HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-08-18, Page 7THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD
T°llxxs x3 a4•-••tra-i�ieffi 2laa room a •mtcla�s pas b 3l°"
windows, raise our: of she blinds where the sun shines'int about
eight inches,' lace as.naany;"Wilsoaa's:FlyP Pad$ as possible on
palates (properly wetted with Water' but not .Sooded) on ,the
window ledge where the light�is strong, leave the roans, closed
Lor two or three hours, then sweep up2thea?ies_aiad butn thein.
•See illustration below.,'
Put the plates awa o 'Ot the each oLchildren_until_req'
in e ,her coo y @4.. _ 1r.
yuired snot a»..
way to vse
P ds
11.7 ll R11111.1.1.1 ttttttttttttt /1,4
You'll notice that
well . dressed men
'flit Th sr Goon Si o
T ONt , low, sweeping lines accentuate
La the smartness of the Fisher -built
bodies. Rich mohair upholstery, walnut -
finish panels and trim, silver -finished door
handles... and window -lifters, inviting
cushions of chesterfield depth.and com-
fort, all contribute to the drawing -room
luxury of the jubilee Series Oldsmobile.
The precision=built Oldsmobile Six en-
gine and the Oldsmobile four-wheel
brakes provide performance and. safety ,
in keeping with Oldsmobile beauty and
Special 2 -Door Sedan - - - - $1,115
Special 4 -Door Sedan - - - 2,220
Special De Luxe Landau Sedan, with trunk 1,345
Spedal Conunerdal Coupe - - I,095
Special De Luxe Sport Coupe, with dickey seat 1,205
Pried, at Factory, Oshai ,i, Ontario-Gorernrnani Taxes exfra
• , .DATES -1927
Zurich -Sept. 9.
Fordwich-Sept. 12. .
Wroxeter -Sept. 13.
Ethel --Sept, 14.
Walton ----Sept. 15:
Belgrave-Sept. 16.
Varna -Sept. 19.
Goderich Tp. -Sept. 20.
Colborne Tp. -Sept. 21.
Ashfield Tp, -=Sept, 22.
S. Helens -Sept. 23.
'Winchelsea -Sept, 26.
Blyth -Sept. 28.
Crediton -Sept. 29.
Grand Bend -Sept. 30.
Dashwood -October 3.
Clinton Town -October 4,
Clinton Rural -October .5.`•
CODERICHe The first pigeon
flight of young birds this season was
held lfy the Goderich Homing . Club
on Wednesday morning of last week.
At -7,45 o'clock the birds were released
from Stratford, which is about forty-
five miles from here, and, the first
-birch arrived at 9.115 o'clock. ;The.
birds arrived here as folibws:
Owner' Band No. Time
Jos. Nltrtch • . . ....354 9.15
.Jos. Nlutch 323 9.16
J, MaeV•icar 342 9.17
Jos.. IVIuteh .. 350 9,19
P. Johnston . 418 9.20
P. Johnston . . 219 9,24
N. McKay: .. 359 9.26
A;'Column 'Prepared Especially for Women--,
,But Not Forbidden to Men
During the picnic' season we are
ooking for foods easy to carry and
prepare and also easy of serving,
which will be otherwise popular.
When one is plamiing for, a trip of.
several days and wishes to take food
for -the entire trip, nit bread will be
found e' good one, as it keeps moist
forseveral days.
Nut Bread - Take .one eupful of
sugar, one egg, three-fourths cupful,
of walnut meats, two and one-fourth
cupfuls of flour, three teaspoonfuls of
balling powder, one-half teaspoonful
of salt, Mix the dry ingredients, beat
the egg,,add one cupful of milk, mix
and beat well and add the nuts. Let
sten dtwenty minutes before putting
into the oven. Bake forty'3ivemin-
utes in, a moderate oven.
For a doughnut that keeps moist,.
the following will be a good one to
use; •
Potato Doughnuts:`- Crean three
tablespoonfuls of butter, add three-
fourths of a cupful of sugar, the,
yolks of three eggs and one white,
one cupful: of freshly mashedpotato,
one-fourth of a cupful of milk, two
and one-half cupfuls of 'flour, three
teaspoonfuls 'of bakingpowder, one-
half teaspoonful of salt and flavor
with grated nutmeg. Cream the but-
ter; add the sugar, then the eggs, stir
in the potato which has been 'light.'
ened with the egg white, beaten stiff':
add milk and the flour gradually.
