives -more, brother of
the brido acted as best man and the
ushers were Mr. PercY-Livermore. snl
lVfr. Alvin Leonard. 'During the eign-
ing of the register Dr. Fred Therrir,
son sang, 'Answer." Mrs. E. Wen-,
clod, organist of - the Chureh played
the "Bridal Chorus" from Lohengrin,
and Tannhaeser, by Wagner. The
cburch was . prettily decorated with
Gladioli, Sweet Peas, and Palms.
Following the' ceremony, a reception
was held els the lawn of the bride's
parents, where a buffet hancheon was
served. There were about eighty
guests' present •
The bride's travelling dress was
rosewood georgette with rnseweed
,ceat and hat to nmtch and blond
shoes and stockings,
, Mr, and Mrs. Green" left on a wed-
ding trip,. to Niagara Falls and l3uC-
Then Wtssley-Will is United. .Chuneh Pastillas ter Scott announces,
boys' softball team played ,against the new issue Stamps are now. h
Varna on Monday last.. Varna was de- you an obtain, Sc, ' '12n and,
lh'°' Mr. J. G. Stanisnry and, family o
er's E'keteiocalnYing iher sullinle
reared by a score of" 24,8- The boys stamps at' the' new issue sI theP
2gOs.a ec41‘tlareDionvitdhePvirelltisaigce; spent the week-
end with his wife at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, ISM. j". StinsOn.
They returned to Toronto on Sunday
d Mrs D McDonald returned
totheir home in TOTODIO' on Meseta'Y
alter having visited for severe), weeks
7,1/11, with their daughters, Mrs. A, Newton -
'E, ratty and Mrs. R. Y. ifffeLeon.
's.GihbiS guests stMsist5M
s0 A.rsG.J. hill were tie .
Mr. Lindsay, Parkhill, and Rev. and
Mee. Aylword, Victoria, B:C., celled
ta on' left-. and"Mrs..Tolin Tippet. Many
will remember M. Aylword, the Pres -
Ate, byterian minister. Who twenty-nine
ate years' ego was stricken with typhoid
fever and lay Tor weeks in a critical:"
condition at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
are in the lead far tht semi-final soft- Office,
hall tournament to be held in (toilet- . , ,
lob bext Wednesday, Aug. 31st, EN GA GEMENT NNOUN CED,
HURT IN FALL. Mr. and Mrs. T. ,I: Lindsay
niounce the engagement of t
younger daughter, Bessie Laidlaw
Mr. George Leslie Falconer, eldest
01' Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Falconer,
of the London Road, the marriage
take place early in September.
hones, but was badly shaken up and On Wednesday afternoon the 1
may have suffered intonel injuries. bell startled the citizens of the to
She fell a distance of twenty feet. ' The fire was in the boarding room
AN' OLD RESIDENT'S OPINION. the Clinton;IKPitting Go. • The n
succeeded in putting out the fire N
An old resident of Clinton, a former extinguishers before the firemen
undertaker, on a visit to Clinton was rived. Practically no damage 1
taken out to visit the cemetery. When done. . -
he stee'the new gates he thought they I
were very nice but rather an expense - ,
as they were unnecessary. IIs gave Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Batter, Bayei
his reason, "The ones who are in the- Ont., announce the engagement
cemetery1 cannot leave and people their younger daughter, Marge
who are outside are not anxious
to Jean (Greta) to Erie Howard Yo
get in. • Thereforethe gates are not I only son of Mrs. York and the 1
necessary." - 1 Mr. II. II. York of Toronto. T
marriage to take place early In
tenther. •
The following refers ti the wife of
a former zeeter of St. Panl's
Rev. C. E. Jeakins, now of 13rantferd:
"Pallirig from a second story 'Win-
dow, Mrs, C. E. Seakins,- wife of the
rector of St. Jude's Anglican chureli
here, fortunately •-esca)ed: broken
• of
re -
A number of the Weekl.v Press
members of the Huron and Pei•th
Association, with their wives and I The Clinton Public School wilt
famshes, held a picnic at Jewett's.
Grove, Bayifield, on Friday last. A
prognarn of eports and races for both
young and eld -waserun off., ending up
with a: Softball game in which the
ages ran from nine years lo—well,
we all took part, It 'was a day well
spent and it is the intention to make
it an annual evert.
L. 0. I3,A. PICNIC.
• Huron Lodge, L. 0. le A., Clinton,
held their annual piceie to Bayfteid
on Saturday, Aug. 80. They were
joined atRayfield by Seaforth Orange
Lily Lodge. The ladies indulged in
games and sports. A ball game took
place with Mee. Pullman and Mrs.