Chill on ice before rolling out and
less flour will be needed. The less
flour used the more moist will keep
Ile doughnuts.
Lunch' Culie-Take one-third of a
cupful of softened butter, add one
and. one-third cupfuls of brolm sugar,
two beaten eggs, one-half cupful of
milk, three teaspoonsful of, baking'
powder, one-half teaspoonful of cin-
namon, one-half cupful o1 raisins and
one and three-fourths cupfuls of
flour. Putall together and, beat three
minutes, Bake forty minutes, in a
moderate oven.
Beef Fricedellee-Take two cupfuls
of cold cooked beef minced fine,•sea-
sonvwith salt, pepper, sage and thyme,
lemon -juice and grated rind and a
tablespoonful of grated onion. Add
one -half -cupful of bread crumbs or
cold cooked rice and one egg well
beaten.` Add water if needed, form
into flat cakes aild fry in hot butter.
Frizzled Beer •With Eggs -Cut into
strips a few slices of dried beef, fry
in a little- butter . and two or three,.
eggs and a low tabiespoonsfuls of
milk; stir until cooked and serve with
buttered toast for breakfast. °• Bacon
served in the same way is especially
is MONEY:-
The Editor pf the Women's Page in
The London Free Press had the fol-
lowing regarding the recent exten-
sive blip made by. Mr. and MSrs. W. N.
"Singapore with its amazingly cos-
mopolitian' population and its cease-
lesspageant of sound and color, stands
out lost vividly in Mrs. W. E. Man-
ning's memories of her resent extei
.sive tout
Mr, and Mrs. Manning have return-
ed to London from a. six-month jour-
ney, during which they visited New
• Zealand, Australia, Java, • Singapore,
China and Japan. Thousands of im-
pressions, colorful and picturesque;
were recorded by the London travel -
,ors,' but Singapord is the most gTor-
ioneiy colored, the most resplendent
of all. .
From the window of their hotel,
modern, luxurious beyond expectation,
and so designed as to makeforeign
visitors forget that they are not a de-
gree north of the equator, the Cana-
dians watched the procession of nat-
ionalities and the passing of peoples
of many lands, castes and•eroeds.
The most thrilling moment in six
Weeks of almost ' continuous • .thrills
cane to us on the morning of June 8,
which Canadians at home are some-
times apt to forget is the, King's
birthday, Mrs. Manning told the Free
Press. Iii Singapore, -which ill a re-
markable unit in the British domin-
ions, they do not forget, And his
majesty's birthday this year was
`Varicose Veins
pimple 'Rome Treatment That is
Giving Amazing Results
The 'world progresses. Today ail-
iuents that took weeks to cure can
now be ended in a few days. If you
have varicose veins or bunches you
can start today to bring them back
to normal size, and if you are wise
you will adoso.
Just get an original bottle of Moon's
Emerald Oil at any dispensing phar-
macist and apply it night and morn-
ing as directed to the enlarged veins.
It is very powerful and penetrating,
and only a little is required.
After a few day's treatment the
veins will begin to grow smaller and
by regular 'use. will soon . reduce to
.People, who want to reduce vari-
cose veins, or get rid of running sores
and ulcers, should not hesitate to get
a bottle at once. It is so powerful
that a small 11ottle lasts a long time.
Any pharmacy can supplyyou, and
sells lots of it.
chosen for the installation of the new
British Governor. At 5 in the morn-
ing of June 3 the Londoners saw from
their window the important ceremon-
ies that -marked the important; event
-the reviewing of troops in a great
square and the official reception.
Native Troops
To see the review alone was worth
the journey, Mrs: Manning thought.
She described very vividly the kaleide-
scopic scene, a battalion of British
soldiers, followed in turn by a Sikh
battalion men,. tall and upright, with
their picturesque turbans; other In-
dian battalions, in perfect marching
Order and brilliant uniforms; Boy
Scouts and cadets, dusky -skinned,
trimly uniformed: Rajahs from ;Vie
Malay States .came to pay their re.
speets and gorgeous figure in silken
sarong and jeweled turban was the
Sultan of the independent State of
Jahore, where the Government in-
cludes a British adviser. Regiments
of little bronze Malayans, with their
own commanders, were in. the lnareh
past, adding to the changeful color,
But -most interesting of all was, not
the spectacle itself, but the vast
throng that had eome to witness it.