Mervin I-Ianly eaptains. Nes. Ilanly's
team won a score 22-11.- A beauti-
ful dinner was served at the close and
community singing breught to a
close a most enjoyableonting.
On Tuesday evening a high class
AMONG THE CHURCHES. concert was given in the TON91,1 Hal),
by Miss, Nfarion ,Giblengst Behest, of
Wesley -Willie Meted Chnelt •°Hata, and ulnae merle Jeeketm
Rev. 3. E. Hogg will oeeen,PY tile harpist, from Detroit. There VMS a
pulpit -at both services. •
Presbyterian Church
open for the fall tern Sept. 0.
Last Wednesday, August 17, the
Women's7Institute held a very suc-
cessful picnic at Bayfield. All report
all excellent time.
The • softleall girls are holding a
tournament here on Friday evening.
IVLitchell, Seaforth and Clinton are the
Abort twenty young people from
• Clinton took the trip to Niagara Falls
on Sunday. Fortunately they bad no
;Mishaps this week. They repott a
very enjoyable outing-. ,
The'Miller Hardware Co., W. T.
O'Neil's and the Graham Rotel beers
been freshened _up with a coat of
peint, '
very good house for the summer sea-
son, Everyone seemed very highly
pleased 'with the delightful music of
Service en Sunday at 11, o'clock the two young ladies. Mae. Weriderf
conducted by Mr. Wellington Graham, acted as pianist,
student he charge of Bayfield and •
Bruce,field. Subject: "Getting lace to The following group was sung by
face with -God." Mr. Macfarlane will Miss Gibbing's: Brown Bird Singing,
take the Communion service at Bay- Hayden Woodi IVI°r11Ing, Oioy
field. •. Speaks.; A Baby's Hair is Built of
Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Sum -Wentzell. Miss Jaekson next
favoured the audience with: Illozerica,
Ontario Steeet 'United Church - Sehuicker; Endearing Young Charrne,
Stevenson; Amarillue Gavotte, Dente
Services on Sunday, August PS11 '
10 am., Sunday honl 11
- ..' -.- -.1 . XIV. Mrs. Weridorf played Romance,
aP-----' -- -an" Sibilius, as a piano solo. Miss Gib -
"Peace Meth° Strength of God." 7 bings seng Nlother 1VIachree and The
p.m. "Effort and Prayer."
the services..
A.' D. Doan will speak at '41 Aeolian Harp, Dance ofethe Gnomes
Rv Rosery with harp aecompaniment.
1 and I3allad were played by lilies
Yining People's meeting Monday ev- Jackson on the harp. .Mrs. Wendorf,
ening at pen. Prayer and Praise Country Gardens, The last group on
service Wednedilay evening at S. pen.
the peogreni was The Blincl Plough -
Don't fail to hear Rev. G. E. Mor -
man mid Indian Love Call, talten
ley, B.A., of Tor'ineto, on Sept, 4th and
from Rose IVIarie, by Miss Jackson,
5th at the. Young , People's annivere-
beep, Mies Gibbing's, voice, Mrs, Wen-
ary. It will he a real treat. . •
dorf, piano.
You are urged to come to church •
Sunday. •These young ladies will get a warns
• 'welcome in 'if thee" appeal
• . Clinton• ,
The following refers to a former - • .
citizen IA Clinton,'Mr. Jew ,WFIS in ,TDAPIPIC REGULATICINS'
the livery bueinees here 4.0,n-6 lfbne.''
1i0n Some tirne:our-motor traffic has.
-fre.was a brother of Mr. Robert Jones
been running Wiltle causing Confusion,
end of town: "'" especially -on Saturday Mghts. , Care
, The death of iMr.' Jones et hie beamhave been parlced three and four deep
'en Riansieird "Street, removes oho of'-eleaving very little of the roadway for
the' oldstinie residents of the, city of 'can in motion. Parties who have
eViiii6ite°s1'tiae. 6111;1711.; elunsoirYe. tivfh4rn• '‘Tifetriyesyliatrusi haVe been held for an hour- waiting
, parked their care close to the curb
Made his home in this o the for an opportunity to pull out; ram,'
Past ten"years00 dere he lied' ing aggravating inconvenience,.
retiredllfrom active businesk, '
' Born in York, ciose-te' Toronto, an are win'kiniat-deVising
July.114' ':1840., he's livedin Ontario ' by-law to regulate' the motes. traf.,
duriMl his' earlier „year's. In 1875he and parking of cars on on' front
'came to' the eity, making the trip. by, • streets. While this is not yet_com-
way of the PanciencC rethmus. Ever plebe we can give the public ae-
sien, with Atha exception ei about a proximate Wee of what will be re".