Cosiaopollten Population
They watched the review; and I
watched them, Mrs. Manning ad-
mitted.,, The greatest conglomeration.
of nationalities in any ane place in the
world may be found in Singepoe, and
the streets are full of interest and
color. At 'least 40 nations are repre-
sented in the slowly moving stream of
people, Siamese and Singalese, Japan-
ese, Chinese and Europeans. The
Chinese form the greater portion of
the population and it has been greatly
to the advantage of Singapore that•
these thrifty, hard-working people
have begin in residencethere.
Rich folk came in their ears; poor
folk on foot in their i single, scanty
garment, nothing before And rather
less than 'half of that behind, as the
poet has it. People of every shade of
color,• of all castes and vastly differ-
ing ideas and ideals, came together to
offer tribute of respeet to the British
thone. A stirring sight for Britishers
td see.
els, we found
by side w
C. In front
hotel, jostled
would move
Chinese, heade
h, preparing,
e ancient
thein wares
s laid. aero
through the
ng little
pretty to
I Shanghai, Mrs. Maiming
said on a walk' through the
streets, and customs of:to-day
side with the customs of 4600.
13. t of at beautiful, modern
bye modern motor ears,
slowly a procession of
Chi d by a huge idol 20 feet
highperhaps, to perform
:some rite. Chinese men car-
ried es on slender bamboo
pole ss their shoulders, and
noisy streets moved
Chinese women in
theirnits and trousers, with
their hair smoothly coiled and richly
polished.' In Japan we saw a few
Younger girls with bobs,. but the Jap-
anese women, too,for the most part,
stand by the old hairdressing, more
elaborate than the Chinese, the dark
looks richly ,greased and laneifully
In Shanghai quiet reigned. The
London guests 'were safe to penetrate
even the foreign quarters, and of the
i eccnt disturbances no : sign remained
save some wire and sand bag barric-
ades that had not yet been removed.
Pictures that stand out in sharp
relief in Mrs. Manning•'s'survey of her
tour include the Hawaiian native pol-
ice in their -queer little red and white
skirts; Maori villages in New Zealand,
where usa found probably the highest
class aborigines inthe world; villages
in the "thermal" region of hot sprigs
where the natives have their own ad-
aptation of the modern todrist's ther-
mos bottle, and do their cooking and
Washing in the boiling springs.
We were so fortunate as to see the
Duke. and Duehess of York in several
places and everywhere to witness the
wonderful preparations being made'
in theirhoneir,.Mrs. Manning said. In
one Maori village the natives put on'
again the same entertainment with
which they had beguiled the royal,
guests. In each place, on their ar
rival, the entlufsiasm and delight of
the people seined to exceed that of the
last place. The duchess is very lovely
even more charming than picttres and
stories' of,lier tell us. Over the radio
We heard the young duke's speech at
Canberra and Melba's lovely voice
singing the national anthem.
Desert Folk.
From .British royalties and native
princes the memory' treasures of Mr.
and lVfxs. Manning run an interesting
and extdbsive gamut through varied
cities and countries an peoples, in-
cluding even the most primitive abor-
igines in the world, to he found in the
desert, from Adelaide to the west
coast of Australia.
But even these, Mrs. Manning, ad-
mitted, were not untouched by the
trend of the times. They have one
word, only of English, but that word
is Money.
SEABORTH: Mr, E. L. Box has
purchased the Whitney Block, on the
wast side of Main street, from Mr W
Whitney, of Bay City, Mich. The
bloc; is of brick and contains three
stores,, al; present eccupiod by Mr. T,
Dielcsou as a feed'mid seedtore hy
Mr. W M. Stewart, as a grocery
stores, and D..1e. Buck's Photo Studio
with apartments. above each store, It
occupies one or the best business sites'
on Main Street, and should' prove a.
profitable investment`for IVlr. Box.
7'beli r r
Co se t n at the C to idian Nat -
i, belie Exhibition' is tice Wofltl's inrgest
baposition 'huildi rg.
The University, ofers four courses
for nurses. One five-year course for
the degree of B.Sc., (in Nursing), i.e.,
two years in Arts arid three years in
Nursing and' Public Health®. Three one-
year courses for: graduate nurses lead-
ing to the certificate in Public Health
(G,P.H.N.); certificate Of
instructor in Nursing;•.
(C.I.N,); and certificate in
Hospital Administration
The Certificate Courses are
recognized as the best courses of
their load..
For additional is-
formation apply to;-.
• P1r.1i„ Registrar,'.
Leaden, Canada.