year' spent in the Klondike in the quired of motorist, The Coderich 'and'
early „days of the rush there, he • tax Seaforthroed includes Teuton and On -
been a rosid,eut onethe 'city. 1.Ie event tario streets, arid will eonstitute. the
to the Yukon in 1898,- through street. Stop. signs hav,e,been
Mr. Jones who had been brought placed on each • Side of it bird all
up in the east to be a •good judge of vehicles will be compelled to come to
horses, went, into the livery' business a full stop . before crossing, Thera
here in the early days in a partnersliin' will be certain sections where parking
Itnown ab Josses and • MeNeill, This, will be prohibited, viz., 25 feet at all
nee business was followed by hies , corners, 15 feet each side of the.five
for a number ,years, and at that. hydrants. Angie parking only will
when 'the antoneobile had 11.01, be allowed on the west side of the
come into its place, Mr. „Fence carried Main streets and flat parking on the
on quite -a liirge. businese in the line east side. There will be no parking
of dealing in' 'horses, Ile was the first allowed on Ontario street for ,about
one tg brims a- carload- Of horses over 100 feet east el Albert street,: Those
the ' C.P.R. to:Vietoriay ' and other regulations are necessary
iSa was also'ccineeeed with the werk for public safety and ie will take a
of distributingi pedigreed -Stock little time, patience and forbearance
this Province emote" bteeders. :till everybody becomee familiar with
For thetpest few years he has beee what will be eiequired of.both motor-
ing in health, but altheugle he had ists and pedestrians.
axed the 'rather advanced age oil
enty-eight, there was nothing' ! •
icate that end .was near. Taken , • mg_
donly illghe passed away eieeters Ott 1101101/V
The out of town guests were: if,Tr. rea
and Mrs. Albert Green, Mr. and Mrs. sev
G. Green, Mo'. J. Kirkby, elfr. and Mrs. ind
W. R. ROSS, MI'S. Renwick, Mr, Will slid
•Thompson, of Teeseveter: Mr. and
Mrs. Pocock, Miss Free, Miss Hogg,
Miss Colling, of Winghatn; Dr. and
Mrs. IL S. Brown, of Detroit; Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. 'McMurray, Tiarristms; Mrs,,
Robt, Shepherd, Mr. and MI'S. H. liar-
• per, London; Mr. and Mrs,• Vineeat,
Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. W. Livermore, Gte
Dundalk; Mr. and Mrs. Fl, F. Jackson, 1'
Exeter, • Aim
On their return they -will reside in ner
Teeswater. Res
day r°re"°-"ii, • ' Mr. and 51'o,Jas. Ford and 1Mis,
Air. Jones is survived by his -widew, , • .
°Iota. are bolidaYnse at
a brother, Robert jonee in Clinton - '
end twa beothere, Edward_ aud George 'Mr. and Mao. MOS. Herman and fam-
Albert, are residents of Saartieli, B.C. ily 1100 visiting TOrOnta friends ibis
Cochrane, a sister, resides week ,
Victoria, and another sister IVire.
w, Clinton. • 1 Re•v. Dr. F. Cloak of Philadelphia,
be ftmeral was held an Thuraday, Penne preached in Sc, Paul's church
-tete, from Hayward's B.C. Fut 1 last Sunday evening, Rev, and Mrs.
al Chapel to ROSS Bay Cemetery Cloalt were guests of Mr. and Mts.
P 11 '
Mr. and Mrs. David. Ramsay and
daughter Ethel returned to their home
in Rochester ,N, 'Ir., on lefonday after
heving- visited friends and relatives in
the vicinity for a weelc.
Mrs. E...Horne who has spent the
past few weeks in the village has re-
turned to her home in Toronto.
Mr. and Meg. David I:testi/1'ga and
family left on Tuesday for their home
in Galt after having pent the sunnier
in Deer Lodge Park.
Miss Marjory Batterill ef Arthur
is the guest of Miss Nina E. Heard.
Mr. and Mrs. /C. C. Campbell and
two children; Sandwich, Mrs. Mur.;thY,
New Orleans and • Miss Cleary of
Windsor are occupying X. W. Reid's
IVIrt end Mrs, E. Taylor and little
son. of Goderieh were the guests. of
Nes. Taylor's aunt, IVIrs. Wee Herird
on Sunday.
• Ur. SS A. Nickels and familsr have
returned to their home in ,Winciser af-
ter having camped in the village for a
fortnight, -
Mrs. Mary IVIellor Harry'and Edith
Mellor oe London gee occupying A. 1.
Stevens at -beget "Merrytirne Lodge."
Richard Smith, mail courier, had an
tiefortunate accident on Tuesday when
a car driven by Cakes of Sarnia
collided with his hone drawn vehicle.
The buggy was badly smashed and Mr.
• Smith's ankle was injured. The ace
eident occurred on the square oppoeite
Captain J. ,A. Ferguson's home. IVIr.
Oakes exkuowleclged that he 'was driv-
ing too :fast to make the turn. Mr.
Smith was able to keep control of the
hone and to go his route in another
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dymeet and
family of Detroit are visiting Mao, Dy -
„meets parents.; Mr. and Mrs. John Tipe
Miss Burroughs of London was the
guetit'ef Mrs. F. W. Baker over the
Week -end.
Mrs. Victor Burt and family gild
Harry Baker returned to London. on
Sunday after having spent e weele
with their mother.
Rev, and Mrs. Paul returned to the
Rectory on Friday, They. -were acs
companied by Mr, and Mrs. J. Dixon
and daughter Carrie of Galt who spent.
the week -end, the latter remaining fon
a longee visit with her sister.
Miss Dorothy Wright of London is
the guest her cousin, Maser. H.
Mr. and Mrs, .0. n. Groves visited
with Dr. and Mre. Weeds ori. Suniley.
Mrs. E. • Fisher Kitchener, Miss
Ruth Fisher, Water:loo ore visiting the
formeris ender, Mrs. F. A. Edwaeds,
Miss Ruble Fisher, Meinro and Miller
Fisher, WaterSotewei•e also het guests
on -Sunday.
Mr. I Mullen of Strqthroy was the
guest of Mrs, john Fraser ever the
Mr. Nesbit Weeds of Toronto 10 Vis7,
iting Isis parents, Mr. and Mrs. John,
D. Woods.- • • •
• Miss Ethel Jowett has. returned to
her home afterihavieg visited friends
in port Huron. She was accompanied
by Mrs. W. A. Jewett wheris the -guest
of Mr. and ailles. W. R. Jewett.
Miesee M. Rathwell, Racheal Tay-
lor, Mail, E. Walker, IVeary Mollard,
Ada Bingley and Mre, Bingley left on
Pe9ple You.Know
igrs.' 'rhea, Frq 'rain isi visiting
Loadoa, • .
Mes6ss, Kenneth_ and Ross Carter are
visiting iso Gaderich,
Mr-- Arnold, Glazier ef SE. Clair, Mich-
igan is visiting in town,
Miss .Amy Howson left Tuesday to"
visit friends in Kincardine,
1VIts, Farquhar is visiting her dtiugh-
ter, Mrs. Clegg, in Morris.
Mrs. (Dr,) 11/facEsven and children el
, Aylmer are visting Mr. H. R.Sharp,
Miss Mildred Coale o.0 Toronto has
been visiting friends here the past.
eveek. •
Mr, and Mrs, W. A. Mason of Toronto
000 viaiting friends in town this, -
Mr, Clarence Kilty of Toronto visited
his -aunt, Mes.' Robt. Draper last'
week -mid.
Mo. Karl Rankle of Hamilton spent
the week -end al: the borne of Mr. T.
J. TifeNelL •
Misses Bert and Almada Crittendeo,
spent the:seek-end at their home in •
Mies Catherine MacTaggart is visit-
• ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. D.
Mise Freda Schoenhals spent a few .
• days in Bait -field camping with Mies•
Doris Durnin.
Stanley Shobbrook motored to Buf-
'fele on Sunday. He has accepted
a. position there,
Miss Matilda Marie Jackson (harpist)
was the guest.of Miss Marion Gib-
bings this week.. •
Mrs. Fred Meadows of Windsor is
• visiting at the borne of. Mr. arid
Mrs. J. G. Medd, '
IVIrs. Lawrence of Windsor, a niece
of Mae. J. G..,Nedd, called at her
aunts hope; on Saturday •
Mr. and Mrs, Selo. Bartley and Mse
• Paulthe of Vankleek Hill called on
• Clinton friende last Sunday,
Mr, and Mr, Marsh and kr. and Mit?
Thompson of Detroit are visiting at
the home of M.r. Geo. Davis.
Mr. W. Treleaven and- family re- •
„ turned to Tien -nine after visiting
their brother, Me. B. Gibbings.