Fore Interior Co;1st'Uetio
MAKE your rooms fire-resistant and free from
drafts and cold by erecting Gyproc ceilings.
and'partitions'in your home. Gyproc can be put
up In half the time required for lath and -plaster -
saving time and labor costs. Gyproc takes any
decoration. Let us show you a full-sized Gyproc
board ready to apply.
Write for free booklet. -.`10 Home." It will tell you
how Gyproc, Rocboard Gypsum Insulating Sheathin and
Insulex•will reduce •your fuel bill 201440%. . `,i'
Fireproof Wallboard
For Sale .By
Thomas McKenzie Estate Clinton, Ont.
Geo. T. Jenkins - Clinton, Ont.
AR�YESTR ���,��
Plus half a cent per mile beyond to all pointsin Mani-
toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, -Edmonton, Tennis,
Calgary, MacLeod and Rase
iiiirruimMNG-Half a cent per mile to Winnipeg,
plus $20.00 to destination.
AUG. 80th --from Toronto, Cakdon. Last, Beeton, Meaford, Collingwood, Penetang, Midland, Capreol, and
South and East in Ontario, also Stations in Quebec West of St. Andrews and I;achute.
SEPT. 7th -Prom Stations in Ontario, Toronto, Inglewood Yet. and West and South thereof,
Special Trains for Winnipeg via Canadian National Railways;
From TORONTO (Union Station) --Aug. 30th- From OTTAWA -Aug. SOth=-12,01 a.m. (Mid-
12.01 a.m.(MidniglttAug•2Oth)12.30.p.m,;10.40p,m, night Aug:' 29th);12.01 noon.
Sept. 7th-2.00p.m.; 10.40 p.in.
From WETERBORO= Aug. • Merom WINDSOR -Sept. Tth From PALNIERSTON---Slept.
30th - 12.01 a.m. (Midnight-12.30a,tn: (Midnight Sept 0th) 7th - 9.00 a.m. via Guelph,
Aug. 20511) via Lindsay, Black- . via Chatham, London, Hamilton Georgetown and Inglewood.
water and Atherloy, and Itaglewood.
Through cars from othec,irrianipnl paints conattting with above special trains. For details consult local fnnadian National Agents
Through Tr&tn i-Cotnfo►ltble CcIonlbf Caro--Spooial Caro for Women and Chi*Nrnn
251000 Hisitrarvest:rs
wino •- RETUhNING •
`. Pius 34 ceht per mile to points beyond,. but no! wed; Flus cent per mile, starting
of Edmonton, MacLeod and Caisaryd" point to. Winnipeg
AUG. 3 hFrom Stetlona. In Ontario. Smith'. FAIL to and including Toronto 'on Lake. Ontario Shore.
Line,end Uavelock-Peterboru Linet Kingston to Renfrew Junction, inclusive; Burkoton
to Bobceygeon, inclusive, Oranoel to Port McNitolit Toronto -Sudbury direct Lino.
SEPT. 7th
From StedoleSdWlToronto. to lttloasowlPallendWtaf Ontario.South
ound,akert t n, OrndIle,Hamilton,
Godstich, $t. Marys, Port Burwell,, and St. Thomec Branches; Toronto mg North to
From all. Stations in Ontratio on tine Michigan Central; Pore Marquette. Windsor, Essex do
Lake Shore; Grand River; Lake Erie & Northern; end Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo
'Through Colonist Cars operated frornprincipal points. SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE FROM TORONTO
" Ladies and Children -Special Cars will he reserved for the exclusive nee of ladies, children and then cacorte..
Travel Ful( informaklon from W. JACKSON, Agent, CLIN'FON, ONT.
CTray ,.m: - IAN :
i N .- r'
Dynamite is fine for blasting stumps or mning-ores,
but it would be more likely to wrecks cannon than to
fire it properly. To apply the greatest power, you
need a quick but continued push; not a sharp' explo-
sion: -So in a,motor, the fuel which gives full power
with least strain is the smooth' -burning 'gas which
continues • its. drive to the bottom of the stroke.
Although it all, happens in a small fraction of a
second, eaclJ power stroke is in reality a series of
explosions as the flame spreads. ,
With White Rose Gasoline this firing chain is close-
ly linked and unbroken, giving a smooth, even flow
of power, and subjecting pistons, rings andbearings
to no unnecessarily high strains.
White Rose is a clean, straight -run, redistilled
gasoline, free from the hard -to -burn ingredients that •
cause uneven firing.
That's one big reason why White Rose Gasoline
actually Costs Less Per Mile!
Canadian Oil Companies, Limited
v ..
�1 ., I _. I a.� x •,