Mrs. P. L. Hay of Brantford returned
• home Monday after spending a,
week at the horrie of 1VIr. E, Carter. -
Mr. and Mee, Wallis and Miss
Gertrude W'allis belt bet motor to
visit 'friends in London and Wind -
Mr. Hantley of Ayliner and Mr. and
Mas, Allin of St, Thomas visited at
the home of ReyaSnowclen on Sun-'
Kiss Nora Kennedy of llfildmay is
'spending the remeinder of her hell -
days, with her sister Miss. L. Ilen-' •
Miss Olive Schenhals has 'returned'
honee from Sarnia after spending.
a fortnight with her sister Mrs. 114e.
Cook. • ,
Mr. Ernest Bradshaw of Detroit and,
his. sister, Mrs. Stevenson of Hyde
Park, visited friends 111 town last
Miss Phyllis .Crich returned te Tor-
onto Monday after apencling her
• holidays with heiemother, Mrs, Eli
Mrs. Jas. Steep lefts this eveelt for
Loudon where she is making her
home with her, daughter, Mrs. A. F.
Mee. (Dr.) Percival Heave is at pre.
sent taking a trip to the Coast with
her parents, Mr. and Mac. 'Rouse.
'of Hamilton. •
Me. and Mrs. Las and Miss
• Seta of 1Viitchell are visiting Mrs.
Lashbrook's parents, Mr. and. Mre.-
Ezra Pickard.
Mr. and' Mao. Horace Viltse and Mr:
and Mrs. Fred Wiltse all of Detroit
are visiting lea. and Mrs, tint
Wit -gee of town. .
Miss Nellie IVIedd of Exeter has re --
turned biome after spendieg part
of the holidays at the home of Mr.
and 'Mrs. J. G. Medd.
Miss Winnifred Gowan of Toronto ree'
tiurned home on Tueeday tieter
spending a week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hall.
Ilfrs J W. Shebbr ok is iso Toronto
she returned with Mr. and Mrs. W.
Low who visited Mr. and Mrs.
Shobbrook for the past two weeks.
Miss Ruth Ball, who has spent the'
past 'three, weeks visiting her cous-
ins Misses Irene and Evelyn John-
ston of St. Catherines has returned
Mr. R. R, Andrews and ,family of Ak-
ron, Ohio, visited his mother and
sister, lest week. Mrs. B. X. Gig-
bings acconmanied • linn as far as.
Toronto. '
Miss Doris, Kennedy returned
to her home"in Detroit after spend.
• „Mg a two weeks vacation' with her
aunts Mrs. Alex. Simms and ,,Mrs..;
I, K. Noble. ••
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pullen and toll.
and Mrs. Pullen's mother Mrs. Row- .o
• "land, and her aunt Miss E., Harrison
of Buffalo visited Mr. and Mrs. t
Waltet Meinning this Week.
-Mr and. Mrs Fred Chant of Pete..
field, Penn., are • visiting at the
home of the 1 orreer's noente, Mr. ,
and Mrs. IT. B. Chant. They will
return next week and Mr. and Mrs.
11'. D. Chant will aceonipaey „them
as ear as Tenet°.
iso Bessie McCainus. daughter of
Rev. D. N. MeCamus or London,
formerly or Clinton, eelwesented
the eeeondary teachers • of the
Tenches' Institote of London et,
the World Federation of Etitmation
Association at Toronto recently.
She also served on the sOcial,corn..
Sunday for a motor trip to Niegara
„11/1e. and Mrs. Percy Couch and fam-
ily Kitehen1r and Mr. Sage of Steals:
ford are occupying Sumsle-Inn.
• Mr. George Howard is visiting his
mother, Mrs. la. Fiel'de.
Miss Orena. Buchner of St. Thoinae
is the gueet of Miss Gladys Gale.
Mrs, Hugh Allem-Poet Dover and
Mrs. Jack McDonald of Detroai are
visiting Mrs. John Toms.
• Varna
Nire. S. Ttathwell and daughter are
spending a few days at the home of
Misses Annie and Emily Keys.
"Mr. II. Pilgrim of the Standard
Bank, Palmerston is spencli»te his holi-
days at his home in the village.
Miss Masson spent Sunday NVi{,11
1"rsends on Goshen.
Mrs, W. 0. Woods' of Listowel is
visiting with relatives in the village.
lqiss Maggie Reid of Bay-Ciold called
on friends in the village Tueslag.
The many friende of Miss ,T. Jhn- M
sten will be eorry to beav elle is uot
ae even as usual.
'Siete, Shoe n. Barnwell retereed to
her Isome ,Saturday after spending! a
eotiple ab weeke with friendsin Chits
Mr. M. Elliott aliened li•e stacle 07
e , . WOule 111 bmw, 1 ermeei Set -weeny "4 Ccfla